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01x33 - A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court

Posted: 02/18/24 11:54
by bunniefuu
striving to save the world from the evil

decepticons the heroic autobots are led

by optimus prime

he's more than meets the eye he's a

robot in disguise

going ballistic to destroy the autobots

and conquer mankind

the evil decepticons are more than meets

the eye


heroic autobots versus evil decepticons

with the beta planet

hanging in the balance transformers

generation two

and now through the magic of the

cybernet space cube

the computer enhanced stories of the

transformers transformers

generation two

wonderful i don't have enough energy

left to short circular

mechanism maybe not but i can still run


i just changed the heads last week let's

grab a jet stream and get out of here

wait a minute


it's coming from these stones

my senses indicate the energy stronger


bam gotcha


your senses were right

it could be dangerous as your leader i

must take the risk

anyway i'm lowering energy than you

come on hoist


look it is not blocked anymore and the

autobots are gone

i just thought there's some energy here

somewhere for the guys who didn't get to

charge up inside

giant armored knights from the dragon



you better believe it there's some kind

of weird-looking autobots

and they're attacking me a spy from the

red knight



it breaks right into

not autobots but humans pretending to be


so wagon blackthorne pretends to nothing

who art thou i am starscream of


give to see these fellows arrayed

against eighth lingua red

you could probably use their help

interesting technology but not very


what means now it was made this year

what year is that

543 arnold dominic in that stone room

must have been a time

transporter human it suits my purpose to

help you defeat your

enemy the


oh those magical nights against my


i must warn him

a spy after him


what's more important is that we have

1451 years to go

before we have to worry about the

autobots and that bungler megatron


hey what's the matter


don't worry you're all right now come we

must get away from here before the

dragon returns

she must mean starscream my dear girl

i find it hard to believe that my

databank dates your costume to 542 a.d

you mean fashion is always a year behind

camelot out here in the countryside


my name's nimoy uh i'm spike

wilts now help us against the other

giant knights

we'd like nothing better lean on

father will be so pleased

if your daughter thinks the decepticons

are aiding sir wagon

of blackthorn you're going to need help

hoist i need some help too well

nimoy says i need armor to be in the

tournament tomorrow oh

i'll do what i can


they wandered through a break in his

fence and devoured

my garden i told the young hothead i'd

kicked them until he fixed the fence

whereupon he accused me of stealing

and claimed my lands really his the


is simply an excuse to get him here to

settle things peacefully

i hope my

word that is incredible

i just hope it fits


hoist what's wrong getting low on

energy oh

well how do i look


just wonderful sir spike take this

thou shalt be my champion on the field

of honor


tomorrow's going to be a pink day

oh father this is so exciting i just

hope i can make sir wagon

see reason

okay kiddo now aim for the center of the

guy's shield and

cling hang on

i'll do my best that's your call


my champion


at least i hung onto my horse sir wagon

i bid thee welcome and i bid thee hold

my tongue

unless thou art willing to settle our

dispute in battle

i'd hoped for peace but if that's thy


so be it it is with the winner declared

rightful lord over this entire


so be it i'll meet thee

at arms correction

thou shalt meet my champions

sir and saranjet

i think it's time we damn join the party

don't you want to rumble with rainbow


their clocks

no it's impossible

the autobots can't have followed us here

this is

my world to conquer mine


champions lost now try to act noble even

if thou

art and tell my father thou art sorry

i've had enough of this chivalrous


red knight surrender your kingdom to me

within 24 hours

i never see your daughter again


no don't let starscream get away


still got enough energy to


well we better do something fast

for the sixth century will never be the



solomon what an unexpected pleasure



make some idiots 20 feet tall he thinks

he rules the earth

thou who pleased with fire might find

himself singed by the dragon's breath

just wait till my father gets here

what's the meaning of this kidnapping

nimoy was stupid enough but keeping a

prisoner in my castle


and this is my castle as it will

soon be


lord star scream here's the gold jewelry

as demanded

wolf those belong to my grandmother

i was going to give them to your new


starscream why thank you

because i need them to make wire for my

new electric dynamo



wait your


there's hardly enough to charge my basic

life support systems

faster you lingering peasants

it's all my fault w*r path i was

nemour's champion

and i should have protected her i feel

kind of guilty about it myself

wall path come on we need your help

i gotta go see what sir hoist wants

but if you wanna go on ahead and see

what you can do

just leave some decepticons for the rest

of us

yet okay okay i'm done

the charcoal's coming along fine you can

go for the rock salt now

rumble ravage get out of there you're


for sulfur we need potassium nitrate too

don't tell me you're gonna change it


i want to i cannot thou has done enough


first though tries to steal my father's


and now these monsters though calls

friends are going to make slaves of us


and thou


right i've been an idiot but i'll do my

best to change

oh wilt yes by the way

thou know thy eyes are most beautiful

they are

emily it's spike i'm here to



great work little buddy we've already

got the silver

and charcoal


nitrate sulfur

we may not have lasers in this world


but thanks to the ingredients you've

gathered what we do have


are is enough to attempt to rescue

like i started to say before spike

why should i want to be safe from sir

wagon when we've just decided to get




yeah all right knights


it's about time fire

without our siege tower how will we

scale the walls

right in my sights

thou must help me stop this sure i'll

help thee

right into the moat lord starstream just


now you've got sir spike to deal with


that will be a pleasure

actually the pleasure was all mine


it you've got it

keep on going


don't forget about me


without energy we're done for


and also our friends and if they don't

get this thing they call

energy i fear they'll perish


invincible in this primitive world

not if my magic can help it

foolish human magic can never defeat

science god of the sky

i know not of science but if thou wilt

bring this giants life


you can say that again i don't know how

you did that but it sure felt

good this

can't be rumble round reactivate

the dynamo

my lasers still don't work but i can

transform again

faster i must have more energy




it's not much of a ring but it's

it's beautiful oh father

isn't this wonderful


better luck next time pal


i need energy what will you do with them

take them back with us that is if

there's a way

the horst said time why

these valiant knights so they're time


how come it's called the dragon mound


i created it to use as a time traveling

wandering device decided to make it his


we never saw him that's because he's

been out

visiting relatives

but he's home now i refuse to go any


don't worry i've got a full dose of

dragon's bane

it works every time

he's crazy we can't trust our lives to

unscientific superstition

why not bayard's magic's done pretty

well by earth so far


there's no reason it shouldn't work i

used all the normal ingredients

sulfur rock salt seagull droppings





what do you think are we back


it's the 20th century all right now

let's clear out what's the matter

aren't you glad to see us


