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02x07 - Driven to the Edge

Posted: 02/25/24 11:43
by bunniefuu
A young mother of two vanishes.

As a husband,
that's my worst nightmare,

Is my wife or my kids
just don't come home one day.

Her family and friends
hope she'll be found alive.

My family was just
thinking she was in --

In stress situation,
depression or something.

She just disappeared
off the face of the earth.

But there is one witness

That shows police
exactly what happened.

One or two or a few
frames of a video

Can make or break a case.

March 2010,
coral springs, florida --

Detective scott myers
is carrying a heavy caseload.

But his other investigations

Are about to go
on the back burner.

I was working several
other cases at the time,

And my boss called me in
and said,

"I got some bad news
for you,

We have a missing persons case."

41-Year-old mother
of 2, surya toha

Has been reported missing
by her husband, munawar.

All I really knew was

The couple
was married for 10 years

And that they had two kids
and the wife went missing.

Myers' first move is
to meet with husband, munawar.

Mr. Toha,
detective myers.

This is my partner,
detective koenig.

He's frantic and worried sick.

My first meeting of munawar
was at his residence.

...anything else.

Start with last night.

What were you guys doing?

The first step
is to sit down with them

And really kind
of get a overview

Of what's going on.

Is there anything suspicious?

Do we suspect foul play?

We were having dinner.

She set the table,...

He just burst out crying.

It's difficult when a family
member goes missing

And the family and the friends
have no explanation.

The fear and the fright
is visible.

It's -- it's tangible.

Munawar and surya
met and married

In indonesia 10 years ago.

Munawar works for the department
of transport in purchasing.

Surya runs an online
jewelry business.

But now their lives
have been turned upside down.

He explained that she had taken
the kids to school

And then basically
just disappeared

Off the face of the earth.

Munawar is overcome with fear.

Surya is a devoted wife
and mother.

9- Year-old alexander
and 5-year-old nathan

Haven't seen their mom
in over 24 hours.

I'm gonna need
a few more details.

Detectives ask munawar
for a time line

For the day surya disappeared,
march 23rd.

He says that he and surya
woke up at 6:30,

Just like any other day.

You okay?

he gets up at that time.

But he wasn't feeling well.

So he stayed in bed.

Get your medicine.

Munawar is so sick
that he calls work

And tells them
he isn't coming in.

She took the kids to school
around 8:00 a.m.

Gotta go. Come on.
We're getting late.

Come on.

Later in the morning,

He heard the door open
and close a couple of times,

And he wasn't sure
if he heard voices

Or what he maybe
heard downstairs.


Surya, is that you?

Who was in the tohas' house?

Is it surya?

Is she with anyone?

When he finally got out of bed
at around 10:00, she was gone.

Sweetheart, it's me.

Munawar told me that he tried
calling her several times.

He called her cellphone,

And each time, it went right
to voicemail.

Hi, ryan.

Munawar can't reach
surya on her cell.

Yeah, I just...

Friends and neighbors don't know
where she is either.

Okay, well,
if you do see her,

Please tell her
to call me back. Thank you.

Surya usually picks up
the boys from school.

Munawar goes instead.

Afterwards, he takes them
to his friends',

Rick and mary pernama's, house.

He then starts searching
for his missing wife...

more and more anxious

As the evening wears on.

Finally, after hours
of searching, he heads home.

Munawar tells police something
that gets their attention.


The day before surya
went missing,

Someone withdrew $5,000
from the bank.

$4,000 To $5,000?

That's an awful lot
of money.

Where's the money now,
mr. Toha?

It's gone.

Things are starting to add up.

First, the missing money,

And then, right
before surya disappeared,

Munawar heard her
talking to someone.

Thing you're gonna explore --
is there --

Is there some form of,
you know, triangle going on?

Is there a boyfriend
or girlfriend involved?

Is there a lover?
Is there --

Is there an ex-lover?

I believe
that maybe she had a boyfriend

And maybe she just
ran off with him.

I just didn't have
enough information.

I didn't have the crystal ball
yet to know what had happened.

Word of surya's disappearance

Spreads quickly
amongst her four siblings.

In sweden, titi
receives the alarming news

From her sister, vivi.

My sister told me
there was something

Happen in the family
really, really sad.

Surya was gone, left the kids.

I was just shocked,

And then
I called munawar immediately.

Munawar, munawar, please tell me
you've heard from surya.

Despite the distance,
titi and surya

Are as close
as sisters can be.

She's in the middle
in these five sisters.

So to me, I more look up to her.

Titi doesn't believe
for a second

That surya ran off
with another man.

All of my family was just
thinking she was in --

In stress situation,
depression or something.

That's what we thought.

I couldn't eat because I kept
thinking about her.

My mother also
crying every night.

I'm sorry.

If surya was having an affair,

She might not have told
her sister about it.

But maybe she told her best
friend, ade pnakovich.

I told you.
She's not here.

When the police came,
I was shocked.

I have some questions
for you.

It's just unbelievable.
It's just like it's so sad

And it's so shocked
that that thing happened.

They asked, "is it possible

S-- surya ran with a guy?"

I just don't see
that's a possible.

I said, "she just
love her children

And her husband.

That's all she lives for.

There is no way."


Everyone that we spoke to

Universally believed surya
was a loving, caring mom,

That she lived for her kids,

That her kids were
the epicenter of her world.

All of her friends said it would
have been uncharacteristic

For her to leave that
for any length of time.

If surya wouldn't
abandon her boys,

What has happened to her?

Our missing person...

Detectives begin an
all-out search for surya toha...

...age 41.

with the last place

They know she visited...

...her sons' school.

And when they get there,

Detectives find a witness
they can always trust.

The school is rigged
with five surveillance cameras,

Covering the approach road,
the entrance doors

And the lobby.

One or two
or a few frames of a video

Can certainly
change an investigation.

It can give us a lead

That we never had before.

Will one of those cameras

Help them find the missing woman
before it's too late?

41-Year-old florida
mom surya toha is missing.

Her husband and two young sons
are terrified.

And her sister plans
to come to florida

To help any way she can.

I felt, like, more
and more I have to --

To go there to meet the police
and to see the kids.

They asked for their mom
every day, hundreds time.

Investigators in coral
springs try to piece together

What happened
the day surya disappeared.

They believe she dropped
her two boys at school

Just before 8:15.

But there's only one way
to tell for sure --

Check the school's
five surveillance cameras.

If surya was there,

She'll show up
on at least one of them.

Cctv is a great tool.

It's a great tool

Because it's much more reliable
than an eyewitness.

You're praying for that video.

Is that the cctv?

Detectives gather
every last tape

And rush back to the station.

Myers forwards the video
to just before school starts.

Okay. So she's
getting out of the car.

And there they are.

There's both kids.

She seems pretty relaxed,

Doesn't seem in distress
or anything.

At 8:11 a.m.,

Surya and her two children
arrive at school.

All three appear happy.

It looks like the start
of a normal school day.

Surya takes her sons inside...

Yeah, she seems happy.

...and then comes back out,
exchanges a few words

With another parent...

And goes to her car.

Surya was due back at the school
at 10:00 a.m.

The teachers and administrators
at her kids' school

All thought she was supposed
to be volunteering that day,

And they believed
that she was gonna be

On her older son's field trip.

So they thought she would be
at school that day.


Surya, is that you?

Detectives are puzzled.

It was just before 10:00 a.m.
That munawar heard surya

Talking to someone downstairs
at their home.

She can't be two places at once.

They cue the school tapes
up to 10:00 a.m.

And search for surya.

But she never returns.

Where did surya go?

Was she back at her house?

And with who?

Wherever she is,
she has to have driven.

Detectives' best shot
at quickly finding surya

Is to trace
her 2001 silver daewoo,

License plate 502huv.

I was hoping that someone
could find her car.

I met with basically
every officer on patrol,

And I asked each
and every one of them

To search their neighborhoods,

Search their parks,
look behind the buildings,

Go in the wooded areas.

Everybody went the extra mile
to really try and find surya

And bring her home for her boys.

Somewhere, surya's car

Must have been captured
on a surveillance camera.

I started looking for video
from the local businesses.

The silver daewoo
could be caught

On any one
of a multitude of cameras.

72 Hours after learning
of her sister's disappearance,

Titi arrives from sweden.

We sat in the living room.

And then, he was starting to --

To tell about surya was missing,

And he wa-- he was crying.

As the minutes tick by,

Police must consider
all possibilities.

A spouse goes missing.
Well, the first thing

You're always gonna
look at is the spouse.

Detective myers
double-checks munawar's account

Of the day his wife vanished.

He starts with munawar's claim

That he picked his sons
up at school that afternoon.

Sure enough, munawar's silver
nissan pickup truck

Comes into view at 12:35 p.m.

After parking,
he enters the school.

The cctv from the school
showed munawar's truck,

And it showed him picking up
his kids on the day

That she went missing.

Detectives also questioned

Munawar's friends rick and mary.

They explained that,

In the middle
of the evening,

Munawar showed up and explained
that he was looking for surya,

And he wanted their assistance

And asked for some help
with the boys.

So far,
munawar's story

Is checking out in detail.

Police have no reason to believe

He had anything to do
with his wife's disappearance.

The search for surya toha
isn't getting anywhere.

Munawar and titi
hold a press conference,

Hoping media attention
will help find surya.

Please come back
for me, surya.

We miss you.
We love you.

Surya, your children
is miss you.

Please come home.

He was visibly shaken
as he was desperately pleaing

And asking
for the community's help

In finding her or the car.

Munawar's desperate

And heartfelt plea
goes out on local tv stations.

But the investigation
hears from the one person

They didn't expect
to hear from -- surya.

And her message
will shake everyone

In this investigation
to the core.

Mother of two surya toha

Has been missing for a week.

Your children is miss you.

Please come home.

But munawar discovers something

Among surya's
personal effects --

A possible su1c1de letter.

That stated
that she was r*ped

By one of his co-workers

And she was depressed
and that she couldn't go on.

The note says
surya's attacker

Is a man named malcolm clark,

A co-worker of munawar's.

It's so terrible
when I read the letter.

It, like, this guy
from his office

Coming to r*pe her.

So in my imagination,

She must be very depressed
and stressed.

If the allegations
in the note were true,

We had two issues.

The first was that she was maybe
suicidal and depressed.

The second was
that maybe she was being r*ped

And, um,
was abducted and k*lled

By the r*pist.

Surya's car has not been found.

Perhaps she was m*rder*d

Before she had a chance
to commit su1c1de.

We took the information
about munawar's co-worker

Very seriously.

We all thought
that he was nervous.

He told me

That he was a co-worker
of munawar's,

And that was about it.

Right now,

Malcolm clark
is their best suspect.

If he thought surya was about
to report the alleged r*pe,

There's no telling
how far he might have gone

To cover his tracks.

We began to form
different hypotheses,

I guess, of -- of
what he could have done

With her body
and with her car.

Colleagues verify
that clark was at work.

But there's no one
to confirm his whereabouts

After he punches out.

Where mr. Clark works

Is close enough
to where the tohas live

That it isn't an airtight alibi.

Despite their suspicions,

don't have enough evidence

To charge clark
with either r*pe

Or surya's disappearance.

They have to let him go.

It's now 11 days
since surya disappeared.

Detective myers is no closer
to finding the missing mom.

Still no news, mr. Toha.
I'm sorry.

Not being able
to bring closure for the family,

Bring closure
for myself is really tough.

I really was afraid

That this would be
a missing persons case

That was put into a box
in some cold-case room.

Radius, we have lakes
here and here.

The case became very personal

To a lot of people
who worked on it.

I think everybody could relate
to a family missing its mom,

You know, having two small kids.

Myers goes back to square one.

He still believes the key
to finding surya

Is to find her car.

Whether it was su1c1de,

Whether she was abducted
and m*rder*d, it didn't matter.

I thought she was close by.

Investigators used
malcolm clark's workplace

And the tohas' home

As starting points
for their search.

First thing that you see
on that map is crystal lake.

It's, like, right
in the middle of everything.

And my partners all agreed

That that would be
a good starting place.

Crystal lake is
a large, deep body of water.

And it's right next
to malcolm clark's workplace.

We did a real slow drive

Around the complex.

My intent that day was to look,

Take a very close look
at the shoreline and try to find

If there's any evidence
of tire tracks

Or marks or even, you know,

If the water's
clear enough to be able

To see towards the bottom
of the lake,

Hopefully be able
to see a car if it was there.

I saw that the perimeter
of that lake

Around the warehouse

Was surrounded
by a 6-foot chain-link fence

With the exception of one area

Where the chain-link fence
was smashed down.

Once I got out and looked at it
a little closer,

It looked like a car had gone
through the fence there.

Looking at it,
I also wasn't sure

When the damage was done.

It could have been
the landscapers

Or a truck unloading.

You don't really know.
It's a very industrial area.

In such a built-up
area, the bottom of a lake

Is a perfect place
to conceal a car.

There was, some shrubbery

That had been recently chopped
off of its, root.

There was also rocks
that were sheared off.

It was consistent with something
a car could have made,

If you were driving the car

Into the water,
into crystal lake.

It was
a long shot anyways.

I felt certain, in my head,
at that moment

That the car was going to be
at the bottom of the lake there.

But there's something
else at the scene...

...two silent witnesses
that never lie

And never blink.

It seemed almost too good
to be true, that could it --

Could it be this easy?

We actually have a video camera

Pointing right
at this particular spot.

I felt like the video

Would really be the key
to figuring out,

Was that hole in the fence
related to this case,

Or was the hole
in the fence just,

Um, you know, part
of the industrial complex

And had been there for a while?

Meanwhile, surya's sister titi

And husband, munawar,
are struggling to cope.

The two boys are bewildered
by their mom's absence.

I heard the little one
saying that,

"My mommy's in miami.

Mommy is in miami."

Yes, mommy
is just in miami.

Munawar told that mommy
was gone, maybe to miami.

Myers wastes
no time cueing up the video

From the lakeside.

You really don't want
to get your hopes up too high.

You don't want to put
all your eggs in one basket.

Actually solving a crime
based on security video

Is so rare

That this was probably
a false hope.

The first image he comes to

Is from 9:00 a.m.
The previous day,

12 Days after surya disappeared.

It shows the fence
and bushes already down.

As I'm rewinding the video
in 24-hour increments,

I'm just fully focused
on the fence

And the damaged area.

Myers sends the video
back 24 hours, then another.

Each day, at 9:00 a.m.,
The hole is there

Until 9:00 a.m.
The day surya disappeared.

All of a sudden, I see
that the fence is whole.

And I'm like,
"wow, this is lining up."

The fence was broken on the day
that surya went missing.

By this point,
I was really excited.

I really felt like this was
that missing piece

To the puzzle.

Detective myers now
must scrub through the footage

To see exactly when the hole
got punched in the fence.

On the video,
day turns to night.

It was agonizingly slow.

And I'm just looking
at nighttime on the camera

On the monitor

And frame by frame,

Nothing, nothing, nothing.

And then, I see some headlights
to a car pull into the shot.

And I'm intently staring
at that car.

And as it pulls directly
in front of the camera,

Right into that parking spot,

I'm like, "my god.
That's her car."

Surya toha has been
missing for nearly two weeks,

Leaving behind
an apparent su1c1de note

But not her car.

Detectives think
a broken fence marks the spot

Where prime suspect
malcolm clark

May have driven surya's car
into crystal lake.

And now they found cctv
of the moment

Surya's silver daewoo

Pulls into the parking lot
next to the lake.

That's surya's daewoo,

And it matches up
with everything

I've been looking for
for the last week.

Every waking moment, I'm --
I'm -- I'm looking for that car.

And I see it pull up
in almost slow motion

On the video.

And my heart stops.

And I'm like, "my god."

A driver emerges,

And police get their first look
at their top suspect.

When the driver
gets out of the vehicle,

You can't tell who it is.

But you can tell,
at least from my perspective,

That it's a male
just by the way they walk,

The way they -- they act and --
and their physical gestures.

The driver walks to the right...

...then returns to the vehicle.

The mystery man then
removes a bicycle from the trunk

And puts it to one side.

And what happens next

Is enough to shock even
these veteran detectives.

He proceeds to drive
the car slowly over the swale,

Over the hedges
and over the fence.

And the car

Slowly sinks into
the abyss of the lake.

It was an eerie feeling
watching the car just disappear.

And he watches the car
for a few moments

And, I think,

Is content with the fact

That the car
is now out of view

And gets on his bicycle
and pedals off.

It's impossible
to see who this man is.

But what terrifies police
is what the scene might mean.

Why else do you put a car
in the water?

I mean, there -- there's
only one reason to put it there.

You're either hiding the car
or what's in the car.

After recovering the video,

I requested some assistance
from our dive team

To start searching for the car.

Police divers
rush to the scene...

...and scour the bottom
of crystal lake.

They don't need long.

Pretty quickly, they were
able to find the car.

And then, they were able
to provide me the license plate.

The license plate
confirms it's surya's car.

The spot has become
a massive crime scene.

First, the 3,000-pound vehicle

Must be retrieved
so police can search it.

Once the car was removed
from the water,

They found a body wrapped up

In trash bags inside the car.

Police have finally
and tragically found surya toha.

And this was no su1c1de.

The recovery of the body

from the missing persons case

Into a really solid
homicide case.

And now the search is on

For a k*ller
caught on tape.

A missing persons case
is now a m*rder investigation.

Surveillance video
has captured the moment

Surya toha's car and body

Were dumped into crystal lake.

Now, police have to determine

If their only suspect,
malcolm clark,

Is the man in the video.

We spent a tremendous
amount of time

Analyzing every angle,

Every useful frame
that we got from that video.

We have the suspect right there,
but you can't see him.

That grainy footage,
you can't see who did it.

Everybody watches
television shows,

And they all see "csi"
and "24" and all these shows

Where they can zoom
in cameras and change cameras

And get three-dimensional images
off of the camera.

And that's just not the way
it is in the real world.

I don't think we could identify,

Beyond a reasonable doubt,

Who the driver was just
based on the video.

But they can tell who it isn't.

It isn't their prime suspect,
malcolm clark,

Accused of r*pe by
the victim's own su1c1de note.

You could tell size and shape.

And the person who's alleged
to have done this horrible thing

In the note that's written

Did not match up
to that size and shape.

Munawar's co-worker
malcolm clark is innocent.

Then who is this k*ller
caught on tape?

Nothing else.

To answer that question,

Detectives turn back
to their best witness,

The surveillance video.

After the car
goes into the lake,

There is still hours of footage
on the videotape.

And myers watches
every second of it.

Finally, he sees something.

At 11:11 p.m.,

Just 9 minutes after
the unidentified male

Rides off on his bike,

A silver nissan pickup
pulls into frame,

Turns around
and quickly drives off...

...a silver pickup

Just like the one
munawar toha owns.

And police don't think
it's a coincidence.

Myers plays the video again.

And that's when he spots it.

There's a bicycle
in the back of the truck.

Everything just came
into focus in my head,

And, it was very clear

When I saw the truck

And I was able to put
two and two together.

And it just made perfect sense.

At that point, I knew
that I had my m*rder*r,

And I had my m*rder on camera.

It appears that, just minutes

After driving his wife's car
into the lake

And riding off on a bike,

That munawar toha has returned
to the crime scene,

Perhaps to double-check
the car has sunk.

I was elated,

And I was also disgusted

Because this man
had looked me in the eye

And sworn up and down

That he had no idea
where his wife was.

Surya, your children
is miss you.

Please come home.

He's not our suspect anymore.

He's -- he's our defendant.

He's -- we're going
to arrest him.

But they have to move fast.

We had spoken
with surya's sister,

And one of the things
that she mentioned was

He was working
on getting passports

For his children,

And he was getting luggage ready
for a possible departure.

He rolled down his window,

And I told him
that we had some information

About his missing wife

And that I'd like
to speak with him.

His reaction now is dejection.

He's just puts his head down

'Cause he knows he's been found.

I was just crying on that time

And then told my husband
that I hate him.

I hate him.

I hate you!
I hope you pay!

I hate you!

We did
a very thorough investigation

And recovered blood,

In the house
in the kitchen area,

Where we believe
the actual m*rder took place.

Which helps police understand

What they think really
happened that day.

What we believe
ended up happening

Is surya coming home
probably around lunchtime

As that's when her cellphone
stopped receiving calls.

Sometime that morning,
she writes the su1c1de note.

But police think
that was part of the plot.

I think she wrote it,
but I think she was forced to.

And I think she was forced
to withdraw that money

From the bank.

Having fabricated evidence

To explain
surya's disappearance,

Toha executes his plan.

She probably got into some sort
of altercation

With her husband

That led to a physical fight
in the kitchen,

Where she was struck
with a object like a pipe

And ended up dying
somewhere in the house.

At some point, she was wrapped
in garbage bags

And put in the -- in the car.

Toha insists he's innocent

And would never
k*ll a loved one.

But what he does from jail
puts the lie to that.

While he was in jail
waiting for the trial, um,

He reached out
to what he thought

Was a person
on the outside

Who could k*ll a couple
of the witnesses.

Among the targets for the hit --

Rick and mary pernama

And surya's friend ade.

The person
that he reached out to

Was an undercover
police officer.

And he, he tried to hire
that police officer

To k*ll these witnesses.

The pernamas have children,

But toha's not worried

About them being caught
in the crossfire.

The detective says
then, "well, they have kids.

Well, what happens
if the kids are there?"

And munawar toha says,

"Well, dump 'em off
at a fire station, then."

Munawar toha has a callous
indifference to human life

And doesn't care

About how that's gonna
affect other people.

He didn't care that his kids
were gonna be without a mother.

He's just evil.

On october 22, 2014,

A jury
in fort lauderdale, florida,

Finds munawar toha guilty
of first-degree m*rder

And four counts of solicitation
to commit m*rder.

He is sentenced
to life behind bars.

The star witness --
surveillance video.

I'm not sure if this case

Could have been solved
without the cctv.

Without the video,
there's no guarantee

That anybody
goes in that water,

That there's any guarantee

That anybody is able
to even find the car.

I would like surya
to be remembered

As a very kind person.

This is very hard
because it's --

She loved the kids very much.

So I --
I just want people remember

That she really
loves the kids

And she would never, ever
leave the kids ever in her life.

After munawar's
arrest, titi immediately

Applies for custody
of the two boys,

And they now live
with her in sweden.