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02x04 - The Marriage of True Minds

Posted: 12/07/14 18:27
by bunniefuu
I'm here to win the heart of Ariadne.

Am I too ambitious?

I'm not sure a prince can ever be too ambitious.

You were lucky. It won't always be that way.

I would be honoured to accept your proposal.

O kletheisa thea, dorois esth' aphthonos aiei. Alla kai hemeteren hupodekhnuso potna thuelen...

(chicken clucks)

(clucking stops)

Nun didomen tode soi, kai soi kleos aphthiton est?

The wedding date is set?

We leave for Aegina in two days.

What news of the emissary Ariadne dispatched?

It would seem the road to Aegina is fraught with danger.

As our young Queen is about to find out.

I will persuade them towards Phyria.

That will give us the best chance of success.

And the Queen suspects nothing?

She knows I was estranged from my father.

Not that we never reconciled.

You have done well.

Indeed. Now you must ensure that it was not in vain.

You doubt me?

And when Ariadne is dead?

Do not worry.

You will have your place in my court.

I wish I had your faith in him.

Do not fear. Telemon is an exile in search of a home.

He will do anything to belong again.

Even k*ll a Queen?

Even that.

You have done well.

There is more.

Well, go on, then.

You have bled me dry.

(he sighs)

Give me the benefit of your wisdom.

What else have you learnt?

He sleeps with one eye open.

What use is that to me?

Come back here! I'll tan your hide!

You were right.

Prince Telemon's been out of the city.

All night.

Doing what?

I cannot say.

I made this journey but a week ago.

It would be foolish to enter King Agenor's territory.

King Agenor has always thought highly of Atlantis.

What of his relationship with my father?

I know nothing of this.

I would prefer not to make this journey at all.

What are you suggesting?

The Queen remains in Atlantis.

Well, then there can be no wedding.

I must have my father's blessing.

After everything that has gone between us, it is of utmost importance to me.

We travel to Aegina.

As you wish.

Might I make a suggestion?

We go by way of Phyria.

The Colcheans will have no patrols in the desert.

I will give it some consideration.

But I alone will know the chosen route.

It is as I have asked.

As you wish.

I cannot let her travel to Aegina unaware of the potential danger.

Jason... You cannot burst in there with wild accusations.

Whatever else Telemon is, he is a prince.

And Ariadne's betrothed.

Do you trust him?

That's hardly the point.

With no proof, it's just going to look like...

Like what?

Like you're jealous.

Without evidence, Ariadne will have no choice but to dismiss your claims.

What? Do we just let her go?

I see no other way.


Thank you for granting me a private audience.

Come, let us walk.

The journey to Aegina is fraught with danger.

I am only thinking of your safety when I ask you to... reconsider.

The route has been carefully planned.

Not just the route. The destination.

The match.

Are you sure you can trust this man?

An alliance with Aegina will secure a future for the people of Atlantis.

If Telemon is to be trusted.

Well, I have heard nothing from our emissary.

Surely if there were a problem...

What do you know of his past?

Rather more than I do of yours, I suspect.

I know of the troubles he went through when he was young and the difficulties he has with his father.

Does he tell you where he goes at night?

You have been spying on him?

I fear for your safety.

He is my future husband. Not a prisoner.

What's he doing that worries you so?

Jason, I cannot do this.

Atlantis is vulnerable...

I know, I know that and I understand that you have to marry.

Do you?

I have thought long and hard about marrying Telemon.

In the middle of the night when it seems that dawn will never come, I have paced my chambers, hoping for a sign.

In those moments of conflict, I always consider what my father would say.

He held Telemon's family in great respect.


I cannot be with you. I am sorry. I truly am. If there were a way...

We must never speak of this again.

My lady, if you don't trust me enough to advise you, at least let me protect you on the journey.

You would do this for me?

Then we leave at first light.

You need to pack.

Where are we going?

To protect the Queen.

You too. We leave at dawn.



We are accompanying Ariadne to her wedding?

Of course.

Of course!

How do we protect a man so stubbornly ruled by his heart?

Presumably the Oracle foretold such difficulties.

Not to me she didn't.

I am pleased to see you here.

I wouldn't be anywhere else.

No-one will think ill of you if you decide not to go.

Here you go.

Tell me something of your father.

What is it you wish to know?

His likes, dislikes. What makes him happy?


Meeting you will make him happy.

You needn't worry so.

But you parted on bad terms.

And he cannot fail to see how I have changed.

I am sure he will attribute much of that to you.

I cannot claim that honour.

I think you can.

More than you know.

I will feel better once the sun has risen.

Apparently, he sleeps with one eye open!

As do we.

I will take first watch. You sleep.

The next stage is surely the most perilous.

I fear so. But I have made my decision.

We move into the desert and follow the course of the Phyria gorge.

You are a long way from the fire.

I'm sorry. I forgot myself.

I feel safer with you here.

I will feel safer when you are back by the fire.

My lady.

As far as I can tell, he's not up to anything.

Perhaps this journey will end safely after all.


If it does, I think we should find you another woman.

There are other women.


Hercules will find you one.

Oh, yes, I am spectacularly good at that kind of thing.

Putting aside the fact that my love sits cursed in a cave, I'd be happy to help.

Thank you, but I actually don't think it's such a bad thing being on your own.

Oh, absolutely, I agree.

Have you ever known anything else?

That's beside the point.

What happened?

Nothing. He slept.

You slept?

No... I didn't. The whole night.

I watched. He slept.

We must leave no trace of the camp.

Of course.

We go through Phyria?


Is that wise?

I believe it is the last path the Colcheans will expect us to take.

He has done well.

The message is clear.

They are heading south, across the desert.

They will reach the Phyria gorge before sunset.

Make sure your men are ready.

Now, do you doubt Telemon's loyalty?

I know what you're thinking.

This route wasn't chosen lightly.

I'm sure.

No bandit would dare att*ck a convoy this size.

Can we not pass by the north?

The last we heard, it was overrun with Colcheans.

(he groans)

(arrows swoosh)

(he gasps)

We have to get her to safety straightaway.

Help me.

This is what you wanted all along.

What are you waiting for?

Forgive me.

Head for the rocks!

Ariadne. Come on. Run!

Ariadne, look at me.

Thank the Gods you are safe.

Did you see them?


It looks that way.

(arrows swoosh)

I shouldn't have doubted you.

You had your reasons.

(shouts of battle continue)
Is it done?

It was carnage.

There are many dead.

And Ariadne?

What of the Queen?

I do not know.

But you k*lled her?

If you had been there...

I would have remembered the task I had to do.

In the heat of the moment, decisions have to be made.

So you decided to let her go?

(he groans)

My Lady, he is of royal blood.

I am the son of a King - Apollo's servant on earth.

Why risk the fury of the Gods?

If you leave me here, I will die.

That is for the Gods to decide.

We must travel to the gorge to ensure Ariadne is dead.


I will find you.

I will not forget.

We must make a break for it whilst we have cover of darkness.

They're preparing to att*ck.

Hand me a w*apon.

Draw the arrow to your eye.

Here they come.


Where did you learn to sh**t like that?

My father taught me.

He believed that everyone should know how to defend themselves.

(he winces)


We would sneak out of the citadel early in the morning and head to the forest.

It was one of the only times we were ever alone.

You miss him.

More than you know.

There... You'll live. For now.

There are scores of them. I can see their torches.

It's barely an hour before dawn.

I fear we must leave everything if we are to escape unnoticed.

(arrow swooshes)


(he groans)

Get back! In there!

We were so close.

We need to keep moving.

I left anything that might be useful back there.

Pass me that water.

Le's go while we still have a chance.

It will stop the bleeding. For now.


We can't stay here. Come on.

(dion groans)

Over here.

It's not her!

One of the archers saw a group fleeing the gorge.

They tried to stop them, but...

And Ariadne?

I fear she was amongst them.

Which direction did they go?


I doubt they will survive for long.

And you think we should leave it to chance?

No, my lady.

That's the last of it.

Without rest and water, he will most certainly die.

Then we must rest.

Jason... Jason.

You must get the Queen to safety.

Not until you're ready to move again.

I am not long for this world.

I am not leaving you here.

I will only slow you down.

Then I'll take that chance.

He wanted you to leave him here?

I knew there would come a point when he'd ask that of you.

He is thinking only of your safety.

And I knew you would refuse.

We would gain very little, crossing the desert...

You do not have to justify yourself to me.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

They're badly wounded.

It cannot be long since they passed this way.

When we find them, leave Ariadne for me.

It is possible to survive for a number of days without water.


Providing you rest...


And stay out of the sun.

Should be all right, then(!)

And without either of those things, we'll be dead in a couple of days.


I intend to die with a beautiful woman in one hand, and a jug of ale in the other.

And you're going to look for them now?

No, I'm going to look for a somewhere to... contemplate my existence.

I'm not sure that I deserve such loyalty.

No, you almost certainly do not.

Be serious.

I think Pythagoras covered the serious part.

In a couple of days, we'll be dead.

And actually, what he didn't mention was they will be the most agonising days of your life.

Is that serious enough?



No, travellers of some sort.

We may be saved after all.

Or slaughtered.

I'm just saying - they might not be friendly.

I think we'll have to take that chance.

They're turning.

Please forgive us. Our journey has made us wary of strangers.

Even though we desperately need your help.

What of your friend?

I fear he will not survive much longer. We were att*cked...

We were att*cked by robbers.

We are on our way to Paros, but without provisions we will not make the journey.

If you could escort us to the nearest town.

We would for ever be in your debt.

The goddess would not wish us to abandon them.

We are bound for the Sanctuary of !sis at Philae.

You are welcome to journey with us.

We are most grateful.

Tell me, what takes you to Paros?

We are merchants, we're trying to sell our wares.

Not that any remain.

And the lady? She is your wife?


Then you are brave indeed to make such a journey.

What do you sell?

Oh, er, pots... Cooking pots.

You were most unlucky to have so many cumbersome objects stolen from you.



It's not possible.

There are more of them.

They are headed for the mountains.

It is of no matter. We should catch them by nightfall.


(he laughs)


Thank you. I shall feel happier when we are on sturdier terrain.

As will I.

You will be happier when you have your Queen safely home.

Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

How did you know?

Orpheus may be blind but he sees more than any man I have ever known.

Your journey is a long and arduous one.

It is our choice.

Only in suffering can we find our true selves.

Why does it have to be that way?

Would that it were different.

There is great sadness in your heart.

You have suffered much for one so young.

You speak as if you know me.

It is his gift.

The mantle that you've inherited weighs heavy on your soul... but it will not always be so.

Though he may not have known it, Minos prepared you well for the task ahead.

You knew my father?

I was sad to hear of his demise.

Fortunately, there are very few people on this earth consumed by pure evil.

Pasiphae is one.

Why couldn't he see that?

Sometimes, we are blind to those we hold dearest.

Here we go, old friend, I won't let this meal be your last.

I am not sure I am hungry.

But you will eat.

Your Highness.

Pasiphae will stop at nothing until I am dead.

And you know what the strange thing is?

That doesn't scare me any more.

You must have great faith in your protectors.

Indeed I do.

If I fear anything, it is their safety.

Maybe we should stay with the pilgrims, give our lives to the Gods.

It seems to have served them well.

Do you think we will live to be that old?

I don't know.

(he chuckles)

Tell me, is it a starry night?


I thought so.

The air is clear.


Would that it could stay that way.

Here... Let me help you.

I am grateful for everything you have done for us.

I just fear that we will only bring you trouble.

That is as may be.

Some things cannot be avoided.

Our paths have been fated to cross since the dawn of time.

No seer can really tell another man's moira... but... I sense... that your momentous journey has only just begun, and that it will live long in the hearts of men.

Tell me, does it end well?

That I cannot answer.

But do not see it as a burden.

The Gods mean it as a gift.

Thank you.

I doubt your suitor is allowed to keep you warm.

I have seen the looks that pass between you.

I'm speaking out of turn.

Do not fear.

I am but a humble merchant and you may address me as such.

Would that were true.

You would give it all up for him?


My people come first.

Love is a force as destructive as it is harmonious.

If I have learned one thing, it is that it cannot be denied.

Sometimes, it is necessary to deny it.

Bless you, my child, you have much to learn.

(twigs crunching)



I don't know how.

Don't be a fool. Take it!


Go! Go!

Get the others out of here. I'll try and hold them off.

We must move!

He cannot continue this way.

Him and me both.

Don't even think about it.

But it's...

I'm still having nightmares about one-eyed monsters.

We wait for the others here.

(twigs snap)

I thought I told you to flee.

Well, luckily for you, I don't like being told what to do.

Jason... Jason... How many remain?

Too many.

(shouts in distance)

We'll take shelter in there.

Why is it always caves?

What is this place?

Look at the carvings.

They're tombs.

Hipparghos. It is the ancient necropolis of King Hipparghos.

We should move on.

(dion groans)

The trail leads to the necropolis, half a dozen or so made it inside.

And Ariadne is with them?

I do not know for sure but we can presume so.

Then, why are your men idle?

They will not venture inside, my lady.


I will speak to them.

It will do no good.

They believe no man who enters the necropolis ever returns.

(she scoffs)

You may find your death in the necropolis or you may meet it here.

Who will follow me?

Perhaps this will help make up your minds.

Bring him here.

(blade strikes)

Who is still afraid?

Then we will face them alone.

It's time now.

(ariadne cries)

You no longer need me.

I will always need you. You are capable of more than you know.


(she groans)




(her call echoes below)

Pythagoras! Go, go, go!

What are those things? Why won't they die?
