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02x15 - The Ballad of the Creeper

Posted: 02/18/24 10:02
by bunniefuu

tonight it is with profound thanks to go

booboo gorilla that we bestow upon him

anim Leah's hero of the Year award for

bravery and leadership beyond the call

of duty gee thanks well thanks everybody

I'm not much of a speechmaker but I

would like to tell you how this all came

about and I think the best way for me to

express that is to put it in a song with

the help of my pals




gather round listen to the Ballad of the

creeper the wicked weasel Wooster is a

creepy portal in order to control our

world we try to rule the ghoul

first teeth need to learn how to

contaminate a spoon contaminated for



in core more sport in sky sports or in

ground growing in spa glowing you've

gotta be around here somewhere but where

I've been looking for months show

yourself you worthless pile of paper and

pulp are you

oh there you are the search ends and the

good times begin the genius of Peter

papal bottom the ambition of Worcester

weasel the perfect combo the creep who

found some secret stuff insider dusty

boo they thought its soldiers problems

then he took a closer move the book that

he gestured oh great it's written in

ancient guerrilla I'll never figure this

out then again


greetings my inferior I am Peter Daut

bottom and if you're watching this it

means you at least had the wisdom to

seek out my book and have found the seed

inside congratulations oh illness ze I

will translate by great work into words

even a fool such as yourself can


bring it on you Carell a genius from the

past first to build a course or

contaminate of of your own all over

these simple directions oh yeah


about the creeper understand he's really

really rotten so we about to use the

wiki plans and Peter Apple bottom yes

Peter apple bottom quick advance by




finally insert these six two five into

left three one seven and a well there

you have it your very own course poor

contaminator with this a course ball can

be changed and made to be all sorts of

havoc on an Amelia but first I need a

cou spoon but first you need a course

ball on that very night the core caught

a little cough but it turned into a gore

blue bug at a course bull blasted off


we have liftoff follow that course poor



I could swear it landed right around



maybe it's stuck in the trees keep

looking okay but if I see something of a

spooky nature you will be hearing from

me and the fall of many screams what is

it just testing my Emergency Broadcast

cream system just find the course for


now that you have obtained a course for

we're ready to begin the contamination

process life is good

Leana millions helped out with the

search they look from deepest canyon

cave by a treetop hurt increase like

iron birch


what I said what going home some sort of

treasure hunt

oh she said I'm not sushi foam awards

are playing in front now

she said the clutch is mowing the lawn

she stole terrific run no I said what's

going on some sort of treasure hunt

we're looking for a missing course poor

gotta find it before the creeper does

w*r Zak the last time the creeper found

the course bore he stopped it in sugar

and crafting event by mistake we put the

broken course poor back in the core and

it missed him the core bit good why

would the great Madhu such a thing he's

a creep he's in the creepy Union

dedicated to doing nothing but the

creepy things ooh ah let's get out of

here arey all of you oval

right there goes my ride guess I'll join

the search

welcome to my world O'Day miss wandering

now determine the nature of your course

bore by finding the one in my book that

looks most like yours oh yeah there it

is number 53 ah course board upper 53

the course boho deep thoughts it helps

other millions discuss and solve


this calls for can be changed in many

ways you can corrupt it to make Ana

million stop thinking and start doodling


you're a lady you're like you're like

you're Lele your leg oh yeah that could

get pretty annoying after a while

oh you could make animations hop around

non-stop pop the board into you Lois

died for a hop isn't it I'll say gotta

hop that might get on my nerves - what I

need is for everyone to leave me alone

while I'm busy taking control of the

core oh why don't sit returned Adam

aliens into babbling ninnies they won't

have a rationale for on their heads

there's a thought in conclusion for


oh now that I like

The Creeper founder perfect plan you

knew just what to do beat Turner Santa

nincompoops - what could you ever do I

do look at you I could do


income or spoken scallops boss or in

round probing in spork hoping



we turn the contaminated cause for to

the core and the babbling minification

will be complete this meanness will

impact all squeeze and Animalia and I do

mean all species including the stink

marks sweet


no sign of it anywhere

we should go give Livingston the bad

news eggy kibou poo Alegre let's call it

a night I think we should keep looking

maybe yes

well no needing i supply it from here



so was it ever out of your sight

fraid so yeah it took us a while to find

Anne do you think the creeper might have

gotten to it it's possible but to be

honest my thinking's a little cloudy

right now mine too

might have something to do with that

course for I'm afraid it might so should

we give it a shot

I don't know my noggins all filled with

cobwebs and whatnot we don't want that

so let's just put it in and keep a

fingers crossed


this looks bad people must have gotten

to it what do we do

do you like again the core school was

corrupted the core was in distress and

anime lian's everywhere began to talk

like this do i do i do like a tune it

was a great big mess babbling many nests

even tyrannical okay okay pig off the

starboard bow

it's a strike chicken whoo hmm

why every chickens doesn't take to

change a lightbulb

I have no idea hmm me neither

good whoop why is that chicken crossing

the road to change that lightbulb we

just mentioned pig Wow

four four four four coins coins coins

speechless I mean look at the mall

reduced to a bunch of blithering minis

do Wacka knock knock who's there

I don't know I don't know I don't know

you're supposed to say the punch line

the punch line


even the stink bugs are ninnies the core

is mine for the taking

thanks apple bottom I oh yeah yes

all species and Animalia will become

ninnies except for lumps Oh roll I would

want to turn myself in any now would I

so all species will be turned into the

knees except for my species dr. Willa I

knew that be a catch there's always a

catch the creep Authority minified every

gallon fellow but the messed up course

for left alone one very green gorilla do

you like do you like do you one very

green gorilla 4 4 4 4 I have no way to

are you guys talking about but I know it

makes no sense and it's no help at all

do you even understand each other oh no

am I the only one making sense around

here to rocket in rocketry the kingdom

was in trouble team so I gave it a lot

of fun to figure out just what went

wrong and how to make it stop Shamma

Lamma rummaging bebop my fellow anime

lian's we're up to our necks in rotten


now the way I figure it the creeper

messed up another core spore and when we

put it back into the core it made all of

you act like yeah like that boingy

boingy boingy

knock it off egg anyways my bet is that

the creeper's tryin to wreck the core so

until we stop him

we'll need to guard the core around the

clock okay okay who wants to guard the

core first oh no I can't guard it I need

to go track down the creeper No

where you going come back I need your

help after you like a new rocket down


the only thing that stands between me

and the cars that mate

and once he's out of the way my troubles

are over


I didn't like you be careful they may

not be right hahaha Alex Joey we're sick

I can't have you guys gettin lost now

come on out of here



hmm done the gorillas locked up and out

of my way perfect huh

go boo-boo nice work you snapped us out

of it Alex Zoey you're back I too went

back to my maximum smart penis Levin


nicely but how'd that happen must be the

tunnels when we're in here we're immune

from whatever craziness happens with the

core better make a note of that hey come

on let's pull everyone else in here and

see how Livingston wants us to handle


whoo no can do

the poor sir she is rocketed besides

once we step out of here will turn into

ninnies again then we'd better fix his

problem while we're near together Alex

knew the tunnels well he'd knock them

with great care together they would try

to find the creeper secret in there it

could be anywhere so long Apple bottom

I'm off to achieve what you never could

the conquest of the core in the kingdom

and the best part is there's no one out

there to stop me just a bunch of

blithering ninnies


but little did the creeper know that as

he left his lair

the guru and his closest pals weren't

just arriving there he's not hot stinky

smelled worse than camembert whoa this

must be the dealy-bob that messes with

the course poor I wonder how he came up

with that no doubt with help from the

evil one of long ago whose name I

refused to mention help boredom

yeah him and that's how you contaminate

a cause for and ultimately destroy the

corpse ah what a freak I'm glad he's not

around anymore well for one thing he's

not gonna help the creeper anymore hey I

think I found the lock system to the

portals and I think I found something of

some value as well also that must be

what the creeper took out of the healthy

course for and what we need to put back

into the core but I left my own private

portal unlocked


an Emilia is mine when the creeper left

the tunnel he failed to realize he turn

into 180 like the other girls and guys

twice and bury wives doodly-doo

doodly-doo doodly-doo p2p huh inside the

tunnels he was safe from all

nanofication outside the tunnels he went

on a full-time mini vacation vacation


huh doo dee doo dee doo peep ah


an Amelia is back we hope you like our

story son it's what we call a ballad the

moral is don't be a creep the lesson

that seems valid okay okay

I hate you either cuz it's over dude you

don't need to be a chicken anymore yes I

know but I need the eggs okay Oh pellet

has come to an end so now's the time to

go the creepers gone we won the day and

happy you know just got the end of y'all


