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02x15 - Bounty Ball

Posted: 02/21/24 12:51
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


Woman: [ Over P.A. ] And on your right, you'll see one of the first water towers

ever constructed in the Utah Valley.

The very train we're riding

was also one of the oldest running steam engine trains

before it was repurposed and automated

for this leisurely educational adventure.

Ugh, I don't know what's taking longer --

this train that's going miles an hour

or this boring lecture!

Oh, come on, Ben!

We might learn something cool.

This train is fascinating!

Ugh, this lecture --


It's k*lling me!

[ Groans ]

It got me.

You're a real thespian, Ben.

At least I know you're enjoying the tour, right, Grandpa?

-Grandpa. -Huh?

Woman: The Baltimore and Ohio railroads

were the first steam-powered railroads...

Uh, sorry, Gwen. This tour is just too exciting

for me to -- to stay awake.

Or alive!

[ Gasping ]

Uh, yes, so, Ben, of course

you absolutely should not get your watch out

and use those powers to speed this train along.

Especially if you don't want to get to that gift shop

at the train station sooner.

Woman: Jebediah Lincoln McTavers Benoit...

I couldn't not agree more, Grandpa.

-Hey! -Got to get this express train

to Nap-town on the right track!

[ Grunting ]

Next stop, souvenirs!

Kraab: Human bounty has been located.

Target is in sight. Have clean sh*t.

Patience, Kraab. Let's not be hasty.

Our client has searched all over the universe

for a specimen like this one.

[ All groaning, muttering indistinctly ]

[ Laughs ]

Boy, that tour just flew on by, didn't it?

Seriously. Over so soon.

I guess I'll just enjoy this tour all by myself.

Woman: Now I'll spend the next hour

discussing Utah's history of infamous train bandits.

Oh, yeah, bandits!

Oh, yeah, really great here, Grandpa.

A wide selection of trains and train-related train stuff

and -- [ Gasps ]

Rail shark?

[ Whispering ] You complete me.

And it only costs -- Aah!


Oh, Grandpa, could the bestest grandpa in the world

buy his favorite grandson a toy train?

Nice try, Ben. Maybe if you kept up with your chores,

you could have an allowance saved up like your cousin.

Aw, come on!

Way too busy hero'ing to do chores.

Where's my special hero's allowance?

A true hero would spare his family from the smell

of his week-old unmentionables.

Now will you leave me be?

I need to find souvenirs for all your aunties.

They hate trains.

I guess I'm getting too old for the old puppy-dog-eye schtick.

I need to think of a get-rich-quick schtick instead.

Better consult my idea man.

Now, let's see. If I wanted to get rich in the long run,

I would invest in a nice stock portfolio.

But for now, the most efficient course of action

is to collect loose change from the train passenger seats.

This is going to be easy money.



I told you patience is key.

The bounty hunters! Can one safely assume

that you three are not here to chat and catch up?

Woman: This old train had a fair bit of terrible heists in its day.

In order to fend off criminals, they eventually laced these --

[ Grunting ]

Could you keep it down out there?

Some of us are trying to li-- Ben?

-Gwendolyn? -Escape is futile, Changer!

Whoa! Gotcha!

Grey Matter: Thank you for your intrepid interception.

-No prob. -Now get us out of here!


Now what? We start the train.

We require two burly coal shovelers,

an engineer, a ton of coal --

Or the big green button?

Oh. Yes.

[ Train whistle blows ] Did we lose them?

I'm not sure. Aah!

I thought we were on good terms, Tetrax!

There is a collector who will pay a lot of money

for a human that can change his shape.

We're hunters.

Don't take it personally.

Attacking my person is the definition of personally!

Hurry, Ben!

Looks like I'm out of train.

This door isn't big enough for the both of us, SixSix!

There has to be something here.

Hmm, a can of iron powder.

Gwen, batter up!

Got it.

The door, while they're distracted.

Guess we have to jump now.

Gwen, look out!



[ Whimpers ]

-Gwen! -Calm yourself.

There is nothing you can do from within this ener-cell.

Besides, it won't be all bad.

Your new master will take good care of you.

Life will be easy.

Yeah, I don't want your kind of easy.

SixSix, get the ship into position.

Oh, I see. Tetrax is obviously your master, SixSix.

You are his little pet.

I didn't realize Tetrax made all the rules.

Do not try to get into our heads.

[ Grunting indistinctly ]

Because I'm the one that caught him. Now do it.

Ball was my idea.

Oh, okay. He's the idea man.

So then he obviously gets a larger share of the reward.

-Quiet! -I should get more money

since I made more thinking.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm the leader.

I get the leader's share!

[ Grumbling indistinctly ]

I don't care if it was your ship that got us here!

It was my contact.

I got us the job!

[ Jabbers ]

Now that I've bought myself some time,

I can figure out how to get out of this device.

Its surface appears to be constructed

out of some sort of electrically conductive gel.


If I can stress the bubble's structure enough,

the electricity should disperse, and it will collapse.

But where am I going to find something

to apply that much concentrated force?

Kraab: Where is target?

That will work.

Release my head, crustacean!

You lost the target, rock-for-brains!

Still think you deserve more money?

I should just vaporize you right now

and take all the bounty for myself.

I need a way to quickly elevate myself into striking range.

[ Slow-motion growling ]

[ Beeping ]

I can use the demolished floorboards.

I must get the timing just so.

Three, two, one, now!


And cue laser.


It worked!

What just happened?

-Uh, get him? -Nah.

You guys hang out here and finish your talk.

-Aah! -Nowhere to run, flesh child.

The Omnitrix, it's already timed back in?


You got a bubble big enough for this?



Ow! Hey, knock it off.

You could really hurt somebody!

Okay, okay! You don't care. I got it.

Woman: The turn switch ahead

is where one would direct trains into the mines.

Turn switch.

As we round Snake Back Pass, thank your lucky stars

that we've got a nice, safe road to follow.

Otherwise, you'd be on a one-way trip

to the collapsed bridge over Gobbler's Gorge,

and we would all perish in a most terrible fashion!

Didn't you guys hear? The train's going to crash!

Woman: Wow. It seems like we've taken an unfortunate detour.

Quite an improper time for improvisation...

...especially since our train is automated,

and there's nobody to pull the brakes.

I give you two options, human. You can give up,

or your cousin doesn't get to ride the train anymore.

Let go of me, you creep!

Gwen? I knocked you off the train! You were safe!

I couldn't leave you alone with these creeps.

Come quietly, human. I'll let her go,

and you'll be treated well, for a human pet.

I will not be a bargaining chip.

This is the easiest way. Take it.

You're right. Just let her go.

Good choice.

Ben? Aah!

-Let's pack up. -Gwen!

Get the portal open so we can load him in.

You said you would let her go.

I did let her go. [ Chuckles ]


You jerk!

Just stay down. Those nets are designed

to inflict pain when you move.

Take the easier path.


Impressive. Blast him again.

-Aah! -What?


Time somebody else got thrown off this train.


You leave my cousin alone!



You're not worth the trouble anymore, flesh child.

You, you're a Diamondhead!

We just wanted money.

There will be others who want much more from you.

Ben, the bridge!

I'm on it! I lied.

We've got to get to the front to stop it.

-Come on! -How do we stop it?

Guess there's no stop button.

What about that lever?

They covered that in the tour?

Got any better ideas?

[ Both straining ]

[ Metal screeching ]

-Phew. -He said there would be

worse jerks than them after me.

Hey, come on.

Who can b*at the invincible Ben Tennyson, right?

I don't know. I could've lost you today,

and those guys are just the beginning.

Team Tennyson can take on any thr*at

the universe wants to throw at us.

I think you guys earned yourselves a reward.

-What do you want? -That's okay, Grandpa.

-Hard work is its own -- -Rail shark!

Rail shark, rail shark, rail shark, rail shark!

Well, he can only learn so much in a day.

