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02x02 - Good Samaritan

Posted: 02/25/24 11:38
by bunniefuu
She's young,
she's beautiful,

And she's missing.

I called hospitals.
I called jails.

I called morgues.

With the clock ticking,
police search everywhere.

Just seemed like it was dead end
after dead end after dead end.

But there's
one witness has seen it all.


You watch that surveillance,
it made you physically sick.

Can surveillance video
help police find kenia monge

Before it's too late?

march 31st, 2011.

Denver, colorado.

19-Year-old student
kenia monge

Is hanging out
at the family house

With mom
and younger sister kim.

Hey, check this out.

She's just finished
a semester in broadcasting

At a local college.

That's pretty.

Kenia kept
a pretty active social life.

I like it.

She did what
all the friends were doing.

They liked
to go out and party.

What nail polish
is this?

I got to go.

Kenia's boyfriend, louis easton,

Arrives to give kenia
a ride back to their apartment

Before she heads out
for a night on the town.

She was just
a really good person.

She had
a really good heart.

You know, the fun things
come in small packages.

She was like 4'11",
really little.

At 19,
kenia's not old enough

To visit
denver's bars and clubs.

But her boyfriend,

Manages a 16-and-over
hookah bar.

When she was leaving,
she looked at me.

And she said, "bye."
And I was blowing kisses to her.

It should have been
just a normal day

In the life
of this pretty young woman.

But it wasn't.

The next day,
april 1st,

Kenia's family
gets the first sign

That something's wrong.

Her boyfriend called me.

Hey, kimberly.

And he asked me if
I've spoken to her.

And I told him, "no."

And you haven't
heard from her?

And he said, "well,
she didn't come home.

And she's missing."

And I was just like,

This is, like,
some sick april fool's joke."


I knew
that something was wrong.

Nobody's heard anything.

I called my job.
And I went home.


This is no april fool's joke.

Have you heard anything?

Me and kenia spoke to each other
all day, every day.

It was kind of weird if
we didn't speak to each other.

- Has she called you at all?
- No.

Just check.
Try calling her again.

Kenia's father
grows more and more worried

By the minute.

And let us know
if you hear anything at all.

He tracks down the girls
kenia was with

The night before.


Geegee and brittany
show up at the house.


The family have
a lot of questions.

I was just like,
"okay, so where's my sister?

You guys should have
called way earlier."

Talk to me.

Yeah, we thought
she might be here.

They saw the seriousness
of the situation.

And they started
telling me the truth

About what they were doing.

And the truth was

They hadn't been
to louis' 16-and-over bar.

We went to a club
last night.

A club?

"How are you guys
getting into these clubs?"

It was only that evening
when I found out

That we've got false ids.

Using those fake ids,

The girls get into
a downtown bar called 24k.

Have fun.

They were just having
a good time,

Expecting to meet up
at the end of the night

And go home together... no one was really watching
what everyone else was doing.

the girls realize kenia's gone.

Maybe she left
with that guy?

That's hers.
This is hers.

If you guys
would have just stayed together

And didn't let
my sister leave anywhere,

Then none
of this would have happened.

The girls hand over
kenia's purse and cellphone.

My god.

Something's wrong here
because I know one thing

That she would never be without
was her cellphone, period.

It's a huge red flag
for kenia's family.

And panic takes hold.

We can get
some information.

That is when
I immediately decided

I needed to make
a missing person's report.

I need to report
my daughter missing.

And the officer on the desk
took all of that information.

Her name
is kenia monge.

He said,
"within the first 72 hours,

They usually come home."

Tony can only hope
the officer is right.

Kenia became
tony's step-daughter

When he married
her mom, maria.

The family all
came together in 2004.

I was so happy.

I feel like everything was
so perfect to me on that day.

My first impression of her
when she first got here

Was how short she was.

I mean, she was 4'11"
and initially very shy.

"My goodness.
I have a sister now.

This is so weird."
I was so excited.

I was like, "now I can
do everything with her."

She was my role model.

She was everything
I wanted to be.

The clock is ticking.

If kenia is to be found,

Investigators need to start
tracking her and fast.

Detectives louis astrada
and nash gurule

Take charge of the case.

They call in
deputy d.a. Kerri lombardi.

She also works for
the missing persons unit.

When someone's missing,
all you can really do

Is go backwards and see
where they'd been

And try to figure out who was
the last person to see them.

Astrada questions geegee,

The friend kenia was with
the night she went missing.

She describes
a typical night out...

Brittany and I went
to go get some drinks and...

...except for one thing.

I mean, I remember
her dancing with this guy.

She was dancing
in the bar with a guy.

And next thing you know,

Both her and the guy
are gone.

They thought she went
to the bathroom

And really didn't even know
that she was gone

Until the bar closed.


And that's
when they all realized that,

"You know,
we still have kenia's purse.

We still have her car keys.

We have her cellphone,
and there's no kenia."

Police head to the
last place anyone saw kenia --

The 24k bar
in downtown denver.

Detectives show
bar staff kenia's image.

What did they see?

Did they see
anything suspicious?

Did they see a man arguing
with a young woman?

But in such a busy bar,

It's hard to keep track
of everyone who comes and goes.

Do you have
any up here?

And that's when they spot what
could be their best witness.

There are multiple
surveillance cameras

Watching the bar
around the clock.

Starting at the bar that
she was at with her friends,

We've got as much surveillance
as was possible.

The footage
is loaded into the system.

You're hoping
to find out, where was she?

What time is it?
How does she look?

Who's she with?

They queue up the first tape.

They expect this will give them
the best chance

To see more of the bar
than any other camera at 24k.

Can you go back a little?
I don't know where she is.

They scan
the thursday night crowd,

Desperately looking
for any sign of kenia...

...a girl
in a short, black dress.

No, all I'm seeing
is bar staff.

from behind a group of dancers,

They spot something.

It's right there.
Freeze on that.

Let's pull that one up.

The mysterious story
of what happened to kenia monge

Begins on the floor
of this bar.

19-Year-old college
student kenia monge is missing.

She disappeared
after a night out with friends.

Now, detectives have a witness
that may have seen everything.

The team gathered
to scrutinize the footage

From surveillance cameras
at the bar, 24k...

for any sign of kenia

Or the mystery man
she was allegedly with.

They see something.

There, freeze on that.
Let's pull that one up.

They're looking for a woman
in a short, black dress.

Is it kenia?

They push in tighter.

They need one telling detail
from the security footage.

Police know kenia
was wearing red shoes

The night she went missing.

The girl in the black dress

And black shoes isn't kenia.

2:00 A.m.?

At 1:40 a.m., Kenia's friends,
geegee and brittany,

Were still in the club,

Who, as of now, are the last
to have seen her alive.

They load up the footage
from camera two.

It's directly above
the dance floor,

But there might
be a problem.


I can't see anything
on that one.

If a light is pointing
into the lens,

They won't get a thing
from camera two.

Any bar's most important cameras
cover the front door.

Yeah, there she is.

Right there.

They know
geegee, brittany, and kenia

Arrive at 24k.

They enter the bar
at just after 11:30 p.m.

Now they can establish
a timeline.

Pull that one up.

If kenia arrived,
she must have left,

And they need
to know who with.

All right.

Until they know that,

The investigation
is at a dead end.

Roll forward
to the end of the...

It's a quarter to 2:00.

The bar is about to close.

Geegee and brittany are
among the last out of the door.

Where is she?

But kenia isn't
caught on camera leaving.

We looked
for any footage of her

During the time she was there
or leaving the bar

And they had none,

So another dead end.

The mystery only deepens.

Kenia enters the bar.

But police
never see her leave,

At least,
out the front door.

Meanwhile, kenia's family
launches a search of their own.

There's no step-by-step guide
about what you should be doing.

So you're trying
to figure that out.

now what do we do?"

We get search parties

And we get these
rudimentary fliers together.

Some of her friends
were with us.

And we were just
posting pictures,

Asking people around
if they've seen my sister.

I always had
that thought in my head

That she was gonna
come back home.

Lead investigators
astrada and gurule

Head back to the club.

Yes, I was.

Okay. Do you want
to show him the picture?

And when they question
the bouncers...

Had to kick her out,

How come?

...they uncover something

Kenia and this guy had been
kicked out of the bar

At the same time

Because she appeared
to be intoxicated.

The bouncer walked kenia
and a young man through the bar

And showed them out
through the back door.

That's why no camera
at the front door

Ever captured
kenia leaving the club.

She left her purse and money

And her cellphone
and her keys behind.

You know, was she just so
intoxicated that she did that?

Had no choice
but to kick her out, really.

Was she,
was she with anybody?

The bouncer gives detectives
another valuable clue.

He had seen
kenia and this guy

Going in the direction
of 15th and california.

Right there.


Without that tip,

Police would not have known
where to look.

So they started now looking for
any kind of surveillance video

That picked up kenia
and whoever she was with.

Bar 24k
isn't the only denver business

With security cameras.

Investigators discover there are
hundreds of cameras

From sidewalks,
local businesses,

And apartment buildings.

So 15th and california
is called 24.

That's where we're gonna
start our search from.

We need to get
all the cameras.

It was a big task.

Officers were going
to all those businesses.

And some of them
would go in,

And you could view
the footage there.

And if there was something, they
could download that or take it.

Police round up footage
from every camera on 15th street

And bring it
into headquarters.

We need you guys to go through
it all, frame by frame.

The bouncer says he kicked
kenia and the young man out

Around 1:00 a.m.,

So they rewind the tapes
to just after 1:00.

Wearing a black dress,
red shoes.

Comb through
every single frame, guys, okay?

With the clock ticking,
they go tape by tape.

And finally,
when they check video

From a 15th street
apartment building,

They hit pay dirt.

got something here.

Kenia monge has
now been missing for five days.

She's like this tall.

She was last seen
at a denver nightclub.

Police know
that she arrived,

But she didn't leave
through the front door.

have rounded up tape

From dozens of other
downtown denver cameras.

And they've just found
their first citing of kenia

Since she left the bar.

got something here.

that's her walking.

It's kenia monge.

And she's not alone.

You see that?

That's her.
That's definitely her.

I'm gonna call kerri.

Detectives have struck gold.

This apartment building
has a swarm of security cameras.

A young man enters the lobby
carrying his shoes.

Kenia is not far behind,

Holding her own
distinctive red shoes.

It doesn't look like anyone
is forcing kenia to be there.

But she is very unsteady
on her feet.

Who's this guy she's with?

I mean, could this person
have anything to do

With her disappearance?

Police need to know,

Who's the white man
in the black t-shirt

And red sleeves?

They go back and replay
the footage, frame by frame.

Yeah, that's
definitely her.

She got
into an elevator with him.

That was real evidence
of where she had been

And at what time.

At 1:15 a.m.,

A camera on the fifth floor
picks up the trail.

Detectives get a closer look
at the man.

He casually
tosses his shoes.

Kenia doesn't
look distressed...

...but she's
clearly intoxicated

And vulnerable.

Kenia and the mystery man
disappear out of the frame

With no other clue

As to where they go next.

At least detectives know
that kenia was alive and well

At 1:16 a.m.
On the morning she vanished.

Everyone thought,
"well, maybe he knows something?

Maybe this is the person that
knows what happened to kenia?"

head for the loft apartments

Looking for the mystery man
seen with kenia.

They head
to the fifth floor.

Police need to know
which apartment

Kenia and the mystery man
go in.

So they start
knocking on doors.

They reach apartment 103.

It's the man
from the footage.

His name is cade douglas.

They bring douglas
to headquarters

Then start
to interrogate him.

Yeah, that's --
that's it.

Tell me the story
from the club to your apartment.

so I'm at the club...

Cade admits that
he met kenia at the club.

I'm dancing.

I see this pretty girl
over there.

What's a guy
gonna do, right?

Goes over, starts
dancing with her.

And, you know,
we had a good time.

We were dancing.
We both got a bit drunk.

Then she got kicked out.

Go, get
the hell out of here.

After they were thrown
out of the bar,

Cade offers to take kenia
back to his place,

Just a few blocks away.

We went
back to my place.

Come on in.

But kenia
doesn't stay long.

He just told police that he was
showing kenia his loft.

Um, I'm --
I'm gonna go.

And she left
a few minutes later.

Nothing happened,
and she left there safely.

There's one way
to find out if cade is lying.

Police go back to the video
to check his story.


They queue up the video
to the moment

She re-enters the picture
by the elevator.

A few minutes later,
you see her come back down

And leave that area.

Okay, so it looks like
she's leaving the building.

Yeah, now she's
leaving the building.

Kenia staggers out the doorway
in the front lobby, alone.

So we knew nothing
happened to her there.

She was still alive.

She was still well
at that point.

It's another major setback

For investigators
searching for kenia monge.

And they know the hopes
of finding her alive

with each passing hour.

It was incredibly frustrating,
not knowing anything.

You're kind of lost.

Okay, we're
missing something.

The police department said,
"we've done this.

We've done this.
We've done this.

We still
haven't heard anything."

But the cameras
at the loft apartments

Aren't the only ones
that captured kenia that night.

There's another witness

That records a telltale glimpse
of the missing woman.

In truth, she was just
sort of a walking target.

It's been six days
since anyone has heard

From 19-year-old
kenia monge.

She's been caught on tape

At the 24k bar
the night she vanished.

And she's seen again
at the loft apartments,

At around 2:00 a.m.

Now, police are hoping
other surveillance cameras

Might help them
pick up her trail one more time.

We're missing something.

Okay, look,
here are the lofts.

They check camera
after camera after camera,

for any sign of kenia.

But there's nothing...

All that tape...
Has to be there.

She has to have gone
into this area.

...until they queue up
the camera from a hotel

Just a block away
from the apartment

Where she was last seen.

The camera
overlooks the lobby.

They scroll through,
looking for the missing woman.

Then, at 2:04 a.m., They come
upon these ghost-like frames.

That's her, for sure.

They study each second,
each frame of the video.

We see her walking
across the hotel lobby.

She's alone and seems okay.

Does she meet someone
at the hotel?

From the lobby layout,

They deduce she was there
to make a restroom stop.

She went
to the bathroom there,

Was there
for quite some time.

Police know she's been drinking

And might not be aware
of her surroundings.

Is anyone following her?

But the lobby
surveillance camera

Is where
the trail goes cold.

There is no more video
of her leaving.


Just seemed like it was dead end
after dead end after dead end.

Hope was all that
kept everyone together.

Hope is very powerful,

And it gets you through.

Not yet.

I know this is
a tough time on you.

I'm still calling
this front-desk cop, you know,

Asking him,
"is there anything?

Do you have anything?"

The police told us

They doing everything
in their powers to find her.

I need my daughter home.

In the moment,
I was desperate.

With detectives out of leads,

Tony lee launches
an investigation of his own.

He starts
with kenia's cellphone.

I went through
her phone messages.

And I'm looking for who
she was in contact that night.

And as he searches the phone...

And the message says,
"hi, this is travis."

Guy in the creepy white van
asking, did she get home okay?"

come look at this.

Felt that, "okay,
this seems to be the last person

That she would have been
with that night."

So I immediately call.

Hello, is this travis?

Tony explains kenia is missing.

Concerned, travis immediately
agrees to meet with tony

At the gas station
where he last saw kenia

In the middle
of the night.

There's a white van
parked out in the back

Of this conoco station.

And I guess this is
where he wanted to meet me.

Travis tells tony

The strange story
of how he met kenia.

Tell me what happened.

He said he was
headed home around 2:00 a.m.

When he spotted her.

He said that he noticed,
on the sidewalk,

This young lady --
black dress,

Black, short, mini skirt,
red heels.

And she was talking
to a homeless guy.

And he thought that
this doesn't look right.

So he decided to ask her,

"Hey, are you all right?"

Listen, I'm lost.

Kenia has lost
her friends and cellphone.

Yeah, no problem.
I need to go home.

If you can help me,
give me a lift?

Travis offers to help
track them down.

It's a little messy.

He took her, drove her around,
didn't find anything.

I really need to find
my friends and my phone.

When they fail
to find her friends,

He offers to drive her home.

But if you want, I can just
drop you off at your...

He said,
"we headed out to downtown,

Giving her a ride home.

As we were on our way, she said
she wanted a cigarette."

Cigarette, okay?

Travis then pulls
into the gas station

So kenya
can buy cigarettes.

Aw, no.
But the store is closed.

It's closed, hon.

Travis is about to pull away
and take kenia home...

Actually, no, there's
a guy with a cigarette.

...when she spots
a guy in the distance.

Just give me one sec,

I'll be right here.

Kenia heads over
to bum a smoke from the man.

Travis waits for her to return
so he can drive her home...

Hey, are you coming
or what?

Have a good night.

...but she doesn't.

They just took off.

And he said,
"and that's the last

That I've seen of her."

I really should have
drove her home, man.

I'm sorry.

Tony is devastated.

He was hoping travis would be
able to lead him to kenia.

Good luck
with everything, okay?

All right.
You take care, brother.

When tony tells detectives about
what travis forbes told him,

They bring the good samaritan
in for an interview.

Detective gurule

Questions travis
about the mystery man.

He went back
to his girlfriend's house,

Kerry humphrey,

And that's where he was.

And she verified his alibi.

Travis is in the clear...

...but he has given detectives
another clue,

One that lead them
to more cctv of kenia

And the stranger
she left with.

First question
the police were asking is,

"Is there any kind
of recorded evidence,

Any kind of security video
at the gas station?"

approach the manager

to walk away with footage

And hopefully get one step
closer to tracking down kenia.

Do you have any cameras
around here?

It turns out there
was no security camera

At the gas station.

Take care.


The gas station lead
that sounded so promising

Turns out to be
just another dead end.

At this point, there's
not really much we can do

But just kind of,

A miracle will happen.

Just know that we're doing
everything in our power.

We just left the doors
open for her,

Just hoping that she would
just come back home.

I know. I know.

With the police
investigation stalled,

Journalists keep the case
of the missing student

In the public eye.

The lees are living
every parent's nightmare.

Kenia monge went missing
six weeks ago.

We know somebody is keeping
her from contacting us.

I felt like every time
we did a story,

We were helping keep
kenia's name out there...

We got just one question --
where is kenia?

...and that's
what the family wanted.

They just felt like the more
eyes that saw this,

The more chances they had

Of solving the mystery
of what happened to her.

Police say they've already
followed up on several leads.

All those news stories
about the missing woman

Bring in a flood of tips,

Including one tip

That gives police
a much-needed break.

An owner of a local bakery
hands over a drive

Loaded with five days
of surveillance footage.

Okay, let's see
what you got us here.

She thinks there's something
and someone on the video

Connected to the case.

This video
will solve the mystery

Of what happened
to kenia monge.

The search for kenia monge

Has led to one dead end
after another...

Until now.

Let's see what
you've got us here.

Detective astrada has access
to a hard drive from a bakery.

It contains video captured
from the bakery owner's office

On the day
kenia went missing.

When they queue it up,

They're shocked
to see a familiar face.

Travis forbes.

Is that travis?
Yes, travis forbes.

Travis runs a granola bar
business from this bakery.

Nothing suspicious
about that...

...until astrada
sees what he does next.

Travis walks
into an office.

A few seconds later,
the camera shuts down.

Police know
you cut the camera

When you've got
something to hide.

When the tape comes back on,
they spot something ominous.

Why is he wearing
big, yellow gloves?

It wasn't the kind of gloves you
wear for baking granola bars.

It was the kind of gloves
you would wear

When you're
cleaning something up.

Could this be
a crime scene clean-up?

When they cut to the camera
from the store room,

What they see chills this
veteran detective to the bone.

Travis is seen wheeling
a large container

That he uses for his granola
bars into a freezer.

The problem is,
granola bars aren't frozen.

So what's in that cooler?

Whatever it is,
it's sealed with duct tape.

And the box is big --

Just big enough
for a petite body,

Like kenia's.

Well, I did think
right away, "there it is."

...a cooler like that
5:00 in the morning

And put it
in the freezer?

"Kenia's body
is in that cooler."

She was tiny,
and this was a big cooler.

It was just nauseating,

Put it
in the freezer.

That is the evidence the police
need to pursue this guy.

Could cameras

Have caught travis
cutting off surveillance,

Cleaning up evidence,
and then concealing a body?

Denver police detectives
catch up with their man

65 Miles north of the city

In the college town
of fort collins.

He's already admitted
he was with kenia

The night she vanished,

And now
he's caught on tape.

Travis folds.

Five months
after the crime,

Travis forbes
admits he k*lled kenia monge.

Travis agrees to show detectives
where he buried kenia.

And police
capture it on tape.

He stepped
out of the truck

And he let out
this, like, wail,

This just
blood-curdling wail...

...and I thought,
"this is where she is."

I received that phone call

From the d.a.'S office.

I knew it at that moment

That they had probably
found kenia.

I told maria.

And the first thing she asked me
was, "is she okay?"

And I told her, "no."

And I told her
kenia was gone.

"We've lost her."

And I just said,
"god, please give me strength."


Come here.

I just felt like everything
that I was hoping for

Just got taken away
from me.

And I just couldn't believe
that they took my sister.

She's not
supposed to be gone.

She was crying.

Travis has told police
the whole story.

Um, yeah.
You know what?

In the early hours
of friday, april 1st,

He picks up
an intoxicated kenia monge.

It's a little messy.

Offered to give her a ride.
Offered to help her.

You said
you were gonna help me.

He drove her to a park
near that gas station.

She woke up
in the middle of it

And started fighting him.

Then he started thinking,
"what do I do with this body?"

And it was all caught on tape.

There were 86 separate pieces
of video of evidence

That they had.

I looked at each one
of them individually.

Surveillance video

Turned out to be
the absolute key in this case.

Travis forbes
is sentenced to life in prison

After pleading guilty
to first-degree m*rder.

All around you,
life goes on.

And if you don't
get back out there and live,

It will paralyze you.

It will k*ll you.

You can die of heartache.

It's so hard to go day by day
without her.

To me, it's a nightmare.

There is no such thing
as closure.

And there is no such thing
as "time heals all wounds."

If there is a such thing,
we ain't there yet.