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03x29 - Lickety Split

Posted: 02/22/24 19:30
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪♪ That chorizo I had earlier

is really doing a number on me...

[ Beep ]

Ah, dear. Don't touch Penelope!

Is that what he's calling the chopper now?

Wasn't it Chloe? [ Yelps ]

Ben, look!

[ Grunts ] [ Beeping ]

Oh, this is bad! Not to worry!

I fly as an alien all the time! No, Ben!

Just because you can fly as an alien

doesn't mean you know how to fly this!

Can too! Cannot!

Can-- Whoa! Whoa!

Penelope, baby! Don't worry, Daddy's here!

[ Grunting ]

Where did that storm even come from?

Uh, guys?

What is that?

Let's take a closer look.

Hmm, may I remind you about my calculations?

Without them, this machine would be nothing

but a useless agglomerated mountain of scrap metal.

My far superior intellectual skills

were what brought this project together!

Sure, meanwhile I did most of the work!

Did not! Did too!

Did not! Did too!

[ Growling ]

That machine must be the cause of the storm!

What are Polar and Solar up to this time?

Ben, wait! -You mean, "Heatblast, wait!"

And I can't do that!

Both: Huh? Oh.

[ Grunting ]

Huh? Oh, well!

You know, it's really not healthy

to always be fighting with your sibling!


[ Grunting ]


What?! Uh!

Oh, these guys' machine

must be messing with my watch just like last time!

[ Grunts ]

[Scoffs ] He's distracting you!

We have some business to take care of.

[ Electricity buzzes ] At last!

Our creation lives! Oh, but I wanted to turn it on...

-Huh? -'Sup! Miss me?

[ Grunts ]

In case you forgot, we're still melted together!

Well, then, maybe you should try keeping up!

-Meh, meh, meh. -Huh?

Stop squirming around so much! You're the one who's squirming!

I -- [ Groans ]

Let's go figure this out somewhere else!

[ Snickering ]

Ben, there you are!

Oh, hey guys!

You missed me stopping the blunder twins' evil plot,

with nothing but my awesome wits!

Wait, what plot?

[ Rumbling ]

Funny you should ask!

We have come to an impasse,

and realize we can no longer coexist on the same Earth.

So, with our brilliant machine, the...

-Earth splitter. -...planet slicer --

[ Both clear throats ] Our laser is so powerful...

That we can split the Earth

equally in two, along the equator.

That way, we'll be able to rule our own pieces of Earth

without ever having to see each other again.

If you cut through the Earth, the planet will collapse.

There won't be any Earth left to live on!

Our calculations are never wrong --

Though you can certainly trust Polar

to find a way to mess up basic astrophysics.

My calculations are always correct!

We'll see once I run my w*apon sequence!

Not if I get there first!

[ Grunting ]

Just great. Now those two have made things worse.

See, Ben? This is why you need to listen to me

before rushing into things!

Who's the alien that totally b*at down those twins earlier?

Me! Yeah, great job letting them escape!

Unless that was a part of your super smart plan?

I don't need a plan when I've got my natural hero instincts!

We won't be able to solve anything

if we don't work as a team.

How am I supposed to work as a team

when no one appreciates me?!

I'll deal with those twins myself!

Come on, Gwen. Wanna do what Team Destroy does best?

[ Sighs ] Okay.

Team Destroy!

Eh, there's half the spirit!

W-Whoa! Whoa.

We better hurry before those quakes get any stronger!

[ Grumbling ]

Ugh! Now, where could those brainiacs have run off to?

This would be so much easier

if you would pull your own weight for once, brother!

We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for your dead weight!

Dead weight?!

Wow, it looks like you guys really need a banana split!

[ Slip! ]

You insolent child!

Let's see how you'll handle this!

[ Grunts ]

Where did he go? Up here!

Eat some supersonic kick!

[ Groans ] I'm so tired of these alien glitches!


You had your chance, Polar!

Let me show you how it's done!

[ Grunts ] Haha!

[ Groans ] Huh?


I thought you had it!

You saw it coming, you should've had it!

Ready to call it quits yet?

Or do you two need a hot second?

Both: We're fine! In that case,

there's plenty more fireballs where that came from!

Ugh! Not again!

Okay, uh, hold on. How about we take a small break?

Bye! -After that twerp!

Hey, I wasn't ready!

Come on, come on, recharge already!

Now this is more my speed!


[ Electricity crackling ]

Just as I thought. Looks like the laser is being powered

by the energy coils in the back.

We need to find a way to overload it!

Then it should shut down.

[ Rumbling ] Whoa.

Both: [ Grunts ]

You thinking what I'm thinking?

This isn't exactly what I was thinking.

Trust me on this! You got it kiddo!

Both: Team Destroy!

[ Electricity fizzles out ]


Solar: Primary manual override!

[ Grunt ] Begin super solar sequence!

Oh, no! Maybe it was better when the machine was fighting itself!

It looks like the magnetic force is repelling minerals

from within the Earth! Ben?!

-Get off of me! -I wish I could --

Wait, wait! I have the plan.

Aren't we special?

Well, what's your plan?

I don't have one. Then follow my lead!

Wow, I already lost' em!

You sure have lost something!

[ Grunt ] Those rocks were mine!

I will put them to better use! Hey!

Man, these guys argue more than me and Gwen.

Oh, no, no, no --

This is gettin old fast!

Pest! Be gone!

Simple and clean.

Those were poor improvisational skills.

Forgive me for not being able to make the classes.

[ Grunts ] Time to be extinct!

Uh-oh... You can't even commit to the job!

Both: [ Grunting ] I'm growing so sick of you!

Hey! The only way you guys could b*at me

is by putting your heads together!

[ Both growl ]



[ Harp strumming ]

[ Gasp ]

[ Sobbing ]

What the heck are you guys doing?!

You've been staring at each other for, like, three minutes!

Oh, right. Oh. Right.

Brother, I'm ready to make up for that improv class!

Yes, and it's time to get along!

Aww, crud.

[ Both grunt ]

One pest down! Two more to go!

Both: Oh!

Oh, geez...

That could've been the end of my summer vacation.

[ Rubble shifting ]

He's like a roach, he just keeps coming back.

Good luck squashing this --

bug! Aah!

[ Both grunting ] Hey!

I don't recall anyone putting you in charge!

I did! I was built first!

I have authority over you! -Hmm...Hey, kiddo,

can you look up a word for me?

Grandpa, that's cheating.

[ Grunts ] Incoming!

Dark side prism moon sequence activated!

Gwen, I think our plan just backfired on us again.

You're right, old human. Lasers are not efficient enough.

I can cut through this Earth way faster than my counterpart.


[ Electricity crackles, both scream ]

Both: Huh? Brother, we must go!

Our progress has been halted!

I gotta hurry and get there first

before they hurt Grandpa and Gwen!

Wow, doing nothing actually worked!

Yeah, Team Destroy should become Team Chill.

How did you two manage to stop the Earth splitter?!

These Tennysons are much more destructive than the brat.

Salt and pepper sequence activation process initiated!

Both: Mega Earth splitter magnetic pulse ray activated!

What?! They're getting along?

How'd that happen?

Never fear, Ben's here!

What did you do?

I didn't do anything!

I've been trying to fight these guys all day,

but my watch was bugging out from their magnet powers!

Ugh! I left thinking you'd guys would be okay!

If you would've stayed and listened to me

and not run off, we would be exploring the Ecuadorian forest,

not destroying it!

[ Both growl ]

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Rumbling ]

If Solar and Polar can put their opinions aside

and work together, then so can the two of you!

Grandpa's right!

With my brain and your brawn, we can be stronger!

With your help, we can be stronger'er!

Yeah, sure.

[ Rumbling ]

So, what's your plan?

[ Whispering ] Okay.

[ Whispering ]

Both: Go, Team Tennyson!

Magnetic pulse ray is almost ready to fire again!

-Hey, Solar! Hey, Polar! -Hmm?

How come you guys are still trying to split the Earth?

What do you mean, girl?

Aren't we still splitting the Earth?

I had an idea that it would be best

we just use the machine to hold the world for ransom!

I agree with Solar.

Doesn't it make more sense to just rule it as a whole?

See? She knows my plan is the best!

She's the smart child, too!

Hey, I'm plenty smart.

So smart that I can see

that ruling over two Earths

is much smarter'er of a plan!

Hm! Now whose plan is being supported?!

-We're going with my plan! -No, mine!

I want to rule my own domain!

[ Laughs ] Dummies.


You're insufferable!

Both: I wish I never met you!



Next time I will carry out my plan alone!

Good thing we're good at starting arguments.

It came in handy! Yeah! Team Tennyson?

Team Tennyson.

Proud of you guys for making up.

Now, let's get back. Crystal needs me.

Grandpa, can we talk about your obsession

with naming the copter?



Both: Team Destroy!