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01x07 - Hatchet

Posted: 02/20/24 19:40
by bunniefuu
I just keep picturing who would want to

pick up a heavy hatchet and raise it up and cr*ck it into somebody's head four

times I know who wants to do that to a lady lying defenseless asleep on her own couch that's pretty sick we are headed

to the town of Bellevue in Sandusky County Ohio we're on January the 24th 1988 Richard

Cordle woke up to a very bloody scene his wife Isabel was lying dead on the couch with four hatchet blows to her

strangely neither Richard nor three of their children who were sleeping in the house that night heard anything even

stranger when police arrived at the scene that night they discovered what they assumed to be the m*rder w*apon placed against a tree in the front yard

we were contacted by Detective captain Sean O'Connell to help on this case there have been a lot of suspects

including a mentally challenged man who was heard around town admitting that he was the one that k*lled Isabelle and

another man who was convicted of molesting one of the sons who was asleep in the house that night

Kelly and I are up to speed on the case history but there's still a lot more to learn we're gonna be examining all the

evidence including doing some DNA for the first time on some of this evidence I like that blood drop in the sink as it

makes a no sense this case hasn't really been touched in 25 years but the new sheriff and his team really want to make

some headway on this case we've called in Los Angeles PD homicide detective Orlando Martinez with his help our goal

is to cut down on the long list of suspects and leave them with a clearer focus on who to look at it has been 16

years and still no as we consider her k*lling a cold years later the case is still unsolved

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring justice to these


Yolanda McClary sheriff Kyle over my pleasure I've been the sheriff of

Sandusky County since 2008 when I took over as sheriff one of the things on my bucket list was to solve this case and

now with the resources and the knowledge of Kelly and Yolanda you get that gut

feeling we're gonna solve a crime I'll and a Martinez sheriff Kyle over my pleasure Sean O'Connell nice to meet you

when you lack the resources whether it be manpower money they have the evidence tested the way it needs to be tested you

reach out for those who are available to help you Frye is not gonna step in the way we'd do whatever it takes to figure

out who m*rder*d Isabel okay Sean why don't you start off by telling us about our victim what happened back in January

24th of 1988 Richard Cordle senior had woke up and found his wife 49 year old

Isabel Cordle deceased on the couch it

appeared as though she had been bludgeoned to death it's not a burglary right no it's not whoever committed this

m*rder didn't put a lot of planning into it from what I can gather there's blood spatter there's blood droplets leaving from the

crime scene throughout the home it looks like maybe at one point somebody had gone to seek to maybe wash off the blade

wash off their hands and then what gets me is they walk outside they displace to

act by a tree I've never been on a crime scene where a w*apon was left like that

so at this stage is kind of more important for me to figure out why it was left like that and who would leave

it like that maybe we can get some DNA results that will hopefully tell us something okay so starting with the

first suspect John illness made statements to a couple different people at one time during the course of the

investigation that he had committed the m*rder what would be his reason would it be just because he's

playing crazy you know I think a lot of people want to take pride that it just did something that's just been you know in the newspapers and it's it's horrific

a lot of times in small town cold cases rumors get spread around and it's our

job to look into those rumors and either substantiate them or discount them folks claimed that John admitted k*lling

Isobel but in his statements to the police he denied that well whatever the situation we need to either know for

sure or clear him oh yeah yeah all right Richard Cordle senior what do y'all want to put first under Richards senior heavy

drinker how much did you drink drink 12 beers having an affair Isabella knew of it discussing divorce

it was gonna cost him money to divorce her which was gonna be an issue for him there was no sign of any forced entry oh

that's a big one no forced entry one of the things if the police focused on was the fact that there was no break-in

which made them believe that Richard Cordle was possibly the suspect but that also is complicated because there was a

fourteen-year-old son who was also in the house that night Richie jr. talked about why y'all think we need to put him

up here if this was an unknown person or just someone random they would have taken a hatchet with him a child would

say what do I do with this and to a child maybe just walking it outside and just getting it out of the house is

logic enough and honestly he's got emotional issues going on he went to therapy

we know that Richard Cordle jr. was molested as a child but the question is was Richard jr. so upset with his mother

for making that public that he wanted to get back at her now we have mark Carter he's the one who was convicted of

molesting Richard Cordle jr. Isabelle and Richard seniors son months before

the m*rder Isabelle had her neighbor mark Carter arrested for molesting Richard jr. but he took a plea bargain

and he was in custody at the time the m*rder happened mark Carter's in prison back in January so he wouldn't be able

to do it who's to say that that mark didn't make arrangements from within the prison to have someone take care of this

we've got our work cut out for us in this case because who would think that a mother a little town like this could

true have so many viable suspects each one of those suspects had the motive and the

means to k*ll Isabelle so we're gonna need to re-interview witnesses determine whether or not the crime scene can tell

us anything and then see if DNA comes back on any of our evidence that tells us anything particularly that blood drop

that was in the sink all right thank you [Music] so we're gonna go meet sherry Henry

who's Isabelle's daughter who was grown back then and let's hope that maybe over the years she was a nosy daughter yeah

and asked Richard a lot of questions about that morning in that night sherry is Isabelle's daughter from a

previous marriage and she's the one who took in the children after Isabelle was m*rder*d Yolanda McClary nice to meet

you it's been 25 years since my mom's been k*lled and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her I mean I

can't even express how badly she's missed tell us some good stories about

your mom she loved kids I mean loved kids she was my babysitter for my two children hey she was funny we

laughed and laughed and laughed she loved my husband but they kind of had like a love-hate relationship she would

always come for coffee in the morning and she would slam the door open and it would hit the wall and he would be

upstairs and say good morning Isabelle and she's like shut up Isabelle sounds like a very spunky lady

and sherry is obviously very proud of her mom when is it you found out that so your mom was m*rder*d Richard called my

house I think maybe even before he called the fire department he was very frantic I screaming in the phone like

what do you say that I needed to get there so I thought it something's wrong with my mom and so I immediately grabbed

my clothes and got my car and flew out there described Richard to us Richard senior what's he like my mom knew he was

fooling around I mean I knew he was fooling around she hated him she was ready for a divorce what would that have

done to Richard as she had just left the kid what cost him a lot of money she would have received alimony I'm the only

one in the family that feels that Richard senior had an involvement you're the only one I'm the only one Wow what about the idea

or the thought that little Richie wasn't one who did this I don't see that okay I don't see that at all knowing his weak

personality he would have cracked by now if it turns out that Richard senior is who k*lled your mom what's that gonna do

to your family it's gonna make me the

bad guy the whole family is gonna be destroyed there's no doubt in my mind you know I think that it will be harder

if it's Richard because I do love him I mean he was my dad you know but I have

to push that aside because my mom deserves justice settled we're hoping we can help I have great great faith in

Kelly and Yolanda I'm very grateful for them and I feel like they're gonna do everything humanly possible to get a

resolution to this and that's all I want

[Music] we need to learn more about our suspect

John onest so we have Shawn in Orlando out there canvassing the neighborhood we

are investigating a cold case homicide in 1988 Isabel Cordle there was a lot of

talk during all that time that maybe John honest had something to do with it yeah he used to say he would walk the

street saying he's a hatchet man and people would yell out the windows that he's a m*rder*r and this and that I mean he was really screwed up

he still is he was banging the phone he was he made up a song I didn't tell you how it worked

wait no but he has song you didn't know what to take him serious or not you know

John Owen is that's your son correctly okay do you ever remember your son John

saying hey look I did it or you ever remember John referring to himself is

the hatchet man no has he ever been known to be violent problem sure you

know so is it fair to say he's not on his medication he's violent he's on his medication he's good to go

he's alright yeah

if he ever talk about hurting anybody or committing any crimes okay right when it

k*lled the poor that way yeah yeah you know do you know who's specifically your data from I've just heard of town it's

been the whole day preparing to interview John onus so nothing

earth-shattering but we're slowly chipping away at it so we're on our way to go see honest and I'm hoping John has

been taking his meds so that we can just have a nice calm conversation John

people seem to think that maybe it's something to do with the Isabel Cordle m*rder yeah


[Music] we are investigating the 1988 m*rder of

Isabel Cordle but we've hit a major roadblock our suspect John onest who used to be called the hatchet man won't

talk to us so we tried to track down the last of his friends to see if he ever said anything to them so Fred we you

know we're opening up the case again there's some questions that we like to ask about John maybe some of the rumors that were going around I can tell you

exactly how that started he was just making everybody laughing [ __ ] it's not something like that ain't gonna catch me

or something like that but I'm telling you he wouldn't harm a cat Fred said that John Otis was a big Joker and that

he joked about John being responsible and John said yeah I did it somebody

overheard them and that's where this rumor started off duty state Alan told

me there so that's where it all came about starting right there [Music]

did Tim black seem credible especially with the consistency of the two stories we have nothing to show that any of

these rumors are accurate it's not just that y'all cleared him up you explain where they came from think about it he

had no reason to want to k*ll Isabel there was nothing going on between them he made life a lot harder for himself

with all the things that he went around saying but we're all sure that he is not involved way to go guys man y'all

explained the whole rumor so when people say it's John ownest you can tell them no we know where that

got started yeah yeah that's okay that at this point in the investigation we have a few suspects left first we are

gonna start focusing on Richard Cordle senior this one writer on the rise yeah

hey Richard do you have a couple of minutes the barns up it in the window went up I'd like to have the opportunity

to kind of talk would you mind just coming down to the police department can I get a cup of coffee there it goes let

me hold that for you it's a nice

neighborhood come downtown much now wait till you see

the police department that's impressive I think it's suspicious that Richard

Cordle has never bothered to call and check up on the status of his wife's case in 25 years okay according to the

police he's never contacted them about anything since the day of the m*rder I

want to go back even a little bit further before January 24th 1888 just

have a good relationship well it wasn't perfect by any means she didn't have any trouble voicing her opinion on any subject did that bother

you no did she ever suspect an affair yes but it wasn't fair you know drunken

sex okay how many times you think that happened right six or eight okay is it a

relationship you wanted to get out of Richard is really downplaying how bad

the marriage was but by all accounts they fought all the time there were all kinds of issues alcohol money she was

even planning to divorce him which would have cost him a lot of money in child support four months after Isabelle

passed away you start seeing Sue and you guys dated for how long before you got married I married no why so soon I

thought life was short and I loved her so you guys have been married ever since you know in the part of the file that I

read I thought that you had said that you were seeing sue before Isabelle was

m*rder*d no definitely not so let's talk about January 24th of 88 I

wasn't there then what happens wake up the next morning Isabelle's on the couch originally I

stole all over the couch who would think what yeah I thought she's been sh*t

think me my motive was somebody to come in and commit a robbery what are your thoughts new Carter mark Carter yeah why

do you think my son what kind of a kid was was Ritchie were you guys close yeah I didn't say we

were close was he closer to his mom then to you I don't know do you know who k*lled is it

all are you sure yes did Ritchie tell you he k*lled no I think we know why

you're so sure Ritchie didn't k*ll her what because you did I didn't k*ll her I didn't k*ll my wife

you know how it is to feel like the suspect when you didn't do know the only thing that would be worth is feeling like the son of a [ __ ] that k*lled my

wife is getting away with it and I think I put my pride aside to find out who k*lled my wife you know you told me you

think it's Ritchie man you think it's me I think it's somebody inside the house is what I think it's the only person

it's the only thing that makes any sense I think it was either you or it's m*rder does that always make sense

nope why would somebody k*ll somebody because your world is falling apart because your credit is crazy you can't

pay your bills your house was falling apart your child had been molested she wanted a divorce but she didn't really

want to get one you love somebody else you were running around with other women

nobody else you got so after Isabelle

dying I told you I didn't even know sue other people say yes well I'm telling

you the truth I took a lie-detector test I'll take another one you can put me under hypnotism sodium pentathol anything you

want I had nothing to do with his bells m*rder I don't want to put up with this crap

in his interview Richard not only deflected attention away from Richie jr. but he directed us directly toward mark

Carter what are your thoughts mark Carter yeah so now we're gonna go try

and talk to Tammy Mane's who was married to mark Carter at the time Tammy hi how are you we are looking into

the old old m*rder case but Isabel Cordle Tammy was mark Carter's wife at

the time and she was also Isabel Cordle neighbor she's gonna know in the middle of all that legal drama how did Mark

Carter really feel about Isabel Cordle mark did this to Richie and he's mad at

Isabel for putting it on him then is marked the one in the middle of Isabel being m*rder*d okay I'm gonna tell you the day that

that happened I get a phone call from him in prison he says aren't the cops down and Isabel I says yeah how did you

know and Mark goes I got my ways she got what she deserved the more I sit and

thought cuz I know he couldn't have done it Brian cuz he couldn't got out right and I knew he had bunch of guys that worked up his butt because he was in

mine so tough man yeah and I just kept thinking and thinking and thinking and then I thought great when he got out of

prison he stopped at my house I says great well er he wasn't one didn't

Marko's I ain't saying anything I said but I'm right can't you just please tell me I'm right and he wouldn't tell me

but I know that's exactly I know I know because he that kids get anything and everything for mark and he had cancer he

was gonna die anyway and he figured if he got caught he wouldn't be in the present very long anyways he d*ed this

is what working the coal case is all about we've never heard any mention of Greg Weller before it could just be a

rumor but we need to find out whether or not Greg Weller or any of Marc's friends could have k*lled Isabel for Mark mark

if you would have a seat in the Red Sea it's time we talked to mark himself he's the man that went to prison for molesting Richard jr. I swear to God I

swear on my kids lives and did not touch that boy when you were arrested you maintained your innocence all throughout

but didn't you in fact plead no contest yes why did you do that when it comes to features and a pulley I know believe me

mark has always claimed he was innocent of the molestation case but he took a plea deal to save himself a longer

sentence and so now we have to figure out whether or not mark Carter was mad enough about all of that that he was

able to orchestrate this kind of a m*rder with people loyal to him anybody on your side of the family or even

friends show an interest you know what let's go after who we really think did

this the only one that I can honestly say wanted revenge that's great blowing he told me that if

you go away he goes you know I'm gonna make sure something happens to that family as there's no Greg where they

ain't gonna get me more and more time and that's the last it was brought up even he didn't believe me at one point

you were playing detective we had a suspect in mind Richard senior's I was convinced what was Isabel and Richard senior's

relationship could you tell others sometimes she'd made remarks about him that he was worthless I don't know why I keep him around

he doesn't do nothing he's a drunk it was at one time she walked around with a

cast on her arms Isabel did yes right after I said I asked her old

and she goes as an accident I'd rather not talk about it the [ __ ] doesn't

live her now so apparently something happened between those two and he did we didn't see him for at least a month mark

strongly believes that Richard Cordle seniors who k*lled Isabel and he tried to put to rest and Greg Weller would

have done it but we need more proof than just mark Carter saying that you know how yesterday we came up with

the new name of Greg Weller after talking to Tami mark Carter's ex this

letter was dated February the 1st 1988 and it's to mark Carter when he's in prison from your best friend Greg hi

what's up what do you think about your neighbor getting k*lled someone got to her before I did

I think the husband did it in all caps I hope this helps her case and this is

signed Greg Greg's letter seems like he was not involved but you never know if

Greg Weller would have k*lled for Mark 1 and March other friends might have been willing to do it also we need to figure

out whether or not the person who k*lled Isabel was at all familiar with that house or completely unfamiliar with that

house we need to go to the crime scene to see if the evidence points one way or the other

[Music] we need to figure out once and for all

if a stranger or intruder is the one that k*lled Isabel and the only way to

do that is to visit the crime scene this is the dining room the chordal residence is vacant and although there's no

furniture in it and it's not quite like it was in 1988 still gives me a great visual of what that crime scene looked

like i heerd the couch was here under the window right her head on this side her feet on this side chair here

blocking a door coffee table in the middle another couch on that side now that I'm here at seeing the whole layout

and totally understanding how close everything is the idea of this being an

actual intruder is not gaining any points with me if our k*ller is not Richard and it's somebody from the

neighborhood he's gonna have to walk up this driveway go through that outside garage door come through this garage

door into the house and go straight over to the living room to the couch and he can't see yeah that's just pushing it

we've got two kids sleeping upstairs we've got dad and another child sleeping

downstairs right next to the living room and no one hears anything there's

actually quite a few noises that were going on at the time there's a dog in the backyard that would bark at anything

you've got the door that is extremely loud front door the residence

okay that's close to her I mean if the bedrooms right there and they're sleeping there twelve-year-old never heard this loud loud door they're

literally a wall away they never heard any of this either if truly someone

entered in through that door with the noise it would make I don't know how that would not wake up somebody sleeping

on the couch in the living room and possibly even wake up the people sleeping in the bedroom right next door this actually guys is very approximate

to the size that one was with a w*apon like this you guys one good hit looking

at just shattered that skull right there the blood spatter if you look at it though is going in all directions if you

look at the comforter it is all over the front of the comforter there we also know it's going back this direction and

there's not much cast-off person is just going like this okay they're not swinging that all the way back to get

that cast-off that you see up on ceilings going up on walls so would that suggest a 14 year old who isn't gonna be

as as forceful this is not a hard thing to do I mean Boy Scouts use them all the time little hatches they're easy to

handle but the other weird unknown is still why is that blood drop in the bathroom sink the blood in the sink

makes absolutely no sense for an outsider there were several blood drops discovered at the crime scene the trail

of blood from where Isabelle was k*lled out through her the hatchet was placed up against the tree in the front yard and even more interesting there was a

blood drop in a sink in a bathroom also inside the house if it's somebody from the outside they walk into the room they

commit this m*rder and then instead of going straight back to the exit I go wash their hands they go wash their and

the biggest issue is if it was some stranger and you brought this why are you couldn't set it by the tree out

there because of the loud noises in that house and also because of the blood drop in a sink we've all debunked the idea

that the person who did this is a complete stranger to that house when you actually use the hatch and you

see how lie and easy it is to manipulate it's possible that Richie jr. could have been the one to use it especially when

you find it lying up against a tree right outside the front door of the house [Music]

here does Yolanda know boy the DNA results are back everybody is sitting on

pins and needles moment of truth it's been 25 years since Isabelle was m*rder*d we're hoping that this will

bring us some answers on the handle of hatchets they have a profile but it's

very small and it's inconclusive on the blade part it does come back to Isabelle

at least her blood is on the blade so we do know we have the right w*apon and you're never gonna be challenged with

that in court now what we have left is our blood in the sink the blood in the sink is pretty crucial if that is

Isabelle's blood that tells us that our k*ller went to the sink to wash their hands and that would seem to indicate

that it had to be somebody who lived inside the house this one was absolutely no DNA at all so now I'm wondering if

maybe the presumptive test wasn't working properly but whatever was in that sink there's absolutely no DNA

profile not even a smidgen not even an inconclusive in 1988 it was

presumptively tested on scene with positive results well now after being sent to the lab we now know it is not

blood is it nail polish I don't know whatever it was it's not blood and it's

not going to help us now so that whole theory about a stranger would never go to the bathroom we need

to throw it out that blood drop in the scene and the DNA on the m*rder w*apon that we thought might come back didn't

happen but we still have thrown out the idea that this k*ller is a foreigner to the house so we don't think that mark

Carter or anybody associated with mark Carter including Greg or had anything to do with what happened

to Isabelle are we all thinking that we can eliminate mark Carter and Greg Weller marks buddy Greg said that

somebody b*at him to murdering his avail and we're all thinking that person is either Richard senior or Richard jr. it's time to track down Richard jr. he

was only 14 when all this happened so if we can find him maybe there's a whole lot more about that not that he knows

that he's ever told anybody deputy over Martin Ritchie hortal Junior 14 years

old are you yes but you tell us what you did last night that can ruin fix me

something even I fell asleep dad was sleeping up this time right I'm a mom or I didn't she never throw your

damn then at all rich is there something you're not telling us I promise I don't know what you say I swear my oh darn it

it swear to God there we go

yes okay [Applause]

hi looking for Richard are you -

Martinez Sheriff's Office has basically brought in some extra manpower and we're looking at cold cases

oh yeah we're reopening the homicide case what we want to do we really want

to solve this no I need your help

yeah Richie jr. has agreed to come in for questioning you know one theory is

that he might have k*lled his mother because he was so mad at her and humiliated from her exposing Marc harder

for molesting him okay before that we have heard that maybe he and his mom had

a strained relationship also Richie have any arguments tonight over what he did

you got it temper he's got a mouth does he listen to her not very January 24th 1988 when your mom was

m*rder*d inside the house tell me what happened that day my dad comes upstairs

screaming inhaler it was loud what was he yelling told us to stay upstairs to

stay upstairs and then he went downstairs and that was this my sister Sheri mm-hmm

tell me got us and they hid a sheet over to love them and I still didn't know what was going on what happens next then

we share what about your father he Myers stayed at my grandma's was there a reason for that I don't know did

you think it was kind of a door yeah but I thought different things all the time when I got right by the guy mark Carter

it was my mom that took me to everything to the doctor to the police so it was

always her took me in places my Dayton he didn't why didn't he I don't know did

you k*ll your mother because she sent mark Carter in jail no did you k*ll your

mother no do you know if your father k*lled your mother I don't know who did it first I thought

mark did it then I got thinking about it he was in jail check he was only as like he hired somebody swear in the Bible I

do not know who did it to my mother I think that you have suspicions but you're sticking your head

in the sand because you don't want to know it's not that I don't want to know there is times I thought my dad did it

but I don't know if it's my dad I hope he pays for it's okay

how do you feel about whether or not Ritchie's the one who k*lled Isabel it seems like he never grew up he's still

that child he's still that fourteen-year-old kid that he got stuck when his mother passed away and his dad

abandoned him I think he loved his mom very much I think he knew his dad was never there for them never and you can

still see it in how he talks about it today the problem is he lost the one and

only person that he had in his life couldn't bring her back the only thing that's left is still your blood whether

you like him or dislike him and I think that's where he's at with the whole thing you don't think he's the k*ller

then I don't after talking to Richie jr. we're all very confident that he didn't k*ll his mother he's just another victim

in this case so we're down to one suspect the man who had the means and the motive and the most benefit for

wanting Isabel Cordle dead Richard Cordle senior I think we all kind of believe that he's probably the one it's

just a matter of what do we do next to get him to talk about it I think that tool of the polygraph might set him

right where we want him right Richard told us he would only come in again if we'd give him a polygraph I'm telling

you the truth I took a lie-detector test I'll take another one so you like the idea of schedule of polygraph and run at him

again right because I don't care about the polygraph I care about talking to him again I'm not a big believer in polygraphs but if it's a tool that will

get Richard Cordle to come down here again and let us talk to him hey let's give it a sh*t

we need to try throwing him off guard we need to try intimidating him and in order to do that we need the best

interrogator that I know how do you feel about jumping on a plane to Ohio


Johnny bonds is an experienced homicide investigator and needs the best interviewer interrogator that I've ever

seen hey Orlando good scene to get me good morning Sean O'Connell Johnny bond sh*t nice to meet you Johnny you know

he's got a different technique he's got a different method he's got a different approach he's the best so we're gonna let him have a sh*t at it Johnny bonds

your Richard yes if anyone takes a polygraph exam they're gonna be nervous Richard just finished his polygraph he

has no idea where they fell to past I think I can use that to my advantage yeah somebody that was guilty have a

lawyer I'm cooperating you sure have polygraphs I'm amazed to

be interviewed I'm actually surprised that you showed up today for the pod RAF test only other people that might have

possibly had a motive would been the friends and family of Mark Carter

they've all been questioned they've all been alibi'd or eliminated there's none of their DNA but other than them in you

there are only two people who had a motive and I want you to think what's the motive you had was a miserable

marriage you lived in for a lack of a better description a dump you had three

kids I'm sorry to tell you that have not turned out well you married a woman that

was 13 years old Ernie or 14 years old he here you are in your mid 30s and

she's almost 50 years old at that point did you ever think you made a big mistake when you married her Mike I

don't John was coming [Applause] don't you ever hit his belt slapped her

once what was it bad you remember no way drunk we drop them that this I drank how

much did you drink drink 12 beers I didn't k*ll her

and nobody in the house k*lled that me be sure I do not k*ll her you didn't

wake up when the k*ller came in how do you know how do you know one of the kids to do how do you know I know my kids do

you I got the feeling you're not that close to him I know he didn't k*ll anybody you

neither could i Marco that's up to each up to you I'd rather go right now I

can't make you stay you're not under ready to go in looking you go yeah I do

not k*ll her Johnny I swear to God and anybody else that was

and then I believed the lie detector test joke dad I don't believe it I'm not

lying about what no II won't lie to you

if he thought I was lying to you nothing else I'll tell you it would make any difference I can't make him stay he's

not in custody I'm just gonna try to keep him talking once he goes out the door it's over your

kids you know they might not tell you that they have doubts but they have

doubts I wanna say one time I did not k*ll my wife and nobody in the house

k*lled her you need to look somewhere else you're looking at your own person okay thanks

for your time thank you [Music] I'm not surprised

I feel that Richard Cordle senior cannot

explain what happened that night in a way that makes sense how y'all feelin I

mean it was kind of open for the confession but the good thing is we're leaving this week and the local guys now

have new to Do's to focus on they have new leads to check out and most of all they have less suspect that they need to

focus on from here on out you know one thing I like about it is everything we've done it's been brought back in the

light 25 years later 25 years ago you had multiple suspects who possibly could

have done this today yeah you have one and you're almost there yeah yeah we are

we're close well it was great working with y'all we're gonna be hung all right

[Music] how you doing I'm good have you talked to your brothers and sisters I have talked to rich Junior a

lot how's he doing very emotional obviously we talked to over 55 people

the case is not quite there yet we eliminated a lot of rumors and suspects

and that whole Carter thing I know that everybody has their own opinion they do they do it's crazy I mean I think they

all want to know what happened but they don't want to believe but I want you to know that all of this was worthwhile

oh absolutely everybody is very very happy that this is being reopened but

they don't want to thank Richard did it he's probably sweating b*ll*ts right now which David and I would tell you they're

not giving up and they're way closer than they used to be just cuz we're leaving doesn't mean anything is ceasing

it's going forward I know my mom's looking down right now and I knew she was saying don't stop do this I could

never repay them for what they've done they've just given up hope more than anything and I'm just so

grateful for them hang in there with your family and all the issues you have I feel sorry for you

because of all the hard work in our investigation this week there's only one left standing I hope that we get a call

one day or they say it's over we did it and we helped them get to that point
