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03x09 - Grave Matters

Posted: 02/25/24 16:57
by bunniefuu
Ok, you ready? And... oh!

Gotcha! Hey, hey, hey!

If it isn't Jesse Mills, greatest
police tech of all time, huh?

- What do you want?
- Oh, how about a world

where not every compliment
is presumed to have a catch?


I mean that and a ride home.

- What happened to your car?
- It's in the shop.

Hey... I could make it worth your while.

How would you feel about a
plate of my famous cajun ribs?

In fact, if Sarah comes,

I'll throw some fancy
cocktails into the mix.

- Oooh! Fancy cocktails!
- Guys.

I just saw on my news feed
that it is the fifth anniversary

- of that serial k*ller's capture.
- Oh yeah. Garrett Milton Frost.

Yeah. I went down a wiki-hole

and guess whose name I came across?

You didn't know that Charlie
had a hand in Frost's arrest?

- No.
- I was just a minor player.

Oh please, don't be
modest. It's a huge case.

Yeah. You know, I haven't
really even thought about it

since Frost k*lled himself in jail.

I can't believe it's been five years.

Hey so are you guys coming
over for drinks or what?

No, I'm not. I rode my bike today.

I'm sorry, I'm working late.

I love the sound of drinks though.

Can we maybe push it
to tomorrow instead?

Oh tomorrow's actually going
to work a lot better for me

because I'll be off my
intermittent fast by then.

Don't judge.

No worries. I'll hang out
with my one friend tonight.


And it's a really nice day. So we're
going to go for a walk home, right?

Right, pal?

Come on.

We can take the scenic route home.

Oof! What part of leisurely
walk don't you understand, huh?



Rex, get...





Friend of Frost?

All right people! Bring it in!

So Detective Charlie Hudson
and Rex have been kidnapped.

The perpetrator refers to himself

as Friend of Frost,

which is a reference to a serial k*ller

who buried two of his victims alive.

Now we haven't received
a demand for ransom.

So we should be expecting
that phone call soon.

On the fifth anniversary
of Frost's capture,

that can't be a coincidence.

No, we believe that Charlie was targeted

because of his relation
to the Frost takedown.

Yeah, yeah. So, five
years ago yesterday,

Garrett Milton Frost was captured
by a team that included Charlie.

Now, Frost later died by su1c1de in jail

but his legacy still lives on.

See, Frost had m*rder*d seven
people across North America.

And all these murders
were crimes of opportunity.

Frost however was
desperately in need of money,

so he held his fourth victim,

a Silicon Valley executive
by the name of Chase Golick,

in a coffin similar to Charlie's.

And how does Charlie factor into this?

Charlie was an investigator
on Frost's final ransom attempt

about a year and a half
after the Golick incident.

This time, the victim was
a local 17-year-old boy

by the name of Noel Bunting.

Frost used a payphone to
make his ransom demands

and Forensics was able to pull

multiple DNA samples from that phone.

Charlie was the one
who made the connection

to the earlier Golick incident
and sent the DNA report

to the San Francisco investigators.

To think Charlie claimed to have
only had a small part in his capture.

Well, I mean he's not
one to toot his own horn.

- And this was all before Rex.
- Oh, Rex.

We could really use him right now.

Yeah, well fortunately, there's no
evidence that the captor has him.

- Do you think he escaped?
- I hope so.

Okay. So what's our next move?

We work with what we've got.

So Jesse, I want you to
dig in on the IP address

- of that email that was sent.
- I'm on it.

And Sarah, if you could give me

a rough estimate of how
much oxygen you think

is in there with Charlie
based on that photograph.

- Done.
- The rest of you:

divide and conquer.

That means half of you on CCTV.

Check every single camera

between here and Charlie's house.

The other half, you comb every
single one of Frost's case files.

Okay, we need to find out
if he has a possible ally.

Let's go!

How many friends do you
think he could have? I mean...

he's been dead five years
and wasn't exactly beloved.

You know what? Check his family, Jesse.

Family ties run deep.

Fresh air.

Oh, fresh air.

Is anybody listening?





Based on the previous M.O.,

Frost used a built-in ventilation pipe

on his two coffin victims.

That's how he was able
to control the oxygen.

Well, evidently it didn't work.

Yeah. Once that line is blocked,

the victims are looking
at 10 to 20 hours.

We need to move faster.

Jesse, tell me you're able
to track down that email.

Well look, he's using
a server from Belarus.

He's using a VPN. So
tracking an I.P. address

is going to be an absolute nightmare.

Okay. Just keep digging.

Animal Services are
keeping their eyes open.

But right now, I just need

a little...

Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah!

- It's him.
- Shhhh!

- It's him?
- Okay.

Okay, wait for it, wait
for it, wait for it.

Okay, yeah.


Your detective is in quite deep...

Superintendent Donovan.

You've got our attention.

- What do you want?
- Five hundred thousand dollars.

No cops.

No tracing devices.

Your detective will be
released when the money clears.

You have eight hours.

We're not able to raise money that fast.

That's your problem.

- Not mine.
- Okay okay. Hold on.

Where do you want to do the drop?




Tell me you got that.

Well, anyone got 500K kicking around?

You know the department's
policy on that.

- We do not negotiate with kidnappers.
- Okay yeah, but,

we're talking about Charlie and Rex.

I'll talk to the chief.

In the meantime, at least
we've got a voice, right?

A voice that's masked.

Then unmask it.

Fresh air.




I'll deal with you later.

Your detective is in quite deep.

- What are you trying to do?
- Well, I mean,

the voice has been put through an
oscillator at a certain frequency

and then inverted, so I built
a low pass filter to unscramble.

As one does.

But the problem is is
that it's not working.

I can't figure out why.

Your detective is in quite deep.


Stop, go back.

Your detective is in quite deep.

Do you hear that?

Your detective is in quite deep.

Sounds like it's something
in the background.

Your detective is in quite deep.

What is it?

I'm not sure.

Come on, come on, come on.



- Hey.
- Hey.

- Anything?
- So far, nothing.

Hey, any word on a
possible Frost accomplice?

Based on the court transcripts,

the only person who seemed to
support him was his brother, Blair.

I'm trying to track him down now.

I just spoke to the chief.

SJPD policy is that we do not negotiate.

We can't just ignore the instructions?

No, we don't ignore. We
play along and we stall.

But we can't do anything that
encourages future kidnappers.

But what if money is the
only way to get Charlie back?

Jesse. Need I remind you what happened

the last time Frost got his money?

Yeah, but Frost is dead.

We're hoping that this is just
some money-grabbing copycat

with no intention to k*ll! Right?




Hello again.

Blackhead Park.

Southeast corner.

Silver garbage bin.

That's where you will place half a
million dollars in unmarked bills.

6:00 PM.

- That's a tight timeline.
- Do not bring backup.

If I see a single cop,
your detective dies.

I will know.

Once the money is in my possession,

your detective will be released.

I want proof my detective is alive.

Did you open my present?

This could have been taken hours ago.

How do I know this is now?

What do you want him to do?


I need you to tug your left ear.

Who are you?


I've met my end of the bargain.

Time to meet yours.

We need more time.


- Hello?
- He hung up.

Okay, what do we do now?

He's got a camera.

Which means that he's got a feed.

Jesse you need to get us into that feed.

Okay, I'm on it.

Christmas music.

Pine needles.

Christmas music.

Christmas tree farm.

It's a Christmas tree farm.


Is that a camera?

Come on!

I can't find the damn feed!

Wait wait wait. I might have something.

A reference to a
possible Frost accomplice.

Some sort of fishing buddy
but I can't find a name.

- Well who made the statement?
- Uh, the victim's mother?

- What, Lisa Bunting?
- Yes. Noel Bunting's mother.

Okay let's bring her in.

Bingo! Bingo!

I found a back door to the camera feed.

He's losing it.

No no no. I think he's
trying to say something.

Jesse can you sharpen that?

The resolution's terrible.

This is the best I can do.



Chris Macphearson? Does anyone
know a Chris MacPhearson?


All right, Jesse. Look
into this MacPhearson.

Also check alts, Chris Masterson,

Chris McCreary.

Okay? Maybe there's
a connection to Frost.

Also, make sure that this
feed gets out on the system.

I want every single set
of eyes tracking Charlie

in case he drops another clue.

I'm going to try to find the mother.

Yes. All three hundred thousand.

Yes, yes. I'm being serious.

You don't have that much cash on hand?

Okay so then where can I get it from?


What are you doing?

Did you follow me?

Does Donovan know you're
trying to get the money?

It's just in case we need it.

Sarah, we're supposed
to be a unified front!

Yeah and I'm giving them options.

Okay well, paying Frost's
ransom didn't give them options.

- It ended them.
- Jesse! This isn't Frost!

Look I know what you're
trying to do. Okay?

You're blaming yourself
and you shouldn't.

What are we going to do Jesse?

I don't know.

I don't know.

- We need some kind of miracle!
- Yeah.

I think we just got one!


- Oh you're a sight for sore eyes!
- Oh no no no! No touching!

- Rex is a crime scene now, sorry.
- Right.

Right. What's the deal with the dart?

Uh, looks like an animal tranq.

Like what you might see in a circus.

Okay so that's not a common item.

That works in our favour. Right?

Yeah, we might get additional
evidence from Rex's fur here.


If we're lucky.

You want to come inside? Huh?

Come on! Let's go!

Hey come on Rex! We
need to find Charlie!

Come on! Let's go!

He doesn't want to go in
the lab with you Sarah.

He wants us to follow him.

You think this is the abduction site?

Yeah, I think so.

I'm also guessing this is
where Charlie was darted.

Yeah but there are no footprints.

You think they were followed?

Well, it's pretty open here,
it'd be hard to be discreet.

Yeah I know, Rex.

You would have picked up on that too.

Unless they were in a car.


All right, so a car comes
moving across like so.

It wouldn't have been a very
clean shot from a moving car.

But what if they were parked

and waiting for them?

Right, okay.

That's a pretty clean shot
from right about there.

Is the ground soft?

Let's hope so.

Look at that.


I'll prep the casting material.

Good job, buddy.

It's a pickup truck.

The alignment is slightly off

judging by the wear
here on the outer edge.

So it's likely at least ten years old.

Any older pickups in the CCTV?

No, none within a three kilometre
radius of the abduction site.

- Well check the auto registry.
- I already did.

I mean, there's at least 800
trucks like it that fit the bill.

Are any of them registered
to a Chris MacPhearson?

No. No Chris MacPhearson

or any variant of that name.

All right, you send me that list.

And expand your CCTV to ten kilometres.

- We need to find that pickup ASAP.
- Okay.

Can you hear that?

Can you hear that?

No you can't hear that.
You can't hear that.

I'm going to show you. Okay?





Oh, Rex looks a little guilty.


You're no usually not allowed in here.

Yeah, I don't know if it's guilt.

I actually think he's out
of sorts without Charlie.

- Yeah.
- Anything?

Nothing in his fur but I did
find a sticky resin in his paw.

It's likely pine sap.

I'm going to run some tests
but I think he was in a forest.

- Well that's something.
- Yeah.

What about the dart?

I found traces of etorphine.

It's a tranquillizer commonly
used on larger animals.

Speaking of which...

Have a look at this.

- What is that?
- A puncture mark.

I had his blood tested
and found etorphine.

So Rex was darted too.

Yeah and that's why he
knows where Charlie dropped

but not where he was buried.

So I was right.

This isn't common.

Let's see what Jesse can come up with.

Good job, buddy.

Okay, I found two locations

with access to etorphine
laced tranquillizers.

One was a vet supply shop

and the other one was an
office for forest management.

- For use on wild animals.
- Yeah.

Okay, have a look at
the nearest CCTV cams.

- See if we can find that pickup.
- Okay.

Superintendent Donovan?

Mrs. Bunting.

I can't tell you how much I
appreciate you coming down.

What's this all about?


Have a seat.

So there's been an incident.

I can't quite get into details. But,

it's very similar to what happened
to your son Noel five years ago

when he was kidnapped by Garret Frost.

I didn't want to bring up bad memories

but in our court documents,

you referenced someone who
may have been an accomplice

of Garrett Frost.

They asked me if I had any
suspicious encounters so I told them.

I think most of them
turned out to be dead ends.


But you mentioned
someone very specifically

who could have been an ally to Frost.

I don't know. I mean, I...

After my son died in that coffin,

I just blocked out so many details.

I'm sorry. The last thing I want
to do is to put you in more pain.

But we just need to know.

Is there anyone you
think could be suspicious?

We may have a copycat on our hands.

There was a man who approached
me in a grocery store.

He said he recognized me

as the mother of the boy
who had been kidnapped.


Okay, did you get a name?

I don't know. Um...

I don't know.

But I do remember he asked
a lot of strange questions.

Like he knew too many details.

Was this the last time
you ever saw this man?

No. I saw him in the
courthouse during the trial.

But they didn't put him on the stand.

Can you think of anything else?

Possibly a name?

Or description?

I remember him being
quite average looking.

He was middle-aged.

Not a name?

Uh... I don't know. Um...





You mentioned that he
drove by your house.

What about a description of his vehicle?

Yes, that I do remember.

It was a red pickup.

Okay, so of 800 pickup
trucks ten years or older,

179 of them are red.

Are any of them registered
to a man named Pat?

Okay. Um...

- Yeah, four.
- Okay, how about the CCTV feeds

outside the two places that sell
etorphine-laced tranquillizer darts?

Okay, well, a confirmed sighting

of a red pickup truck exiting
by the forest management office

approximately three days ago.

- I can only get a partial plate.
- Okay, pull it up.

Zoom in.

Only two legible letters. LC.

Match that up against our Pats.


Yeah, here we go. Okay.

Pat Gillespie. LCX 272.

- Same age as Frost.
- Any connection?

Let's see.


Mr. Gillespie owns a fishing
outfitter near Three Arm Pond.

- Our fishing buddy.
- Friend of Frost.

We've got him.

Dispatch 247. 247 do you copy?


He's on to us.

Hey, listen up everybody!

APB is out on Gillespie
and his 2009 red pickup.

Hey pal. We're going to figure this out.

Jesse, what do you know?

Uh, okay so,

Pat Gillespie. 41 years old.

Cobalt blue eyes. Chubby face, goatee.

Runs a fishing shop.
Former friend of Frost's.

Current whereabouts unknown.

Yeah and he seems to know
a lot about us as well.

Yeah, a little too much.

Okay wait.


Hello, Mr. Gillespie.

It's been six hours.

Where is my money?

We need more time. We're working on it.

Mr. Gillespie? This is Sarah Truong.

I work with Superintendent Donovan.

Do you have details about my money?

Half of the money is
coming from local banks.

The rest of it is coming from
First Bank in Clarenville.

It's just... It's going
to take a bit of time.


But the delay comes at a cost.

Expect another present soon.

No no no. Wait! Wait! We need more time!

Oh thank you, thank you.


Oh no!

I can't watch this.

The smoke will deplete his oxygen.

His timeline just got cut in half.

What was that stunt with the finances?

He needed information.
I gave him details.

Details that were a bit too real.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

I made a few inquiries okay?

I just wanted to make
sure that we money on hand

in case we needed it fast.

I told you departmental policy, Sarah.

Can you really get that much?

Just three hundred thousand

from my portion of my
grandmother's house. So I...

you know, I can't pull it off alone.

Maybe if I dip into
Camilla's college savings...

liquidate my mutual funds?

Camilla will lose her tuition.

- You could lose your house.
- I know. But,

this is Charlie we're talking about.

Guys! You need to see this.

Okay okay.

So Charlie's hand gestures.

Turns out they're at precisely
fifteen-minute intervals.

So I matched it with the
weird noise that Sarah heard

in the background of the phone calls.

They're perfectly aligned.

So what's he trying to say?

Turns out that weird
noise we heard earlier

was worthy of figuring out.

So I messed with the sound registers

and turned the filters
from low to high pass

and then this happened.


What goes off at
perfectly-timed intervals?


Excellent. Okay,
contact the city, Jesse,

and find out exactly what sprinkler
systems are still on this time of year.

And also call a horticulturalist and...


That's great news.

I'm on my way.

They found Gillespie's truck.

Go ahead.


I need you two to stay there

and make sure you've got those

because we're going to
use them in a minute, okay?

- Hey hey, stay there boy.
- Hey, I found this on the seat.

Gillespie's scent will be on it.

Okay. Hey.

Come on, Rex. Track! Track!



This way!

Open it up!

Come on!

Oh my God. That's Pat Gillespie!

It looks like he's still alive!

We need paramedics here, now!



I've already isolated the waveform.

Now maybe that needed a
high pass filter as well.

Your detective is in quite deep.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Your detective is in quite deep.

Your detective is in quite deep.

Nice to see you again.

Detective Hudson.

Any sign of Rex?

No, we've got patrol units on
the lookout but so far nothing.

What's the word on our victim?

Gillespie's was transferred to ICU.

It's a miracle he's still alive.

He might have brain damage, but,

he won't come out of his
coma for a couple of hours.

Hopefully it's not too late for Charlie.

All we know is Gillespie's
not behind this after all

but somebody wanted to
make us think that he was.

Jesse was able to decode
Friend Of Frost's voice.

That someone...

- It's a woman.
- A woman?

Yeah. You look surprised.

No no no. I'm not. It's
just that she had help.

Here. Based on the footprints,

we're looking at two suspects.

One male judging by the size of tread,

and then I guess it makes sense
that the other would be female.

Our robotic-voiced perpetrator.

But why would these people want
to lead us on a wild goose chase?

That's the million dollar question.

I'll have the contents of the
tread examined back at the lab.

Okay, Sarah. Look, if you're able
to get a scent trail off of this,

maybe Rex can help.


If Rex doesn't find Charlie first.


Are you releasing me?

I'm giving you hope.

And then I'm going to take it away.

So you can feel what my
son felt in that coffin

after you botched his investigation.


Just... please. You've got to
just listen to me for a second.

You didn't listen to
us about the ransom.

You didn't listen to us
about Frost's accomplice

and now you're both going to pay.



Frost's accomplice? What?

What have you done?

Gillespie knew too
much not to be in on it.

We told you about it.

And you did nothing.

He'd have led you to our son quicker!

You ignored your best lead

and now Noel is dead.

And when I tried to talk
about it at the trial,

they put a gag order on me.

The judges and lawyers were
covering up for SJPD's mistakes.

They're all working together.

We thought you were different.

But you wouldn't talk to us.
Even after the trial was over.

All to protect your precious reputation!

I wasn't protecting my
reputation! I was protecting you!

We had evidence that Frost k*lled

as soon as he got the ransom money!

I couldn't release that to the public.


He was not an accomplice.
He was an informant.

He heard Frost confess to
details about a kidnapping

and the defense they argued that

he couldn't be a witness because
it would corrupt the case.

So why didn't you tell us
this after the trial was over?

I didn't want you to know

that paying that ransom
triggered Noel's death.

Please, Lisa.

You've got to believe me.

You have no idea how many times

I wanted to tell you that before.

You're lying!

You're lying!

Let's smoke and close the air hole.

That'll make it quick.


That'll make it quick.


Okay. I'll check my inbox for
the list of plants. Thank you!

I found a pine needle
embedded in the dirt

underneath the shoeprints.

It's abies balsamea AKA balsam fir.

Great. Hopefully this'll
help us isolate the region.

The only problem is balsam
firs are everywhere here.

What about the sap
we found on Rex's paw?

Abies concolor AKA white fir.

White fir has the opposite problem.

- It's not even native to this province.
- So where does that grow?

Primarily, Northwestern US.

Otherwise you might see
them in a Bavarian forest.

Perhaps at Christmas time.

You know what? Those are on the list

that the horticulturist just sent me

- along with blue and Norway spruce.
- Wait wait wait.

- Christmas trees!
- Wait wait!

What if Charlie wasn't
saying Chris MacPhearson?

What if he was saying
Christmas tree farm?

Jesse, how many Christmas
tree farms are in the area?

Okay let me see.

Okay there's three. But only
one that carries white fir.

And who owns it?

Richard Bunting.

The husband of Lisa Bunting.

Okay everyone let's go!

Got him.

- Richard!
- Ughh!


It's over!

Where's Charlie?

Where's Charlie!?

Maybe we don't need her.


Come on!

Come on!

Come on!



- Charlie!
- Charlie!


Come on. I've got you.

All right.


You and your husband
buried Patrick Gillespie.

And you drove his red pickup so
that we would think it was him.

I convinced myself that
Gillespie was an accomplice

but I was wrong.

I realize that now.

He was asking such strange
questions back then.

Gillespie is going to be okay.

He came out of his coma.

No brain damage.

That's good news.

Yeah yeah. It is.

The bad news is that...

you're going to jail
for a very long time.

After the trial, I kept...

running into Gillespie.

And every time I saw him...

I kept...

picturing him forcing
my son into that coffin.


what my son must have felt.

And I wanted him to feel that.

And you too.

I'm so...

I'm so sorry.

I'm really sorry.


Yeah, I was worried about you too, pal.



How'd that go?

About the same as it always goes.


I heard about the money.

And um...

what you were willing to do for me.

It wasn't just me. Joe too.

Thank you.


You would have done the same for us.

Well, I don't know. I really do
like that house I just bought.

I didn't think we could do this anymore.

Ah well... it's just a touch.

And just this once.

- It's the good stuff.
- Mm-hmm.

I even poured one for
Rex. He deserves it.

- Ooooh!
- We all do

after what this team has been through.

Hey, listen.

I just wanted to say thank
you for not giving up on me.

To this team.

And the fact that we're
all still breathing.



So beautiful, isn't it, pal?

Next time on Hudson & Rex..

This is gonna take 15 minutes, max.

- Sean!
- The victim's name was Sean Mueller.

He went into the garage and
seconds later the vehicle exploded.

Police always investigate
this kind of accident.

Well, we suspect that your
husband's death wasn't an accident.

I talkd to Sean's employees, neighbors,

everybody loved the guy.

OK, I want you guys to do a
rundown of all known fire bugs.

What is it partner? You smell something?

- Rex, go!
- Charlie,

- that's two explosions.
- I know,

we may be dealing with a serial bomber