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02x10 - Mr. Reed Will See You

Posted: 02/25/24 11:46
by bunniefuu
A pillar of the local community
is k*lled on his own doorstep.

My head was spinning.

What could possibly
bring somebody

To m*rder
a school superintendent?

Mom, you can't go.
You have to stay.

Police can find
no motive, no leads.

We were struggling
with lots of things

Because nothing
was making sense.

But when they search
surveillance video,

They begin to unravel
the mystery.

And I looked at that picture

From the television
surveillance camera

And went, "my goodness."

Will the video reveal
who k*lled keith reed?

Saturday, september 22, 2012,
clymer, new york.

It's 10:00 a.m.,
And ed bailey drives

Past the house of his friend
and colleague keith reed.

I noticed that both
of keith's vehicles

Were still in the driveway.

I knew he was supposed to be
going to a meeting

In saratoga, new york,
that weekend,

And he was gonna leave
in the morning.

Bailey fears
something is not right.

I pulled in the driveway.

I got out and opened
the garage door,

And I see the dog
was in the garage,

Dog food tipped over.

And I yelled for keith.


There was no answer.

He calls keith's cellphone,

But keith doesn't answer.

There had to be
a logical explanation.


One day later, sunday...

Good afternoon.
It's -- it's ed bailey.

...and keith still
isn't picking up his phone.

Ed calls the conference.

...for keith reed,

And I'm wondering
if he's checked in yet.

They told me
that he was not there.

It started weighing on me
that this is really odd.

He's not answered text messages

Or phone calls
for a day and a half now.

Alarmed, ed calls
keith's brother, kevin,

A former police detective.

Well, he was supposed to
go to a conference.

We called the hotel.

He hasn't checked in
and no one's heard from him.

And I said, "I'm on my way."

Kevin knows that keith,

A single father
of three daughters,

Wouldn't just disappear.

He would call the girls
every day,

Sometimes twice a day,
and talk to them,

Wanting to know
how their day was, you know,

Just keeping a loving,

Guiding type of relationship
with them.

I've never seen my brother
as happy as he was

The day
that caitlin got married.

He was just joyous --
just joyous.

That night, kevin reed

Joins ed bailey
at keith's house.

Hey, kevin.

Thanks for coming by so quick.
I'm gonna go in.

I want to check things out
for a bit.

I'll wait right here.

I walked into the house,

Hey, keith!

...i noticed in the kitchen,
his wallet,

$800 In cash,
everything laid out.

Hey, keith, you up there?

I went upstairs
and looked in his bedroom.

His suitcase was open
and about 3/4 packed

And other clothes
laying on the bed.

Whatever happened to keith,
it seems to have happened

In the middle of packing
for his conference.

There was no signs
of a struggle.

Everything in the house
was in order.

It was just very, very odd.

We got to go.

Having worked
in law enforcement for 20 years,

I told ed to leave

Because this was not
going to turn out well.

Ed looked at me.

He says, "what do you mean it's
not going to turn out well?"

I said, "you can't be in here.
This is gonna be a crime scene."

I got to
call the police.


Ed bailey works with keith reed
at clymer central school.

He knows keith is
a very hands-on superintendent.

He seemed to connect
with people very well.

He made everybody feel
that they were important.


How are you, mister?
Football game coming up?

Keith would greet the kids
at the school every day

At the door
when they got off the bus.

He knew the names
of every kid in that school.

Hello, grace.
How are ya?

Monday morning, and still
no word from keith reed.

The police have been called in.

We had received
a missing-person complaint.

And a deputy
had interviewed mr. Bailey.


Hey, thanks for taking
the time today.

Of course.

Police head to keith's house

And start a search

For the missing
school superintendent.

What do we got?

Kevin reed returns

With his desperately worried
mother by his side.

I'm sitting across the street,
watching what was going on.

Along the edge
of keith's property,

Police officers spot something.

It was like a lot of overgrowth
of pricklers and shrubbery,

And there he was.

My god.
They found him.

Mom, no!

At that point, my mother

Got out of the car
and wanted to go up

And cover my brother up
because she said it was cold.

And I had to keep her
from going up there.

you can't go.

You have to stay.
You can't be --

No, mom.

It's a very difficult thing
to keep a mother

Away from her dead son.

They'll figure it out,
mom, okay?

Someone shot
keith reed three times --

Twice in the back
and once in the chest.

Their missing-persons case
is now a m*rder investigation.

Yeah, can we get some csi units
here, stat?

Kevin reed calls keith's friends
and family

To break the horrible news.

I just about dropped the phone.

I couldn't believe it.

No, not in clymer.

It was the most shocking event
that's ever happened in clymer.

Principal bailey
tells the staff and teachers

What's happened
to the beloved keith reed.

I knew
in a small community like this,

Word would get out fast,

And I wanted them
to hear it from me

So everybody would get
the same information

At the same time.

It's the first m*rder in clymer

In 200 years,

And it has the whole town
baffled and scared.

Why keith reed?

You know, my head was spinning.

What could possibly
bring somebody

To m*rder
a school superintendent?

Police scour the scene,
looking for anything

That might help them find
keith reed's k*ller.

They quickly discovered
that the lights

To the outside of the house
were missing their bulbs.

What do we got?

That was extremely unusual
for such a well-kept house.

Police have to wonder

If the k*ller
took the lightbulbs

So keith wouldn't see him
waiting in the shadows.

As investigators comb
the inside of the house,

They find what could be
a telltale clue.

They found
a picture frame next to the bed

In keith's bedroom,

And that picture frame
was facedown

And it was empty.

It's hardly the work
of a stranger.

Then, their search
reveals something

No one knew about keith reed...

Not even his own family.

He had handguns
in the kitchen cupboard

And other places in the house,
which led some to believe

That he may have been
worried about an attack.

And finally, there's no sign
of keith's cellphone

Anywhere in the house.

He might've lost it,
or his k*ller might've taken it.

Police start pinging
keith's phone

To find where it is...

To no avail.

We needed to learn more
about keith reid.

Who is this guy?

Who did he associate with?

Where did he go?

What did he do?

Investigators first turn
to close friend ed bailey

To find out where keith was

In the days and hours
leading up to the m*rder.

At that point in time,
everybody was a suspect.

Ed bailey explained to us

That keith had an appointment
friday evening

To go to the lakewood rod & g*n.

Keith reed really wanted
to become a member

Of the lakewood rod & g*n,

Which is a private club in our
area in lakewood, new york.

The lakewood rod & g*n club
is a local private member's club

That could be the last place
keith was seen alive.

The receptionist
tells investigators

That members and visitors
sign in to a logbook.

If keith was there,
the logbook will show it.

And right in the book
for friday night

Is keith reed's sign-in.

Yes, keith reed had showed up
at the lakewood rod & g*n

To inquire about membership
and actually had dinner there.

Reed is a guest,

And so would need a member
to escort him in.

There's no way to know
which member that could be...

Until police notice
a potential witness.

These cameras --
do they work?

A security camera

Over the reception desk records
everyone coming into the club.

Police take the security video
back to headquarters.

Could it be that keith reed's
last moments

Were caught on tape?

Police in clymer, new york,

Are investigating the homicide

Of school superintendent
keith reed.

They know that reed was
at the lakewood rod & g*n club

Before his m*rder.

But now the question is,
was he there alone?

For answers,
investigators have turned

To the lobby's
surveillance video.

Investigators know
keith signed in on friday night

Around 6:00 p.m.

They scroll the footage
to around that time.

So there they are.

Shows him entering
into the rod & g*n,

Getting signed in,
very clearly depicts him.

And he's not alone.

Right next to keith,
escorting him in,

Is a man well-known
to the club's management.

His name -- john filhaber.

He's very important
because he could be

The last known person
that keith reed was with

Prior to his death.

The lobby
is not the only camera --

Overlooking the restaurant,
another one.

And way in the distance, police
can clearly see keith reed

And john filhaber
at the end of the bar.

They sat down. They talked.

They had dinner.

And then,
upon dinner being over,

Keith reed exited.

- Overlooking the parking lot --
- a third security camera.

And at a quarter after 8:00,
right on cue --

Filhaber and reed.

It also very clearly depicts him
leaving the rod & g*n

Through the same
entrance/exit area.

In the parking lot,

Reed and filhaber
continue their conversation.

Everything looks friendly,
but one thing is certain.

That keith reed
was definitely alive

At around 8:30 p.m.
On friday evening.

Perhaps john filhaber
himself can fill in police

On what happened next.

Thanks again for meeting.
No problem.

Just really going over
the last details...

He says, "john,
you were the last person

To see him alive."

I said,
"no, the guy who k*lled him

Was the last person
to see him alive."

It started out fine.
I mean, you know...

Filhaber tells investigators
he and keith reed are friends

And that keith was interested
in joining the rod & g*n club.

Things changed.

Filhaber reported to us that he
met with keith reed out front,

That they went in.

They had dinner.

I really like this place.

Filhaber says
everything was normal...

Until keith got a phone call.

He got a phone call...

...on his cell.

And he took a look at it,

And it seemed that he was not
pleased to get the call.

You okay?

I said,
"how's things going with you?"

And he said,

"The job is wonderful,
but women suck."

Filhaber has offered
a possible lead.

It seems keith was having
relationship troubles.

Filhaber dishes up one more clue
from when the men parted ways.

We walked outside, and he says,

"I got to go home
and pack still."

And then I says,
"you gonna drive all night?"

And he says, "yeah, I have to."

Police now know that keith left
the rod & g*n club around 8:30

And headed home
to pack for the conference.

They already knew
he never finished packing,

And they think
there might be a way

To establish the next piece
of keith reed's timeline.

There's really only
a few directions in which

That he would travel
from lakewood to clymer,

And one of which is
past this video

That this bank picks up.

The camera records everything

That passes on the road
right in front of the bank,

A bank that's on the road

Between the rod & g*n club
and keith's home.

Investigators ask
the bank manager for video,

But it will take hours
to pull it together.

In the meantime,

Boland heads back
to keith's neighborhood.

Did the neighbors see
or hear anything

The night keith was gunned down?

Um, keith -- I can only assume
you've heard of the m*rder...

They said he was
a very, very nice man

And that he was new to the area
and he was a very good neighbor.

...a garbage can
or making a sound...

And then, a lead.

He was taking out
the garbage...

They didn't know
if it was friday night

Or saturday night,

But know it was at night
and they heard two men arguing.

They were yelling at each other.

And they were definitely

The neighbor heard yelling

And then...


Finally, the bank's
security video is ready.

Detective boland cues the tape
to around 8:30,

The time keith
left the g*n club.

And then,
he fast-forwards the video.

Ten minutes later,
a white nissan maxima.

It's keith reed's car.

He was en route
to his house at 8:40.

It times perfectly with a drive
from the lakewood club.

But there could be more.

If the k*ller
followed keith home,

He's on tape, too.

They wait and watch.

And it didn't depict
anyone following him.

It was the only car
that passed by our screen.

The surveillance video
can't help them i.d. A suspect,

But it does give them
a timeline.

Keith was at the club
until 8:30,

Then drove straight home.

His car is spotted around 8:40.

But the timeline
only tells them when, not who.

To find a possible suspect,

They think back
to that mysterious phone call

Keith got at dinner,

The dinner where he complained
about his love life.

Police have to find out exactly
who he was talking about.

They ask family and friends
about keith's personal life,

And that's
when they uncover something

That could send the case
in a new direction.

He was dating a girl
by the name kimberly,

And they actually got engaged.

They were gonna get married.

How 'bout we just --
see ya later.

How 'bout we just
end it right now?

That was a rocky relationship.

He'd been going out with her
for years,

On again, off again,
on again, off again.

I don't want to be around here.

Then maybe you shouldn't be
around here!

Because I don't want
to be around you!

When they would fight,
it would be the base

Kind of fighting that people do
that don't like each other,

So keith decided to end that.

There was definitely
a very hostile relationship

That they had had that could've
led to the death of somebody.

Kimberly was very much
a suspect.

Police must now consider
if keith reed was gunned down

By his enraged ex.

Time stamp is 8:30.

Police have their first suspect
in the m*rder of keith reed --

His ex-girlfriend,
kimberly roush.

They bring her in
for questioning.

We just need
your signature there.

Kimberly admits she and keith
had a rocky relationship.

She tells police

She was supposed to be going
to the conference with keith.

Keith asked her to go
to saratoga springs with him

And then never follows up
with another phone call to her.

Thus, she leaves
several messages to keith.

Boland can check
some of those messages

On kimberly's phone.

She did show me
some text messages

That she sent him,

And those were not
of good nature, either.

Those messages get
more and more aggressive.

But boland can only
see her text messages.

Keith's phone
will have her voicemails.

Then, boland tells kimberly
of his suspicions.

It was very troublesome to us
that here she is,

She's somebody that had been
very close to keith,

And then, all of a sudden,

She's leaving these messages
on his phone

That were quite radical
in nature.

What's worse --
kimberly has no alibi

For the night
keith was m*rder*d.

And there's one last detail

That raises a red flag
on kimberly.

It was troubling to us
that there was a picture

In the bedroom
that was smashed.

Maybe while,
after k*lling keith,

Did she go into the house,

See this picture of them two,
and then smash it on a dresser?

I said, "I don't think
you're telling me the truth,

And I think you've got
something more to do with this."

Just one problem
with this suspect --

The neighbors said
they heard two men

Arguing before the g*nshots.

Somebody carried the body.

We're thinking that kimberly

Probably had help
of some nature.

She was somewhat
seeing another guy,

And we were able to get
that guy's name

And his photo.

Kimberly's new
boyfriend, paul daniels,

Is now a suspect, too.

Investigators start running
his name through databases.

But they're not done
with kimberly yet.

They collect a dna swab
from kimberly,

When suddenly,
a new breakthrough...

...vital information

On keith's cellphone
comes through.

We had been pinging
the cellphone

To figure out
where the last time that

That phone was...

We're getting a ping
from harrisburg.

Keith's phone is somewhere
in harrisburg, pennsylvania...

...41/2 hours' drive from home,

A place keith
has no known connections.

Everybody kind of looked
at each other like, "why?"

And believed
that it might've been a mistake

In the longitude/latitude,
the coordinates.

They turn back to their
prime suspect for answers.

We asked, "is there
any relationship to harrisburg

And keith reed?"

Nothing was making sense of why
this phone was in harrisburg,

Of all places,

When there was
no connection to harrisburg.

Kimberly can't, or won't,
tell investigators

How keith's phone
ended up four hours away.

Investigators now focus
on finding

Kimberly's new boyfriend.

Maybe he
is the harrisburg connection.


For keith's daughters,
crushed with grief,

Finding out who did this
to their beloved father

Can't come soon enough.

New of keith reed's m*rder
rattles this small town,

Especially teachers
and school administrators.

And the school was afraid,
"was this a random act?

Did they target him
because he was a superintendent?

Was there more to come?"

Sheriff gerace speaking.

And then,
my phone started ringing,

And it was superintendents
from other schools

Who I have a close
relationship with.

And they were worried,
"is this somebody

school superintendents?"

If keith's m*rder
is work-related

And not connected
to his love life,

Then police have been
looking for his k*ller

In the wrong place.

They turn
to clymer central school,

Where keith worked,
searching for fresh leads.

And that's where they find
one witness

That might be able to point them
in the right direction --

The school's
surveillance camera.

Investigators take footage
and work backwards,

Starting with the last day
keith was likely alive --


They begin to sift through
it all.

Basically, just a lot of kids
passing to and from class

Or in or outdoors,
nothing spectacular.

It's just normal,
everyday school business stuff.

But then, something
out of the ordinary --

A man approaches the entrance.

It's the middle
of the school day,

And he doesn't work there.

So on the main entrance,

There's a camera
on the outside of it,

And it shows a male subject,

Having sunglasses on.

He tries to open the doors,
but they're locked.

After he tries the doors
and they're locked,

He almost
looks like he's gonna walk away.

But then,
he stops and turns around.

And then, he peers
inside the glass doors,

As if to be looking for somebody

Or, you know,
knocking on the window

To see if he could get
someone's attention.

And at that point, the video
depicts the door opening.

And he's having
a conversation with somebody

Within the school
that's opened up the door.

Boland lines up footage
from inside the building,

Tracking the man's movements.

At the end of the corridor,
he sees him talking to someone.

We see him walking back

Into the view
of that same camera.

He slows the video down,

Hoping for a clean shot
of the man's face.

And you get a pretty good look
at him because at this point,

His sunglasses that he had on
put up onto his forehead.

And so you saw a little bit
better facial view of him.

Boland grabs the photo
of kimberly's new boyfriend.

And we used that photo
to compare against

This potential boyfriend
of kimberly roush's.

We were able to say,
"it's not that particular guy."

Now they need to head
to the school to find out

If anyone there remembers
who this man was,

Because he might have something
to do with keith reed's m*rder.

Hey there,

I wonder
if you can take a moment...

Before they can even begin
tracking him down,

Investigators get a lead...

...from almost 300 miles away,
in harrisburg, pennsylvania.

This construction worker
kept hearing it ring.

He said that the thing just kept
ringing and ringing and ringing.

The worker has found
a phone on a bridge.

When he answers, he hears
keith's daughter caitlin

On the other end of the line.

It appeared the person
was trying

To throw it into the river,

But it hit the ground
and still had enough battery

Where it would actually ring.

A phone in harrisburg,

A mystery man in the school,
and kimberly's new boyfriend --

Police need to figure out

If all these
are somehow connected.

Police investigating
the m*rder of keith reed

Have located his phone

41/2 Hours' drive away
in harrisburg.

They've got two leads --
kimberly's new boyfriend,

And now
they found a mysterious man

On school surveillance video.

They want to know
if one of them has a connection

With keith's phone.

Quickly, they establish

Kimberly's new boyfriend
has an airtight alibi.

He was at a baseball game
with some friends

The night keith reed
was m*rder*d.

With kimberly's last link
to the crime broken,

She's off the hook, too.

Investigators turn back
to their only other lead --

The stranger at the school.

Boland heads to the school

To see if anyone knows
who the man is.

Hey, miss?

I wonder
if you can take a moment here.

If you might be able
to identify this man...

The receptionist doesn't know
who the mystery man is,

But she does know
why he was there.

Somebody popped in and said
they were from connecticut

And they were moving to the area

And were looking
for a part-time job.

What's more,
the mysterious job applicant

Was looking for
one person in particular.

Keith reed.

What did this mean?

Who is this person?

The fact
that he personally wanted

To speak
with the superintendent,

I mean, that was something
that was important.

Suddenly, there's a direct link

From the mystery man
to the m*rder victim.

Are you 100% confident
that he requested keith reed?

They knew that keith
wasn't there that day,

But they sent him
down the hallway

To keith reed's secretary

To set up a time and date
and appointment.

The school's cctv
had captured the man

As he walked down the corridor

And knocked
on keith reed's door.

There, he spoke
through the doorway

To the superintendent's

The individual
had told the secretary

That he was from out of town
and passing through.

Well, if you're out of town
and passing through,

Why would you want
an application?

As of now,
he's the number-one suspect

In keith reed's m*rder.

But they don't know who he is.

They put the mystery man's face
all over the news.

Chautauqua county
sheriff's deputies

Visited the home of
51-year-old keith reed jr...

The news coverage
generates a flood of tips.

Most of them are worthless.

But one gets the attention
of sheriff gerace's secretary.

We need to have a look
at those videos,

We need
to find clues.

And we need to get
some pictures.

She entered the room and said,

"Sheriff, you have a phone call
I think you need to take."

Excuse me.

Sheriff gerace speaking.

Gerace hastily starts
recording the conversation.

When I started asking questions,

She started
offering information.

She told me the two met
on an online dating service.

At the time they met, keith had
broken up with kimberly.

Mary was looking
for something new.

Eventually set up
a live meeting, you know,

Where they met in person,
and they had sexual relations.

But mary and
her husband later reconciled

And the affair ended.

And now that keith
has been m*rder*d,

She fears her own husband,
a man named rob taglianetti,

Might be the k*ller.


Would that be possible?

Thank you very much.

Mary taglianetti
and her husband, rob,

Live in woodbridge, virginia.

The drive from their hometown
to clymer, new york,

Where keith reed was k*lled,
is six hours.

Immediately, we grabbed a map
and were like, "holy cow.

Could this be why the phone
is found in harrisburg, p.a.?"

Because one of the direct routes

From clymer, new york,
to virginia

Is via harrisburg, pennsylvania.

Harrisburg, where someone tried
to throw keith reed's cellphone

Into a river.

The picture of a m*rder plot
starts to come together.

And as the photo
of rob taglianetti,

Sent by his wife, mary,
comes in,

That picture
becomes crystal clear.

Police are closing in
on the prime suspect

In the k*lling of keith reed --
a man named rob taglianetti.

Mary taglianetti,

Who says she had
an affair with keith reed,

Sends investigators in new york
a picture of her husband, rob.

And I looked at that picture

From the television
surveillance camera

And went, "my goodness.

This is him."

Investigators launch
a multistate manhunt

And then bring mary

In for questioning
about her affair with keith.




He had found
an e-mail on their computer

That was sexually suggestive,
and he flipped out...

What the hell
are you doing here?

Because I'm not happy
with you!

Left the house...

I'm gonna go fix this.

you're not.

It was the night
before keith's m*rder.

Mary says rob stormed off
in his gold buick century,

Heading for keith's school,
350 miles away.

Then, investigators show mary
a picture of the man

In the school
surveillance video.


It's all falling into place.

But there is one more piece
of the puzzle

That could help
put taglianetti away.

If he drove to keith's house,

Waited for him,
and then gunned him down,

Then police might be able
to track this k*ller

On surveillance video.

They turn to the bank's
security tapes,

The same tapes
that showed keith reed

Driving home
the night he was k*lled.

If taglianetti drove
to reed's house from the school,

Police will see
a gold buick century.

Boland scrolls through
the footage.

It's 11:03 a.m.

And there it is -- a gold buick
passes through the frame,

Heading towards the school.

Then, 40 minutes later,
it passes again,

This time
heading towards keith's home.

But reed was k*lled at home,
at night, while packing,

Which means if they see
the gold buick at night,

They'll have their man.

And at 9:36 p.m.,
There it is again,

Driving away
from keith reed's house.

Investigators are now certain

That rob taglianetti
stalked and m*rder*d keith reed.

On friday, 28 september, 2012,

Exactly one week
after keith reed's m*rder,

Rob taglianetti's buick century
car is spotted again,

This time back in virginia,

Near shenandoah valley
national park.

While searching the car,
under the driver's seat

Of rob taglianetti's car,
was found a p*stol.

The whole barrel
was covered with blood.

And this g*n was wrapped
in an e-mail

Between mary taglianetti
and keith reed

About this phone sex

That they had had
on one particular evening.

I don't know why

That g*n
didn't go out the window

Where he tried to throw
the cellphone into the river,

Why he wasn't
throwing the g*n out, too.

Maybe it was a trophy.

We don't know.

Only one person knows.
That's taglianetti.

When they test the g*n,

They find that the blood
on the barrel is keith reed's.

It's the final piece
of the puzzle.

Police arrest robert taglianetti
for the m*rder of keith reed.

From a law-enforcement
perspective, it's a slam dunk.

Gripped by a jealous rage,

Rob taglianetti
drove 350 miles from his home

To confront keith
about his affair with mary.

He tried to find keith
at the school.

And then, he drove to his house.

Taglianetti took the bulbs
out of the porch lights,

Hid in the dark, and waited.

When keith returned
from his dinner

At the rod & g*n club,
taglianetti m*rder*d him.

Pay for this.

Without that videotape,
we don't confirm taglianetti.

We don't confirm that he's here.

Reed's family gets justice,

But they will never be the same.

And now you've got three kids
with the realization

That they're never
gonna see their dad again.

He's not gonna walk them
down the aisle.

He's not gonna know
his grandchildren.

His grandchildren
aren't going to know him.

He'd have been a great grandpa.

Taglianetti is sentenced
to 25 years to life in prison.

Keith's gone.

We can't bring him back.

Nothing will bring keith back.

Time goes on,

And despite what people
tell you, there is no closure.