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01x08 - Blind Love

Posted: 02/20/24 19:49
by bunniefuu
it was given to me with a lot of love and accept it with a lot of love an engagement ring that will never become a

wedding ring Patricia graves says she was planning to marry Robert Bryant better known as rocky on her birthday September 12th

I'll always love her no but it's just hard knowing that he's not coming home every day

you know the thing about this case you propose a terrible beating and this person is just going to town on him it

was like there's no turning back in the early morning hours of March 25th 2008 54 year-old rocky Bryant was found

brutally beaten in the fertilizer plant where he worked he was laying there on the floor then I realized there was

blood on it looks like our suspect came inside the plant where rocky always worked out of and actually was waiting

behind the door for him I think just somebody came there to beat the hell out of it was gonna make sure he was dead and they were never gonna be caught

clearly a statement being made by the suspect and rocky grew up in secret so everybody knew who rocky was close

personal friend the paramedics are there and Rocky's still alive and he's sort of responsive it's light just just say who

did it but all they could say is they beat me real bad because rocky was still alive when investigators first arrived

on the scene it was not initially investigated as a m*rder the scene wasn't preserved and officers weren't

able to thoroughly question everyone and the case eventually went cold you know the thing about this case usually we're

working on ones a lot older and this one's only five years old so I might not must be able to find people this week

our job is to interview as many people as we can possibly find somebody knows something to try and see if we have

enough evidence to convince the DA to bring charges against the person or people responsible for k*lling such a

wonderfully loved man in this community it has been 16 years and still know at

least consider her k*lling a cold years later the case is still unsolved

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring justice to these

victims shame you're the one that we

initially talked to about the case when you made the scene that day yes ma'am okay and then after that what was your

involvement that was the primary investigator and still are yes ma'am okay cigarettes is a small town about

Lubbock Texas you know people go out of their way to help you you know you don't have to lock your car whenever you go into the store because you know

everybody knows everybody so when Rocky's m*rder happened and the way that it happened I mean it shook cigarettes up

there's nobody could figure out who would do this to a man like rocky Bryan and how many unsolved do y'all have in

Gaines County this is it one yeah I was gonna help us with or excited for y'all to meet Johnny bonds and our minor

perennis the the homicide guys that are here to help us all we call absolutely [Music]

I've made a lot of beating desks and they made him suffer sheriff Riley PFF Johnny bonds when you

see bodies that are brutalized it's very personal we're looking at somebody that knows this person video and audio CDs biggest

obstacle is lack of physical evidence autopsy photos I'll be my report here the only way we're gonna solve this is

with information we're going to talk to a lot of people okay so Shane when you pulled up to Ag

reliance and they told you it was rocky that was down where do you think who could have possibly had two vendetta

against rocky to beat him to the point to what I saw I've seen a lot of stuff in my 20-plus

years in law enforcement singing rocky head bashed in legs broken is horrific I walked up to him and asked

who did this I said I don't know I couldn't see him they beat me they beat me good right then we thought it was

just gonna be an aggravated as*ault you know once he coded that's when we shut everything down at the plant and told

him I'm secure it because Rocky was alive when the investigators came to the scene it wasn't initially processed as a

m*rder until he died about five hours later it's always gonna hinder an investigation because you're not talking

to witnesses immediately and you're not preserving the crime scene as if it were a m*rder case because you don't know

okay guys here are our suspects how about we put Patricia graves up on the board first Rocky's girlfriend slash

wife given the severity of Rocky's injuries it's really unlikely that Patricia is the one that caused the injuries but she

could have gotten someone to do it for her so the big question is why Pat would

be the only one that knew Rocky's work regimen you know this is what time he gets up he goes to this office in the morning what else

crack cocaine habit motive being possibly money if she thought she was gonna get anything she wrote in her

notebook she was pretty disgruntled with him wasn't she we knew that it wasn't a fairytale relationship the stories that

we get is that rocky and Pat would get to drink in and get to fighting their

fair she lied in her first interview Jayne was that to you yes it was what

broke it open the polygraph when she failed it and we started grilling her on that was she putting that statement the

first person that popped in mind that would have done this was Louis Louis Villarreal in any m*rder case the

spouse is always gonna be the first suspect Patricia was initially interviewed and then after being given a

polygraph she admitted to having an affair once that came out she quickly started implicating her lover's the

person who could have been involved and that's because you yourself

firstly we do not even know him Patton rocky he could possibly stand to gain money out of this - if she inherits

anything from this was he plenty strong enough Shane Oh without a doubt yeah he worked in the body shop you want to put

Martell up yeah Martell justin graves Patricia Sun but not Rocky's ok what do we put under

Martell I'm sure that he would end up getting some of that money if Martel's mother is upset with rocky he's gonna

want to defend his mom most boys boy now he's got some assaults in his criminal history and he also is gonna be someone

who his mom could very easily confide the details of Rocky's work habits in his routine so he's big up on the

suspect board are we all thinking that whoever did this probably brought their w*apon with them or they picked

something I think they brought it with me you're gonna beat somebody why would you take a chance on not finding what you want he had numerous hits to his

body that caused a lot of internal damage both legs being broken legs legs are hard to break we suspected it's

either gonna be a baseball bat or a metal rod of some sort you know in my

experience one cross how much that's worth a shot there their staff we normally don't run across beating Dutch

the injuries you sustained over - - it's pretty sad

Frederick Bryant is one of rocky Bryant's sons and he's currently serving a five-year sentence for possession of

controlled substance mr. Bryant we're here because we're looking into what happened to your dad

five years ago from what Shane and everybody here tells us Frederick is

just as sweet as his daddy was and when the case went cold it kind of made Frederick's life golf track - he

arranged doing your brothers they're pretty much all by himself

how'd you find out what happened to your day oh my cousin called me and said my

dad we got beat up on the job so I'll just float the pickup truck and

I just broke down what what were you thinking

when I found out my father first passed away I did feel like the world had ended

I haven't felt the pain like that before

I think all the time that I wasn't that

he was alone somebody was doing this sort wish I could have been there for

I've been thinking for just five years that I failed my dad and I I couldn't

make it up to him anymore because he's gone okay thank you for letting us come see you

today I hope that if we can figure out who k*lled his dad maybe when he gets

out that'll motivate him to get his life back on the right track [Music]

a really good piece of physical evidence that we have is Footwear impressions that the officers found it's important

for us to get a better look at where these Footwear impressions were to maybe help give us some clues as to where the

k*ller was or what he did so Shane is this the door this is the front door

that he come from the main office to here every day hey Rocky lived up there so he's like

walking distance to his house every day exactly he'd leave his house go to the

main office every morning check in get him a cup of coffee from the main office

over there he'd walk over here to the drop plant where his office is and he'd come into this doorway and he was right

he was right in this general vicinity right here so now your foot prints were in one of the reports it does say that

there was Footwear like the person was facing the door that's exactly what it

is the most interesting Footwear impressions that the police found were located behind the door that rocky

walked right into and all these lights would be down the doors would all be shut so it would be really dark in here

when you're first walking in okay so Rocky is coming through the door

he takes one to the head that would put him down so our our Bator keep selling

beating him while he's on the ground with the door open so he's got to be in a hurry because somebody could see him

after the k*ller beat rocky all over his body even to the degree that he broke

both of his legs we can tell from the shoe prints that the k*ller ran to the back door of the plant do you have the

foot prints coming in and going out or just hot dogs going out that door the shoe prints show us exactly how the

suspect left but I don't have any Footwear that actually goes in the

building was it locked from the inside yeah it's like they just appear inside

the fertilizer plant I had to get in

five years ago rocky Bryant was brutally beaten to death at the fertilizer plant where he worked biggest piece of

physical evidence that we have are the shoe prints left by the k*ller at the scene in the planet

hi officer James Yolanda McClary I have a great understanding on the footwear

inside the plant but I still don't on the exterior so we're meeting up with

officer James and his dog Hank yeah he's a black lab but what I'm trying to do today is kind of go back over the

footwear trail that led into this property and then how it led back out

you know we saw those shoe prints inside the drop plant we started tracking the

prints out this way around these tanks in area and once we got around this area was getting hard to locate them because

of the terrain so I knew that officer James had a tracking canine this dog

doesn't track like a bloodhound he tracks off the skin particles on that particular day I started the track on

the other side of these trees right here the footprint was bad in that area and I hate track from there up under this

bridge and come out on the other end right here by this tree on the second track somebody had the same footprint

that we had found over here and he tracked from that footprint across the highway here to the old hotel over here

across the street we track from there over to the packing building that's the residence of mr. singleton lives in he

was sitting under the carport there and he told us that he saw a male wearing a cap headed towards AGG relax at that

time mr. singleton just had a stroke so it was really difficult for him to communicate he say zigzag between these

tanks you know of course he lost scent over here he's tracking off of skin

particles and it's harder to do that on pavement the footwear stops at some huge

tanks and then we don't really see it anymore it's like they just appear inside the plant

oh here we go we still have a lot of questions about how the suspect got in

so we're gonna talk to some of the first responders that money which were Rocky's co-workers who found him talk about

rocky what was he like oh he was a great man very happy-go-lucky guy had a good heart he was a close personal friends he's

usually the first one here yes I rocky in the morning would always come in probably around 6:00 6:30 as I was

coming through rocky rocky pulled up here to go into his plant get the lights turned on get everything going outside I

pulled on the scales I got out came in when I opened the door no we're actually

eating me get his legs I thought it had a heart attack or something Mike Carroll

comes running about he something has happened to rocky and so I walk in the

door I basically just fell to my knees and and just started talking to him plants a rock you know what happened you

know he was able to respond but not very well you say back to you basically said they hurt me real bad someone beat me up

really bad did you ever hear him say back to anybody who beat him up no all

the doors were locked and there's one door that Rocky's always comes in the only way to get in is the side

ladder that goes up walking a catwalk just lie down to the fertilizer and was able to get up there that's what you

guys think yes one Sammy bhaiyya starts to tell us about the catwalk and how the k*ller may

have gotten in through the ladder this lonely way to go up we're like wait a

minute you have all this huge information no one's ever heard before because when Rocky was driven away by

the ambulance they all thought he was gonna be okay so they go back to work and it never got interviewed about all these details which is why you talk to

everybody all over again in a cold case I know that we need to test out Sammy's

theory just to see if it tells us something else about our k*ller I'm not

a great person with Heights I'm okay with Heights Yolanda you got I'm sorry you have to do this but this is gonna

show a jury one day how deliberate and intentional our m*rder was to get it

done all right we're gonna go in here watch you walk it I'm looking at the catwalk going are you serious

this is like a don't look down you know what though you guys yeah that's a long

way down and then you got to crawl over this and then jump I don't think just

anybody could do this it's it's pitch black you can't see this is an extremely determined person I was gonna say I

think it's also someone who's kind of macho they're not afraid of anything it's very dark you're walking along it

and then you're gonna jump into dry fertilizer I knowing how well that's gonna hold you either that just screams

driven well you can tell there's a big spot there that he jumped you know let me see your body and then he's go hide

this little water he was right dude right here when he pretty much was spinning right here waiting I get I believe that you can see the footprint

just right here everything Sammy is saying is making total sense

the k*ller enters through the catwalk walks across it and then drops down that's why we don't have any Footwear

impressions leading to the door all right so the ambulance guys are treating rocky so I went over to his girlfriend's

house so you walk from here straight to the house and I feel Pat you know Pat and I said if something happened to

Rocky I don't know what happened yeah I know he got you know beat up and she says okay I'll be there in a minute

just a normal talk she didn't run or nothing she just went walking to the dry plant and she's just standing

there by the ambulance no reaction or nothing what happened Rocky who did this she has basically no real reaction yeah

that's right all this time before we got to town I'm thinking I wonder what had some reaction was like when she heard about Rocky

nothing no questions no response no emotions no nothing we're bringing in

Ashley white who is Martel's wide and Patricia's daughter-in-law Ashley has

always maintained that Martell was home the morning of the m*rder but we need something more concrete than that to

establish it that could mean evidence that Martell really was home or it could be information against somebody else

first of all you're not in any trouble you're not a suspect and we're just trying to figure out the truth about

what happened how long have you known rocky Bryant okay as far as he know did

he have any enemies it was anybody everyone do anything to reputation being a pretty nice guy yeah I'm not trying to

scare anything but there's only two people we can see that had any motive to do this Louie is one of the people how

do you think the other person would be oh yeah it ever occurred to you that

maybe marked out might have done this come on I wanna show you something I

decided to do something I wouldn't normally do I take her into our w*r room

look up on that board and he's up there and now I'm trying to get him off

my hope is that she'll understand the severity of the situation and not only will she help us eliminate Martel as a

suspect but maybe she'll give us more information to help clear the case this

is one a few times I felt bad about upsetting a witness she actually becomes ill but that's my

job if we're gonna get information we do it any way we can I can't take Martell off the table until we know exactly what

happened okay how those got an alibi but if there's

anything else you've got that helped us get Martell out of this please tell us

how's it going man I'm good what's your name I know pants like a mother to you

but you don't want to lose your husband and father to children we were gonna

need to talk to you I don't know if you're aware oh yeah she's passionate mark tells her

anything else you can tell us that would help us find out what happened yeah yes

she can go home anytime she wants she's fine

ashley is really heartfelt and I feel like if she had some other little piece

of information she would have told him [Music]

so do you want to bring them in there together I'd rather then not be together yeah because she's upset you know technically

Martel has way more motive than Lois does because Patricia's his mom and he's gonna want to defend her he needs to

come up with a really good solid credible explanation for why it's not him he's skinny Martel comes in the room

and he's far smaller than what I imagined I'm not even sure if Martel

could put a beating on someone like rocky took package he's taking Ashley home fine she's crying because I

explained when we came in here there's three people that are suspects in this case Patricia Louie and Jim

here's the deal whoever k*lled rocky knew his routine yeah I don't think Louie

knew Rocky's routine enough to know to be in that building it said mcLaughlin point right somebody

had to tell him where to be and when to be there and the person knew his routine

more than anybody else is your mom okay ever throw his mother

unless you did no crime like this

Rocky was bad and just like I said

somebody k*lling was this ridiculous nobody made no sense this affair with Louie and the mom I don't have that been

going on thank you mom flying to us man

rocky way this once a day my friend I think you put on blinders to a lot of it but I think he's always known as mom has

been bad news I don't have any breeze right now think you're lying to us but if there's anything you do know you need

to tell us Martell nationally both seem very believable but even though they have an alibi that's not enough to rule

Martell out as the k*ller we need to

concentrate on Louie to see if he gives us anything to indicate that he's actually the k*ller and steers away from

Martell you don't want talk to Johnny the employer of Louie oh yeah yeah yeah

Johnny and Cindy Matthews owned the body shop where Louis work at the time of Rocky's m*rder we're hoping that they

can give us some more insight into Louie's character Louisville real was working for you back then doing the

paint and bodywork is that correct you

know what kind of dr*gs he was using we

all know what meth does to people it makes you violent and makes you think you can do anything Louis doesn't have to be in love with

Pat to k*ll rocky he just has to be jacked up one day and wants to prove that he's a big old you know badass

we need to talk to Cindy about that can you put her on the phone hey Cindy when did Louie tell you he was

having an affair with the dead man's wife it seems pretty funny that Louis

was so worried about his affair with Patricia being made known it's time to start focusing more of our efforts on

Louis so Shan and Johnny bonds are gonna go out and talk to Louise oh roommate to see what he can add to the story one of

the people had come up in this and as a suspect I tell you it's Louisville reality and I understand you've worked with him and maybe at one time even

lived with him in hobb yeah he was seeing Rocky's life how do you know that because she used to go where you

actually moved in with him over in Hobbes raw was it this would have been about a year and a half after the m*rder yeah and I heard there was a problem

well he just got mad at you yeah me flat because he was seeing some girl from my

bathroom because she started talking to me oh really oh really supposedly he thought we were messing

around I say man I just met the girl so he was jealous yep when he got may have

wanted it he was just saying I'm gonna get you for that I'm gonna get you for that what like he said I'm gonna kick

your ass wouldn't get out of here was he still doing dr*gs over there he's still doing it I kind of reaffirm some things

we thought [Music] donek frizz kind of cheered me up a

little bit Johnny's saying Louie jealous type yeah threatening jacked up on them dr*gs that

helps [Music]

I'm hoping mr. Eddie singleton still remembers what he saw its medical issues five years ago mr. singleton lives

across the highway from the plant he told police officers that morning that he saw a man walking towards a plant

around the time of the m*rder unfortunately mr. singleton had had a stroke so police officers were having a

really hard time communicating with him we reached out to him and he was adamant about trying to communicate what his

observations were we're gonna start out with mr. singleton you remember that morning don't you you sent out there drinking coffee

under the patio twenty-seven 7:30 someone ran in there yeah and you saw a

male subject walking towards Ag reliant that's okay we got all the time you went

around this way him back that's good okay so he came across ran back here and then to the station

face and right

the plant yeah can you draw a picture yeah here I'll put the plants here's you

and here's the station down there

[Music] you saw him from the station go to the

plant or forfor the plant back here no

this was one route that he took that's another rap that he took and you

saw both of them well that blew me away because I never knew he saw that part he got to see how the suspect went in to

the plant and how the suspect came out and it matches exactly with what ain't

picked up to perfect one person was the

male white latin latin okay Hispanic

male mr. singleton turns out to be a huge witness he tells us that the man he

saw walking to and away from the plant was a Hispanic male y'all want to X em all everybody's good yeah and now we can

finally take Martel off support there's only two people that I motive to k*ll rocky Lewisville around as the k*ller

Pat as a person that provided him with the information and egged him on to do

it it's time to start talking to those two

we're down to two suspects in the 2008 beating death of rocky Brian now it's

time to bring in Patricia graves who was Rocky's girlfriend at the time and the person we all think is the mastermind

behind all of this are we ready Patricia has pointed a finger at Louie in the past what we're

hoping now though is that she'll just sell him down the river your initial conversation it was a serious

relationship it was just a one-time thing you know what this is yeah they subpoenaed viewers from all these

phone records hmm y'all were texting each other 20 times a day for a month before this m*rder happens we have a

30-minute conversation that day before this happens he texts you one time 15

minutes after Rocky's att*cked I mean we

will Patricia is as hard as they come

the only way we're gonna get anywhere with her is if we already have the information I've also seen the tapes actually take the polygraph test you

actually say well i thankfully did Mikey we get into our news name you say stuff I give you some kid is an ass you didn't

encourage it did he ever say he's don't

k*ll him you know I wasn't involved I guess the way to do nothing you know was

that seeing somebody yeah I did just kind of have my paradigm nobody believed your k*ller that's crazy

I don't think you meant for you come on take me home from the doctor

you sure you believe here with this as messed up as it is any time after

talking to Pat and our wish being that she would flip on Louie didn't happen we

need to focus on Lou and see if he'll flip on Pat [Music]

we're gonna need to talk to you I thought this case was already closed no how does that seem very close can't we

just talk here no no because I got all the file system and everything okay I guarantee you he is sweating excellent

all right let's go you impaired work right yes sir okay how

many times remember okay but it was more than once it was lovely about maybe two three

times a week yes two or three times a week it wasn't a serious relationship it

was just a one-time thing you know did she end up genuine thing about rocky we never talked about rocky that's a lot

you say so buddy because it has y1 the type that was going to be asking her wool how was your relationship with your

man okay when that was Minnie let me get real someone's going to come down on Harden minute he's cocky I'm watching

this and I'm like somebody needs to give him an attitude adjustment Mondo's normally the good guy and I feel like

it's time for a hard-ass to come in there Lewis yes sir I need Johnny bonds never that is that was your answer I

sure do don't you listen to what she says and that's because you yourself feel that we did it you understand what she

said yes she's dropping you in the grease yes sir but it wasn't me huh it wasn't me all right let me read you this

sweating now that the first person to pop into my mind the morning of the

m*rder was Louie because he always talked about kicking Rocky's ass there

it is that's her writing the first person I thought of it fine I didn't do

it I want to k*ll nobody over a piece but you were tapping it pretty hard and heavy and we got somebody else said that

you acted like you were jealous bottom line is you're gonna go down for this and she's gonna walk this is your chance

to get straight before this falls apart I don't know what to tell you who was

you don't mess with them some more go ahead you getting kids your turn to do

you care about your mess up I'm at the club I listen to me very carefully okay with the information that we have I know

you can forget about seeing your kids

you need to help yourself okay it wasn't me who was the only thing that

I can remember was her telling me that it was probably because he owed money no

no I'm worried Alice no II no no no listen to me you need to end up helping yourself

mother it wasn't me Louie

he's trying to figure out what he should do well I'm gonna tell you it wasn't me

okay I can't help you there Louie didn't help you man

we think it's a good idea to go and pick up Patricia again and confront her some of the stuff that Louis opened our eyes

to Louie's saying they were having sex two or three times a week he's banging her like a cheap screen door so we can

challenge her with this new information we got from Louie and maybe she would give us more powerfully she came back with you guys

Patricia graves rocky Brian's girlfriend has agreed to return for another interview about his m*rder we're hoping

to catch her in more lies so that we have enough evidence against her to bring charges for her as being the

mastermind behind all because of your hands have you ever heard the statement

it was given with love and accept it was love Patricia graves says she was planning to

marry Robert Bryant better known as rocky on her birthday it was given to me with a lot of love and accept it with a

lot of love never taken it off since I got it I'm not gonna ever take it off why aren't you wearing it it was given

with love as except with love I will never take it off did you suspect that

Louis is the one that k*lled Rock yeah where's Lou you'll ever we start again at one time just one time yeah he said

y'all were having sex on the regular basis right it was a lie he did sure did

that was actors whoa all of a sudden she's admitting this she is having sex

with this guy they k*lled her husband and the motive for the m*rder just got a lot stronger maybe if you k*ll him I

give you all hope he wants it I just put it on both of them and without knowing it this is a great [ __ ] so you're banging

the k*ller of rocky three or four times a week that she specifically told Shane

Scott that you thought he did it why no look at her leg

you know that looks back don't you okay do you have anything else to tell us yeah okay Melissa if sex was money this

would be a capital m*rder we could ask for the death sentence because he got paid she just made this case a slam dunk

in my opinion and all that we have yeah with every witness we talk to this whole week add new information this case is

beautiful even though Patricia and Louie want to say that they didn't k*ll rocky the overwhelming circumstantial evidence

in this case is that they did at first Patricia denied their affair and then she changed her story and said well it

was just a one-time thing it was then Louie told us they were sleeping together all the time three times a week

so then Patricia changed her story to say okay well we were having sex more often but it was only after Rocky was

m*rder*d really why would you have sex with the person you told the police k*lled your boyfriend

unless you're glad that your boyfriend is m*rder*d and when you add in the fact that Louie is a known womanizer and uses

dr*gs you know what kind of dr*gs he was using who's also possessive and who has

a bad temper and don't forget what mr. singleton said one person latin he saw a

hispanic male coming and going from the plant at the exact same time rocky with the cagney patricia knew rocky schedule

and she could have very easily have told that to louie and look at their suspicious patterns of texting and phone

calls right around the time of the m*rder one of them was just 15 minutes after the time rocky was beaten the

motive in this case was way more than being about money it was for Patricia and Louie to be able to be together

anytime they wanted but that's not gonna happen

this morning we presented our case to the DA and now I can't wait to go tell Fredrik that the DA has agreed to take

the charges and present the case to a grand jury to ask him to indict Louis and Patricia for the m*rder of rocky

Brian that's a good news he's gonna present it to the grand jury come July the 11th and we're gonna get

indictment I'm Louie Pat as well so do

you dad what'll be forgotten it's over I feel like I can be some good to myself

and to somebody else now because somebody was good to us

it's bigger for me and my family we've been waiting for it some kind of

closure I know Shane's all relieved I can't even save him enough how much I thank y'all

for this he's just so happy that the

people who k*lled his dad are finally gonna pay it was a beautiful moment and that's how you want every single case

that we look into the end I hope they all in that way good luck it's like the best feeling in the world

I wanted to shout love you that

[Music] my biggest hope is that if something

good happens for Frederick then I hope Frederick will have a different outlook on his own life

first need to talk to Louie real quick [Music]

plaything a favor for chance behind your back Louie there's a warrant for your arrest

but a Gaines County sir

[Applause] [Music]