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01x35 - Scared Silly

Posted: 02/20/24 12:08
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


Huh, that sign said the gas station

is somewhere around here.

According to the map, we're in Harrowing Harbor.

The most haunted town on the East Coast!

Haunted? [ Gulps ]

Only if they're counting the bored stiff?

[ Laughs nervously ]

[ Owl hoots ] Aah!

Was that a "bored" scream?

Never heard one of those before.

There it is.

[ Air brakes hiss ]

-Come on, Bravehead. -Aah!

Very funny. I wasn't scared, you know.

Told you, kids. The nose always knows which way to...goes.

Man: You shouldn't be here.


Still not scared?

You need to leave.

Uh, leave? But we need gas...

uh, Carl with a "C." What's the "C" stand for?


Oh, nice to meet you Carl with a "C."

We're looking for gas and a place to stay.

Nothing in this town for the living...

[ Grumbles ] or the dead.

-Man, you're creepy. -That looks like a nice hotel.

[ Thunder crashes ]

If haunted by unearthly horrors is what you call nice.

No one has lasted the night to enjoy their free breakfast,

thanks to the ancient evil that haunts it --

Free breakfast? Ah, dang, I shouldn't have said that.

I wonder if they a have a waffle maker?

Carl, do you know if...Carl?

Okay. I'm freaked out now. Let's gas and go!

Heck, we don't even need gas. I'll push!

-You thinking what I'm thinking? -Free breakfast!

[ Lightning strikes ]

You don't really believe Carl's story do you?

It's a gimmick.

Carl with a "C" probably runs the hotel.

He lures you in with a ghost story...

And wham! Then he hooks you with the free breakfast.

Okay, here's an idea -- Carl's right!

He seems like an honest guy.

Sure, the eye thing's a little weird,

and the whole disappearing stuff,

so I'm going back to the rust bucket.

[ Crow caws ] Aah!

Open, open, open, open, open, open, open!

Hello? Hello? [ Rings doorbell ]

Open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open,

open, open! Ben, I'm telling ya, this is all just a big...gimmick?

[ Door opens ] May I be of service?

-Aah! -Uh, Carl...with a "C"?

I am his twin brother, Karl with a "K."

See? A gimmick. Called it!

Three of your scariest rooms, please.

A room is $ for the night. Up front.

Free breakfast included?

[ Grunts ] If you last the night.

You could sleep in the rust bucket, alone!

Better hurry, little one.

The monsters under your bed await! Who says that?

[ Lightning strikes ] Aah!

[ Door creaks ]

Come on, Ben, your little baby steps

are only slowing us down.

I'll showyou little baby.

[ Electricity crackles ] Aah!

Hmm, sounds like one of your guests is a little jumpy.

You're the only guests here.

That's not one of your beds is it?

Amusing, no. It's an enchanted locker.

It has the power to trap ghosts.

Lock one inside, we throw in free cable.

The pictures are watching me.

Adrenaland's "House of Skulls" have had those since the 's.

[ Blows raspberry ] Uhh!

[ Lightning strikes ]


Strobe lights with cut paper gels. Hmph.

Child's play. Come on!

Uh, guys?

I trust you'll find your rooms accommodating.

Scream if you need anything.

Scream if you don't.

Not sure if I prefer Karl with a "K"...

[ Yawns ] ...or Carl with a "C."

Guys, are you sure about this place?

Fear is all in your head, Ben. Go to bed.

Dream "free breakfast."

Don't let your imagination get the best of you.

My imagination?

-Zoinks! -Leave...

Uh, cut it out, imagination!

[ Hissing ]

[ Gasps ]

Oh. [ Chuckles ] An umbrella. [ Chuckles ]

That's harmless. [ Thud ]


A branch? Get it together, Ben!

Leave now...

It's all in my head. It's all in my head.

It's all in my head. It's all in my head!

A clock? I was scared of a clock?!

[ Gasps ]

Definitely not in my head!


Or be banished to oblivion!

I'm gonna have to go with a third option --


Aw, man. Upgrade?

[ Grunting ]

There's nothing around here to upgrade.

Hey now.

Let's get medieval.

[ Grunting ]

Whoa! Oh, that's a bummer.


[ Grunting ]

[ Knock on door ] [ Snoring ]

[ Mutters ] Free breakfast? Is it breakfast time?

Sea spook! Phantom fisherman! Ghosty diver dude!

He took my sword! And I pushed him. Over there!

Come on! I'll show you!

He fell right over... What? He's gone?

You sure you saw a phantom fisherman?

[ Yawn ] What's he blabbing about now?

He was right there. A ghost. He tried to spearfish me.

We gotta leave! Now!

Okay, okay. Calm down, Ben.

Let's see if we can't catch this sea ghost

before we do anything drastic.

I got an idea.

-I'll be right over there. -Why am I bait?

And is it really necessary for me to wear the sign?

Because it's your ghost. And yes. So start fishin'.

He's not my ghost.

[ Whistles ] Here, ghostie, ghostie, ghostie!

Nothing! Guess we should just...

You have been warned!

Aw, crud.

Horror beyond comprehension awaits!

It really is a ghost!

Prepare to join me in the depths!

Not again! Aah!

-[ Grunts ] -You should have left.

And you shouldn't have come back!

[ Grunts ]

Looks like we got ourselves some free cable.

[ Pounding on lid ]

Fools! Let me out of here! I'm your only hope!

Wait, I recognize that voice.

[ Lid creaks ]

Carl with a "C"?

I knew it! He's in cahoots with his brother Karl with a "K."

Charging people bucks a pop, then terrifying them,

and swindling them out of the free breakfast.

Yeah, I admit it. I was trying to scare you off.

And I would've, too,

if it wasn't for that kid turning into aliens!

But I'm not working with my brother.

I'm trying to save you from his evil plans.

Likely story, Carl with a "C"! You failed. We're staying.

Nothing you do is going to scare us from --

[ Laughs evilly ]

Congratulations! You won the free breakfast.

Too bad it will be your last meal.

Um, what exactlyare you?

Evil that never sleeps!

Evidently, dabbling in dark magic

turns you into a monster and your brother into a ghost.

Huh. Who knew?

I warned you, but you didn't listen.

You are the free breakfast.

Normally, I would say I told you so,

but I'm too terrified right now!


I think it's about time to dial up a good one, Ben.

Breakfast is served!

[ Laughs ]


Time to eat! [ Laughs ]


Ah! Ben! The watch!


[ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

Nice try, plant thing, but my hunger is too strong.

Uh-oh. Whoa!

[ Grunting ]

Ben's in trouble! Carl with a "C."

[ Grunting ]

Brother. Time to join me!

[ Growling ]

Carl, you shouldn't play with sharp things!

[ Spear thuds ]

[ Growling and grunting ]

The lure! It's the source of his power.

Way ahead of ya. [ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

[ All screaming ]

[ Yelling ]

We gotta help Carl with a "C"!

Carl! Hang on, we'll help you!

You already have! [ Laughs ]

Kids! We gotta go! [ Grunts ]

Both: Grandpa!

Aah! Huh?

Now we're going!

Wow! Huh. I'm actually kinda bummed to see that place go.

Looks like you got over your fear.

Yeah, I guess so.

Funny, thinking you know everything

can get you in just as much trouble

as fearing the unknown.

How about you, Grandpa?

[ Sighs ] Well, I learned there's no such thing

as a free breakfast.

Ha ha! Here we go! ♪ Everybody's doing the fun dance ♪

♪ Whoa-oa-oa ♪

♪ Everybody's having a good time ♪

Oh, yeah. Wildvine in the groove.


Watch it, Ben!


[ Grunts ]

[ Vocalizing ]

Whee, whee!

[ Vocalizing ]

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

[ Vocalizing ]

Whoo, whoo!


Time to throw stuff!
