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02x20 - The Grand Prizeless Grand Finale

Posted: 02/20/24 10:41
by bunniefuu
Oh, man, that is not a good look on me.

Oh, hi. I'm Ruff Ruffman.

The season finale ofFETCH! is just moments away,

and today I'll be crowning a newFETCH!grand champion.


Oh, I'm going to jail.

[blowing nose]

Okay, look, here's the deal.

TheFETCH!grand prize is still missing.

It was stolen from Dogwarts,

my old obedience school,

and my Fetchers figured out it was stolen by Lester Googe,

the head chef,

except a note signed by me

and containing fur and saliva with the DNA of me,

suggests Lester Googe was instructed

to steal the grand prize for me.

So who's the prime suspect?


But I didn't do it.

I've been framed.

Look at this!

A Ruff Ruffman costume.

In Blossom's desk.

She was the only one with access

to both my DNA and my stationery.

And where's Blossom Von Yum-Yum now?

She's skipped town with the grand prize.

And now I'm left taking the fall for grand prize grand larceny.

That's ten years to life on Poodle Island.

Do you know what that means in dog years?


RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

RUFF: And here come the contestants now.

In first place,

with , points,

he's leading the pack, and that's just how he likes it.


In second place,

who's that nipping at Mike's heels?

Just five points behind, he can hear victory calling out to him!


In third place, only five points behind Rosario at ,.

That gleam in her eye says it all.

First place or bust, baby.


In fourth place,

it's the contestant just ten points behind Bridget.

Will he catch up?

"Will he" isn't the question, it's the answer.


In fifth place,

coming in at , points,

it's clear she has a plan.

She'll pace herself and then she'll pounce--


In sixth place, just five behind Nina,

she's feeling loose and she ate a good breakfast this morning,

so watch out for Madi.

Hello and welcome to season two's

very last episode ofFETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

Oh! Yeah.


As you guys know,

somebody stole theFETCH!grand prize.

It should be sitting on that pedestal behind you.


I do have a lead on who took it.


That's right.

And it's someone who works on this show.

Who? Who?

Let's just say

it's someone whose last name could mean delicious-delicious.

What?Blossom Von Yum-Yum!


Now, now, let's not point that finger.


Let's put that out of our heads

and focus on... an awesome final show.

Yeah! Yeah!

Becoming grand champion

isn't just about the prize, you know.

Okay?That's true.

You are competing for glory!

And you might needYeah!

to fill in for me for the next five to ten years.

[Ruff chuckles]

So it is time...

for elimination round number one!


KIDS: Yeah!

Pitching scripts, jumping through hoops,

ah, that's the life of a game show host.

It's also part of a timed obstacle course

that the fifth and sixth place Nina and Madi will be running.

Yeah! All right.

First, you're going to go to the stack of glossies,

and you're going to autograph them.

Then you're going to jump through that hoop.

Then you're going to weave in and out

of that slalom course.

You're going to take pages of the scripts

and you're going to throw them

at the bull's-eye target.

Okay? You've got to hit it three times.

Go up and down the see-saw.

The clock will stop

after you've powdered your nose with five puffs.

Now, Madi, being in sixth place,

you're going to run the course first.

Ew.Oh, and I forgot to mention.

Uh, remember those Ruff Ruffman costumes

that the boys wore in the balance challenge?


All right, Madi.

You ready?



Go, Madi!Come on, Madi!

She has to sign five of them.

Go! Sign those papers.

Go, girl, go.

Keep going, keep going!

Keep going, keep going!

Come on, fast!Come on, Madi.

Come on, Madi!



Come on!


Yeah, she made it through!

Navigating the course.

All right.

Okay, now she's at the scripts.

She's got to hit the target.

Come on.

[beeping] Oh.

That's okay, Madi. One!

There you go. Two.



Three in a row, awesome.

Woo!Come on, Madi.


two, three, four, five.


Oh... one minute and seconds!

Yay! Whoa!

That's awesome!Going to be hard to beat that.

Are you ready, Nina?



This is so exciting.


Go, Nina!Go, go, go.

Go, Nina, go, go, go!

Come on, come on.

[kids cheering]


Next one.

Go, go, go, go!

Now through the hoop.Come on,

you can do it, you can do it!

And through. Woo!

That was a close one.

Go, Nina!

Come on, Nina.

Around the obstacle course-- very nice, good, good.

Now she's at the scripts.

Must hit the bull's-eye three times.

Nina, come on.

Oh, got one.

You've got one.

There you go. Two!

Come on, Nina.Three.

Come on.Run, run!

Up, down...

Go, Nina!

Go, Nina!

Go, Nina!

Bang! Time! What do we got?

What do we got? What do we got?

One minute, seconds.

Madi wins.

That means she will go on

to the next elimination round.

Nina, we had a great season together.

And you will always be a Fetcher in my heart right here,

you got that?Oh.

How awesome was your season, Nina?

Awesomely awesome.Let's take a look.


Come on, Nina! That a girl.

Calm down, Nina, you can do this.

High Street!Number.

How do we get to Medford?

The redcoats are coming!

This is so hard!

I believe that seeing is not believing.

Imagining is believing.

[audience cheering]


It's been quite a ride, Nina.

And now it's time to say good-bye.

Through the dog house, sweetie.Group hug, Nina.

Bye, guys!

Take care.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up.

Hold up!

What do you think this is?

Some kind of cheap reality show?

You know, I totally forgot

there's the V.I.F. Lounge.


Very Important Fetcher?

That's right, Very Important Fetcher.

Nicely done, Madi.

Yes, you are getting the star treatment

for the rest of the show.


Your milkshake is in the mailbox.


Along with chocolate-covered strawberries


I got a medal!

It's an official FETCH!contestant medal.

That's right.Oh, yeah, gorgeous.

You just relax, Nina.I want to taste it also.

You put up your feet

and you watch the rest of the show from the comfort

of the Very Important Fetcher Lounge.

Yeah, Nina!

It is time for elimination round number two.


Willie, you're in fourth place.

You now take on Madi.

In this round,

the two of you will each be putting together a puzzle of me.

But choose wisely, Fetchers.

There are more pieces than you need.

The first contestant to find the right pieces,

slap some glue on the back and assemble the whole billboard

on the wall wins and will move on to round number three.

All right!

Are you ready?




Don't eat the glue.

Come on, come on, come on.

Madi, it's about to fall!


You got to figure out, guys, go, go, go!

That's a cat.

Don't blame me for the glue,

blame the props department.


Wow, look at all these pieces.

It fell, Willie, it fell.

Whoa, that's definitely not right.

If that's a mouth, I think

I'm eating glue.Five, I can't find five.

Push it on harder.

It's all falling.


Oh, this is stressful.

Okay, I think we have enough pieces on the stomach.

Oh, Willie, it fell.

My tongue.

I think I did it.

He's done! I fixed the leg.

Turn it around.

Is that good? There!

Ruff, there!

Time, time!

And Willie finishes the puzzle first.

That means that he goes on to the next elimination round.

Madi, it has just been an awesome time on the show.

You've been a great contestant,

and I hope you stay in touch, because we all love you here.

I will.

Madi, here's some memories from FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

Come on, boys, good job.

Gee, gee, gee.

All right, start worrying, Nina.

Cat food! Open it up.

Come on, Madi, you can do it.

Madi, come on.

Like this?

Group hug for Madi, everybody.

RUFF: Group hug time, guys!

I have something for you, Madi, in the mailbox.

Aw, it's a medal.

Thank you, Ruff.


RUFF: Madi, please join

our good friend Nina in the V.I.F. Lounge.

Hello, Nina.

RUFF: I love ya!Nice shades.

[doorbell ringing]

Oh, who could that be?

BRIDGET: Hi, Blossom!

KIDS: Hi, Blossom!


I knew it was you all along.

Yes, clearly,

your guilty conscience got the better of you.

Hey, Princess Filcher Von Pilferer.

Mr. Ruffman, Detective Rock here.

Detective Rock, arrest this intern!

She stole theFETCH!grand prize and left some of my fur

to make it look like it was...

Your intern's a hero.

Yeah, but... what?

Ms. Yum-Yum broke the case.

She realized your twin brother, Scruff Ruffman,

was behind the heist.

Ms. Yum-Yum disguised herself as Scruff

and met with Lester Googe,

minutes before Scruff arrived at the scene.

My fur wasn't at the crime scene at all!

It was Scruff's fur!

My identical twin has identical DNA.

Scruff stole the grand prize!

You're very fortunate to have an intern

as intelligent, brave and resourceful

as Blossom Von Yum-Yum.

Um, wow.

Thank you, Detective Rock.

And... oh, hi, Blossom.

Um... sorry.

Guys, you know what this means?

KIDS: Yeah!

Now that I have the grand prize in my possession,

I can send it over to you.

I've always wanted to use this little number on the .

Ooh, it's my a*t*matic crane.

Let me just tap in the coordinates here... okay.

What's going on?BRIDGET: Hold your head!

RUFF: The GPS locked in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Everybody look out.

It's coming through.


Hurry, call the roofer.

It's the grand prize.

RUFF: Wait, stay back, guys.

That trophy crate is heavy.

BRIDGET: Oh, my gosh, it's the grand prize.

RUFF: What the... oh, it's stuck.

[grunting]: I can't lower it.

Uh, uh-oh, if I press the release button

from that height, it could destroy the prize.

Uh-oh. RUFF: Now what are we going to do?

Wait a minute, Blossom,

you think the Fetchers could use materials

in Studio G to cushion the fall of the crate?

KIDS: Yeah!

I don't know, it's kind of risky.

But it would make for a nifty elimination round number three.

KIDS: Yeah!

RUFF: You're going to have to design and build a device

that will cushion the fall of the grand prize,

when I release it from the claw.

Now you'll be in two teams of two.

The two members of the winning team

will receive points each,

and the two contestants with the highest point totals

after the challenge, will go on to compete head to head

in the finalFETCH!Face-Off.

Awesome. My goodness.

I am now sending four of my favorite squeaky toys

in a, an officialFETCH! Chinese takeout carton.

Each of you should now select one.

Oh, wait, you select.

Now, the two contestants

with the matching drumsticks

will be the drumstick team,

while the other two will be the T-bone team.

All the materials you're going to need

are over to the side of the garage to your left.

Each team gets the items that are on the tissue paper.

Since Mike is in first place,

the T-bone team gets to pick the next item.

Then the drumstick team will pick.

All right, T-bone team, choose your next item.

The ladder.

We're taking:

We got the bin, Ruff.We're taking the bin.

All right, we got the cardboard.

RUFF: The broom has been selected.

BRIDGET: Want to take the bucket?Sure.

Now that the materials have been divided, all right, go.

WILLIE: Say that's a ladder, okay?

Now say that's a ladder.

We could just tape like a bunch of layers of tape.

MIKE: How many inches do you think that is?

WILLIE: I'll measure it.

Just step on my back.


RUFF: Willie is standing on top of Mike!

So let's just measure...

So we have to put it on...

That's good enough.

RUFF: Let's see what the drumstick team is up to.

So we use the plastic bin,

and then the bungee cords would wrap around here

and they're just lines

and so the box will, like, land on the bungee cords.

Here's your goggle thing.

RUFF: Oh, man, the leg bone team has cool goggles.

Work with me, bungee.

This might be too long.

I think it should be tighter, though.


Let me test it here.

Oh, I wish we had more tape. What could we use?

We have enough tape.

Oh, that's not good.

Looks like the T-bone team has run out of tape.

x -/.

So we're going to put that in here.

So that if the box happens to get through the bungee cords,

it'll hit that and it will just collapse,

so it'll have a softer fall.

ROSARIO: Jeez, Bridget, tear the thing apart, why don't you?

Well, there's no other way that it's coming apart.


Yes, and they've cut it through.

Let it sit, rest on here.

All right, so maybe we should test it.


The thing's going to fall.Yeah, I know.

Are we allowed to hold it, Ruff?

Willie, the device has to be freestanding.

You shouldn't have to hold it.

So now we're going this way.

Is that all we have?

I think that's perfect.

We could put the box under the ladders.

And the box won't crush.

Oh! Oh, see how I stacked the boxes?

When the box, when the crate comes it'll be like...

And slow it way down.

Okay, yeah.

Let's test it.

It'll just, like, crumble like this.

And then the ladders might crush the whole box.

Oh, it won't, because the boxes are there.


This will make it slow down because...

Yeah, I know.

It'll because... it's going to come down,

it's going to tilt this a little bit this way.


But then it's going to get stopped

by friction with the boxes.

Oh, hey, Rosario, I just got an idea.

What if we put the tissue paper

right in here to make it even softer?


Here, we could just, like, put that on top.

For what reason?

For more cushion.

That would not help at all. I don't care.

Maybe we could lift it up and put it under each layer.

So when it comes down, it'll just be like...

Oh, you mean more friction.

That's such a good idea-- nice job.

Hang on, I'm going to drop this.


That's a bouncy contraption.

Which way do we put it?

We want it to come down like this, see?

Boom, don't we, yeah.

All right, Bridget.

I think it's good.

Nice. I think we're done.

All right, Fetchers, time is up.

We now have two grand prize catching devices.

I'm not taking any chances here.

So we'll test each device first with, uh...

What do I got lying around here?

Oh, watermelons.Awesome.

I'm sending them through the mailbox now, okay?

RUFF: Now, the team with the undamaged,

unbroken watermelon will win the challenge.

Willie, drop that melon from seven feet.

And you'll see what would happen

if you didn't build those catchers.

One... two, drop.


Murray, we might need a mop.

So now it's time

to test your devices.

Oh, man.

Drumstick team, you're up first.

Okay, go.

Yes! Did it stay? RUFF: It's fine!

Not even a scratch!

Now the T-bone team.

One... two, drop.

Yeah! RUFF: What do we got?


RUFF: Not a scratch on that one either.

We have two pristine watermelons.

Now it's time to raise the stakes.


I'm sending eggs

through the mailbox now.

T-bone. You're up first.

All right.

Now, remember, Mike,

you have to drop it from the same height-- seven feet.

One, two...Oh, dear.


Whoa, look at that bounce!

Wait, make sure... None!

Oh! Oh!

All of them are completely untouched!

RUFF: What?

They're completely untouched!

Great job, no cracked eggs.

Drumstick team.

One, two, drop.


Oh, the humanity.

BRIDGET: Seven, seven were broken.

That was awesome.

And we have a winner.

Team T-bone has won!

Yeah! Nice job, guys.

All right, guys, I need you

to take your winning device

and place it directly under the crane.

Line it up and get out of the way.

One, two, three.

MADI: There it goes, there it goes, there it goes.


Jackpot, baby!

NINA: Be careful, be careful.

No peeking!

MADI: Careful, careful, careful.

RUFF: From the bottom, from the bottom.

Oh, oh, great.

So Willie, Mike, congratulations.

You'll be competing against each other

for the grand prize in the great FETCH!Final Face-Off.

Rosario and Bridget, you guys have been great.

You're funny, great sports,

and I've got a special treat for both of you.


buddy, we're going to start with you.

Rosario, how you doing?

Hike it up, boys.


ROSARIO: Oh, yes. Yes!

We got one!

MAN: And cross the hill.


Whoa! Whoa!

Let's do it, Ruff.

It's on.

Do they deliver the day?

Bridget, it's your turn.Yeah, Bridget.

I hope you enjoy this video tribute to you.

Hey, Ruff.

[Bridget screaming]


Yeah, Bridget! Look at her! You can do it!

Row over to Little Misery and find the monster.

You got to like this kitten.

[whooping and applause]

What do you think?


RUFF: You will always be Fetchers

right here in the old Ruffman heart.

But it's time

for you to join our two ladies...

Hey, guys! the V.I.F. Lounge.

Yes! Chocolate strawberries. [whoops]

Please step forward to the mailbox.

Retrieve your chocolate shake and your medal.

Yeah, you guys.

RUFF: And your sweet shades.

Come on, you guys!

RUFF: All right, now, the rest of the show

isn't about you eating in front of the camera, Rosario.

Get over there!

Thank you. Ah!

It's time at last for the finalFETCH!Face-Off.


I'm giving you questions.

Each correct trivia answer is worth points.

You must light the gnomeof knowledge

for your answer to count.

Mike is in first place

with , points.

Willie, a mere points behind

with , points.

Whoever has more points at the end will be crowned

theFETCH!grand champion and receive the grand prize.


Are you ready?

Yes! I think so.

This is a place you've been.

It's a scrambler.

[bell dings]Mike?

Misery Island.

Guys, I think I see the island.

RUFF: Correct.[cheering] many pins do I need to knock down

in my next throw to have a five average?

To have a five average, .

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

[dings]RUFF: Willie, your gnome is lit.

Two.RUFF: That is correct.

When you feel like having a protein-packed buggy snack...

[bell dings]RUFF: Willie?

It should be

six legs or... less?

You can eat any insects as long as it's six legs and under.

RUFF: Correct!

Sing the next line of this song.

♪ G-R-A, G-R-A, N

[bell dings]

♪ N-D-M-A. Willie?

♪ Grandma's

♪ Grandma's, Grandma's

♪ Hey, what do you say?

Incorrect. Mike.

♪ Grandma's, Grandma's Grandma's, hey, what you say? ♪

Gentlemen, that is incorrect.

It's "Grandma."[Willie groaning]

Not "Grandma's."

♪ Grandma, Grandma, Grandma

♪ Hey, what'd you say?

Match these three people's pictures

with the right names.

[bell dings]RUFF: Mike.

RUFF: Correct.

What is the name of this woman?

I'm going to put my left foot in the stirrup and I'm going to...

RUFF: Mike?Gin.

I'm Gin.

RUFF: Correct!

What is this?

[bell dings]RUFF: Willie.

It is a lobster.

RUFF: Correct!

[bell dinging, cheering]

This is the last stage

of the Final Face-Off.

You have items.

Some float, some don't.

Your job is to find the floaters.

Let's test out some objects

and talk a little bit more about buoyancy.

RUFF: Now remember, as you learned on the scuba challenge,

for an object to float,

it needs to weigh less than the water it displaces.

For each thing that floats, you'll get points.

If you pick something that sinks,

you're out of the game.

Mike, you are in the lead.

[bell dinging]You will go first.

Make sure it's a floatable.

RUFF: He's trying the Ping-Pong ball. Okay.

Now, Willie, whatever you think floats, place it in the water.

He's got the sponge.


RUFF: Oh, hey, hey, hey.

It's still floating.

It's still on the surface.

RUFF: Still floating. Yes!

Try it.

RUFF: Now for the rubber ducky.

[bell dings]Oh, yeah, it floats.

RUFF: He's chosen the marshmallow.

[bell dinging]Yeah!

RUFF: M-Dog has chosen the rubber chicken.

[bell dinging]Yes!

Willie's taking a chance with the apple.

I like your aggressiveness there.


This is staying close.

points still separate our contestants.

The next person whose choice doesn't float will be out.

All right, I have a challenging one, too.

RUFF: Looks like Mike's thinking about the pineapple.

Try it.If you want to.

RUFF: Now he's got the rawhide bone.

Nope, nope, he's going with the pineapple.

This is k*lling me.

RUFF: Oh, it's sinking!

Oh, it's floating!

[cheering and bell dinging]

It doesn't look like it,

but the pineapple is less dense than the water!

How about Willie?

Can he pick another floater?

He's got the mustard.

Think that's going to sink.

Aw.RUFF: He's going for the baseball.

No, no. Looks like... he's going with grapes.


And down to the bottom they go.

The grapes are more dense than the water! Wow!


Mike is our grand champion

with , points.

I am sending your wall of fame glossy

right now to the mailbox.

Go get it, buddy.

You will be next to Anna forever.

[cheering and whooping]

RUFF: We had a great time with you, Willie,

so I want to show you these

great moments from your time

onFETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

Whoa! I turned the barrel.

I found a giant dog bone.

The Redcoats are coming!

This is the best roller coaster ever!

Today we're going to play dodge ball.



[cheering and applause]

Oh, I got a medal for you sitting in the mailbox.

Why don't you go grab it?

Yeah, Willie!

RUFF: We move on

to another video clip, and this time,

our montage is for ourFETCH!grand champion, Mike.


Enjoy every winning moment of this one, buddy,

'cause you earned it.

There's a stray.

I'm getting it. Come on, dog. Come on, dog.

Ruff, what you got us doing here?


You all right?

MAN: Some pitch.

Big ups to Ruff and Grandma Ruff.

May peace out. The M-Dogs have left the building.


RUFF: And now, it is time to unveil

the grand prize!

[cheering and applause]

It's the solid gold... uh, plated

FETCH!grand championship trophy.

Just what everyone wants on their mantel forever!

Me! Congratulations!


And so ends another

amazing season ofFETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.


Bye, guys.

[Ruff whooping, cast cheering]

Blossom, I never thought I'd say this,

but you've completely changed my opinion of cats.

I think cats are... okay, and you're really okay,

so I've prepared something for you.

FETCH , hit it.

["Auld Lang Syne" playing]


So, will you come back for next season?

You'll think about it?

Well, just drop me a line or something.

Hasta luego.[door opening]

Wait, Blossom, you forgot your...

[door closes]...litter box.

[Ruff scatting]


♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪

[Ruff scatting]



♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪