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04x01 - Truth for a Truth

Posted: 02/19/24 08:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Equalizer...


- Jackson, what's up?
- I just got word

that Lo-Lo's leaving town.
You didn't hear it from me.

I'm taking him down.

- Lo-Lo, stop!

WATKINS: He's accusing
you of pushing him off that roof.

What? That's ridiculous.

- Go home, Detective.
- How long am I suspended?

Long as the investigation takes.


ROBYN: What do you know
that you're not telling us?

Slow down, mall cop.
What are you talking about?

ROBYN: Dante got hit
with one of those syringes

and it's lethal, so I need
to know

everything you know

about why Venezuelan
soldiers are here.


He was the leader of
the Venezuelan freedom fighters.

Worked closely with the CIA.

FISK: We went in
with the right intentions,

but then the orders came in
and we had to abandon them.

Vargas' friends and family

were rounded up
and ex*cuted by Montilla,

but he holds me accountable
for the deaths of his people.

Give him another sh*t of the serum.

HENCHMAN: Happy to. He'll tell us

what's in that file.

Try to infiltrate?

No, we're gonna need backup.

Rob, movement.


ROBYN: Michelle.

Michelle. I thought you were dead.

Ah, I thought I was, too.

You know me better than anyone.

I would never have left you
if I had a choice.

Did you know that the IEDs
that took out that building

were armed with an incendiary component?

Ed and I had no way out.

Michelle, I'm so sorry.

"Sorry" won't bring Ed back.

You're gonna watch them burn

and then I am going to k*ll you.



Michelle, don't do this.

It's a horrible feeling, isn't it?

Right now, the sense of helplessness

seems unbearable.


That is nothing compared to the guilt.

Fortunately for you,
you won't be around to experience it.



Bishop Security?

You did this!


Make sure she watches her people burn.

- Michelle.
- Like I had to watch Ed.

All right, go. Check it out.
Michelle. Michelle.


[g*nf*re IN DISTANCE]


What a day.

You think Drake'll be okay?

I sincerely hope so, sweetheart.


He's in a very fragile place right now.

He's gonna need a lot of support.


Yeah, that must be a scary feeling.

I'm gonna tell Mom what happened.

I'm not sure she's here.

I didn't see her car out front.

I know. I'll check the garage.


Are you here?




Mel! Harry!

Mel, Harry, Dante! Hold on.


I got you, I got you.


ROBYN: Come on, get out of here!


Hey, Auntie?

She's not out there.

And the hood is still up
on the Chevelle,

all her tools are still out.
That's not like her.

She said she was
gonna go get some parts,

but I don't-I don't think
she's been back home.

Straight to voice mail.

That's the third time today.

I'll call Mel and Harry.

Voice mail.


I'm sure there's a perfectly
good explanation for this.

I don't know, Auntie.

I have a bad feeling
that something's wrong.

Everybody okay?

If by "okay" you mean "alive,"
then barely.

DANTE: We got company.


Glad you came.

Took us a while to ping your phone.

Just happy we got here in time.

Combatants have fled, building's secure.

Who were those guys?

Venezuelan freedom fighters.

Former allies, until the CIA
left them out to dry.

This is Briggs.

He and I ran
a psy-ops operation in Europe.

Best in the biz.

Learned it all from you.

And Bishop.


Did you get it?

Enrique, did you get it?

Damn it, Michelle!
We lost men back there.

Men we need.

This is not my fault.

If you weren't so
distracted with revenge

maybe we wouldn't have
gotten surprised back there.

It doesn't matter.

Nothing changes.

We found a Caucasian male.

Seems to be civilian,

seems to be tortured.


He was given a serum that stops
the heart.

I was given the same thing.

Defibrillator brought me out of it.

HARRY: He needs some of that juice.

ROBYN: We got to get
him to a defibrillator now.

BRIGGS: Everyone, move out!

TEAM MEMBER: You heard him, let's go!

TEAM MEMBER 2: On the move!

Hope your friend is okay.

MEL: Do you think Fisk

gave Vargas what he was looking for?

Well, unfortunately,
there's no way to know.

Which means we have to assume the worst

and get Michelle and Vargas

before whatever their plan is
goes too far.

MAN: Hands up! Hands up now!

- MAN 2: Don't move!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Hands, hands!

I really got to stop hanging
out with you guys.

What do you know about file 314?

If you had no involvement,
why did they target you?

My sparkling personality.

WOMAN: Did they mention
classified documents?

You can keep asking me
the same questions

and my answers won't change.

MAN: Did they attempt to recruit you?

If by "recruit" you mean
"tried to burn us alive," yeah.

MAN 2: What do you know
about Venezuela?

So you're saying
we have nothing to worry about?

Rest assured, it's being handled.

I appreciate the, uh, update,

Director Greene. Keep me posted
on future developments.

Will do, Mr. Secretary.

Let my team go.

We will. Eventually.


They don't know anything.

But I'm guessing you do.

- Enrique Vargas

was trying to extract
file 314 from Fisk.

What's in it?

I already know it has something
to do with Venezuela.

And I know that
Michelle Chambers is alive.

Any CIA involvement in Venezuela
never happened.

Come on, Greene.

- I was there.
- And Agent Michelle Chambers is dead.

We have the KIA certificate to prove it.

I'm telling you she's alive
and she wants blood

because she was left there to die.

Again, Michelle Chambers is dead.

As for Vargas and his men,

they're enemies of the state

and will be dealt with accordingly.

You mean disappeared.

Michelle is one of us.

You can't treat her like this.

You want to get real?

Let's get real.

These freedom fighters
you have so much empathy for...

they were interrogating Fisk

- for a list of operatives.
- Everyone who was in Venezuela.

Our intel says Vargas is planning

to k*ll not just operatives

but their families as well.

Those really the kind of butchers

you want us to go easy on?

I was one of those operatives

and you're just telling me this now,

after holding me overnight?

I swear, Greene, if anything
happens to my family...


Briggs, I need another favor.

I understand that you have a job to do,

young man, but somebody needs to tell me

what is going on. Now.

Ma'am, uh, again,

I apologize for the inconvenience,

but your niece assured me
she'll be here soon.


Here she is.

[DOOR OPENS, SHUTS] Aunt Vi, Delilah.


Sorry about the madness,

I just didn't want to take any chances.

What's going on? There are...

there are armed men in our house.

Yeah, Mom, is everything okay?

I'm not gonna lie to you.

There's some very angry people

who may try to get to you to hurt me.

People? What people?

I can't explain to you,
but Briggs is here.

He's gonna take care of you.

I need you to do what he says,
when he says it,

and we'll be okay.

Love you guys.

Go. We'll be okay.

- You sure?
- Yes, yes.

Do not worry about us, all right? Focus.


Yes, just be careful. Please.



Got to be kidding me.

You guys own this place?


I've actually
come here for drinks before.

Oh, we know.

Lagavulin 16. Neat.


It's what we do.

But for free, you're gonna
have to settle for this.


You guys okay?

HARRY: Yeah, Rob.

Drink? We're celebrating...

I don't know, not being b*rned alive?

Not being detained at a CIA black site?

Not being sh*t by a f*ring squad.

Well, drink up.

Because we have to find
Michelle and Vargas ASAP.

If the agency finds them first,
they'll either be k*lled

or thrown into some hole

for the rest of their lives.

Well, hold on a second,
we're trying to save them?

We're-we're not even gonna, like,

hold a grudge or something? I...

Maybe I failed to mention this,

but Michelle did just
try and burn us alive.

That's not who she is.

Michelle was like a sister to me.

I was trapped once.

In the den of a Yakuza boss.

I was outnumbered, I was exposed.

I was dead for sure.

Until Michele came back and got me.

When we ran out of a*mo,
we fought our way out

with only a pair of wakizashi blades

that we stole.

I owe her my life.

I left her behind once.
I won't do it again.

And if we get to them first, then what?

We'll put some of them on ice

until we figure out what we should do.

I mean, look, even if
they get a fair trial,

they're still gonna get jail time.

Well, at least they'd be alive.

All right. Let's go down and get to it.

Go down where?

He's part of this team now.

So this is how you get it all done.

Who pays for all this?

HARRY: Less you know, the better.

Anything on the street cams?

Maybe we can catch them fleeing.

If you get me the plates,

I can still get NYPD to issue a BOLO.

There's no coverage
near that facility at all.

Harry, if we can get that list
of operatives from file 314...

Rob, you-you know I love you, right?

But, I mean, we literally just
got back from an interrogation.

I-I won't go anywhere near

- a CIA server.
- You were on that op.

Any chance you remember
the other players?

No. We worked in, uh, separate teams.

Security measures.

Who else would have file 314?

Well, Fisk, but he's in
no shape to help us.

Wait a minute. [CHUCKLES]

That'll teach you to sit in my chair.

What's he doing?

I don't know, but, uh,

just sit back and enjoy the show.

Aw, did an itsy-bitsy spider

catch a "widdle" fly?

- Is he...
- Yeah, he's always like this.

Okay. So, my system records

every single command,

including the last keystroke.

- Which means...
- Which means that yesterday,

when Fisk used your server to access his

to pick up our photos...

He gave you the key.

I mean, technically,
I stole it, but, uh, yeah.

Oh. It's encrypted.

All right, it'll be a minute.

What about the place in Queens
where I was stabbed

with that syringe?

The freedom fighters
were camped out there, right?

Yeah, so if the owner
of the place is a sympathizer,

then they might know
where Michelle and Vargas are.

DANTE: If you have a laptop,

I can access NYPD records.

Dude's here five minutes,
already he's after my job.

All right...

Got it.

Belongs to Jose Cordoba.

Owns a car wash in Greenpoint.

You two pay him a visit.

Yeah. I'll drive.

Okay, Rob. I got something.

Boom. All right, this is every operative

who worked under, uh,
Bishop and Fisk in Venezuela.

I'll send the list to Bishop Security.

If they can get to the
operatives and their families

before the freedom fighters
get their revenge...

Then we can keep Michelle and Vargas

from destroying their lives.

But remember, if we have
this list, the CIA does, too.

And they'll also have teams posted.

So as soon as the Venezuelans
start committing acts of terrorism...

There'll be no saving them.

What's up?

ROBYN: Not sure.

Something I need to look into.

So, you had a lot to say about Robyn

when you were on the truth serum.

No comment?

Hey, you okay?

Uh... not sure.

Just thinking how much jeopardy
my career might be in.

Everything I've worked for.

Proving I'm not my father.

None of it matters.
Truth is, it might be over

if I can't prove I didn't
throw Lo-Lo off that roof.

I assume there were no cameras up there?

Not one.

Well, look, did you do the right thing?

Depends who you ask.

All I know is the system
wasn't moving fast enough

to bring in a menace
who tried to k*ll a friend.

So I did what I had to do.

Did I do the right thing?


Well, then that's it.

All you can do is stay positive.

You're a great detective, Dante.

But it's not who you are.
It's what you do.

As long as you can look
at yourself in the mirror

at the end of the day,
that's all that counts.

Appreciate that.


David's Auto Repair, right?

Yeah, that's the one.

We're here.

DANTE: Jose Cordoba. That's him.

That's him? Jose Cordoba.

Who's asking?

Couple of private investigators.

We just have a few questions for you.

Be right with...

Why do they always run?

Are we really doing this?



Takedown by shopping cart.

That's a new one.

Got to keep it fresh, right?

Mr. Lee?


It's been so long, sweetie.

Promise to do better.

You know, every time I see you,

I'm reminded just how lucky

Ed was to have you in his life.

I was the lucky one.

You can come out, Michelle.


How'd you know?

The watch Ed had on.

The pact we made.

That if one of us didn't
make it out, the others

would take something to
the family to remember them by.

I delivered your ring to your mother.

I really thought
you were dead, Michelle.

So what now?

I was hoping we could talk.

Look, I can help you
sort this whole thing out.

What makes you think I want to come in?

Because we planned
to change the world together.

And I would have followed you anywhere.

It's not too late, you know.

Join us.

We can still change the
world. Only this time,

into what we think is right.

- Into something good.
- No.

What you're doing is getting revenge.

You know better than anyone

change doesn't come without sacrifice.

End this before it's too late.

Call off the att*cks on the families.

[g*n CLICKS]

- sn*per!
- [g*nsh*t]

sh**t at 12 o'clock. Top window.

sn*per at three o'clock
behind the gray sedan.

Stay on my six.

Michelle. Damn.

Let me call you back.

You sent sn*pers to k*ll
Agent Michelle Chambers.

They left these behind.

You all have gotten sloppy since I left.

Ex-Agent Chambers

is a member of a foreign
t*rror1st organization.

Which means what you did today

is tantamount to aiding
and abetting the enemy.

I wouldn't talk about w*r crimes
if I were you.

Don't test me, McCall.

I could lock you away for treason.



Michelle is one of us.

I trained with her, I served with her.

I know her.

She is a good person.

I'm afraid
that Michelle Chambers is gone.

Let me bring her in. My way.

I guarantee you
she won't hurt anyone else.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

She's too dangerous,
there's too much at stake.

Have it your way.

Stay out of my way on this, McCall.

I mean it.

Or the next one of these

could have your name on it.

All right, Jose.

Where are the rest
of the freedom fighters?

You're not making this easy on yourself.

I promise you'd rather
talk to us than the CIA.

Let 'em do what they want.

At least I'll die
with a clear conscience.

Just cause demands sacrifice.

You think k*lling innocent families

- is a just cause?
- k*lling families?

What are you talking about?

Got left off that email chain, huh?

Can't trick me.

You're the ones
who k*ll innocents, not us.

So, you think he was telling the truth

about not going after the families?

Correct me if I'm wrong,
but our only source

that they're targeting
families is Diana Greene, right?


Michelle did have a strange reaction

when I mentioned that, too.

Like this was the first
time she was hearing it.

So maybe Greene is lying.

Maybe to justify what
she's planning to do to them.

Bishop Security has teams
watching the families.

Harry's been checking in with them.

Okay, Briggs' guys confirmed

that there's been no activity
around the families' homes.

But Rob, that also includes the CIA.

There's no protective detail.

CIA wouldn't leave
those families unguarded

if there was any kind of real thr*at.

They had us on a goose chase.

So Greene was lying.


There might be another
reason why the CIA

hasn't been protecting those families.

Seems that the freedom fighters
have already been captured.

- What?
- Uh...

Fisk's system monitors
anything CIA-related.

What you're seeing there is real time

of body cams on those agents.

- Do you see Michelle?
- Not yet.

Can you tell where they're taking them?

Um, looks like some sort of
government detention center.

I'll try and track the feed.

Now that Greene has them,
she's gonna make them disappear.

We're not gonna let that happen.

Doesn't seem like Greene is
taking suggestions on this one.

Not from me, no.

But there is someone she will listen to.


- How is he?
- He stabilized in the last hour,

but we're keeping him sedated for now.

He needs rest, so please,
try not to wake him.

That's funny.

The one time I want you to talk
and you can't.

Fisk, you and I have

not seen eye to eye on a lot of things.

But I think we can both agree
the freedom fighters got a raw deal.

And they're about to get
another one again.

Michelle is...

She's not the same person.

But if she was turned...

...she can be turned back.



The freedom fighters...

I gave it up.

They know everything.

Doesn't matter.

The CIA has the freedom fighters.

We just need to convince
Diana Greene to treat them fairly.

The know what's in file 314.

Fisk, listen. It's the freedom
fighters who are in danger now,

not the list of people from file 314.



You're gonna have to leave.

I'll be back in 30 seconds.


it's not a list of pe...

it's not a list of people.

File 314...

it's not a list,

it's an order...

to leave.

You mean the order?
The one authorizing

the CIA's withdrawal from Venezuela?

Of course. That's why Greene
said there was more at stake.

Michelle is after the person
who issued the order.

Who signed the order?

Who abandoned them? We got
to get them to safety.

Ma'am, please.

Ma'am, you need to leave the room.


Harry, I got news.

HARRY: Me first.

I figured out where they're holding

the Venezuelans
and hacked into the cameras.

- What'd you see?
- It's what I didn't see.

Vargas and all the other
soldiers are being detained

in their own units.

But there's no sign of your pal

nowhere in the whole building.

- She evaded capture.
- Or they sent another

team after her and this time,
you know, they didn't miss.

No way. Once she knew
they were after her...

no chance she'd get caught
off guard like that again.

So she's still out there?

Yeah. And Fisk says she knows

what's in file 314:

the official papers authorizing the CIA

to withdraw from Venezuela.

Who signed that order?

That's what we have to figure out.

Because that's who Michelle
is gonna take down.

if she hasn't already.

I appreciate you making us lunch, ma'am.

Since we're in here together,

makes no sense
for us to starve ourselves.

Is that an M16?

No. This is an MP-5.

Better suited for close
combat than the M16.

So, how'd you, uh, end up
working for Bishop Security?

ROTC in high school

led to a scholarship at West Point.

Served 15 years, Army Intelligence,

where I met your mom.

When I discharged, Bishop recruited me.

Wow. That sounds exciting.

I bet you get to
go to a lot of cool places.

Toured the world.

Learned to speak three languages.

And got a chance to make
a difference in people's lives.

I'm off to college soon.

I, uh, never even considered
a m*llitary academy.

It's not for everyone,

but they really got me squared away.

That was the beginning for me.

That's interesting.

Were you ever scared during deployment?

Delilah, please. [CHUCKLES]

Stop badgering this nice young man

with all these questions about his past.

Given the situation, I'm sure

he has a lot of other things
to worry about.


Let me go check in on the guys.

I never knew you were interested
in m*llitary school.

Neither did I.

Till now.


Oh. There's your mom.

Robyn? Everything okay?

Aunt Vi, hey.

I just wanted to call and say
the thr*at has been cleared.

I'm so glad to hear that.

There's still a wild card
I'm looking into,

so I'm gonna keep Briggs there
just in case.

You guys can relax now.

Okay. Just keep us posted.

I will. Love you.

Love you.

- Hey, Mr. Briggs?
- Dee.

W... Wait.


All these questions to Briggs.

Please don't tell me that
you're thinking about

following in your mother's footsteps.

No, I don't know.

I can't say that
I haven't thought about it.

But I have a lot of choices to make

before I get to that one.

- HARRY: Hey, Rob.

Harry, please tell me
you have something.

I do.

In the past, you had told me
that, uh, a congressman

had ordered the CIA withdrawal.

So I started a search for all of the...

A name, Harry.

Yeah, all right, all right.
Donald Leland.

Secretary of State Leland?

but back then he was a congressman

and chair of the House
Foreign Relations committee,

where he could keep his eyes

on his multi-million-dollar
real estate investments in...

you guessed it... Venezuela.

- Are you kidding me?
- MEL: He must have figured

if the freedom fighters
toppled Montilla's regime,

it would be bad for business.

Yeah, you know, revolutions, uh,
tend to t*nk property values.

So he invents a political reason
for the CIA to withdraw,

leaving our allies and their families

to be slaughtered in cold blood.

Not just them.

They left me, Michelle and Ed to die.

HARRY: But Rob, here's the kicker:

Leland's on a plane to Caracas tomorrow.

By all appearances, he's initiating

diplomatic ties between
the U.S. and Montilla.

Which opens the door
to U.S. m*llitary aid,

which Montilla will use
to snuff out whatever is left

of the freedom fighters' rebellion.

I mean, it's no wonder
these guys hate us.

MEL: Rob, this wasn't a revenge mission.

Michelle and Vargas are here,

literally, to save themselves.

Prevent what Leland started
three years ago.

Wiping them off the face of the earth.

Where's Leland now?

HARRY: He's in town.
He's at some conference.

He gets on a plane
to Venezuela tomorrow.

Send me the address.

I'll meet you there.

Hey, Rob, uh, you know,
after all the death

and destruction
that this guy has caused,

you sure you want to save him?

No, I'm not sure.

Much as I'd like to see him
get what he deserves,

it's not right.

And if Michelle kills him,
there's no coming back for her.

You see, that's why I leave the
life and death decisions to you.


- GUARD: That's far enough.
- LELAND: It's okay.

You were at
Director Greene's office, right?

Right after she briefed you
about the Venezuela situation.

Sorry, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Save it. I was there.

That's why I know you're in danger.

I was told by Director Greene
the thr*at has been neutralized.

There's still one more person out there.

One person?

She's a CIA-trained assassin.

Michelle Chambers.

Now I know you're wrong.

I was fully debriefed
after the withdrawal.

Agent Chambers was confirmed KIA.

Faulty intel.

Sorry, I have an event to get to.

You're making a big mistake.


- Sorry I'm late.
- You didn't miss anything.


Let me guess... he wouldn't listen.

He has no idea how much danger he's in.

[SCOFFS] So what's our next move...

find Michelle before she finds him?

No, she's an expert
in countersurveillance.

But if we stay close to Leland,

she'll come to us.

Yeah, except he won't let us.

Who says we're asking?


What the hell? [GRUNTS]



You have no idea what
you've gotten yourself into.

You're insane.

Lucky for you.

You really think the feds
can't track me without my phone?

It's not the feds I'm worried about.

Agent Michelle Chambers is not dead.

Repeating it over and over
won't make it true.

I read the intelligence briefing.

I know what's in the report. I wrote it.

But trust me, she's alive, she's pissed

and she is coming for you.

Even if you're right,
how dangerous can one person be?

Dangerous enough
that we'll both be lucky

if we make it out alive.

Why are you doing this, anyway?

Because as much as I despise you,

you don't deserve to die.

But mostly because
Michelle doesn't deserve

what'll happen to her if she kills you.

You're really concerned
about this monster

who's trying to k*ll us?

Michelle Chambers is a better
person than you'll ever be.

And if she's a monster, it's
because you made her that way.

Look, I don't know what you think...

I know you signed the order to withdraw

the CIA from Venezuela.

You know, the American
people are supposed to trust

their officials, but all you do

is use your power for personal gain.

Meanwhile, because you valued
your investments

more than our lives,
my whole unit was wiped out.

I lost a good friend
and another one is being hunted.



Hey, Mel, coming up on your six.

Two black sedans,

coming in hot.

I don't know this area. Any suggestions?

DANTE: I got you.

There's gonna be
a one-lane street on your right

just before the on-ramp. Take it.

- You should see the bridge.
- I see it.

There's an access road coming up.

Get ready to turn.

She's gonna get us k*lled.

Steady. Steady...

Turn now.

MAN: Hey, what are you doing?!

- Whoa! You're crazy!
- WOMAN: Hey!

Almost there.

Where are you taking me?

Somewhere we can keep you safe.

- [BANG]

♪ ♪

ROBYN [ECHOING]: Leland. Leland? Mel.

Mel. Mel.


Don't do this.

This moral compass of yours is broken.

You know what he did,
what he's going to do next,

and you still want to protect him?

I know what he did was wrong

and we need to stop him,

but not like this.

Step aside, Robyn.

I'm not asking.

You gonna have to k*ll two people today.

That is unfortunate.

Back at Mr. Lee's house,
I thought we had a chance.

Thought maybe you saw the light
when you saved me

from that b*llet.

But you just can't help
but toe the company line.

At least now when you die,
it'll be with honor.

I owe you that.

You still have those.

I'll give you a moment
to say your piece.





Come on.



Robyn? You all right?

Been better.

- Fisk?
- Mall Cop.

ROBYN: You're okay.

You all right?

Hey. Come on. Let's get you fixed up.


DELILAH: Hey, Auntie.

You okay?

Yeah. Why'd you ask?

Been staring at the same page
for the last ten minutes.


I'm just trying to process
the last 24 hours.

Oh. Hmm.

It has been crazy.

It's been insane.

Getting caught up in a store robbery,

then coming home to armed soldiers

stationed in our kitchen?


nothing has been more jarring
than hearing you talk about

going away to college.

How so?

You know, what I told that man
in the store...

it's true.

Finding my place here
with you and your mom

gave me purpose again.

We'll always be here for you, Auntie.

Yeah, well, that's just it.
No, you won't.

You're gonna be going off
to college soon.

Things are changing.




Yeah, I guess you're right.

Don't get me wrong.

Change is good, it's just...

a little scary sometimes.

You're gonna be off

someplace wonderful,

having adventures of your own, and...

I'll be...

We'll always need you.


That is so sweet of you to say,

but no, you won't.

And that is exactly the way
it's supposed to be.


no matter where I'm going,

I'll always be a phone call

or a Zoom...


...or a plane ride away.

You'll always be my auntie.

And you will always be my baby.

I love you.

I love you.


Mel? Everything okay?


Okay. I Understand.

Where is she?

I'm okay. Really.

- Mom.
- Really.

Do I need to get out of this bed
and b*at you at a game of horse?

'Cause I will.

VI: That is exactly what
the child is afraid of.

I may be stating the obvious,
but you need to rest.

Listen, I'm not in a rush
to go anywhere.

This is the best vacation
I had in a while.

I get to watch TV, get to nap.

[FRENCH ACCENT]: Okay, canned peaches

and the Jell-O surprise.

There is one drawback.


- How are you? Good.
- Good. How are you?

Get better, I'll make you
a welcome-home meal

you will never forget.


- Oh, I'm invited.
- Oh, yeah.

We're definitely going,
if you're cooking.

- Hi.
- Mm.


Come on, Auntie, let's let, uh,

Mel and Harry have their moment.

So then Mom can actually get some rest?

When'd she get so bossy?

Where do you think she got that from?




Oh. From Marcus.


I mean, the way he helped us
ditch those cars,

we should be sending him flowers.

Speaking of which, you hear from Fisk?

He was by here earlier.


And Leland's finished.

So the freedom fighters'll
have a fighting chance.

Or they would,
if they hadn't been captured.

We're sending them back.


Fisk cashed in a chip.

Fisk did that?

That's a big favor.

Well, Fisk has some big chips.

And he knows how to use 'em.

- Someone had to say it.

All right, well, what about Michelle?

There's no way
they're gonna send her back

after she tried
to k*ll a cabinet member.

They're gonna take care of her.

She'll be debriefed,
hopefully rehabilitated.

Fisk is taking her in himself.

Hey, so, you know,

maybe sometimes the good guys do win.

I sure hope so.

Detective Dante.


District Attorney.

Wasn't expecting to see you here.

I felt I should be here for this.

I see.

Thank you for coming in
on such short notice.

With all due respect,
I have something to say.

- Detective, I...
- I've always taken

my commitment to this job and
this department very seriously.

Keeping the rule of law
is a sacred trust

that demands honor,
sacrifice and a commitment.

I have met those obligations head-on,

more than fulfilling
my side of that bargain.

But a sacred trust goes both ways.

I'm not sure I can
defend a system of law

that won't defend its own.

Are you finished, Detective?

You tell me, Captain.

You've been fully cleared...

...of all wrongdoings, Detective.

I don't understand.

We recently received a video
that corroborates

your account of what happened
in the Lofton case.

I thought IA said there were
no cameras on that rooftop.

There aren't. There are, however,

cameras on a nearby weather station,

whose footage wound up in my email

from an anonymous source,

accompanied by the following line:

"Sometimes the good guys do win."

You wouldn't know anything
about who sent that,

would you, Detective?

No, ma'am.

I could hazard a guess.

But in the end, the most important thing

is you are fully reinstated.

Welcome back, Detective Dante.


District Attorney.




FISK: I'm sorry about Ed, Michelle.

Venezuela, the whole thing.

It never should have happened.

I really mean that.

The hell you smiling at?

- FISK: No, no, Michelle, don't!