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02x19 - CSI Ruff

Posted: 02/20/24 10:41
by bunniefuu

Hi. I'm Ruff Ruffman.

Why the manicure and haircut?

'Cause I have to look my best

for next week's FETCH!Grand Championship.

Mmm. This egg roll is delicious.

Wait. That's the manicuring liquid?

Well, then, what have I been soaking in...?

Ow! Ink!

Well, that is the last time I put my ink in a...

Hang on. Hold this. Hello?

Oh, it's ready? Excellent.

That was my old alma mater, Dogwarts Obedience School.

They're making theFETCH! Grand Champion Grand Prize,

and it's ready to be picked up, so,


What? You're busy?

With what?

What kind of business?

Cat business?

You know what? Your whole species is a mystery to me.

Okay, fine, fine, I'll just pick it up myself.

Oh, wow, I'm going to go back to my old school.

♪ Oh, bonny fellow canines

♪ Woof loud and strong and true ♪

♪ We heel, we stay

♪ We will obey

♪ We're Dogwarts through and through. ♪

What? Oh, oh, sorry.

Yes, please, groom away.

Boy, my professors will be so proud

to see the dog I've turned into.


I can't go looking like this!

I look like... like a cat!

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

RUFF: And here come the contestants now.

He can't live without his video games.


She doesn't like smelly feet,

so take your shoes off far from Nina!

He'd really be embarrassed to wear a tutu at the mall--


She's conquered the bicycle.

Now she wants to learn to ride unicycles.


Chomper-- that's what his nickname used to be.

Let's bring it back. Willie!

She's eaten pineapple from Hawaii in Hawaii.


Well, let's get an update on the scores.

In sixth place with , points, Madi.

Nina has dropped all the way to fifth with , points.

Willie has tumbled out of the top spot

down to fourth with ,.

Bridget holding on to third with ,.

Rosario jumping to second with ,,

and Mike back on top with , points.

Hi, guys.

ALL: Hey, Ruff.

You look pretty.

Right, right.That fits you.

Yeah, yeah, I look like a fluffy cat.

That fits me perfectly, like a glove.

Well, I'll tell you, that's what happens when you try

to save some bucks and get a cat to do your grooming.

Anyway, not only am I a dog, not a cat.

I graduated from the most prestigious

obedience school in the country.

Give me a command, any command.

Roll over. Sit.

Wait, what do you want, roll over or sit?Sit.

I can't do both. Okay, sit? Please.

I got my Ph.D. in advanced sitting.

What else you got?BOTH: Roll over.

All right, "roll over" I don't do,

and that's a personal choice.

I find that a little bit demeaning.

Give me something else.

Give us a challenge.


Now, that's what I'm talking about, Willie.

[Fetchers exclaiming]

All right.

You're supposed to do the fetching, not me,

so good point.

Which brings us to today's challenge.

ALL: Yeah! Awesome!

Now, guys, this is all very exciting.

As you know, the next episode is the season finale,

and I get a little emotional, but I'm going to keep it in,

'cause today is all about excitement.

Yes! Yes!

One of you will be crowned FETCH!Grand Champion

and take your place next to Anna,

last season's champion on the Wall of Fame.

All right!

ALL: Yeah!

Anyway, I just recently got word from my old obedience school,

Dogwarts, that theFETCH!

Grand Champion prize is done and ready to be picked up.

ALL: Yeah!

No expense was spared,

which is why I did so many cheap challenges, 'cause all

the money was dumped into the prize.

Uh, normally, I would have sent my intern,

Ms. Blossom Von Yum-Yum to pick it up,

but she's gone the rest of the week.

And I'd pick it up myself,

but I can't have any of my old professors

see me like this.

So, your challenge today is,

bring theFETCH! Grand Champion prize

safely back to Studio G.

Are you up for it?

ALL: Yeah! Definitely.

Awesome. Now, you'll need to build a crate

to pack up and transport the prize.

It's mucho heavy. Okay.

Now, all your instructions are in the mailbox.

So Nina, Madi, Willie, Rosario, Mike and Bridget, go fetch!

All right! Yes!

RUFF: Awesome. Good luck, guys.

Bye, Ruff.

Hey, tell Professor Abercrombie that I'm still working

on that dog biscuit paper, okay?

I think it's a little overdue.

With points at stake in the Triumph Tally,

let's check in with our Fetchers on their challenge.

Guys, look at the...


[dogs barking]

Guys, swipe your cards.

[beeps]RUFF: Good to see

my tuition's not going to waste.


RUFF: And there it is-- the grand prize.

Wow, it's tall.

And expensive.

Awesome. Oh, guys, look.


[all reading]

Bye, guys. Okay, let's go.

Wait, where do we go?RUFF: Okay, build a crate.

You know, they're never going to find all the stuff I hid.

I don't want to brag, but I got an A in hiding.

Oh, look-- there's the grand prize.

Ah, Madi found some wood. Good.

"Do not touch."

That's right. No, no.

Task one-- wood.

RUFF: Mike found the hammer. Good job, M. Dog.

Hey, hey, what's going on here?

Who's opening...

Murray, is that you?

Murray, if that's your idea

of a joke, I am not amused.

Put that back! I need that for the grand finale.

Okay, open it.[church bells ringing]

I think the first thing

we're going to have to do is measure.

All right, guys, we'll be right back in a minute.

We're just going to go measure the...

Okay, so...So, what kind of crate are we building?

RUFF: Murray better have put that prize back.

Wait a minute. Where is it?Where'd it go?

It's gone.

Oh, my gosh.

RUFF: Wait, it's really gone?

The grand prize was stolen?!


Guys, guys, really, really bad news.

Yeah. No nails or screws, either.

RUFF: Who cares about nails and screws?!

The grand prize is gone.

We don't need a crate.What do you mean it's gone?

ROSARIO: It's not there? No. I got to call them.

[phone ringing] Ruff!

Hello? Hello?

Are you guys sure it's missing?

ALL: Yes.

Okay, okay, all right, all right.

This is horrible.

Okay, um, just stay where you are.

I know someone in the police department.

We will get to the bottom of this.

Just don't move. All right.

Bye, Ruff.We'll wait right here.

Oh, what am I going to do

if I can't get the grand prize back?

All right. Do you remember

that last year Ruff...?[sirens approaching]

[all shouting]RUFF: Oh, thank goodness.

Over here!

RUFF: Oh, nice quick response.

I'm Detective Rock.

I got a call from Ruff.Great to meet you.

What's going on...?Our grand prize got stolen.

Let's go.It's in there, yeah.

All right, come on, guys, swipe your cards.


ROCK: All right, what's going on?

MADI: The grand prize is missing.

It was in there.

Okay, as a detective, I have to tell you

that everyone is a possible suspect.

RUFF: That's right, ev...

Wait. Everyone? Seriously?

The Fetchers? The staff?


I-I'm just kidding, boss.

[laughing]: I'm kidding.

Have any of you seen the grand prize?


ROCK: You all have those swipe cards, right?

ALL: Yeah. To the front door.

Oh, someone may have swiped their card.

How many other people have swipe cards?

BRIDGET: Probably the whole staff.

ROCK: The whole staff, okay.

RUFF: The Dogwarts staff?

You mean my old teachers?

The janitor, the cook?

They're all suspects, too?

ROCK: I'm going to let the crime scene specialists deal

with any kind of evidence.

I'm going to look for any other clues

and look for suspects.

RUFF: Wow, this is just like how they do it on TV.

Oh, this is TV.

My name is Kevin, and I'm with the Crime Lab.

And this is Amy. She's also with the Crime Lab.

Does anyone know what evidence is?

It's clues that help understand the crime scene better.

Yes, exactly.

It's clues that help us understand something

about a crime.

KEVIN: Evidence can be many different types of things.

And evidence helps tell us a story

about the crime scene.

Folks, listen, I found some stuff in one of the other rooms.

I think we all really need to go take a look.

All right. Okay? One at a time.

RUFF: We have evidence already!

Oh, Detective Rock is awesome!

Yeah, we've got some evidence here.

What do we got?


And look at this over here.

We've got some footprints.

Human prints.

Not cat prints, as I suspected.

We finally got something to work on.

RUFF: I really would have bet my money on cat.

All right, guys.

There are certain characteristics

that we all share. Right?

We all have hands, we all have feet,

we all have hair. But then there are

certain characteristics that only some of us share.

For example,

we have different color hair.

And then there's those characteristics

that are unique to each and every individual.

Like DNA?And?


Yes, excellent.

So what is DNA?

DNA is a molecule that's found

in every cell in our body, and it's what makes us unique.

DNA acts as a blueprint for our bodies, and it helps determine

how we look and what our voices sound like

and what color hair we have.

Everyone's DNA profile,

or their pattern of DNA, is unique.

So if we can identify DNA left behind at a crime scene,

we can compare it

with DNA that we may obtain from suspects

to see if we have a match.

And we can find DNA

in things such as hairs and saliva.

Okay, so the Fetchers will have to find evidence

and use what they know about the human body

to solve the crime.

I hope they do it.

Well, I think we should get started.

All right, Nina, Rosario and Willie,

why don't you come with me, all right?

Okay.All right.

Well, we know that the grand prize

was stolen out of this case.

We should get in close and see if we can find any hairs

or fibers or other trace evidence.Right.

But one thing that we're going to want to do first

is put on some gloves.

Because we don't want to accidentally put

any of our own fingerprints onto the evidence.

Everybody take a pair.

Thank you.

Willie, why don't you go over

and hold the flashlight

All right.and maybe Nina can look in and see

with you, if you can spot anything.

Oh, I see a hair.

You see a hair? Where?

Right there.Where?

See it?Yes. Yep.

Should I get it with the tweezers?

Got a hair.Ooh, it's black.

ROSARIO: Yeah, there's another one, too.

Well, we know the thief isn't bald.

There we go.Are we ready?

RUFF: There's a sandwich with only one bite taken out of it.

That is a crime in and of itself.

KEVIN: Let's say we take a picture of that

just the way it is right now.

How are we going to know how big it is?

If we lined the tape measure up next to the shoe print,

then we took the picture, we could see... Correct.

RUFF: Oh, that is an awesome idea, Bridget.

When it comes time to print that picture out, we can print it out

so it's what we call natural size or life-size.

And that's what we're looking for for this.

That's perfect. So you can just let it go.

All right.

Let's take a look at what we've got

and how these items could potentially be useful to us.

WILLIE: Peanut butter sandwich.

ROSARIO: We have a green apple.

RUFF: Oh, both delicious and suspicious.

And a water bottle.

Now, what evidence do we have here that we think might help us

to individualize a particular person?

Um, the saliva.

I think you're right.

DNA is found in the cells that are in our mouth,

and those cells are deposited into saliva.

The best way to collect

DNA from the mouth of a bottle

is with a sterile swab

that we moisten with a little bit of sterile water.

RUFF: Okay, so Willie is using a swab

to get DNA evidence off the water bottle.

Maybe the suspect took a drink.

KEVIN: What are fingerprints made out of?

Oil.Your finger.

Yes, they're made from your finger,

yes, they're made from oil.

What are we mostly made out of?



Yeah, so it's oil, water and minerals.

There are three types of fingerprints.

You have a loop, you have a whorl,

which is kind of like a circle,

and then you have an arch, which almost looks like a tent.

You know, to me it looks

a little bit like a loop.Yeah.

We're going to start with Michael, and he is going

to develop this one right here.

RUFF: Now Mike is dusting for fingerprints.

Now, the dust is sticking to the fingerprint,

so the Fetchers can see what they look like.

Now you're going to stick that to this white card.


BRIDGET: Very nice.

Awesome! It's like moving the fingerprint.

That is cool.

All right, they have collected the evidence, and now it's time

to bring it back to the lab and analyze it.

Thank you, Rosario.

Thanks.Thank you.

Hi, folks.Hi.

How's it going?Good. How are you?


I've got some good news,

and I've got some bad news.

Good news is that I've collected

samples of evidence from the staff up at Dogwarts.

The bad news, all six of you are suspects also.

RUFF: Well, okay, fine.

Well, since the Fetchers are suspects, they need to give

samples of their fingerprints, footprints and DNA,

so we can prove that they're innocent.

All right, who's going to give their DNA first?

I'll volunteer.I'll go.

RUFF: Okay, they're swabbing the inside of their mouths.

Kind of disgusting but necessary.


Oh, wow, they have swipe cards, too.

Remember, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Including the six of you.


We're going to use our evidence that we collected earlier

to try and narrow down our suspect pool.

All right?All right.

My group, we're going

to head across the hall.

All right. See you, guys.

AMY: What we're going to do is take a look

at the hairs that we collected

from the red cloth that was inside the case.

NINA: Okay.

So I just take the hair and put it on this?

AMY: Yeah.

RUFF: All right, they are examining the hair.

AMY: We're going to bring our slides over to the microscope,

so that we can see the detail a little bit better.Oh, wow.

RUFF: Wow, that is a huge hair under the microscope.

WILLIE: We know that it's, like, really brown.

There we go.Yeah.

NINA: I think it looks about the same.

So do we agree that all the hairs are brown?

Yeah.All right.

Why don't we take a look at our photos of our suspects

and see if we can rule anyone out.

RUFF: Okay.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Look out, thief,

my Fetchers are on the case! [gasps]

All right, remember how we took pictures earlier?


MADI: Perfect.

Yes, we took one with a flash

and one without a flash.

Okay, so remember how we put

the tape measure in our picture?Yeah.

Why did we do that?

So that we could tell how big the shoe was.

Right. And how big is this shoeprint?

Eleven. inches.

Why don't we look at the shoes that we have.

We'll start with the six of you.

Why don't you start with Nina's shoe.


That is not inches.

RUFF: What have we got?

She's only / inches, so she's out.

KEVIN: So we can eliminate her.

We'll make a "yes" pile and a "no" pile right here in front of you.

RUFF: That's one Fetcher down.

/-- Madi's out.

Oh, thank goodness!

I never suspected you for an instant, Madi.

Michael, we'll do your shoe next.

RUFF: Oh, I've got a bad feeling.

That's a big shoe.

I'm afraid now.

Oh, it's .Exactly .

All right, well, I think that we should check the designs.

RUFF: Wait a minute, Bridget has a great idea.

The design on Mike's shoe does not match

the design of the photograph, so Mike is out!

Phew! That was a close one.

I hope the other Fetchers are cleared, too.

Oh, this is a nightmare.

I'm hungry.

KEVIN: I have a file from Detective Rock

of all the suspects or all the staff members from Dogwarts.

We could look at the pattern first

instead of measuring them all.

Because if the pattern's different,

then it's not going to be their shoe.

RUFF: That's true, that would be quicker.

Okay, now it's time for the two groups to compare results.

Let's see what we got.

Could we please have our sneakers back?

Do you guys have any idea where our shoes are?

♪ Dun, dun, dun.

Very interesting.

Thanks, Mike.Thank you.

I'm going to keep it on.

Did mine fit?

BRIDGET: Uh, maybe.

AMY: Willie, Rosario, Nina and I finished our hair comparisons.

And we've decided that we can't rule out

anyone with brown hair.

Okay, that means that anyone with brown hair is a suspect.

So the blondes and the bald people are out.

Good luck, have a nice day.

Now it's time for the footprint results.

The rest of the Fetchers are out.

Okay, so only the suspects with brown hair

and matching footprints are still in.

Did we test the fingerprints already?

KEVIN: No, we have not tested the fingerprints.

And I just got word that the DNA results

from the swabbing we took from the water bottle are in.

The next thing that we need to do is look at the DNA

that we analyzed from the water bottle taken at the crime scene.

And remember, DNA is a unique characteristic

that each person has, similar to a supermarket bar code.

So wait, what, are we like a can of peas or something?

There's a really special piece of DNA that can tell us

whether the person who has left the DNA behind

is a man or a woman.

And we designate an "X" to refer to a woman

and a "XY" to refer to a man.

And you'll see that on the DNA results.

Hopefully, we can use these results

to further narrow down our five suspects.

These are some of the locations

where we have looked at the DNA.

Okay. Okay?

And the results are labeled here as numbers,

and they also have corresponding colored peaks.

How do you know if they're X or Y?

Well, we go down here...I see it.

[gasping] to the gene that tells us whether

it's a male or...It's a man!

It's a male!

It's a male!

RUFF: It's a man.

Well, that brings it down

to four suspects.

Margaret is out.

Okay, guys, ready to look at our fingerprint evidence? Yeah.

Each of the suspects

has their fingerprints pinned

under their picture-- very organized.

Down in front on the table here,

we have an example of the three different types of fingerprints.

We have a whorl, which kind of looks like a circle.

Yeah.Okay, then you have a loop,

which you can see the loop.

And then finally, we have an arch,

and you can see it almost looks like a tent.

You know, to me it looks a little bit like a loop.

RUFF: The crime scene print

is a loop, so the Fetchers need

to find out which suspects have loops in their fingerprint.

So right now you can see

that we have how many loops?

BRIDGET & MIKE: One, two.

What does that tell you about the whorl and the arch?

They can be eliminated.

Aha, see, George Holland has an arch

and Fred Finchley has a whorl, so they're both out.

Only two suspects left--

Lester Googe and Horace Cecil.

One of them is responsible for stealing the grand prize

and giving me this awful heartburn.

KEVIN: Let's look at what we call the core.

The core is the center of the loop.

And then this, where three lines meet,

that's called a delta.

Notice the distance between the core and the delta.

Do you think you could eliminate one of these?

Okay, first, the Fetchers need to count the ridges

between the core and the delta on the crime scene print.

...four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

, , , ... MADI: Okay, way more.

And now they'll compare that to the number of ridges

on Horace Cecil's print.

We're going to find which one of them is

responsible for stealing the grand prize.

MIKE: The delta is, like, four lines away from the core.

That's way, way...

Yeah, that's way too close.that's way too close.

KEVIN: Okay.Oh, that is too close.

That means Horace is out.

Let's see about Horace Cecil.

NINA: The patterns are different.

Show me, where are they different? ROSARIO: Ten...

NINA: Like they're everywhere basically.

Right. The patterns of DNA are different.

All right, it's not Horace.

Aha, the other team

eliminated Horace, too.

KEVIN: All right, let's look at Lester.

Only Lester Googe's print is left.

I wonder if it's going to match the crime scene print.

I never trusted that cook!

He never wears a hair net.

BRIDGET: This arch comes from the bottom of the finger.

RUFF: Bridget's right, it does look different.

BRIDGET: Yeah, but they could always rotate their finger.

KEVIN: You're right, the way it's positioned

on this photograph doesn't necessarily mean

that's the way it came off their thumb.

MADI: I think that he looks sort of like this one.

Now remember, we have to make sure

that all pieces of the pattern

are the same if we're going to call it a match.



NINA: , , , , ,

, , oh! [cheering]

WILLIE: We did it.

RUFF: Lester Googe!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, slow down, do not knock the detective down.

I think that's a felony.

All right, hi. What you got? What you got?

[shouting at once]

Whoa, one at... come on.

Settle down, settle down.

Lester Googe did it.

See, we have the information here. Okay.

What do you have for info?ROSARIO: Matching DNA.

We have info, okay, this is--

this is the DNA from the water bottle. Okay.

And this is Lester Googe's DNA.

All right.And they match perfectly.

Okay. And also, they did a fingerprint...

Yeah, and it totally matches.Totally matched? All right.

Listen, I got some more news.

I keep bringing you all news.What, there's more?

Is it bad?It's kind of in between.

Okay, Rosario?

Yes? You've got gloves on.

Take a look at this.

Oh, snap.Uh-oh.

"From the Desk of Ruff Ruffman.

"Lester, thanks for stealing the grand prize.

What?!"I'll get back to you

on where to leave it, Ruff."

Whoa, whoa! Oh! What?

He would never write that.

Does that mean that Ruff is a suspect?

It does not.Remember, everyone's a suspect.

Everyone's a suspect.

Here we go again.Why would I...?

ROSARIO: Another world of adventure.

Someone must have forged my stationery!

ROCK: Don't forget rubber gloves.

Don't look at me like that.

And I thought we were done.

It just doesn't make sense.

I didn't write that letter.

Unless I did it in my sleep or maybe

there's a whole hidden side to me, like in that book,

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Well, let's see if the kids are back anyway.

Seriously...Seriously, Ruff...

[all talking at once]

ROSARIO: Ruff wouldn't do it.

Oh, um...


Hi, guys.

Did you steal the grand prize?

Absolutely not.

There's no motive, there's no reason to,

I need it for the show... I didn't do it.

You guys believe me, right?

But everyone's still a suspect.

I understand I'm a suspect,

but let's not rush me off to the pound just yet, all right?

Innocent until proven guilty.

Isn't that how they go?Yes.

How about we get back to the show?

It'll make us all feel better.

ALL: All right.

Even more importantly,

time for some points.

[all cheering]Yeah!

See, I like the smiles; good, good.

Well, hey, for keeping a cool head in a stressful situation,

you all get points.

Yeah, nice. Awesome.

And for being super sleuths,

following the clues wherever they led you

and then properly collecting the evidence,

points and more points.

ALL: Yeah!

Bridget, Madi, Mike,

nice work on those prints from shoes and fingers.

That's points right there.

Nice, all right.

And ditto

to Nina, Rosario and Willie.

You analyzed out of points worth of hair and DNA.

Whoo!Yeah, you guys!

And for narrowing down all the suspects to Lester Googe

and me...


ALL: Yeah! All right!

But is that all the points a dog can give?

ALL: No.

What time is it, Super Sleuths?

ALL: Bone-us points.

That's right, bone-us point time.

Even though I may be a prime suspect,

I can still give out bone-us points, though, right?

ALL: Yeah!

And I've got five points

for the one who showed some fancy footwork

when it comes to footprints.

Take the picture with the measurer there.

...six, seven, eight, nine, ten, -- we could look

at the pattern first instead of measuring them all.

Which means, Bridget, with points,

you're today's daily winner.

[all cheering]

Good job, Bridget.

All right, now here's the deal, Bridget.

I have two giant paw prints.

One labeled "A,"

and other "B."

Behind one is a fantastic prize.

And behind the other, well, for today's show only,

another fantastic prize.

So which is it going to be,

Paw Print "A" or Paw Print "B"?

Well, I guess it doesn't matter, so I'll just pick "A."

Okay, then Bridget, step forward to the mailbox

and retrieve your awesome prize.

♪ Dun, dun, dun.

Go, Bridget.

Oh, it's a fingerprinting kit.

ALL: Awesome, cool!

That is so cool.

That's awesome.

RUFF: That's right.

It's a detective fingerprint kit.

Use it well, and you can start

by working to clear my good name, Bridget.

I will. Awesome, Ruff.

That's so cool.

Well, guys...

sort of a cliff hanger, sorry.

We will see you for the grand championship,

and mark my word,

we will get that grand prize back,

or my name isn't Ruff Ruffman.

ALL: All right!Suspected thief, ah!

All right, bye, Ruff.

Bye, guys.♪ FETCH!

That letter of Googe's

had my paw print, my dog hairs,

it even had a tiny piece of egg roll with my DNA on it.

[gasps]: Wait a minute.

Paw print?

And dog hairs?

And that egg roll...

And now she's gone on cat business, huh?

Of course, it all makes sense now.

I've been set up!

Framed! By none other than my own assistant.

Princess Pepperdoodle Blossom Von Yum-Yum.

[Ruff scatting]


♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪

[Ruff scatting]



♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪