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04x04 - Ruff Pigs Out and Has a Whale of a Time

Posted: 02/21/24 14:37
by bunniefuu
Okra's a delicious vegetable.

I've grown okra; I've made okra cookies;

and now, I've even written a book.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Okra.

What, Blossom?

How to Get the Most Out of your Orca?!

What's an orca?

Orca, also know as k*ller whale?!

Oh, no. I've made a huge typo.

Okay, don't panic. Don't panic.

I'll just get t*nk to take the books back to be reprinted.

t*nk, I need you to take these books to the printing house

and get them to change "orca" to "okra."

Can you do that, buddy?

And get a receipt, please.

You can handle that, right? You understood?

Is that a "yes" pant, a "no" pant?

Hello? Anyone home?

Okay. Thank you, t*nk.

Boy, I'm telling you. My assistant. Sometimes...

Blossom, replace t*nk with someone smarter, like a pig?

Now, t*nk isn't the brightest bulb,

but no pig is smarter than a dog.

Really, Blossom, I am shocked.

Wait a minute.

Orcas are one of the most communicative members

of the animal kingdom?


Hello? SeaWorld?

I think I might have a job offer for a Mr. Shamu.

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show ♪

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate ♪

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪

It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman ♪

It rolls off the tongue.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman. ♪

You know, I bet Arthur doesn't have to deal

with stuff like this.

Funding for FETCH! with Ruff RUFF: And here come the contestants now!

She writes books in her spare time.


She enjoys working with clay.


You can boogie down with this FETCHer.

He's won dance contests.


Give him the recipe and he can cook anything.


He never learned to ride a bike,

but he can ride a horse.


She once had a pet snail named Hunter.


Let's get an update on the scores.

In fourth place: Brian with points.

Liza and Sterling tied for third with points.

Bethany in second with points,

and Isaac and Talia tied for first with points.

Hello and welcome to the groundbreaking reality game show

hosted by a dog, not a pig.

BRIAN: Of course.ISAAC: Definitely not a pig.

Can you imagine a game show hosted by a pig?


Well, Blossom here seems

to think that pigs are smarter than dogs.


That is an outrage!

And dogdom will not stand for it.

Well, Blossom... No, not "dog dumb." "Dogdom."

You know, the kingdom of dogs.


We are going to prove Blossom wrong.

So, challenge #.

This is Garth. He's going to help you

discover the most intelligent

four-legged creature on earth!

And here's a hint. I'm one of them.

And he's waiting for Brian and Bethany.

Your instructions are in the mailbox.

So, go fetch!

[contestants murmuring]

Oink, oink, you two!See you guys.

Challenge #... Okay, lean in a little bit.

Okay, here's the deal.

I'm having a little trouble with one of my employees.

Uh, you're familiar with t*nk?

Kind of, in here? Bulldog. Nice guy. Nice.

Love him. I love him.

Missing a few socks in the sock drawer.

We're looking at some other options.

Uh, pig, maybe.

Uh, perhaps another mouse?

I've got another option, and I need

two of you to go to Florida and scout it out.

Two plane tickets are in the mailbox for Liza and Sterling.

So, go fetch!

LIZA: All right.TALIA: Good luck, guys.

Bye, guys!

As determined by the FETCH ,

Isaac and Talia have stayed behind in the studio.Yeah.

Also, you'll be eligible to win points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

And, of course, we still have the FETCH! fairness guarantee.

Now in six flavors including nacho cheese.

What? Ew.

Mmm. All contestants will have competed

for the same number of points by the grand finale.


For the four kids out on the challenges,

up to points area at stake in the Triumph Tally.

And, looking at my schedule here,

it looks like I have my first phone interview with Shamu.

Ah, right now.

Uh, hello. Shamu?

I'm reviewing your application here, and it says

that you consider yourself to be a great communicator.

Have you seen my television show,

FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman?

That's me. Ruff Ruffman.

Now, uh, what do you think you can bring to the table

to help my show?

Uh, that wasn't really a yes or no question.


Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Right.

[clicking]RUFF: Uh, okay. Yes, well...

That's uh... Blossom, do we have a whale-to-English dictionary?

Okay, Shamu. Um... [clears throat]

We're not on the same page here.

I'll let the FETCHers know

that they need to find a way to communicate with you.

That's going to make the interview process

a whole lot smoother, I think.

I thought you said whales were great communicators.

I don't even know what we were talking about.

RUFF: Hey, there's Garth.

He's going to help the FETCHers find out who is smarter:

pigs or dogs.

I know where my vote's going. You're on a farm.

You need to look like farmers.

I am an official farmer.

You're a good-looking farmer, Brian.

There's a pig!

We have a little pig in here. It's so cute!

We call this pig Rondo.

He likes apples.

BRIAN: How big do pigs get to grow?

An adult pig can weigh - pounds.

- pounds?

Ooh, that's a lot of mushu pork.

BRIAN: They like mud, but...

GARTH: Why do they like mud?

Pigs don't have any sweat glands.

If they don't have sweat glands,

how come there's the saying "I sweat like a pig"?

They get bad press.

GARTH: When we're hot, the way we cool off is our bodies sweat.

The best way for them to cool down is to roll in mud.

If you look at a pig, what do you think

its senses are good at?

BETHANY: Hearing. GARTH: Hearing. look at the size.

of those ears. They can hear well.

What else? Smell.

RUFF: You've got a good sense of smell, Blossom.

Guess that means you smell like a pig.

[laughing] What? It's comedy.

Come on. That's good stuff.

Whoa! Hello.

Are you Dawn?

I am Dawn and this is Shamu. Hi, kids.

Yeah. Ruff sent us. He's looking for a new assistant

and hears whales are really good communicators.

That's right.

Whales are great communicators

and I think Shamu can help you learn a lot today.

What do you say you go get a wetsuit on and help me out?

[shrieks]Well, this is Shamu.

She's an adult female k*ller whale.

RUFF: What do you know?

Shamu is a she.

And they're really smart animals.

Yes, you are.

[calling]What are you saying?

They're very sensitive

to feeling. They love when we do this.

What do you say you scoot up here

and do a little rubbing here with her?

RUFF: Oh, look at that.

Total rubdown. That's cool, huh?

They are mammals. They're not fish.

So, Shamu is a mammal.

Hey, remember Calvin, the dolphin from season two?


Uh, no, don't tell me. Mammals are warm-blooded,

breathe air; most don't lay eggs.

They nurse their young with milk,

and they have at least a few hairs somewhere on their bodies.

Didn't think I'd remember that, did you, Blossom?

I remember everything.

Where are my keys?

We actually have nine k*ller whales

and they live within seven million gallons of water.

Seven million gallons? How am I going to build a pool that big?

I'm actually on a scale and if you could help me out,

look over there and tell me what Shamu weighs.

, pounds. Wow!

Shamu weighs the same as... like, two cars.

Now, they eat a lot of different types of fish:

herring, capelin, smelt sometimes, and even salmon.

This is a herring.

Look at the size of that herring.

Sterling sh**t the herring for two.

No good. Sterling again. Yes.

Now Liza from downtown. Yes!

Well, we thought that we'd come up

with a way to test intelligence between a dog and a pig.

So, we made a maze.

I think we should have, um, three rounds.

One with, um, just a really easy one.

Like the straight one.

Yeah. One that makes it more challenging,

but not, like, extremely hard.

And then, you could have a few dead ends for the third one.

Okay. The FETCHers are going to determine

which animal is smarter

by seeing who can get through the mazes faster.

Let's meet the challengers of Dog versus Pig.

Here comes the dog representative:

the one, the only Kylie.

Isn't she pretty?

She's gorgeous.

Get her phone number.

Oh... and her email address.

And here's Rondo the pig.

The dog actually has an advantage

in that it'll come to its owner's call.

But the pig isn't gonna understand that.

We had to show the pig, you know,

by treating it with apples

that there was a reward at the end.

Are we gonna time them going through the maze?

That's what we'll do: we'll time them.

Kylie and Rondo will go head to head

in a race through three different mazes.

Kylie is motivated by her owner calling her name.

And Rondo is motivated by food.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Who needs food as a motivator?

Oh, hey, is that a spare rib?

Oh, how it moves by itself!

Maze : the simplest maze.

We're gonna time the dog, Kylie

and see how quickly it gets down there.

All right, Kylie, go for it!

Oh, . seconds.

RUFF: . seconds, that's gotta be some kind of world record!

Seems very intelligent, don't you think, Blossom?

I said, don't you think, Blossom?

Ready to test the pig?

How do you think it's gonna react

'cause it doesn't have an owner down there.

BETHANY: I think it's gonna be slower.

It's not a parade, Rondo.

Let's go, second gear! Come on!

There's food at the other end, buddy!

Rondo, today!

BETHANY: . seconds.

. seconds. That's just on trial one!

And who's smarter?

Up top, Blossom.

Uh, uh, that means, you know, high paw.

In celebration of the dog's victory... Fine.


DAWN: They make a lot of different sounds.

[gurgling, clicking]

[clacking]Those sounds are actually

coming out of her blowhole. Listen to this one.

[blowing raspberry]

Whoa! Now, where is that

whale-to-English dictionary when you need it?

We don't really know what those sounds mean.

It's just a way that they communicate with each other.

We actually have our own kind of communication

and language with these animals

that we can interact with them too.

When the animals are young,

we start off interacting with them

and teaching them different behaviors.

And when we do that, we put it with a hand signal.

Ah, how about a paw signal? Is that okay?

Let's see what this one means.

That means to say "hi!"

When I blow this whistle, it means

what she did right there was really good.

So, when they do something well,

they get a lot of great things, rub-downs and food.

The basic thing they need to know

is they need to understand that

when you do something well, you get something good.

We can then teach them to do behaviors

like a bow when they jump out of the pool.

Are you ready? Yeah. Yeah.

Put your finger like this. Down, across your body!

Beautiful! That was a really high bow!

So, what happened? We asked her for a behavior.

She did it correctly. What do you say this timeYay!

we reward her with some food?

Toss those into her. There you go!

They can actually do behaviors off of sound as well.

Dawn can use hand signals or sounds to tell Shamu what to do.

This is a tone box.

What do you say you press number three right there, Liza?

[siren wailing]Did you hear that sound?

There go the whales. Guess what?

They're gonna go do that bow behavior.

Whoa, synchronized leap! Wow!

So, do me a favor. Press number one.

[ringing]Guess what that means?

Come back here for some great reinforcement.

You ready?

Yay, Shamu!Great, Shamu!

Yay, Shamu! All right!

So, sound does travel in the water as well as above?

It does. The animals can hear

above the water and below the water.

Some of those vocalizations that you heard earlier,

we can hear those sounds underwater too.


They have an external ear, but then they're also

able to hear in their lower jaw as well.

So, k*ller whales have external ears like you and me,

but they can also hear with their jaw?!

So, sound travels really great underwater

and that's actually because of how sound is produced.

Sound is actually produced by vibrating objects.

So, when something vibrates, it sends and pushes

through the water and the air, creating what they call

compressions, which is when the mouth fills

with either air, water, or push close together

or refractions, where compression and refraction

makes a pattern called a wave.

Those waves come back to the animals.

They receive it in their ear.

Their ear and their brain process it,

and that's how it turns into sound.

So, they sense the vibrations with their jaw

and then the jaw sensing goes to the brain

and that's how they hear sound?

Absolutely, those vibrations are sound to them.

I'm gonna give you some materials

and you're gonna need to come up with two sounds

that Ruff can use to communicate with Shamu.

How does that sound? Cool. Nice.

Now, before I communicate with Shamu,

I need to communicate with Isaac and Talia

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

We're back here in Studio G,

normally a swine-free environment,

where Isaac and Talia are ready

to earn some points of their own.

Let us brush up on the rules.

points are available.

You have seconds to answer

as many questions as you can.

Ten questions available at five points apiece.

You two ready?

We are ready!We're ready to go.

Gonna be smarter than a pig?Hopefully.

Well, then, let the quiz begin!

True or false?

True! True!Excellent.


Uh... to pounds.Yes!

,! ,!

Close enough, it's good!

Hand motions and noise.Sound and hand motions.

Yes, yes! True or false?

True! True! Yes!

Uh, uh, uh...

An apple, an apple.The food that was an apple.


Compressions! Compression.

Wow! True or false?

True. True.


Oh... Uh, her trainer at the other end, calling her.

Oh, my goodness, ten!

[cheering, screaming]

Ten, whoo!

Yeah, baby, wow!

That was amazing!

You are definitely smarter than a pig.

You're smarter than a dog.

You're smarter than the entire animal kingdom!

Yeah! Yee-ahh!

Ten out of ten!Yeah!

This is great, but there's not enough to go over

the ones you missed because you know how many you missed?



Oh, congratulations to both of you FETCHers!

That was awesome.

Are Brian and Bethany going

hogwild over at the swine unit?

Let's find out! Soo-eey!

BETHANY: So, we've changed it

so that the dog has

to turn and go around and go to the owner

instead of going in a straight line.

RUFF: Round two: the medium difficulty maze.

That means it's kind of hard, but not really.


OWNER: Come on, Kylie. Let's go! Come on!

Here, here, here!

Come on!

Good girl!

That was . seconds.

So, Kylie did the second maze in . seconds. Wow!

Okay, Rondo, let's see how you do in round two.

And, uh, Rondo for round two wants to take a pre-test nap.




Hi, welcome to the trial there, Rondo.

Again, casual stroll.

Perhaps Rondo does not sense the urgency.



Once again, Rondo is slower than Kylie.

Things are looking good for dogs!

Round three: the difficult maze!

This one has dead ends.


Come on! Whoo-hoo! Good job!


Wow, she got there at . seconds.

. seconds!

That's faster than Maze !

Okay, one word comes to mind.

Dog genius! Hmm...


Rondo! Go, Rondo...

Here we go, yay!

Time is apples, Rondo. Come on.

Huh, what, Blossom?

Huh? Is Rondo still going?

Ah, one minute and . seconds.

Okay, Rondo and dead ends do not mix very well.

It took him one minute, ten and a half seconds through the maze.

It only took Kylie . seconds.

This is amazing!

Ha! Get it? It's a maze.

So, it's amaz... Fine, back to the whales.

Come on in. It's the time to get wet.

No! Okay, guys, time to get in the water!

I don't wanna go! What's the matter?

[whimpering]All right!

k*ller whales live in all oceans of the world.

This is degrees. This is an awesome temperature for them.

I'm sorry. What's the temperature of that water? ?!

Pretty soon your feet will go numb.

Um, your feet are gonna get numb?

You'll get really used to it, all right?

Now, now, Sterling,

you're a FETCHer; let's be tough.

So, I've got a bag full of all different materials.

You get to pick which ones you think

are gonna make the best sound, okay?

This is a hydrophone.

This is an underwater microphone.

Let's turn it on.

Let me show you how easy this is going to be. Listen.

[keys jingling]

Hear those keys underwater? Yeah.

All right, this isn't part of your bag,

so you gotta look in there and see what you think

the whales are gonna listen well to.

Okay, there's a horn. We have a plastic cone.

We have a triangle, bubble wrap. Love that!

Ah, some rocks... Really?

Now, the cool thing is, you can hear the whales

all throughout the environment.

So, you might hear some of their sounds,

but I'm sure between them speaking to each other,

you'll be able to do your challenge really well, okay?

Sterling will test the toys

above and below the surface of the water,

and Liza will record how well

she can hear them through the hyrdrophone.


LIZA: Yeah, I can hear it.


Yeah, it's much louder in the water.

[whales squeaking]

Uh, Shamu, hi.

Can you and your friends,

uh, keep it down a little bit there?

Please? Okay, we're conducting a test. Thank you.

All right, now I'm doing the bubble wrap.


LIZA: Yeah, I can hear it.

Can't hear anything.

Yeah, I can't hear that one at all.

It's way too soft.

[horn blowing]

Yeah, I can hear it good.

[horn blowing]

Yeah, it's almost as loud as it is on the outside.


Yeah, I can kind of hear it.Kind of hear it.

Now below.

[loud tapping]

It's louder underwater.

Not as loud as the horn, though.


Yeah, I can hear it.

[loud tapping]

Yeah, I can hear that good.

[whales singing]Guys, pipe down in the back, please.

Maybe we should test their memory

by making them go through it again

to see if he can remember which way he went

and how he got through it and where the dead ends are

if he chooses a way that has a dead end.

So you think we should do this one again?Yeah.

Good idea, Bethany.

They're going to have Kiley and Rondo go through

Maze again to see if they can improve their times.

If they're faster the second time around,

it means they're smart enough to have learned where to go.

Round four begins... now.

Come on, Kiley. Let's go.

Come on, here. Come on.

There we go, Kiley. That's it.

[bell dings] What?!

Kiley-- . seconds?

What happened? You actually got slower.

It's not looking good for us dogs.


And here come Rondo.

BETHANY: Yeah, Rondo. Rondo.

Go, Rondo.No, you're not going to get through there.

Turn... go... yes!

Yes! Yes!

[bell dings] Wait, what's the time on that?

Wow, that was seconds.

That wasn't bad.

Yeah.It was better than the first time.

RUFF: All right, well, you know, just being fast

doesn't make you smart.

The trick is, you have to improve.

It looks like Rondo may have been able to learn

to beat his own time and Kiley got slower.

Oh, no, does this mean pigs are smarter than dogs?


Tell me what you thought about the toys.

I saw some of them were like, louder above water

and some of them were like, louder below water.

The horn was louder above water.

[horn blowing]

I think the rocks were below the water.

[loud tapping]

Rocks and horns.

All right, well, that's what we're going to use.

Rocks and horns would be the signal

that you want to use with Ruff.

Rocks and the horn.

You know, I can also rock the horn, by the way.

[playing jazzy riff]


I have a show to do.

What do you say you come with me and see all these things

that you learned today out front with the audience?

Okay.Sound good?

We predicted that the pig would be really slow

and would kind of get lost,

but it turned out to be very different.

For the dog, we predicted that it would go faster.

BETHANY: We were really focused on the speed at first.

We weren't really focusing on how smart it was

and whether it improved or didn't improve by the end.

Out of what I saw today, I think the pig improved itself,Yeah.

and the dog just kind of got worse.

So maybe Rondo's smarter than Kiley.

But that doesn't mean every pig is smarter than every dog,

does it? What do you think?

Experts generally think that humans are the smartest...

Humans think they're smarter.

and that pigs are somewhere below that.

They also believe that they're somewhat smarter than dogs.

RUFF: Wait... no!

They believe that a pig

has the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

I can't be dumber than a pig.


Oh, hey, magic spare rib.

Yeah, we're gonna crown the pig.

BRIAN: Rondo, you are smarter than a dog.

Get that crown away from that pig.

He doesn't even want to wear it.

He knows he doesn't deserve it.

This is not fair! I want a rematch!

Why don't you guys head back to Studio G.

Great job.

I want to watch the whale show now.


Oh, good, the show's about to start.

Wow, look at Dawn.

She's riding on top of a whale. Wow!

Oh, now she's giving her a treat for doing a good job.

And a little kiss-- it's so sweet.

They're so good.



[cheering and applause]

See you back in Studio G, Ruff.

Yeah, see ya.

Okay, FETCHers, great show.

Come on back to Studio G.

One little piggy went to market, and other little piggies

aced an IQ test given by Bethany and Brian.

Get in here.

Hey, digging the hats.

Hey, y'all.

They found their way back to Studio G

with just the sound of my voice.

Liza and Sterling.

Hey, guys.

Well, I've got a whole bucket of points here

and Shamu can't eat any of them.

So let's get on with the Triumph Tally.[cheering]

Liza and Sterling--

for getting in close and personal

with k*ller whales and finding out how they communicate...


And you found two signals I can use with Shamu

when she becomes my assistant.

If she becomes my assistant.

At points a signal that's...

for a total of...


Now Brian and Bethany...

You presided over an slightly embarrassing day for dogs.


But still, you made keen observations,

you designed a fair test, and you analyzed your data

to answer a question.

For all that, you're getting...

And is that all the points a dog can give?

Is it?ALL: No.

Really? What time is it?

ALL: Bonus points!

Today's five bonus points go to the contestant

who redesigned a scientific test on the fly.

Maybe we should test the memory

by making him go through it again.

Which means... Bethany!

With points, you're today's daily winner.

Yeah, Bethany.

Now, Bethany,

I have here two identical porcas.

Porcas-- those are pig whales,

as imagined by resident artist Chet.

Under one porca,

a fabulous prize.

Under the other, something only a porca could love.

So which is it going to be? Porca A or porca B?

A. A. A.


Please step to the mailbox

and retrieve your prize.


"Bethany, you have won tickets

to a water park, good for you and your family."

Yes, now you too

can show off your orcan underwater communication skills.

Or, you know, just go on the big slides.

Well, that's it from Studio G.

Thank you, Ruff.

See you next time, guys.ALL: Bye.

Look, t*nk's great,

but both Rondo and Shamu were more impressive.

I'm going to have to replace him.

It's not big deal.

If I hire the pig, I'll need a mud pit,

and if I hire Shamu, I'll have to flood the doghouse.

Okay, here I go.

Hi, t*nk.

Look, buddy, we've had some great times together.

Really great, but, uh...

I can't do it!

You may not be as smart as a pig

or communicate as well as an orca,

but you're a dog, and dogs have to stick together.

So keep up the good work, t*nk.

Okay, I'll catch you later, buddy.

Dogs-- irreplaceable, don't you think?

[Ruff scatting]

♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

[Ruff scatting]

[meowing and barking]

♪ FETCH! ♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman! ♪

♪ FETCH! ♪