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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 02/23/24 15:37
by bunniefuu


Is this working?

Hi, everyone. Let me introduce DanBam
on Gyeongridan-gil road.

Ta-da. Hyun-yi, say hi.

- Are we on live again? Hi!
- Hi!



Let me introduce my boss. Boss!

- Hi! Say hi. I'm live-streaming.
- Oh!


Yes, hello.

Boss, how do you feel now
that DanBam is on Gyeongridan-gil road?


How do I feel? What do I say?

Just say anything.


- We'll work hard.
- Gosh. "We'll work hard."

My boss is so boring.


Then what are your goals as the boss?
Share with us.

- My goals?
- Yes.




- Come on.
- Okay.


My staff and I...


...will work hard

to make DanBam
the number one pub in the country.


- Number one.
- Number one.

- Shall we shout together?
- Okay.

One, two, three.

- We can do it!
- We can do it!


Last but not least...

There are more than five million
business owners in the country.

And out of those five million,

a million businesses shut down every year.

Why do they go out of business?

Because the economy is bad?


It's because customers don't have a reason
to choose it over the other ones.

Your foods, decor, and system
must set you apart.

If you open something without a plan

or putting much thought into it,
you'll go out of business.

Outdo your neighboring businesses.

Have something unique that sets you apart.

Figure out

how you can win the competition
and keep trying things.

I was able to grow Jangga
from the tiny pub under the bridge

forty years ago to what it is today

because I ceaselessly pondered solutions,
and I will never stop.

All these concerns and attempts

are what got me to where I am today.

You can

do it too.

Thank you for listening to
this businessman,

Jang Dae-hee.


I'm sorry.
We're not accepting any questions--


Give her a microphone.

Hello, sir. I enjoyed the seminar.

We've met before.
It's good to see you again.

I'm curious to hear your question.

Well, my boss always says

that business is all about people.

This has nothing to do with the seminar.
I'm purely asking as a fan of yours.

Do you also have such a motto
about running a business?

"Business is all about people"?

Your boss sounds like a romantic.

Let me think.
What does running a business means to me?

No matter what word you use
to sugarcoat it,

you can't change its definition.

The ultimate goal of a business
is to obtain profits.

You said you grew a tiny pub
under a bridge into what Jangga is today.

I truly admire you.

And I loved that you used the word,

Then I want to ask you
about the competition.

Do you think it's possible

for a small pub
to beat what Jangga is today?

I love seeing ambitious young people
like yourself,

but I'm still full of ambition as well,

so such a thing

will never happen until the day I die.

With that bold statement,
I'd like to end this seminar.

Thank you for attending our seminar
hosted by Chairman Jang Dae-hee.

I didn't think
I'd see you at this seminar.

Was it helpful?

Yes. I learned a lot, sir.

I heard you moved to Gyeongridan-gil road.

How's business?

We're working hard, but it's not easy.

I see. Keep up the good work.

Goodbye, sir.

In my opinion, power comes from people.

Because their trust gives me strength.

If your business fails,

you'll lose your people.

They're the reason why
I can continue to run my business.


Mr. Kim.

Yes, sir.

Ms. Jo.

Chairman Jang would like to see you.

Chairman Jang,
the guest you're expecting is here.

Okay, let her in.

You were expecting someone?


Thanks for coming.

Have you eaten yet?

No, not yet.

Shall we have some food first?

This was so good.

Thank you, sir.

My pleasure.

I'm not good at beating around the bush.

Why don't you join Jangga?

I'll treat you well.

Thank you for the offer,

but I'm afraid I must decline.

May I ask why?

Because of my boss.

I know young people these days
value friendship a great deal,

but it hasn't even been a year.

It's only a shallow friendship.

Like you said,

I shouldn't decline your offer
merely because of friendship.

But aren't you making this offer
because of my boss?

You're immensely interested
in my boss as well as in DanBam.


I'm confident that I can grow DanBam.

If you come to notice me, not my boss,
in that process,

you can give me
this offer again then, sir.

Jo Yi-seo.

The manager of Park Saeroyi's pub.

Park Saeroyi, that prick.

Because of Mr. Park.

He was like a father to me.

Damn it.

Jeez, you need to look ahead
when you're driving.

Hey, you can't drive at full speed here.

God damn it.

Shall I call my insurer
or just give you money?

- What?
- Just answer my question. I'm busy.

Jeez, what the...

First, you need to apologize to me
for hitting my car.

Are you that rich?

Will you say no to money
if I apologize to you?

I am rich.

I'm offering you money!

What the hell.


How's the business going?

Not bad. Yi-seo has done some marketing.

"Not bad" is an understatement.

We should get ready for the tax season.

How much will I be taxed?

Well, I can't really figure out
the exact amount yet.

But at this rate, a lot.

What should I do, then?

You don't need to worry.
It's my specialty, you know.

Let's do this.


I'm going to incorporate DanBam.


You'll incorporate the business?
So DanBam will become a company?

Wow, that means you'll be a CEO.

CEO? What does it mean
to incorporate the business?

Incorporate DanBam...

What all the money we're pulling in,
we should. For tax purposes.

So we need to come up with a name.

A company name. Throw some ideas.



What do you think?


No, it sounds like Jangga's copycat.

What about "ILL"?

I think it sounds cool.

Yi-seo, Royi, love.


Not sure. I don't love it.

What about you, Seung-kwon? Got any ideas?




Gosh, what is that?

It sounds so lame.

It sounds so uncool, just like him.

I actually like it.

Right? I like it too.

"Itaewon Class."

It's catchy. It's a good name.

You guys don't like it?

No, I don't.

"Class," seriously? It sounds so childish.

It sounds like something
a teenage bluffer would say.




The first word that came to my mind
when I heard "Itaewon Class"

was "freedom."

A place where
different cultures can mingle freely.

Being free from restraints.

Itaewon symbolizes freedom.

That's what you were going for, right?

- Yes.
- Bullshit.

It sounds a little forced,

but it's not bad.

It's got that old-school vibe.

What can we do? You already love the name.

You'll go with it anyway.


I won't if you don't like it.


I'm fine with it if you like it.

It's fine,

but limiting ourselves to Itaewon only
won't help us

when dealing with other businesses.
It makes us look small.

Then "Itaewon Class" can be a name
that we use amongst ourselves.

How about we just use the initials?



- "IC."
- What?

Wow, using English.

Nice. It's a memorable name.


I like it.

Then since the manager likes it too,

we're now the founding members of IC Inc.,

Itaewon Class.





Hey, Hye-won.


It's her school's anniversary,
so I brought her.

It's good to see you.

Guys, help him with his stuff.

- Sure.
- Sure.

- It's your first time here, right?
- Yes.

Hi, Yi-seo.

I'm hungry. Give me some food.

You're hungry?

- Hyun-yi, can you make some food for her?
- Oh, sure.

- Hey, take this.
- You bring it.

That little...

Have a seat here.
The food will be ready soon.


Boss, I'm going to go check the order.

All right.

Saeroyi, spare me a moment.

Wait here.


How's business?

It's going pretty well.

But not as well as when we were
in Itaewon.

It's hard to run a pub in an alley.

I was very surprised.

You were able to relocate
and buy this building.

How did you manage to save so much money?

Thanks to my friend,
who's a competent fund manager.

- I'll introduce you to him next time.
- All right.

Well, you see...

What's the matter?

Well, about the thing we talked about
last time...

Hold on.

Where did Hye-won go?






Did you guys see Hye-won?

No, we were busy checking this.
Did she leave?

- Geun-soo, go this way with Toni.
- Okay. Hey, Toni.

Yi-seo, you stay here. Let's go this way.



Why isn't Saeroyi picking up?



I got lost while following a cat.

I didn't bring my phone.

May I please borrow your phone?

Don't call me "Ma'am."

You seem to be around
the same age as my dad.

But I'm not married.


But you're pretty.

Why aren't you married?

Just make your phone call.

Dad, I'm sorry.

I got lost,
so I'm using someone else's phone now.


I don't agree with that.

Come on. Tell me their names.

- Kim Ji-eun and--
- Hye-won!

- My gosh.
- Dad, I can't breathe.

- Ms. Kang.
- Hey.

Why did you leave without even telling me?

Sorry, Dad. You must've been worried.

Yes, of course!

This lady here helped me.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

- Thank you so much.
- Don't mention it.

She's adorable.
I had fun chatting with her.

He's our supplier,
and this is his daughter.

I see.

Were you on your way to meet me?

- Yes, I'd love to check out your pub.
- Okay.

Let's talk there.

Sorry again, Dad.

- Hye-won.
- Yes?

Go with Saeroyi.

I have to make an important phone call.
I'll meet you at the pub.


Who are you?

- Let go, you bastard!
- You punk!


Is your dad trained in martial arts?

My dad used to be a cop. He's very strong.

He's so dependable.

He's single too.


What happened?

I only see photos from today.

He probably deletes all the photos daily.

He's keeping track of where you go,
who you meet, and what you do.

Everything you do...

What's wrong? Did you find anything?

No, it's not that.

Anyway, I wonder
who ordered him to do this.

Chairman Jang.


He's the only one
who'd do something like this.

This means that
he may know about our partnership.

Right, I should thank you
for all your help earlier.

Gosh, no problem at all.

Your daughter is so smart and brave.
You raised her well.

Thankfully, she doesn't take after me.

But you raised her.

Children follow their parents' footsteps.

She kept bragging about you.

It sounded like you're a great dad.

Hye-won, we should go home.
Say bye to everyone.

See you soon, Ms. Kang and Saeroyi.

- Be a good girl.
- I will.

- Well, take care.
- You too.

Detective Oh.

Weren't you going
to say something earlier?

Oh, that...

I'll tell you later. Another time.

I'll be waiting.

It's doing pretty well.

There are a few interesting things.

They took care of the renovation
and inspected

the entire process themselves.

The space is over 40 pyeong,

yet they only spent 25 million won,
including the demolition cost.

It sounds like you've seen the space.

Yes, I have.


They opened a live channel
and posted the entire process,

from looking for a store space

to the renovations and the inspections.

It's very popular
among small business owners

and young customers who are foodies.

Let me introduce
the part-timers at DanBam.

The face of DanBam.

Jang Geun-soo!


I'm Jang Geun-soo, a server.

Hi, Geun-soo. What's your hobby?

- My hobby?
- Yes.

I'm good at spinning soju bottles.

- I see. That's his hobby.
- I'll show you.

- Like this.
- Gosh.

Do that first.

Mr. Kim is waiting, sir.

Let him in.

I'll come back another time.

It's okay. What is it?

I make awesome soju bombs.

Then do you make soju bombs for customers?

Yes, of course. That's a given.

Everyone, visit DanBam
for the awesome soju bombs.


Ms. Kang found out
that we've been tailing her.

- I'll be off, then.
- No, stay.

- But she doesn't know that you--
- I'm sure she knows.

Who else would be that interested
in Min-jung?

It doesn't matter.

More importantly, that girl, Jo Yi-seo...

We're trying to figure out
the position and pay scale.

I'll approach her with an offer
when it's finalized.

Good. You must bring her on board.

- Sir.
- She must've won him over.


If you come to notice me, not my boss,
in that process,

you can give me
this offer again then, sir.

She's interesting.

Pardon me?

She doesn't suit that punk, Park Saeroyi.

She's like me.

- Have you looked into the other stuff?
- Yes, sir.

All their ingredients
are supplied by Hyewon Foods.

They use good ingredients.
I've never heard of that company though.

The owner is an ex-cop. Maybe that's why.

Everyone says that he's very thorough.

He's an ex-cop?

He left the police about ten years ago

and started a produce supply business.

The thing is though,
his company is based in Pajin

and mostly deals with businesses
in the area.

But he supplies produce to DanBam,
which is an hour away,

so I think they might have
a personal relationship.


Maybe he knew Mr. Park.

Set up a meeting with him.
I'd like to meet him myself.

What on earth is going on?

Tailing Ms. Kang? And what's
with Jo Yi-seo and the supplier?

You heard everything.

Why would Jangga go to such lengths
to take down that small pub--

Ms. Oh.

Is your opinion necessary?

- Sorry?
- We're mere employees,

so we just need to do

as the chairman says.

What's going on?

Are you two fighting?

I'm off.

What's with her?

It's nothing, sir.

How's Dad? Is he doing all right?

Yes, sir.

Take good care of him.
He's been a little sensitive lately.

If my dad needs something,

you should also let me know.


He seems to like Jo Yi-seo,
the young lady who works at DanBam.

This could be your chance
to win the chairman's trust.

Why don't you take charge
and convince her to work at our company?

What did I tell you?

It's hard to do business in the alley.

It's even harder when it's a pub.

The borough office parking lot
closes at 11:00 p.m.

You have no idea how many times
I asked them to always keep it open.

It sounds like a good idea.
Why didn't they do it?

That's not it.

You know that footbridge at Noksapyeong
where you can see Namsan?

As you already know,
it has an amazing view.

I suggested that we should

turn it into a tourist spot
and decorate it nicely with an artist,

but they never listened to me.

That sounds nice too.
Why didn't they do it?


no one's ever done
anything like that before.

I can give them all sorts of ideas,
but they always just ignore me.

It's useless.


It's important to have regulars
when your business is in the alley.

I'm sure it'll get better,
so just hang in there.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind.


I guess you've matured enough
to give advice now.

Long time no see.

Do you know her?

Yes. Did you borrow money from her?

No, she's our regular.

I'm relieved to hear that.

Always borrow money from the bank.
Otherwise, you'll get in trouble.

What are you saying?

Have you forgotten the past?

My gosh, you still have a temper.

- I'll see you.
- Bye.

- Stay healthy, ma'am.
- Okay, bye.

I'm here to eat.

What's going on? Have you closed already?

No. Toni, please take her to a table.

- Hello.
- My gosh, you startled me.

I guess there aren't any customers.


What did I tell you?
It's a bad place to do business.

You're practically cursing us.


What's wrong with this neighborhood?

That rude little brat.

Do you think I'm wrong?

Look around you.
All the other places are closed already.

I'll try to revive it.

That's absurd.
How are you going to do that?

The entire neighborhood is dead.

Ma'am, I'll get you some food.

Just sell the place and get out of here.
It's the best you can do.



Thank you.

- Have some juice.
- Thank you.


What is he doing?

How would I know?

Why are you here?

As you can see, our boss is really busy
doing a bunch of useless stuff.

I'm here to see you.


I heard you met the chairman.

He thinks you're just like him.

He thinks I'm just like him?
What a horrible thing to say.

But I'm not that offended.

Did you say you're working here
because of Saeroyi?

- Yes.
- You say he's the only reason.

But what if he rejects you?

- Because of you?
- Yes.

Then what would happen?

Would that make you quit?

That won't happen.

I've never lost before.


What are you doing?


Oh, the Vietnamese restaurant
seems to have

an inefficient menu and table arrangement,
so I'm going to help.

Why do you want to help?

- What?
- What's with the sudden charity work?

Hey, what's your problem this time?

I just don't get it.

I want an explanation so I can understand.

I'm doing it survive.

What are you talking about?

Our pub isn't even doing that well.

You should focus on our pub rather than--

What more do we need?

What more can we do to improve DanBam?

Thanks to you,
our marketing strategy is doing well.

And the interior came out great.

What more do we need to improve? The food?

You said everything tastes great.

So what?

Are you trying to befriend the neighbors
and make them become our regulars?

All the businesses
in this alley are dying.

Nothing will improve
just by focusing on our pub.

We need to revitalize the alley.

I really can't believe this.


You're a dreamer, an idealist...

We really aren't a great match.

Don't mind her.

She's supposed to do what she's told.

Didn't you tell us we're a team

when you incorporated the business?


It's easy to do as we're told.


is that the kind of team you wanted?

We're mere employees,
so we just need to do

as the chairman says.


We might be nothing
but ordinary employees.

- Geun-soo...
- But

Yi-seo is different.

She's the manager.

This may be a small corporation,
but she's still a stockholder.

On top of that,

she bet her life on you.

The least you can do
is try to convince her.

Geun-soo, what's with you today?

Yi-seo just seems
a little different these days.

She's different with Saeroyi.

Everything Geun-soo said was right.

I didn't know what to say.

By the way,

about Geun-soo--

I know.

He's Chairman Jang's second son.

I understand that you don't really care.

But what about him?

I wonder why he's working at DanBam.

I'm not sure.

Maybe he wants to make money.

Then what about Yi-seo?

Why do you think Yi-seo is working there?


I'm sure you need her to succeed.

Why? What are you curious about?

Now, I feel like there are so many reasons

why we can't be together.

What's the matter? Did something happen?

What kind of relationship
do you think this is?


What do you think would've happened to us

if I didn't work at Jangga Co.?

Whether or not you work there,

you're the one who gets to decide
what our relationship is.

You always make me the responsible one.

But you never once confessed how you feel.

I like you.

I told you that when I was in prison.

That was ten years ago.

And the bus stop?

That was pretty recent.

Are you kidding me?

You told me you're going to make me quit.

You call that a confession?

What more do I need to say
to get my point across?

My gosh.

I bet my life on it when I told you that.

Don't feel pressured,
but just keep that in mind.

You can define our relationship

whenever you want.

Because that's who Saeroyi is.

He won't change.

I once said that myself.


You're the biggest fool on earth.

Remember what I told you?

I like rich people.

I own a building.

That's not easy, you know.

My gosh.

My gosh, you startled me.


What do you want?

I heard you left last night
with that girl.

- Soo-ah?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- What did you guys do?

- We drank.
- Did something happen?

- Like what?
- Are you guys dating?

Stop talking nonsense
and just get ready for business.

I'm not talking nonsense.

Don't go out with her.


Why do you care?

I just do.

If you go out with her,

I'm going to quit.

What are you talking about?

Why do you hate her so much?

Do you really not know?

Do you really not know why?

No, I don't.

Just keep it in mind.

What's wrong with her?

One, two three, four, and five.

That's ten...

Let's see.

It's the right amount.

Thank you.

Next month,
I'll make sure I pay you on time.

What's going on?

You have customers.

Of course.

The young man who runs DanBam

helped us with our marketing strategy
and a bunch of other stuff.

- That chestnut?
- Yes.

He also helped us fix our menu
and table arrangement.

It's not just us.

He's been helping
a lot of people these days.

The restaurant seems to be
doing better than before.

That young man is very polite,
and he knows a lot of things.

He's very admirable.

How interesting.

He reminds me of someone.

Welcome, Mr. Oh.

I came across a dish
that was made with your ingredients.

The ingredients were
high in quality and fresh.

It made me want to buy from you as well.

Thank you for the compliment.

You signed an exclusive distribution deal
with a pub in Itaewon

named DanBam, right?

Yes, that's right.

How would you like

to sign a deal with us?

I'm very grateful to receive
a business offer

from the number one food company in Korea.

But is there going to be a condition?

A condition?

I like that you're straightforward.

As you already know,
our company is very large in size.

If you sign a deal with us, you'll be
too busy to work with anyone else.

How about break all the other deals
you've made

and sign an exclusive contract
with Jangga Co.?

You mean to break my contract with DanBam?

Yes, that's what you'll have to do.

But I assure you
that it won't be a bad deal.

Are you heading to Itaewon?

I'm on my way there as well.

Do you want a ride?

Why are you going to Itaewon?

Jo Yi-seo, was it?

The manager at DanBam.

I'm going to talk to her.

Anyway, get in.
It's on the way, so I'll drop you off.

Didn't you get my message?

I clearly told you that I don't like you.

My gosh.

Do you know what my dream is?

It's to have you sit
on the passenger seat of my car.

Isn't it such a simple dream?

Where does your confidence come from?

The fact that you're the heir?

Or is it because you're rich?

Am I supposed to thank you
for your attention?

I never...

I never treated you like that.

I clearly told you

why I don't like you.

Yes, you did.

Because of the accident.

But it was literally an accident.

Do you think I hit him with my car
on purpose?

It's true that I hate Saeroyi,
but I would never--

Then what about after that?

What about after the accident?

You didn't call an ambulance.

And you let someone else take the blame.

Was that all an accident as well?

You have no idea

how much I hate you.


Oh, right.

Remember when you asked me
if I like Saeroyi?


I like him.

So let me tell you once again.

Please do me a favor

and stop hitting on me.

Well then, Mr. Jang. I'll be off now.



This is a contract with good terms.


I'm afraid I have to turn it down.

Oh, gosh.

I heard you have a connection
with Saeroyi.

Are you being like this because of him?

Yes. I owe him something.

How much is it?

It's not something
I can pay back with money.

Let me give you a piece of advice.

Business isn't something
you should do emotionally.

You just said that yourself.

Jangga is the biggest
restaurant business in Korea.

I think it is for now.

- Then you should take it.
- But in ten years,

how much do you think

Saeroyi and DanBam

will be growing?

This isn't about loyalty.

It's an investment for the future

to make a profit.

You're young.

Do you have children?

Yes. I have a daughter.

You sound like a reckless man
who has nothing to lose.

No good can come from going
against me in this industry.

You should think about your child.

You may leave now.

Call me if you change your mind.

I will get going then.

Children follow their parents' footsteps.

She kept bragging about you.

It sounded like you're a great dad.

Think about my child?

You know what, Chairman Jang?

Children follow their parents' footsteps.

Looking at you,

I can tell why Jang Geun-won
turned out like that.

You better not to provoke me.

I said I owe Saeroyi something.

The debt

has something to do with you too.


The hit-and-run accident
of Jang Geun-won from ten years ago.


I was the cop in charge of the case.

He left the police about ten years ago

and started a produce supply business.

Is it that you--

Back then,
I conducted a shameful investigation.

My daughter will grow up
looking at my pathetic footstep.

One pathetic footstep is enough.

Because of my daughter,

I can't be any more pathetic than this.


You look like an old lady sometimes.

I want to be alone.

What are you thinking about?

I'm not sure what I'm doing now.

I know how you feel.

But what Saeroyi said.

Don't you think it's all correct?

Did you catch idealism from him?

I didn't do enough research.

I'm sorry, sir.

What about Jo Yi-seo?

How long do I have to wait?

Mr. Jang is going to give her
a job offer today.



I'm back.



You're here right on time.


What are you doing here?

I'm not here to see you.

You know me, right?

I'm Jang Geun-won.


Can I talk to you for a moment?


I'll go talk to him for a bit.


There's a cafe down the hill.
Let's go there.

Look at her. She's so cool.

I like that.


Why do you want to talk to Yi-seo?

I guess you've lost your touch.

Whatever it is,

don't mess with Yi-seo.

Have you lost your mind?

Look at you.

Let go of it.


If you desperately want me
to be yours one day,

you should take over Jangga Co.

You better not provoke me.

I might

take over your position.

You rascal.

Oh, right.

Was her name Jo Yi-seo?

I'm not messing with her.

I'm here to give her a job offer.

Between this tiny pub and Jangga Co.?

She has no reason to hesitate.

Damn it.

What the hell is he talking about?

A job offer?

Does that mean he will take Yi-seo?


Don't make a fuss.

What are you going to do?

It's Yi-seo's life.

It's her decision.

We should just wait and see.


You are just a 20-year-old kid
who didn't even go to college.

You can't get an exceptional offer
like this elsewhere

There's nothing to think about.

When will you join us?


I'm sure.

If he offers a better salary,

she will definitely go there.

I don't know.

If it was about money,
she wouldn't have joined DanBam

in the first place.

Exactly. Koreans are loyal and faithful.

She hasn't even worked here for long.

Loyal and faithful, my foot.

I'm going to quit.

Are you nervous?

We really aren't a great match.


Do you need Yi-seo

because she's competent?

I'm just wondering how you feel.

What Yi-seo means to you.

Is she just an employee?


do you have feelings for her?

What is he talking about?


That is quite an offer.


It's not just good.

You may be too young to see it.

But this is a great opportunity.

Director Jang.

I invested some money in the pub,

so I'm making quite a lot for my age.

I guess I make more
than the salary you just offered.

It's Jangga Co. we're talking about.

If you can't offer me more money
than a tiny pub like that,

I will have to think about it.

I see. How much do you make?

Considering the sales,
I guess I make about 100 million won.

Is it 100 million won?

It's just based on current sales.

I'm confident I can make DanBam bigger.

I might be tempted

- if you offer 200 million won.
- 200 million?

Oh, right. I guess

it's not something you can decide.

Is it 200 million won?

Let's add 50 million won.

I'll make it 250 million won.

What? 250 million...

Jangga Co. is unbelievable.

Saeroyi's pub will go down after all.


Your life's path may change
according to the connection you choose.

There's no reason to hesitate.

Actually I was fed up with Saeroyi
being so stubborn and inflexible.

Without my shares in the pub,
I would've quit already.

Now we are talking.

He's just an immature kid.

I know.

He just tries to mess with Chairman Jang
and you forgetting himself.

You must have your authority.

You're planning to smash DanBam, right?

You're quite quick-witted.

You're worth the money.

Thank you.

Let me save your number.

So when should I start working?

You can do it tomorrow or a week later.

Whatever works for you.

Oh, right.

I have a question.

About Park Saeroyi.
Why is that punk trying to mess with you?


Something happened before.

What happened?

It's no big deal. You don't have to know.

Oh, right.

I guess it's because of the thing
you said in front of a police station.

I heard Park Saeroyi's dad

died because of you.

If that's true,

you are unbelievable.


It means you're above the law.

That's amazing.

Oh, well...

Gosh, I'm sorry.

I can't really discern right from wrong.

Did I offend you?

No. That's just how people live.

The law is
all about disciplining the poor.

The law doesn't apply to those who rule.

So? Would you please
tell me about it in detail?

It's nothing. It was an accident.

I hit his dad with a car,

and he died instantly.

But someone else ended up in jail.
End of the story.

I wonder how Saeroyi found it out though.

I guess he hasn't learned his lesson.
He's still trying to get back at me.

But what can livestock do?
Don't you think so?

There's nothing.

What can he do?

What is this scar?

I got hurt when I worked
on the deep-sea fishing vessel.

And what about this one?

When I did manual labor.

You must've had a hard time all alone.

I decided to k*ll

those who mess with this guy.

This is so sweet.


I want you to stop now.


Stop what?


Let me see.

Was it around here?

The law is
all about disciplining the poor.

The law doesn't apply to those who rule.

So? Would you please
tell me about it in detail?

It's nothing.

It was an accident.

I hit his dad with a car,

and he died instantly.

But someone else ended up in jail.
End of the story.

What are you doing?

I've never seen

a dumbhead like you my whole life.

Damn it.


love my boss like crazy.

But the problem is

that his head is full of the bastards
from that damn Jangga Co.

I'm so jealous.

You damn sons of b*tches.


I'm going to crush you all.


Your dad is my enemy.

To make him pay for his sins...

And in order to do that, I'll do anything.

I'm Jo Yi-seo, the manager of DanBam.

This is important.

I'm afraid we should give up.

That's ridiculous. This fight will be ours
to win. So why would we give up?

You can prove his innocence?

I think we have a chance here.

But I think
you need to have your son dismissed.

Don't you dare tell me
to abandon my family ever again.

Now is the right time
to dismiss the chairman.

A proposal to dismiss the chairman?
Are you crazy?

I will make you regret this.

I will offer my life

to make the same promise.

It's still...
