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01x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 02/23/24 15:38
by bunniefuu





I want you to stop now.

Stop what?


Let me see.

Was it around here?

The law is
all about disciplining the poor.

The law doesn't apply to those who rule.

So? Would you please
tell me about it in detail?

It's nothing.

It was an accident.

I hit his dad with a car,

and he died instantly.

But someone else ended up in jail.
End of the story.

What are you doing?

I've never seen

a dumbhead like you my whole life.

Damn it.

You see,

I love my boss like crazy.

But the problem is

that his head is full of the bastards
from that damn Jangga Co.

I'm so jealous.

You damn sons of b*tches.


I'm going to crush you all.


Jo Yi-seo!

Hey, stop right there!


clearly told you to stop.

You're guilty of covering up a m*rder
and now even as*ault.

Give me your phone.

You'd better before I k*ll you.

I said, give me your phone!

You know what? We're in Itaewon now.


This area is filled with gentlemen
from all over the world.

You're enjoying this.

You see, people aren't fans
of uncertain situations.

And if there's one thing
that always works...

Watch, okay?

You son of a bitch.

Get it?

In Itaewon,
or anywhere else for that matter,

money solves all problems--


What's going on?

Why are you on the ground? Get up.

Boss, I recorded everything.

I recorded that bastard confessing
the m*rder of your father.

If we use this and involve the media,
the police may reinvestigate the case.

What happened to your face?

Was it you? Did you do that to her face?


What about it?

You want to punch me? Go ahead.

Punch me all you want.

And get locked up again
for attempted m*rder.

- You crazy--
- Boss.

Don't be such a bluffer.
Go ahead and punch me.




- Where are you going?
- f*ck, step aside.

- Move. I said, step aside.
- Jeez!

Damn it.

Just let it go.

It's all over now...

It's over.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.
These things don't hurt at all.

I saw you worrying about me
and getting angry for me. That's enough.


I'm sorry.


Last night,
an as*ault was reported in Itaewon.

It has been confirmed that the assailant
was Mr. Jang Geun-won,

the son of Jangga's chairman,
Mr. Jang Dae-hee,

who's been accused
of power abuse in the past.

This as*ault case

is taking a toll on public sentiment
toward the company.

According to the as*ault victim, Ms. Jo,

Mr. Jang lost his temper
because she recorded

his confession about a hit-and-run
which he caused in the past.

He couldn't control his anger
during their argument

and brutally assaulted the victim.

You idiot!

I'm sorry.

I told you to bring her on board.

Why hit her?

I'm really sorry.

You moron.

And what?

You confessed to the hit-and-run?

Get out.

You don't even deserve a beating.

God damn it!

What are you doing here alone?


I can't believe your father hit you.

Let me take a look.

Are you okay?

I deserved it.

Min-jung, I'm sorry for...

I mean...

Ms. Kang, I'm sorry for causing a mess.

What you did was wrong,

but what's done is done.

You shouldn't look so dejected
as the future head of the company.

Keep your chin up.

The company will do everything

to take care of it.

Thank you.

You must

dismiss Geun-won.

The accident that k*lled Mr. Park
ten years ago

and the stuff you did to cover that up.

If people find out what happened,
you'll get involved in that mess.

And if that happens,

it'll no longer be a family issue.

How do you know

about what happened back then?

That kid, Yi-seo,
uploaded what she recorded.

Geun-won had just graduated high school.

He couldn't have dealt with it alone.

Is it the company or your son?

You need to choose.

Seung-kwon, I'll clean the bathroom.

Here. Gosh, what's this?

Go ahead.


I knew something happened
between you and Geun-soo's family.

But this is a lot more serious
that what I had imagined.

It would've been nice if you told us.

We don't know how to react to this.

- What should we do?
- What's there to ask?

Hyun-yi, you keep making good food
while Seung-kwon serves the tables.

Yi-seo is right.

None of that matters. Just focus on work.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Hey. Right now?

I have time. Why?

Okay, ma'am.

I think it'll be fine.


This is important.

Yes, I thought she should also hear it.

Let's sit down.

I wanted to introduce her to you one day.

I'm Jo Yi-seo, the manager of DanBam.

I saw you at Chairman Jang's seminar.

You're the one

who uploaded
Geun-won's confession on the web.

Yes, ma'am.

I know I'm working with Saeroyi right now.

But I'm a director at Jangga Co.

Do you know how much our stock price

has plummeted because of you?

But that was

bound to happen one day.

- What?
- She's right.

Yi-seo and I already talked about that.

What do you mean?

Chairman Jang represents Jangga Co.

What do you think will happen
to the stock price

once you replace Chairman Jang

and become the chairwoman?

You're very straightforward for a kid.
What's your point?

I think now is your chance.

The stock price plummeted
because of Chairman Jang's family issues.

This already happened in the past,
and it's happening again.

What do you think the stockholders
are thinking right now?

This is probably what's going on
in their minds.

"This family doesn't deserve
to lead Jangga Co."

- Are you saying--
- Yes.

Now is the right time

to dismiss the chairman.

What do you think?

I think it's more than possible.

Keep going.

But like I said earlier,

Chairman Jang represents Jangga Co.

There's too much at risk
to recklessly start a fight.

If things go haywire,
it'll end up destroying you instead.

So first of all,
we need to satisfy two conditions.

"Two conditions"?

The recording went public,

but it still doesn't have
much legal force.

He didn't even get charged
for what he did.

Here's the first condition.

Dad, why aren't you eating?


I need to tell you something.

A long time ago,

I did something really bad

to Saeroyi.

You didn't have to come with me.

My life depends on this.
It's right that I come with you.

Isn't he...


Hey, Saeroyi.

What's the matter?

The thing is, Hye-won...





My gosh.

Why does she disappear all the time?



My gosh...

I think she was too startled.

I made up my mind

to turn myself in.

And I bet she was really disappointed.


She ran out while I was talking.




My goodness.

Hey! Kid!



My gosh, you practically made me exercise.

Why would you run away from home?
You're just an elementary school kid.



What my dad did

to Saeroyi's dad...

He shouldn't have done that as a cop.

I feel really sorry about what happened.

Are you disappointed in your dad?

Yes. But...

Saeroyi, I'm sorry for saying this.

But I don't want my dad
to get punished either.

I don't want him to leave me.

I bet your dad's been
having a hard time as well.

Just like you,

he didn't want to be apart from you.


makes mistakes.

But not everyone takes responsibility.

Only the brave can do that.

You told me that you're proud
of your dad, right?


Your dad mustered up his courage
and decided to take responsibility

so he could be the proud dad
that you think he is.

So why don't you try and understand him?



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

From now on,

I'll be an honorable person.

So please don't cry.

Here's the first condition.

Jang Geun-won needs to get charged.

And in order for that to happen,
Detective Oh needs to turn himself in.

Don't cry.

He's here!

Mr. Jang, did you really cover up
a hit-and-run accident?

How do you feel?

How is the case going? Please tell us.

Didn't your father cover up the accident?

Mr. Jang, how do you feel right now?

I'll do my best to cooperate
with the investigation.

Does that mean you plead guilty?

- Did you really commit a hit-and-run?
- Mr. Jang.

Jang Geun-won got booked
without physical detention.

That satisfied the first condition.

It's time for the second one.

Ms. Kang, you need to find out
what Chairman Jang wants.

What he wants?

You need to know
if he will protect his son, do nothing,

or even worse, abandon him.

This is very important.

What if he abandons him?

I'm afraid

we should give up.

That's ridiculous.

If we gather the stocks of Ms. Kang,
the executives who support her,

and those who are now
against the chairman,

this fight will be ours to win.
So why would we give up?

We'll have the upper hand

if he tries to protect his son
or just decides to remain silent.

But if he chooses the company
over his own son,

it'll be more than enough
to calm the restless stockholders.

Chairman Jang has
a lot of love for his family.

But will he choose the company

or his son?

He'll abandon his son.

Why do you think so?

That just feels like

what Chairman Jang would do.

That means we've been
doing all this for nothing.

Are you aware of that?

I think it's best
that we also think of a second plan.

Instead of dismissing the chairman,
how about we gather more evidence

- and have him get investigated--
- And do what?

Reveal the truth
regarding your father's death?

Saeroyi, you need to be realistic.

- Hey--
- Do you think Chairman Jang

would've made any mistakes
regarding that case?

Even the prosecution couldn't prove
that he was involved.

Everything was prepared meticulously
before he covered it up.

You know what I mean, Ms. Kang.

Look how he reacted
to the previous boycott up until now.

Chairman Jang already knows
how incompetent Jang Geun-won is.

But he still chose him as his successor.

Chairman Jang will never abandon his son.

We still have time.

It's always good to be careful.

Let's see how things turn out.

Mr. Jang gave his statement
based on the materials I gave him.

And the recording
didn't get chosen as evidence.

Even with the detective's confession

and this photo of the CCTV footage,

he'll be set free due to lack of evidence.
I think we have a chance here.


You can prove his innocence?

Yes, sir.

I'm relieved.

You're relieved?

Do you know what happened to the company

because of that mouth of yours?

Our stock price has decreased
by 12 percent.

Do you know how much money we've lost?


I'm sorry.

Let's end it here. You may all leave.

Ms. Oh, I want you to stay.

- Mr. Kim.
- Yes, sir?

Ask the secretary for some tea.

Yes, sir.

Nothing is going my way

because of my son.

Raising a child
is the hardest thing to do.


You told me that you think of me
like family, right?

That's why I feel comfortable enough
to tell you how upset I am.

It's really difficult for me
to say this to you.

But I think

you need to have your son dismissed.

You want me to dismiss Geun-won?


What are you saying? Didn't you hear?

He can be proven innocent.

It doesn't matter if he's innocent or not.

People are boycotting our products
due to the recording.

And what about your position
in the company?

If Ms. Kang decides to betray you
in this kind of situation,

it can be very dangerous for you.

There is only one way

to deal with this issue.

You must

take charge and dismiss your son.

Sit down.

I haven't told you why I started

Jangga Co. yet, have I?

I was born as the eldest of four siblings

during such a turbulent period.

My youngest sibling starved to death.

And my other two siblings died

after eating rotten food
out in the street.

I built Jangga Co. so that my family

could eat good food
and will never have to starve again.

But you want me

to abandon

my own son?

That's absolute nonsense.

- But sir--
- A small business should know

the characteristics of the neighborhood.

And a good company should always be aware
of the current trend.

What about top leading companies
like Jangga Co.?

We need to know the characteristics
of the Korean people.

They get excited and bored with things
very easily.

They're quick to forget
everything that happens.

A 12 percent decrease in stock price?

Do you know how bad it was
eight years ago during the boycott?

It decreased by 37 percent.

It almost decreased by half,
but it came back to normal in six months.


It's the essence of a food company.

It's because our products

are delicious.

You think Min-jung will betray me?

I'm sure she wants to be my successor.

But betraying me?

I'm the only person

who can represent Jangga Co.

And Min-jung knows that
better than anyone.

I apologize.

I was too thoughtless.

Don't you dare...

Don't you dare

tell me to abandon

my family ever again.




Hey, Ms. Kang.


Then should we give it a shot?

They must be f*cking crazy.



I'm glad you chose to do this.

Jangga Co. is a company.

It's not just any company.
It's the top food company in our country.

We can't let the chairman's family matters
influence the company.

I don't feel comfortable

doing this to the chairman
since I've known him for so long--

- You f*cking rats.
- What do you think you're doing?

A proposal to dismiss the chairman?

Are you crazy?

- What did you say?
- How could you of all people

do this to my father?

He's done nothing wrong!

Guess why we're doing this.

It's because of you.

We're doing this because he appointed
a fool like you as a director.

We're doing this
because he chose to protect you

over the company.

- But you told me--
- I told you that the company

will take care of it.

And that's what we're doing.

Do you understand?

Let's carry on.


I saw the proposal
to dismiss the chairman.

It's because of me.

- Because of me, my dad--
- I told him

that he should

dismiss you.

But he got angry at me
and told me that he can't do that.


"Water is thicker than blood."

I hate that saying more than anything.

But I guess it's true.


Are you okay?

Why? Are you worried about me?

What are you talking about?

But to be honest,
you do seem like the vulnerable type.

I thought

I'd be fine.

But I can't imagine

my dad breaking down.

I guess I never wanted to see it.

It's absurd,

isn't it?

How could I feel this way

even when I know
what my dad has done to Saeroyi?

It's normal.

Whatever they say,

he's still your dad.


I don't understand anything.

What's going to happen now?

Let me break it down for you.

The stockholders are going to vote

whether they want Chairman Jang
to get dismissed.

They're going to decide by majority.

Geun-soo is here.

We were talking about
Chairman Jang's dismissal.

Boss, come on.

I'm sure you know this.

Your dad is my enemy.

To make him pay for his sins

and become more successful than him
are my goals.

And in order to do that,

I will do anything.

Boss, you don't need to say that
in front of--

You see...

I can't change my plan
because of how you might feel

or because I consider your feelings.

And I don't want to.

I'm sure you also don't want me
to do things that I don't mean.

You knew everything
but still chose to stay.

I'm sorry.

I'm going to get some air.

Did you have to be so harsh?

This was bound to happen one day.

You know that, right?

I can't change my plan
because of how you might feel

or because I consider your feelings.

To make him pay for his sins

and become more successful than him
are my goals.

And in order to do that,

I will do anything.

Everything he said is right.

On top of that,

I was even impressed.

But in the end,
you just turned out to be a loser

who had no balls to go after me
or the company.

If you desperately want me
to be yours one day,

you should

take over Jangga Co.

So you're saying it's okay for me

to want you, right?



I thought I'd drop by
before heading to the prosecutor's office.

I'll tell them what Attorney Kang
told me to say.

Then I can get back to work
starting from tomorrow.



- About the general meeting of--
- All my life,

I worked to build this company.

Jangga Co. is my life.

I, Jang Dae-hee, am

Jangga Co. itself.


No one can

drive me out.

You take care of your own business.

Don't worry about me.

I'll see you later then.


I always cared about handing
this company over to you.

So I've tried to discipline you.

But as your dad,

I've never given you

a warm hug even once.


You should get going.

Mr. Kim, give him a ride.

Yes, sir.

I'll see you later.


Hang in there.

Let's get going then.


We still have four hours left.

How dare you come here?

I'm here to cast a vote as a shareholder.

To have Chairman Jang dismissed.

You jerk.

Thank you.

I couldn't see the end of it.

But thanks to you, it seems possible.

Park Saeroyi!

Director Jang.

You can't make things worse here.

We don't have time. Let's go.

We're not someone you can deal with.


and my dad.

Go ahead and get your own way.

And see if it works.

I can't calm myself down.

When does the shareholders' meeting begin?

In three hours.

Gosh. I'm glad Geun-soo is off today.

No matter how the result turns out,

I don't know how to react in front of him.

Boss said before. You don't have to do
things you don't mean.

I'm just being considerate.

Both Saeroyi and you are so brutal.

Hey, guys. Hang on.

Look at this.



Thank you all

for coming all the way here.
I'm Jang Dae-hee.


I'm here as a father of a son,

not as the chairman...


...of Jangga Co.

A press conference?

That old codger.

What is he up to?

First of all,

I'm sorry for all the trouble
my son has caused.

As his father...


I didn't discipline my son
in the right way.

I deeply regret it

and apologize.

My son

is suspected in a hit-and-run accident
from ten years ago,

so he's being questioned by prosecutors.

According to our attorney,

there's not enough physical
and circumstantial evidence

against him.

So my son is

going to be found not guilty.

He will never be able
to win the shareholders over like that.

He's totally mistaken.

A few days ago, when my son came back

from the first prosecutor's investigation,


I heard it

from my son.

The hit-and-run accident
from ten years ago

was his doing.

We're doomed.

With the money I trusted him with,

he hired someone else...

Pull over. take the fault.


Did you not hear me?

I told you to pull over.

I was ordered to drive you
to the Public Prosecutors' Office.

I couldn't believe my ears.

That day,

I looked into the case immediately

and found out

what my son said was true.

Damn it.


I am solely to blame for it.

I was so preoccupied
with running the company

that I failed to discipline my son.

It's all my fault.

What am I supposed
to do for my son's sake?

What is the right thing to do as a father?

I'm a foolish father.

I hesitated
even after finding out the truth.

But feeling desperate,

as soon as it turned out to be true,

I took all the evidence
to the prosecution.

Is it possible that he didn't know?

How is it even possible?

That's the last thing I can do

as a foolish father.

He must pay

for the crime he committed.

To the victim who passed away
because of my son

and his family,

I sincerely apologize.

We will

regret it for the rest of our lives.

I'm sorry.

I'm deeply sorry.

I'm sorry.

I sincerely apologize.

I'm terribly sorry.

What's going on?

- He's here.
- There he is.

- Where is your son?
- Is it true your son did it?

Are you not involved in the case?

What are your plans for the future?

Do the prosecutors know about this?

- Please say a word.
- Please answer it, sir.

- Please tell us.
- Chairman Jang.

- Hang on.
- Say something before you leave.

- Please answer the question.
- Chairman Jang.

Let me ask you one more question.

- How are you feeling now?
- What are you going to do?

- There's Jang Geun-won.
- What?

- Where?
- There he is.

- Please say a word.
- Is it all true?

- How are you feeling now?
- It's your father you reported you.

- Is what he said all true?
- How do you feel?

Were you alone in this?

Please say a word.

As your dad,

I've never given you a warm hug even once.

Is what your father said true?

Your father reported you
to the prosecution.

How are you feeling now?
Did you do it all alone?

Is your father not involved in the case?

Please answer the question.

Please answer the question.


all my fault.

- Is it all correct?
- Wasn't your father involved?

- Do you admit the charge?
- How do you feel about your father?


the dismissal of the chairman

is rejected.

So we've fallen out with each other,

but I have no grudge against you.

I believe you did
the whole thing for Jangga Co.

Have some.

She makes really good tea.

Oh, right. It's you who planted her.
I guess you know it already.

Chairman Jang.

You may leave.

When did you find out?

I thought you knew that I'd been prying.

You should've been more cautious.

That was very clumsy of you.

You just ended up getting paid back.

You must be disappointed.

Not really.

I just didn't know you were that good.

It's not that I have grudge against you,

but I'm quite disappointed.

I can't kick you out though.

I will be too ashamed to face Bo-hyeon.

What are you going to do?

I'll transfer you to the Pajin office

so you can clear your head.


Hey, my partner.

Over here.


Come have a seat.

I call you my partner,

but we didn't even get to drink once.


Let me pour you a drink.

I'm sorry. I didn't read it right.

That just kills my appetite.
I told you to stop.

What are you going to do now?

I have no choice.

All my people are kicked out.

And I'll be banished.

I'm sorry, Director Kang.

Gosh, that's enough. Will you please stop?

I need to go to the restroom.

I'm sorry.

It was my decision.

What is he sorry for?


what are you going to do now?

I will have to come up with another way.

Another way?

You mean Chairman Jang?


Are you not going to give up
even after ruining the whole thing?

I'm not giving up.

How could I give up?

The odds are stacked against you.

The odds weren't with me
when I was a penniless ex-con

and a high school dropout.

I met a crushing defeat this time,

but Jang Geun-won will pay for his crime,

and Chairman Jang has lost his son.

I see. I lost everything though.

I'm a little sad.


Actually, it's you who lost. Not me.

I'm sorry.

So I will keep on going.

Like I said before,

you're such a jerk.

This watch.

It belonged to Mr. Park.


I wear this when I have
something important to do.

The 1997 IMF financial crisis.

Jangga was in crisis. I mean,

the whole nation was facing a huge crisis.

And there was this dish
that saved Jangga Co. from the crisis.

This one.

The spicy pork with gochujang.

I read it from the autobiography.

It's the signature menu of Jangga Co.
developed by Chairman Jang.

I heard it's made Jangga Co.
what it is now.


It's not too far-fetched to say

that Jangga Co. wouldn't have come
this far without this special sauce.

Marketing always needs a good story.

It's just more compelling to say

that it was developed by the chairman,

not a mere employee.


It's Mr. Park who made the sauce.

It's the dish developed by Mr. Park.

And what he got in return
for giving credit to the chairman

is this watch.

Mr. Park...

He should have been the last person
to be kicked out from Jangga like that.

Like you said,
I'm the only one who lost this time.

I just gave up so easily after one defeat.

I bet you'll be a lot better than me.

Director Kang.

Give me your hand.


I've passed the baton.

Make sure to win, Saeroyi.

The defendant was aware
that the victim was injured,

but he ran away without rescue actions.

Also, even after he learned
that the victim had died,

he hired someone else

to make a false statement
and cover up the case

without turning himself in.

He has shown no remorse for his crime,

and the nature of the crime
is very serious.

According to Article 54, Section 1
of the Road Traffic Act

and Article 5, Section 3

of the Additional Punishment Law
on Specific Crimes,

the defendant is sentenced
to seven years in prison.

You must be satisfied.

Not at all.

You're sitting comfortably right there.

All right.

Having Min-jung on your side
was a fine choice.

But Jangga Co. won't fall apart so easily.

I want to ask you.

Is it something you want to protect
even giving up on your own son?

I mean Jangga Co.

For Jangga Co.,
I'm willing to do anything.

But you know what?

I still feel quite bitter.

He's just paying for what he did.

You're crossing way over the line.

You haven't paid for what you did yet.

You are

coming up next.

You told me before.

That I'm your enemy.

Fine. I admit it.

I, Jang Dae-hee,

have you for an enemy.

I will

make you regret this.

I will

offer my life

to make the same promise.

It's so close by.

But I couldn't come to see you even once.

I'm a horrible son who went to jail

without finishing your funeral.

I felt too bad

to come see you.



I was such a bad son,

but I have a lot of good people around me.

You must've been worried leaving me alone.

But you don't have to worry anymore.

Please rest in peace.

How does it taste?

My son.

It's still...


I'll leave DanBam.

You've been holding out well.

Why do you want to quit now?

I will live with greed.

It's nice to meet you, Mr. Oh.

It's too soon to attract investment
to start something.

- When will we catch up with Jangga Co.?
- Yi-Seo.

Did you have feelings for Yi-seo before?

You're a smart girl.
Why are you acting like a kid?

I love you.

I really love you.