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01x06 - Part Six

Posted: 02/23/24 14:55
by bunniefuu



[CHILD 1] Hans.



- [CHILD 2] Amerikaner!
- [CHILD 1] Amerikaner!


[CHILD 3] Amerikaner!

[IN GERMAN] He has a g*n.


There's an American. He has a g*n...

Get in the house and call the police.

Go, go, go!



[FARMER 1] We don't want to k*ll you.

We don't want to k*ll you.




- [g*n CLICKS]


[IN ENGLISH] For you, the w*r's over.

[CROSBY] When a crew went
down, they disappeared.

No more than four
months at Thorpe Abbotts

until 32 of the 35 original
crews were among the missing.

We did not talk about such crews.

[CROSBY] Those of us who continued
to fly mission after mission

had to tiptoe around their ghosts.

Some of the men were coming undone.

They'd seen too many planes
blow up in front of them

and too many friends k*lled.

Some people drank. Some people
fought. Some people slept around.

If you got a chance to
forget, you took it.

Me? I was heading to Oxford University.

Bubbles's death hit me pretty hard,

and Colonel Harding thought
it would be good for me

to represent the 100th

at a conference between
the Allied nations.

So he signed me up,
and I was happy to go.

Have you ever been to Oxford, Captain?

Uh, no. But I'm excited to be here.

Well, you may not have the time
to see much of it on this trip.

Between the lectures and
the social events planned,

it's very unlikely you'll have
a moment to step off campus.

We're just through here.

There'll be representatives from nearly

all the Allied countries
and territories.

You're sure to meet
some fascinating people.

It arrived for you two days
ago. I hope it's nothing urgent.

My wife. [CHUCKLES]

She, uh, couldn't stand
the idea of a week going by

without sending a letter.

How thoughtful.

Oh, uh, has "sub-altern" A.M.
Wesgate arrived yet? My roommate?

Not until tomorrow, I believe.
And we call them "subalterns."

- "Subbleturn."
- Subalterns.

Right. Well, James,
thank you for the tour.

Of course. Have a good night,
sir. Enjoy the conference.


[IMITATING JAMES] "Subaltern."



[CROSBY] Münster was only
Rosie's third mission,

but it was so horrific
that Colonel Harding

ordered Lieutenant
Rosenthal and his crew

to spend a week of R & R at a
place we called the flak house.

They got horses.

You ride horses, Rosie?

Jews from Brooklyn don't ride horses.



- [CYCLIST 1] Morning. Hello.
- [SOLDIERS] Ladies. Ma'am.

- [CYCLIST 2] Hello.
- Oh, look out. Here comes the cavalry.


[HOST] Welcome to Coombe House.

We have all the sports and activities

you could ask for, all right here.

There's tennis, bicycles, volleyball,
croquet, riding with hounds.

And if it rains, because
this is England... [CHUCKLES]

... there's billiards, cards,
chess, and badminton in the ballroom.

Relaxation is the order of the day here.

Michael, can you show
these men to their rooms?

[MICHAEL] Of course, ma'am.

Right this way, gentlemen.


How long do I have to be here?

I'm afraid that's not
my department, Robert.

Really, it was up to your
CO when he sent you here.

But that's something you
can discuss with Dr. Huston.

We have baths here and hot water.

Take advantage while
you can is my advice.





[IN ENGLISH] Where you from?


When we get a chance, you
think you can run on that ankle?

- [PRISONER] I don't think so.



[IN ENGLISH] Think our boys did this?

Looks like it just happened. RAF.

Shit. Brits actually
hit something for once.


[BUCKY] All right, all right, all right.







[IN GERMAN] What's going on here?

What are they doing here?


Terror flyers!



Damn Americans!

You bastards!




[IN ENGLISH] It's okay, it's okay.

Guards! Back up!


[IN ENGLISH] Keep your shirt on.


Hey, stop! Don't protect
them! What are you doing?

- Let them fend for themselves!
- [IN ENGLISH] Guards! Guards!


Hey! [STAMMERS] Whoa! Whoa!






- [g*n CLICKING]



- Doctor Huston?
- Mmm.

May I come in?

Yeah, come in, come in.

Um... Robert Rosenthal.


- How did you sleep last night?
- Fine.

Can be a strange adjustment.

Most men need a... a day or two.

Uh, well, that's actually what I
wanted to talk to you about. Uh...

I don't think this, uh,
environment is helpful for me.

I'd like to return to base.


Why do you think your CO sent you here?

What did he say to you?

No, I'm curious what you think.

There was a mission to Münster.

It was rough, but I'm fine.

Three missions in your first three days.

And I wasn't one of them. I'm fine.

Hmm. That's the third time
you've used that word, "fine."

You're not gonna let me leave, are you?


Sure I am. In five days.

Thank you, Doctor.


[MUMBLING] "Who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name...

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done...

on Earth as it is in heaven,

- for thine is the kingdom and the power... "

[DRIVER, IN GERMAN] I'm looking
for a place to bury these dogs.

lead us not into temptation...

but deliver us from evil... "

[IN GERMAN] One of them is still alive.

- [IN ENGLISH] "Our Father...
- [IN GERMAN] Finish him off.

in heaven, hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come... "


[DRIVER] Klaus. I found a spot.

[KLAUS] Good. I'm coming.


[DRIVER] Get digging. Help me.





[DRIVER] Hey, look one's getting away.

[KLAUS] Let him go! He won't get far!

Freedom of the individual against
the arbitrary authority of a tyrant.

This is what the Magna Carta,

or the Great Charter of
Freedoms, laid the foundation for.

Signed in 1215, it is an important
symbol of liberty even today.

Of course, it took you
Yanks more than 500 years

for your founding fathers to
produce a similar bit of paper.

And now we find in wartime
that our collective...

Yeah, maybe if we weren't under the
tyranny of your king for 500 years,

we could have popped
it out sooner. [SIGHS]

[SPEAKER] We must be
rigorous in our examinations

of previous conflicts and the
resolutions of those conflicts.



nice to have a little fire.

It gets cold up there."

- Captain Crosby, I presume?
- [NORMAL] Oh, my God.

Oh, don't worry. I've seen men in
much... [CHUCKLES] ... less, Captain.

Big family, small house, few doors.

[STAMMERS] And you are?

Subaltern Wesgate, your roommate.

- Oh, dear.

- You expected a man, didn't you?
- No, no, I didn't... I just... It was...


Yes. I did. [STAMMERS] I'm
sorry. I expected a man.

The ATS encourage us to conceal our
feminine names, hence A.M. Wesgate.

The A is for Alessandra...
Sandra for short...

and the M is for a middle
name I shall take to the grave.

- We should report this to the bursar.
- Well, I'm not bothered if you're not.

I can see that you're married.

- Hopefully your wife trained you

- to leave the toilet seat down.

Oh. In the mirror, was
that Tracy or Gable?

It was Tracy.

Oh. I would've thought Gable.




[PLAYER 1] Get it out in front.






Come on. Get up.


turned to me and he said,

"You know, sir, there are three
problems with these bloody Americans."

Excuse my language.

He said, "They're oversexed,
overpaid, and over here."


[SANDRA] Ah, Captain Crosby.

What is it the Yanks say the
trouble with we Britons is?

- Uh...
- That's okay. I remember now.

We are undersexed, underpaid,
and under Eisenhower.


You Americans are a bit zestier in
your approach to the opposite sex.

As young men, we would never have
dreamt of trying to tup a debutante.

We turned to chambermaids and
barmaids for our excitement.

These Americans coming over
would invite a duchess to bed

before even taking her to dinner.

I must respectfully
challenge you on that.

Chambermaids and barmaids feel they have

no right to say no to their employers,

but American men are
persistent regardless of class.

And forgive my language,
but they'll pretty much

"tup" anything that moves.



It's beyond how you treat our women.

It's your spitting in the streets,

getting sloshed, brawling in our pubs.

Perhaps if you simply taught your
chaps a little moral discipline,

they wouldn't always
act as if they're away

from home for the first time,

living it up.

Well, with respect, sir,

each day could be their
last chance to live it up.

So, I won't be giving them a lecture

before they go on their weekend pass.

[SANDRA] You're not cocky enough
to be pilot, but you are a captain.

So, what? Navigator? Bombardier?

Navigator. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, what exactly do you
do, Subaltern Wesgate?

Promise not to tell anyone?

I pinkie swear.

Not entirely sure what that means

- but sounds official.

I'm a punter.

A punter?

- Right.
- Mmm.

What's that?

Been punting since my days at Cambridge.

Oh, really?

- You went to... [WHISPERS] ... Cambridge?

They don't give actual degrees to
women though, if you can believe it.

What did you study? Besides,
uh, punting, of course.

Oh, no, that's it.
We're very specialized.

- [BOAT PASSENGER] Oh, be careful!

- Uh...
- Oh, dear. [CHUCKLES]

- Are you all right?
- [GROANS] I'm all right.

Amateurs. Took me years
to master the pole.

It's all in the wrists, lad.


You've never actually
punted before, have you?

What gave me away?

You're a terrible liar. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] Mmm. Well, give me time.

I'll get better. Promise.

That's not a good thing.




I see you're still sleeping well.

You said it takes a
day or two to adjust.

What's your excuse?

Doctors can't have nightmares?


Why not?

You got some good stuff here.

- You mind if I put something on?
- Oh, have at it.

Don't know much about music.

I'm just working my way
through the collection.

Oh, this... this is what you're missing.

[DR. HUSTON] You play?

[ROSENTHAL] No. Can't play a note.

Mother and sister got
all the musical talent,

but I know what sounds good.


Where you stationed, Doc?

Norfolk. I'm a flight
surgeon with the 96th.

Your group was on the
Bremen raid with us.

We lost three forts.

That was your first mission?

Lost a good friend.

His first mission too.

This w*r... [SIGHS]

Human beings weren't
meant to behave this way.

- You disagree?
- No.

But you see people being
persecuted, subjugated,

you have to do something, right?

They can't fight for
themselves, can they?

So, what do we do?

No, you're right. We had
to do something, and...

here we are.

No, no. This? This, right here?

This is exactly what you don't do.

Croquet. Riding with
hounds, whatever that is.

It's foxhunting.

You don't go foxhunting.

And you don't go talking about
it. You don't go crying about it.

You get back in the seat,
and you finish the damn job.


I was in a rhythm, you know?

Three days, three missions, three
wheels down. Boom, boom, boom.

It's like Gene Krupa.

You don't stop Gene Krupa in the
middle of a drum solo, do you?

- But two weeks later

ask him to dip right back in

where he left off without
missing a beat, do you?

Maybe not. But, uh,

Gene Krupa's gotta think about
more than keeping his own rhythm.

He's responsible for the rhythm
of his whole band, isn't he?

Never had it without
rocks before. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] In Scotland, we believe
whiskey should never be diluted.

- Cheers. Okay. [CHUCKLES]
- Cheers. [CHUCKLES]

Big family. [COUGHS] If you don't
polish it off, someone else will.

You, uh, keep in touch with your family?

[SIGHS] I'm terrible at writing letters.

I visit when I can.

Geographically speaking,
they're much closer than yours.

But they still feel very,
very far away sometimes.

Right. There's just so much
we can't tell them, you know?

Because we're not allowed,

- and because even if...
- How could they possibly understand?

Uh-uh, just... [STAMMERS]
just go easy. [CHUCKLES]

- I'm not much of a drinker. [CHUCKLES]

Last time, I ended up on the floor
of a hotel room with no boots.

Oh, do tell.

[GROANS] Yeah. Well,
we were in London...

[SIGHS] ... on a weekend pass,

and Bubbles invented this
game with quarters and boots.

And basically, I ended up
with no quarters and no boots.


[CHUCKLES] I mean... Well, look.

From there, the story
gets a little blurry.

But the last thing I remember is
spewing in the bathroom with Bubbles,

and there was only one toilet.

Ugh, sounds very romantic.

- Maybe I should just move this over here.

Is Bubbles a lady of the night?

No, no, no, that's my best friend.

Bubbles is just a...
[STAMMERS] ... nickname.

Well, what we all
need in life is someone

to heave with, shoulder to shoulder.

- Hmm.
- He must be a good friend.

Ah, he was, yeah.

He went down last week.

- I'm so sorry.
- Ah, that's why they sent me here.

Give me a little time away.

It was my fault.

How so?

I replaced Bubbles as group navigator.

If he had been there
to plan the missions,

then maybe all those planes
wouldn't have went down.

Maybe Bubbles would still be here and...


Your friend was on that plane for
one reason and one reason only:

Because Adolf Hitler
and his g*ng of thugs

decided they should rule the world.

That's it.

That's the only reason
anybody dies in this w*r.


Well, it's... [EXHALES SHARPLY]
... been quite a day. [CHUCKLES]


- Should we call it a night?





Major Egan, come in.

I am your interrogator,
Lieutenant Haussmann.

Please, sit.

Can I pour you a whiskey?


Here's, uh, mud in your eye.

I don't know that one.

Here's mud in your eye.

So... [SIGHS] ... where shall we begin?

How about I was in a town and, um,

someone shot four of the guys with me.

Oh, my God. What town?

- "Rüssheim," something. I don't know...
- Rüsselsheim.

That's tragic. I will
add it to the report.

Your colleagues, the
ones who were k*lled,

if you give me their names and rank,

- I can pass it on to...
- I don't know their names.

We just happened to be put together.

Look, I appreciate the drink and, um,

would really appreciate
a thicker blanket,

but as far as what
you're gonna get from me,

- it's gonna be name, rank, and serial...
- And serial number.

Yours is O-399510.

Yes, I already know that.

I also know you were born
in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.


From what I hear, definitely not.

Squadron, 418th.

Group, the 100th Bomber
Group. H for Heavy.

Headquartered at Thorpe Abbotts.

Are you a baseball fan, Major?

Certainly that's not a national secret.


Sorry they are not as good
as your American brands.

Lucky Strike is my personal preference.

Baseball is still a
bit of a mystery to me,

with all the sticks and
bases, running in circles.

There was the big championship
last week, wasn't there?

Yeah, the World Series.

Yes, the World Series.

The New York Yankees versus
the St. Louis Cardinals.

A rematch, yes?

We were up two games
to one when I went down.

So you are a Yankees fan?

Would you like to know the
outcome of the World Series?

Was Buck Cleven a Yankees fan?

No? Yes?

I hear he was quite a flyer.

I read of his exploits
in the Regensburg attack.

He was your friend, wasn't he?

It seems we're sh**ting
down all the good pilots.

Did you know that on
your Münster attack,

only one of your planes returned?


But back to you, Major Egan.

I regret to inform you that you are,
as you say, in a bit of a pickle.

We know you were originally
apprehended near Ostbevern...

but we don't have you in
any record as a crew member

on any of the planes
from the Münster attack.

The Gestapo would say
that makes you a spy.

They would be mistaken.

One thing I can tell you, Major,
the Gestapo is never mistaken.

So, I need verification of your
group, your squadron, and your plane

so that I can confirm to them that
you are indeed what you say you are.


John Egan. Major.



... may I say that you're
not doing yourself any favors?

The Gestapo, they are different than me.

Me, I'm like you: A
flyer, a man of honor.

And I can understand things in
a way that perhaps my colleagues

from the highly indoctrinated
security forces might not.

I'd like to talk to you
about Buck Cleven, John...

but I'd like you to talk to me as well.

The number of replacement B-17s expected

at Thorpe Abbotts
next week, for example.

John Egan. Major. O-399510.

I see.






I would love some coffee.

Just don't tell anyone.

I can't bring all the
boys breakfast in bed now.

I'll take it to the grave.

I'm glad you slept.


[BOATER] Fighters, 12:00.
Take 'em out, Pappy! Let's go!

Open fire! Open fire!







In! Now! In! In!

- Up.



[BUCKY] Let's go, let's
go. Quick. Come on. Come on.



[CROSBY] I can't get over
everything in this town being so old.

You know, the state I'm
from was founded in 1846.

It isn't even a hundred yet.

- What state is that?
- Iowa.

- Iowa.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, surely something
was there before 1846.

Nothing that's still standing.

Yes, well, we will see
what's still standing here

when this mess is all said and done.

Now, is there a reason you won't tell me

where you're stationed or what you do?

Yes. And if I wanted to think
about work tonight, Captain,

I would have gone to sherry
hour with Professor Goodhart.


Looks like a party.

Shall we investigate?

- Yeah. Yes.
- Uh, yes?



[SHOUTS] Come on, come on, come on.


- [PARTYGOER 1] Ooh, I love this song.

Come on, Charlie. Join us.

[SINGER] Thank you. Thanks
for supporting our cause.

[ANNOUNCER] Ladies and
gentlemen, Miss Ella Walsh.


[SINGER] ♪ There's a
great and a bloody fight ♪

♪ 'Round this whole world tonight ♪

♪ The battle... ♪

To Bubbles?

♪ ... The bombs and shrapnel reign ♪

To Bubbles.

♪ Hitler told the world around ♪
♪ He would tear our union down ♪

♪ But our union's gonna
break them sl*very chains ♪

♪ I walked up on a mountain
in the middle of the sky ♪

♪ Could see every farm and every town ♪

♪ I could see all the people
in this whole wide world ♪

♪ That's the union that'll tear
the fascists down, down, down ♪

♪ That's the union that'll
tear the fascists down ♪


♪ I walked up on a mountain
in the middle of the sky ♪


♪ Could see every farm and every town ♪

♪ I could see all the people
in this whole wide world ♪

♪ That's the union that'll
tear the fascists down ♪

♪ So I thank the Soviets ♪
♪ And the mighty Chinese vets ♪

♪ The Allies the whole
wide world around ♪

♪ To the battling British, thanks ♪
♪ You can have ten million Yanks ♪

♪ If it takes 'em to tear the
fascists down, down, down ♪

♪ If it takes 'em to
tear the fascists down ♪


[CHUCKLES] Well, I, uh...
I guess this is good night.

Uh, you're... Are you
not coming in? [CHUCKLES]

Did you forget that we're roommates?

Oh, yeah. You know, I
think I did actually.

Subaltern, we've been
scouring the college for you.

An urgent message.

[CROSBY] What is it?

I have to leave.

- What, now?
- Indeed. Uh...

Next time you're in London, ring me.

We'll go dancing.

If you're lucky, I might
even teach you to punt.

You know, I hear it's all in the wrists.

What about your things?

Oh, they'll send them.

That's not your bicycle.

Well, I'm borrowing it.

Fortunes of w*r.

Don't you sleep?

After we win!




- [MILBURN] There he is.

Well, to what do we owe this honor?

We're almost out of this joint
and, uh, I'm after your cash.

- [RONALD] Oh, wow.
- Ooh, Rosie.

- [PAPPY] Big spender.
- Hey, this is the guy I was telling you about.

Is he telling stories again?

Yeah, I've got a story.

Our last mission over Münster.

One by one, we see everybody go down

until we're the last bird in the sky.

Sitting ducks.

We know they're coming
for us any f*cking second.

And then we hear it.





Is that what I sound like?

We're about to get our balls
blown off when this guy here,

this crazy bastard,
starts humming Artie Shaw.

- Out of the blue.

And it was the strangest thing.

But I gotta say, hearing
his voice over the radio,

that was the first time that
I didn't feel scared shitless.

Even though he'd clearly
lost his f*cking marbles.


I knew that I wasn't alone.

None of us were.


Oh, come on. Who's dealing?

[SOLDIER 1] Let me tell
you about our last mission.

We were in this shot-up fort, limping
over the channel on two engines.

Someone on the plane radios
the tower, "Hello, Lazy Fox.

This is G for George, calling Lazy Fox.

Will you give us landing
instructions, please? Pilot"...

"And copilot are dead.

Two engines feathered.

Fire in the radio room.
Vertical stabilizers gone.

No flaps, no brakes, no chutes.

Bombardier flying the ship.

Will you give me landing instructions?"

So, the tower hears all of this,

they put their heads
together and they think.

And they think as fast as
they can because this thing

wasn't going to be staying up
in the air for very much longer.

Flying control officer
is thinking and thinking

until he finally figures it out.

Picks up the radio and says,
"I hear you, G for George.

Now here are your instructions.

Repeat slowly after me:

Our Father, who art in heaven...
[CHUCKLES]... hallowed be thy"...

- [SOLDIER 1] Please.
- Ah, you wanna hear it again. Come on.

[DOUGLASS] We don't wanna hear it
again, so why don't you drop it?

[MILBURN] You heard it before?

- [DOUGLASS] Heard it a million times.

[CROSBY] We told each
other all kinds of stories.

Some of them were true.

Most were not.

It didn't matter.

Tall tales, music, laughter,
good Irish whiskey...

We all needed something to help
us climb back into that plane

and do it all again.










- [PRISONER 1] Johnny! John!
- [PRISONER 2] Egan!

- [PRISONER 1] Hey, Johnny! John!

Jimmy! Jimmy, did Frankie make it?

[PRISONER 3] Bucky! Bucky! Over here!

Bucky! Over here! Over here!


You made it! [LAUGHS]



[PRISONER 4] What about O'Neill?

Hey! Any of you know if Buck made it?


- I said if Buck...
- [BUCK] John Egan! Your 2:00.

What took you so long?

[PRISONER 5] Welcome to
Stalag Luft III, boys.

Where you're gonna spend
the best years of your wives.

[BUCKY] What do you say if
you and I, we made our move?

My plan is to get home
to Marge in one piece.

Well, you'd die here in one piece.

- Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa!
- That what you wanna do?

[NEWCASTER] ... while Allied troops
remain pinned down on the beaches.

Morning, gentlemen. I'm
Captain Robert Rosenthal.

Welcome to the 100th.

[JACK] Rosie's the best pilot
I've ever seen fly a B-17.

You pray to God you can
fly half as good as him,

you might make it to 25 too.


They don't care if they
k*ll us all, do they?

It'll be good for you to show the
new guys that 25 can really get done.