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02x01 - Gone

Posted: 02/20/24 19:49
by bunniefuu
Soran Altus Oklahoma this case is really different for us have you ever worked on

a case we have a body no RC Allen was a 27 year old mother of two little girls on the night of May 18 2001 she was seen

for the last time and her whereabouts are still unknown according to her estranged husband

Garland beau Allen Traci abandoned her two young children for an unknown boyfriend and left her home Altus

Oklahoma never to be seen again she just

left and left her kids varman Allen was the father of her two children

maybe I got crazy at the time that she went missing

Traci might have wanted help Carla did not and it's complicated by the fact that she was so estranged from her own

family that by the time they realized she made off or so on all of the clues and things that they could have looked

at were already frozen not just cold right the question we have to answer is do Traci run away because of her

ex-husband's abuse or dinner ex-husband k*ller in one final act of domestic v*olence we had to solve a case without

a body without a crime thing it's not going to be any disc 11 is barely we got our work cut out it has been 16 years

old years later the case is still estar [Music]

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring judgment to

these victims [Music] good morning nice to meet you it's been

about five years since I started working the trace when I sit down with Tracy's mother Wanda I can see the hurt in her

eyes and it affected me and I told her that I couldn't promise her the outcome

but I promised I would not stop sorry al Brown rusty nice to meet you Brown for

this case we brought in our veteran detective Alan brown he's one of the most skilled interviewers or interrogators that I've ever worked with

Garland Alan and Tracey had a lot of v*olence in the home he's got priors for

as*ault aggravated as*ault long history of v*olence with Queens garland Allen's

criminal history shows a lifetime of domestic v*olence Traci was a victim just like many others Garland was jailed

for domestic abuse and battery an estate then put the children in protective custody once Traci divorced garner

land-bound suitable housing she regained custody of her children they got divorced and they fought over the

daughters quite a bit but Traci her priority was was those two girls but as

of May 2001 it was like somebody plucked her off the face the other none of her

friends heard from her no family heard from her according to Garland Allen on

the day that she went missing Traci arrived at the trailer with an unknown black male that she was dating she told Garland that she was leaving

and he was now responsible for the children and she just drove off we have to prove did she run away or was she

m*rder*d so Traci is kind of what we can call suspect zero because if she did run off

then there is no m*rder she wasn't necessarily happy with the way things were going in her life at that time her

mom was in a statement that in the past she has left she lived in a homeless shelter before

history of homeless brought her Garland she left town with a black

she was last seen by garland with him statements from Tracy's friends confirmed that she really was dating a

black male if we can find this man we may find out where she went that night we got the tips that were called in

seeing her at the gas station holding a black baby filling up the car this case

went cold for a reason first there's no physical evidence that Tracy was m*rder*d we don't even have a body and

with the history of moving around a lot there's the possibility that she really did skip town to get away from garland

with her new boyfriend that might even be the reason why nobody for a few months even bothered to follow missing-person report Garland's mother

comes in reports Tracy is missing early 2002 with Tracy gone Garland's mother

got custody of the two children she eventually did file a missing-persons report so that she could get financial

assistance from the state in that report Betty talked about instances of rainy reporting v*olence that garden had

committed on Tracy the detectives do an interview with rainy is that conversation recorded yes

it is we haven't found yet we're still looking with cold cases you have a lot

of different people working on a lot of different things over the years and having it all together and one nice

pretty pile just doesn't happen well the thing about rainy is that she's gonna get picked apart on a witness stand

finding this lost interview tape of rainy could really give us some new insight but along with that comes all

the inconsistencies that always happen when you deal with child cases Tracy's other daughter stormy was only seven

when this happened and she's told police that she has no idea what happened to night of her mom's disappearance now if

Tracy was m*rder*d then garland probably really our only suspect right he was the last seen with Tracy he

picked her up at home Carly said Tracy told him she was running away and ran off with some unknown boyfriend that

night but Tracy's landlord later reported that the home showed no signs of anyone packing anything up all of her

belongings were still in the drawers he said it looked like were ready to have dinner and just got

up and left if garland did m*rder Tracy it's gonna be hard to prove without a body circumstantial cases can be

beautiful when they add up not having a body means that we first have to prove that a m*rder was even committed at all

this has been a case that I would steal time where I could because I can tell

you we have not forgotten her bill and

his team are not the only one still searching for the truth about what happened to Tracy Tracy's mother Wanda

Lowe never approved of her relationship with Garland Wanda how are you she

feared for the safety of Tracy and for her grandchildren and they kind of lost touch right before Tracy disappeared she

was my only daughter and it was really

not the sharpest tack in the drawer but I'm not stupid either and I know that there's some things with this case that

are not right like what do you think um nobody ever called me to tell me that

she had disappeared that she was missing but you know nobody ever said have you seen her and heard from her do you know

where she's at what do you want us to do with these kids we didn't stay in constant contact with each other we might go six months

and not even speak I just thought you know maybe she's busy with her job she

was busy with the girl she was trying to raise her children it was just that line with us when Tracy

disappeared custody of the two girls was given two Garland's mother and Wanda's had very little contact with the girls

since all that happened when I talked to Tracy's ex mother-in-law I asked her who gave hurt my grandfather's and she told

me Tracy signed them over to her but I'm gonna tell you Tracy told me on the

phone once a moment anything ever happens to me do not let that woman raise my kids

okay you know it's things like that that make me believe that someone out there knows exactly what happened to my

daughter and apparently nobody wants to talk

we're in Altis Oklahoma investigating the 2001 disappearance and possible

m*rder of 27 year-old Tracy Allen we have no body we have no crime scene so we're going to start this process by

talking to all the people who knew Tracy best Tracy

Carol Leonard was Tracy's neighbor at the time of her disappearance but more importantly her daughter was the person

who was babysitting the girls the night that all this happened she said she talked and she asked me to keep the

girls that she wouldn't do that he's for a few minutes so Tracy left her girls with the babysitter while she went

to talk with Garland the problem here is Tracy never came back so Carol took the girls to her house at 3 o'clock in the

morning somebody knocked on my door open the door it was all her staying in there and he said I'm into girls and I was

more than it was twice and he said we went out in the country to have a talk and we got stuck and she's

covered inside and she said my darling had led on him and no matter on him at all he was not dirty at all so the next

morning we went over there and we're not those doors nobody answered we looked in the bathroom for many dirty clothes

there was nothing in there but shower

Avast now we know that garland left with Tracy that night and the story that he

told Carol Leonard sure seems to be a lot lawndale Warren was a good friend of

both Tracy and Garland so he might have some new insight to help us figure out what happened that night

what did garland had to say about her relationship with a black male so you

don't have any information personally from Garland or anybody else that that Tracy was having sex with a black male

Greg Hunt oh my god maybe we have found the mysterious man and Tracey's life

after we did some research we found out that Greg hunt also went by the name of Greg Gibson he passed away in 2011 but

he had been in and out of prison so bill is trying to find out exactly where he was the time Tracy disappeared this

guy's either gonna be the last person Tracey seen alive with or he is the

motivation for both killings all right so we'll have to put him on

top of our list go try to find the brother we've got some big news Greg Gibson was incarcerated the whole time

so turns out when Tracy went missing Greg was in jail or possession of a controlled substance

garland could have been so angered by the fact that Tracy was dating Greg it could have caused him to commit m*rder

so garland could have thought that using Greg as his cover story might have worked but he had no idea that Greg was

sitting in jail the whole time with his own perfect alibi wish we could take care of that easily we need to know more

about Garland's actions right around the time of Tracy's disappearance we've tracked down a confidential informant

who knew Garland's Lynne after Tracy went missing garland just skipped town

and this confidential informant is the one who helped clean up the mess in the trailer that garden left behind in my

experience when I hear carpet is missing the first thing I think of is maybe it's

blood something you might not be able to get out but I have seen it all in my career so who knows they could have done


that's good based on the information that our confidential informant gave us

I want to examine Garland's trailer as possibly being where the m*rder occurred

Oh Cisco said you listen to how Traci to speak and thrown around or all those

years you know you could judge I'm going to go how could you put up with that but then you've never lived in a town like

this with no job and no money no education and little kids too right it

happened in my own house with my stepdad really yeah I asked mom why you go ahead and beat you up again oh it's okay it'll

be okay I don't make enough money leave his sorry ass yeah you think about all

that in your appreciate Traci getting her first new house and she was so excited just to be all on her own and

Goren just kind of chat back that she was getting independent what he couldn't stand is that he could no longer be in control this definitely looks like a

probably the trailer that's similar to the one that they were in there's a huge

possibility the last place Traci was was a Garland's trailer but the entire trailer park is gone so now we're gonna

go look at a mock trailer set up like Garland's trailer was I think we'll be able to get a good idea of what

transpired in the trailer yeah this party looks very similar to what it would have been your entrance door comes

into your living room area with your kitchen off right there and then you've got your hallway right over this way if

she was k*lled there just to be able to get a visual of the layout it's gonna help us be able to piece this together

you can see from the photos clearly the carpets do not match after listening to the confidential informant about the

missing piece of carpet it really clear that a large piece of carpet is laying over where it was cut they're nowhere

similar you know it's not like it was a professional job they didn't try to cut it yeah they didn't try to cut it in it

was laid over the linoleum so that if somebody came looking for it there wouldn't be any blood there wouldn't be any anything and nobody's gonna ask me

questions because it was so messed up anyway right the photos that we have actually do corroborate the missing

carpet in the trailer and that's another good piece of circumstantial evidence in this case but we need someone who can

tell us what Garmin really did the last night that Tracy was ever seen and that person's gonna be his mother

you ready yeah

the team just picked up Betty widest the mother of our main suspect garland Allen

garland has a history of v*olence against women and he's even broken her nose it's not just difficult but pretty

much impossible to get a mother to talk about her child even when they are violent but we're gonna hope that Alan Brown can have a little luck with that

baby we appreciate you coming in really what I do is just start with back when Garland brought the kids to you that

morning that morning he came in okay

what do you remember about Garland's demeanor when he came over he was just heartbroken yeah it's like a man's been

satin-faced and said here's your kids I don't come home Betty

you remember garland leaving your house that morning for 45 minutes it came back it was all muddy washes clothes when

Traci was first declared missing Betty said garland showed up at her house covered in mud immediately washed his

clothes and threw his boots away he was hiding something then and I can guarantee you bet he's hiding something

now you told the police back when they initially interviewed you they garland Paul had a look on his face

that you had never seen in your life and you know he had done something bad what

do you think happened to Tracy I don't know you know that Tracy didn't walk away from this girl at poor girl Tracy

is still missing to this day she's dead okay yes ma'am yes you know that I know

that for a fact yes ma'am that poor girl Tracy is still

missing to this day she's dead okay yes ma'am yes ma'am I know that for a fact

yes ma'am I sure knew oh she crying Allen's

fantastic he's got Betty in there any sort of blunder that maybe we found the body and he's hoping that he can get her to crack

and say something new I know that she is

dead now that carry me something you know good and well that garland beat

that girl on a regular basis you don't think she was always a little kid do there you go thank you

finally same thing to me nadie don't we ever go find my mom what

do you think happened to her right and

he think Arlen did something to her yeah I don't want him to do it baby did your

ass garland directly did you k*ll you're scared of Garland

where would garland put in her body so

you actually went out and looked for Traci's button so you believe she was dead you knew she was dead

well you know what I mean in your heart that's huge if she went looking for the

body and where'd you go look walked out when we are always used to this here

Gracie's little bit please I've got a stayed in that and I told him once I

gotta get you for this soon she never said that before thanks to Betty telling the truth about

her own son a strong circumstantial case just keeps working against Garland we're

trying to strategize on the best plan about how to approach Garland and Bill comes in and says he has something big

he needs to tell us I have looked and looked and looked for those interviews with Rainey we found him yesterday Wow

several months after Betty's missing person report was filed the investigators conducted an interview of

Rainie Rainie was three years old when her mom disappeared and she was five when this interview took place hell

dargah hodges oh haha I'm gonna draw just a little bit you always at your

house whoever said that everybody that

looks for this moment

[Music] oh this is the beautiful part of cold

cases the hope that there's all this information out there it just needs to be mined for Canada pence where to pick

it apart yeah but anybody that hears that tape is gonna know that Rainey saw something it is time that we confront

Garland Allen face to face he is living

in Hill County Texas in the town called Hillsboro Gardens Trager was recently burglarized so the Hill County Sheriff's

Department has come up with this idea to have him come down and identify some of his stolen property just start the

McClanahan County Sheriff's Office listen I think I might have your pocket knife can you come up to office and look

at that thing for me this is an amazing

opportunity if he brings Rainey then we can question her too well I'll be here

thank you you bet it's been a long time since anyone's asked garment any

questions about Tracey he has no idea what he's about to walk into

Garlan I'm rusty Williams I'm alphas detected this is Alan brown we're

continuing the investigation Tracy Alan and we thought maybe you could help us fill in some empty gaps

that we had and just like just a little bit of your time we have our main

suspect Garland Allen and his daughter Rainey separated for questioning we have caught Garland completely off

guard so the hope is that he's too surprised to be able to remember all of the lies he's told over the years on the

night she came up missing where were you on that evening how did you come to end

up with the kids I went to go get him she told me to go get the kid she was leaving in the car okay

you know him my life never seen before what he what he look like and in what

you do only got my kids okay Tracy was living at the time in that house over on Elm is that correct I

don't know where she was living at the time how did you know to go to Carol's

houses they told me go get him but you know Kay do you already know where Carol lived and so you knew Tracy live just

right down the street okay Carol said you come at 2:00 in the morning

what you tell Carol you about the kids why are you picking them up Carol said

garland told me they got stuck in the mud and that Tracy got out and got all

muddy and was over home taking a shower your story don't match man told

everybody I bet she lied to us after you brought them kids with your mother and

dropped him off your own mother says he left for 45 minutes maybe 10 hour and

when you came back he's covered in mud and she said you took your clothes off and took them to the wash and you told her I had a flat

and these people are lying darling they're answered you know what you gotta be gone

no she was with you somebody else done

nothing to Tracy he got out and k*ll nobody while Ellen and rusty are talking to

Garland's bill and I are gonna talk to Rainey in the presence of Garland's ex-wife and Rainey's friend Randy we

want to get rainy side of the event surrounding the disappearance of her mother you know we want to talk to you Rainey because there's a whole lot to

all this and maybe you've never been told and don't understand it matter to

you someone k*lled your mom honestly 17

years and we would love for you to hear the tape that broke our heart there's a tape that you gave when you were five years old about what happened when you

were three and your little girl voice she doesn't have to she can hear it what happened to the carpet in the trailer

[Music] silence what happened to the big section

of carpet cut out you cut a big square out of it started taking it out see you take out

the carpet by cutting the center out instead of pulling up at the edges you

only cut one piece why did you cut it out and leave the other why did you cut just that section out it was the next

morning I was supposed to be at work I was in the process of changing it out I

was working on the house Garlan had his story straight 11 years ago had an answer for everything but now that time

has passed and we're catching him off-guard he can't remember what he said before I'm telling you right now man you

will do yourself good if you tell the truth about Tracy I don't know No yeah I'm something only today right I

don't have to pin it on your story about that day is a lie Tracy said and you did it get out again

bit rainy Allen has been lied to her entire life and because of those lies

she's been possibly living with the k*ller it's crucial for Rainey to listen to this tape of the interview she gave

when she was 5 years old when she hears in her own words what she told back then she might understand how important it is

for her to get away from Garland that's

years I'm gonna draw just a little bit


you see why we keep going you been lied to for a long time I know that your

whole life you've not heard about your mom but when she was taken out of this world DHS signed over custody to her on the

condition she would divorce your father you've been told about her just walking away and leaving that's not the truth

and she picked you and your sister over him and then she was m*rder*d your daddy m*rder*d your mother baby and

every time we've talked to him ramie he tells a different story because when you tell the truth you always

remember the truth your daddy can't keep up with what happened that night because he's never told the truth

and all we want to be able to do is to tell you starting at the age of 15 you

can build your life with the truth around you not based on a whole bunch of Lies to come crashing down on you one

day what questions do you have ready what are you thinking right now I don't

know whether it goes back to my dad don't brandy I don't know what do you feel safe with your dad do you feel safe

okay cuz I guarantee he's gonna gonna ask you a million questions I'll just

ask up sheets in the night spend a weekend yeah are you with him at all no I'm lately broken up okay done in the

meantime we need to put together a probable cause for gone and Alan even without biting a body and trying as hard

as you have look it's a beautiful case you've built right we have a fantastic circumstantial evidence case against

bond and Alan for the m*rder of his ex-wife Tracey first of all Garland was known to be Tracey and he even went to prison for

that kind of v*olence then we discovered that he lied about Tracy and his whereabouts after he says he picked up

his kids that night his own mother said

he acted suspiciously around that time and now she admits it even she believes he was involved and after looking at

photos of the trailer we see that a large piece of carpet was missing and Garland's explanation for that carpet is

still changing was in the process of changing that I went taken up from the edges you just cut the center up tragically his

five-year-old daughter gave us an even more sinister explanation of what happened that night in the trailer but

through all of this the one common factor is that garland has always lied and I think everybody else connected to

them is now seeing the puzzle pieces being put together and it's making sense yeah thanks to the hard work of Bill

Perkins and his team after 12 long years it's finally time for bill to present

this case with a strong circumstantial evidence and probable calls to the DA we'll go and take it to the DA and let

us know what he said Thanks

my name is Bill Perkins I'm a detective in hospice Oklahoma I have a m*rder

warrant after presenting the case to the

DA an arrest warrant has been issued against Carlin Allen for second-degree m*rder now bill and Allen are gonna go

out and hunt him down it seems obvious

that garland knows we're trying to track him down and my worry is that he has firearms that we know of in

it's pretty clear that Garland's on the run now which one is if anybody's gonna

know where he is it's gonna be about a rainy hey Bren I just just be honest

with you and I don't know where you go I want to show you something

for k*lling your mother I think everybody knew that this day was coming but I don't want to see him getting hurt

by trying to fight the police and stuff like this I'm telling you you can't run this is nationwide the most important

thing is to Train something he's a violent person and brainy I realize he's your father and no matter what he's done

you still love him right but he's made some bad choices okay

and there's always you think you could get anyone's phone the phone talking and

tell me they have a felony warrant for second-degree m*rder for you I can't

even imagine how shell-shocked stormy and rainy are and if I know anything about the children of abusers

they have a hard time believing that any parent can be a bad guy because you have to remember it's the only parent they're

ever gonna have

darling this is Bill Perkins we talked before darling I've got the warrant now

it's been signed you're gonna be arrested one way or the other I would rather good for Safeway the best

thing this is all the evidence where it takes me

darling if you'll show me where you're at I'll come to you okay we'll get to second Sara your sentiments if you can

turn yourself in that's huge that is absolutely huge if you keep to your agreements I will bring rainy down

and I will let you visit with her okay okay so how long do I need to wait on


yes okay you may be telling a flatbed trailer he's somewhere in the area


the police have received information that Goren Ellen can be found in Wise County Texas he's cut his hair to change

his appearance and he's trying to cover his tracks by escaping in a canoe down the Brazos River once located garland

fled on foot and then was chased through the woods before he was apprehended by the US Marshals you tell me what

happened you can remember in the days

following his arrest he was turned over into the custody of the Oklahoma the

picture that garland is presenting is typical she's minimizing trying to make it less than it is to get charges either

not filed at all her father's a lesser included but I think with his history of physical abuse a jury's gonna see right

through that and nobody's gonna believe it but at least we finally got garland admitting responsibility in the

involvement of Tracy's death



the statement that Rainey made when she was five years old might not ever see the light of a courtroom if it helped us

solve this case and she was right

[Music] K*llers think they're so tough until

they're busted and caught in Garland's tears and for nobody but himself garland kept this horrible secret for 12

long years and now with the help of the Texas Rangers and Bill Perkins or headed out to try and find her body well we see

appears to be a rib and there's some light this whole area has got to be open

up everything it's gonna take some time

for the lab result to be done to establish that this is Tracy definitively but Garland by his own

admission is her k*ller hi Wanda how are you I'm doing okay yeah

the hardest part of our job now is telling Wanda but the hope is it at least she'll get some answers to the

question she's had for so long I just need to know what happened to her with

all the work that Bill Perkins has done all these years and with the extra work this last week or so garland has finally

confessed to k*lling Tracy he's told us where he buried her body it's been a

long time coming yes you know mothers have instincts and I

just knew my soul there was you I want to bring her home and lay him next to

her grandparents thank you is enough we hope that this will help you finally be

able to put your daughter to rest garland let Tracy's mother wonder and

live in pain for 12 years and then he told everyone that she left her babies behind now it is time for the justice

system to go to work and garland can sit in prison for the rest of his life and appreciate all the consequences of what

all he's done [Music]