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02x16 - Other Side of the Tracks

Posted: 02/20/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
I love Ohio kind of different for me to see all this greenery since you know we don't have that in the desert or in

Guernsey County our victim was 17 year old Robyn them and her unborn baby yes

Robyn Stone was seven months pregnant when she went missing on August the 27th 1991 it was her first day of senior year

of high school she came home from school got an urgent call walked out of her

house for the last time and she was never heard from again and think about this was a little bitty school where

they all knew each other and Robyn didn't show up for school four months

later on December the 28th of 91 right after Christmas three men were hunting out by Lew Berg Lake and they happened

upon some skeletal remains and called the Sheriff's Department

a female body has been discovered that body believed to be the Robyn stone was missing several months ago the deputy

who responded knew about Robyn's missing person case so he was actively looking for little baby bones and he found those

right there it never really has been established who the father of the baby was yeah the police thought that

determining the father of Robyn's child was key to the case but Robyn stone was

pretty honest about the fact that she had lots of boyfriends she kept a journal documenting what she did with

those boys without proof of who the father was the DA felt that they did not have enough to prove this case so the

case just rocked along for 23 years with nothing happening well I think we got our work cut out for a lot of people to

talk to so this week we were going to try and determine with DNA evidence who the father of Robyn's baby really was

and hopefully finally find out after 23 years who k*lled Robin stone and her

unborn baby it has been 16 years it's still new

consider her k*lling a cold ears later the case is still unsolved

there are so many cold cases out there just waiting to be solved the crime

scene ultimately tells the story of the m*rder we want to bring justice to these

victims [Music] hi there are you Sam Williams nice to

meet you nice to meet you are you from here yes one raised here how about you I spent 15 years working next County south

of here he drafted you to help out with everything there's a little worker bee I mean I get to fish around always as a

father I can't imagine what my children disappearing and later finding out that

something horrific happened but in addition to that my grandchild was never

able to be brought into this world that I would never get to meet because of these events very tragic first and

foremost we always want to give answers to the family one of the goals of this case not only to eventually be able to

make an arrest and have someone convicted but to give closure to the family and answers to them answers that

they've been waiting 23 years for hey

good morning boys good mornin look what we brought Jason Maggie can go thank you Jason Sam yeah

Johnny bonds nice to meet you we brought us thieves fing gola and Johnny bonds the north and the south because there

are a couple of witnesses in this case there are gonna be a little difficult to deal with and they had that experience so this is her yes

you wanna start with telling us about the case Robin stone she was 17 years

old at the time she was seven months pregnant she was going into her senior year of high school she'd actually went

to school the first day second day she didn't show up Robin had received a phone call left the

house in a hurry in her car to go meet somebody Robin had told her mother that she was going to do math homework with a friend

she told her mom she'd be back in about an hour for dinner she never showed up

Robin's mother then called in the next morning the maiden official report that her daughter hadn't returned him for the

next several days deputies took a scoured area to see if they could locate her this 101 for several weeks then on

December 28th of 91 there were three hunters in the area and came across what

they believed to be human skeletal remains Blue Bird Lake off County Road

15 where a female body has been discovered that body at this point we believed to be the body of Robin stone

there was some identifying features jewelry and things like that that caused the deputies to believe that that was

Robin how was she identified she was identified through dental records the

first suspect that really came to light was Lee Savage Lee had been the longest

relationship that she had had she really cared for Lee and she wanted him to be a

part of this baby's life police initially suspected Lee savage because Robin claimed that he was the father of

her unborn child that wasn't claimed that Lee Savage always denied and then the case kind of got more complicated

when that diary was found yes the diary led to several different relationships that she had had ramen was

very good writing almost a daily journal on her activities very honest Danny turned very honest a literally yes

I think that diary paints the whole picture of Robins life at that time it's like a freeze-frame snapshot of her mind

in her heart it shows how she first met least average in January the first time

they had and every time you broke up with her and how she begged him to take her back it listed all the other boys she was

involved with but the only one she wanted was Lea comfort zone where that victim is found he's been there before

they've had sex Luber Lake his comfort zone Robyn's body was found in an area

known as Lou burg Lake that's the property that's right up next to the savage property lease average used to

hang out there we know that he took Robin there at least one time that we know of it's also an area that we know

the savage family frequented the family is very tight-knit if there was a battle

with one then you battled them all the savage family is very much in the middle of where Robins car was found where

Robins remains were found where the baby was found all those places are very directly connected and close to the

savage family there's a savage Road for God's sake okay so next up there there were a lot of threats that came from

Lee's father Jack this is his daddy yes Jack Savage

okay one percenter Jack savage did not want the baby yep absolutely Jack didn't

like Robin Jack felt that they were a little more middled upper-class and Robin came from a lower-income family he

was not happy that Robin might be calling his son Lee that baby's daddy because he did not approve of their

relationship or of her does dad have a Sharpie when Lee would lose a fight at school when he'd get beat up he would

come home and Jack would be the one leave for losing the fight kicked his ass and this is a very loving family

very v*olence irritable man when you read this case Lee savages all over it

as the person with the most motive who's having issues with Robin in their relationship but you can't disregard

Jack Savage who was so angry about Lee and Robins relationship you have to

figure out was Jack savage so angry he would help his son commit m*rder or he would do the m*rder himself to take care

of the situation so in addition to getting DNA evidence this week is all about getting inside the world of the

savage family to try and find out what really happened to Robin stone and her baby if it's this family involved a to

take a 17 year old girl's life but then to literally just put her body where you're driving by for four months every

day knowing she's right there that's sick

we're going to meet Robyn's family her mom her younger sister and her stepfather thank you all for coming out

here and meeting with us we've asked Kelly and Yolanda to come in help us on this case it's something that we've never forgot about and hopefully we can

get somewhere a lot further than we are right now Jamie is an adult now the time

Robin disappeared she was only 10 years old so obviously Jamie's had a lot of questions throughout the years and

missed a lot of the sisterhood I guess if you will Judi never got to see a grandchild grow

up tell us some stories about Robin Robby was a good kid she loved going to

school yeah she's real smart yeah did she have any plans for what she wanted

to do with her life after high school yes she wanted to be a veterinarian she loved all kinds of animals what do you

remember of your sister and she would take me to the swimming pool


okay damn it you know if you didn't cry it wouldn't be normal

it's okay

on the night that Robin went missing she got a phone call that sounded urgent say goodbye to her mom and walked out I

don't know who it was she all she said was I'll be there I'll be there don't kick myself is that them who was

on the phone that night what was going on in her life that she didn't want you to know about probably Lee at least

haven't you ever call your house or come by to see if you knew anything about Robin never not one time he didn't even

go to the funeral and it's just a nightmare for a mother at the go three bits Yolanda and I are both moms and I

think that as hard as it is you can bury your spouse you can bury your parents but I don't know how you bury your baby

and you buried your baby and your grandbaby every day get to meet my grandbaby if it was a boy or girl I mean

they had ultrasounds but the doctor couldn't make out if you don't know know maybe we can find that out for you too

okay that would be great if it was a boy or a girl I remember one of the fond

memories I have is everybody wants to know what the sex of that child is gonna be and they were not able to have that

so we're hoping that that is one of the things that we're gonna be able to do at

the end of the week is we're gonna be able to give those answers to the stone family in 1991 Robin stone was seven

months pregnant when she was k*lled along with her unborn child her k*ller was never found our main

suspects Lee Savage and his father Jack both lived less than a mile from the area where Robins body was found

it's also an area the savage family was known to frequent and now it's time for us to head out there ourselves to see

the place where Robins body was found absolutely no

[Music] morning morning how are you sir one fine

Oh Lauren thank y'all very much for coming Charles Peckinpah and his son Charles

jr. originally discovered Robin's body back in 1991 December 28 1991 so tell us

about that day we've been rather huntin and the boy he thought he'd seen remains of a deer up there and he went up to look and he

hollered up come over and he said I don't think it's a deer he said there's a shirt clothes laying here you mind

walking down there and showing us sorry you're not dressed for this I think you probably all State Department JA smell

anything yeah there's right in this general facility on this flat area here in the

first body part was come upon as a bone what a great place to hide a body no one

walks that property no one's gonna see her you can't even see her through the branches you had to crawl in there the

animals had kind of scattered it out over a pretty big area through here brother-in-law seen the skeleton back

there and he said well that's not a deer nothing the hair of her head laying right there once I found the jawbone like right

beside my foot I'm done you know I went that way walk further down into the pine

to find a skull there was no distinct damage to the

skull nor any damage that they could find from either a knife or a b*llet on any other bones so unfortunately the

manner in which she was k*lled is unknown sheriff McCauley was actually one of the deputies on the scene there that day and

he's the one that discovered the little baby bones of Robyn's unborn child as we were processing the area I had

ascertained the information that she was pregnant at the time so I looked for very very small bone good thing you

loved if you wouldn't be looking you want to notice if I hadn't had knowledge that she was pregnant at the time I may not have if it was Jack who k*lled Robin

he could have be easily driven back here and dumped her body in this group of trees but if it was leaves since he

Robin have been out here before he could have just met her here k*lled her and left her body so we're standing right

here share a point to the direction of the savages house to be about that way about a half a mile it's crazy to see

just how close the savages lived to where Robin was found either one of them could have k*lled her and gotten back

home completely unnoticed the only issue would have been dealing with Robins car which she drove away

from her home the night she went missing and it was found just hours later on a property not far from Lubert Lake I was

going Jamie we just kind of went to see the layout of how you found the car Jamie Hayhurst found Robins car within

probably an hour to an hour and a half after she had gone missing

okay at that time he had an abandoned trailer and he would drive by check on

it because people have been burglarizing and stealing some of the plumbing and other parts I pulled off the top of the

hill paint rotted off I don't know the m*rder was the one I only had been there now on August 27th of 1991 he'd rolled

by saw a suspicious car there was going to disable it and call the Sheriff's Department because he felt her prowlers

its property there was somebody no you're enough to know they could hide it here notify the Sheriff's Department

about the car which ultimately turned out to be robbing stones car there

anybody that you can think of that would have known that hey there's not much activity around there yeah

Savage is all I've ever heard okay he knows the area he can get to his house and never have to touch a road nobody

didn't see oh that's interesting definitely puts a spin yeah it's clearly

somebody who knows the area they wanted to separate it from the savage Road and and her body that's the key right there


marigold Marsh is the mother of one of Robins friends she spoke to Jack savage the night that Robin went missing that

night when the mom called me at 8:30 she said is Robin there Robin supposed to come to your house not I was doing

her homework I mean upstairs and I said have you seen Robin and she said no and so rather than wasn't at my house it was like a 38 35

at night when and I believe that around 9 o'clock because I didn't wait long I

called Jack savage and he answered the phone I said Rob has disappeared and her

mom called him what I know she was here she's not here he didn't even finished what I had to say he said well they just did that

matter yes and I said she's just disappeared I didn't really think and he said she's

blaming my son for the baby and she's welfare trashed and he was just

screaming and as nearly as I recall I hung up the phone on him he was angry my

newest it was rad Jack's response to the news that a teenager went missing speaks

volumes about his character but we still need to get closer to understanding what his involvement could have been and

Robin's dad [Music] hello Elsie so the next person we're

interviewing is a former mother-in-law Jack's son Lee who can talk about the family from an insider's perspective did Lee ever talk

to you about his relationship with Robin [Music]

so he kind of felt that he may be the baby's father or his dad

Lee's dad was having sex with Robin as well how bleep feel about that about it

hey thanks for taking the time and speaking with me so maybe Jack has issues on wanting to date very young girls or not datem have

sex with them yeah [Music]

23 years ago Robin stone and her unborn child were found dead and nobody has

ever been held responsible we have recently learned that one of our suspects Jack Savage who was known to

have hated Robin may actually have been the father of her child since we filled that paternity could be a very strong

motive it's now essential that we get DNA evidence from Jack and Lisa V as quickly as possible well need a search

warrant to get those DNA samples because in the state of Ohio a court order to get DNA from a suspect is actually

harder than in other states so in this particular case we wanted to get additional evidence to support our

probable cause for the search warrant but our investigators have come up with an outside-the-box idea that I think is

a great option my understanding is that your DA is ready to drive the search

warrant if y'all can figure out a way to get a buccal swab a DNA sample from another of Lee's children if someone

else inside the Savage family is agreeable to volunteer DNA evidence we can compare that to the remains of

Robins baby if we get a match there's a high probability then that the baby was fathered by one of the savages and then

we can get a warrant for Jack and least DNA and find out for sure the actual father is one sergeant Williams with the

Sheriff's Office Guernsey Kelly sergeants Mackey and Williams have been in touch with Lee's daughter Valerie wheeler

what this is about we were never able to determine the paternity of who Robins

baby was your father was the baby's be a brother sister that you had to you'd

wonder that too I'm sure hey the quickest way if it's okay with you is just do a consensual swab of your

mouth you okay with that Valerie okay I'll do one side and I'll do the

other well thank you it's nice to meet you while waiting for our DNA we're gonna

gather as much information as possible and we're gonna start with Boyle's past wives and girlfriends what we're working

on here is a case involving a girl named Robin Stone I'm getting some kind of

personal information here but things I need to know Polly Savage how many times you think he became physically abusive with you Oh a

lot he broke my bone once pushed me out the back door in my mom's house what

would trigger him to get violent don't make much he has a few about this home all about control yeah

how controlling was he during times yet intersects with this jerk mean that may

pass out she liked enemy that he likes to choke people out during sex was that

a normal thing with him he's only done it a couple times but that second time he knocked me I explained them work and

that scary was he ever arrested for a stuff did you file a report he wouldn't do me any good anyway any time I have a cop something he's always gone on so I

gave up Lee's got a violent temper what she remembers most is his proclivity to

choke people out during sexual activity and she's afraid of them always we

should really find Robin which is like maybe not even get there

[Music] be on the right side these stories of abuse are horrible Leigh has been

married several times but we need to talk to his other wives and girlfriends to say betrayed any of them this way

were you around Leigh very much yes we were dating a long time ago this is about me and Robert home mr. Berman Oh

his tempers always been bad did he ever get violent with you I'm not a rough a little rough wood okay it's like during

sexual yeah we're supposed to have regular sex the next thing I know he's

like grab me you know did you remember to punch you on your arms your legs your

chest as well what we look for our patterns people don't change their behavior but some type of trigger and

Lee when he doesn't get what he wants he's prone to use v*olence especially sexual activity when these women tell

him no he right away engages in either forced sexual activity or choking them I can ask the question I asked you but I'm

just going to ask you did he ever choke you during intercourse yes did you pass on Lee's history of

v*olence suggest that he could be capable of k*lling Robin stone with his bare hands hello this is I captain

Payton with the Greens kind of Sheriff's Office are you doing according to past statements Lee had threatened a former

member of the savage family with physical harm after she had gotten a divorce and was out of the family we're

actually looking into the Robin Stone case again we had a rush the board know his brother did make the comment to me

after the divorce and everything with that I was lucky they what had happened to me was all that happens because it

could have been worse like he is what you're lucky I don't do to here what I've done to that other girl

wait that's really important what you just said Lee savage said to you that

you're lucky that I don't do to you what I did to that other girl is that okay

we'll get back with you thank you one of the most common phrases that leads police to a k*ller is like the one lee

said to this woman you're lucky I don't do to you what I did to that girl that statement right there makes me think

we're hot on the trail of our k*ller

windows cannot open this file she likes to help detective Lee they need a minute

all right here we go I'm pregnant we're investigating the mysterious death of Robin stop a

pregnant teenager who was k*lled mysteriously in 1991 our two suspects

are her former boyfriend Lee Savage his father Jack both who could possibly be

the father of her child and now we're getting results from DNA from Robins unborn child and one of Lee's children

that may show a close enough DNA match to allow police to legally compel Jack and Lee themselves to give a DNA sample

so we can find out for certain if either one of them is the father

okay probability of half-sibling ship ninety-nine point eight 4% 618 to one

that's good news it can go to either one oh absolutely between the two you've got definite

motive here that gives us probable cause for a search warrant right let's go ahead and tell everybody oh you're gonna like that sparking up the right tree

this is fantastic it's exactly what we need to justify a search warrant so Sam and Jason are on

their way now that we have a warrant in

hand we are on the way to Jack savages house to get his DNA spot and to ask him

about the death of Robin Stone hello are you Jack yeah that's where gentlemen I

could talk to you of course that happen

23 years ago what'd you think happened mr. Savage but

was she ever up here did you ever meet her or anything I met her at the

apartments that they lived where my daughter lived okay anything where she

was trying to pin it on him that he was the Robin did

this is a bizarre statement from Jack savage because it's common knowledge that Lee and Robin were together long

before she was four months pregnant effect confirmed by multiple witnesses did you ever know exactly where she was

found some information we have learned

is there's been a DNA test done with a ninety-nine point eight percent

probability is that it belongs to your son she was four months pregnant

when he was introduced I know that project Jack I'm not lying to you the

lab said it could be a possibility it was Lee or it could be his father

okay I got I got a warrant don't come back say that can we call you if they

get the results and they said you come back out why is that because you think

we're lying when someone is as hostile

and defensive as Jack savage is being it makes me wonder what the heck he's hiding it's not very nice nice and think

he likes you must've been your sunglasses no I took them all that's

what the problem was your beady eyes

now finally it's time to approach Lee himself here just pull in somewhere

hopefully he'll be more cooperative than his dad and we can ask him some

questions before presenting him with warrant then we've been taking a look at

that file trying to clear that case out it's just all these years you know there's so much there that we don't know

just thinking back oh yeah that's a couple days ago yeah you guys wanna do

this now then we wrap this crews around

I called you okay I just happen to have good that's fine Lee is much more laid-back than his father okay all right

either and he's done nothing wrong or he's just a better liar we're about to find out okay okay

our main suspect Lee Savage has always denied to friends and family that he was the father of Robins unborn child who

was k*lled along with her back in 1991 did Lee think he could be the father he thought that it was one of the guards

muscle dogs and she thought it was his baby he'd never wanted nothing about kids he

told you that yes he said he wasn't okay but now we required a warrant for Lee's

DNA so we're finally gonna know if he's the child's father detectives Mackey and Williams have

asked me to come down so we can get his DNA but in addition to that there are still a lot of questions that need to be

answered know we had heard that you dated her that you were possibly the father of her child I was 14 when I met

her we need to point three or four months become kind of bland I'll tell

you why because I'm saying yeah at some point she comes her and

she's pregnant do you remember when that would have been I've been with her nine months she had come to me in the

following spring and I'm going to say early summer and said that she was

pregnant this is the exact opposite of the story that Jack savage Lee's father

gave us that Robin was four months pregnant when she only started dating but it still doesn't match but multiple

witnesses had said about the timeline of Lee and Robins relationship when you guys would have sex did you use

protection always had a**l sex with her

never had job and that's why Robin never come to me to look at me and say you're

the father she never when do you think

was the last time you seen her before she came just right the beginning and the spring beginning of summer and

that's when I so we're talking you're thinking three to four months before she

came up missing the last time you actually physically laid eyes on her okay after letting Lee tell his version

of the story Sam brings out the notes that captain Ben Horne took a long time ago in a long

interview he didn't Lee I found van Hoorn statement that we talked to you about where he made some some notes when

you talked to him and I don't want you to go into the panic mode because I know you see her see what I was across enough

oh yeah you're right they haven't been crossed at all before now you can see

he's starting to close up yeah but here's what Van Horn wrote that you'd said you told him that you had

dated Robin for about nine months that sound right it was yeah I didn't think

I'd date her that long and then you advised that Robin had wanted to put your name on one with the bursar to know

your mother certificates I did this here we had sent DNA standards in and

according to the lab there's a ninety nine point eight four percent that

you're the father we were able to send there were fetal bones when she was


yeah you mean - one time I might have done sex so now it's one time I was

gonna be your your first child I hate to tell you like this someone k*lled my kid someone k*lled

Robin come like it and we need your help today Lee's lies about his relationship with

Robin are catching up with him he's contradicted his own statements left and right so now there's only one thing left

to do for what that is it's a q-tip a

swab inside your mouth will ship that out and we'll know in two days how would

you guys think thank you played it in as well as you could he's you know they see he crosses his arms

that some of the stuff he's laid him back even after he drank that was good okay so here's what the good thing was

and I wrote them all down every time you called him in a little bitty lie where another witness disputed what he said

because the point of a cold case is to catch him in lies that other people can dispute or refute it's not to catch him

said okay you're right I did it that's not gonna happen and then when you're hitting with the fact that he's the baby's daddy all of a sudden he's

crawfish in a little bit oh yeah he teared up on that yeah at that hittin yeah okay I want to turn this over to

captain paid and have Captain paid and rush this down to FedEx thank you buddy


all right all off the press just got an email this is on the attorney analysis

all right all off the press just got an email this is on the paternity analysis all right it says

Jack Savage is excluded as a biological father of the fetus Robin Stan 0%

probability three hundred fifty two thousand two hundred forty five two one

Lee Savage is not excluded as the biological father of the fetus Robin stoned 99.99 percent probability the

daddy all right so that means after 23 years and everybody wondering if Lee

Savage really had the motive we can say today the odds of him being the daddy

are as good as they get because there's no one hundred percent can't get any better so when you consider Lee's

history of v*olence he broke my jaw man once pushed me out the back door my mom's house he punched you on your arms

relax your chest as well right all the lies and contradictions he made during his interview good said that you dated

Robin for about nine months Robin had wanted to put your name on the purser to know that the fact that Robins

body was found in a spot less than a mile from Lee's house a spot that he is known to frequent and add in the fact

that he is the father of Robins child something he never wanted to be you have a case good enough to present to the

prosecutor which is exactly what Detective Mackey and Williams are on their way to do are y'all fired up already been waiting 23 years for this

anything we won't we got it listen to mom now okay

[Music] hey Jason and Sam are back from seeing

the prosecutor and we're all anxious to see how it went I'm making a supper well we talked to

Dan definitely agrees we made a lot of progress this week hunt there's a lot of things he likes about the case and where

we've come he was really impressed with all these things that leave you know his

story has totally changed over the years but there are some things he wants us to continue on and once we get and we

tighten up the screws a little bit there he's definitely opened presenting us down the road we always want to hear

their prosecutor we'll presenta case to a grand jury right away but I'm not the one taking this to court prosecutor Dan

ped and has to present this in court one day and he has to feel comfortable with what he has one thing I do know is it's

Sam and Jason are gonna keep working and make this case against Lee savage even stronger well he's wonderful being here thank

y'all so much thank you again you're very welcome thank y'all thank you Kelly Yolanda

Steve and Johnny they were awesome to work with a great experience

thank you very much hello guys how are

you hi guys a long week yes well that's

why I say I'm one to call you all today okay there's two things that we did find out through DNA one is it was boy

in here with us you know but please now I know what he was maybe me and Jamie

configure an email and the other is that Lee Savage is the father of the baby we

talked to to the prosecutor today there's just a few more things that he wants us to do just to kind of tighten

up and then he is considering taking this case to the grand jury here down the road oh that's great Wow was because

of this man right here yeah that case just sat here for 23 years until this

man right here picked it up and made all this happen so he's the one you owe thanks to but you get to pester him all

you want to it was very nice meeting y'all take care of your mom okay it's

been a long time and my sister can finally rest in peace we'll be talking a

lot over the next few weeks keep you up-to-date on what's going on all right guys we've made a lot of progress this

week and one of the best things that we can now answer some of Judy's questions all of the other little pieces of the

story that she's tortured herself with in the past 23 years maybe we can give

her a little bit more of those answers and a little bit of peace you
