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02x13 - In Pod We Trust

Posted: 02/25/24 16:45
by bunniefuu
Calling out to all my d*ck Traceys

and Nancy Drews.

It's time for another episode

of St. John's most expl*sive
true crime podcast.

I'm Phoebe Spring.

And this is Under the Rock.

Tonight, we're going to continue

our deep dive into one of the
SJPD's most controversial cases

the MacLennan m*rder.

Let's recap.

20 years ago, high on Signal Hill

police officer Jonas
MacLennan fell to his death.

His body was found

with defensive wounds from
a knife across his palms.

His death shook the SJPD to their core.

It was quickly ruled a homicide.

And a manhunt began.

The victim, Jonas,

was the youngest member of St.
John's oldest police family.

His father is former Police
Chief, Mac Bulldog MacLennan.


Let's fast forward.


A man was released from prison.

Romeo Green, a small time drug dealer,

was convicted of the m*rder.

He was paroled earlier today
after serving 20 years.

But our story doesn't end there.

Many people believe that Romeo

was framed.

His only crime being young
and black at the wrong place

at the wrong time.


it's time for the mystery guest

that I've been teasing all week long.

Ty MacLennan, a police officer

and the older brother of the victim,

has asked to speak with me live

on the anniversary of his
younger brother's m*rder.

He's just texted me

that he's waiting for my call.

And he promises to reveal

shocking information about what
really happened on that night

20 years ago.

I'm calling Ty's number

right now.



Is that who I think is this?

It's Ty MacLennan.

Jonas MacLennan's brother
from the MacLennan m*rder?


He fell from the top hill.
Just like Jonas.

That's a pretty big coincidence.

Two brothers ending up
dead on the same rocks.

You think he was pushed too?

I won't know until I get up there.

But based on the body's rigor

time of death is between
9:00 and midnight.

That's when he was supposed to
be talking to Phoebe Spring.

From Under the Rock?


I didn't take you for a podcast fan.

What do you think?

It could have also been a su1c1de.

Maybe a copycat k*ller.

That is possible.

Or maybe he had a few, he slipped

hit everything on the way down.

The podcast said that he
was a bit of a drinker.


How did he get up there?

That dog is a ninja.

What have you got, partner?

We'll take it from here, thanks.


Good job, Rex.

Two sets of tracks.

But only one leaves the scene.

So he could've been
pushed off the cliff.


Hey, Sarah.

Do you recognize that woman over there?

No, she's not part of my team.

But she's in a forensics jacket?


Excuse me!

Rex! You know what to do. Come on!


I need you to turn around!


Phoebe Spring!


You need to calm down!

My son is dead!

You know who's responsible!

We do not know that Romeo was involved.


He k*lled my first boy.

Now he took my second.

If you won't stop him, I will.

He threatened what?

To take down Romeo himself.

Do we need to be concerned?

Chief MacLennan has a nasty rep.

No, I think it's just the grief talking.

To lose a child

is any parent's worst nightmare.

But to lose two?

Okay, board's up, boss.

I remember that photo like
it was taken yesterday.

This is Mac MacLennan and his two sons.

Ty. And Jonas.

Under the Rock said that

they were one of St. John's
oldest cop families.

And most infamous

now that both brothers

were m*rder*d on Signal Hill.

Is that the man

who was charged for the
first MacLennan m*rder?


Romeo was paroled yesterday

after serving 20 years
for Jonas's m*rder.

He was released into his
brother Monty's supervision.

Why would anyone want to m*rder Ty?

I mean, wasn't he just

some sad desk cop who
worked in Archives?

No, not always.

He used to be a beat cop.

He was resentful

that his younger brother was
promoted to detective before him.


Police brutality, witness
intimidation, harassment.

Good thing Ty wasn't promoted.

Yeah, he definitely had
the MacLennan temper.

It got worse after Jonas was m*rder*d.

He would pick fights.

Show up to work drunk.

He was turfed to Archives.

The Bulldog wanted to keep
his pup out of sight.

Yeah, but Jonas...

Jonas was different.

He was a good cop.

You know, with him,
it was like the badge

was about something higher.

We were really shocked
when he was m*rder*d.

So we have

very different brothers

with the same m*rder profile.

Not quite.

In her podcast

Phoebe said Jonas had defense
wounds on his hands.

I didn't find any on Ty this morning.

Do you think it's possible
that Mac is right?

That Romeo m*rder*d Ty for revenge?



But one thing is certain.

These two cases have more in common

than just the victims' shared DNA.

Jesse, you mind bringing
up the original case files

from 20 years ago?

There might be some leads in there

that relate to last night's m*rder.

I'm on it.

One second.


Here's the thing.

These files haven't been digitized yet.

And it usually happens when the
files are really, really old.

And these are super old.

Like ancient.


They're very historical, really.

So I just...

I'm going to put a request in

with Vicky Gumble, the chief archivist.

No, I think

you've just bought yourself
a one-way ticket to those

ancient archives, Jesse.

You know, I'll meet you there.

First, I'm going to find out

why Spring came early
to our crime scene.


You want to tell me what you were doing

contaminating my crime scene?

A fan tweeted that the SJPD
was up there. Hi boys.

So I went to make sure you

didn't bury the truth again.


Please have a seat.

Truth about what?

That Romeo Green did not
k*ll Jonas MacLennan.

Well, I'm investigating
who k*lled his brother.

It's all connected.

Someone k*lled Ty just
before he could tell me

what happened that night.

Any idea what Ty was going to say?

My source suggests

that the SJPD buried evidence

that Romeo was actually a police
informant working with Jonas.

They pinned Jonas's m*rder on Romeo.

Made it look like a
drug bust gone wrong.

So maybe Ty knew who did it.

Does your source have any
proof to back this up?

I have to keep them anonymous-

for their protection. But...

there is someone who might.

I'm listening.

Back when Romeo Green
was first arrested-

an Officer Young gave an
interview to MacNay's Magazine.

Officer Young also believed that
Romeo was a police informant.

But then Young was
railroaded by the SJPD.

The name Young is a pseudonym.

And the magazine won't
give up the source.

Any leads into Young's real identity?

Not yet.

But find them and we
might find the truth.

You were on the force when
they brought Romeo in.

You ever hear of an Officer Young?

Mac made sure we all heard
about Officer Young.

Yeah, it took a long time
before people around here

started trusting each other again.

But if this Officer Young

thought there was a cover-up,

they did the right thing by speaking up.

I'm sure they thought so.

But they were never able
to find any evidence

to support the theory, so-

Don't go chasing ghosts, Charlie.

Come on, pal.

Well, this feels like

the exact opposite of Christmas.

I know.

But it's our best chance
of finding a connection

between the two brothers' murders.

Everything from the original
MacLennan m*rder is in that box-

from '95.

You can't be serious. Paper?

Yeah! Well, pretend like you're
Indiana Jones, and you're

- Really?
- Hunting for lost treasure.

Well, they probably have the
Ark of the Covenant down here.

Yeah. In Locker 66-C.

So you're the ones stuck
with poor Ty's m*rder.

A lot cuter than I expected,

I'm happy to say.

Vicky Gumble.

Head Archivist.

Ah, nice to put a face

to the name at the bottom
of all my file requests.

I'm Detective Hudson. And this is Jesse.

Tech Analyst extraordinaire.

Honey, I'm afraid you won't find
any Control-Alt-Delete down here.

We're a strictly vintage operation.

Yeah, it's kind of got
that library vibe.

- Jesse.
- Yeah, well.

You know, life in the stacks
wasn't for Ty either.

Mac stuck him in here with me

after we got that last
complaint about him.

And I did my best for the boy.

But I mean, Mac gave me my first job.

I owed him at least that.

It seems like some of
the files are missing.



Files get marked for digitization.

And well, things get
lost in the transfer.

Any way we can track them down?

Rex is pretty good with finding things.

Oh, no thanks.

Karl is my back-up.


If you're ever looking for anything-

come and find me

Hey, Charlie. It says here that

Romeo was convicted
because his switchblade

was found in the victim's hand.

He must have grabbed it before falling.

His boot treads were
also found at the scene.

Boot treads.

That reminds me of something.
Thanks, Jesse.


Hey, Sarah.

Are you pulling anything from
those tracks this morning?

Yeah, the tread pattern

is a match for a standard,
prison-issue sneaker.

Same kind of prison-issue sneaker

that Romeo Green wore
for the last 20 years?

The exact same kind.

And I still need to compare the
cast taken from Ty's m*rder

with the original boot
casts from Jonas's m*rder.

And Ty's autopsy? Anything there?

Tox screen came back clean.

I mean, Ty's liver was plenty
used, but not recently.

And his X-rays showed

signs of a cylindrical shaped
wound on the back of his head

that was not consistent with
the bruising from the fall.

So he might have been
hit before he fell?

Yeah, it looks that way.

I appreciate your rushing this, Sarah.

Yeah, no problem.

I know how Rex gets when he's antsy.


See what you can find

on Romeo being an informant.

Sounds like I'll have
more fun in the archives!

- Hey, Charlie.
- Yeah.

I'm coming with you.

- That's okay.
- Rex and I got this.

No no no. It's not you
I'm worried about.

It's them.

Do your jobs! Do your jobs!
Do your jobs!

Phoebe tweeted.

And they showed up.

Do your jobs! Do your jobs!
Do your jobs!

Do your jobs!

We have to be really, really careful

with the optics on this one.

Do your jobs! Do your jobs!
Do your jobs!

Do your jobs!

Do your jobs!

Do your jobs!

- Do your jobs!
- Camilla?

What are you doing out of class?

Making sure the SJPD doesn't
frame an innocent man again.

Is it true?

Is Romeo Green a suspect?

I cannot discuss an open
case with you, Camilla.

So Phoebe is right.

Do your jobs! Do your jobs!

- Do your jobs!
- Come on. Let's drive.

Do your jobs! Do your jobs!
Do your jobs!

Romeo's brother is a lawyer.

He's a damn good one, too.

So we've got to play this by the letter.

Can't leave any room for loopholes.

Montgomery Green?

Superintendent Joseph Donovan.

This is my detective, Charlie Hudson.

I was wondering when
the cops would show.

Releasing the hounds is a bit much, no?

Don't worry about it, pal.

Monty's just being funny.


Is your brother around?

Not at the moment.

That's okay. We'll wait.

Then show me your warrant.

Oh come on, Montgomery.

Romeo's on parole.

Spot checks,

perfectly legit.

Why don't you take Rex out back?

You got it.

Thank you.

You won't find anything.

I hope you're right.

Were you on the force when
my brother was arrested?

I was.

Did you believe that Romeo was guilty?

That's what the evidence said.

But my brother was a
small-time pot dealer.

Why would he k*ll a cop
over a few joints?

It makes no sense.

Your brother didn't unpack.

If you two are so tight

why didn't he sleep here last night?

If your brother broke curfew

you have a duty to report it.

And if he had anything to do

with Ty's death,

you could be held as an accessory.

Saved by the bark.

I found this in your back yard.

I don't want to jump to any conclusions.

But it looks like blood.

So? It could be anyone's.


Except we took this sample
from Ty's body this morning.

So Rex would have something to track.

And that's how he found it.

Is there anything you'd like to report?

I am Phoebe Spring

And this is Under the Rock.

Breaking news, True Detectives.

Romeo Green's brother and advocate,

Monty Green, is being harassed
by Newfoundland's finest.

Major Crimes is making a major
mistake setting up Romeo again.

Are we getting anything
back on the tire iron?

The blood's a match to Ty.

And I've got a hit from the
prints in the database.

It's Romeo Green.


Okay, thanks for the
quick turnaround, Sarah.

You need to tell me where
your brother Romeo is.

Or this becomes Obstruction of Justice.

I don't know where he is.

We got into a fight
last night and he left.

What did you fight about?

When Romeo came home from prison

Phoebe was here.

She and I wanted to do an interview.

Spark more interest in the case.

So you could charge the
force and make a k*lling?

My brother deserves the
chance to clear his name.

Look, I thought he'd
take it that way too.

But Romeo stormed out.

He hasn't been home since.

I grabbed this from Romeo's knapsack-

so Rex has something to track.

Come on, pal.

Get the scent.

Track Romeo.

My brother is innocent.

It's my fault why he didn't
come home last night.

I wish that mattered.

Let's go, people!


Got something.

Looks like Romeo's
trail leads down here.

Let's go.

What is it, buddy?


Rex, go!

He could be armed. Call Rex back.

Everyone else stand down!

Hold your position!

Rex, come back!


It's Joe Donovan!

I used to work the beat in
your old neighbourhood!

If you come out peacefully

you'll be treated fairly!

You have my word.

Why are you chasing me?

I didn't do anything!

Don't fall for it, Joe!

He k*lled my son!

I'm not going to let
him get away with it!

Put the g*n down, Mac!

Sorry, Joe.



Justice for Romeo! Justice for Romeo!

Justice for Romeo!


You're using Romeo as a scapegoat!

You're the superintendent!

You can stop this!

Be the change we want to see!

We'll talk about this at home.

No! I'm not coming home!

I'll stay at Skye's tonight.

Justice for Romeo!

Justice for Romeo! Justice for Romeo!

I can take Mac down to
booking if it's too awkward.

No, we've got his g*n.

Just let him off with a warning.

Whoa whoa! A slap on the wrist?

He just pulled a g*n on a suspect.

I know! Hey hey! I know
what he did, Charlie.


I don't appreciate you
telling me how to do my job.

Justice for Romeo! Justice for Romeo!

You wanted to see me?

Yes, I want to be fully
briefed on forensics

before I interrogate Romeo.

I compared the cast

of the tracks taken from Ty's m*rder

with the cast taken from Jonas's m*rder.

The tracks from Ty's site
had to have been made

by someone other than Romeo.

The weight distribution is wrong.

- Wait...
- Romeo pronates.

His gait turns inward.

So had Romeo made the
tracks at Ty's site

the imprint would've been deeper
along the inside of the foot.

Hold on. But his fingerprints

they were all over the tire iron.

It doesn't add up.

Unless he's being framed.

Camilla wants me to be the change

that we want in the world.

You're a good cop.

- She knows that.
- Yeah.

Well, a good cop follows the evidence.

A good chief backs up his team.

But, I know that black men

are disproportionately
targeted by law enforcement.

It's just

you can't win.


I think we get so caught
up in how people see us

and what we think that
says about us that...

I don't know

we forget to trust ourselves.

Sorry. Am I interrupting?

No. Sorry I snapped earlier.

I was upset about Camilla.

Already forgotten. Listen.

Jesse found something in the archives.

Looks like Romeo was an informant.

Someone on the inside buried it.

Yeah, we've got to find
this Officer Young.

They're the only one who went on
record doubting Romeo's arrest.

Well, you can stop looking.

He's standing right here.

I'm Officer Young.

I went through this before.

Doesn't matter what I say.

Yes it does.

The last time you were charged,
I was not Superintendent.

You think because we're black
that makes us brothers?

I was Officer Young.

I know.

I know it may seem like a cop-out

because I used an alias.

But I was new to the force.

And it wasn't my case.

And the colour of my skin

made it difficult for me
to speak out and be heard.

So no, we may not be brothers.

But we're definitely kin.

You sound like Jonas.

He always went after the truth.

No matter the cost.

He was a good cop.

We all looked up to him.

I was his informant.

Jonas was investigating a new
player on the drug scene.

I was his eyes and ears on the street.

The night he was k*lled-

I went to get paid at our usual spot.

Top of Signal Hill.

Jonas said he couldn't use me anymore.

He thought his investigation
was being interfered with.

He traced the source of the dr*gs.

Wait, to whom?

Wouldn't say.

To protect me.

You don't believe me.

Romeo, I want to.


But your switchblade
was found in his hand.

And his palm was shredded
with defensive wounds.

I don't know how.

My knife was seized the
first time I was arrested.

For possession. Six months earlier.

Why didn't you say that before?

I tried. But I was a dealer
accused of k*lling a cop's kid.

My name was being dragged
through the mud.

But whatever I said

my family paid the price.

This stops now!

It's okay, Monty.

No, it's not okay.

It's not okay for you to talk
to the police without a lawyer.

For you to have your
words twisted around

by the cops again!

Are you charging him?


Then we're leaving.

Come on, Romeo.

Any luck tracking down
that missing file-

with the evidence from Jonas's m*rder?

Nothing yet. Ty left a real mess.

Well, you know, I did find something.


How cute are they?

Before Ty was assigned down here,

did Ty and Donovan ever work together?

I wish.

Then maybe some of Donovan's work ethic

might have rubbed off on Ty.

Yeah, I heard a lot of
complaints about him.

Was he really that bad?

I mean, he was the boss's kid, you know.

And he went around

acting like the sun shone
right out of his keester.

But I knew...

I knew how hard Mac was on him.

And that's why I was kind of
soft on him here, you know?

Not that it did him that much
good, anyway, in the end.

You've got me misting up

like a perp in a box.

Oh, that's okay.

You know, I'm usually the
over-sharer of the group.

Well, if you get sick of
punching away at those keys

come and see me.


I don't know.

I keep wondering about Phoebe.

You check her alibi.

I want to know how she's
always two steps ahead of us.

She's about to start a
very special livestream.

Well maybe it's time we set up

a very special interrogation.

Ready for work, Rex?

Time for another chapter

in the story of Romeo Green.

One man's battle with the St.
John's Police Department.

And for all my troops rallying
outside of the SJPD today,

I've got a treat for you.

A VIP guest.

Welcome, Detective Hudson.

Guys, he's on, he's on!

Alright. So I thought we could kick
things off with a little game.

For every question of mine that
Detective Hudson here answers,

I'll answer one of his.

You sure you want to do this on air?

Well I have nothing to hide.

Do you?

Where were you on Monday

between the hours of 9:00 and midnight?

Oh, I was right here

preparing for my livestream with Ty.

But your live stream
was audio, not video.

So can anyone actually
confirm that you were here?

Tsk tsk tsk, Detective.

You can't jump your turn.

Do you actually believe

that Romeo Green m*rder*d
Jonas MacLennan?

Well, I tend to believe
what the evidence tells me.

Did you go to Monty's that
night and drop something off?


Are you suggesting that
somebody planted evidence?

I'm not suggesting anything.

I'm just asking a question.


Who's your anonymous source?

I don't know.

That's what anonymous means.

What have you got, Rex?


This whole interview
was just a distraction

so your dog could sniff around my house.

Very clever.

Too bad you don't have a warrant.

Rex's bark is all the
probable cause I need.

There they are.

The missing files from Jonas's m*rder.


And from last night,

Rex, you must have remembered

the smell of the mud
from Ty's m*rder scene.

Okay. My turn.

Were you wearing these the night
that you k*lled Ty MacLennan?

Free Phoebe! Free Phoebe!

Free Phoebe! Free Phoebe!

Free Phoebe!

Free Phoebe!

Free Phoebe!

This is our third interview,
Detective Hudson.

You know what happens on
a third date, don't you?

Yeah, I'm thinking about more
like a third strike. In here.

We found you at the scene of Ty's m*rder

wearing an official forensics jacket.

Where did you get it?

I bought it on the internet.

The same place that you
got your fake ID badge

that you used to sneak into
the evidence archives?

Nice try. I don't have a fake ID badge.

No? Then how did you
steal all the evidence?

I didn't steal it!
Somebody gave it to me.

Your podcast nearly tripled in
viewership since last season.

Nearly quadrupled since Ty's m*rder!

And you think I m*rder*d Ty for ratings?

That's a bit far-fetched.

Not if you used those ratings

to land a major television deal.

If you listened to my podcast-

then you should know I
don't care about ratings.

And I don't care about fame.

- I care about justice.
- You know what I know?

I know that we found a
pair of prison sneakers

and a box of evidence in your house.

Footprints from those same sneakers

were found at the scene of Ty's m*rder.

The rubber on the outside of your boots.

It's been worn smooth.

Which means, you supinate when you walk.

Just like Ty's m*rder*r.

You lifted Romeo's fingerprints
from that box of evidence.

- No, I didn't.
- You made a mould.

You put it on the tire iron.

And then you planted
it in Monty's house.

- You m*rder*d Ty!
- Listen!

I might bend the rules!

But that would never extend to m*rder!

Then where did you get
the box of evidence?

Why lie about an anonymous source?

I didn't make it up!

The box is my source.


Families of victims
often give me evidence

to convince me to take a case.

But this is different!

Those are police files

pointing at cop corruption.

I understood why my source was
trying to stay anonymous.

Look, if it's not the
family of a victim,

it's usually a cop with
a conscience to clear.

Hey, Joe.

The protestors outside the
station have almost doubled.

We're on the verge of a riot.

They'll get bored soon enough.

And move on to another issue
to get worked up about.

SJPD found a box of case files
at Phoebe Spring's studio.

Any idea how she got a hold of them?

We caught a bunch of
those podcast detectives

lurking around outside the archives,

trying to trick my guys

into giving them
classified case details.

We just got rid of them.

If I find that even one of your
officers is exchanging bribes

for evidence,

that's on you, Vicky.

Did you see Phoebe?


But look, Joe.

I'm not on the clock 24/7.

I want a list of everyone

who had access to those files, Vicky.

- Everyone.
- Okay.

Hey hey hey.

I found the inventory
of the weapons seized

at Romeo's first arrest!

His switchblade is on it.

Wait, so Romeo was telling the truth?

He didn't have his switchblade
the night of Jonas's m*rder?

What if it was

planted on Jonas to frame Romeo?

The stolen evidence from
1995 was given to Phoebe.

Her anonymous source sounds like a cop.

What if it was Ty?

What if he gave the files to Phoebe?

Feeding her information for her
podcast on police corruption?

Vicky gave Jesse a list

of everyone who had
handled the case files.

Ty's name was on that list.

See, Ty was assigned to
a different section.

But he swapped with another officer

because he wanted to
digitize Jonas's file

off the record.

But if he was chasing a lead

then why not come forward?

Because it was the one
person Ty couldn't turn in.

Hey, Mac.

I went through some old files.

And I pulled all of Jonas's old cases

he was working on when he was m*rder*d.

There were drug busts.

Court orders for the dr*gs' destruction.

But you and I know that
they were never destroyed.

They were resold on the streets.

By your crew.

That's a load of crap!

Where's your proof?

Where's your proof?

Your son Jonas was going to expose you.

You tried to bully him into
keeping his mouth shut.

But he wouldn't play ball.
And you fought.

That's when things got out of hand.

I didn't k*ll my son!

Which one, Mac?

Ty knew that you k*lled Jonas.

That's why he leaked the
evidence to Phoebe.

Then he turns up dead.

And Romeo gets framed!


Ty fought Jonas.

He always had a bad temper.

But he didn't mean to k*ll his brother.

But you covered it up.

You framed an innocent man

to keep your drug operation
from being exposed.

I covered it up

because I couldn't lose both my sons.

I got a tip that Romeo was
asking too many questions.

I knew he was an informant.

So I had Ty tail him.

See who he was giving
his information to.

Ty couldn't believe it was Jonas.

That he was about to sell out
his own flesh and blood.

They fought.


Ughh! Ughh!





Ty called me,


I told him I'd take care of it.

I planted Romeo's switchblade.

Cut Jonas's hand to make it
look like a defensive wound.

I didn't k*ll my son.

Either of them.

But I may as well have.

Ty wanted to come clean.

How do I know you didn't
k*ll him to keep him quiet?

You don't.

But If I did, I'd admit it.

I've got nothing left.

Mac claims he didn't k*ll Ty.

Well, isn't that what they all say?

Did he point to anyone
else as a suspect?

Mac's not naming any names.

He refuses to cooperate.

Jesse's right.

Maybe he's not naming names
because there is no one else.

He already helped cover
up the m*rder of one son.

Is k*lling the other one
really that much of a stretch?

I don't know. Call it
police instinct, or

parental intuition.

But I just don't feel like Mac's lying.

I don't think he k*lled Ty.

Right now, he's the only
one with clear motive.

Well-what about Romeo?

I mean-he was cleared
for Jonas's m*rder.

But there's no proof he
didn't k*ll Ty for revenge.

No. It wasn't Romeo.

The shoe print at Ty's
crime scene didn't match.

But, his fingerprints were
still on the tire iron.

Someone could have planted them.


Wait-how does that even work?

Well, you take a high
resolution photograph

of the fingerprints.

And then you flip the image.

And print it out on
transparent overhead paper.

Then you apply quick bonding glue

to capture the raised
fingerprints to create the mould.

So it has to be Mac then.

He admitted to stealing the
evidence to frame Romeo

- for Jonas's m*rder.
- No he didn't.

He admitted to planting the evidence.

But didn't reveal how
he got access to it.

Because he didn't work alone.

After Jonas was m*rder*d

he would have needed an accomplice

to get Romeo's knife out of lock-up...

And there's only one other person

that had that kind of
access to evidence.


And if she

helped to cover Jonas's m*rder,

then she also has a pretty solid motive

to keep Ty from talking.


Okay, pal.


If Vicky forged Romeo's fingerprints-

she probably used this.

Track it.

You got something?

Good nose, buddy.

I'm guessing

this is a mould for Romeo's thumb print.

Thanks Officer, I'll take it from here.

Yes, sir.

You m*rder*d Ty.

I wasn't going down for that family.

Not after what they did to me.

When Ty m*rder*d Jonas,

Mac threatened to pin his
entire drug scheme on me

if I didn't go along with the cover-up.

I kept Ty's secret for 20 years.

And suddenly he's going to come clean?

On the air?

When I heard

Phoebe was jawing on
about her special guest

I had a hunch it was Ty.

I robbed a pair of prison
sneakers in Romeo's size.

I followed Ty that night.

He said he couldn't keep lying
about his brother's m*rder.

That the guilt was eating away at him.

I tried to make him listen.

He wouldn't.

And I was going to be arrested

for trying to cover up a m*rder!

It was him or me.

And it wasn't going to be me.


So you were right.

Romeo was an easy scapegoat

because of the colour of his skin.

You know, I...

I suspected it back then.


You know, at the time,
everything felt like a test.

A test of who I was.

I was a black man.

I was a cop.

But by not fighting for Romeo,

I feel like I let down
every part of myself.

I can't even imagine how hard
it must have been for you.

It still is, sometimes.

But I want you to know
how proud I am of you.

How you always fight for
what you believe in.

For justice.

Where do you think I got it from?

Ty MacLennan,

was going to confess live on air

the night he was m*rder*d.

But in case he lost his nerve,

he recorded a mea culpa

which arrived on my doorstep today.


Here's the man, in his own words.

Ty: Okay, this is for the record.

And of my own free will.

My name is Ty MacLennan.

And I want to confess.

Well, I guess I want to confess to you,


When I saw that you were Romeo's handler

all I could think of was how our family

would lose everything.

I couldn't see past

what this would do to our father

and the reputation he built.

I thought I had to protect him.

Dad wouldn't have survived
if he was sent to prison.

Over time

I've come to hate myself.

I was crooked.

And you were what a cop should be.

I was so lost,

selling dr*gs for my father

and framing an innocent man,

because I k*lled my brother.

I'm sorry, Jonas.

I'm proud of you.

I'm proud of who you were.

Forgive me.

Our tears belong to Romeo Green.

An innocent kid

who lost 20 years, stolen from him

by a wrongful conviction.

But with the help of his brother Monty

and a large donation from
the Police Association-

Romeo is starting Project
Right the Wrong,

a pro-Bono legal aid for
the wrongfully convicted.

And that is the measure of these men.

Well, friends.

That's our story.

Thank you for fighting the good fight.

I'm Phoebe Spring.

And this

is Under the Rock.

Next time on Hudson & Rex


What do we got, Sarah?

Dead Male, 26

His name is Jay Tomlinson

He was an actor in our film

You know, The Legend
of Cold Heart Caleb?

Yeah, the ghost story.

Maybe not just a story.

Wait a second, is that...?

Cold Heart Caleb

This is either a hoax or an
intentional part of the film


He m*rder*d his crew members

before disappearing into Black Cove Mine

where is was presumed he
got lost in the tunnels,

and died.

Don't move!