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04x04 - Leader of the Pack

Posted: 02/25/24 17:06
by bunniefuu



- DINA: Thirty-five minutes. Great work!

OLIVE: That's the longest
anyone's lasted at pursuit so far!

- MIRAI: Not by much.
- Longer than you.

- What? I'm just saying.
- Be nice you two.

- You did so great.
- Oh, thanks!

I wasn't expecting this
retreat to be quite so intense!


Bet you didn't expect a
sharp sh**t like me either.

I feel you though. My body's
already begging for a bath.

DINA: Well self-care
is an important part

of being a good leader but
not this weekend, Madelyn.

I'm here to push you all to your limits.


Now come on. Get together.

Now, smile and say

What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger!





Yeah, I know it's strange not
having Sarah here, huh, bud?

When the Deputy Chief suggests

that you take a leadership retreat,

you don't have much of a choice, do you?

She'll be back soon.

What have we got?

Imran Abas.

Neighbour found him this morning

after seeing exhaust
coming from the garage.

Looks like su1c1de by carbon monoxide.


- Fresh wound on the back of the neck.

What have you got, pal?

- Pop the trunk.

Who buys fresh produce if they're
planning to k*ll themselves?

No one.

- I think this was a m*rder.



Hey, guys.

The detail in that is amazing.

Yeah, I mean it must have been shot

with at least a three to one macro lens.

DONOVAN: Yeah, Imran was
an amateur photographer.

Wait, you knew the victim?

No, not really. I just met him once.

He was a prof at the university
in the Department of Biology.

I didn't know you were back at school.

Oh no, not really. I just have a
friend in the Faculty of Science.

A friend?

Is this a lady friend? Do tell!


Fine. I want deets later though.

else we got, Charlie?

No sign of a struggle. I
think Imran knew the k*ller.

JESSE: Guys.

Guys, I might have something.

A separation agreement dated
late last year but never signed.

That tracks. What's the name of the ex?

- Michael Rattan.
- He owns an art gallery.

CHARLIE: We don't
believe it was su1c1de.


you think Imran was m*rder*d?

I'm afraid so.


I loved him.

I mean I know we were
getting a divorce, but,

I still loved him.

Mr. Rattan, when was the last
time you saw your ex-husband?

Imran and I mostly speak
through lawyers these days.

Sounds difficult. Why
were you two splitting?

Imran was a workaholic.

It's like he traded
me in for his laptop.

Was there a reason that the
divorce wasn't finalized?

We couldn't agree on alimony.

And yes, before you ask,

I was suing him for it.

- Where were you last night?
- Here.

Can anyone confirm that?


No, I had to lay off
all my staff this year.

This damn economy...

You know, fine art purchases
are the first to go. But...

I didn't k*ll him, Detective.


if you think of anything.



What have you got, pal?

That's one of Imran's.

Oh, I don't know!


Come on, Kelly! Go!

You got this girl!



KELLY: That was amazing!

Great work, Kelly!

And you said you couldn't do it!

I know!


My goddess, I so want to call my sister.

She is never going to
believe that I just did that!

DINA: Forget your sister, Kelly.

If there's one lesson,

I want to impart on
all of you this weekend,

it's that the only person you
have to prove your worth to,

is yourself, okay?


I am so tired of feeling

like I have to prove
myself to my clients.


KELLY: I hear you, girl.


is such a hard thing to let go of.

I just feel this desperate need

- to make everything perfect for them.
- KELLY: Yes!

That is me! Every P&L report.

Every single quarter.

I learned early on
in my political career

that people-pleasing is
an impossible pursuit.

DINA: That's an important lesson.

What about you?

What's holding you back from
stepping into your power at work?

Uh, I've never really
considered that. Um...

I moved into a new role with
the St. John's police recently.

MIRAI: Oh! You're a cop?

But you're so nice!

Yeah, my team is really supportive.

I love having a new challenge.

KELLY: I can hear that but
coming from a mile away.

No no! There's no but!

Well, how come you're on
a leadership retreat then?

SARAH: Well, um...

I've spent my career in a lab,

analytically assessing things

but my new job has me in the field more.

So I guess I was looking for something

to help me think on my feet a bit.

You know? To trust my instincts.



As my own coaching guru once said:

Your brain may play tricks.

Your heart can be blind.

But your gut...

- is always right.
- So true.

DINA: Hey!



Hey, buddy!

- Are you hungry?
- I think he actually misses Sarah.



DONOVAN: Yeah, well
he's not the only one.

Forensics won't even give me a hint

as to what to expect in Imran's autopsy.

JESSE: Lucky you still have me.

Take a look at this. Imran's cell phone.


Check the texts.

Why would you do this to me?

I thought we were friends.

Looks like someone was upset with Imran.

- Who sent these?
- A woman named Justina.

- They've been working

on some sort of project together

but he ghosted her a few weeks ago.

What else did you learn about him?

Well, just that he came
to St. John's from Pakistan

to seek asylum ten years ago.

Asylum? On what grounds?

Persecution based on his private life.

Same-sex relationships
are illegal in Pakistan.

- Mmmm.
- JESSE: Didn't even have family in Canada

but carved out a pretty
good life for himself.

He just got tenure last year.

What was this project that he
was working on with Justina?

There are no specifics on his phone.

What about his computer?

There wasn't one at the house.

CHARLIE: That's strange for a professor.

Maybe he kept it at the university?

You know? Why don't
I just swing by there

and see what I can come up with?

Tell your lady friend we say hi.


I'm going to act like
you never said that.


MAN: Sorry to startle you, ladies.

DINA: Just not used to having cyclists

this far out into the woods.

I like being off the beaten path.

My bike, not so much.

Any chance you all have
a pump I can borrow?

There's one in the side
pocket of the gear pack.

- Help yourself.
- Much appreciated.

You know, I was worried I'd be
bored without my cell this weekend

but I gotta say...

- Ain't mad about the eye candy?
- MIRAI: Exactly.


You ladies all alone out here?

OLIVE: Yeah. And we
intend to stay that way.



How was the university?

No sign of Imran's laptop.

I've got to tell you Charlie,
people are truly devastated.

Yeah, it's pretty shocking to
lose a colleague so suddenly.

No, it's more than that.

Imran was gaining international
attention for his research

on how to preserve
the natural environment

while still fostering economic growth.

That's pretty important work.

Maybe Justina can fill us in on it.

Anything else?


My friend mentioned that
Imran was quietly working

on a freelance project to
help pay for his divorce.

- Why quietly?
- Apparently, it's gauche

for a tenured professor
to take on outside work.

Huh. Who knew?

Maybe she did.


Use your instincts.

Dead? That's not possible.
I just saw him yesterday.

- What time yesterday?
- Six-ish?

Right after I got home from
my shift at the dog rescue.

Can you tell me what this is about?

From these text messages to Dr. Abas,

all I can tell is you were angry.

He fired me three weeks ago.

I just wanted to know why.

So you were working together.

Yeah, I was doing data entry.

I'm applying to grad school

and being his research assistant

was going to look really good on my CV.

What was he working on?

I don't know.

- You don't know?
- I was just inputting the numbers for him.

I don't know what they represented.

That way the results are
guaranteed to be without bias.



I just can't believe he's gone.

Dr. Abas was the whole reason

I decided to apply to grad
school in the first place.



One last question, Justina.

- Yeah?
- Did he have a laptop

with him yesterday?

I never saw him without it.

Imran had his laptop when
he went to visit Justina.

And it was gone when
they found his body.

So the k*ller took it.

Yeah maybe there was
something on it they wanted.

Yeah. You might be right about that.

Imran's phone had died.

So I charged it, restarted it

and a bunch of recently deleted
apps started downloading.

- I hate it when that happens.
- JESSE: Me too!

Anyway, one was a
cloud-based storage app

that Imran shares with his
ex. You know, photos, music.

Is there a point coming
here at all Jesse?

Yeah. A big one. Imran had set it up

so his entire laptop
would back up weekly.

Well, that's great.

- Right?
- JESSE: It would be, except,

all the backups have been erased.

Would that not have happened
when he deleted the app?

No, something like that
would've had to happen manually

by someone who knew the password.

Someone like Michael Rattan.



DINA: There you go. Breathe.

The rope is there to support you.

All you have to do is lean into it.

Don't look down.


DINA: Feet wide.

There you go. Breathe.

KELLY: You can do this,
Madelyn! You got this!

I don't know what she's so afraid of.

Come on Madelyn!

So you're...

So you're really a cop?

- That must be so exciting!
- SARAH: Oh, TV shows make it look that way

but it's mostly protocol and paperwork.

Still, it is so much more
interesting than my job.

Problem-solving and writing
press releases for picky clients.

- Gets old fast.
- Scandal always

- made that kind of thing seem exciting.

Like you said, TV tends not
to show you the boring bits.

So what exactly do you do?

Are you like a detective, or... ?



Ohh! Oh!

Kelly! Step up!

Get that belaying rope under control!







- I'm so sorry!
- So that's what she was afraid of.

DINA: Madelyn! Are you okay?

I just wrenched my ankle.

- I can walk it off.
- SARAH: No no, here.

- Let me have a look at it.
- Sure, thanks.

Let me take this off.

That was quick thinking, Sarah.

Your instincts are
sharper than you think.


You got a minute?

Got a million. I'm closing down.

Why did you erase
Imran's laptop backups?

What are you talking about?

Well, I know you two shared a password.

So give me a good reason
why you erased his backups.

All right, fine.

I took advantage of Imran not
changing our password to poke around.

I just wanted to know what
was holding up my alimony.

- But you didn't erase anything?
- Of course not.

Imran would have had my head.

Did anyone else have the
password to your online storage?

I doubt it. I never gave it to anyone

and it took Imran years
before he even trusted me

- with that kind of stuff.
- So what did you find,

when you were poking around?

Just that he hadn't been paid by the
energy company he was working for.


That energy company got a name?

Penndale Oil and Gas.
You ever heard of them?

DONOVAN: I sure have. My broker
wants me to get in with them.

They're waiting for approval
on a huge fracking project.

They think there's about a half
a billion barrels of crude oil

in the ground near Gros Morne.

I thought the government closed the
door on fracking a few years ago.

JESSE: One sec.

Yes. No no, actually.

They said that more
research was required

on its environmental effects.

Maybe Imran was doing that research.

You know what Charlie? I
think I'm going to bring in

someone from Penndale.

CHARLIE: Sounds good. We'll
be back in fifteen minutes.



I thought we were going
to share that, huh?

DONOVAN: Thank you for
coming in today, Mr. Johnson.

STUART: It's okay. Penndale's
fracking project is really special.

- Some would even say it's revolutionary.
- DONOVAN: Why is that?

Well, we've patented a
new extraction process

that completely eliminates
the environmental risks.

How did Imran Abas's
death affect the project?

Well, it's a terrible tragedy, of course

but he had completed his work for us.

It's an environmental
assessment of the land

we'd like to develop
for hydraulic fracking.

Dr. Abas authored it.

I thought you had in-house
people to do that sort of thing?

Well, we do.

But fracking's got a bit of a bad rap.

So the government wanted
an independent researcher

to weigh in on a proposal before
making a decision and we're...

more than happy to do our
part in facilitating that.

- Imran signed off on your proposal.
- Yes.

His report's in line with our scientists

in finding the land ideal for
Newfoundland's first fracking site.

So your project is still a go?

Well, only the Minister of
Industry can say for sure, but,

between us,

yeah, I feel pretty confident.


SARAH: I don't want to frighten anyone

but I don't think Madelyn's
fall was an accident.

I've been looking at her harness

and I think it was tampered with.

Any one of us could
have been using that.

KELLY: Meaning any one
of us could have fallen?

MADELYN: We checked all
the equipment before we left

- and it was fine.
- Who could've tampered with it out here?

Oh my goddess.

Okay what is this, some sort of
like surprise leadership challenge?

Absolutely not.

This retreat is about pushing you

to your optimum level of discomfort

but no one should get hurt.


That mountain biker!

He is the only person we've seen

but that's circumstantial at best.

MIRAI: Dina did just let him
root around in our supplies.

He could've tampered with anything!

We're lucky nothing worse has happened!

- KELLY: Yet.
- What if he put a tracker in the pack?!

He could be following us right now!

SARAH: Look, we don't know
where the threat came from or why

but we can't risk this happening again.

- I think we should call for help.
- MIRAI: You know,

I never thought I'd be happy
to have a cop around but,

you're right.


That's weird.

There's no reception.


- Maybe it's the tree cover.
- SARAH: Could be. Keep trying.

Okay, this is really scary, you guys.

KELLY: I know, right?
I'm trying to stay Zen.

But if somebody's after us

and this is our only
link to the outside world

- and it's not working...
- We just have to be vigilant.

And we could do a few
deep cleansing breaths

to you know, shake off the bad vibe.

I'm not sure it's the right
time for that right now, Dina.

MIRAI: Yeah and how do we stay
vigilant while we're sleeping?

I'll stay up and keep watch.

You can't stay up all night.

We have another big day tomorrow
heading to the trailhead.

What if we all took shifts?

That's only fair.


Thanks, everyone. Two hours each?

Rotating shifts?

I'll go first.

We're going to be fine.

It's good.

It's all good.


So if Imran signed off
on Penndale's proposal,

I can't see why they'd want
to destroy his research.

- So we're back to square one.
- Maybe square one and a half?

I just got the autopsy report.

Rex, can you get the door?

See, Imran died of carbon monoxide
poisoning but that's not all.

- Take a look at the blood results.

The coroner found
ketamine in his system?

Yeah, and an injection site
on the back of his shoulder.

Look where it is. I mean,
unless Imran's a contortionist,

you can't really...

Right. He couldn't inject himself.

Somebody drugged him.

DONOVAN: Which would make it
easier to get him in the car.

What about the head wound?

CHARLIE: The k*ller could have done that

when they moved Imran's body.

Maybe they didn't even notice.

Wait, did Imran's ex
have access to ketamine?

No, no.

But I know somebody who does. Rex.



- Wait, you don't think that... ?
- You work at a dog rescue.

It's a common pharmaceutical.

Yeah, I don't even have access to it.

And even if I did, I would never
hurt Imran. He was my mentor.





CHARLIE: What have you got, pal?


I've never seen that before.

Maybe Dr. Abas left it when
he was here the other day.

You mind?



Keep this somewhere safe.
What's that supposed to mean?

Your guess is as good as mine.


What exactly were you two working on?

I told you. I just collated
the data. I don't know!

If Imran gave this to
you he must have thought

that you would understand
whatever was on it.

Keep your phone on you.
We might need your help

decrypting whatever is on this key.

Rex. Let's go, buddy.





What are you doing?

Oh, just a little forensic work.

This way if anyone
tries to enter our camp,

they'll leave footprints.

That is so smart.

We're so blessed to have you.


Stay warm.





Sleep okay?

Not great.

Any luck with the phone?

Maybe once we get onto higher
ground. Are we going... ?


Do you hear that?

Hear what?

I don't know. It's like...



Dina, I need a hand!

- DINA: Oh!
- Get her out!

She needs fresh air!

OLIVE: What is going on?

What on earth happened?

- The propane! Turn it off!
- Okay!

Madelyn. Madelyn. Hey, wake up. Come on.

- Is she dead?
- No, she's got a pulse.

Hey, wake up! Come on! Come on!

- Why isn't she waking up then?
- She's got propane poisoning.

Come on. Madeline?

- Come on.

Well, I guess we know who the target is.


Guys, guys!

I thought you'd never get here!

It's barely eight o'clock.

Yeah. We've been up all night.

JUSTINA: They were all
out of Boston cream.

So I went for vanilla sprinkle. Oh, hey!

- JESSE: Thank you.

Sorry, I only got two.

JESSE: Oh. I called Justina in

as soon as I decrypted
the first batch of files.

What've you got there, Rex?

I think he nicked Sarah's
sweater from her office.

Does someone have a crush?


How are you doing on those files?

JESSE: Oh! I'm glad you asked.

Here's all the data from Imran's
environmental assessment analyzed.

DONOVAN: And what is the
analysis telling you, Justina?

JUSTINA: That the ecosystem he
was studying was extremely fragile.

That doesn't track with
the report that Imran gave.

JESSE: It doesn't track
with the report that you saw.

But there's an earlier draft
on the USB that's pretty harsh.

JUSTINA: Yeah. Dr. Abas was clear.

Fracking absolutely
shouldn't be permitted

- on the land he was assessing.
- DONAVAN: That means the report

that Stuart Johnson
gave us was doctored.

But Imran still wanted
the truth out there.

And the keep this safe note
that he left for Justina on the USB...

That means that he knew that he was
putting himself at risk to do it.

That must be why he fired me,

so I wouldn't get any blowback.

DONOVAN: But we need more
proof before we do anything.

Listen, Jesse, did you
decrypt the entire USB?

JESSE: Well, there's a couple of
what look like audio files left.

DONOVAN: Keep at it and let us know

- the minute you come up with anything.
- JESSE: Sounds good.


How are you feeling?

Physically, fine.


It's a lot to take on board.

Yeah, I can only imagine. Careful.

When you run for office,
you expect scrutiny.

Hell, you even expect
people to hate you.


But for someone to stalk
me through the woods

to try and k*ll me?


Is there anyone you can think
of who could be behind this?


How much time do you have?



Guys! You have to hear this.

It's a little echoey
but it sounded like Imran

- was recording a phone call.
- Let's hear it.

IMRAN: So you're saying
you want me to bury

the real results of my study?

OLIVE: You signed an NDA!

IMRAN: Some things are more important!

I've already scheduled a
meeting with the minister.

- You should know!
- OLIVE: You are going to regret that.

That's a clear threat.

Do you recognize that voice Justina?

No. I don't.

I never actually met any of the
people Dr. Abas was working for.

CHARLIE: Stuart Johnson, he said that

the decision on Penndale's proposal

was going to be made by
the Minister of Industry

and this mystery woman,

she knew that Imran was
going to whistle-blow to them.

Then the minister
might be in danger too.

- Where are you going?
- To talk to that minister.

I'm going with you. Rex.


This should help with the
walk back to the trailhead.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Hey, Dina, can I borrow
that camera of yours?


- Here you go.
- Thanks.


There are no footprints,

which means...

- OLIVE: Hey, Sarah.
- Hey, Olive. What's up?

This could be nothing, but...

A SIM card?

And it's destroyed.

- Where did you find this?
- By Dina's tent.

Look I know you're the cop

but maybe this is why the
sat phone isn't working.


The minister's on vacation

but if there's something
I can do for you?

We have a few questions
we'd like to ask you

about a proposal that
was made to your office

by Penndale Oil and Gas.

Oh, it's a very exciting
opportunity for the province.

So the ministry plans to
sign off on the project?

If it were up to me, absolutely.

- What about your boss?
- She's on the fence.

That's why she demanded
an independent assessment.

Speaking of that assessment

did your boss, the minister,
speak to the author, Imran Abas?

- Funny you should ask.
- Why's that?

Madelyn and I were on the phone
the morning she left on vacation.

She cut the call short when Dr. Abas
showed up at her door unannounced.

We're going to need a
contact number for your boss.

There's a very real
chance she's in danger.

That's not possible.

She's on a tech-free leadership retreat.

What's that retreat called?

Uh, um...


- No, wait.
- Not Women in the Wild?

That's it, yeah! Uh, sorry.

All the W's in the name.
I always get it mixed up.

Thank you for your time.

Yeah, thank you.

What is it Charlie?

The minister is on the
same retreat as Sarah.

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Maybe it's possible that
our k*ller didn't know

that Imran had already
met with the minister.

I don't think we can take that
chance. Jesse, Sarah's retreat.

I need a location.

SARAH: Madelyn.

You're not being targeted
by a stalker in the woods.

- What?
- It's someone in the group.

I'll explain later. But right now,

we need to get you away from the group.

I know you're in pain but
we've got to move fast.


Hey, Jesse. We're at the trailhead now.

JESSE: Okay. Sarah's group
should be walking towards you

about five kilometres ahead.

Okay, well, let's hope
they stayed on course.

Call me if you find anything
on the woman after Madelyn.

- Okay, pal. Let's find her.

MADELYN: This barely feels like a trail.

Are you sure about this?

SARAH: If we cross to the
opposite side of the river here,

there's a path that runs
parallel to the retreat route.

We can get to the
trailhead in a few hours.

I don't mean directions. Are you
sure we should have left the group?

There were no new boot prints
around the camp this morning.

Madelyn. One of those women
was trying to k*ll you.

I know.

But at least it wasn't
just the two of us.

We had support. This
just feels so isolated.



No, my gut is telling me this is safer.

I'm asking you to just trust me.


Now, will your ankle
be okay on the rocks?

I'll live.



- Ooh!
- Oh, careful.

You okay?


- Get back!

Get away from us!

Stop okay? Stop!

- Get away from us!
- CHARLIE: It's okay!

It's okay! We're not going to hurt you.

We're police. Okay?

Are you part of the leadership retreat?

We were, until people
started disappearing on us.

CHARLIE: What do you mean disappearing?

KELLY: Somebody's
picking us off one by one!

First Sarah and Madelyn went off.

Then Dina went!

- And then Olive went!
- When did Sarah and Madelyn split?

Usually my sense of
timing is really good.

But out here, in nature,

my internal clock is really...

- Oh gosh, I don't know.
- Are we talking hours or days?

It was about two hours ago.

Thank you.

Wait wait wait. Where are you going?

Keep going. I'll send
an officer to meet you.


Okay, let's go.

If we keep good pace, we
should make it to the trailhead

- within a couple of hours.
- MADELYN: Great, good.

I'm just going to...

I'm exhausted.

It's been an intense few days. Come on.

I know you've been through a lot.

I keep wracking my brain but

I don't know why one of those
women would want to k*ll me.


Unless... what?

The morning we left on the retreat,

a scientist showed up at my house.

Imran Abas.

What did he want?

For me to know the truth
about a report he'd written

related to a fracking
project I'm set to decide on.

He intimated that a woman
had been threatening him.

- I wonder if she was one...
- SARAH: Shhhh!


We need to keep moving.


SARAH: This way. I've got you.

What do you hear, pal?

SARAH: Here, put your weight on me.

Is it Sarah?

STUART: I'm not sure I understand.

It's very simple.

Did someone at Penndale make
threats against Imran Abas

when his research didn't
align with your interests?

We were very happy
with Dr. Abas's report.

You've seen it. You know.

What we know is that
someone doctored his report.

I think that someone was you.

- I never touched that report.
- So you admit it was doctored?


Look, unless you want me to charge you

with accessory to m*rder...

On my life, I don't know
anything about Dr. Abas's death.

So what do you know?

You need to start telling me right now.

A week ago,

I was made aware that
there might be a problem

with Dr. Abas's report,
that it wouldn't...

that it wouldn't look good on Penndale.

Who was it that made you aware?

The head of the consulting
firm that we hired to

hire and liaise with Dr. Abas.

Penndale needed to be totally hands-off.

I bet hands-off went out the window

the moment you found out that
his report would sink a project

worth over a billion dollars.

No, I never went near him.



I may have intimated...

that the consulting
firm do whatever it took

to get a positive report...

and to make sure that
the proposal was approved.

Whatever it took was his life.

Who was your contact
at the consulting firm?

Olive Chambers.

MADELYN: I think I need
a minute for my ankle.

Okay, here. Let's...

I'll rewrap it when we
get to the trailhead, okay?

- I can't. I can't!
- Keep going.

Okay, I know, I know
you're in pain, Madelyn,

but we're almost at the zip line okay?

We're almost safe.

OLIVE: That depends on
your definition of safe!


- You two were hard to catch.
- I thought you might be tracking us.

You knew it was her?

You overplayed your
hand with the SIM card.

If it was Dina, she could
have sabotaged the phone

before we left St. John's.

Why did there have to be a freaking cop

on this freaking retreat?!

You're the woman who was
threatening Imran Abas.

I just needed him to
keep his mouth shut.

But no, he had to show up at your house

- and ruin everything!
- How did you know he was... ?

You were there? Spying on me?

This was never supposed
to be about you at all!

Okay, Olive.

Olive, why don't you tell
us what it is about then?

My client said he would fire my firm

if I didn't make sure
that report was positive.

And I wasn't about to lose
two million in commission.

That sounds like a lot of pressure.

You have no idea!

I revised the report and
everything would have been fine

if that scientist hadn't
insisted on blabbing about it!

And now you both know! So...

God, what a mess!

I'm sure we can figure this out.

Will you sign off on
the fracking proposal?

- Then there's nothing to figure out.
- Olive, nobody needs to get hurt.

- It's way too late for that.
- Stand back!

Ughh! Aghh!

Olive Chambers.

She runs the consulting
firm that hired Imran.

- I'll send you her...

- What was that?
- I think we found them.

- Is everything okay? Is Sarah safe?

Jesse, just call for backup! Now!



I need something to restrain her with!

Grab your tent's guy lines!

What did you mean when
you said it's too late

to stop people from getting hurt?

I did whatever it took,

just like that Penndale exec told me to.

Did you hurt someone?

Olive! Did you hurt Imran Abas?


I had to make sure the
proposal would get approved.

I did what I had to do.

- Olive, what have you done?
- There's only one thing left.







I guess we're taking the shortcut!





- Are you okay?

Deep breaths. Take deep breaths!

Okay, good! That's it!

- Uhh!
- Rex!


Don't move.


Rex, what are you doing here?

How did you know?

Well, it's a long story.

We can talk about it on the ride home.

But how did you figure out
that she was after Madelyn?

I trusted my instincts!



DINA: Let's find a spot to
talk about how the last few days

has impacted our
self-perception as leaders.

Enough with the woo woo crap, Dina!

- I just need a drink.
- You know Kelly...

I think that shows real growth!

Hey, uh...


He, uh...

he really missed you
the last couple of days.

I think he was pretty anxious that...

you were out here with a k*ller.

That sounds like a tough few days.

Yeah, it was.

I think he might have been
worried that he might lose you.


Well, I guess I should

make sure he knows that I'm not
going anywhere then, shouldn't I?

I think he'd appreciate that.


♪ By candlelight ♪

♪ We'll sing songs amid the snow ♪

Come on, pal.

Next time on Hudson & Rex...

Will you join my retail
trading revolution?

- Deputy Chief Tenant?
- We're looking at a theft

of nearly four hundred thousand dollars.

- You have a lead?
- I think a dog did this.

- If I'm going to tell Tenant

that a dog stole Holland's money,

I need to know exactly
how that's possible.

Now's your oportunity to show me

how uniquely equipped Major Crimes is.

Find this thief, and fast
or I'll find a team who can.

You met your first arch-nemesis.

Track it.