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03x24 - Don't Touch

Posted: 02/22/24 19:25
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Traditional Japanese music plays ]

Ben: Are we at the Samurai Experience yet?!

-No. -No.

Now, are we at the Samurai Experience?!

-No. -No.

Now, are we finally at the Samurai Experience?!

Gwen: Yes, it's right over here!

Come on, the tour's about to start!

Oh, right!

Welcome, visitors from far and wide,

to the Samurai Experience Museum.

Our journey today starts in the calligraphy room.

I am your Calligraphy Master, Hideki.

The brushwork of ancient Japan --

Ben: Um, where are all the swords and armor and stuff?!

I mean, it's supposed to be the Samurai Experience,

isn't it?! Ben!

Ugh! What?!

I want to see some sword stuff,

not a bunch of word stuff!

We will come to that in due time.

But, first, I must teach you about the power...

of the brush.



Wow. That felt peaceful.

Your form is very delicate and natural.

Remember, with each stroke, to gently feel the wind.

Ben: Yah!

[ Growls ] I think mine's broken!

Isn't it time we go to the samurai part

and see some swords and stuff?!

Also, you got a little ink on you!

Hm. So I see.

The armor comes after the calligraphy.


But that could take minutes!

Come on, Ben! Patience is a virtue.

Try to imagine a time before cellphones or computers,

when this was the only way to record one's thoughts.

But why does calligraphy have to be so boring?!

Actually, Ben, the stroke of a brush

can be very similar to the movement of a sword.

Feel the wind calligraphy is also called shodo,

and it helps with focus.

I don't need to learn about focus.

I'm already focused on the


[ Chuckles nervously ] I'm gonna take him out into the hallway

while we finish in here.

[ Chuckles sheepishly ]

We're, like, barely related.

I know you're not interested

in this part of the tour, Ben,

but you gotta work on your patience.

Just hang out here for a bit.

I don't want patience.

I want the Samurai Experience!

There's gotta be real samurai stuff here somewh--


I'm gonna guess that's where they keep

the sharp stuff!

[ Grunting ]

Security locked.

Man, I bet Four Arms could knock that door down.

[ Ting! ] I wonder what a Four Arms samurai would be like?

He'd probably have four swords and spin 'em all really fast.

Or maybe he'd have two swords, a sai, and a shield.

Or maybe no swords, one longbow, a shield,

and his fourth hand would hold the extra arrows.

Ben, you want to try to give this calligraphy another sh*t?

If you're talking about "shodo,"

then I'm a no-go.

[ Sighs ] Not your strongest material.

But, yeah, I guess waiting out here

is also a demonstration of patience.

Just stay out of trouble.

Ugh. You know, maybe I'll just give

this patience thing a try.

Yeah, okay!

Patience, patience, here we go.


Hmm, wonder how much time has passed?

Oh, hey! I have an Omnitrix.

That's enough patience!

[ Laughs ] Yeah!

Time for Shock Rock to fry that lock.


Eh, no. I can't.

I must resist temptation.

But I'm so curious.

But patience is a virtue.

But cool weapons...

No! I can just wait like everybody else.

[ Glass shatters ] Hey, what was that?

And more importantly, what kind of hero would I be

if I didn't investigate?



Sweet swords, armor, sais,

bows and arrows, bad guy, shields!

Wait, bad guy?

What do you think you're doing?




Good things come to those who wait, Ben.

Feel the wind.

Uh, maybe I should get Grandpa and Gwen

and think this thing through first.

Or maybe I can use an energy sai.


[ Grunts ] Huh?

Oh, no, you don't.

[ Panting ]

[ Grunts ]

You're not going anywhere.

Okay, you big oil tin can,

either you hand over the super cool sword,

or get ready for a super cool sword fight.

Oh, please, pick sword fight. I am so bored!

Well, wouldn't want you to be bored, now, would we?

Aw, yes!

Sword fight, ha!

I mean, uh, crime is bad.

[ Growls ]

[ Grunting ]



Wait a sec, why did you steal a sword

when your arm can just do that?


[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

Super high five.

[ Grunts ] Okay, gimme this!

[ Gasps ] Aah.


You're not getting away so easy!


[ Grunting ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Screams ]


Come on, one pull-up.

[ Grunting ]

This is impossible!

[ Groaning ]

Forever Knight: Hmm, below-average strength

when reverted back to original human identity.

Hey! Quit blabbing to yourself!

Your suit may be super cool and all,

but I can still take you on.


[ Clink ]

Well, then, show me what you can do.

[ Panting ]

What's the big deal with this sword anyways?!

Is it, like, possessed by ghosts or something?

Ooh! Or maybe it can cut volcanoes in half.

Subject is unnecessarily talkative,

given the situation.

Or maybe it unfolds into a sword disc

and you can spin it like a fidget spinner.

[ Beeps ] Whatever!

Don't tell me what the sword does!

It doesn't matter,

'cause I can take on anything!



[ Grunts ]


[ Gasping ]

All right, metal man,

I think we need to make an emergency landing.


[ Sighs ]

I'm really glad

I'm taking some time for myself to relax!

This Summer Night festival is just what I needed

to get away from all the chaos --

and Todd!

[ Slurps ]

[ Crashes ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Roars ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunting ]

Ow, ow, ow!


Man, I really don't want to miss

this samurai tour thing,

so how about we wrap this up?!

[ Grunts ]



A tail that generates sonic frequencies.

Ha! I forgot I could do that!

Oh, you are so going down!

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

A'ight, time to give up, yo!

[ Buzzes ]


That tail is deceptively fast --

quite remarkable.

Yeah, I know. I'm the best!

Sword, please!

Only if you can take it from me.

[ Scoffs ] Dude, are you serious?

Your armor's totally busted.

True, but you still don't have the power to defeat me,

and you never will.

Yeah, right. You don't know me!

Don't I?

You're a child, in over his head,

using borrowed power from technology

you can't even control.

Uh, you're wrong!

And you think you know power?

But without your technology, what would you be?

I-- Just a weak...

Hey! ...useless...

Stop it!

...scared little boy

hiding from his own pathetic mediocrity!

I said stop it!

[ Grunts ]

How's that for pathetic?!

[ Ting! ]

You guys should have been there!

I hit that guy so hard,

I didn't even hear where he landed!

It was so epic!

Total hero ending.


Wait, so, this strange techno-knight

just gave up?

No, I defeated him -- fair and square.

But you're saying he didn't bother coming back?

Why would he?

I knocked him into next week!

And I didn't have the patience

to wait around for him to come back.

I'll believe that part.

As a matter of fact,

it was my lack of patience that saved the sword.

Hideki: Actually...

the sword that the Knight attempted to steal

was a reproduction.

The original is kept far from public reach.

Why would he steal it then?!

A master swordfighter thinks ahead,

not in the moment.

What?! Is that more calligraphy talk?!

It sounds to me like whoever that was

was testing you.

Yeah, that does kind of make sense, Ben.

Testing me?

Well, I'm pretty sure I aced that test!

You may have won the day...

but the battle is still ahead.


Wait. You're the Sword Master?


[ Grunting ]


A samurai lives his life by the Bushido code,

which has many virtues.

Sword fighting is one, calligraphy is another.

Now, I will need a volunteer to try on some samurai armor.

Oh, ooh! Me, me -- right here!


No way!

[ Laughs ] Awesome!

Check me out!

[ Laughing ] Okay.

Maybe time for someone else to try now.

Like me, who's been waiting!

I believe you will go last.

It will be a good exercise of patience for you.

I think he got you there!

Oh, how about me next?

[ Ben screams ]


This is impossible!
