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04x01 - Sid and Nancy

Posted: 02/25/24 17:04
by bunniefuu
- Good thing the weather broke.
- Told you it would.

Perfect spot to stop for a bite.


- Holly!
- Hey!

You brought that?

I did.

I thought we were saving
it for something special.

Molly, the last couple of
years have been amazing.


I'd like them to go on
for the rest of our lives.

Will you marry me?



You want to get away from here?

Your dog's disturbing the crime scene.

He's investigating the crime scene.

Detective Hudson, Major Crimes.

- This is my partner, Rex.
- Oh!

The dynamic duo!

- Heard plenty about you two.
- Ah.

Superintendent Wes
Walker. Constable Ron Lyle.


So who called you in?

Well, we got an order
from the Attorney General.

SJPD is now running
point on Sid and Nancy.


Okay well, speed limits
aren't a suggestion, Sarah.

And as officers of the law,

we have a responsibility to follow them.

No! Not when we're a police
unit responding to a situation!

Just admit it! You're a terrible driver!

Charlie and Rex got here first!

Yeah, well I'm just learning
how to handle this beast!

It's not exactly a performance vehicle!

I told you, you should let me drive!

Maybe I should have backed
it in. What do you think?

Don't say it.

- Oh!
- Yeah, it's not pretty.

It's a single shot. Back of the head.

Ah, this one took two.

One in the arm. One in the chest.

She probably died second.

- They didn't stand a chance.
- That's what I'm thinking.

And you know what this means.


Sid and Nancy may be in town.

I'm afraid so.

You really think Sid and Nancy
have made it to Newfoundland?

They were seen headed east.

Yeah. And eyewitnesses
have claimed they saw them

right here on the island.

But no proof.

No, but the witness
descriptions match the profile.

Man and woman. Early twenties.

And look at these two. Campers
in a remote location, m*rder*d.

If this is the work of Sid and Nancy,

then these are victims
number five and six.

It's all couples camping alone,

all shot within close range.

Yeah, the first two out in Alberta.

The second near Thunder Bay.

- Now here.
- Yeah, lucky us.

What do the locals know?

Not a lot so far.

And who are they talking to?

Guy's name is Quinn
Carter. He found the bodies.

What's his story?

Out of town friend of the victims.

Let's have a word, shall we?

Well, this is horrible.

At least it would have been fast.

Superintendent Walker.

We'll take it from here,

if there are no objections.

Would it matter if there were?

With all due respect,

this is as much our crime
scene as it is yours.

- And we welcome the assistance.
- You got it.

Anything we can do.

- Do you know who they are?
- Sure.

That's Paul Castillo and Molly McQuire

from down Eastport way.

That's not that far from here.

Apparently, they come here once a year.

Kind of like an annual tradition.

Anything else of note?


We'd like to talk to the witness.

Knock yourself out.

We'll be over here if you need us.

Come on, Lyle!


- I'll take him.
- Okay, sure.


Give me a couple minutes.

No IDs.

The local police know who they are.

Hey, listen.

It fits with Sid and Nancy.

k*ll and take their wallets.

Do me a favour. Go through
the reports of the sightings.

We need to be sure about this.

Rex found something. Hey,
let me know what you find.


Like I said, I was supposed
to arrive last night.

Fog in Halifax delayed the plane.

By the time I showed up this morning,

I'm not usually thankful
for plane delays.

But I'll take that one.

So what'd you do?

Checked if they were alive.

Phoned the local police
and then stood pat.

Did you know the victims well?

We were all best
friends, back in the day.


This is horrible.

It is.

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah, you can think about who
else could have done this to them.

Who else? You don't think
it was Sid and Nancy?

I don't know for sure.

But I think it's best you
stick around for a bit.

No problem.

I'm not under suspicion
or anything am I?

No, of course not.

I just think it's best you stick around.

You got something?

Yeah, I see it.

Good job.

Good find, pal.

All right. Let's go. Come on.

So far, I can tell you it was a handgun.

Three sh*ts.

No shell cases, as far as I can see.

- It's them, isn't it?
- It's possible.

Sid and Nancy have
k*lled four people so far.

Where is she?

Oh God! No!

Please no! No! No!


- Ma'am! Ma'am!
- My daughter!

- She can't be dead!
- Ma'am.

Oh my God! She's my daughter!

She's my daughter!

It was three in the
morning. I couldn't sleep.

Then I heard a noise outside my place.

Went outside and that's when I saw them.

You think it was Sid and Nancy?

It sure looked like
them. A couple of kids.

Couldn't have been
much more than twenty.

Sure looked like those
two I'd seen on TV.

Sure it had to be them.

They looked like maniacs.

They were wild eyed and crazed.

They were in Quebec about a week ago.

And now they're here!

So it stands to reason that
they were heading this way.

What does that mean?

All the bad ones end up at the
edge of the world, eventually.

I'm getting some major
crackpot vibes off that guy.

Sid and Nancy are now prime suspects

for the local murders of Paul
Castillo and Molly McGuire.

Hey, I may have something.

The friend who said
he found the victims.

- Mm-hmm.
- What time did that Quinn guy say he showed up?

Early. Just before seven.

- Something troubling you?
- I don't know. But best I can ascertain

that could be around the time of death,

give or take an hour.

So he could have had
something to do with it.

- It's possible.
- Hold on.

He didn't seem too broken
up about their deaths.

I'm already on it.

They haven't been here for a while.

You got something pal?

Yeah, I hear you.

Yeah, so two people. I got you.

Let's find them.

So our Quinn Carter is not
exactly a model citizen.

All charges. No convictions.

And the most recent
one's over ten years ago.

There's nothing on
his record since then.

He seems to live a quiet
life as a computer nerd.

- Hey, now!
- Sorry, a systems analyst

- for an insurance firm. Is that better?
- Thank you.

So he arrived in the window
where those two were k*lled?

That's right.

Then he's still worth talking to.


Quinn Carter!

I think Quinn Carter has
become a person of interest.

And we let him go.


Thanks for the reminder, Jesse.

So, where is Quinn Carter?

The last time I saw him was
about twenty minutes ago.

And you let him get away?

Well, I didn't have legal
reason to detain him.

You could have made up one.

We follow the rules.

So can you get a squad
car to follow him?

Because he was on foot. He
couldn't have gotten too far.

We're happy to assist.

- C'mon Lyle.
- Yes, sir!

Man, I hate that.

Eating crow in front of the locals?

Yeah, I'll never get used to it.


I don't think Quinn
Carter is the bad guy.

- What do you mean?
- Well, I looked into everything I could.

First of all: Quinn and the two
victims went to school together.

They also shared a house at Dalhousie.

- They were the best of friends.
- Yeah, back then.

- Jesse, when you were in school...
- Yeah, not that long ago.

Wasn't there someone there who
you'd love to get revenge on now?

Yeah, there is this one guy, actually.

So you don't think this was
the work of Sid and Nancy?

No, I didn't say that.

I just wanted to make sure that Quinn
didn't have something to do with it.

Yeah, we found a fire pit.

Might be theirs, might
not. It's hard to tell.

Yeah. Okay, I'll see you soon.

It's too bad that these nature walks

always come with m*rder
attached. Hey, pal?


That's good news.

They found Quinn Carter.

No. No, I'd like to
interview him myself.


Jesse, call Charlie. Tell
him that we're on the move.

- To where?
- That was Walker.

He said that he and Lyle
are coming off shift.

So if we want Quinn Carter,

we have to come get him ourselves.

- Okay.
- No no no.

I'll drive.

Get him out of there!

Let's go.

Found him three miles down the road

- trying to hitch back to the airport.
- We're much obliged.

Our pleasure, helping
out the pros from Dover.

Thought the super-dog would
have kept an eye on him!

Those two are a real treat.

- Why did you take off?
- No reason to be here anymore.

Didn't take the time to say goodbye?

- I didn't know I had to.
- I would have thought

with your friends dead, you would have

shown a bit more concern.

Well, they're dead, right?

Not much I can do about that, is there?

How do we know they were
dead before you got there?

They were.

- What are you trying to say?
- You have a bunch of arrests on your record.

You seem to have a bit
of a violent streak.

Oh come on.

That was years ago.

Hey, what kid doesn't make mistakes?

None. But not many are
arrested three times.

Ancient history. Besides,
Paul and Molly were my friends.

I'd have no reason to cause them harm.

You did arrive pretty close
to their time of death.

Yeah, and maybe if I had
arrived a few minutes earlier,

they wouldn't be dead. Or I would be.

- You two find anything?
- Yeah, we picked up the trail for a bit.

Then we lost it.

I'm not blaming you, pal.

But there is definitely
somebody out there.

Rex tracked them from the crime scene.

Did you hear that?

- Yeah, I heard that.
- So then, can I go now?


If he k*lled his friends,
then called the cops,

where's the g*n?

Hold your hands out.

You're cuffing me?
You've got to be kidding.

- I didn't do anything.
- I'm not cuffing you yet.



No gunpowder residue.

If there was a g*n tossed
near the crime scene,

Rex would have found it.

Just don't leave the island.

Aerial surveillance?

That brush is pretty dense. I
don't think it'll do much good.

Is it worth a deeper dig into Quinn?

I think I'm going to
trust Rex on that one.

How far out do you think they are?

Satellite map shows a
hunting shack out there.


That's near where Rex lost the scent.

Okay. I'm coming.

- Rex and I have got this.
- No, look.

Sid and Nancy's fingerprints.

I got them from a
crime scene in Edmonton.

Might as well make sure
we know who we're chasing.

Got it. Just can't get
enough of me and Rex, huh?

You good with this?

Oh yeah. I was at the range last week.

How'd it go?

Let's just say I booked another session.

Well, hopefully, we
will not have to use it.

Right pal? Come on. Let's go.

- Okay.
- Oh.

So, what should we do?


What if it isn't Sid and Nancy?

Yeah, it's possible. Sarah said as much.

Well, the victims are from around here.

So what if there's
something else going on,

something the local
cops are keeping from us?

Should we find out?

Well, it's better than
sitting around here, isn't it?

Yeah! A little undercover
work. I like it!

We can't quite call it that because
they do know who we are, Jesse.

They do. But they don't
know our intentions.

So it's... I mean it's
technically, it's undercover.

You know what? You
call it what you want.

Knock yourself out.

GPS says we're not far, now.

You see Rex?

There are still some
things you can't do.

Oh, I'm kidding! I'm sorry.

Don't worry, pal.

Don't listen to the bad
lady. She's just jealous.

Hey look!

It's Paw Patrol!

Paw Patrol.

Here to fetch some drinks?

No. Actually, we're here to buy some.

Mind if we join you for a bit?


Hey. A round for me
and my friends there.

And we'll have whatever they're having.

Is someone in there?

Yeah, let's find out.


Give him a second to get around front.


Let's go.

I didn't mean to withhold. It's just...

there's been Sid and Nancy sightings

in every province in the last week.

Well, this one seemed credible.

No one got a good look.

- And who needs a panic?
- Huh.

What about him?

- Saw him on the news.
- Old Wilf.

He's reported two sea monsters
in the last six months.

- A year ago, it was Bigfoot.
- Bigfoot?

I thought he lived on the West Coast.

Good one.

Good one.

You know, I'm sorry we
got off on the wrong foot.

No, I... I can come off strong at first.

No offence taken.

From everything I heard, those
two that were taken were good kids.

And we're going to find who did this.

I hope you can.

- Walker's old school.
- But?

Nothing. He's a good guy. Just...

you know, been at this
job a bit too long is all.

What does that mean?

It means he just wants to finish
his twenty-five and retire.

You know? He just wants
this case to go away.


Wife's picking me up.


Lucky you!


Lucky me.

You know what?

I'm going to get this. It's on me.

- Ah, thanks!
- Mm-hmm!

Hey, I'm calling it.

- Oh!
- Yeah, get some air.

Yeah, really? I just
ordered another round.

Well, fill your boots.

We're leaving the
mobile unit here tonight.


So what do I do now?

I want to assure you we're
not going to leave here

until we find out who did this.

That doesn't bring her back.

Yeah, I know.

She loved it here.

I told her so many times that she should

leave, just go see the world

and go be something I wasn't.

But she never wanted
to do that. She just...

wanted to stay here.

You know, sometimes, it...

it takes time.

Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of.

All that empty time.

I had a daughter.

Now I don't.

Boss seems like a good guy.

- Yeah, you know, he is. He is.
- Yeah.

Not like mine.


Is there...

Is there something
you're not telling me?

- Can I trust you?
- Yeah, of course you can trust me.

I mean, look, I'm a fellow officer.

That doesn't always matter.

Look, you can trust
me, okay? You know, I...

sometimes I know what it's like

when the boss doesn't want to listen.

You guys are looking at this all wrong.

That Quinn guy has
nothing to do with this.

Sid and Nancy don't have
anything to do with this.

Then who did?

Cut me in on the credit for the bust

and I'll lead you right to him.

Oooh. This window has
definitely been pried open.

You find anything?

Nothing that makes this
the work of Sid and Nancy.

Well, somebody definitely broke in here.

Yeah, but there are no
prints to say it was them.

And I imagine these shacks around here

get broken into from time to time.

Well, I'm not going home tonight.

- Uh, why is that?
- On the chance they could come back.

Better place to see if we can
pick up the trail in the morning.

Right pal?

I guess we've got our answer.

Hey Joe. We're going to
spend the night here tonight

and see if we can pick
up the search in the a.m.

- Hey.
- Huh?

What do you think the chances are

that the looters took
a half bottle of rye?

I'd say pretty good!

So I don't know this
for a hundred percent.

You know? Maybe it was Sid and Nancy,

if they're even here.

But I think I know who did this.

- You do?
- Yeah.

Ted Byson.

He's from around here.

Had a bunch of dust-ups with
Paul Castillo over the years.

Okay, well a dust-up, I
mean, that's not m*rder.

Right. But if you knew Byson,

you wouldn't be
surprised it came to this.

Well why didn't you guys look into it?

Because of Wes.

- Superintendent Walker?
- Yeah.

Byson's his nephew.

But if Paul and Molly are dead,

Byson had something to do with it.

I'd put money on it.

Okay, so, um,

we've got to take this to the team.

Walker hears a word about
this, he'll go to Byson.

And he'll be long gone
before we can get to him.

We've got to keep this on the QT.


Okay, tell me where Byson is.

He's in the bush.

I'll take you to him.

How about it?

You and me

bring in the bad guy.

- That'd be pretty sweet.
- Yeah.


I cannot figure out this wood stove.

Failed Boy Scouts.

I never went.

So how are you liking it?

Hmm? It's not...

the highest quality rye
whisky I've ever had.

I'm talking about the
fieldwork. Not the rye.


Well, you know, I can't
complain about the company.

Oh, so...

you're happy that you
stayed for all this

instead of going to London.

- Hey pal?
- Yeah, London is much more crowded.

Wait why?

You think I should have gone?

Oh, I don't know. But I mean...

Rex is obviously very
happy that you stayed.


- Right, pal?
- Yeah.

Well I think I made the right decision.

Being out here in the field working,

I can tell you, I do not miss my desk.

Yeah, it's good to see you
out of the lab more often.




although the accommodations
are a little...

tight, it's usually Rex
and I that are out here.

So I appreciate the company.

And, uh, you know, if we're
being completely honest,

it's not just Rex that
is happy that you stayed.

I'm glad that you didn't...

go to London.

I don't suppose you're
going anywhere. Are you, Rex?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Stop it, Rex.


Did I sleep here all night?


That you did!


I was out cold!

I guess a walk in the
woods will do that to you.

Or the rye.

It was very comfortable.

I'm so happy for you.

Okay, pal. Yeah, we're...

Wait a sec. What have you?

What have you got there?

Did you find that outside?

You never stop working, pal.

Looks like our fugitives
left something behind.

That means we've got something to go on.

Yeah, it's like I said,

if you run into a
dead-end in the field...

just wait for Rex to bail you out.

Good job, partner. We're going
to go deeper into the woods.

This constable, he trusts me.

He thinks some local troublemaker,
might have something to do with it.

A double-m*rder*r is a lot
more than a troublemaker, Jesse.

- I think I should come with you.
- No no no, please!

Look, I can handle this, okay? Trust me.

- What else did he say?
- Walker might be part of the problem.

- Why exactly is that?
- Suspect is a relative.

Might have something to do
with it. Special treatment.

Okay, I'll look into it.

Just make sure you
keep in contact, okay?

Yeah, will do.

- Ready to go?
- Yeah, I was born ready.

You'd better change your
shoes. This isn't George Street.

- You've been there?
- Damn right.

Saw Kiss at the festival
there a few years ago.

It was sweet!


Okay, I'm going to get my boots.

Hey. Do you want to take a break?

- No, do you?
- No, I was just being gentlemanly.

Ah, thanks.

You don't need to make
allowances for me. Let's go, Rex!

Yeah, thanks pal.

So no luck with the fugitives?

No, not so far. No reports
of sightings, either.

If they've gone into the
deep woods, there won't be.

Hey. I know a few fellows who
know this area pretty well.

You want me to round them up?

Not if it's Sid and Nancy.

Those two are considered
armed and dangerous.

Last thing we need is some local
citizen getting shot in a gunfight.

But you think a guy and
his dog can handle them?

- Listen, let me ask you something.
- Fire away.

You think anyone from around
here could be responsible?

k*lling two people?

- I don't think so.
- No local bad apples?

None who'd do something like this.

Hey, I know we got off
on a bad foot. But...

- I'm here to help.
- Sure.


Boots aren't quite broken in, eh?

No, I'm all right.

Maybe you should have just
stuck with those sneaks.

Listen, when we get there,
let me take the lead.

Teddy Byson is one bad apple
but at least I know him.

I had to let him out of jail
more than a couple of times.

- Why's that?
- Walker's orders.

Yeah, you should have
just reported that.

Rat out a fellow officer?

Yeah, I'm not that kind of guy.

Besides, if I did that, I'd be posted

somewhere even worse than where I am.

What're you doing?

- Huh?
- Oh, I'm just texting Donovan what's up.

And what's up?


You're going to let
him know nothing's up?

Let's keep moving.

Good job, partner.


- What do we do?
- Well, not alarm him, for starters.

We'll just walk in nice and slow.

You got that, Rex?



You see that?

What are you doing
sneaking up on us like that?


Get over here.

Okay, just put the g*n down now.

Why are you following us?

- We're police.
- Oh, crap!

We just have some questions. If
you put the g*n down, we can talk.



- So what do we do?
- Nothing to them if they're cops.

Get some rope!

Uh, rope.

We tie them up and we get out of here.

I've got it.

Hurry up!


Stay there.

You're just going to leave us here?

If you are cops, someone
will come looking.


On your knees! Face on the ground!

Here we go!

- Let's take a look inside.
- We shouldn't be doing that.

We have probable cause.

I don't think your hunch
counts as probable cause.

You want to walk back
to town to get a warrant?

Anything we find here
could be inadmissible.

I told you. Probable cause.

Look at this.

Belongs to Paul Castillo.

Bet we keep looking,
we'll find Molly's as well.


This don't belong to Byson.

- Have you found anything?
- Mrs. McQuire.

Let's go outside.


You need to stay away from this.

No. No, I won't.

Look, the local police and
I, we have this well in hand.

The local police? What a
laugh. They won't do anything.

Why do you say that?

One of them has it in for my daughter.

Always has.

Wait, hold...


And let me see your other finger please?

These two tossed the shack.


They're not Sid and Nancy.

You're sure? Yeah,
of course you're sure.

All right.

Who are you two?

My name's Frankie James.
She's Jamie Sinclair.

You know you two bear a striking
resemblance to Sid and Nancy?

Yeah. We're aware. But we're not them.

What are you two doing
out here by yourselves?

Getting away from the world.

You're going to need to
be more specific than that.

We're going off the grid.
The world is a dirty place.

And Newfoundland looks
like as good a place as any!

Where are you from?

Orangeville, Ontario.

The address is on my health
card if you want to take a look.

- You broke into a hunting shack.
- Ughh.

- We needed a couple of things.
- It's called theft.

No, you go back there
and check, all right?

We left twenty-five bucks
on the kitchen counter.

It covered what we took.

- Checks out.
- What are you after us for, anyway?

We told the local cops who
we are, and that we were here.


Come on, come on Charlie, pick up.

Who did you talk to?

- Superintendent Walker?
- No, we told Constable Lyle.

Yeah, I got something.

Constable Lyle is deep in this.

He's connected to both of the victims.

A couple of years ago,

he was about to marry the
dead woman, Molly McQuire.

Then she dumped him for Paul Castillo.

- Okay. Where is he now?
- He's out with Jesse.

- I'm going to call him in.
- We're on our way back now.

Okay. Get up. We're going. Come on.

- Smart dog.
- You have no idea.

Come on, pal.

Don't make a sound.


What did you just do?

He was armed!

He k*lled those two campers!

- You don't know that!
- You saw it...

plain as day. He would
have come after us.

- No, you don't know that either, Lyle!
- Sure I do.

Because he k*lled you.

The way I see it, it goes like this.

He caught us searching his place.

- He shot you.
- What?

I had no choice but to return fire.

I took down a double
m*rder*r and a cop k*ller.


You didn't know of his
association with the victims?

Ron Lyle only joined
the force two years ago.

And I've got to tell you, I
sure wouldn't have expected this.

Where would he take Jesse?

Jesse said that Lyle told him

that a local troublemaker
was responsible,

someone who was known to you.


Who's that?

Ted Byson.

The boy's my nephew. But
he wouldn't have done this.

Yeah, it sounds like a
lot of people from out here

wouldn't have done anything.

Clearly, somebody did.

Where would we find Byson?

He lives about five miles from here.

Do you have something of
Jesse's I can get his scent from?

- Yeah.
- His trailer is deep in the bush.

They're mainly unmarked roads

but I can drive you in most of the way.

What do you want me
to do with these guys?

Check out their story.
If it holds, let them go.

- And we should probably pay for that rye.
- Gotcha.

- Charlie, heads up.
- Thanks Joe.

Come on, pal.

Teddy's place is about

a mile in the woods that way.

Okay, you stay here. You see
anything, you give me a call.

Got it.

I know you're out here!

You got something pal?

Your feet must be getting sore!

Rex, go!


I got this one.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Note to self. Next
time, call for backup.

Yeah, I know. It's just he was
a fellow officer. I trusted him.

No, the five of us,

we're the team.

I know.

I think someone is
happy that you're okay.

Yeah, he's not the only one.

I owe you one, Rex.

Hey, guys.

We have a confession from
Constable Ronald Lyle.

He ran into Paul and Molly.

He didn't plan on k*lling
them. He just lost it.

- You believe that?
- Doesn't really matter.

There was plenty of
premeditation after the fact.

He withheld the ID of those kids.

To top it all off, he tried
to pin it all on Ted Byson.

Who he k*lled in cold blood
after planting the wallet.

That's the good thing,
Jesse, is Ted didn't die.

The b*llet went clean through.

So they think he's going
to make a full recovery.


I think Lyle is going to
be in jail for a long time.

- Oh, holy!
- They got them!

Sûreté du Québec found Sid and Nancy

outside Havre-Saint-Pierre.
Arrested without incident.

Thank God.

You know what? I'm going to
catch up with you guys later.

There's something I've got to do.

Go on.

So she didn't get to leave here.

You said she never really wanted to.

This is hers.


She so wanted this.

A short life can still be a good life.


But a long one is better.