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03x07 - There's Food Safety and Then There's Food Safety

Posted: 02/21/24 14:19
by bunniefuu


Wait a minute. Wait a minute!

Oh, my goodness! It's amazing! Call all the newspapers!

This tortilla chip looks just like me!

Chet, we need a protective security shield pronto!

Nothing can happen to this chip!


[panting]: Whew! That was close.

Amazing news, Grandma.

You got a real job?


Look at this.

A corn chip in the shape of a duck?

A duck?! It's clearly me, Grandma.

I'm going to make a whole attraction out of it.

What do you think I should call my museum?

How about the grandson- who-cares-about-a-chip-

more-than-his-own-grandmother museum?

Oh, I'm mailing this cake to your brother Scruff,

but it could get squashed.

I'm so nervous.

But don't worry about your grandma.

Wait, Grandma!

Hey, what is that?

[gasps] Guacamole! Yeah!

What?! Nice try, Blossom,

but I'm protecting this chip no matter what.

Nice work, Chet. Up top.

Now it's protected forever.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪

It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪ With Ruff Ruffman. ♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?

FundinAnd here come the contestants now.

She doesn't know her hat size.

Ah, so that's why she's not wearing a sombrero.

She once swung on a trapeze at a furniture store.

Who knows what's next? Lion taming at a supermarket?

He can touch the back of his hand with his thumb. Yowsa!

She loves leeches. Yuck!

Oh, no, wait. Lychees. It's a type of nut.

He's not a fan of black bean soup.

Guess I better think of another grand prize.

His dog thinks it's a cat. Oh, that poor pooch.

Let's get an update on the scores.

Sammy has dropped to sixth place with points.

Harsha up to fifth with points.

Noel has dropped to fourth place with points.

DJ is back in third with points.

Jay remains in second with points,

and Sam, still our leader with points.

Hello and welcome to another

incredible episode of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

Whoo!Yeah! Yeah.

That's us.I've got some great challenges today.

Blossom, what do you think you're doing?

You bought a plane ticket for Sammy to fly to New York?


Because it's part of challenge number one?

[all cheer]


The plane ticket and all her instructions

are already in the mailbox?

And Anna is waiting for her...?


Sammy, I don't know what Blossom's up to,

but go FETCH.

Yeah, Sammy. All right.

Bye, Sammy! Okay.

See ya later.

Okay, can I at least deliver

challenge number two?

Thank you.

All right.

What, I can't even get a hello?

Hey, Grandma Ruffman!

Hi, Grandma Ruffman.

Hi, Grandma.

I was just going to call you back.

I've got a great idea.

The FETCHers are going

to build you a top-of-the-line cake protector.

Then you can protect the cake you want to send to Scruff.

Oh, wonderful.

Now I've got it all worked out.

You'll work with Dr. Masoud,

who's a professor of engineering.

And I baked some test cakes to practice with.

And I had Murray pick up your real cake.

GRANDMA: Oh, that Murray is so responsible.

Well, I'll take it from here, Ruffy, thank you.


What are you doing?!

Sam and Noel and Harsha,

be a doll and look in the wagon. You'll see more test cakes.

Oh, and I mailed everything else you need to know

into that mailbox thingy

of yours, Ruff, so go obtain it.

"Obtain it"?

Come on, Grandma,

you know the name of my show, don't ya?


Okay, dears,

you have everything.


Bye, Ruff.

I-I didn't get to give out a single challenge today.

Everybody's taking your job, Ruff.

I'm telling ya.

Oh, stop complaining, Ruffy.

I'll be back later.

I'm missing the cat-grooming show I love so much.

Wait a minute. Why aren't you watching my show?

I've seen it once, and that's pretty much all you need.

Dang, Grandma.

So as determined by Blossom and by Grandma, apparently,

Jay and DJ are

staying behind in the studio this week,

but they'll be eligible to win points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.


And luckily, Jay and DJ

are contestants on FETCH!,

the only show on television

with the FETCH! Fairness Guarantee;

all the contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by the grand finale.

So, for the four kids out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake in the triumph tally.

GRANDMA: So have they started working on my cake protector yet?


Let's find out, Grandma.

Are you Masoud?

Yeah. Hi.

I have your mission here.

RUFF: I call it a challenge,

but "mission" is very classy.

"Your cake protector must cover the cake..."

What is engineering all about?

Isn't it about creating solutions to problems

and stuff like that?

That's right. If there weren't any problems,

engineers wouldn't have jobs.

It's about building, designing machines, engines.

One of the things I do, I test things to failure.

I break them apart.

And depending on what material they're made of,

they break differently.

RUFF: Oh, I guess that makes me an engineer

because I break stuff all the time.

You want to test one of those cakes?

Yeah. Sure.

Let's put it right in the center here.

First, they're putting some weight on the cake

to see what happens when there's no cake protector.

Each of these bricks are five-and-a-half pounds.

How do you make...? It says six ounces.

Yeah, the protector has to be six ounces.

Well, the protector has to be six ounces.

The weight has to be pounds altogether.

Oh, my gosh, that's crazy.

That's got to be light so Grandma can mail it.

What do you know about symmetry?

Both sides of the figure or structure are the same.

Do you think this is symmetric right now?

No, it's like slanting.

Let's check this level.

But if I bring it up, see how it becomes even?

So even if I put the brick here,

what do you think's going to happen?

All the weight's going to press down on one side of the cake.

Exactly. The symmetry's very important.

Another five- and-a-half pounds.

Maybe we should try putting a brick on the other side.


Okay, guys, let's see what happened to the cake.

All right.Okay.

It's going to be like a pancake.

Kids, you may want to look away. [Ruff sobs]

That's so gross.

Ruff, looks like your cake is no more. Ew!

The cake is totally ruined now.

Yeah, so now you have to make your structure

to protect this cake.

You might want to scrape that up before the next basketball game.

Hi. Are you Anna?

Yes, I am.

Well, I got this from Boston

and I wasn't able to open it

until I saw you, so I'm going to open it now.

"World's best salsa."

Hope you kids at home are writing this down.

This is an excellent salsa recipe.


I know just the place.

So where are we?

We're in Spanish Harlem.

Do they speak Spanish here?

Yeah, a lot of people speak Spanish.

A lot? Yeah. Do you?

Yeah, I learned a little bit of Spanish this year.

Hola, me llamo Samantha.

I didn't know Sammy can speak Spanish.

¿Como te llamas?

Yo me llamo Anna.

Me llamo Ruff.

I know a little bit.

Dated a Chihuahua for two years.

Do you think we can find something here?


So we have our three tomatoes. Where can we get

the rest of the ingredients?

We're going to go down the block now

to the vegetable store.

So what's your nationality?

New Yorican.

New Yorican.

I was born in New York City Yeah.

out of Puerto Rican parents.

That's really cool.

Popsicle sticks.

These are the materials that Ruff left for you.

This is all you could afford, Ruff?

Don't blame me.

Blossom's in charge of the budget.

That's not part of my job anymore.

We're going to do first the tension test.

Tension is when you stretch things.

See if you can break one when you stretch it.

Try two. Stretch it.

Agh! Stop! Nope! Can't break it.

That's called tensile strength.

Now we'll do something else.

We're going to compress it.

Compressing is squeezing it.

Popsicle sticks, actually, are very strong.

Agh! Oh! It's bending!

That's also called buckling.

[cr*ck] Well, well.

I broke mine.

Noel's been working out!

How could we make this stronger?

We could double them up

because it's harder to bend it.

By doubling up the sticks.

We're going to use the glue-- the glue g*n.

Make sure you have your safety glasses on.

You have lots of Popsicle sticks here.

Okay, guys, let's first weigh the Popsicle sticks.

Here's four.

It's right about here.

Remember, now, their cake protector has

to weigh less than six ounces.

This is all the material we can use.

It has to be symmetrical.

Here's the cake, and then...

Why don't we make walls?

And then glue all the walls together. Okay.

We'll build up here, and then walls here.

So messy.That was a close one.

Using the glue... Don't eat it.

So now we have to do it on the top, too.

We've worked hard on this.

Looks like you're ready, huh?

Yeah. It's four ounces.

You think it's going to take pounds?

I don't know. Let's try it.

Let's test it out.

Back to the B-ball court.

Hope it holds the cake.We'll put the cake over here.

Let's see how your structure is going to hold.

It looks symmetrical. That's good.

Oh, wait. Kind of slanting.

I'm going to put this cover on.

This is two pounds, right?

Let's put the first brick.

That's . pounds.

Whoa! It's totally twisting.

Oh, it's slanting!

Oh, no! No!

Back to the drawing board, Ruff.

I hope Grandma didn't see that.

So, is this the place?Yeah, right here.


So we already have three red tomatoes.

Oh, we need green tomatoes. Maybe you should

ask her if they have tomatoes.

This is a good way for you to practice your Spanish.

Ooh! And that's not even part of the challenge.

Oh. Gracias.

These are great.

Is that scallions?

Everything looks so fresh!

So we need cilantro.

That smells so good.

Garlic.These are great.


I think these may be quite spicy.

Blossom, we're going to spice Ruff up.

RUFF: I love

the spicy salsa.

Wait a minute!

Let's go make some salsa!

Blossom, I'm onto you.

Now I see why you want Sammy to make salsa. You're trying

to get me to eat my tortilla chip!

Well, it's not going to happen. Where's the phone?

[phone rings]Hello.

Hola, Sammy.

It's Ruff. You were given a recipe for salsa dip, right?

Yeah. Blossom gave me the recipe.

[chuckling]: Well, I'm changing up the challenge.

Now, instead of getting the ingredients for salsa dip,

you need to find

the ingredients for salsa music. Okay.

Ha-ha, Blossom!

I have to learn about the ingredients to salsa the music.

Salsa the music?Can you teach me?

Yeah. Let's go around the corner.

My friend Frankie should be there.

Hey, look. Frankie's got a drum.

Hey, see? Didn't I tell you?

So we need to learn the ingredients to salsa music.

Can you help us?Sure can.

This is what I like to call a salsa kitchen.

Let's start with the clave.

It's the important key that holds all

these ingredients together.

One, two, three, one, two.

Can you do that?

RUFF: Ooh! It's a salsa b*at!

Man, I feel like moving.

I'm going to let you play the clave while I play a drum.


Bing-bing-bi-bing-bing- bing-bing!


This sounds like

a delicious recipe for salsa.

Excellent. Excellent.

I can't stop my paws from tapping.


Back to Studio G with Jay and DJ,

who are ready to earn some points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

points available.

You have seconds to answer as many questions as you can.

Ten questions available at five points apiece.

Are you ready to rock on this quiz?

Oh, yeah! Yeah!

Rock hard!

Then let's do it!

True or false:









For an engineer, tension means when you A] break something,

B] compress something, C] stretch something, or D] bend something?



Oh, yes!

Oh, baby, ten out of ten!

[both yelling]

All right!

Very nicely

done, gentlemen! That's the end

of our Half-Time Quiz Show.

It was perfecto.

Working on the old Spanish there.

I noticed. I'm impressed.

So, is Grandma's challenge a piece of cake?

Let's check back in with Harsha, Noel and Sam

and find out.

The cake tastes good, but...

your structure has failed, okay?

What do you think happened?

HARSHA: When it collapsed,

it kind of twisted,

probably because there weren't enough supports.

So maybe we should put the things in between here and here.

At an angle?Yeah. Like a triangle.

Look at this.

When we put the weight on top of this, what happened?

It turned into a rhombus. See that?

Ah! We do not want a rhombus.

If you push it on one side, for example, what will happen?

It shifts.

It changes shape.

But now take a look at the triangle.

Try to put a force... apply your force here.

Look. It doesn't move.

I get it. Triangles don't collapse as easily

because for them to change shape,

one of the sides has to break.

One good example of a structure is trusses.

You can see them here.

You see how they have used so many triangles here?

RUFF: Wow! There are many, many triangles in that ceiling.

That was very convenient.

See? If they had used rectangle,

this roof wouldn't be strong.

So our design has to be symmetrical,

it has to withstand the tension, and the compression.

This middle stick will help bring up the weight.

It will help support it.

If this collapsed as it is right now,

it would just turn into a rhombus,

so we need triangles overlapping in here.

RUFF: Right! We don't want the rhombus.

Okay, they've got a bunch of triangles in their design now.


The weight is good.

Going to be solid!

Now, that looks sturdier.

Let's get back to the salsa kitchen.

Now it's time for you to learn how to dance.

[squeaks]: Are you serious?

I'm very serious.

Hello, Sammy. How are you?

My name is Josalyn.

I want to teach you some salsa.

We're going to first start with the basic step, Cuban and Suzie Q.

With our right leg, we're going to step forward.

Okay, basic step.

The left forward, the left back,

right back, step with left.

You keep your hands up so,

when you're going to move your waist,

you'll be able to move.

And now we're going to learn the step called Cuban step.

You're going to open and close,

open and close, and open and close, open and close.

That's good! Thanks.

Now there's a step called Suzie Q.

Hey, Blossom, want to dance with me?

You come in with your right leg to the front.

On your toes. Yes!

You're going to go one, two, three.

One, two, three. Turn... up.

Sorry, Blossom. Sorry.

One, two, three, four.

Here we go. And...

[clave sticks b*ating]


Whoa, Sammy!

She's doing great!

Number two.

Say, I didn't get the memo about the green shoes!

[clave sticks b*ating]

Great job!Thank you so much!

Gracias, Frankie!

De nada, Sammy.

By the way, I have a little gift for you.

You did so well today-- your very own pair of clave sticks.

Okay? Thank you so much.

Wow! Her own clave sticks!

This gives me another great idea.

Let me call our friends here.

[cell phone ringing]That's my phone.

Hola. Hi, Ruff.

Okay, the last part of your challenge:

you're going to perform at an outdoor salsa party.

Oh, par-tay!

Adios. Bye. Bye, Ruff.

Here we go again, guys.

Ooh! There's Grandma's cake.

Be careful with it.

We're going to do the same thing we did last time, right?

Now, remember, the structure needs to protect Grandma's cake.

Feels really sturdy.

I definitely think it's going to hold over though.

. pounds.

RUFF: One brick successful.

Here comes brick number two.

And the cake is still standing.

Should we go this way? Yeah.

The cake laughs at the bricks.

pounds. Congratulations.

pounds. Yeah!

Nicely done!

Hi, Ruffy, just checking in.

The cat grooming show went to commercial.

Hey, Grandma. Look at that cake protector.

Huh? pounds.

I bet it could hold pounds.

Oh, please, Ruffy, they've done a beautiful job.

But pounds more?

That's a whole different kind of heavy.

Just you watch, Grandma.

[clears throat]: Hey, it's Ruff!

Oh, hey, Ruff. It's Ruff! Hey, Ruff!

You guys did such a good job,

I'd like you to add another pounds, please.

What?! What?

Put on another pounds.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

We'll try. Okay.

This weighs pounds.

One, two...

All you need's ten little bricks.

One, two...



Five. Six.

Symmetry, remember?

Seven... Look!

Grandma, they're going to do it!

All right, ready? It's the moment of truth, Ruff.

Okay, ten, here we go.


Wow! Wow!


Grandma, I'm telling you, this thing's indestructible.

Hold on.

I got another great idea.

You guys did so well...

What? What? What?

I'm putting your structure to the ultimate test.

[evil laughter]

Let's go.

Great job, guys.

Thanks, Masoud.

Bye. Bye.

Ruffalo, what are you up to?

Oh, just you wait, Grandma.

[cell phone ringing]Hello.

Hey, Keith, how you doing, brother?

Hey, what's up, dog?

Hey, I bet you I got something you can't crush, bro.

Oh, man, I can crush anything, you know that.

Just bring it on.

Well, bring it, homeboy,

'cause it's coming to you.

Here it is.

This cake protector will go

through the most intense test in the history of this program.

[engine revs]

GRANDMA: Ruff, what is that?!

RUFF: A bigfoot. That's a bigfoot.

Bigfoot? Are you crazy?

Okay, I changed my mind.

Oh! He missed! He missed!

Okay, experiment is over. That's it.

No, don't go back. Don't go back, don't go back!

Ruff! This is so...!

Oh, no, he's in the air!

Please! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!



Well, let's see how we did.

Maybe it's not so bad.

[cries]: Oh, my! Oh, no!

My cake.

Oh, I need to sit down.

Oh, my gosh.

So much for our triangles, Ruff. Look at this.

That car ate the cake.

Well, engineers test things to failure, right?

All right, well, see you later.

See you back at Studio G.See you later, Ruff.

See you back at Studio G.

We're almost there. Are you getting nervous?

I'm really nervous. Oh, no.

You'll be okay. I know.

These... these are the dancers.

Hello, dancers.

Hi, Anna. Hi.

Uno, dos, tres, dale.

[beats rhythm]

Oh, look, she's using her new clave sticks.

Laying down the b*at nicely.

[music playing]

Now it's time for Sammy to dance.


I think I'll sing the FETCH! theme song in Spanish.

♪ Presenté mi idea para el show ♪

♪ Les encantó, pensarón que era un pro ♪

♪ Al recebir mi contrato, les alarmarón ♪

♪ Un perro lo ha firmado.

Oh, look at Sammy dance.

She's so adorable.

I bet she wouldn't call Bigfoot

to have him run over her grandmother's cake.

[salsa music playing]



Oh, they were so good.

Bye, everybody. Thank you for everything. Bye.

See you back at Studio G, Ruff. Bye.

You got it, Sammy.


Little exiting music, please.

[music playing]

Ruff Ruffman here, back in Studio G

with DJ and Jay.

Well, let's bring some FETCHers back, shall we?Sure.

She probably could've made even hummus into a great dance.

Sammy, come on in!

Hey, guys.What's up?

As the British would say,

"that challenge was smashing." How dreadful.

Sam, Noel and Harsha!

Welcome back!

Hey, guys.Hey.

Okay, y'all.

Let's roll out some points!


We start with Sammy.

Uno, dos, tres, dale...

For keeping the groove...

Ooh, Sammy!

Then, for getting that groove on,

mastering the Cuban and Susie Q dance moves...


For a total of points.


Noel, Harsha, Sam...

Popsicle sticks?

For not folding under pressure

even when your first design did...

You didn't give up and your redesigned cake protector

held pounds.

For that...

[cheering]The problem though

is that it still couldn't

stand up to a truck.

Now, Ruffy, you know that's entirely your fault.

And I knew something like this might happen.

So, I already baked a back-up cake

and I'm using the FETCHees' design to protect it.

The dears.

Well, in that case,

for improving your cake protector design

by thinking like engineers,

you used symmetry, you reinforced the sides,

you built in triangles...

Which brings your total to...


But is that all the points a dog can give?

No. No.

Qué hora es?

Bonus points!

Today's bonus goes

to the FETCHer who took Spanish in school

and then took it with her to Spanish Harlem.

Which means Sammy,

with ochenta points,

you're today's daily winner.


Now, Sammy,

I have here two identical conga drums

slathered with delicious chocolate icing.


Under one conga, a tasty prize.

Under the other, something muy disappointing.

Which is it going to be?

I think I'll do

conga A.


Here it comes!


It's Ruffman's Own salsa cake-a-rito.


It's cake flavored salsa. Yummy!

Ew!Bigfoot. It's Bigfoot.

It's Bigfoot. Sammy,

the remote for it is in the mailbox.


All right.


All right, g*ng.

That's the end

of a muy delicioso episode

of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.


Adios, FETCHers!

Adios. ♪ FETCH!

Here you go, Chet.

What? It's a shopping list

for more chip protection supplies.

It won't cost more than $,,

I promise.

What? Who did you just call?

Why are you bringing me over here?

[engine revs, Ruff screams]It's Bigfoot!

What's that monster truck doing in my...? No!

My chip!


Well, I guess it was for the best.

What's this?

[gasps]: Spanish Harlem salsa?

Oh, you're looking out for me, Blossom.

[Ruff scatting]

♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

[Ruff scatting]

Oh, whatever.

♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪ Okay, one last

Okay, one last