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02x18 - Tomorrow

Posted: 02/18/24 10:04
by bunniefuu


then the hyenas said to the Rhino I

wasn't laughing at me I was laughing

with you let's go harmony it smells like

a bite shot why would you


oh okay course I'm okay

just taking me afternoon nap a bit early

today who are you kidding

it's obvious you two like the Hogs is

this really here we thought we were

playing it cool why don't you just tell

them how you feel and risk all the

rejection not likely maybe someday we'll

approach the lovely lasses but for now

we're too shy take my advice boys grab

the bull by the horns and live every day

like it's your last


what's tonight's top story Melford know

some big news big news not bad news

what's this really bad news now that's

what I call big news

what's an asteroid or a meter Rach oh

mama you are the Argonne my dreams oh

that's it

we're officially pathetic things could

not be more sad please come in here you

know every if some big old asteroid it's

here before we get the chance to tell

the awk sisters how we feel oh I forgot

me boy that would be a bad thing yes

that's it exactly that would be a bad


ooh and we can't let that happen can't

let what happen come on then I take over

the media center hold a presidential

election with me as the only candidate

and voila

the leader of Animalia nothing can stand

between me and ultimate victory

except maybe that don't be silly

they are just chattering two cans why

would they hear of such a thing

the eerie silence of outer space is

broken by a giant asteroid zooming

through the Stars headed straight toward

our world there's no escape what have

you type so far one reach one that's it

we've been dictating for hours I thing

is trickier than it looks

plus I strain my pointy finger Casey

yeah here I'll type let's review

okay we're scripting an epic sci-fi

feature film about an asteroid that's

going to strike Animalia and 24-hour but

a heroic iguana creates a giant

trampoline to bounce the asteroid back

into space dude it's gorillas and uses a

giant drum so after five hours work all

we really have is a title but if it's a

good one

tomorrow at the rate we're going

tomorrow we'll never happen how about

Zoe and I wrap up the script computer

you an egg go scout locations and find

props yeah fine I will go locate some

scouts and prop them up scale four

locations and find the props vegetable



pretty eh all gays well it's now or


yo boys fancy meeting you here

nice one very good well it's been fun go

go yeah let's do it again real soon bye

oh that was awful

we're gonna leave this week we need help

and we need it now who do we know that's

master the language of love

yeah you now to say the pretty things

that will win the art of a lovely lass

we do of course we do you have to teach

us we must will open Albany today what's

the rush

do you know about tomorrow of course we

know all about tomorrow it's gonna be a

smash hit the asteroid will crash into

our planet in a matter of hours unless


you missed our planet is dude our planet

is doomed

the world great although I'm still not

sure about the giant space banana well I

like it the planet is doomed it's the

end of the world got it thanks for the

tip guys keep on coming this is the

biggest story of my career so probably

the last it's time for the Animalia

reports on the street air view have you

heard about the giant asteroid that's

going to hit Animalia tomorrow

no great galoshes oh I better get back

to the news



the total destruction of our world

your reaction good correct total

destruction of our world is not a good

thing but as a journalist I vow to

remain neutral until all the facts are

there in Melford let's start well I

suppose but they want asteroids coming

this way is there any scientific proof

to what you're saying don't be too sure


have you flipped your wind I have it on

good authority that our world is ending

tomorrow so I'm catching the nearest

portal out of here

why do you believe such Phooey and even

if it were ending where would a portal

take you to another world crammed with

suckers ripe for the fleecing hopefully

one that accepts an amazing currency

you're only taking money what about

everything else no room traveling light

you can have it all take it it's yours

bye merci beaucoup boss don't forget to

hide how do I love thee let me count the


you got me log sonnets that don't

involve rithmetic can I compare thee to

a summers day oh god I just compared to

a four-cylinder engine boot what's runs

quiet and smooth oh yeah

Oh a sidecar with plush seats and

surround sound stereo dudes you can see

whatever words you want as long as you

say him from the heart we can do that

one of the space boulders turns out to

be an alien spaceship it opens up now

comes an alien

it's the Frog monster from Planet


wait a second that's ridiculous

I can't believe I even typed it because

it's exciting and original and scary nah

look I've compromised a lot of stuff in

this screenplay

so have I but not on this I want it in I

want it out this is hopeless hopeless


here they come

this is your big chance what do I do

just say what's in your heart we can't

do it I gonna soften me up but I don't

know how to make it come out just say

something like the harmonies in my heart

I have the fast beating supple love for

you oh oh my feelings for you are strong

and true like a motorbike of love that I

tuned just for you boo boo likes me a

key light mate this is so unexpected

what we do I don't know they're coming

this way come on

are you ready that we are let's warm to

the breach dear brother


well they go topless you got that right

me February French we interrupt this

program for breaking news two cans all

over Animalia are reporting that the

world as we know it will end tomorrow

Melford an asteroid is reportedly

heading straight toward our planet total

destruction is expected blaming boulders

will fall from space and there will be

monster alien frogs from the planet

broke to recap you it news Mass is

bringing me down

that completes our special report join

us tomorrow when Erno elephant will

share his famous peanut recipes and what

oh right never mind who you were what

she said today's the last day that means

it's your last

we haven't found many props or locations

we could haven't we have not been

managing the love lives of Hobbs

speaking of which boo boo and Iggy hello

hop in harmony hug we just wanna thank

you for expressing your true feelings

what's your feelings you know don't dunk

dunk dunk of the tuned up motorbike of




we're not putting those weird aliens in

the script come on that's a great idea

I'm warning you Alex if you put that in

the script I'm quitting so quit fine

this is it this is





I hope so I blame myself for being so

attractive hope could not help falling

for me normally either either neither

maybe we should have hidden somewhere

else - Thomas / oopall rmally want to

tight you you must have let him on I did

not need anyone I am strictly a follower

whoa it's all a mistake

oh it's a mistake all right and you bugs

made it we challenge you to a duel

what override mushmelons at ten paces

and I secure cases



what a mess

I wonder if Alex and Zoey know about

this I better tell them listen do you

have any advice for your fellow anime

Lien's yes don't automatically believe

everything you hear in the media I mean

do you have any advice about how we

should spend our very last day actually

I do

don't panic instead do what counts do

what's important to you do something

you've always wanted to do but never had

the clerk till now


hi Alex where's Zoe we're not talking oh

because those monster frogs will ruin


oh so you've heard heard what the word

going around is that an asteroids

heading for us and asteroid yeah it's

supposed to hit tomorrow you should

probably get back to your own world at

least until the danger passes well that

sounds just like the movie script we

were writing does your script have

monster alien frogs in it yeah no huh

I think your movie story is being spread

around Animalia as


for some reason one anime lien has

managed to remain calm throughout this


Livingston Lyon I interviewed him

earlier today

don't panic instead do what counts do

what's important to you do something

you've always wanted to do but never had

the courage till now do what matters

do what matters I'm glad there's no

escort but you have no idea what's going

on Intel they think Animalia is going to

end tomorrow it might not be easy almost

everyone's in full panic mode


I've always wanted to do this what they

last they are saline


I thought everyone was panicked they

were well maybe they found out it was

just a made-up story


they still think the asteroids coming

then why are they so happy I guess they

want to spend their time doing what



you came back

that's right reading to do something

I've always wanted to do but never had

the courage to propose ready will you

marry me


this thing has got to lead somewhere

anywhere as long as it's another world

with no asteroid heading towards it

who finally a portal


my money this may not be the end of the

world but it is the end of my financial

security stick bug why not stink bugs

anyway listen everyone there are no

aliens and there's no asteroid you see

we were writing a script for a science

fiction movie called tomorrow but we

didn't know that some two cats would

take our story and fly with it Oh glad

we could straighten that out

I'll bet everyone will be relieved he

tried to get to the other side of the

road but he chickened out

actually they're about the same as they

were before just doing what matters to

them isn't that great there's no

asteroid the world's not ending now we

can take time to plan a great big



I think we lost him and I yeah wait wait

there's something we need to tell you

maybe it's that I don't want to date you

because I know that Obul and I are

holding a torch for you - what did you

say Hey

they said we're smitten over you in you

me good job

this means you no longer want to throw

fruit at us yes yes the w*r did you talk

Oh lovey w bear us we were trying to

help the guys get up their courage to

talk to you and I think they got it

thank goodness sorry but it's not short

for me actually for an iguana I'm

freakishly tall would you lovely ladies

like a live sure oh you gotta love a

happy ending


boss welcome back

oh and by the way the asteroid a made-up

story not real

she is not falling this way she's not I

mean it's not me not yes great top-notch

you know this means you can give me all

my stuff back I love a happy ending with

a funny twist as the asteroid sails off

towards the distant stars our world is

safe again

great job great script a great

collaboration now there's just one thing

left to do
