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02x08 - Game of Bones

Posted: 02/25/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
- ♪♪



Yahh! Yahh!






Release the prisoners!



I've come to offer you safe passage!



Ragnar, are you wounded?

I have my healing salts.









- ♪♪

I'm as big a fan of Halloween
as anybody, but...

Hey, where'd you go?

What have you got?

No, there's no bones in there, buddy.

Somebody already beat you to it.

Rex, we're on the clock.

- Let's go, Rex!

CHARLIE: So you all were



Live Action Role Playing.

LARP for short.

What can you tell me
about Miles Chaffey?

Miles was the halfling Prince Ragnar.

Part Viking, part elf, not
belonging to either world.

I mean real life.

The game is real to us.

Especially Miles.

He didn't have very many
people in his life.

We were his family.

When was the last time you saw him?

Around midnight?

There was a pre-battle bush party.


It gets a bit hazy after that.

Anyone have a reason to hurt Miles?

He was the heart and soul of the game.

He looked out for you.

Made sure you had a good battle.

I can't believe he's gone.


Thanks for your time.




Still no m*rder w*apon.

Well, we have a field full of suspects,

all carrying weapons.

Yeah, but they're all plastic and foam.

This s*ab wound is a
through and through.

Required a lot of brute force.

Any idea what caused it?

A closer look will help.

- Can you give me a hand?
- Yeah.

Just roll him towards me.


The wound is larger here.

Likely the entry point of the blade.

Stabbed in the back.

So much for honor among Vikings.

What is this?

JESSE: Eihwaz.

The Rune of death.

See, Runic was the written
language of the Norsemen.

Now, the LARP that Miles was playing

was a mash-up of Nordic fantasy
and early Viking history.

Hold up.


CHARLIE: Live Action Role Play.

LARPers create characters
to play in a fantasy world.

LARP storylines are
usually about quests,

curses, blood feuds.

And Miles's group has been
LARPing for five years.

But this particular storyline
has been going on for three.

Long enough to build a grudge.

JESSE: These are all the LARPers

that were there at the
battle this weekend.

Now, I've included
their character names

as well as grouped
them in order of clan.

Top left here are the elves.

A spry and nimble people.

Yeah, their w*apon of choice

is a bow and arrow.

But some have been known to carry
a sword from time to time.

Sorry, Jesse.

How many LARPers were there?


And how many have an alibi for
the night Miles was k*lled?

All of them.

There was a bush party that night.

And nobody remembers seeing
Miles after midnight.

So someone could've easily slipped away

and gotten back without
anyone noticing.

Mmm. Jesse, without going
into any specifics

on Half-Things or Borgs...

Halflings and Orcs.

Who would know the most
about Miles's history

with the other players?

Well, I would start
with the game master.

Gabby Mitchell.

GABBY: I run a clean LARP.

No real v*olence or weapons allowed.

And yet Miles ended up

with a real s*ab wound
through his back.

I try to mediate.

Watch out for everyone.

But it wasn't easy with
someone like Miles.

Someone like Miles?

Miles was intense.

He got carried away
playing his character.

I thought that was the whole point?

I mean, all the

LARPers that I've talked to. They say

it's more than just a game.

It is.

I take LARPing very seriously.

But I never forget I'm me.

Miles thought he was Ragnar.

Even off the field.

Did he always have a problem
telling fantasy from reality?


It started about three years ago.

When he found New Valhalla.

New Valhalla?

It's what Miles named the
field where we LARP.

Valhalla is Viking heaven.

It's where all the best warriors
go after they die in battle.

I thought everyone loved Miles.

Miles acted like he was
king of New Valhalla.

But I'm the Game Master.

I organize the permits,
keep the story on track.

I'm not the only one who felt this way.

His attitude pissed
off a lot of people.

Well, I'm going to need some names.

Fred Beasly.

CHARLIE: Drunk and disorderly,
aggravated as*ault.

Aggravated as*ault.

This is a heck of a back story, Fred.

That was a long time ago.

I don't fight like that anymore.

No? Because Gabby said that
you and Miles had it out

a few weeks ago.

Gabby is full of it.

Miles and I got into an argument.

But it never got violent.

Your rap sheet says otherwise.

I've changed.

But nothing I do is good enough

for people like you and Gabby.

The only one who ever
believed in me was Miles.

How long had the two
of you been friends?

Since we were kids.

We lost touch after I started juicing.

Possession of illicit substances.

Anabolic steroids?

Miles helped me find my way back.


Introduced me to LARPing
when I was in recovery.

The game helped me
safely channel my anger.

Gabby never wanted me to join

because she thought I was
a giant rage-monster.

But Miles got the other
LARPers to let me in.

Sounds like a good friend.

Gabby always resented him for it.

She thought Miles was trying to
overthrow her as game master.

- Was he?
- No.

Even though he would've been
a way better game master.

That was before all the school stuff.

Wait, what school stuff?

Miles dropped out of
university three years ago.

It was like he chose his LARP
life over his real life.

What was Miles studying?

DR. MEADE: Miles Chaffey's
PhD focus was Norse History.

Well, we found Miles dead
in a Viking costume.

Pretty big coincidence.

I still can't believe he's dead.

He was a very brilliant young man.

Although he did have

obsessive tendencies.

We don't usually allow dogs in here.

His dander could wreak havoc
with these artifacts.

As long as you don't get his dander up

your artifacts will be fine.

You were saying...

Miles had obsessive tendencies?


he thought he had discovered
a new Norse settlement.

Norse as in Viking?

Well, Norse are the people,
Viking is the occupation.

The only confirmed Viking
settlement in North America

is at L'anse Aux Meadows.

But finding another one would be like

winning the lottery twice.

Well if Miles did find
a new settlement,

that'd be a big deal
for the university.

For the university, for his
career, for my career,

for the entire
archaeological community.

But discoveries of that
magnitude are exceedingly rare.

And Miles didn't have the
evidence to back up his theory.

He was caught up in a fantasy.

A fantasy that might
have got him k*lled.

We tried to reason with him.

But he just kept petitioning to dig.

CHARLIE: Let's find out what
Miles was up to, buddy.

Here, I've got a piece of his costume.

Here, bud.

See if you can pick up something
I haven't found yet, hey?

- Track it.

Go track it.


What is it with you and these holes?


What have you got?


- ♪♪


More digging.

What was it they were looking for?


BRODY: Excuse me!

Is there a reason
you're on the property?

And it better not be
to bury any more junk.

Detective Hudson, Major Crimes.

You are?

Brody Max.

Real Estate. And I am
super embarrassed.

Your dog is going to love this.

He's not a dog. He's my partner.


Rex is more about...

catching criminals.

We're all out of those.

But he can keep the Frisbee.

It's great advertising.

Yeah, how long have you
owned this property?

Bought it about six months ago

from a company that used to rent it out

for short term leases.

You know, concerts, festivals,
that sort of thing.

Is that the same company
that leased to the LARPers?

Yeah yeah, they're the ones
digging the holes in the back.

It's part of their game or something.

One time, they forgot to fill one in.

And my surveyor damn
near broke his ankle.

Did you meet Miles Chaffey?

He was the LARPer who found the field.

No. Only person I dealt with was
the one that rented from me.

Dark hair.

Uptight, kind of bossy.

Gabby Mitchell?

That's her.

Any other incidents,
other than the digging?

No, they were cool.

That is, until my permits went through.

Once they found out I
wanted to develop the lot

into a top-tier housing development

they went full frat.

They toilet papered my office.

Planted garden gnomes everywhere.

It was juvenile crap,

trying to scare away potential buyers.

You filed a police report?


I didn't want to look like I was

picking on the weirdos.

And when my permits
were finally approved,

I let them play their
final scrimmage, or

whatever it's called,
as a peace offering.

How noble of you.

Sales 101.

An enemy today,


is a potential buyer tomorrow.


What is it, partner?


What the hell?




Don't move.

You too, pal.

Broken glass on the floor.

- ♪♪

I want those LARPers charged.

They will be if they're guilty.

Remember? No bad PR?

I wish they could see I'm trying to
build real homes for real families.

Not pretend clans for Keebler elves.

Don't touch anything.
It's a crime scene.


I know, partner. I know.

What are these?

Decor mock-ups.

Buyers can request special
features for their units.

You know, like quartz countertops,

ceramic backsplashes and
decorative columns.

What about security features?

Any security cameras?




The symbol painted in the showroom

is the same one that was
carved in Miles's neck.

Security footage from the showroom.

Brody left the office at 8:00
PM for a business dinner.

His colleagues verified his alibi.

Do you think the vandal and
the k*ller are the same?

Maybe. Someone is either telling
Brody to stop building.

Or they're trying to frame him,

shoring up a motive to k*ll a LARPer.

Okay, let's see here.

Here we are.

Looks like someone left in a hurry.

That was just after
Miles's m*rder!

Think you can get a license plate?

If I can clean up the footage,

we might get lucky.

- Do it.
- Alright.


CHARLIE: Just like you ordered, m'lady.

I believe so.

I'm surprised that it was available.

Because pumpkin spice is
apparently out of season.

Pumpkin spice is never out of season.

Learn anything from the autopsy?

The symbol

was carved into Miles's
neck postmortem.

See how the edges of the wound
are precise and defined?


But the entrance
wound on Miles's back

has jagged lacerations
around the edges.

Where the blade exited his chest

is slightly narrower,

suggesting a long, tapered,
double-edged blade.

Miles was k*lled with a sword?

That's what the wound is telling me.

See the bruising on his back?

That odd mark in the middle.
It could be from

a stud or jewel from the hilt.

So the w*apon that k*lled Miles

wasn't the same one
that carved the symbol.

No, that would be like

performing surgery with a chainsaw.

And wouldn't explain the sample

I pulled from Miles's chest wound

that was absent from the neck one.

What kind of a sample?

Mineral, definitely.

I'm not sure what.

Or if it came from the w*apon

or from the body laying on the ground.

I've sent the rest of the sample in

for more testing.

So, somebody snuck two real
weapons into that LARP battle.

So much for Gabby's strict rules.

Is it possible that one of the LARPers

had hidden a real sword

by covering it in a foam casing?

It's possible.

But none of the LARP
swords we confiscated

were wide enough to
match Miles's wound.

DONOVAN: The k*ller probably
disposed of it after the m*rder.

Probably in the car that was
caught on Brody's security camera.

Well, I did a deep dive on the
Internet researching swords.

I'll bet he didn't enjoy that at all.

JESSE: Now, it is pretty uncommon

for a modern sword to
match the dimensions

of the one that k*lled Miles.

And I mean, look.

The length and width make it
impractical for military.

And the way the hilt is embellished,

I mean, it's pretty common
in swords from antiquity.

Are you saying that Miles was
k*lled with an ancient sword?

I doubt it.

But a replica?


I know someone who knows a
thing or two about artifacts.

Rex. Let's go.

- ♪♪

Huh, you beat me.

Hey, congratulations!

We're having a little celebration

for Dr. Meade's promotion.

I thought he was already
head of archeology?

Next week he'll be Dean.

After 25 years in the trenches,

he's earned it.

But until then,

better not let him catch you
with a dog in this building.

They've met before.

I'm Detective Hudson. This is Rex.


Dr. Helen Dubois.

Associate Professor of Archeology.

Dr. Meade is giving a lecture.

Anything I can help with?

Well, not unless you're an
expert on ancient weapons.

Lucky for you,

I literally wrote a
book on the subject.


Well, the case that I'm working

involves a w*apon that's a replica

of a medieval-ish sword.

What are the w*apon's specifications?

Approximately 95 centimetres in length.

Six centimetres in width from the hilt,

tapering to five centimetres,
embellished with an...

Iolite prism?


Come on, pal.

Yeah, that matches the mark
that we're looking for.

Then you're looking for a Viking sword.

Iolite is known as a Viking's compass.

They say by looking
through an iolite lens,

you can determine the exact
location of the sun.

The prism was affixed to the
sword as a good luck charm.

How many of these Viking swords

would have a gem of that
size attached to the hilt?

Just one that we know of.

The Lodbrok.

Forged from crucible steel

for the famed Viking conqueror
who bears its name.

Do you have a photo of the real
thing I could take a look at?

Oh, the Lodbrok is the
stuff of legends,

known only through
epic tales and poems.

Its existence has never been proven.

You ever see a replica of it?

Few people have even
heard of the Lodbrok.

If anyone made one,

they'd have to be a real Viking buff.

Well, the victim was
a Viking enthusiast.

And he was a former archeology
student here at the school.

What was his name?

You lose track of your students
once they leave the nest.

I haven't seen Miles
since he dropped out.

Dr. Meade said that Miles
was obsessively petitioning

to set up a dig for Viking artifacts.

Then he told you the short
version of the story,

to save me embarrassment.

Embarrassment from what?

Three years ago

Miles convinced me to set
up a preliminary dig.

His research suggested

that when the Vikings
traveled to Canada

they made a stop before
L'anse Aux Meadows.

We found what we thought
were Viking tools.

But then we submitted them

for peer review

and they were revealed

as naturally-occurring rock formations.

Sounds like an honest mistake.

It was.

An incredibly common one to make.

And Miles was crushed?

It changed him.

He was convinced the peer
reviews got it wrong.

When the dig was shut down

he spiraled out of control.

And I...

I pulled away.

Miles may have been
his own worst enemy.

I heard he was role-playing with
friends at the old dig site.

I guess I let that comfort me a little.

New Valhalla was the failed dig site?

New Valhalla?

Sounds like Miles.


Could you excuse me for just a minute?

Jesse, what did you find out?

JESSE: Oh, just a partial license plate

off the security cam footage.

And I cross-referenced it
with the plates registered

to the LARPers on our list.

Our mystery car belongs to
Game Master Gabby Mitchell.

Let's go, pal.


Detective Hudson!

Is there a problem?

You tell me.

We have footage of your car

leaving New Valhalla just
after Miles's m*rder.

I had to drive out to dispose
of the food and garbage.

Everyone else was drinking.

And there were a lot of
hungry foxes out there.



What is it, partner?

- ♪♪




Look on the bright side.

You got further than most.


Yeah, turn around.

Keep an eye on her, pal.



Well well!

Disposing of garbage, huh?

It's more like disposing of evidence.


Kinda small for our k*ller.

So is the dagger we found.

Sarah confirmed that it was used

to carve that rune into Miles's neck.

And yet it doesn't match the
size of the k*ll wound.

This is our conundrum.

Any leads on the actual sword?

No no. Still no trace of it.

The search of Gabby's property

has turned up empty, too.

Maybe she found a
better hiding spot.


Here's the info on Gabby's
history with the LARP group.

Ah, her feud with Miles sure ran deep.

Yeah, once the LARPers found out

that they had to leave New Valhalla,

there was talk of a new game starting,

with Miles as the game master.

CHARLIE: Wait, what
if Gabby k*lled Miles

and framed Brody?

Then she could keep control of the LARP

and save New Valhalla
from being developed.

DONOVAN: k*ll two birds with one stone.

- CHARLIE: Yeah.
- But is winning a game

motivation enough to commit m*rder?

Well yeah, but these LARPers

it's more than just a game.

You've got to be pretty twisted to
s*ab one of your own in the back.

- CHARLIE: Thanks, Jesse.
- Yeah.

I didn't hurt Miles.

And I didn't touch Brody's showroom.

CHARLIE: This is the symbol

that was carved into the
back of Miles's neck.

It's the same symbol that you
spray-painted on the showroom.

What kind of m*rder*r signs
their name at the crime scene?

You said that Miles was too wrapped up

in this LARPing world.

Maybe that was you.

You were jealous that the others
saw Miles as their leader.

That's not true!

You buried a dagger

with Miles's DNA on it.

And then you drove off with the sword

that you used to s*ab him in the back.

I may have a dagger.

But I don't have a sword.

At least, not a real one.

One of the LARPers is
trying to frame me!

Why would your family
try and frame you?

I run a strict game.

But I do it for them!

Following the rules is the only
way to keep the game going.

But these are your fellow LARPers.

That's why this is hard.

They were

planning a secret bush party.

Our permit for the land has
a zero tolerance policy

for dr*gs and alcohol.

The players didn't care

because it was the last
LARP on New Valhalla.

But get a fine for public
drinking in a Viking costume?

No one's going to rent you
their field any time soon!

So I called them out.

That sounds reasonable.

That's what I thought.

But when I came back to the
tent, it was ransacked.

Someone stole my dagger.

The dagger that, by your set of rules

should not have been allowed.

I was planning on stepping
down as game master

after our last LARP.


I was going to bury
my dagger on the site.

A ceremonial way of saying goodbye.

Oh, that's touching.

But how did it end up in your backyard?


I went back to the woods

after a headcount came up short.

I saw Miles, lying there.


Covered in blood.


It was my dagger, next to him.

I didn't know what to do!

I panicked!

CHARLIE: Yeah, I don't buy it.

You saw Miles dead.

And you just left him there?
You tampered with evidence.

- No I know!
- You abandoned one of your own!

I know what I did was awful!

But I didn't k*ll Miles.

Talk to Fred!

If Fred had found your dagger,

he would've used it to get
rid of you as game master.

He wouldn't have k*lled Miles.

Fred hated Miles.

And he has six stitches
in his head to prove it!

Six stitches?

I thought LARPing calmed him down?

On the field.

Real life is another story.

FRED: I'm out of here.

I don't want to live in one
of your crappy houses!

Yeah, well it's not a crappy house.

And you'll thank me one day.

I want my money back.


You signed a contract.

I don't care.

- Burn it!
- Ughh!




Stay down, Fred!

Ughh, get your dog off me!

That was cool, partner. Even for you.
Come on.

I just talked to your work.

They said you went to see
a real estate agent.

Huh? Hey!

So much for LARP as therapy, huh?
Settle down.

Get that freak away from me!

Stop talking.

Or I'll take you in too.

Come on, let's go for a walk.

Come on.

Here or the station.

FRED: Two months ago

I took Miles out for drinks

to tell him I put a deposit
on one of Brody's houses.

I felt bad about it.

But he offered me an amazing deal

for an upfront down payment.

Miles was upset about real estate?

That's why he put six
stitches in your skull?

He said I was siding with the enemy.

I've never seen him that angry.

Threw a beer bottle at
my head at the bar.

You hit him back?

The old me would've
kicked his ass, but...

How were things between the
two of you after the fight?

I tried apologizing.

But the only thing that mattered to him

was saving New Valhalla.

Well, Brody's permits came through.

He was going ahead
with the development.

Miles kept saying,

the key was hidden in the earth.


He completely lost it.

He would show up here at night,

in full costume and dig.

Said it was only a matter of time

before he uncovered
some ancient artifact.

Miles told me it felt like

the Viking spirits were
there in the dirt,

guiding him.

But I don't think he
ever found anything.

Miles gave this to me
the day before he died.

Said to hold on to it

in case anything happened to him.

He was my best friend.

He saved me from self destruction.

But I couldn't save him.


Detective Hudson.

And partner.

Oh, one of the benefits
of becoming dean.

Would you care for a glass?

No thank you. Not quite
happy hour, yet.

Oh. Well, it's happy hour somewhere...

So, what brings you back, Detective?

Well, I was hoping to get
information on the peer review

from Miles's dig three years ago.

Oh, well I'll have my assistant
track it down for you.

But I warn you, this is the
archeology department.

We're not exactly known for our speed.

Doctor, before you go.

Is there any chance

that the panel got it wrong?

And that Miles's site
was actually real?

These panels are composed
of rigorous professionals.

I should know.

I was one of them.



something I left out before.

Something that perhaps
I should've shared...

The artifacts,

that Miles submitted for review,

they weren't naturally
occurring rock formations.

They were forgeries.

Miles was forging real Viking tools?

Dr. Dubois was mortified.

She believed in Miles.

I persuaded the panel to
leave the word forgery

off the record,

to save Dr. Dubois

from the black mark it
would've left on her career.

What about Miles? Did you
confront him about it too?

I gave him a choice.

Either leave school willingly

or face disciplinary action.

One last thing.

How could Miles forge Viking tools

convincing enough to fooled Dr. Dubois?

There are ways.

CHARLIE: Is it possible

that Miles forged the
sword that k*lled him?


Dousing a replica in chemicals

and burying it in
manure for a few months

causes a layer of discoloration
rust to form on the steel.

Like a patina.

Making the sword look ancient.

Exactly. Forgers usually
dig up their items

and rebury them.

The oxidation helps the curing process.

JESSE: Well, I mean,

it might explain the
holes that Miles dug.

And the strange mineral
I found in his wound.

Why forge a mythical Viking sword?

How does that help save New Valhalla?

Well maybe he was trying
to make enough money

to buy back the land.

We need to talk to
someone who knew Miles

from when his real life
was as important to him

as his fantasy one.

Why didn't you tell me

that Miles forged the Viking artifacts

you found at your original dig?


The public never knew what happened.

But all of my colleagues did.

It was humiliating.

It took a long time to
earn back their respect.


Why would Miles fake a dig?

Meade would say fame, academic glory.

But I think he lied to himself.

He wanted to believe it was real.

Do you think Miles made a
forgery of the Lodbrok

so he could sell it?

If his forgery was good enough,

a sword as rare as the Lodbrok
would've fetched millions.

So if he tapped a savvy enough buyer

to know that this sword wasn't real

he could have landed himself
in a dangerous situation.

Do you think his m*rder was a
black market deal gone wrong?

It's possible.

There's one other thing that
I need you to do for me.

Okay, so three years ago,

Miles convinces Dr. Dubois
to dig on the field

that the LARPers referred
to as New Valhalla.

They only managed

to dig in one section before
the site is shut down.

Right here.

But these are the other areas

that they intended to dig.

This is Miles's map.

This marks all the areas

that Miles dug on the
New Valhalla site.

Now, when you overlap the
map that Miles gave Fred

the day before he died... Huh?

Miles wasn't forging artifacts.

He was continuing to dig.

It's like he never stopped believing

that the site was real.


he was right.

A forged sword

may be able to fool the naked eye.

But it would never stand
up against carbon-dating.

The results from the
sample from Miles's wound?

It's a mineral, all right.

A thousand-year-old rust

from a thousand-year-old artifact.

Miles was k*lled with an
authentic Viking sword?

The Lodbrok is real?

This is awesome.


The sword that k*lled Miles
was a real Viking artifact.

You and Dr. Dubois are lying
about him forging these tools.


I didn't believe the
tools were authentic.

And I still don't.

Science tells us otherwise.

The rust from Miles's k*ll wound

is more than a thousand years old.

That doesn't mean it came from the dig.

Miles could have found
it on the black market.

What I saw at the time was forged.

And we were being
pressured to shut down.

By who?

DR. DUBOIS: Our financiers.

The dig was draining the
university's resources.

But aren't you one of the most

well-funded institutions
in the country?

Universities care about
disciplines that earn money,

like sports or technology.

Archeology isn't as lucrative.

Wouldn't finding an
authentic Viking site

be incredibly lucrative?

I trusted Dr. Meade and
the panel's conclusions.

Cases of finding Viking
artifacts on Canadian soil

are incredibly rare.

So you trusted him at
the expense of Miles,

the student that looked up to you,

idolized you, in fact.

On what basis was the ruling made?

On the condition of the artifacts

and the likelihood of the location.

I have a reputation
for being discerning.

These did not pass muster.

If Miles had found a real Viking sword

after you accused him of forgery,

it would be your reputation
that would be ruined.

I'm an academic.

Nothing would excite me more
than for Miles to be right.

I wish we could have kept going.

But it just got too expensive.

And the pressure the real
estate developer put on them

didn't help.

What real estate developer?

Brody Max bought New
Valhalla three years ago.

But the permits were stalled
because of Miles's dig.

Why didn't Brody start building
after the dig was called off?

Well, the dig lasted a few months.

And by the time it was over,

Brody had lost his crews, investors,

and a large sum of his money.

He had to sell the
property at dirt cheap

to avoid bankruptcy.

Ah, and then he spent
the next three years

- (BEEP)
- building up the capital

to buy it back.

Come on, pal.

Over there.

So if Miles did find a real
Viking sword on that land,

it would have stopped
Brody's build again,

bankrupting his company.

That sounds like a pretty
good motive for m*rder.

- Yeah, but here's the thing.

I mean, who vandalized the showroom?

I may be able to help with that.

With Runic,

similar to other logographic languages

like Cantonese or Mandarin,

you can tell which hand a
character was written with

by how the strokes are arranged.

Now, the death rune on Miles

was clearly carved with a left hand

since the carving starts
in the top right.

When I met Brody, he threw Rex

a Frisbee with his left land.

Okay, so Jesse, can you
pull up the photos

from Brody's vandalized
showroom please?

See? The thickest strokes
are on the top right.

Now, Jesse. Can you pull up the
photos from the showroom door?

SARAH: See the tiny smudges of paint?

After reconstructing
the door fragments,

we realized it's a partial boot print.

Same paint as the one used
to deface the inside?

- That's right.
- So the door was kicked down

after the inside was vandalized.

He let himself in first.

Trashed the place.

And then kicked the
door in on his way out.

Getting paint on it...

Open houses aren't the only
thing Brody knows how to stage.

I've put up with their crap
for the past six months.

One time, during an open house,

those freaks barged in here

waving foam swords, yelling,

at the top of their
lungs: Storm the castle!

And I can't complain because if I do,

I'm the bully because
they're just grown children

living in a fantasy world.

So yeah...

- I staged the whole thing,

hoping to finally get
the cops' attention.


What is it, partner?



Don't tempt him.

He takes his job seriously.

- So do I.

That's a warrant.


What's so special about this?


It's just for show.


Let's see what they can tell me.




- ♪♪

You hid a sword in a stone.

You might have more in common

with that LARPer you
m*rder*d than you think.


So, what did Miles approach
you with the sword?

You try and buy him off?

Or you just k*lled him
on the spot, hmm?

We know your project
would've been finished

if the lot had been declared
a World Heritage Site.

So it would have cost
you millions, huh?

Feel free to chime in any time.

I'll leave that to my lawyer.


Traces of Miles's blood
were found on the Lodbrok.

The blade matches the s*ab wound.

The rust shavings I
pulled from the sword

also match the ones I
sent in for testing.

This is definitely the m*rder w*apon.

Why didn't Brody get rid of it?

Well, he was hoping to sell it.

Dr. Dubois said he could
make a k*lling off it

on the black market.

But how would Brody know that?
He's a property developer.

He's not an antiquities dealer.

DONOVAN: Well, the w*apon
was found on his property.

And it turned out he
lied about his alibi.

That's our guy, Charlie.

So he steals the sword from Miles?

I mean, he didn't even know Miles.

I don't know.

Brody didn't have any connection

to the archaeological community.

Maybe he did.

- Hm?
- Charlie.

I just found an incoming call to Brody

on the same day of Miles's m*rder,

from the university.

- Show me.
- Yeah, right there.

In 25 wonderful years,

it's been mostly joy,
occasionally pain.

Very occasionally mistakes.


Like New Valhalla?

Dr. Reginald Meade.

You're under arrest for the
m*rder of Miles Chaffey.

Come with me, please. (GASPS)

What? This is outrageous.

What's outrageous

is that you felt the life
of a brilliant young man

was worth a 20% stake in Brody Max's

multi-million dollar real estate deal.

I invested. Not a crime.

No, it's not a crime.

But the bribe that you took

to discredit the New Valhalla dig?
That is.

We found the m*rder w*apon in
your associate's showroom.


The Lodbrok.

Miles was right.

The whole time.

And you made me believe he was crazy.

He was crazy.

Dressing up like a lunatic.

Wearing pointed devil ears...

I blamed myself for what
happened to him for years!

Miles was a brilliant young man.

And you exiled him from the community!

For what?

Real estate?

The real devil is you!


You said it, pal.

Let's go.



Miles came to my house.

Told me he'd found something

that proved that I'd
lied about New Valhalla.

Something no one would
believe was a forgery.

I asked to see it.

If the artifact was authentic, then

I'd admit to everything.

And Miles agreed.

Still as naive as he was
when he was an undergrad.

And that's when you called Brody.

If Miles revealed that I'd lied,

I'd lose my promotion, my reputation.

My whole life would be


I told Brody if he
didn't help me fix it,

I'd take him down with me.

Tell everyone that he'd bribed
me to discredit the first dig.

So he came up with a plan.

The Lodbrok!

It's real!

And now that you know,

it's time to keep your end of the deal.

Be smart about this, Miles.

I mean, this sword could
make you a very rich man.

Sell it?

This sword belongs in a museum.

Some of us actually care about history.

No matter how many times people
like you try to rewrite it.

What are you doing here?

I thought that you discredited my dig

because you were jealous.

But you did it so he could
build his shoddy houses?

How much did he pay you?

BRODY: A lot.

And I can make you the same deal.

MILES: All I want

is what I lost

when he ruined my reputation!


What the hell did you do?

What I had to do!

He would have ruined us both!

Then Brody encased the
Lodbrok in plaster.

He was supposed to
encase it in concrete

so it would stay hidden forever.

He couldn't even do that right.

Real estate agents are
always cutting corners.

Hey, for what it's we worth,

you almost pulled it off.

If it weren't for that dog.


I lost my way.

You know, you may have lost your way.

But Miles lost his life.

SARAH: I feel bad that Gabby
wasn't able to make it.

CHARLIE: Well, she
tampered with evidence

in a m*rder investigation.

She's a first time offender.

She'll be out soon, but...

A crime is still a crime.

Yeah well, our friend
Brody won't be as lucky.

His real estate days are over.


Hey! New suit?

JESSE: Well,

I'm the only one who's
doing this right.

Although the ears aren't
historically accurate, but,

What about the glasses?

You didn't dress up?


- Thank you.
- I can't thank you all enough.

The SJPD is the reason this field

has been designated a heritage site.

New Valhalla will live forever.

Well, I think the real reason is Miles.

Let's call it a group effort.


Miles would be pleased.

That's right.

♪ When I dream, you draw me to you ♪

♪ Through the misty halls of time ♪

♪ Find the way through
darkened passage ♪

- ♪ Find the kingdom ♪

♪ Yours and mine ♪

To Ragnar!

♪ When I dream, I kneel before you ♪

Our wise warrior.

A brave spirit.

♪ Wreathed in Rowan, clad in sky ♪

Our beating heart.

May he find new lands
on the other side.

♪ Well we rule, in grace and mercy ♪

♪ Well we follow ♪


♪ You and I ♪

♪ Gossamer gleams on golden breeze ♪

♪ Flitting flighty through the trees ♪

Next time on Hudson & Rex

- (g*nsh*t)

We've got two shits fired
from the north side.

Target was the Men's
Coxed Four rowing team.


Their cockswain is dead.

We've got a suspected
sn*per on the loose.

No mother should have to bury her son.


Yeah, you and I are going to
need to have a little talk.

I didn't k*ll him. I didn't k*ll him.


Rex? Rex!


sh**t that dog and I will sh**t you!

- (g*nsh*t)
- Rex!

