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02x05 - Watching Dru

Posted: 02/25/24 11:41
by bunniefuu
A beautiful, young woman

in the blink of an eye.

I can't believe
this is actually happening.

This only happens in movies.

Police search everywhere...

But it seems
she's been swallowed up

By the cruel winter night.

I just remember crying
into the night

And praying and hoping
I would hear from her.

As the clock ticks,

Police must turn to the
most reliable witness there is.

Cctv is a silent witness.

It records dispassionately
what comes before it.

Did it record
what happened to dru sjodin?

Meg flategraff's phone
starts ringing

Friday night around 9:15.

Everyone wants to know
where meg's roommate,

Dru sjodin, is.

First, it's her boyfriend,
chris lang.


He hasn't heard from dru
for hours.

I didn't really
think anything of it.

I thought maybe she was
just busy doing something

Or driving or, you know,

And she'd just
call him back later.

But when dru's boss
at the el roco nightclub

Calls to say dru
hasn't shown up for work,

Meg starts to worry.


Dru had two jobs.

She went to her job
at victoria's secret,

And then I think her shift
at the el roco that night

Started about 9:00 p.m.

She was a waitress.

The kind of waitress

That shows up on time
for every shift.

It was kind of like, "okay.

Well, maybe something
is, you know, really wrong."

So I actually called
the hospital in grand forks

Just to see if somebody
had been brought in by ambulance

Or anything like that
'cause I didn't know at the time

Kind of what else to do.


Has there been
a dru sjodin admitted?

Thank you.

At 9:30 p.m.,

Meg calls university
of north dakota police

And asks them to find dru. to call in

Or fail to check in
for a number of reasons.

Boyfriends, parties.

There are plenty of reasons

A typical college student
like dru sjodin

Might not be answering her phone
or showing up for work.

Sometimes they just
need some downtime

And go off for a bit,
and then they come back, so...

Soon, right?

But according to her roommate,

Dru would never just vanish,
not like this.

she was pretty reliable.

It was unusual,
according to her roommate,

That she not show up for work.

so they'll be...

Meg convinces the investigator
to help her find dru.

The last anyone knows,
dru was at her day job

At a victoria's secret
at the columbia mall.

But it's 11:00 at night,
and the mall is closed.

The lot had cleared out.

Everything was closed up.

About the only people moving
around there

Were the security guards
for the mall.

Rasmuson looks for
any sign of dru or her car,

A red oldsmobile.

And when I come around
the north side of the lot

On the j. C. Penney wing,
it was there.

Went up to the car.

Checked the doors.
They were not locked.

And didn't see anything
that would indicate

That there'd been any v*olence
or anything like that.

Looked like the backseat
of my daughter's car --

Clothes, food wrappers.

It was cluttered.

But just as he
backs away from the car,

Something catches his eye.

Saw a black object
laying on the driver's side

Of the vehicle.

I thought that it was, like,
a sheath for a multitool

With pliers, screwdrivers,
and stuff in it.

A missing college student,

Her car abandoned
with the doors unlocked,

Phone calls to her cell
unanswered --

Rasmuson senses this is more

Than just an irresponsible
college kid who skipped work.

He calls in for help
from the grand forks pd.

Detective jim remer
heads to the mall

To help him solve this puzzle.

Any time you have
a case like that,

You're gonna see and want
to check out to see

If there was a struggle
or something

That was happening in the car

That was maybe
out of the ordinary.

See something?

And there was just no hint
of that in the car.

Their next step --

Question the last people
who might have seen dru.

In any investigation like this,

You need to speak with people
who are close to the victim.

22-Year-old dru sjodin
is a graphic arts major

At the university
of north dakota.

She's in a sorority,
works two jobs,

And has a new boyfriend
named chris lang.

She was,
funny and interesting,

But she seemed very
glass is half full,

Somebody really warm
and friendly to be around.

And I know all of her friends
and family would say the same,

That when she came in the room,

It just kind of lit up
with her smile.

She's a very beautiful girl.

She had a great personality
and, you know,

Just a very magnetic person
to everybody

That she came into contact with.

Police ask friend meg
to piece together dru's day.

The questions
that the police asked me are,

"When did you last see her?"

She was leaving the house to go
work at the lingerie store.

"How did today go exactly?"

She was at work
during the day,

And then she was going
to her second job at the bar.

"When was the last time
you talked to her?"

I didn't speak to her
in between her two jobs.

"You know, were you supposed to
see her tonight?

Where was she going?

Is there anybody else that,

You know, she could be with
at this time?"

Next, investigators turn

To dru's new boyfriend,
chris lang.

He was questioning me about
the last time I spoke with her

And events of that evening.

She was at work.

The fact
that her friends hadn't seen

Or heard from her
was important for us

Because that was
out of the ordinary.

So when there was no contact,

When there was no information
coming from her, again,

That's why,
I think, her friends,

They got very concerned
very early on.

Chris tells police
he was moving to a new apartment

300 Miles away in minnesota...

And that he last spoke with dru
at 5:00 p.m.

My last conversation with dru
lasted a couple of minutes

And ended abruptly.


She said something
into the phone.

It sounded like, "god. Okay."


It's a strange way
to end a phone call.

Chris didn't think
much of it at the time.

But now, since dru is missing,
everything takes on new meaning.

I think it was just
overwhelming, just very surreal.

I can't believe
this is actually happening.

This only happens in movies.

Chris calls dru's parents

To let them know
that dru is missing.


I picked it up,
and it was chris.

And he says something
to the effect,

"I don't want to alarm you,
but I haven't heard from dru.

I tried to call her,

And she hasn't shown up
to her second job."

And she didn't show up?

it was a pretty surreal moment

When you know somebody so well.

I don't understand.

Of course, you don't
want to think the worst,

But yet, I knew
that something had to be wrong.

What happened
when you tried calling her?

So you saw
something there?

Back at dru's car, investigators
find something important.

In the car, we found her wallet.

Whatever happened to dru...

Sjodin. wasn't part of a robbery.

We're good.
We got a match.

The mall's been closed
for hours.

Any witness
to what happened is long gone,

And police are disappointed
to discover

There are no cctv cameras
overlooking the parking lot.

I think it's one of those things

That whenever you have
surveillance video available,

It's gonna be pertinent
to the case.

Inside the mall,
it's a different story.

The camera --
it's the only witness

That never blinks
and always tells the truth.

Police round up video
from security cameras

Inside the mall.

Cctv tells a story.
What happened?

And it's about to tell
an incredible story

About what's happened
to dru sjodin.

College student dru sjodin

Has vanished
after working her shift

In victoria's secret
at the columbia mall

In grand forks, north dakota.

And police are working the case
from two angles.

First, they're rounding up
all the footage from the mall

The day dru went missing.

And they're questioning
dru's boyfriend, chris.

The information does show

That people that are close
to a victim are the ones

That are most likely
to commit a crime like this.

So you need --
you do need to check those out.

Chris is the last person

To have contact with dru.

And he claims it was a
phone call that ended abruptly,

As if she'd been interrupted.

Where exactly was he
after dru finished work?

Could it be
that chris is involved

In dru's disappearance?

An officer
sort of interviewed me,

And he wanted to know
where I was.

It was mostly, you know,
your physical whereabouts,

What times
were these conversations?

How are you?

They did a dna swab of me

And kind of put me
through the process

Of someone of interest.

Chris explains to officers

That he was 300 miles away
from grand forks

When dru called at 5:00 p.m.

The call ended abruptly,

And then a few hours later,
she called again.

Her name came up
on my caller i.d.,

So I knew it was her.

I said "dru" into the phone.


I heard nothing
but static and wind.

It sounded like wind.

It ended with like
four or five dial tones...

Dru! Hello?

...that I specifically heard
into the phone.

Investigators pull in both dru
and chris' phone records.

If he's telling the truth,
the records will back him up.


More surveillance footage
from the mall starts to come in.

But none of it is from outside
the victoria's secret,

Where she works.

Which means they'll have to
scan footage from every camera

In the mall.

Hundreds of hours of it.

We reviewed the videotapes.

It was a very big task

Because you're looking at hours
and hours of video tape.

You know, maybe the tape had
been taped over several times,

So the quality is very bad.

Investigators call in
craig thrane,

An expert video analyst,
to help.

Thrane knows that dru
got off work

At victoria's secret
at 4:00 p.m.

She had five hours until
the start of her shift

At the bar
four miles from the mall.

It's a perfect chance
to do some christmas shopping.

But no one knows which
of the mall's 63 stores

She might be in.

I had been told to look
for a blonde-haired female

Wearing a top that was more pink
in tone with a dark bottom.

Thrane scours
all of the cameras in the mall

For a glimpse of the blonde girl
in the pink top.

Which cameras of those
could have recorded any evidence

That is useful,

Any things that could have
involved investigative leads

For how many minutes,

For how many hours,
for how many days?

Thrane follows cameras
from store...

To store.

No sign of the short-haired
blonde girl in the pink top.

Cctv is a silent witness.

It records and allows you
to review and see what happened.

He switches to the camera

At the marshall fields
department store,

Expecting more of the same.

That's when he sees it.

A woman in pink.

But it's not dru.

It's an older woman
with longer blonde hair.

And she's wearing jeans.

But who
should enter the frame next?

Short blonde hair.

Pink top.

That is dru sjodin.

He's sure of it.

Thrane now needs to trace
all her movements in the store,

Starting with
the time she arrived.

He switches to the camera
at the entrance.

At 4:21 p.m.,
He spots her entering the store.

Dru sjodin appeared
to have a dark coat

Draped over her left arm.

He watches as dru
moves around the store.

She appears to be alone.

And she doesn't seem
to be in any hurry --

Just another christmas shopper.

Then, at 4:55 p.m...

Thrane spots something else.

That time coincided
with the time

We saw a female raise her hands

Into the vestibule area
with a pink sweater on.

Captured by a camera
over the cash register,

It shows...

A pink sweater,
like the one dru was wearing.

A female in the marshall fields
store matched her clothing.

It appeared to be
that dru sjodin herself

Was making a handbag purchase.

Mall cameras show dru sjodin

Shopping without a care
in the world,

Not a distress,
not being followed...

As far as they can see.

But the next part of her day
is not going to be so carefree,

And the cameras will catch it.

College student dru sjodin
has been missing for three days.

Police have found her car
at the mall where she worked.

And they've seen her on tape

Just minutes
before she vanished.

Dru's story has made the news
in grand forks, north dakota.

And now it seems
everyone in town

Wants to help bring her home.

It was some pretty nasty
weather out there.

It's wintertime in the midwest.

But, you know,
even with the cold and the snow,

We had busloads of people
walking up and down

Ditches and roadsides,
looking for evidence.

Dru's family, friends,
and sorority sisters

Start their own search
for their missing loved one.

Our sorority were very involved.

They were all part
of the search parties

That were put together.

We ended up having
what we called

Kind of our command center here
in our hometown.

And I was really
running the phones

And trying to garner
as much help

That we could for searchers.

All those searches
in the frigid winter winds

Turn up nothing.

Then boyfriend chris lang's
phone records come in.

Will they back up his claim

That he was out of town
when dru vanished?

We found that chris was down
in the twin cities area,

In minneapolis and st. Paul,

And we were able to verify that
through phone records

At the time that took place.

Chris was telling the truth

When he said he was
over 300 miles away

When dru went missing.

It's another dead end.

With the search
for dru stalling,

Police turn back
to the surveillance video.

They've pieced together
the start of dru's timeline.

I'll see you tomorrow,

They know she left work at
victoria's secret at 4:00 p.m.

They've traced her
to the marshall fields store

At 4:21 p.m.

She's wearing pink.

We were able to see exactly
when she was in the store,

What she did
while she was there,

And we could see
what she was wearing.

So, yeah.

And they know
she's been shopping there

For over 30 minutes

When she goes
to the cash register.

She makes the purchase.

She buys a purse.
Thank you.

That purse gets put into
a marshall fields bag.

We can correlate the time
on the surveillance camera.

Then we can start to put things
together to see

When things were happening
in the case.

But before they can trace
her leaving the store,

She disappears
in front of the cameras.

Thrane keeps watching...

...until he spots
a short-haired blonde woman

With a marshall fields bag

Exiting the store three minutes
after buying the handbag.

He's found dru.

Dru sjodin
left the marshall fields store

At 5:00 and 30 seconds
wearing a dark coat.

She's put her coat on,

Which means
she's through shopping

And her next stop is outdoors,
probably to her car.

As dru walks out of the store,
thrane notices something else.

He can barely make it out,

But the camera
catches a small arm movement.

He slows the video down.

She was raising her right arm
up towards her face,

Towards her ear.

It's the moment dru dials chris.

Surveillance footage
has captured

The precise second
the call started.

So we know from the video
that the cellphone call

Started at 5:00...

...and that at 5:04,
that cellphone call...

...was cut off.

So they now know where
dru's call to chris started.

But can they figure out
where that four-minute call

Abruptly ended and why?

Police head to the mall
to retrace dru's steps.

They start at the store
and walk for four minutes.

We walked a route
from marshall fields to the car

To make sure that
that made sense.

If it actually took four minutes
to get to her car

And the phone call cuts off,

There's a question there
of what's happening.

Four minutes of walking
and police are right there,

At dru's abandoned car.

We did find
that it fit the timeframe

For her to be able
to go from marshall fields

At a normal walking pace back
and make it to her car.

Police have created
a tight timeline --

5:00 P.m., Out of the door
at marshall fields

And the start of a phone call.

Four minutes later,
the call ends abruptly,

At her car...


...where police
discovered a sheath.

They need to know
what tool the sheath is for.

Basically, she...

Police suspect that
what happened to dru at the car

May have started in the mall.

Detective remer needs to check
with dru's coworkers

If they remember
anything unusual.

Was there anybody
that was suspicious

That was hanging around?

Was there anything
that was out of the ordinary?

Dru's coworkers report something

That seizes
investigators' attention.

Sometimes men would lurk
outside the lingerie store,

Watching the women
who work there.

And pretty girl dru seemed to be
of special interest.

No one can remember
anyone specific that day.

it happened all the time.

The workers just ignored it.

And we know
that she gets to her car,

And then something happens.

There's some interaction
to where she says,

"Okay. Okay."

And the phone call cuts off.

Got her, um, like, a black...

Maybe there was more to this,
and it might be a kidnapping.

With a possible kidnapping,

Grand forks police
call in federal agents.

They want to do everything
they can

To bring dru back alive.

Not so far. But...

Well, it was the biggest thing
that we've ever dealt with.

We had at some point
80 to 100 investigators

Within our command post
working the case.

The federal agents
look into the theory

That dru has been abducted.

She's 22 years old.

Is it possible
that a sexual deviant

Could sit out in the kiosk

Or out in a chair in front
of victoria's secret

And see what he can see?

You bet.

It completely
changes the profile

Of who they're looking for.

The fbi profilers advise police

It's likely
to be a sex offender.

This one,
which is nice.

It is tremendously hard
to solve a stranger abduction

Because you don't know.

It could be two ships
passing in the night.

And, we want to know
where they were.

For dru's family,

It's a most upsetting turn
to the investigation.

Well, of course it's a parent's
worst nightmare

To think that your daughter's
been taken by a sex offender,

A total stranger.

If there was someone
stalking dru at the mall,

It will be buried
in the hundreds of hours

Of mall surveillance footage

The reality is that
there are events happening

That are criminal or noncriminal

Happening around us
every single day.

And we don't see them.

But investigators will see

The person they are looking for
on camera.

It's just a matter of where.


Okay. Bye.

Police now believe
that 22-year-old college student

Dru sjodin

Might have been abducted
from a mall parking lot.

They are hoping
surveillance video

Can help them solve the case
and bring dru home.

And with every minute

That goes by
with no news about dru,

Her family falls deeper
and deeper into despair.

I remember thinking...

...that I just wanted
the world to stop.

I don't know how to explain it

Because you're so caught
in the emotions

Of what you're going through
that it just seemed --

The world seemed so chaotic
to me, in my mind.

I...i couldn't sleep.

Phone calls
were going off the hook.

There was this awful adrenaline
going through your heart.

I just remember crying
into the night

And praying and hoping
that I would hear from her,

That she would show up

Or I would hear
some wonderful news.

25 Miles away,

Searchers checking riverbanks
near crookston, minnesota,

Make a sinister discovery.

This could really help us
in our investigation.

We found a shoe
by the 75 bypass bridge

Close to crookston.

And it matches
the description of the shoes

Dru was wearing
the day she went missing.

Yeah. I...

It's hers.
It is hers?

When I identified the shoe...

Yeah. was late november

In north dakota.

There was already snow
on the ground.

To find the shoe, it was pretty
indescribable emotion.

It's hard to even imagine
because it was so cold.

And to think, you know,

"My daughter's out there now
without shoes on..."

Um, it...

Just a gamut of emotions.

It was just one more thing
that made it seem like,

You know,
we may never see her again.

Investigators must revisit

The footage from the mall

For any sign
that dru was being followed.

No one at marshall fields
seems to be stalking her.

This time, they go back in time

And look for footage
from all stores

To see if anyone stands out.

When reviewing video

From an investigative

People are looking for things
that stand out of the norm.

A normal behavior when
somebody's shopping at a store

Is looking at the merchandise,

Looking to find
that merchandise.

He watches footage
from a target store

At 3:40 p.m.,

84 Minutes
before dru disappeared.

The things that
stand out of the norm,

Such as people
that look at other people

More than the merchandise.

Thrane locks on to one man.

The individual
in the target store

Went throughout
the target store,

Walked up and down the cd aisle.

Thrane sees the man
doesn't seem to be shopping... least not for cds.

Instead, he's looking
at other shoppers.

Thrane watches the man
walk around the store.

During the entire time

The subject was
in the target store...

He appeared to be by himself.

And then, at 3:41 p.m...

...he takes a seat
and continues watching people.

He wound up sitting at a bench
close to the exit...

...for approximately 11 minutes.

He was seated in a chair
right at the exit door.

And it was obvious
that he was watching people

As they walked out of the store.

And then he stood up,
put gloves on his hands...

...and then walked out
towards the vestibule.

And as he exited the store,
you could see him.

It appeared he looked towards
the ceiling,

Towards the surveillance camera.

It's just 72 minutes
until dru disappears.

When they look in more detail,

They find something
more sinister.

Well, on the video,
we see a blonde-haired female...

Who walks out of the store

Shortly before
he gets up and leaves.

Remer doesn't think
that's a coincidence.

Dru's coworkers
at victoria's secret say

They were regularly watched.

And in the same mall,
a man is watching shoppers

And follows a blonde-haired
woman out the door.

Things are starting to add up.

The fbi said to check
for sex offenders.

They find 60 of them registered
in the area.

Police have photos
of all of them.

Special agent dan ahlquist
pulls up the photos

Of all 60 sex offenders

And narrows them down
to the ones near crookston,

Where dru's shoe was found.

They find four names...
And four photos.

And one of them is the man
following a blonde-haired woman

Out of the target store
in the mall.

Four days
into their investigation, police

Might have their best lead yet
in their search for dru sjodin.

Video from a target store

Shows a man following
a different blonde-haired woman

Just 72 minutes
before dru disappeared.

And they've compared his image

To photos
of nearby sex offenders.

And they find a perfect match...

...alfonso rodriguez.

Rodriguez was arrested
for r*pe and kidnapping

And served 23 years.

He's been out six months.

But rodriguez is just
leaving a store.

He's not committing any crime.

That's when police
learn of another breakthrough.

Two investigators
who had been assigned

To identify
this tool-shop-type sheath...

The sheath
they found at dru's car

Wasn't for a tool

But for something
far more deadly.

They said it was a sheath
from a knife...

With a lock-blade knife.

We made contact
with alfonso rodriguez

At a construction site.

Talk to us?

Agent ahlquist
checks rodriguez's car.


We looked into the trunk,

And there was
some fishing equipment

And a smell of cleaner.

He sees a container with liquid.

Just, like,
a cleaning substance,

And in that cleaning substance

Was submerged
a lock-blade knife,

An exact duplicate.

An exact duplicate
of the lock-blade knife

Agent ahlquist had just seen
in the police department.

Rodriguez is detained,

And forensics are called in
to check out his car.

I recall quite vividly standing
outside the backdoor of the car.

A scientist was in the car

And just said,
"that's interesting."

"Look at all the blood."

Forensic samples taken
from rodriguez's car reveal

Traces of dru's dna.

When dru's blood is found
in rodriguez's car,

You know, that really then
brings it home.

Good afternoon,
mrs. Sjodin.

When I heard
that her blood had been found

The car of a sex offender,

It hit me in the gut like...

Like I couldn't breathe.

They still have not found dru.

But police have more than enough
to arrest alfonso rodriguez

And charge him
with kidnapping dru sjodin.

Police break the news
to dru's friends and family.

It was december 1st.

And linda calls.

She's like, "pull over.

Pull the car over."

She told me
that there was an arrest,

And there is
some blood involved.

And she doesn't say
anything about dru.

And I ask, "well, where's dru?"

And she just said,
"we don't -- we don't know."

It would take five more months

Before her family would have
that final, cruel answer.

April 17, 2004.

The north dakota winter is over.

The snow and ice melt
and reveal the deadly secret

That had been buried for months.

A search team finds dru's body
in a remote ravine.

She has been strangled, stabbed,
and sexually assaulted.

Investigators using
surveillance footage

Are able to piece together
what happened to dru sjodin.

I believe that mr. Rodriguez
encountered her in the mall

As she walked
from victoria's secret.

I think he followed her
through the mall...

...followed her out
the marshall fields door...

I just finished work.

Okay. her car,

Where he decided it was time
to make his move...

...pulled out his knife,
dropped the sheath.

In the car.
He forces her into his car

And drives out of the area.


I think the 7:42 phone call...

Is her k*ller
disregarding the phone near her,

Which is why I heard the tones,

Which gives me
a timeline of 5:05 to 7:42.

I always think about it,
that he put her through hell.

Um, that 21/2 hours,
I can't imagine.

On august 30, 2006,
alfonso rodriguez

Is convicted for the kidnap
and m*rder of dru sjodin.

He's sentenced to death.

He waits on death row
to this day.

The history of v*olence
with this individual

And serving 23 years

And, upon release,
6 months later,

Being able to do this,

Angers me
every time I think about it.

...introducing a piece
of legislation

That I hope very much
will save lives in this country.

And dru's legacy lives on.

In 2006, the white house
signed dru's law...

the sex-offenders registry

Available to the public

It makes me feel angry
that he took this person

Out of not only my life,

But a lot
of other people's lives.

And it will forever
affect my life,

As well as
everyone else involved.

Dru's family
and friends will always wonder.

If the parking lot of the mall
had security cameras,

This crime
may have been deterred.

It was vital security footage

That was critical
to solving this case.

The video evidence in this case

Really placed mr. Rodriguez
at the scene of the abduction.

Without that video evidence,

There would have always been
a question in somebody's mind.