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04x08 - Sudden Death

Posted: 02/25/24 17:09
by bunniefuu
what we need every night.

A W.

Deller. Good hard solid work out there.


- Yes!
- DELLER: Yeah!

Ming! It is a shame about
that hat trick tonight.

- This close, right?

And Luka!

It is good to see you
come as advertised, son!


MING: Hey, pass! Yeah, pass, pass, pass!

- Damn!

- ANNOUNCER: St. John's goal

with six seconds left in the third!


Luka Sokolov!

we have the game puck!

Now around here, Luka,

this is a token of honour.

And tonight,

- it is yours.
- TEAMMATE: Ooooh!

- Thank you, Coach.
- COACH PETERS: You're welcome.

You deserved it.

- Right?


You guys have a good time tonight.

There's a list on the
door of who's to be

at the optional practice tomorrow.

Okay? So have a good time.

- But not too much.
- Hey, Coach.

- Oi!
- If practice is optional,

- how come there's a list?
- Oh, I thought you'd want a chance

- to stop riding the pine, Clive.

- Okay!
- COACH PETERS: All right?

- I guess we'll see you at practice!
- Guess I will be!

- I'll see you there!
- Okay!

♪ There's not enough money to make ♪

♪ Give a young savage a break ♪

♪ There's not enough food on my plate ♪

- BRAYDEN: Welcome, bro.
- Thank you.

MING: All right, hey boys, boys!

I just realized something, eh?

We have yet to give our new Russian
teammate a proper St. John's hello.

So, who's up for a midnight
hike up Signal Hill, huh?

- Yeah!

- Yeah, you into it?
- I'm into it.

I'm with you!








Oh, hey Rex!

Time to start working
on your cardio, hey?

One of these coffees
might be slowing me down.

- Oh, thank you. I'll take that.

What have we got?

Luka Sokolov, twenty-five.

He's an NHL first-rounder who
now plays for the Ice Pirates.

Apparently, he scored the
game-winning goal last night

and came up here to celebrate.
I think that's yours.

Oh. We got a m*rder w*apon?

Look, I don't even know
if we have a m*rder.

I mean, it's possible that he just fell

and struck his head.

There's a lot of dried blood.

I won't be able to get
a good look at the wound

until we get it cleaned up.

So, he's been here for a while.

Time of death is anywhere
between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m.

Find anything on him?

His wallet had $380 in it.

So, likely not a robbery.

Cell phone's on its way to Jesse.


Hold on, Rex. They just
need a few more minutes.

- Who called it in?
- Thomas Ming.

I'll take it from here.

So, Thomas Ming, what were
you doing here last night?

Well, this hike is
my team-bonding go-to.

Great way for out-of-towners
to connect with the Rock.

Uh-huh. That always include vodka?

No. The vodka was Luka's idea.

But I'm the captain.

It's my responsibility.

When is the last time you saw Luka?

Around 1:00.

He with anyone?

- Yeah, a bunch of us.
- Get specific.

Yeah, there was like,

maybe like five of us
besides me and Luka.

Okay, and what, you were just
up here enjoying the view?

No, we were talking.
Passing the bottle around.

Everyone tried to keep up with Luka.

That was a mistake.

Anything else?

No, nothing I remember.

I came here because I needed to puke.

And then, must have laid
down after and fell asleep.

You notice any friction between Luka

and any of your other teammates?

No, why would there be
friction? Luka just got here.

None of us even knew him.

- I thought this was an accident.
- You know that for sure?


But there were four guys left
who can probably back me up.

- I thought you said there was five.
- Yeah, five. I don't know. I just...

It was a long night, okay?

I'd have to think about it.

I think it might have been...
yeah, it was five of us.

It was five people from the team

and we were just hanging out.



Pull up your sleeve.

Yeah, it looks an awful
lot like blood to me.

Well, it makes sense.

I was trying to revive Luka
before I called 911, so...

Then why is there none on
your hands or your jersey?

You know what? I'm going to
need you to take that off.

I'm also going to need the names
of all your other teammates.

- Seriously?
- Yeah, seriously. Come on.


Okay, so Owen Blake, Amir
Patel, and Clive Billington

shared an Uber home at 1:30 am.

The other guy, Jamie
Wagner, walked home.

Leaving Luka alone with Ming.

Well, I mean, not completely alone.

There were a couple other
guys according to Clive.

But he couldn't remember who.

Well, Ming was the only one
to wake up with blood on him.

Okay, well, I'll just...
I'll check with Owen and Amir

see if they can remember who was there.

So that was Isvestia,
the Russian newspaper.

The press has been calling all morning.

CHARLIE: I never realized
that Luka was such a star.

Oh, a star is an understatement.

This guy broke all of Ovechkin's records

with Moscow Dynamo as an 11-year-old.

CHARLIE: Why isn't he in the NHL?

DONOVAN: Well, he was supposed to be.

He was scheduled to be
drafted first overall

but then rumours of alcoholism

caused his stock to take a plummet.

Spent about half a season in the bigs.

Deemed an epic bust.

I heard he was looking
pretty good last night.

Yeah, he was picked up on
waivers. So he had incentive.

Uh, what are waivers?

Well, waivers are when
an NHL team is interested.

So, it's an opportunity for
him to get back to the show.


Yeah, that's the press again.

Good luck.

What are you thinking, Charlie?

Well, I don't want to
jump to any conclusions

but Ming's looking pretty good.

He's the one that called
it in though right?

What would you do if
you'd k*lled somebody?

You'd just wait for the
police to get there themselves?

Look, full disclosure. I um...

I know Ming. We went
to high school together.

Jesse, why didn't you lead with that?

I don't know, I didn't
think it was relevant.


Are you assuming innocence
based on a personal relationship?

There's no relationship. I mean I
haven't seen the guy in five years.

Okay. Well, I'm just letting you know

to be careful with this, okay?

Follow the evidence.

Well, actually, I just
cracked Luka's phone.

Got a text from his wife at 2:00 am

saying she'd pick him up
right around the time of death.

- Is that evidence enough for you?

VENUS: I can't believe Luka's gone.


I'm sorry. But I need to
find out what happened.

You answered a text that
Luka sent at 1:57 am.

- Something about picking him up.
- Um, yes.

I got to Signal Hill around 2:15.

Found him singing Russian
songs with the captain.

I don't think I've
ever seen Luka so happy.

He apologized and said that
he wanted to stay longer.

He wanted to make friends
with his teammates.

Was anyone else with them?

One other. Slim.

Black or brown skin.

I've met him once only and

I have forgotten his name.

Did he have any other
identifiable features?

Yes, he had a scar.

- COACH PETERS: A scar, you say?
- Yeah.

All right, let's see here.

They kind of all have scars.

Oh. Okay, here we go.

Brayden Deller.

Took a puck above the
brow a couple years back.

- Yeah, I'm going to need his number.
- Okay, sure.

I doubt he'll get back to you
until after the memorial though.

- What memorial?
- For Luka.

The boys are going to
want to send him off.

Here. Walk with me?

- Speaking of Luka...
- Mm-hmm?

- How well did you know him?
- Well, I mean,

I took him and his wife
to dinner a couple of times

to make sure they were settling in.

- He seemed like a good man.
- Yeah?

- You know, troubled though, but...
- How so?


a lot of these Russian players
come with a bit of baggage

if you know what I mean.

You ever see evidence of this baggage?

Frankly, Detective, we
all have baggage. But...

nothing serious. No,
sir. Not while I'm here.

I run a clean ship.

Here, it's for the love of the sport.

Yeah, there's nothing to see here, sir.

The team's devastated by
this unfortunate accident.

And that is what it is.

An accident.

So, if you don't mind...

I've got to help set up.

You have a good day, Detective.

We're here if you need us.




- It's been too long, bud!
- Yeah, it really has.

Uh, so listen...

- Thanks for meeting me.
- Yeah.

I'm guessing you heard
about Luka Sokolov.

Yeah, but look, I really
can't talk about it.

Dude, yeah. No, totally fair.

I get that. It's just, well...

I knew the cops
questioned some of the guys

and I just wanted you
to know I didn't do it.

GIRL: Pass it over here!

- GIRL: Awesome save!
- Now watch this.

CHARLIE: Hey, Joe. Any
word on the Sokolov autopsy?

DONOVAN: Yeah. Sarah said
that there's a backlog.

So it might take a couple of days.

Mmmm, I was hoping I'd
have something for tonight.

- What, for the memorial?
- Yeah.

- How'd you know about that?
- Jesse mentioned it to me.

He said that Thomas Ming invited him.

He's not going, is he?

Thomas Ming is a suspect.

I advised Jesse not to attend

but I left the decision up to him.

And technically, Thomas Ming
isn't even a person of interest

until we can come up with a motive.

- GIRL: Watch this!
- CHARLIE: Whoah!



That was amazing!

You should see him play basketball.

GIRL: Here, boy!


Good dog!

MING: He was only with us a short time.

But he's an Ice Pirate forever.


he's lighting it up in the sky

where the ice is always smooth

and he can pull his filthy
dangles on the angels.

To Luka Sokolov!

Our brother!



You think this is
appropriate, Detective?

They're not kids.

And there's no good time to ask.

You of all people should know that.

67 candles.

Same number as Luka Sokolov's jersey.

The captain thought of every detail.

CHARLIE: You know Thomas Ming?

Enough to know he had nothing
to do with Luka's m*rder.

Well, I never said it was a m*rder.

And what makes you so sure that
Ming had nothing to do with it?

Because he's a team guy.

A helper. Always there for

a teammate going through depression,

one torn up by a parent's divorce

and another when he lost
a brother to su1c1de.

Yeah, it still doesn't
mean he didn't do it.

And I'm curious why you know
so much about these kids.

I'm the Zamboni driver.

They're the home team.

We're family by proximity.

So you knew Luka too?


We exchanged a few words.

Got to try out my Russian.

I took it back in high
school but I'm rusty.

Did he get along with everyone?

Oh, come on, Winston. You
have an opinion on everything.

What are you thinking?

That I wish Luka wore number four.

Wax on ice is a nightmare.

BRAYDEN: Yeah. Luka and Ming
were singing when Venus came.

I tried joining but Russian
drinking songs are hard.


- Was there any tension?
- No.

But I was pretty wasted
so I grabbed an Uber home.


Why are you wearing your jersey?

It's not mine. It's my brother's.

Right. The one you lost to su1c1de.


I wanted to wear it
tonight, because well,

it just seemed right.

We know why you're here.

This is a tight team. Word gets around.

So, I'm going to say what
everyone around here believes

because I know it for a fact.

Thomas Ming is innocent.

Okay, thank you for your time.



JESSE: I know, I know.
You don't have to say.

- Say what?
- That I shouldn't have gone.

Hey, look, for what it's worth,

I was going to skip it,
but Ming needed a friend.

And an update on the case.

Look, I know what I can and can't say

- to people involved in the case Charlie.
- Relax, Jesse. I trust you.

Okay, but for the record,
Thomas Ming has zero motive.

Ah, well, think again.

I just did some combing through
Ming's contract on a hunch.

And it turns out that Luka's last
game was also Ming's fiftieth.

And Ming had a rider in his contract

that paid him a 50 thousand dollar bonus

for 50 goals in 50 games.

He had 49 goals.

CHARLIE: Wait. Didn't Luka refuse

- to pass to Ming on his final goal?
- DONOVAN: Exactly.

Which gives our man Ming,

50 thousand reasons to commit m*rder.



MING: Sure. I was upset
Luka didn't pass it to me.

I've got a mortgage to
pay and I was wide open.

But I didn't k*ll him.

Well I mean, nobody's saying
that you did it on purpose

but maybe you took some
of that anger to the hill.

Maybe the vodka brought it out.

I had two goals and an assist

and Luka was in on all of them.

Yeah, but he took your fiftieth.

That's 50 grand.

That's enough to spark the fuse.

You see, we've confirmed that
your teammate Brayden Deller,

he took an Uber at 2:28 a.m.

That makes you the last
person to see Luka alive.

I am not a k*ller.

Just ask Jesse.

About that.

When's the last time you
saw your good friend Jesse?

Not sure. Couple of years?

He says it's been five.

Didn't realize it's been that long.

Okay. You're free to go.

Don't go too far.

Still waiting on the full autopsy

but I did manage to get
some initial findings.

- Now, you see that?
- Mm hmm.

It's an imperfect jagged laceration.

It's likely from a rock

but it didn't match any of
the terrain at the scene.

So there's another w*apon.

That's what I'm thinking.

But Rex already combed the area.

Okay, well,

what if the k*ller had time
to take it away from the scene?

I mean, even Rex has limits.


But the k*ller doesn't know that.

What if we put out word that
Rex is doing a wider search?

The k*ller might decide
to move the w*apon.

And all we need is somebody
who knows the suspect.


MING: Well, hey, at least the
detective made me realize, dude,

it's been five years since we hung out.


So what I'm saying is,
when this is all over,

- we need to change that.
- Yeah.

Yeah, that'd be really cool.

- Really cool.
- Hey, uh,

thanks for this.

Yeah, it's nice not to have to
talk about Luka for a change.

Don't worry, I promise I won't
push you for any more updates

- or any of that noise.
- I mean, look,

there's not much to tell.

This will all be over
after the wide search.

The wide search?

Yeah, with Rex, our K9 officer.

Yeah, they'll get him to
track the victim's blood.

Then do a drive around

just in case the w*apon's
hidden away from the scene.

That dog's got great range.

I tell you.

How crazy are we talking?

Oh, 50 miles. Maybe more.

Even when evidence is
buried or hidden under water,

it doesn't get past him.

- It's nuts.
- Huh!

Who knew?


Oh, man. You know what? I
didn't even realize the time.

- I've got to get going.
- Oh.

Here. I've got it.

- You don't...
- Let's do this again soon, yeah?

- All right. Cheers, buddy.
- Yeah, you bet.

Take care.


Hey, um...

He's on the move.

CHARLIE: Copy that. Good work, Jesse.



MING: Come on, come on.

Let's go.


- Find him.

Track it.

You looking for this?


Thanks for leading my partner
straight to the m*rder w*apon.

- SARAH: I wouldn't do that.

You might be able to outrun us

- but you can't outrun Rex.

So why don't you come out of there?

We'll have a little
chat down at the station.

- Hmm? Come on.

SARAH: The shape of
the rock is consistent

with Luka's head wound and
the blood on it was a match.

So, it looks like the captain's our guy.

Yeah, well, we all know this play.

Alcohol and testosterone do not mix.

SARAH: Especially when you add jealousy

and a loss of 50 grand.

CHARLIE: So a fight must've broken out

after the other teammates left.

And Ming ended it with a rock.

He fled the scene to
get rid of the rock.

Came back to cover his tracks.

Okay, he hid the w*apon, yes,

- but it doesn't mean he did the deed.

CHARLIE: Yeah, technically that
is true, Jesse. But sometimes,

the simplest explanation
is the right one.

No, Jesse's right.

We have to let him go soon.

We don't have enough to charge him yet.

Well, yet being the key term.

I'm going to see what
else I can get out of him.

Are you going to talk to him?

Yeah, why?

Do you mind if I take a swing?


You played me, Jesse.

Okay. You're the one
who lied about the rock.

So, if you want to level,
it's a good time to start.


After Brayden left,

me and Luka took a drunk
hike around the hill.

I know the terrain.

It gets pretty ugly but he was cocky

and I wanted to scare him.

- Did it work?
- No.

No, he just kept going on

about how the hills
were harder in Russia.

So I challenged him to
a race back to the point.

I took a different route.

Lost track of him.

Got there in like 20 minutes.

Then you passed out.


I woke up to find the
bloody rock in my hand

and Luka's dead body beside me.

I panicked.

I drove home, tossing
the rock on the way

but then I realized how
guilty that made me look.

So I went back and I called 911.

I didn't do it, Jesse.

Someone must have planted the rock.

Do you know that for a fact?

I know I'm not a k*ller.

Then you have to give
us another place to look.

- Okay, was anyone else after Luka?
- I told you, man.

We barely knew him.

He was in town a few weeks
before his first game.


he said he was meeting someone.

Yeah, he was doing that a lot.

He was always quick to
disappear after practice.

Did he say where he was going?

We just kind of assumed
he had a girl on the side.

Did you get a name?

I overheard him speaking Russian
on the phone a couple times.

I don't know. One
call got really heated.

And he kept mentioning
the name Scarlett.

Autopsy's in.

So our initial findings
were mostly correct.

But there are a couple of
interesting new developments.

So lividity set in the
left of his rib-cage

but the body was laying on the right.

And nearly 30% of his
blood had been drained.

But there wasn't much
blood at the scene.

So the body was moved.

We both know what this means.

There's another crime scene.


This must be the thatch of bushes.

So, left up this path

but this is the route
that Ming took back.

Luka went another way.

There's only so many ways to the point.

Rex may not be able to
smell blood from 50 miles

but his range is pretty good.

Better than mine, that's for sure.

Look, why didn't he pick
up the second crime scene

when we were there before?

Well, this area is downwind.

That might have thrown him off.

Plus his nose was probably overwhelmed

by the blood at the other crime scene.

Still, he could stand
to cast a wider net, eh?

- Oh, look! He found something.

- That's blood.


Good job, pal. Looks
like we found a winner.


Lots of jagged quartzite rocks
similar to the one Ming tossed.

Well, if Ming is
telling the truth, then,

our mysterious perp would
have assaulted Luka here

- before he moved the body.
- Well, it's plausible.

We found a few footprints
most belonging to Ming or Luka

but we also found a partial print
that doesn't belong to either.

Looks like it was made
around the same time.

- You think we can get anything from it?
- I'm having it cast

and sent to Jessie right now.

It's a Newport
Megaracer. Men's size ten.

I mean the good news is
that it's not very common.

The bad news is it's an
80s fashion nightmare.

It's blue with a cheesy
lightning bolt running through it.

Well, all the better for us.

Text me a pic and I'll follow up later.

Yeah, sure.

And hey, Jesse,

head home, okay? You've
earned yourself a beer.

(JESSE LAUGHS) Um, you know what?

I might actually hang. There's
something I want to check out.

- Yeah, you do you.
- GIRL: Sorry!

Hey here you go, kid.


- Hey, mister.
- Huh?

We need a goalie.

I'm more of a defenceman.

- What about your dog?

Maybe another time.

All right, game on!

Let's go, let's go!

Skate, skate, skate!

You call that a pass?


Finish the drill!

All right boys, you heard the man!

I want to see some
hustle! Let's go, go, go!

What can I do for you?

I need a favour.

Anything in particular?

All right, come on, boys. Hike them up.

Detective Hudson here wants
to have a look at our shoes!

So, we're going to be good lads

and we're going to show him right?

Right! Okay!

The floor is yours, sir!


CHARLIE: Any of you
seen these shoes before?


Take a good look.




We're going to find
these one way or another.

So withholding information
doesn't help anybody.

Okay, Coach Peters has my number

if any of you should remember anything.

Clive Billington? I'd like to
have a word with you please.


CHARLIE: I know you were with
Luka the night he died on the hill.

I already told the other officer
everything I can remember.

Yeah, but you didn't tell him much.

And we're getting conflicting reports.

If I'd known there would
have been an accident,

I would have paid closer attention.

But you know something
about this shoe, right?

You sure you've never seen it before?


Answer the question.


Listen, man, you got something
to say to the detective,

better say it.

CLIVE: I'm not much of a fashion guy.

I don't notice that stuff.

- Right.
- CLIVE: Sorry.


Why do I get a feeling that you
called a team meeting after I arrived?

No way.

Then why am I getting the cold shoulder?

Maybe we're all sick of the suspicion.

This team's a family.

And no one did anything to
Luka except Luka himself.


CHARLIE: Running shoe
lead was a dead end,

- so, we're back to square one.
- No, not quite.

Well, I'll let Jesse fill you
in. He did all the legwork.

Oh, yeah, okay. Um...

So, Ming overheard Luka
talking to a Scarlett.

I found nine Scarletts in
St. John's. All dead ends.

But, there is a Scarlett Club.

So on a whim, I checked their CCTV.

Sure enough, Luka's a regular.

Now, The Scarlett Club leases
out to private companies.

Most frequently, a Skyhawk Enterprises

which isn't even a real company.

It is a front linked to this man.

Have you heard of Semion Mogilevich?

Unfortunately, yes.

He's Russian mafia.


It's standard Russian mafia M.O.

They keep tabs on expats
who are becoming successful.

CHARLIE: Yeah, they
squeeze them for payments

if they want to keep
their star rising and,

with pro hockey contracts, the
players become a big target.

DONOVAN: Yeah. You know, Alexander
Mogilny, Pavel Bure, Artemi Panarin.

These guys have all had run
ins with the Russian mob.

Of course that didn't stop Bure

from posting back-to-back
60-goal seasons. I mean that guy

was a monster.

DONOVAN: Yeah. But suffice it to say,

these guys use old-school
Russian intimidation tactics.

So for those who can't
or aren't willing to pay,

they make them disappear.

Well, that might explain why
nobody's speaking up on the case.

Except with the mob, I mean,
why make the death ambiguous?

Isn't the idea to send a message?

DONOVAN: Either way, we
shouldn't jump to conclusions

until we can confirm Luka's involvement.

Maybe it's time I pay
his wife another visit.


Yes, he did owe the mob money.

But they wouldn't hurt him over that.

I made sure the debt was paid.

Well, then, what was your husband
doing at the Scarlett Club?

Luka knew how to find the
Russian clubs in every city.

And whatever he was doing,
I prefer not to know.

I thought you two were soulmates.

That doesn't mean we
didn't have problems.

I pack up my life to follow Luka

to make a nice home for us.

He was supposed to be a millionaire.

But instead, I pay all the debt

while he wastes money
on gambling and booze.

Ah, that must've made you angry.

Are you saying I'd hurt my husband?

I loved him.

Although he didn't make it easy.

You ever see someone
wearing these shoes before?

- No.
- You're sure?

Yes. Is that it?

- Thanks for your time. Rex.



Ah. You a smoker?

I had quit. I bought
a pack when Luka died.

Stress will do that.

Come on, pal.

- JESSE: She's lying.

I found a social media post

where Venus listed smoking
as one of the four things

that she would never do,
along with getting a tattoo,

sky diving, and jazzercize.

Which means she's hiding
something. Or, someone.

Someone in the Russian mob?

She claims that Luka's
debts have been paid in full

but she may be lying about that too.

Well, she's not lying
about her money troubles.

I dug into the Sokolov's
financial situation

and they are deep in debt.

Luka's was paid his salary in advance.

and they were struggling.

I mean, is that motive for Venus?

Well, it is if you factor in this.

New Leaf Insurance.

Venus took out a 500K insurance
policy on Luka on Wednesday.

Two days before Luka was m*rder*d.

That's not fishy at all.

Except the print that we found
on the scene belongs to a man.


Well, she could be working with someone.

Well, I guess we just need to
figure out who our mystery smoker is.

You know what? I can help with that.



- Hello?

CHARLIE: Venus, this is
Detective Hudson calling.

Listen, we've found
the owner of that shoe

and I don't think you've
been straight with us.

I'm giving you a chance
to revise your statement.

Do you understand what that means?

Yes. And my statement stands.








Damn it! I didn't get it.

Well, at least we've got a voice.

Can you send me that audio file?

I'll see if anyone at
the arena can I.D. him.

Arena's closed.

You're here.

I work here.

Yeah, well, we're working
too and maybe you can help.

Have you ever heard this voice before?


Doesn't ring a bell.
That could be anybody.

Yeah, anybody speaking Russian. Come on.

You were brushing up on the language.

Your ears would perk up if you
heard that voice around the arena.

I've got selective hearing.

I know when to tune out for my own good.

Yeah, like when the
Russian mafia is involved?

Hockey's a rough sport.

I'll take that as a yes.

How wrapped up are you with them?

Are you suggesting I had something
to do with the kid's death?

Well, you know, the
mob is a tricky thing.

You hear the wrong thing
in the right language,

then all of a sudden
you're asked to do a favour.

Detective, I would never
do something like that.

These players are like family to me.

Okay, then help me find this k*ller.

- Nobody's going to know that we talked.
- But they will.

Some people can sniff out a rat

better than even your
partner's nose could.

At least let us poke around a bit?

Come on!

I'm going to go spread the snow dump.

What you do is none of my business.




Yeah, I recognize those.





Coach Peters?

All right, pal. You're my warrant.

Go on.




Why is it always the garbage?

What the... ?





Rex doesn't speak Russian.

Come on.

- Okay, okay!

You shouldn't have run, Mr. Peters.

Or should I say, Andrei Petrov?

Born in Volgograd.

Moved here at 23.

You must have worked hard
to get rid of that accent.

But in the 90s, you were in
Budapest working for the Russian mob.

I took a summer job to try to
help my mother make ends meet.

I had no idea what kind of
people I was working for.

And yet you moved to Canada
to continue their work.

No, no.

I came here to escape them.

I've been in hiding ever since

and I have done everything
in my power to avoid them.

- Including getting rid of Luka?
- No!

You knew that he was
getting tied up with the mob.

Maybe he'd blow your cover.

I was trying to protect him.

- And Venus too, right?
- Yes.

Yes, she came to me for counsel.

Luka was getting out of control

- with his drinking and his gambling.
- Mm-hmm.

And somewhere along the
way you fell for her.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I did and I'm not proud of it.

Look, I don't know how
much debt Luka rang up.

But I know what it's like
to be in the mob's grip.

And I was trying to save him from that.

You know the people that run the place?

Not by name. Only by reputation.

And that is enough to know that
they could be behind Luka's death.

What happened that night?

Venus came to me in the
middle of the night crying.

Saying Luka was up to
his old tricks again.

She said that he texted
her to come and pick him up.

And when she got there, he was drunk.

He became verbally abusive.

Vodka used to bring
out the worst in Luka.

How'd the blood get on your shoes?

She sent me up there to bring him home.

What time was that?

I'd say around 5:30.

I didn't find him. I found blood.

And that's the Russian
mafia's signature move.

They just make people disappear.

So you didn't see Luka?

I only saw blood.

And I stopped looking.

Venus has paid Luka's debt.

But who knows what new
debts Luka has racked up

at the Scarlett Club?

Let's say that you're right.

Why would the Russian mob
want to frame the team captain?

That's a question I've
been asking myself.

Brayden Deller.

Can I have a word?

If this is about Coach Peters,

I had no idea he was Russian.

No, no. It's not about that.

It's just a followup from
the night that Luka died.

Luka's wife initially she told me

that Luka and Ming were
singing Russian songs

when she went to go pick him up.

I found out she was lying.

- That's weird.
- Yeah, what's even weirder is

you corroborated that lie.

Any particular reason?

I was pretty wasted.

Guess my memory's a little fuzzy.

You know, it's just, it's an oddly
detailed story to go along with.

It's like you wanted me
to stop asking questions.

I just want to know the truth.

That night, Ming really
tried to get into Luka's head.

Drinking contests.

Making fun of him. All
kinds of verbal abuse.

- Nobody said anything?
- You don't know Ming.

Once he gets started, he's hard to stop.

And he wanted to teach him a lesson

about not making that pass.

So Venus was there that night.

What happened after she left?

Ming challenged Luka
to take the cliff trail.

They were both hammered.

I knew it was stupid.

I tried to stop them.

I told Ming to text me once
they made it but he never did.

So I biked back.

I wasn't even sure I
was going the right way.

But then I found him.

Our best player, dead.

He must have slipped and hit his head.

Help! Help!

I tried to revive him.

But I was too late.

Ming pushed him too hard,
like he does with everyone!

And I couldn't let him
get away with it again!

Does this have anything
to do with your brother?

Tyler wanted to quit back in Bantam.

He had too small a frame
and kept getting concussions.

But Ming refused to let him quit.

But those concussions
started taking a toll.

They changed him!

Tyler was shy and
goofy and full of life.

But he started having mood
swings, getting depressed.

And then one day my little brother...

You blame the captain
for your brother's...



And seeing Ming drive Luka to
oblivion just like he did with Tyler,

I just snapped.

Ming never once admitted what
he had to do with Tyler's death.

The idea of that happening again...

so I picked up the bloodiest rock
I could find and took it with me.

I carried Luka's body

and I put it down next to Ming.

This time he'd be held accountable.


I know what I did was wrong.

That's why I walked it back
the next day when you asked me.

And that's why you wore
your brother's jersey

because yours was covered in blood.


I would've worn my
brother's jersey anyway.


So I just spoke with the RCMP.

They said he Scarlett
Club should be shut down

by the end of the week.

And you think that'll drive the
Russian mob out of St. John's?

I doubt it. They'll probably
spring up at a new HQ.

- Like Whac-A-Mole.
- Well, exactly Jesse.

But that's our job, is to just
keep bringing down the hammer.

Charlie. What's the verdict?

Well, Deller and Coach Peters
are both going to be charged

with obstruction of justice.

But their sentences
are likely to be light.

Well, they're lucky they
got a judge with a heart.

CHARLIE: Yeah, well
Coach Peters helping us

corner the Russian
mafia definitely helped.

And Deller's probably going
to get community service

instead of jail time.

Well, let me talk to my contacts
at the su1c1de Distress Centre.

See if his service can be talking to
students about his brother's story.

- Mm-hmm.
- DONOVAN: Good work.

JESSE: But hey, I mean,
you're off the hook.

Yeah, thanks, buddy.

For sticking by me.

You don't seem happy about it.

I just thought that pushing my
teammates would make me a good captain.

I never realized the harm I was doing.

I mean,

it's not too late to change.

Yeah, but that won't
bring back Luka or Tyler.

They'd still be alive
if it wasn't for me.

Look, remember...

remember how I said
that you helped me too?

You were the one that convinced
me to apply to the SJPD.

You know, I didn't want
to. But you made me.

And look, since I've been here,
I've helped crack dozens of cases.

And I've even saved a few lives. So...

that wouldn't have happened
if it weren't for you.

I think you and Deller need to talk.

MING: I know.

But I don't think I can do it alone.


- CHARLIE: Okay.
- ♪ You used to shine ♪

- Keep your head up!

- GIRL: I'm open!
- ♪ You shined so bright ♪

♪ That you blinded me ♪

Come on, pass it!

- CHARLIE: Here you go!
- GIRL: Yes!

- ♪ You were my light ♪

- ♪ It drove me out of my mind ♪
- Nice shot, yeah.

- Good boy!
- ♪ That you liked me ♪

Next time on Hudson & Rex...

Ah! Ah! Ah!

- Bring it over!
- Everything OK back there Hoffer?

DONAVAN: You're not gonna believe this.

$58,000 was deposited into Jessie's
chequing account last night.

- I've got to bring him in.

- That's not me.
- Jessie Mills,

you have 5 minutes or
we'll have no choice

but to breach the perimeter.

Call this off. Right now!

We can't, sir. He has a
hostage and he's agitated.

He's actively making threats.

RADIO: Take him down if you have to.

Rex! Stop!