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02x05 - He Said, He Said

Posted: 02/20/24 19:51
by bunniefuu
[Music] look at you all bundled up it's a little cold yeah it's 29 degrees you know I'm

sort of a Caribbean kind of girl yeah we are in Terre Haute Indiana we're on September the 5th 1998 19 year old Erica

case who was house-sitting at the time invited two boys over for a swim party

the next morning Erica's sister discovered her dead she had 33 cuts to her body absolutely

brutal who had hate her that much to want to k*ll her in such a horrible life the good thing about this case is that

we only have two suspects the two boys that she partied with that night but the bad thing is that they both tell two

different stories if they're both lying about different things we have to try and figure out what it is exactly this

is a really hard case because both suspects admit to being there all night long so their DNA being all over the

crime scene makes total sense and it's not gonna help us identify the k*ller as sad is what it is over a night of fun

and then look what could happen so I'll tell my kids all the time one bed Bryn one bed not one bad decision changes

your whole life now look where we are it's been 16 years and still no consider

for k*lling a cold years later the case is still unsolved

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring justice to these

victims [Music] morning hello I've heard about the Erica

case homicide by actually I was working the road at that time as a road patrol officer they were constantly on this and

just never could get it to add up you know I'm telling you Londo it was so sad reading all those notes of girls where

you said jury case came in today and we drank coffee and talked about it he would come in every try to have to work just sit down

jury cases Erica's father and every Friday he would show up after he got off work at 3:00 3:30 and would just come in

and sit in and talk I'm see what's up absolutely so every time you read the

case file you want the help and hope he's going to be able to maybe have some closure

so let's hope at the end of this you can give him some good news it's been a long time coming do you all have a place set up earth to

work in they didn't call it cold cases

back when I was in the homicide there we just unsolved Johnny bonds is coming this week and for the first time we're

bringing detectives Steve's Pingala he's retired from the Milwaukee Police Department we've had we had Dahmer which

you know most of the national as well we had he actually worked the Dahmer case the Jeffrey Dahmer Jason I mean we have

a lot of similar experiences you need Ange great I mean the guy knows it's dusty Stern go votes dot that make me

itch you serve every day on case goes unsolved there's a greater percentage that it will never be charged or solved

if we can't put a case together right now the chances of them doing that in the future are extremely slim

John can just start from the beginning back when this occurred Erika was 19 she had been house-sitting with her sister

Mary works in Indianapolis she's a nurse Erika is working herself at a local mall

comes home later that night with two guys her very good print Isiah Dooley in Clint Maggie who was an acquaintance of

Erika case they have a small party swim and we get a call the next morning at 9

a.m. from Mary when she comes home from work finding her sister so basically we get

on the scene we find the body she is in the living room laying flat on her back fully clothed still in a bathing suit

multiple s*ab wounds 33 s*ab wounds eventually dying from a

cut to the throat but out basically the Kn*fe that we believe that was there is

gone there was a five piece block and we have

in this missing Kn*fe is confirmed by the people that owned the house both

Clinton and Isaiah were brought in immediately that morning for questioning stay tuned April Navy will please be on

the 9th question did you have occasion to meet up with Erika case who was with

you Isaiah do it first or how long numeric is actually being twins and Proctor

almost every day in public sphere at least two to three days out of a week it

was people that will make me feel weird you know you can't have sex with her yes Sudi I want to play that first first

suspect well his own admission he attempted to have sex with the victim

and she's the rejected him did we put up here they're smoking dope they're doing LSD yeah the acid part is probably more

important if he's a violent person LSD may have made him more violent he had some trouble when he was younger he did

have a charge of r*pe against his own and he's never been found guilty by a

jury right it was a plea bargain he was also urged with a sexual misconduct with a minor is statutory right right they both

said it was consensual I was a jury trial yeah not guilty well he had a really good lawyer even

though Clint has a history of crimes against women they both involve sex and we know by the medical examiner's report

that Erica was not sexually assaulted so Clint's mo isn't a perfect match to our crime scene

y'all ready to put a ado knee up on the board he admits being at the crime scene the night of the m*rder feels polygraph was it inconclusive or

fail said inconclusive she shows deception wandering around the drug questions wasn't it yes and it was

about the drug questions so initially when Isaiah took that polygraph he failed it with the concern to dr*gs so

that can be explained in a couple of ways but it clearly throws his credibility and to doubt so it seems

like one of our biggest discrepancies or confusing issues is we have Isaiah duty over here who says that night they both

go into the house together and see Erica when they leave she doesn't feel well but she's not injured and then we have

on the other hand Clint Mackey who says hey the last one that went into the house that night was Isaiah and Isaiah

went back in alone he was in there for an unusually long amount of time and I never went back in the house so Isaiah

was the last one to see her alive so obviously one of these guys is lying about who's the last one to see her in

the house hopefully we can figure out who that is when y'all talk to him this week today we're going to meet Erica's

older sister Mary case Mary is the one who found her sister her mom passed away

a week before we got here so all that is on Mary shoulders right now is she still agreeing to talk to us my sister she was

full of life and she had a big heart and I'll be willing to help anyone Mary is a

nurse so you know what kind of trauma she sees every day but I can't imagine what she went through walking in and

finding her sister like that I noticed the sliding glass door was open as I walked further into the house

I found her laying on her back covered up I thought maybe a dog bit her face

because she had some marks on her face when I touched her she was ice cold and I called 911 and then I went to the

kitchen I noticed there was a Kn*fe that I had washed that was gone I got really scared and I found the phone

and there was a bottle of vodka sitting on the coffee table so I grabbed it because I didn't know someone was still

in the house because the door was still open someone who stayed pretty calm when you feeling calm know they'll never know

what you've been through but we understand how frustrating it's been and I hope that we can give you some good news sometime soon thank you very much Karimi

hug erica was house-sitting the night of

the m*rder in order to get a clearer picture of what happened that night we're gonna go back to the price the

owners of the home at the time that erica was m*rder*d still owned the home today and had given us access to go lock well the layout

looks pretty much just like it did in the pictures you got these poles staircase all still the same so

obviously by the statements from Clinton Isaiah they came over they were swimming in the pool parting between here and the

debt from our timeline of what we know at around 1:00 anyway she was laying on

the floor curled up in her blanket appears that she just wants to go to sleep and just basically once

disheartened to be over this is the time

that Isaiah and Clint leave to go get Clint's car because they only have Erica's car at the house and up into

that point the stories are about the same is when they get back the stories kind of diverge as to who went inside

and what happened Isiah claims that when they returned from retrieving Clint's car they both

went inside the house dropped off Erika's keys and left and at that point according to Isaiah Erica was very much

alive but Clint claims that he waited outside in the car while Isaiah went inside and he was in there first

suspicious amount of time the next day Mary comes in and binds her sister cut

33 times Erika's wounds have some very unique features that may be able to tell

the story of how her m*rder occurred Isaiah says when he left that she was laying on her stomach with the blanket

maybe that's why we had that one in her bag first one like here just slightly over to the right and then she rolls she

rolls over so the fight starts here yes she's got both arms going trying to

block him now at this point one of the carotid arteries gets cut so she's up when he gets right here here it's

spurting we've got the spring of the blood here in the spring of the blood here and almost like this void area

right here when a crime scene is particularly bloody the absence of blood is the easiest way to determine if

something or someone was moved you look for the void which is caused by something intercepting the blood

trajectory in this case that void was created by our suspect who I believe was kneeling beside Erika as he was k*lling

her which means your suspect has the spraying of the blood on them and

they're blocking this little small portion of area Clinton Isaiah's clothes were collected the morning after the

m*rder and neither had any blood but by then several hours the paths either one of them had plenty of time to get rid of

their clothes and possibly the Kn*fe okay I have a better idea of how Erika's

m*rder might have happened but I think there was more to the story right outside the front door

we're investigating the crime scene of the 1998 m*rder of Erica case according

to our suspects Clint Mackey and Isaiah Dooley they left Erica at home alive at 3 in

the morning and then Clint drove Isaiah home before driving himself home first I'll tell me what the car thing is what

years ago when the investigators were looking at the driveway they found what could be a great piece of evidence

behind Erica's car there is little pieces of a broken lens and we know that Glen's card

happens to have a front turn signal lens right here that is broken on his car

Clint says that Isaiah was with him right at but Isaiah knows nothing about the broken lens according to Isaiah he

was with Clint all night and the turn signal was never broken so you're saying that he's in such a hurry to leave then

he just will turn around real quick breaks the lens on his car and takes off that way

sure absolutely once again we had two very different versions of what happened that night if there was ever any thought that both

of these boys could have been involved in this together you would think they would have gotten their story straight

[Music] well I'm sure you know Clint and Isaiah

we're both there at the house that night right yeah Terre Haute is a very small town and when erica was m*rder*d it was

really big news the hotel was talking about it we're just trying to go through the case and talk to every single person

that was involved in this case and everybody in this town knew that Clint and Isaiah were right in the middle of this he said Isaiah would have been the

one to have done it you know Isaiah kind of puts it on Clint no way no way just

like our suspects this first round and witnesses we're talking to don't help us get a really clear picture of what happened that night and so that's where

our problem is somebody somebody's not telling us everything so I'm thinking we need to stop talking to people close to

Clint and Isaiah and start focusing on people close to Erica in her world there are a lot of m*rder reports and

I've never seen one where my dad came in and visited as regularly as routinely as you did here we're excited to meet jury

case and get to hear his thoughts about what happened especially since Erica and Isaiah were

such good friends was there ever a time where you talked to Isaiah about everything tell us about that what

happened I don't know Jared said only knows that I've been claimed left grand

dropping Clinton forgot the beard go back with him that's okay I'll given

clinical go back the house by himself oh yeah very important what you just told

us is something brand-new and now the mouth of Isaiah duty claims admitting that he's gonna go back to the house for

a [ __ ] reason to be honest with you no this is great because think about it

if Clint went back to the house we've now caught him in a lie it also explains why Isaiah and never knew anything about

the accident because he was at home the whole time based on talking to Isaiah from what you saw and how he acted do

you think he's involved I don't know Isaiah told Eric whose dad dings he

never told the police we need to find out what else Isaiah knows and why he's never mentioned any of it to anyone else so

what we gonna do in Isaiah yeah give it

up I think he's off it's like I don't know something more than what he did when I gave the original statement

hopefully he'll agreed it come with a kind of Sheriff's Office Steve Newports

I'm John moats I need your help

I've reopened the Erica case file I need to ask you some questions and just pick your brain a little bit would you have

some time I'm not going to take much your time today I mean you could give me

a few minutes okay both Steve and I cringe because here's a very crucial

witness that we have right here in front of us that's not wanting to come and

play tonight you pushed too hard he's gonna pull away

and you can completely shut down you just never know how'd it go I don't think Isaiah's gonna want to

come tomorrow I'm just racking my brain on this on this Erica is such a great

friend of his and and I don't understand it this is his opportunity you try to put yourself in the person's shoes you're

talking to if it doesn't make sense to you then there's something just not right with it and you're right until we

get Isaiah in here to fill in these holes we're not going to exactly know which direction to go into here I think he's the key right now hi dawn bright

was really good friends with Isaiah and Erica Isaiah won't talk to us but maybe he's talked to her we were all really

good friendly when you talked to Isaiah about it I mean I'm sure you asked him

about that night what did he tell you they went home did who went home to him

and Clint went home okay he'd say anything else about Clint no I mean except for the anger what do you

mean I remember something about him trying to put the moves on arrogant person okay and Erica saying no no no no

then what happened he got angry and left and Clint took Isaiah home I got angry I

think so why would I say I'd not want to talk to us to law enforcement 15 years later was

he worried about I don't know think you felt like everybody looks at him like you know Sydney wanted help declare his

name you get the person responsible you

know I tell him you know in a scary movie you know it's always the person you don't expect you know when I would

tell Isaiah you know you would be the one in the movie that would have done it

you'd be the one that nobody while we

wait for Isaiah duty to come in and talk to us we're gonna focus on our other suspect clip Macke the first thing we

need to do is look at the prior allegations of abuse committed by Clint Mackey and we're gonna do that to see if

there are any specifics that are like our case or any other things that go towards an mo similar to what happened

to Erica Johnny bond just have a seat over there we're starting with a woman named Jennifer caliber police records show

that she placed a restraining order against Clint a long time ago and we want to hear what she has to say about

that I like it

was it scary yeah twenty two or three

times and fired me against the wall

[Music] Colet Mackey was tried but the sexual as*ault of his and Ginny Lee in 1998 and

it ended in a plea bargain that's the same year Eric was k*lled Jimmy Lee is a sexual as*ault victim and Erica case was

a m*rder victim and you would think that they weren't related but the reason she is important is because she can talk

about how fast we can flip the switch this temper mood swings and they've done like projections see they've at the same

address as Amanda Michaels her sister came up as I'm a sheriff's office what's

your name you remember what happened to Jenny was Clint yeah yeah well I know a

lot of years of what pass under wow you actually saw it okay what else

you sure did and you knew who r*ped her yeah but after that it was like she didn't

care about life is that part of the reason why she moved away I think so according to Jenny Clint was high and

drunk when he went from talking to her normally to b*ating her and screaming at

her in the blink of an eye the other victim of Clint Mackay that we know about is Tiffany Miller who was 15 at

the time he forced her talked her into having sex right we're gonna go try and see now I'm kind of nervous to talk to

Tiffany because Tiffany was a victim you're not Tiffany are you all those things that you see on TV where r*pe

victims were treated ugly and nasty in the courtroom that's what happened to Tiffany fortunately for us both Tiffany and her

mom are very eager to talk to us about what happened to Tiffany I was ten days before my 16th I got it okay

and I remember hurting and I remember first he just kind of looked at me it

wasn't like I don't know what kind of look it was but he just kind of look at me but he would have overpowered me at

that point I never even kissed a boy before him yeah and his lawyer made me

look like the fifteen years before it's really sad to hear what happened to Tiffany and it's even more sad and

disgusting to hear the clip Mackey got away with it did he ever bring up Erica case to Clint

at all we never seen but knowing what happened to me and knowing that that

could have been me he's gotten away with something that he should have been Clint

sexual misconduct case against Tiffany Miller ended with a not guilty verdict and his sexual as*ault case against

jenni ended in a plea bargain to be real frank about it Clint Mackey had a really good lawyer and from all that we've been

told in both cases it was Clint's grandfather who footed the bill Robert Mackey it would be nice to hear

from him how he can explain his grandsons actions good morning mr Mackey

good morning my name is John motes I'm with the Sheriff's Office how are you well reopen the Erica case

file and we got two guys kind of pointing their fingers of one another and digging into it again from quite

lightly or no worries that we just want

to know all that we can to try to figure out what happened mr Mackey the girls did they ever originally wanted to know

what happened and I don't think you want to know now what we do and he weren't involved in this before how long are you

gonna protect his sorry ass good morning

ladies just got off the phone with Rob he said Terry's available said he could meet with us right now Terry the DA

wants to meet with us right now I thought it wasn't happening to like tomorrow he's got hearing tomorrow it says if we

got the time now to bring it over we have it's never good to rush your

probable cause but if you have an opportunity to talk to your da to take it with all the past evidence

that's been gathered plus all the things we've learned about Clint's violent tendencies toward women the car accident

discrepancies and the fact that there's no evidence to support the idea that both of these men committed the crime

hopefully the DA will believe that we have enough to proceed against Clint is everybody good with what we have now go

into him now before we talk to us a I don't think we have a choice I mean always we're gonna miss him it bothers

all of us that we haven't been able to speak with Isaiah yet because if he could confirm the fact that Clint was

planning on going back that would make this case very strong well you all go talk to Isaiah now and if something

happens Derek text John in the middle of meeting and we can update him as John is running me down to him sounds good my

worst fear would be enough I worked at the DA's office for over 21 years and

was always on the other side of the desk so I know how important it is to be able to present your case with all the

questions that you can possibly answer being answered I not to meet you I have to say it's way more stressful sitting

on this side of the desk still trying to get Isaiah Dooley who was the second young man up there right now we have a

team put a meeting when he gets off work and hopefully he'll come in you know

this may be him right here yep there it is it's a kiss my are you man I'm

telling you is vitally important that we just get some things cleared up for us to go forward what are your thoughts on

where we stand there I'd like to have some more evidence we can come up with it erica was your friend right I bet

yeah I mean you got to step up to the plate we won are you gonna let us know after you try to talk ties they had

today to see if that adds anything to this yes

anything else nothing thank God now we could walk into the courthouse up there to Terry's office dropped you off

sure Derek walks in and I'm thinking

please tell us you have Isaiah as we're driving by he's pulling up and he said that he retained an attorney I'm

thinking well that's it there's no way his lawyers gonna let us talk to him the

DA knows Isaiah's lawyer making you gotta love small towns where else they

wanted to get information thrown into this statement what he knows we could discuss you know some kind of immunity

letter or something tomorrow is that something you could do this is a smart move on the part of the PA he's going to

offer immunity to Isaiah Dooley which means that unless Isaiah was involved in committing the m*rder he can talk about

all of it and the hope is it tomorrow when he's granted that immunity in the presence of his lawyer he'll tell all

the details about what really happened that night here they come

prosecutors come in with them [Music]

how long were you in clinic kind of rant or kind of just as I would say maybe

everyone so not very long maybe yeah when you guys pulled into the verses there was no no cars bumped each other

no cars hit each other I was never with him if he got into an accident okay any ever making me mention that to you and

you're sure that he's saying there was no accident with that car when I was

with it okay that's good do you remember telling mr. Treece that at some point clay told

you he went back to get the beer when you left the vs. for the final time that

night do you remember if you went by yourself or you know if you left Clint behind and came back for what the deal was you remember about what time that

was we even ate it any other time she's

surprised he's paging I'm sorry I'm trying my best remember I don't you know

I've seen this enough times to know what's happening a defense or could very well give advice along the lines of you

know if you don't remember you just don't remember you're never gonna get in trouble for not remembering I'm puzzled

here yesterday you told me that Erica was your best friend yes would she be in here doing what you're

doing to us right now with this I don't remember I'm not sure how often does your best friend get k*lled there you go

I understand that sir let me just ask this question I am you know I am your

relationship now with Clint Mac is what none let me ask you something we talked to Clint who do you think he's gonna say

did this he is gonna blame you ask your lawyers right now it's time to cowboy up

to your pal this is the time to clear yourself that's why we're here about telling you I mean this is the night a woman was

k*lled you're the last I was not aired I'm speculating more if you don't ask about something sorbs or speculate

anymore Oh his attorneys pulling it I can't believe he couldn't remember a

damn thing I just get that selective memory loss the only thing that I really

like that he said was alike that's all we need right there that's all God that's all we got but it's there except for the fact that

we still have that blinker light the whole interview of Isaiah was pretty much a bust we're gonna need something more to make

this case stronger and to be real honest we don't have a whole lot of people like to talk to something comes up here

something at this point we are down through our last few witnesses a

different we are not getting anywhere but if you hear anything else please you got my number it's not there was a

complete b*mb home back here so when your encounter occurred with

Clint Mackey where were ya plant remember by evening and he took me like

out in the country I remember like we parked in between like two cornfields and then he just started crying really hard and I was

like what's going on and then he asked me if I had heard about The Heretic a situation he talked about how him and

some guy named Elijah Liza I think and she was how thing and that

they were on dr*gs typically say what dr*gs or he said they were tripping and

he had asked her out and she told him no and laughed at him and he got angry

angry because she said no and he went on to describe I thought it when he came to

the key realized he had blood on at the end this is man what else does he say

about that they have blank clothes the black the back of his closet okay at that point I started to get scared and

that's me told me that if I ever said anything he heard me Clint told her I

will hurt you and for that reason she's not told anyone for 15 years until today you're

like oh my god let me ask you this do you think Mackey could have done this

[Music] see if we can find Clint Mackey get him to confess now there were armed with

this brand-new statement from penny it's time to see what's lit Mackey has to say

probably looking fear for the last 15 years it's someday somebody's gonna come back and on his door like this you know

it's just go ahead roll up if he's there hey I'm a detective with the Vigo County

Sheriff's Office want to see if we could take a few minutes your time and kidding me no I don't trust not you guys Clanton

do you want to help us clear this market I don't have nothing to do with we're clearing everybody involved in it here

we are talking to you giving you the opportunity to clear yourself cops

around here ran my name again down through a little town kids go to school

here they know everybody this is bull son you're the last person to see her alive it was not the last person to see

her life Isaiah went in there and dropped off her keys and we left I was not the last person to see her alive

I said out there in my cart you went in there and I thought maybe he was pinching from her bag of weed and there's something mentioned about acid

y'all got a hit okay okay

Clint said there was no acid initially 1998 he said there was so again his credibility is questioned we went out

there we partied had a good time we've got a car brought it back went home there was contact between your car and

hers that you've got a broken front lift lens you remember hi I don't know I

don't remember hitting the car you know I don't I don't remember that's not something that I remember I wouldn't I

was pretty so now Clint says that he doesn't remember the car accident and clearly there's physical evidence of that there

so now he's all for to his credibility is really damaged when you brought a car back how long did he stay inside he was in a

few minutes this could be important here when he came back out was did you seen blood on him no I did see no he wasn't gonna have no blood on him he have an

iPhone you know so rascal did he come out with blood all over him did come out with a Kn*fe in his hand

no no he was fine he was mom he's actually put the Isaiah in a better position when they talk to you 15 years

ago you said you hit on Erica felt her breast and and in the pool yeah we

agreed was gonna have sex oh really she got sick yeah then she got sick okay she threw up what do you think when she said

when you weren't gonna have sex on me I know how that can be when somebody I wasn't worried about it I was worried about I was a girlfriend do you know a

girl named penny remember girl named penny do you want over to her house and talk to her at some point penny no we weren't that close she says

you guys went for a ride and you talked about this and you started to cry do you remember telling her that you woke up

and you had blood on your hands no no I've never I never told her that I had blood on my hands no I'm done I'm

done I can show you this real quick did you ever see Erica like Jewish they

have 33 times throw that how parables that you know I mean we want to find closure to this I'm trying to gauge his

reaction and his eyes water up as I'm talking to him I'm thinking I'm looking

directly in the eyes of a k*ller are you sorry I didn't do this even if

you didn't do it I didn't do this what happened I didn't do it then you're not gonna you know pushed me into I didn't I

didn't do that I partied that night we left

after talking to Clint Mackey it's pretty clear that his version of the story has changed since talking to the

police back in 1998 now Clint is denying the fact that he ever dropped acid that night and now he's denying that any

traffic accident ever happened but the most crucial thing he says is that Isaiah came out of the house spotless

because when you look at the crime scene you know it's going to be impossible for somebody to k*ll Erica like that and

walk away clean which means you're a suspect has the string of the blood on down and we know that Isaiah didn't have

a car so there's no way he could have returned to the scene alone he had to have come out at this time when Clint

saw him and he came out clean so how could he be to k*ll him I feel that Isaiah is not responsible for this

homicide okay I agree I don't believe he's responsible he's not the guy that didn't m*rder

none of our evidence ever suggested that Isaiah could have been Erica's k*ller and with this statement from Clint

Mackay Isaiah's an eclair Mak he's got a whole entire criminal history I mean

he's clearly the guy that did this all the things he's thought about over the years that could have got him in trouble and those are the things he's changing

he has had 15 years think about it I think we're ready all right let's go take everything we now have a fantastic

circumstantial evidence case to present to the DA because we know about the details of Clint sexual as*ault of his

aunt and the sexual misconduct of Tiffany this pattern shows us the way he becomes violent toward women when he's

rejected two or three times by omegan wall that along with the fact that Isaiah says he wasn't there when Dubois

got broken that night I was never with him if he got into a texture blintz inconsistencies in his own statement

y'all got a hit and what penny Garriott told us about the incredible admission

by Clint that he was there that night and we believe that we finally have

enough evidence to convince the DA to take this case to a grand jury to seek an indictment for m*rder against Clint Maggie or what happened to arrack

attends my are you alright thank y'all

for being so patient thank you you should know that everywhere we went

people said wonderful things about Erica we found out some new information we all

feel confident Isaiah duty was not involved the bottom line is that your district attorney and his first

assistant have decided to take the case and present it to a grand jury to ask to indict Clint Mackey for Erica's m*rder

this is great news this is the best news we've gotten in 15 years as my wife

could imagine I know we wish not to give me a hospital you're a wonderful man

thank my sister would be happy that we didn't give up I feel really good and

I'm very hopeful that we can honor my sister buddy gaining justice for her

thank you right bye bye bye it's just hard I think my kids are stronger than I

am it's hard to move on when you lose somebody and then you lose somebody else

and I think they're both looking down and smiling and want me to be positive

and what's going on and I'm gonna try to [Music]

On January 21st 2014 Colette Mackey walked into the Benton

County Sheriff's Department in Iowa and said he had information in aerica cases m*rder he was taken into custody

captain modes and detective Bell arrived soon after that to hear what he had to say every time you think you've done LSD

you know he came out to the car went

back up on your car I would back you there guys I'm going in your part I went my car I would have been I looked in the

house I grabbed a Kn*fe I'll walk right over thank you yeah I talked to her

asking questions I want to believe that

Claire Maggie came forward because it's been 16 years and I want to believe that he's really doing this because the guilt

has overwhelmed him and he does truly feel sorry for what he did and I hope that jury case and his

children he can finally start to have some peace and get on with the rest of

their lives [Music]