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03x33 - Forever Road

Posted: 02/22/24 19:34
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


[ Engine revs ]

[ Tires screech ]

I-I think -- I think I lost him.

Aaah! [ Tires screech ]

How could he be in so many places at once?


[ Tires screech ]

Please...[Sobbing] just leave me alone.

[ Screams ] Oh!

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Scoffs ]

Feh! Oh, LaGrange...

just look at what a mess

that Tennyson brat has made of you.

[ Scoffs ] [ Glass shatters ]

I just want to rip that watch

from his boorish little wrist.

Forever Knight: LaGrange, compose yourself.

[ Gasps ] Show yourself.

You can call me the Forever Knight.

Wha-- Wha-- W-W-What do you want?

The question, LaGrange, is what do you want?

[ Buzzards screech ]


[ Engines rev ]

Whoa, check out all these cool cars.

[ Chuckling ] And that one's the coolest of them all.

Glad you're such a fan, Ben.

I would agree this ride is pretty lit, my dude.

Ugh, only Phil could make muscle cars lame.

Phil: You guys are in for a real treat.

This is an especially unique race.

It's sponsored by a mysterious new company:

Galahad, Inc.

They won't say what the prize is.

It could be anything -- a spot at a research team

or a seat on a moon shuttle.

It's got to be so --

[ Sneezes ] You okay?

Don't worry about me, just some desert allergies.

Now, let me show you the track.

First there's a straightaway...

[Sneezes]...then Side-Winder Alley...

[Sneezes]...which takes you up to Telescope Peak.

Watch out for the rabbit.

I mean, really watch out for that rabbit

and back down for the final stretch.

Announcer: Racers, make your way to starting positions.

Well, I guess I should be getting --

[ Sneezes loudly ]

[ Horn honks ]

Phil, are you sure you're okay?

Never better.

I'm not sure if you're going to make it.

Hey, what if I race in his place?

I bet XLR will blow all these jocks off the road,

you know, for Phil's sake.

Well, only for Phil's sake. Yes!

Good to see you, kid, but you're not winning anything.

Hey, I still remember that stunt you pulled

back at the Great Wall.

We were supposed to be friends.

When it comes to racing, there are no friends,

only family.

Oh, I've got family, Vin, right here.

I can respect that. [ Engine revs ]

Racers, start your engines!

[ Engines idling ]

Hot desert dogs!

Get your hot desert dogs right here.

What are in these things anyway?

If you don't know, then why did you --

Never mind.

With XLR, this is going to be

easy-peasy ham and cheesy. [ Beeping ]


[ Warbling ] Huh? Aah!

What's going on?

Transform already.

Whoa. A-a-a-ah!

[ Screams ]

[ Grunts ] What just happened?

Well, well...

I wonder who could have given me this, huh?

A remote-controlled device, especially designed

to neutralize your fastest alien.

Hey, no fair. And go!

[ Tires squeal ] [ Coughs ]

[ Beeping ] Oh, come on. Come on.

Diamondhead? This is not gonna be good.

[ Engines revving ]

For glory.

Vin Ethanol: For family!

Bonjour, Ethanol.

Did you do something new with your hair?

[ Laughs ]


[ Tires squeal ]

[ Wind whistles ]

[ Groans ]

This is all LaGrange's fault.

If it wasn't for his little anti-XLR thingy-ma-jig,

I'd be in the winner's circle by now.

[ Screams ]

-Ben, come on! -Whoa.

-You okay, kiddo? -What happened back there?

LaGrange showed up with some weird remote thingy,

and it jammed the watch, so now XLR won't work.

There's no way I can win as long as he has it.

-You kids are resourceful. -Yes!

We can review Phil's map and come up with a plan.

LaGrange: Why the cold shoulder, Vin?

That's no way to treat your family.

[ Groans ] I must say, your commitment

to the sudden treatment is inspiring.

[ Gasps ] Qu'est-ce que c'est?!

Uh, t-think of how much better

we race as a team, huh?

Together or not at all, remember?

Always a fool for sentimentality.

[ Tires screech ]

That was a dirty move, and you know it.

I have not even begun to play dirty.


Nice try.


You're all out of second chances, Buster.

[ Tires screech ]

How's the plan going back there, kids?

Okay, the racers are just getting into

Side-Winder Alley now.

Everybody is gonna be following this windy road,

but it would save a whole lot of time

if you just started here

and went straight for the finish.

-Good enough for me. -Ben, wait.

Remember why you're doing this.

You can't let yourself get distracted.


Cut over the mountain straight to LaGrange,

and crush his little anti-XLR remote.

No! Cut over the mountain, go to the finish line,

so you can win the race for Phil.

Oh. Oh, yeah. Right.

Win the race for Phil...

[Whispering] by catching LaGrange

and smashing his anti-XLR remote.

What was that? Sorry, Gwen.

It's hero time!

[ Growls ] Go, Rath.

Why didn't you pick something that can fly? Argh!


Who's a cat and a half?

Rath is a cat and a half.

I'm going to rip and tear that little --


Come on, Rath.

You ain't gonna let some small fry like that

rip this victory out of your hands.

Okay, okay.

Eyes on the prize.

No more distractions.

Eyes on the bunny. Aaaaaaaaaah!

You're mine, little man.


LaGrange: Oh, no shame in coming in second

to a superior driver.

You ain't a driver, LaGrange. You're a cheater.

Oh, thank you as always

for your sanctimonious morale judgement,

but I have a race to win.

Hey, what are you -- Whoa!

[ Tires screech ]

Did you just try to throw me off a cliff?

Oh! [ Chuckles ] Oh, you'll get over it.

You never could stay mad at family.

You ain't my family, LaGrange.

[ Rath snarls ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


[ Meows ]


I'm not a desert pancake?

Awesome. Hmm. Oh, it's the finish line.

This is perfect.

All I got to do is get over there before...


Wait, I feel like there's something I'm forgetting.

Gwen: You are doing this for Phil...


Hey, huh?

I guess we'll never know.


Slapback, huh? Okay.

I can work with this, just got to...


Both: All right!


[ Chuckles ] The last leg of the race!

Any more fancy driving tricks

you want to show off before I win?


[ Engines rev ]

[ Laughs ] C'est magnifique!

Nothing stands between me and victory,

not you and not that horrible little --

[ Tires screech ]

Oh, the race, I can still win this.

[ Tires squeal ]

[ Growls ] What is wrong with my car?

Why does she accelerate so slow?

Something is weighing it down --



[ Indistinct shouting ]

Vin, help! These little creatures are...

No! Noooo!

I already told you, that ain't gonna work anymore.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah! We got it.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Indistinct talking ]

So much for not getting distracted.

Maybe something happened.

We should go back and look for him.

[ All cheering ]

I got that thing away from LaGrange.

Great, but you were supposed to go

straight to the finish for Phil.

But -- But LaGrange had this remote.

It was messing with the watch. I had to get it or... Or what?

Other people can take care of LaGrange, you know?

You have violated parole.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Ben, you made a promise to Phil.

I think you owe him an apology.

Did you see the end of that race?

Woof! Mighty exhilarating driving.

So what were we talking about?

I wanted to say I'm sorry.

I promised I was gonna win you this race,

but I let myself get distracted

by LaGrange's Omnitrix jammer thing

and made it all about me.

Omnitrix jammer?

-Huh? -Fascinating.

You wouldn't mind if I did some studies on this, would you?

You mean, you aren't upset

that I didn't win that big prize?

Oh, no, no, no. Word on the street is,

it was just a tour of some nearby factory.


I probably shouldn't spend any more time in this desert.

[ Engine revs ]



Ah, Mr. Ethanol.

I believe congratulations are in order.

I have a job offer of sorts I wish to extend.

Thanks and all, Tin Man,

but I'm gonna have to turn you down on that one.

I can drive circles around LaGrange,

but that win back there wasn't clean.

I don't deserve your prize.

Just hear my out.

Perhaps job is not the best way to put it.

There's a place for you in this...thing

I'm putting together, a consortium,

a gathering of forces,, you might say.

Family, huh?



[ Slurps ]
