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03x06 - Endless Summer

Posted: 02/25/24 16:55
by bunniefuu
- ♪

LEANNE: It's beautiful, honey.

Are you okay?



It was harder than I expected.


Laura would love the memorial
that you made for her.

Lilies. And cat pictures.

And double stuffed cookies.

Those were her three
favourite things.


Yeah, it was a good
choice to do this.


A good decision.

I just...

I wish we'd done it last year,

on the one-year anniversary.

Yeah. You weren't ready then.

Today, you were ready.

She used to love coming
with us to Newfoundland.

I'm never going to see her again.

She was a good friend.

And now, maybe you can...

Maybe what, Mom?

I can have closure?

You're sounding like
the therapist again.

Honey. I didn't mean to upset you.

I was just...

I know. I know.

I think I just need a
few moments alone.


Just come to the car
whenever you're ready.




KATIE: Mom! Mom!



KATIE: Let me go!

Mom, help!! Help me!

- Katie!
- Let go!!

- Katie!
- Mom!!

- Mom!!
- Katie!!

- ♪

- Synced and corrected by martythecrazy -
- -

- ♪

CHARLIE: Any sign of her?

DONOVAN: Nothing.

Her name is Katie Davidow.
Aged 22.

She's visiting from Halifax with
her mother, Leanne Davidow.

Where is her mother now?

She's in a cruiser
out by the trailhead.

Needless to say,
she's beside herself.

- What's this?

It's a memorial that
Katie just built.

A memorial to who?

Her best friend, Laura Patel.

Laura Patel.

Wait, that name sounds familiar.

Wasn't she found
strangled right about here?

Yeah. It's the two-year
anniversary of her death.

Wait, you're telling me that Katie

was abducted in the same
spot her friend was found

m*rder*d, two years ago?


And we never found who did it.

So either this is one
hell of a coincidence...

Or Katie's in a world of trouble.

I don't understand.

I left her for like two minutes.

First Laura.

And then my own daughter.
And in the same place?

What's going on?

I mean who would do
something like this?

Are you sure you didn't see or
hear anything, Mrs. Davidow?

- No.
- It could be the smallest thing.

Could be a car in the
parking lot, anything.

No. Nothing.

Anyone you know of

that might have wanted
to harm your daughter?

No. No no no no no.

Some kind of grudge?
Maybe an ex-boyfriend?

No no! Nothing! Nothing like that!

You have to understand,

when Katie lost Laura, she
shut almost everyone out.

Including me.

Did Katie know anyone
in Newfoundland?

No. No one. Just the friends
from the coffee shop.

You know, places we liked to go.

Don't worry.

We're going to find her.

Please. You have to!

I just need something of Katie's,

that Rex can use
to learn her scent.

Oh, okay. Yeah yeah.

I have her sweater in the car.

It's just there.

Is this Katie's phone?

Yeah, she doesn't like to take
it with her when she hikes.

- Well, I'd like to take this as well.
- Yeah, absolutely.

- Of course. Anything to help.



SARAH: In on your day off?

Find anything?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Are you thinking Katie's

and Laura's m*rder are connected?

I don't want to jump
to any conclusions.

But yeah, I think it's
a strong possibility.

Alright Rex.

Let's see what we can turn up.


Track it.

- ♪

Looks like Katie's
scent ends here.

Fresh tire tracks.

She got into a vehicle.

- I can get a good impression here.
- Yeah.



What have you got, buddy?


What is that?

It's a balaclava.

I'll have it run for DNA.

Hold on a sec.

It's ripped.

Maybe Katie tore it
off her kidnapper?

Which means she saw their face.

They're not going to like that.


- ♪

That's great, thanks.

I've got uniforms
canvassing the area.

And Katie's picture
all over the news.

Airports and harbours
are on high alert.

- What about the highways?
- I've got checkpoints at all on-ramps.

Sarah's running
the forensics tests.

It's going to be a
while for results.

So where do you want to start?

At the very beginning.

JESSE: Laura Patel was 19 when
she was m*rder*d two years ago.

Cause of death was strangulation.

Her corpse was found
on the hiking path,

virtually in the same place
that Katie was abducted.

DONOVAN: But that's not
where the m*rder took place.

JESSE: No, but that's
where the k*ller left her.

Why is that I wonder?

Well the original team felt that
it was the practical choice,

remote enough to not get caught.

CHARLIE: Yeah, but also a place

where the body
could be easily found.

I think they wanted her
death to be known.

It's as if they were angry with
her and wanted to prove a point.

- Yeah.
- Jesse, what else is on the file?

Oh well, Laura had been staying
with Katie and her mother

in a rented house in the Battery.

This was the third year in a
row they had vacationed there.

I seem to remember something about
Laura sneaking out of the house.

Yeah, she had been doing
some online flirting

with a local mystery man.

Went by the handle Romeo.

Romeo? How did they meet?

In some

online chat room.

Things heated up between them.

And she agreed to meet him

the night that she was k*lled.

So Romeo was the m*rder*r.

DONOVAN: Yeah. Well,
that's what we thought.

But we were never able
to make an ID on it.

He'd also been using this anonymous
web browse, - called TOR,

to send encrypted messages.

I mean, even we couldn't cr*ck it.

It was developed in
part by the US Navy.

Any suspects?

Two. Yeah. Michael Haverman.

He owned the house that
Katie and Laura were renting.

Okay, so he had opportunity.

- Did he have a record?
- He had a DUI.

Possession of narcotics.

He had been interviewed
several times.

But his alibi wasn't
very convincing.

He kept claiming that
he was home alone.

But we couldn't break it.

Who was the other suspect?

Oh. A younger guy-Zach Richman.

23 years old. Lived nearby.

A loner, history of
anti-social behaviour.

He was dealt a restraining order

for stalking this
high school girl.

He also had significant
tech knowledge.

I mean, he was known to
frequent online chat rooms.

What about him? Did
he have an alibi?

- He claimed he was at home.
- Anyone corroborate his story?

JESSE: Well, sort of.

I mean, Zack lived with his
grandmother at the time.

And she claimed that she was
with him part of the evening.

But she worked nights
and had to leave eventually.

So he could have done it,

just like Michael Haverman
could have done it.


So where do we want to start?

CHARLIE: Michael Haverman.

She was staying in his place.

He was closer to the crime.


Let's do it.


JESSE: Okay.

- ♪

Katie's been kidnapped?

Ugh. This can't be happening.
To that family? Twice?

Mr. Haverman.

Where were you this morning?

Sitting behind that desk.

Anyone see you there?

I got stuck doing inventory.

Everyone else took
a couple of days off.

The place is empty except for me.


Well, why don't we start with
the night of Laura's m*rder?

I was home alone.

You stand by that?

It was true then.

And it still is.

Hey, would you mind getting
your dog away from there?


Afraid he's going
to find something?

Yeah, and that he'll eat it too.

This company
imports a lot of food.

That crate's full of
pepperoni sticks.

Rex, stand down.

So you owned the house that Laura was
staying in when she disappeared.

- Is that right?
- Used to.

Had to sell it.

Pretty much lost everything
because of those accusations.

It's funny how people

don't want to have anything
to do with a m*rder suspect.

I'm surprised I could
even find this job.

But you know all this.

Well we have to go
back over it all again.


things have changed a bit.

How so?

They found a tumour on
my spine four months ago.

It's inoperable.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Don't be.

But I certainly didn't go down
any trail to kidnap someone.


I feel badly that Laura
got k*lled back then.

And it's terrible that
her friend is missing.

But it's Zack Richmond
you should be talking to.

Not me.

For your partner,

when he goes on break.



- ♪

- ♪

MOLLY: Excuse me.

Can I help you?

Detective Hudson, SJPD.

I'm looking for Zack Richmond.

I'm his wife, Molly.

Can I ask what this about?

I think it's best if I
speak with him directly.

He's over here.

Thank you.

Zack Richmond?

Yeah, that's me.

Is there somewhere
we can talk in private?

Do you remember a woman
named Katie Davidow?

Yeah. How could I forget her?

She had a lot of things to say

and a lot of names to call
me a couple of years ago.

Well, she was in town this week.


She's been kidnapped.


You've got to be kidding.

Where were you this morning?


I get it.

You think because of
what happened to Laura-

I was never charged for that.

No, but you were a suspect.

Yeah, and I shouldn't have been.

Zack. I'm looking
for a missing woman.

I need you to answer my questions.

Okay, I was here mostly.


I had to go pick up
food for the party.



At a grocery store on Memorial.

Anyone see you there?

I don't know. Maybe.

Zack, you seem a little nervous.

Yeah, I'm nervous. Because you
cops targeted me back then

without any proof.

Nearly ruined my life.

And if it wasn't for Molly,

I don't even know where
I would have ended up.

What do you mean?

She saw my case on the news.

And she wrote to me.

Said she believed in me.

That's when everything changed.

Now we're married.

I've got a job.

A home.

I'm happy, man.

And until you showed up,
Laura's m*rder was behind me.

I'm sorry about what
happened to you back then.

But I'm trying to find Katie.

And I need to keep asking
questions until I do.

Do you understand?

Look, I hope you find her.

I really do.

But I have nothing to do
with that girl going missing.

Just like I had nothing
to do with that m*rder.

Thank you!

Okay, I'll see you.

CHARLIE: Mrs. Richmond.

I need to ask you a couple
of questions if I could.

This is about Laura
again, isn't it?

I thought we were
through with all that.

I just need to
confirm a few things.

Where was Zack this morning?



- Yes.
- All morning?


That's odd.

Because he said that he
went out to get groceries.

Of course.

Right. We went together.

He didn't mention you.

Must have slipped his mind.

Well why don't we get Zack

and see if we can
sort this out, huh?


Where's is he?


- ♪










Oh buddy.

You gave me a scare, there, hey?

That was a pretty cool move.

Sarah, find anything?

We've got these tire
tracks over here.

Ah. Jesse ran the license plates.

They were stolen from a car in
Wedgewood Park two days ago.

A Be On the Lookout
has been issued for them.

Okay, so it's not Zack's.

No. Could be a rental.
Could be stolen.

But we canvassed the neighbours.
Nobody saw the vehicle until today.

And you're sure
Zack was driving it?

Everything happened too fast.

But, the timing.

It would make sense that

he freaked out after I started
questioning him and took off.

Yeah, maybe he was just scared.

That's a possibility.

Okay. Well one thing I know of
for certain is these tracks

are a match to the vehicle
Katie was taken in.

Here, have a look.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

So, do you think Katie
was in that van?

I keep asking myself
that same question.

I hate to think we were
this close and missed her.


MOLLY: I don't know
anything about that van.

And Zack was with me all morning.

CHARLIE: Molly. We checked the
security cameras at the grocery store.

Neither of you were there.

So why are you lying?

It's not what you think.

Then what is it?

We were visiting Zack's
grandmother's grave.



Sometimes things
get too much for him.

When that happens we go and we
visit his grandmother's grave,

out in Flatrock.

What was too much for him?

The barbecue?

Actually, it was the
anniversary of Laura's death.

What you cops put him through...

He's still not over it.

And visiting his
grandmother helps?

Zack was raised by her.

She was one of the only
people who believed in him.

Her grave reminds him of that.

Helps him centre himself.

Did anyone see you there?


It was deserted.

That's why we go there.

We keep it a secret. People
are quick to judge him.

What do you know about
the van in the alley?

Nothing. I've never
seen it before.

Look, I don't know
who was driving it.

But I know Zack would never try
to run down a police officer!


I know you don't
want anyone to die.

This is Katie Davidow.

She may die.

Unless you help us.

I swear.

We visited his
grandmother's grave.

Do you believe her?

What I believe is

she would do or say anything
to protect her husband.

None of the rental places in town

have any record of
Zack renting a van.

- Was it stolen?
- No.

There are no reports that match
this vehicle's description.


Charlie, there's a chance that
Zack wasn't driving that van.

I know. It's the only
lead we have right now.

I say we let Molly stew
in there for a little while.

Yeah, I agree.

If she does know anything,

maybe her conscience
will get the better of her.


You got a sec?

I want to run something past you.

Yeah, sure.

Jesse found an encrypted
messaging app on Katie's phone.

Something called Teleyak.

Teleyak? Clever name. I don't like
the sound of where this is headed.

Yeah, well it seems like Katie
has her own mystery man,

here in St. John's, that she's
been communicating with.

Someone going by
the handle Sleuth.

Kind of like Laura's Romeo.

Yeah, except Katie and Sleuth

aren't exactly having
a romantic relationship.

Look at this.

Together, we will
bring him to justice.

Now, most of their
communications were like this.

And Jesse discovered that Katie

was asking a lot of questions
online about Romeo.

Sounds like Katie was
trying to find Laura's k*ller.

And this Sleuth was
helping her do just that.

Yeah. Say that she was.

What if the k*ller was still
on one of these boards

and found out that Katie
was trying to find Romeo?

They'd do whatever they could to
keep her from finding out anything.

Right. So, what if they
took the name Sleuth

and then pretended that they
wanted to help Katie find Romeo?

But meanwhile, they're
doing whatever they can

to stop Katie once and for all.

Yeah, when she came here for the
memoria, - they had their chance.

That's an interesting
theory, Charlie.

Can we prove it?

Well Jesse's has this software
that can analyze writing styles.

He thinks he may be able to use it

to determine if Romeo and
Sleuth are the same person.

Then he can use
the messages to check

against Zack Richmond and Michael
Haverman's writing styles.

Exactly, and it may give
us a concrete link

- between one of them and

the victims.

Hey Sarah, what's up?

On my way.


- ♪

What's the problem?

I just got the DNA results
back from this balaclava

- we found on the trail.
- And?

There's no match to any of the
suspects in the Laura Patel case.

- Neither Zack or Michael?
- No.

Looks like we're
back to square one.


What is it pal?


I think he wants the balaclava?





Nice work, partner.

Does this belong to you?


This was found at the
scene of Katie's kidnapping.

It probably has
your DNA all over it.

Why do you have a balaclava?

We took up cross-country
skiing last winter.

My face gets cold.

Oh, so this is yours?

I don't know for sure.

I used to have one like it.

Used to?

It was stolen.


About four months ago.

Someone broke into our house-

and took some costume jewelry

and a bunch of little
stuff like that mask.

Did you file a police report?


Why not?

Zack was worried about our
insurance premiums going up.

You know what I find it
really hard to believe?

That somebody would
sneak into your house

and steal your
balaclava so they could

later wear it for a kidnapping.

I don't know what
you want me to say.

I want you to help me
bring Katie home safe.

I wish I could.

But there has to
be another answer.

We had nothing to do
with her kidnapping!

You think a happily married couple

- could have done it together?
- Maybe.

Katie's still looking for the
k*ller not letting things die.

Zack knows he needs to
do something about it.

His wife feels the same way.

SARAH: Women who date
convicts, murderers,

they sometimes
disassociate from the crimes.

Even to the point where
they help their partner.

DONOVAN: Fair enough. But this
whole story about a break-in.

That's the best she
can come up with?

Well she's not a
hardened criminal.

She doesn't know what she's doing.

SARAH: And Zack has run off
and left her holding the bag.

Yeah maybe. But there's just
not enough to hold her on.

Well, can we at least get
surveillance on her,

in case Zack tries to contact her?

I'll see what I can do.



You look like something's
bothering you.

It's just the
kidnapper's balaclava.

Oh, what about it?

Whoever did this-has been so
meticulous about everything.

But now they drop something
as important as a mask.

It just doesn't seem consistent.

Maybe it was just a slip-up.


What have you got on your end?

Nothing. Nothing on the van.

No CCTV or any reported sightings.

What about your computer program?

The AI?

It's working on it.

Maybe you could ask the AI real
nicely, it will give you an ETA.

You can't negotiate with
artificial intelligence.

So I looked into the history

on the maps on Katie's phone.

And one location popped up.

- Where?
- A fish house.

Any idea why she'd go there?

That's a good question.







(MUMBLING) Help! Help!

Rex, go!

- ♪





- ♪

I just sent the VIN
number to be run.

We should find out
who owns it soon.

If I'd been a few minutes earlier-

Katie'd be home with her mom now.

We let him slip through our fingers.
Hey buddy?


Charlie, it's not your fault.

And the good news
is Katie's alive.

- So you'll find her.

I'm going to see how they're
doing inside the fish house.

- Hey Jesse.
- Charlie, I've alerted every harbour

within 100 kilometers to
keep a look out for that boat.

Coast Guard has a bird in the
sky for us. But so far nothing.

Okay, what about the
owner of this fish house?

Well, they've been overseas
a couple of months.

But as far as they know,
no one's been using it.

Okay, thanks.

Your team find anything?

Lot of fibres and hair samples. It'll
take a while to process it all.

But here.

I did find this.


Zack Richmond's necklace.

That's got to be our guy.

Yeah, but what's he after?

It isn't about money.
There's been no ransom.

Well, if he wanted her dead,
he's had plenty of time.

He's wants her alive.

But why?

LEANNE: You saw her?

- I did.
- Oh!

So she's alive?

I'm sorry. Sorry sorry. It's just,

we've been through a lot.

Greg, my husband,

Katie's dad,

d*ed when she was 14.

And we loved him a lot.

Afterwards, it was just her and I.

That must have been difficult.

It really was, you know?

I thought we were going to be alright.
But then...

Laura was m*rder*d, you know?

Do you believe in curses?

No, I don't.


No, I didn't used to either.

But now I'm not so sure.

I don't believe in curses because

it means there's no hope.

There's always hope.

Katie's alive. We just
need to find her.

Yeah, you're right.

You're right.

Did Katie ever mention
someone named Sleuth?

He was like a detective
or something?

No, someone she
was talking to online,

about Laura and Romeo.

I thought we were past all that.

- Past all what?
- You have to understand.

When Laura was m*rder*d
it ate Katie up.

All she could think about

was finding out who was
responsible for this.

And it got to the point where I
had to get her into therapy.

And I thought that it was working.

You know, that she'd
stopped looking.

Now I realize that
she never really let go.

Katie was at the fish house

two days ago.

We saw it on her maps app.

- Do you know why?
- Two days before?

No, she said she was
feeling down that day.

That she needed space. So
she spent the day alone.

- She never mentioned the fish house?
- No.

But Laura, the
summer that she d*ed,

she talked about a fish house,

that she'd found when
she was out exploring.

My God.

Could it be the same place?

So you think Laura met
Romeo at the fish house?


Well that could be the
scene of the m*rder.

Sarah's going through
the trace evidence

to see if she can
prove Laura was there.

JESSE: Guys. I have something.

It took a while. But I was
able to cr*ck the encryption

on Katie's messages from Sleuth.

I tracked them to an IP address.

They were sent from a computer

in Mount Pearl Imports.

- ♪

How long had you been in touch
with Katie, Mr. Haverman?

Or should I call you Sleuth?

I know what you're thinking.

But I don't have anything to
do with Katie going missing.

Katie isn't missing.

She was kidnapped. Big difference.

So why don't you
tell me the truth?

Katie reached out to me
a couple of months ago.

She contacted you?

Said she wanted to bring
Zack Richmond to justice

and was looking for help.

She was convinced
that he was guilty?

She wanted to get back at him

really badly.

I could see her pain.

So I wanted to do whatever
I could to help her.


Why didn't you tell
me this sooner?

I didn't want to look any
guiltier than I already did.

Let's say I believe you.

What did you two talk about?

Mostly Zack.

Theories about

how he was really Romeo

and how he k*lled Laura.

Ways she might be
able to prove it.

- Did she find one?
- No.

When did you two meet?

Um, just a couple of days ago.

Just once.

I think she was disappointed.


I didn't tell her
about my condition.

When she saw me

it was like she realized
I'd be of no use to her.

What did she tell you
about a fish house?


Did she tell you anything else?

Now is not the time to hold back.

Just that there was
a darkness in her.

It's like she was
capable of anything.

I wish I had something
more concrete to tell you.

Believe me, I really do.

Right now, I don't believe anyone.




DONOVAN: Do you think
Haverman is telling the truth?

That he's Sleuth? Yeah.

What about the kidnapping itself?

He's not in the clear yet.

But we don't have
anything to tie him to it.

Physically, I just don't know
how he could have done it.

- So we're back to Zack.
- Yeah.

Hey, just who I was looking for.

I've gone through the
forensics at the fish house.

- Anything that'll help us find Katie?
- Unfortunately not.

But we did find hair follicles
with DNA matching Laura's.

So she was there. (PHONE BUZZING)

Yeah, suggesting it may very
well be the m*rder scene.

Okay, you're not
going to believe this.

The van?

The VIN number traced back
to a local car rental company.

- CHARLIE: Who rented it?
- DONOVAN: Katie Davidow.

- Two days ago.
- Katie?

SARAH: But that van's tires

matched the tracks
at the trailhead

and in that alley behind Zack's.

- I identified them myself.
- Yeah.

So, if Katie is responsible
for procuring the van

that the kidnapper used...

Then she could be in
on her own kidnapping?

I'm starting to think that Zack
Richmond isn't the kidnapper.

He's the victim.

- ♪

Did Katie take a trip
about four months ago?

Even if it was just
for a few days?

She went to Fredericton

to visit a friend who's
going to school there.

And you're sure she
went on that trip?

I dropped her off at the airport.

Well we have proof that Katie
got on a plane to St. John's.

Well there has to be a mistake.

No. We confirmed with the airline.

I don't understand.

Why would she do that?


Hey Joe.

I think this is about revenge.

What do you mean?

Hear me out.

Katie is obsessed with
finding Laura's k*ller.

She can't accept the fact

that Zack isn't
going to be charged.

So she finds a different
way to pay him back.

She fakes her own kidnapping
and frames him for it.

So Zack had nothing to do
with Katie's kidnapping?

How'd she pull it off?

Okay, so,

Katie knows, that if Zack is going
to be tied to the kidnapping,

then we need to
have concrete proof.

So she comes here four months ago.

She breaks into Zack's house.


Steal's Zack's dagger necklace.

Molly's balaclava.

I bet that was a mistake.

She probably thought it was Zack's.
But it doesn't matter.

She was choosing items that we
would trace easily back to Zack.

Yeah, I can see that.

And then she comes
back for the memorial.

Yeah. She tells her mom that
she needs a day to herself.


When she's alone she goes
and she rents the van.

She drives it and leaves
it out at the trailhead

where we found the tire track.

Then two days later,
they have the memorial.

After the mother leaves

Katie screams.




She runs to the van,

plants the balaclava
and takes off.

And then we investigate
her kidnapping,

which leads us to suspect Zack.


But what happened in the
alley behind his house?

Well, I mean that's
where it gets murky.

I don't know.

Zack was upset
after I talked to him.

Maybe he stepped into the
alleyway to clear his head.

Katie could have been there
with the van, waiting for him.

I don't know how she would
have gotten him into the van.

Maybe she had a g*n.

And then what?

She leads him to the
fish house to wait it out?

Given her state of mind
at the time, I don't know.

Maybe she thinks she's going
to plan some heroic escape.

And we're going to arrest Zack.

I mean, that would have been
her dream come true, right?

Yeah, but you saw her tied
up in that boat, Charlie.

Maybe something went
wrong at some point.

And Zack got the upper hand.

- Yeah.

Joe Donovan.

Charlie, the Coast
Guard found the boat.

- ♪




Turn up anything?

Not so far.

Looks like someone gave it
a good wipe down though.

Any idea how it got here?

Harbour master says
it must have slipped in

at some point last night.



- Got something, buddy?



Smells delightful.


Wait a second.


Cleaner. Rubber gloves.

Whoever cleaned that boat
tossed their garbage in here.


What is it, buddy?

I think he wants
you to dig deeper.

Of course he does.

You know you can't
eat any of this, right?


Of course.

Back pocket.

What's up, Jesse?

Sarah? Hi.

I was looking for Charlie.

He's literally up to his elbows
in something right now.

Oh, okay. Well, he's going
to want to hear this.

The AI program just finished
analyzing the writing styles

of both Romeo and Sleuth.

And guess what?

It confirmed they're
the same person.

How'd you guess that?

Call it canine intuition.


If Michael Haverman
admitted he was Sleuth

then he'd also have to be...

Yeah, Michael Haverman
is a lot of things,

including a kidnapper
and a m*rder*r.

- ♪

- Stay here, pal.

Hey, Joe.

Charlie, backup is en route.

- That's great.
- JESSE: Charlie, a couple of things.

Michael Haverman's mother
owned that fish house

at the time of Laura
Patel's m*rder.

She sold it a year and a half ago.

And also, I looked into
his medical records, and...

Let me guess. No
tumour on his spine?


Which means it was probably Haverman

that snatched Zack in
the alley, not Katie.

DONOVAN: Look, Charlie.

Don't you do anything
until backup gets there.

I don't think I'm going to
be able to wait on that, Joe.

Come on, pal.

KATIE: You think you're
getting away with this?

Because you're not!

You're not going to!

MICHAEL: Okay, alright. Shut it!

KATIE: You're a monster!

MICHAEL: Enough!


Drop the g*n, Michael.

That's not going to happen.

Where's the dog?



He's in the car.

It's over. Okay?
Backup's on the way. So, easy.

Why don't you tell me what
happened with you and Laura

two years ago in the fish house?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

- Liar!
- Shut up.

KATIE: You were looking for
young girls to do things to!

- I said shut up!
- I won't shut up!

I've been looking for two years
to finally find the truth.

And now I have it.

You k*lled my best friend.

And wanted me to
take the fall for it.

Both of you just shut up!

Hey Michael! Michael! Listen.

Your last chance to tell
your side of the story.


what happened?

Why'd you k*ll Laura?

Come on.

I couldn't wait to
meet her in person.

It seemed like we'd been
talking forever online.

But she was just leading me on.

Teasing me about all the things
we'd do when we finally met up.

When she realized
who you really were,

she wasn't interested, was she?

CHARLIE: Yeah. The man
who owned the house

that she'd stayed
in for three years.

KATIE: The creep who'd
had been eyeing her

since she was sixteen.

No, it wasn't like that.

No, she looked at me

and saw dollar signs!

Said she would tell anyone who'd
listen that I att*cked her!

That's not true!

Laura-she would never do that!

That's exactly what happened!

I was so angry. I didn't
know what happened.

I just... In the end she was dead.

You liar!

I didn't know how I could do that.

You didn't care
anything about her!

You dumped her body in a field!

ZACK: Probably back online in a couple
of days looking for other women.

Shut up!

KATIE: Admit it!

You found me online!

MICHAEL: Stop lying!

Katie? Did he find you
online looking for Romeo?


KATIE: He sent me a note

in one of the chat rooms.

Said that he could

help me get at Zack.

And he had this plan where I would

fake my own kidnapping.

It was all his idea! Everything!

Even the wheelchair!

That's not true!

ZACK: You were going to
frame me for all of it?

Are you serious?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I was just so desperate

to get Laura's k*ller.

If I had known...

Yeah, one thing
you didn't tell Katie

was that you planned to k*ll her.

And Zack too.

Katie, when did he grab you?

It was after the memorial.

We'd agreed to meet
up at the fish house.

But then he tied me up.

And then he kidnapped
Zack in the alley.

Get in.

He would have k*lled both of us

except you showed up at the fish
house before he could do it.

This is all because of you.

You and Laura. Both of you should
have just kept your mouths shut!

I was never going to
keep my mouth shut

as long as my friend's
m*rder*r was still out there!




- Don't move! Stay down.


I don't know how I can ever
find a way to apologize

for what I've put you through.

Maybe it's finally over
for the both of us.


Good job, partner.

- ♪



I'm alright.

Thank goodness!

You're okay, sweetheart!
Thank goodness.

What is this?


Katie's under arrest.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Mom.

Under arrest?

For what?

Aiding and abetting a kidnapping,

breaking and entering, theft.

This is absurd. My daughter
is the victim here.


I need to tell you
what really happened.

What I did.

LEANNE: Sweetie.

Sweetie, I don't understand.


I think you two
should probably talk.

Take as long as you need.



Thanks for agreeing
to meet with me.


I'm here.

Listen. I just wanted to say that...

You can stop right there.

You want to tell me how
you were just doing your job.

I get it.

That's what those cops
back then were doing, too.


It's a little hard to accept
when you're innocent.

You're right.

Things need to change.

- ♪

Hopefully we get a
little better every day.

That's a start.


Best of luck with you and Molly.

You guys keep looking
out for each other.


We will.

You guys, too.



- ♪

How'd that go?

It's a start.


Now what?

Well now Rex and I are going to
grab some pizza on the way home.

- Hey, do you want to join us?
- I would love to.

Actually, I'll give Jesse
the heads up too.

Ah, the more the merrier.

But this time, I'm buying.

Well I'm not going
to argue with that.


Whatever you order, though,

I think you can
hold the pepperoni.

Rex has that covered.


Good job, buddy.


Yeah, buddy.

- Synced and corrected by martythecrazy -
- -

Next time on Husdon & Rex


A man's been sh*t

Hey Joe. What do we got?

The victim is Carl Buel

Carl used to be
an informant of mine

I'm going to find whoever
did this to your son-

I promise

We found dog fur on Carl's body

The forensics say that
Rex was in direct contact-

with the victim before he d*ed

Joe, come on

The optics on this are not good

What if a dog with
the exact same DNA as Rex-

came into contact with Carl

You think Rex may have a twin?

His litter mate could have the
exact same DNA as him

You ready for a family reunion?