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02x09 - The Day Zoe Listened

Posted: 02/18/24 09:59
by bunniefuu

the day I learned to listen I mean

really listen started out like any other

day in Animalia it was one of the most

amazing dreams I've ever had like it was

way I had a dream last night too but I

can't remember it don't you hate that

and wake up zip g*n right out of your

head anyway in my dream is a shame

because what goes on in your dreams help

you figure out stuff when you're awake I

just listen this is so cool I was in a

tunnel but I wasn't walking I was

flowers reading this really hard book

Moby d*ck and I was all I don't

understand this part and then I had a

dream about it and it made total sense

over anyway to tunnel that to this

mystic underworld and there was this

really really old way still don't see

why Captain Ahab got so obsessed with

that white whale I mean come on let it

go and the wizard said you've called me

for the secret of you I I was going to

write a book about whaling I'd have the

Whalers drop the harpoons and they'd be

off whales our friend and the secret of

life is that's on me you're not even

listening you say yeah then what did I

just say um you weren't listening either

showed you how to dream but you couldn't

remember it and dreams help you figure

stuff out and in Moby d*ck Captain Ahab

should let it go and I'll write alright

you made your playlist amazing dream

ever and you don't hear a word of it

because you're too busy talking and not

listening you know what it actually

hurts my feelings well excuse me

we went out to water the bunker not

please in the bananas and guess what no

water not a drop nothing grows without


my precious banana crops would wither

and die my heart will break and soul I

know what happened could be big well

holding water from someplace else what

for we may be in for a sad ending to the

boo-boos banana-trama

for it is rumors there is no water

anywhere in anime

yeah we're out of h2o LD time to stop

licking the planes


I stole my delicious sound water hmm at

the exact moment no one else has water

tyrannical does his miracle mineral

water do you find that funny funny

no not really I got a feelin to ranek

his cut off the water supply so we'd all

be forced to buy his water just me or

does anyone else think tyrannical

somehow cut off the water supply so

everyone has to buy his water gosh I

didn't think of that he just said that

Zoe idiot stop talking so much and start

listening not talking that much that's

how we communicate by talking I talk GU

booboo talks he talks you'd pop

everybody talks and that's called

conversation a conversation you take

turns I thought I was a champion

Shatterer but she takes the cake

in fact she takes the whole bakery Zoe I

challenge you to a bet I bet that you

can't stop talking for the rest of the

day oh yeah

bet I can if I win I get to be the boss

of you you have to do everything I tell

you for a whiz and if I win which I will

I get to be the boss of you for two

weeks okay from now until the end of the

day I will not talk no way you can make

it to the end of the day this bet is all



friends gather round step right this way

on this hot day what could be more

refreshing than a bottle of my new

miracle mineral water

stinkbug are you thirsty don't be rude

Hudson ah stinkbug won't open her mouth

because she is afflicted with the

dreaded halitosis tell him you don't

have bad breath bad breath friends then

try try rheticus miracle mineral water

and not only quenches your thirst it

miraculously cures what ails you

it hydrates liquidates elucidates and

eradicate it accuse that pain from pain

side pain shoulder pain

mundo pain tummy ache food aches

headaches sciatica acne vapors and gout

my favorite shop full of vitamins to

help improve your memory job some memory

chip these testimonials were freely

given by actual customers who are not

being paid when do we get what's it

taste like I haven't tasted it no one


it tastes like whatever the customer

likes best pancakes cheesecake fish cake

banana cake you name it it tastes like

these cakes now that is a bangle a

miracle hots ludicrous

wait there's a better way Zoe yogurt

Atwoods what's another word for

ludicrous h2o I stumbled upon a

wellspring in the jungle she's funny you

got water for sale just when we ran out

we think you get some


Bailey's water is pumped in from a world

deep in the earth

maybe it's cracked clogged corroded I

don't know I've never seen it but I do

know that my miracle water is bottled

and ready to buy you don't think he's

telling the truth through your Zoey you

should call him on it tell me what you

think so

I bet you'll regret not speaking up

against her Vanegas when you should have

go on high but we'll be watching to make

sure you don't talk Zoey I want to see

what's wrong with our water supply do

you know where the well is no Bill

Livingstone does

wait what about so I would monitor the

revenue in that nation's monitor mouth


ALX trying to get me to talk so I'll

lose the bet that's not fair not bad

it's quiet peaceful no one to talk to

actually it's too quiet all this noise

is freaking me out probably shouldn't

even be talking to myself in my journal

I could accidentally blurt something out

loud guess I'll just kick back turn off

all thinking and listen




the location of the well I always kept

the location secret to protect the

source not that anyone would tamper with

it just a precaution we're not sure -

ramicus did anything bad but something

happen and we've got to figure out what

we need that water and Amelia will not

survive long without

go away let old priests think I


overslept you should shut your mouth for

a fly flies in



if a single syllable slips your lips

Alex wins the bet I didn't know that

do I look like I speak mine landslide

this is terrible

took years and years to instruct the

pipework that carried the water to the

surface can I be fixed

we'll know till we move these rocks if

two radishes had anything to do with

this he'll answer to me it could have

been an act of nature I suppose you

wonder how somebody's doing on her mouth

silence I bet her she couldn't stop

talking for the rest of the day I find

that very difficult not me I could do it

let's see how long we can go on target

okay I'm done Oh Paco me too it's hard

step right up

well you can't go any fast 62 Mamoulian

Zapata it's a deal it's a steal

it's cheap at half the price miracle my

eye that water like you're anything

except thirst

couldn't we just try it that's right but

try before you buy

hey fellas it might be a bright idea we

try it before we buy it yes just in case

Turan occurs is trying to pull a fast

one on us again what that time he saw

this Tiger bright toothpaste made it

blue took me two weeks to primer upper

choppers loose for Milo the customer's

always right fine take your taste test

hope it tastes like fish cake

your attempts to communicate the minds

the charades the gyrating gesticulations

baffle and annoy me

they're like irritating nonverbal games

played at parties through there are

party games I do enjoy like a whack at

the pinata Zoe Zoe was the Iguala

talking to you I don't understand his

way or your way of talking of course

most folk can't even hear me most folk

can't listen around their own talking

you tune yourself into the frequency of

nature can you nature speak


our language nature speak is

communicated through thoughts and

feelings I mean thinking stuff and

feeling stuff like ouch use your heart

and mind to express yourself

I'll try she kicked cousin Paulie pebble

right in the kisser

are you sure this morning in the bar

Lunik grove rocky knows everything going

on everywhere all rocks do they're

interconnected and always on the move

sometimes fast most times very very

slowly 49 years ago I lived in town

square rocks are the power behind the

creation of everything from streams to

valleys to canyons to mountains Divina

she's a fig vine so I can't date her get

it think date that was a clunker we

don't all share rocky sense of humor Oh

Red's waving alone if there's an

emergency of fire or a storm red senses

it and sounds the alarm did you know

that butterflies have an amazing power

they wake up those who have overslept

like me I almost slept the spring away

you spoke with your heart and your mind

you said wow in nature speak I heard you

huh must weigh a ton


your name is Zoe talking to please are

you head shaking the truth to me I trust

you but I had to be certain because I

lost track of you for some time and here

you are right what you were I'm parched

I haven't had a drink of water all day

not even a spit my gullet is so dry I

could grow cactus in it I spy with my ID

i water



leather drinks water from the world

falls deep deep asleep we are in an

enchanted forest

I suggest we evacuate immediately the

water is polluted with sleepy seeds from

the slumber before trees come to life

and her fruit atop sleepy seeds fall

right down into the wellspring good

question a frog drank from the well

spring once we warned him but he

wouldn't me for gnomes carry us off to

Nome town look for 99 years before

Pixies pixelate us to Pixieland people

have Gardens

so this is what ironic is bottled his

water in an enchanted forest


if I hadn't overslept I might have seen

the tiger take the water I could have

warned you about it yes friend go tell

them they must not drink the water you

okay Alex yeah

just want to get out of here that's all

Livingston's I got a kiss get us out of

here yeah

something bad happened something very

very bad happened when everyone trying

to water my water I made a mistake a

huge horrendous horrible mistake it

might not be entirely my fault but still

I need you he needs us something very

very bad must have happened indeed


get in five days




why do they sleep why can I not awaken

the snoring snoozers from Slumberland

because they drank water from a

wellspring in an enchanted forest

you're right Iggy not about the

Enchanted Forest part but because the

water they drink is full of Sleepy seeds

from a slumber tree and you noticed

because old tree told me please cannot

talk they can talk you can hear them too

if you listen unless they ought to be

which way nature speak old tree speak

rocky rock speaks all of nature speaks

and they all have these amazing powers I


shall have to report you I suppose in an

emergency like this all bets are off

looks like it's up to me to break up the

slumber party time to rise and shine


thanks Terra Noctis thought you said you

didn't know where the well was I guessed

yeah I've known for years and yes I was

gonna temper with the taps but I didn't

that's a deed to dastardly even for me

and you know how low I can go

besides there was a landslide caused by

you it was an act of nature I swear on

my reputation is an upstanding citizen

and Animalia and your huge horrendous

horrible mistake ah that I have to show

you you won't believe it till you see it

enchanted forest talking trees sleepy

kind seeds from a slumber tree what are

we living a fairy tale misadventure in

fairy tales a handsome prince breaks the

sleeping spell by kissing a princess

I'll give you a gwonam a phantom prince

in my own mind but which one of you

lucky ladies is a princess it is wrong

to discriminate




old tree everybody's asleep and I was

thinking I know the butterflies wake up

those who oversleep but do you think

they could wake up those who shouldn't

be asleep in the first place why won't

you answer me

I need you oh oh tree Rocky

I have to meet your speak Zoe you're

back asleep all of them you on what the

butterflies yes it might work grand

ideas open world

you you're the one responsible for their

hibernation and how was I to know

everyone would have Rip Van Winkle on me

when they drank my water on the upside

my miracle mineral water does cure

insomnia right no upsides I tell you

what I'm gonna do in the interest of

Public Safety I'm going to temporarily

take my product off the market

definitely permanently off the market

how long will they sleep 99 years don't

worry I brought help


what's supposed to happen everybody

wakes up it has to work it has to this

cakes doesn't taste like anything yeah

good thing we agreed to try it before we

buy you will come wherever you sleep

when you drink the merkel mineral water

you all fell asleep and woke up Cronus I

think it's like you're in suspended

animation you're being awfully quiet

zone I'm just listening listening has

never been one of my best guilt so I

better practice that way I can always

hear old tree who is old tree he's the

one who told me about the power of the

butterflies and taught me how to nature

speak rocky tops too and he's a rock did

you know all rocks are connected and

know everything going on everywhere

learn something new every day yeah

especially when you live guess what else

I learned what rocks tell really lame

jokes everybody wants to know what to do

about getting water gotta have water no

water no bananas no life water is

essential to all known forms of life

that's what the wizard in my dream said


sorry next time I'll listen now about

our water predicament

I think Zoe's new nature friends can

help us out with that I'll send the

message copy that rocky I am to shake

rattle and roll myself away from the

well say hey to Bali for me over and out

the dishes are all clean LD water was

restored to Animalia now as for the bed

I had with Alex

technically I lost but Alex didn't hold

it over me too bad because it was an

emergency and I had to talk are you done

yet almost we compromised Alex gets to

boss me for one day not a whole week yet

okay it's your day to boss me Alex

what do you want me to do that's all to

do anything he chose this it's not so

bad you won't say that when gnomes come

to carry you off to Nome town I promise

if we listen I mean really listen we'll

hear nature speak now believe me

nature's got a lot to say

