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01x08 - Carla

Posted: 02/21/24 17:49
by bunniefuu

Hi, it's Sonya. Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.

- Sonya, it's me. Again.

Just pick up, please.

For Christ's sake.


[HEGARTY] I wouldn't
do that if I were you.

That'll be the eighth floor
after you over this leak.

What? I didn't leak the call.

Why would I deliberately put a
vulnerable person in harm's way?

- Okay.
- Well, it was your investigation.

- They should be coming after you.
- They will.

They will do, if this gets away from us.

- Jesus.
- Which it's bound to.

- Right.
- If they don't shut it down.

[CHUCKLES] That's not really how
Twitter works, actually, so...


[JUNE] You know, maybe
I should talk to them.

Just tell them... To tell them
everything, everything I know.

- And maybe that's not a bad idea.
- Sure.

Yeah. Because people have a
right to the evidence, you know.

All of it. Wherever it goes.

Yeah? So, what about that confession?

"Throat." "Chest." What about that?

You can say I led or
coerced the suspect,

but the evidence against
him was overwhelming.

I took him back to
his flat. He confessed.

He had an alibi.

- Barbershop guy? Seriously?
- Mostapha Demir.

Yeah, but he flew back off to Istanbul.

London, actually. I met him. He
thinks it was Errol that he saw.

Well, why didn't he come and talk
to us? Huh? Why didn't he speak out?

Do you really have to ask that?

Can't you see that big
f*cking stick in your hand?

He was scared. He was
scared of people like you.

You understand that it's
just a matter of time

before that caller's boyfriend

finds out what she's
been saying about him.

And when he does, God knows
what he's gonna do to her.

- I know.
- That's if he hasn't k*lled her already.

And the one thing... The one
thing that you could do...

is to think to yourself,
"What if I was wrong?

What if it wasn't Errol?
And if not him, then who?"

You think I don't
question my own actions?

Absolutely I do!

Every day!

I'm my own f*cking worst enemy.

Yeah? I wouldn't bet on that.


Fine, why not?

I'll walk you through the evidence.

I've got nothing to hide.

That's the spirit.



[HEGARTY] Toxicology. Path report.

Neighbors. Residents.

Who else was in the
Towers. Any prior arrests.

Anyone in the system. Here.

And what about, uh,
DV? History of v*olence?

Yeah, there were one or two of
those in the Tower. It's all there.

Trace, interview, eliminate.
Witness statements.

All alibis cleared. Go ahead.
Take a look. Take your time.

What about Clive Silcox?

Silcox. What about him?

Well, he had a history of v*olence.
So why isn't he in this file?

He wasn't in the Towers.

But he was in the neighborhood.

Lake Street. I know.

- Did you interview him?
- No. Here's what we did.

Anybody in the neighborhood
with a history of v*olence,

we ran DNA and prints
against the crime scene.

- And?
- No hits. No overlaps.

- Not Silcox?
- Not anyone. Nobody.

[JUNE] Okay, all right.
Let's turn this on its head.

- What about the crime scene?
- The crime scene?

Yeah. The crime scene.
What do you fancy?

CSI, first findings,

summary reports?

Oh, and again.

Follow-up reports.

- Much as you like.
- But did you find much DNA at the flat?

Errol was doing haircuts in
the kitchen, cash in hand.

So, he had people coming
in and out all the time.

So, yeah. And also, we
had our fill of prints.

Did Errol keep a record of his clients?

Yes. In his head.

Regular clients. Names, first names,
nicknames, we followed them up.

Yeah, but... Wait.

If there were strangers
coming in and out of the flat

and they had priors, their
DNA would have been flagged

on the database, yeah?

Yeah. Yeah, DNA.

Priors in the flat, we looked them up.

And you know the drill,
trace, interview...

Eliminate. Yeah. So... So where
is it? Where is that... that list?

It's here.

The list is here somewhere.

Ah, there you go. Fill your boots.


Uh, Claudia. I have to take this.


through all of this yesterday.

Anyone with a criminal history,
we've cleared 'em. We've got our man.

Well, how about I double your fee?


- Right, where are you?
- [STEFAN] My place.

No, no, no, you stay
there. I'll come to you.

He's at home.

Okay. [SIGHS]

[SIGHS] Fifty points if you clip her.

Hello, love. What can we do for you?

- Where are you going?
- [CHUCKLES] I'm sorry?

I'm sorry, there's no time.

Fine. Then I'll take my
chances with the eighth floor.

Kim, drop her a pin.
We'll meet you there.

- Okay.

[KIM] Listen, I'm sure
it's a coincidence.

I mean, it looks a bit off, I grant you.

- Tony didn't say anything at the time?
- Not a word.

No, "This guy's alibi's
not safe," you know?

"You wanna look the other way.

- Help me out?"
- No, mate. Word of honor.

I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't...

- I wouldn't go behind your back.
- He was in the victim's flat.

Yeah, his prints were.
Yeah, what does that mean?

He was there. It
doesn't say when he was.

Right. Yeah. Here we go.

I met him. I interviewed him 14:30,

- 21st of the ninth, 2011.
- And?

Subject confirms that
he was in the victim's...

Adelaide's flat weeks before.

There you go. June of that
year. Came in for a haircut.

Alibi? Alibi for the m*rder. Yes, or no?


Subject said that he was at
home with his wife at the time.

- Yeah?
- She was in a dispute of some kind.

She pranged someone's car.
Insurers notified police.

Right, yeah. So you did what?

flagged it unsafe, the alibi.

I pushed back on it.

Next day, Tony visits subject,

interviews him a second
time, and, um... [SIGHS]

Yeah. Subject cleared from inquiry.

But you just said that
she wasn't at home.

I-I know.

But you know Tony. He...
He's... He's a soldier.

He's a straight bat. He wouldn't...

He wouldn't let us down.

[HEGARTY] I've got this.



Is Stefan about?

And you are?

- Daniel.
- [CHUCKLES] Right, yes.

He said for you to wait
outside in the back garden.

And I'll bring you some tea.

- Tea?
- He won't be long.

Thank you.

[HEGARTY] Mrs. Ash. Mrs. Ash!


Are you all right? Has he hurt you?

[MUMBLES] No, I'm fine. I'll
be all right in a minute.



- [KATRINA] DCI Hegarty?
- Katrina, yeah. I need a paramedic.

Chelmsford. Domestic battery.

- [KATRINA] Okay, copy that.
- Yeah, thank you.

- Mrs. Ash, where is he?

- Where is your husband? Mrs. Ash.
- I don't know.

He just said to sit
you down, and, um...

and keep you here as long as possible.
So, I've been just sitting off.

[JUNE] Stefan Ash?

- [HEGARTY] I know him. He's an informant.
- For you?

Sure, yeah, the past four or five years.

But not back then. Back
then he was with Tony.

He ran the machines.

The fruit machines, you know,
in bars and snooker halls.

And while he was there,
he used to do loans.

Cash in hand, no questions asked.

Plowed all the money back
into property, buy-to-lets.

The point is, he gets to know people.

So, I took him on once Tony got sick.



Yeah, the Hayes Lane caller,
she said the guy was protected.

- You spoke to her?
- Yeah.

And when she first said
that, I kept thinking,

"Oh, you know, maybe, you know... "


But if he's an informant,
he thinks he's untouchable.

So it makes sense.

Okay, these properties, I mean...

- How many are we talking about?
- Dozens.

- Were any up at the Towers?
- Yeah.

So at the time that Adelaide died,

whose name would the
flats have come up in?

- His or the tenants?
- Tenants.

Ash could've come and
gone as he pleased.

We wouldn't have
followed him necessarily.

Who else knew about this, about Ash?

- Tony, that's all.

[JUNE] What about him?

Kim? No, no, no. I would
trust him with my life.

- Well, you trusted Tony.
- [KIM] Hey, boss. Right, what's the plan?

[HEGARTY] Get me the addresses
for all the buy-to-lets,

any properties owned in the
name of Ash or his wife,

or any limited companies
where he's co-director.

[KIM] Okay, I'll pull
together a task force.

- Keep it small. In-house.
- [KIM] On it.

[SIGHS] Shit.

- What?
- It's the leak.

It's... It's... It's
taking off. It's everywhere.

[NEWSREADER] I've got a lot of angry
people wanting to talk about it.

We've got Marvin from Poplar
on the line. Go ahead, Marvin.

[MARVIN] Nah, nah. I'm
done with the police, man.

They keep saying they're
getting better, but they're not.

They say they have...

[CALLER 1] ... 999 with
the important information

of what happened. Let's hear...

[CALLER 2] They keep saying
they're learning, but they're not.

She's out there, year after year,

fighting for her boy.
And what happens to her?

[CALLER 3] ... knocked
down in the street. Who by?

Well, the same b*stards

that locked up her son.

[CLAUDIA] Yeah. Thank
you, thank you for coming.

I appreciate your time.

- I just have a short statement.

I understand and I share people's
concerns about this uploaded tape.

And if, as we fear, this
is a genuine emergency call,

my first and last duty is
to the safety of the caller.

That limits what I can
discuss with you at the moment.

But please, rest assured,
this is an absolute priority

and when we have more information
we will share it with you.

[CLAUDIA] Okay... No...
Thank you, I'm sorry...

- We have a lot to do.

Thank you very much.

- [KIM] Okay, listen up, everyone.

Hello. East London Police.

[KIM] We've got 17 addresses.

Five in the Towers, the rest
in the surrounding area.

Hi. Police. We're looking for a
vulnerable person in this area.

Can I come in? Do you mind?


[KIM] The subject is a Stefan Ash.

IC1 male, late 40s.
Approach with caution.

[HEGARTY] Police. Looking
for a Stefan Ash. Anyone here?

[KIM] Secondly, IC2
female, Brazilian origin.

We believe her name to be Carla

and there's a potential
threat to life here.

- [JUNE] Chloe?


Thank you for your
cooperation, have a good day.

[KIM] Bear in mind... with
all the media attention...

the community are riled up.

So watch your backs.

We're all good? Right. Let's go.

[OFFICER 1] One, level one, cleared.

[OFFICER 2] Block one,
level two, cleared.

[OFFICER 3] Block two,
level three, clear.

[OFFICER 4] Block one,
ground floor, cleared.

[OFFICER 2] Block one, level one, clear.

[OFFICER 3] Block two,
level one, cleared. Over.

- [HEGARTY] Marquis block clear, over.

[JUNE] Alpha Bravo One,
can you get me a... Over.

[OFFICER 3] Alpha Bravo One...

Sorry to bother you, sir...

[LISA] Who's it?

- Police.
- Sorry, what's going on?

Nothing. You can actually
stay in your flat.

We're just checking some addresses.
Part of an ongoing investigation.

Thank you.

What... Is this about Errol?

It's all right. Come on. Come on.

- June.

So, I went to the address
that you told me to go to.

And guess who I just...

Patrick Burrowes. I know.

Was there a girl with
him, a young woman?

- Yeah.
- And they were okay?

- Yes, sir.
- Got it.

Oh, shit.

[BYSTANDER] Is it him?

That's him. That's the officer.

[KIM] Unit 12, from DS Cardwell.

All clear on the Manningham Flats, over.

- Are you sure?
- Yep, 100%.

[HEGARTY] Listen. You
wanna hide someone,

you don't put them out in the open.

You tuck them away,

out of sight, away from
the neighbors. The Towers?

We ran all known
addresses. She's not there.

[CHLOE] Hang on. Wait
a minute. You're right.

June! June!

Warwick Flats.

Remember last year, when
there was that asbestos scare

on the seventh floor?

Where they shut the whole floor down,

and the building contractors went bust.

They left the job half done.
They cleared the entire floor out.

- What if she's up there?
- Yes.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Come on.

[OFFICER 2] DS team moving
to seventh floor now. Over.

- [CHLOE PANTS] Come on.
- Alpha Bravo Four, noted.

- [JUNE] Carla.
- [CHLOE] Carla.

[JUNE] Chloe, take that one.

Get those doors.

[OFFICER 1] Police.
Is somebody in there?

[OFFICER 2] Police. Open up.



[OFFICER 3] Police. Is anybody in there?


Carla. Carla?

You stupid f*cking b*tch.





- [STEFAN] June, yeah?

- [STEFAN] Come on! Come on! You wanna try?

- You wanna... [SCREAMS]


- You wanna try? Do ya?

You wanna f*ck it up, eh?





- [KIM] Get the f*ck down.

Where is she? [PANTING] Where is she?

- [KIM] Stay still.

Stay still, you f*cking
animal. Stay the f*ck still.

[PANTS] f*ck you.

- [KIM] Yeah? Shut the f*ck up.
- [JUNE] Carla!

[JUNE] Carla!



Carla. [PANTING]







Okay. [PANTS]

Carla. Carla, is that your name?

- Is that your name? Yeah?


It's okay. It's okay. I'm police.

My name is June Lenker,
okay? You're safe.

- [SOBBING] No. No. No.
- All right. I'm coming. I'm gonna come in.

- No. No. No.
- It's okay. It's okay.

I promise you're safe.
Look at me. Look at me.

- Where is he?
- Look at me.

- Where is he?
- Please, Carla, are you hurt?

Are you hurt? Okay.

- Go this way.

He's not gonna hurt
you anymore, all right?

Come on. You can go
this way. You can do it.

- You can do it.

He's a prick. You're
brave. You're brave.

- Okay. Okay. Okay. It's okay.

It's okay. We've got you now.



[KIM] Watch out here, lads.

Hey. All right, come on. Back off.

Clear a path, please. Whoa, lads.


- [RESIDENT] What? Move it!
- [KIM] Move out the way!


- f*ck.

Who threw that?

[RESIDENT] f*cking pigs!

Get back inside.

[KIM] Let's move.

Did that man k*ll my mum?

Yo. Over here. Did he k*ll my mum?

[KIM] Come on. Guys, back
off. Boss, we gotta go.

Just back off, okay. We'll see to
this. Let's go. Just back off...

[PATRICK] Yo, look at me! Look at me!

- [KIM] Stay back! Go on. Go home.

Sir, if you please...

Go! Go, go, go!

It's me.

You know she's illegal, yeah?

She's got no right to remain,
so you can send her packing.

Pack her off to f*cking
Rwanda or wherever.

If they'll have her, which
is... I mean, look at this.

Look at this shirt.
It's a gift from my wife.

Hand stitched by blind f*cking pandas.

[SCOFFS] So, I mean... So, what
is this? What's the story here?

No story.


Where's the hospital?

- I'm bleeding out here.
- Not long now.

Look. Listen. That little kid
in the park. The one that got...

Keep up, Stefan. We got our
man. You're not paying attention.

Something else.

What about the Parkhill
g*ng? What do you want?

Supply routes. Delivery chain.
I-I can help. I can help with that.

You know, I can make things interesting.

I can say things, you know.

Cleanse my f*cking soul,

see where that takes me
and my fellow travelers.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Well, that is up to you.

Come on. Mate.

We can work something out.
Throw me a f*cking fish.

- What do you want?
- Immunity.

- [SCOFFS] Immunity. What for?

The as*ault on that
young woman of yours?

Or the other one? Adelaide?

I'm not saying a f*cking word.

- Yeah.
- Not a word out of me.

It's all up here, in the vault.

Don't wanna turn the screw, mate,
but you see what I'm saying here?

Tit for tat. You get me for
this, I'll get you for that.

- I just need some help.

[PATRICK] Look at me!





[JUNE] This man, I should
say, he's now deceased.

But the police, they found
physical evidence in his home

which strongly indicates that he in fact

is the one that m*rder*d Adelaide.


Sorry, what?

It's gonna take a few weeks to get
this in front of a panel of judges,

but the police and the CPS

have agreed to waive
their right of rebuttal.




[SONYA] Do you understand
what we're saying?


[SONYA] She was right.

Your mum.

She was right.

- [SONYA] It was this man. It wasn't you.





You're milking that stick, I see.

What, have a word with
yourself, will you?

What's this? The pity shuffle?

I've come to the wrong house for that.

I talked to the rep. Pending
advice from the coroner,

they think they can talk the
CPS down to reckless driving.

No m*rder charge.

[SIGHING] Oh. Oh, that's... Oh.

Yeah, that's... Oh, God.

And what about the other thing?
The, uh... What's the name?

The malicious communication charge?
Well, you got bail, so that's good.


Did you hear about Errol?

Yeah. He got away with
it, the sick bastard.

[SIGHS] So, um...

Where does all that leave us, exactly?

Well, internal investigation.

What, send us on a couple of
courses, that sort of thing?

No. Game over, I'm afraid.


You should've told me, Tony.

Sorry. I thought you
were f*cking joking there.

Did you know Stefan k*lled her?

No, I did not know that
'cause he didn't do it.

Have an alibi for when she died?

I would have to check my notes.

I checked your notes.

There's no mention of
any alibi, only the wife.

- And we know she wasn't there.
- What are you asking me for then?

What was the trade?

There weren't no trade.

What did he offer you in return
for dropping him from the inquiry?

Do you remember that
bunch of psychotic ragheads

from the mosque in Edmonton, yeah?

- You remember them?
- That was Stefan.

Hundred percent.

Counter-terror run off
with all the credit.

Not hard to imagine.

Yeah. Well, that was him.
He got the ball rolling.

Well, that was good work, Tony.

Uh, yeah. Good work.

Yeah, there's people above
ground thanks to that man.

I mean, fair enough. You know, he
weren't exactly an angel, was he?

Sometimes you gotta
look the other way, huh?

[TONY] Mmm.

Money coming in from God
knows where. Cuts and bruises.

- And arrest.
- We've all been there. Christ.

It's not in the SIO manual, is it?

But you have to weigh up the good.

Turn a blind eye now and then.

It's a calculation.

That's the game.

Shepherd to the wolves.

That's all I'm saying.

But not that, Tony. Not m*rder.


Right. Not m*rder?

Do you wanna try that one
out on Stefan's missus?

Funny though, innit?

That, uh, after all these years
working as a top-level informant,

he just happens to get his
head blown off on his way in.

I mean, you've gotta
admit it's very convenient.

Oh, is that the buzz online, is it?

You had a word. Yeah,
what, you think I'm stupid?

You had a word with the Parkhill
g*ng. Told 'em he was snitching.

"If you wanna get him, now's
your chance" sort of thing.

Didn't you, mate?

The evil that man got
up to on your watch,

with money and the birds
and all the rest of it.

He'd have sunk you like
the f*cking Belgrano.

I got shot in the stomach.

- [CHUCKLES] Collateral damage.

Yeah. One for you. Six for him.

And here you are, up on
your feet like that...

What's his name, that fella? e

- The, um...
- Tony.

Lazarus. The corpse that walked.

You got the looks for
it, I'll give you that.

Central casting you are.

I swear to God.

I swear to God, you can
check all of my phone records.

- I never tipped anyone off.


Kim? I never said a word to Kim.

Of course you didn't. That's
the whole f*cking point.

You didn't have to.

You never did 'cause we've done
all your f*cking dirty work,

and you know it, you f*cking hypocrite!

Well, like I say,

this internal investigation...
I'll do what I can.

But you cleared him without an alibi.

It's your prints on the g*n here.

Sorry, what?

They need a scalp, Tony.

And what with the incitement
charge against Claudia,

you're a falling wall
in that department.

I walked through fire for you
and got up and done it again.

We were the 62s, weren't
we? Like, this crack team?

- Sixty-twos. [SIGHS]
- Yeah, like your uncle.

One in the 62nd airborne who
bombed Dresden to f*ck with his pals

and never got a thank-you for it.
But, you know, he got the job done.

I made it up. [SNIFFS]

It's a fiction. I got one uncle.
Charlie. He's scared of heights.



You wanna get a cleaner in?
You want me to set that up?

They're gonna crucify me.

Maybe I'll blow my brains out.

Tell 'em I got sick!

Tell 'em I got sick, and I
just couldn't take it anymore!

Naturally, as soon as I was made aware

that there were doubts over
Mr. Mathis's conviction,

I did everything in my
power to undo the damage.

And as for Tony... Uh, DS Gilfoyle,

I think the truth is that that man

had spent so many years undercover...

he just got used to working alone.

He learned how to hide
who he was, who he is.

For all I know, that's
not for me to say.

Is there anything else
you wish to tell us today?

Yeah. There's one thing.


[CHAMBERS] All right.
Let's get this over with.



Hey. You okay?

I wrote something.

I could text it.


Just say it, man. I'm right here.


"There are two men
with your name, Errol.

One of them took care of me and my mum.

And then he went to prison
even though he was innocent.

And I do know what that's like,
all those years on your own."

"The other one k*lled my mum.

And I turned my back on him.

I never went and saw him.


And I hated him so much."

I picked the wrong one.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry. [CRIES]

- I'm sorry.


[CRYING] I'm so sorry.

[JUNE] Hi.


So, what's the word
from the eighth floor?

So you spoke to Claudia?

She gave you the old
"one bad apple" speech?


It did sound a bit
over-rehearsed, now you mention it.

But look, the reason I called...

I don't know where she
got it from, but Claudia

already had a copy of the video.

The video.

Errol's confession.

And I just wanted you to know,
firsthand, that it didn't come from me.

- So...
- Okay.

Wait. You gave it to her?



Well, I don't wanna
overplay my hand here.

But a b*llet to the gut,
it concentrates the mind.

So, a... a fresh start.

You know? All that.

And, you know, if they
want me out, that's okay.

I'm not afraid.

- So, what happened?
- Well, they did the smart thing.

They got an outside officer
to examine the video.

He wrote a report.

Do you know what it said?

"Evidentially inconclusive."

There was no clear indication
that I had led the witness.

But you know.


Who knows what any of us are
capable of on any given day.

Son okay?



It was an education.

How about your daughter?

I met her. Did she say I talked to her?

She was, uh, crying her eyes out
when you were in the hospital.

Oh. I did not know that.

How long has she been using?

Long enough.

She's moved out now anyway.

Wants to try standing on her own
two feet. We'll see how that goes.

Look, I know what you think of me.

Doesn't matter what I think.

It does. It matters to me.

You think that I'm prejudiced.

Well, are you?


Who are you to judge your own actions?

If I was a f*cking r*cist, I'd be
the f*cking first to know, right?

But then Errol.

See, the thing about me...

You're a details guy.

Right. Just like you.


Nine days out of ten,

you'd have been all
over every lab report,

every alibi,

every comma.

So, why not that time?

Why not for him?



Showing off.

Never. You call this showing off?

Stop pissing about. You'll
have your fingers off!

- Yeah, I taught him that. [CHUCKLES]
- [REGGIE] Rubbish.

- You warm enough?
- Bloody freezing, man.

Yeah, I could see that.


Where's... Where's your mother at?
Has she... Has she gone to church?

No, Dad. Um, she's right there.


What's she doing there?

Want another beer, Dad?


What's on your mind?

It's all right. Go on.

- The day we met.
- Whitecross.

Well, you remember I asked
you about your arrest?

I asked if you remembered
why you confessed.

- And you said no.
- No. Yeah.

I remember feeling like you
were trying to tell me something.


I mean, I know how he did it.

How he took you to the
flat, just you and him.

You and Hegarty.

He wasn't allowed to do that, by
the way. Especially without a lawyer.

What is your question?

Why didn't you tell someone?

You didn't tell your mum,
your defense team, Sonya?

Look at him.

[SIGHS] It's like another world.

But back then, after
everything he's been through,

and they had brought him
back as a witness, and...

What happened then? I couldn't
put him through any more pain.

[CLICKS TONGUE] Anyways, I believed him.

He was a six-year-old kid.

- He was traumatized.
- He heard what he heard.

What did he hear exactly?

He said I hurt her.

"I'll knock you flat.
I'll knock you flat."


I believed him.


- [SOCIAL WORKER] Where's he gone?
- [PATRICK] Through the hole.

[PATRICK] One night... they had a fight.

[HEGARTY] What sort of a fight?


And what did they shout about?





what did he say? What
did he say to your mum?

"I'll knock you flat.
I'll knock you flat."

[HEGARTY] Really?

Can we turn that off?

[PATRICK] He's gone.

Where's he gone?

Through the hole.

[CARTOON CHARACTER] I'll knock you...

[PATRICK] He's gone.

Where's he gone?

Through the hole.

you flat. I'll knock you flat.

I'll knock you flat, I say.

[HEGARTY] You wanna hear what
Patrick has to say about you?

- [ERROL] Yes.
- Listen.

I'll knock you flat.
I'll knock you flat.

[HEGARTY] What did he say to your mum?

"I'll knock you flat.
I'll knock you flat."


[JUNE] He wasn't talking about Errol.

He was just quoting some
cartoon off the telly.

And you knew that.

You poisoned him.

[JUNE] You poisoned his whole
life with that. Didn't you?

And what happened to follow the facts?

What happened to that?