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04x13 - Roses of Signal Hill

Posted: 02/25/24 17:13
by bunniefuu
Every animal deserves a home.

Every child deserves a best friend.

Therefore, for the next two months, the...

Dalton's Animal Rescue Shelter...

off of all adoption costs,

To ensure that all our...

animals find a good home.

And cut.

It says.

Thanks everyone.

Wait what? Are they ready?

No close-ups? No messaging?
- No need for it.

Hey, good job, buddy.

Congratulations, Rex.

I can't believe
you're in a commercial.

Don't get cocky.


How good of you to support
support such a good cause, Charlie.

Don't give him all the credit.
It was my idea to use Rex.

And he's a natural.

We have not
met before. I'm Melissa.

I am one of the advertising managers
who is responsible for the commercial.

Melissa of the advertising agency Three Roses.

Yes, Charlie has said such
good things about you.

You see, I give credit,

where honor is due.

Charlie said you also
volunteer at the shelter.

Yes, every Saturday.
It's so satisfying.

That's where we
met, a year ago.

Remember, Charlie?
- Yeah.

You joked about my coat.

It really wasn't your color.

Shouldn't you answer?
- No.

No, I have nothing to say.

You know what, Sarah? I want to introduce you to my
partners. Viv, Em.

Emily is responsible for technology.

And Viv leads the production.

I am responsible for sales.

We are a complete advertising agency.
- Wow.

That's a formidable high.
- Please don't say stand.

Those heels are k*lling me.

I love the scarves.

Very chic.
- Thank you.

We saw Cardi B wearing one
in a commercial for Chanel.

And we thought, why not?

May I add Rex to tonight's
Tonight's guest list?

Unfortunately, no. We'll have to
back to work tomorrow.

Huh, pal?
- Oh, Rex.

Charlie spoils all your fun, doesn't he?

Okay, the heels, ladies.

They're k*lling me.
- Okay.

Bye everyone. Thanks.

Charlie, we'll talk soon.
- Yes.

Here, let me refill you.


Hi Phil.

Kendra, hi.

I mean, the child?

Was he good enough?

Should we reselect?
Record again?

I thought you liked the little ones.


Never said anything about people.

Do you think if we turn off the lights,

people will get the message
and just go away?


You know what?

Why don't you go home?

Then I'll stay here until everyone is gone.

Really? I have a feeling
that we're letting things down.

No, go ahead. I'll take care of it.

- Have a nice evening.

See you soon.

I'm just cleaning this up.

Hello, this is Melissa.

I can't record...

I'll give her a call.

She's probably just hungover.

Melissa is never late for
work, even when she's hung over.

Translation by Ruvado.

Thanks, friend.

I still can't believe it.

Hey. Sarah said that
you knew the victim.


She did volunteer work
at the animal shelter.

Is there anything on the cameras?
- No.

The motel receptionist prides himself on
discretion. No cameras.

He says he found the body just

Hey. Looks like she died
died of a head injury.

Possibly an arterial bleed.

There was a deep gash on her temple.

Abundant bleeding.
- Multiple wounds?

No one. No trace
of a m*rder w*apon or struggle.

Whoever it was came close
enough and Melissa did not resist.

Maybe she knew the k*ller.

I mean, nothing of value is included.

No fight, no robbery.

Hotel parking lot.
Looks like she had agreed to meet.

Wallet and
phone were wiped clean....

of fingerprints and the ground here at her
feet, someone wiped away the blood splatter.

To hide tracks.
- Yes.

There is only one reason why you meet up with someone at a motel in the middle of
the night with someone at a motel.

Charlie. You saw her yesterday.
Did she say anything, mention anyone?


She did get that nasty text message.

I remember that, yes.

Yes, it changed her whole behavior.

Okay. I'll check her phone
when I get back to the station.

What do you got, pal?

Will you give me that?

Good work.

M. Melissa's car keys?

Well we have her keys.
Where's her car?

You know what? I'll get you a
search warrant for that.

I have to go break the news
to her partners.

Rex, come on.

I just embraced her a few hours
just a few hours ago.

We should not have left earlier.

Don't go that way. Trust me, it's...

But I owe everything to her.

If we hadn't met
in Rose Hall in college,

I would never have studied business administration.

She made soup for you when you were sick,

or was your New Year's date
if you were alone.

What do we do now?

Dalton wants to film again.

The asylum meant everything to Mel.

We owe it to her
owe it to her to finish it.

And Rex and I are here to help. But...

i need to ask a few questions first.

I have the guest list from last night.

Is there anyone with whom Mel
might have had an argument with?

Or are there enemies?
- No, we recruit very carefully.

Everyone is like family here.

So you don't know anyone who has sent her an
annoying text message?

A lot of comments on your social feed
is annoying.

Could it be that she was in a secret relationship,

What made her come to the motel?

No, Mel was single, just like us.

So you guys left the party at 10 p.m.

And that's the last time you
Melissa seen or spoken to?

I got a call from her so....

around 01:00.

And she said she was on her way home.

Emily, do you want to say something?

Mel didn't have a boyfriend.

But there could be an explanation
why she was at the motel.

No, Emily. We told her to stop.

Maybe she didn't.

Mel had a bit of a wild streak.

She loved going to the pub,

Got drunk and picked up strangers.

A particular pub?

Yes. I knew Mel.
Hard to overlook.

Did you see her here last night?

She called around eleven o'clock to see
if she could make it before closing time.

What time did she get here?
- I have no idea.

Detective, it was very busy.

Does that camera work?

Yes, it works, but only the
manager has access to it.

And he's on his honeymoon.

I can't wait that long.

Hey, buddy. Come here.

Track down Melissa.

Melissa sat there.

Then she moved to that table.

Do you know who was sitting there?

Oh yes, absolutely.

A bunch of guys from RWA.

RWA. The oil company?

Yeah, oil derricks or something.

I saw the logo on their jacket.

Idiots who didn't pay.

Where does this door lead?
- It's a short way...

To the parking lot at the back.

Regulars use it.
- So does Melissa.


You work with Joe Donovan, right?
- I do.

Will you tell him Rita says hello
and tell her to stay out of trouble?

Well done, friend. You
found Melissa's car.

What else do you have?

Yes, I see.

A broken tire.

I think we should have Sarah come in.

I took this print off the door.

Seems smeared with something....

I don't know, wet, sticky....

Crude oil?

Could be.

I'll know for sure when I
had it analyzed in the lab.


No, I'm just putting
the pieces of the puzzle together.

Rex followed Melissa's scent
to a table where a...

bunch of workers from the
RWA drilling rig were partying.

Her friends called it a wild stroke.

Wild region?

- I thought dating standards had changed.

Are they now
swiping with advertising agencies?

I think some with double
morals didn't get the message.

She didn't ride over anything sharp.

This was done with a knife.

It must have happened
after she parked here.

By someone who didn't want
her to leave in her own car.

I bet the answer to who that is,
lies in the identification of that print.

Okay, friend. So we have...

Triple cheese and Veggie delight.

No, they didn't have Meat lovers anymore.

Alexa, can you preheat the oven
at 450 degrees Fahrenheit?

I have set your oven...

at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

He's open.

Hey, Charlie.
- Hi, Joe.

Hey, Rex.

How's it going friend?

You doing okay? Good to see you.


Triple cheese?

Was the Meat lovers sold out?


Listen, I got an update
from Jesse on the case.

How's it going, Charlie?


Got some progress today.

You know how it is, Joe.

She was a friend.

Yes, things like this can hit you hard.

Yes. Now her...

dating life subject of gossip.

Is it really gossip?

Or just facts from those
who knew her best?

Can't we have facts
without prejudice?

Yes, it should.

Gee, is it just me?

No, it's the oven. Every time it's on
it turns into a sauna in here.

Alexa, set the room temperature
to 21 degrees Celsius.

Set temperature to 21 degrees Celsius.

Oh, I spoke to the Roses' lawyer

and they said Melissa was a...

restraining order wanted.

Really, that's a new one. Who?

Melissa didn't say that.

Did not mention a name.
Just asked a lot of questions.

Do we have anything else?
- A bartender named Rita says hello.

Is it?

I have successfully
Melissa's phone....

and judging by the nasty reports....

that Melissa received,

I think she has a stalker.
- That explains the restraining order.

I'm still trying to figure out the
Identity of the texting person.

Why is it taking so long?
- The messages have been sent,

via an encrypted message service.

All personal information
is completely invisible.

And the fingerprints from her car?

There is no match in the system,
but the sticky substance is definitely oil.

Sticky? Is that the forensic term?

That's it when I say it.

The oil ties up one of those oil derricks to
messing with Melissa's car.

Good enough for Rex and me to
check out that platform. Come, friend.

What's that, Viv?


Yes, of course Rex can come for new
recordings for the commercial.


That's too bad, Rex. I thought
that boy did a good job.

I hear you, friend.

Yes, I hear you.


I want to talk for a minute.
- Hey.

Admit it.

I know why you are here officer,

and for the record,

it was an accident.
It really wasn't my intention.

Like hitting her head
And k*lling, that kind of accident?

Aren't you here because
didn't pay our bar bill?

The crook thinks I should pay the bill
TBone's bill.

It's good.

No. It's more like he's picking up the scent of
our m*rder victim to you.


She decorated me.

That girl...
- Her name was Melissa.


She came to me.

And by golly, she's above my
stand, so I said nothing and followed her.

And go where?
- She took me outside.

We kissed a little.

I opened her car door.

She changed her mind.
Said she wanted to stop.

And did you stop?


She wrote down my number and I left.

And the the busted tire?

I don't know anything about that.
As I said, I was leaving.

I wanted for work to get rid of
my intoxication.

How cold was it last night?

Cold. But my driver's license has been taken away....

For speeding. So I didn't have a car.

That's something we can verify.

What would help now is your phone.

What time did your shift start?

One hour ago.

Your coat is pretty dirty
For an hour of work.

Is it a crime to not wash it?

No, but Rex can smell our
victim on you,

and I see blood on your collar.
Doesn't seem to be from shaving.

Jimmy was injured yesterday
injured on the derrick.

I helped him.
- Great.

So you don't mind if I have
to have your coat examined?

I would be stupid to k*ll a woman,
and use her blood on me.

Do you know how many knuckleheads Rex and
I have put behind bars?

Take off your coat.

Yes, Charly. This is a company phone.

RWA blocks the installation
of third-party apps.

And that means?
- It means that the...

phone does not have encrypted
message capabilities.

Joey is not our stalker.

Maybe not, but he could
still be the k*ller.

Have you had a chance
to check out Joey's coat?

Yes, and the blood doesn't match Melissa.

Sorry, Charly.
- Guys, I think I got something.

But I don't know if it will help.

The images from the pub have just come in.

Problem is that the
camera is focused only on the bar.

Here we go. Okay.

The time indicates that Melissa
orders a drink at 12:18 pm.


After that, there's not much. I mean,

we don't see Mel for the rest of the evening.

So we only have Joey's word
for what happened to her after that.

Yes and no. The phone records confirm
that Melissa called Vivian at one o'clock.

She didn't take her car
not taken with her at the pub.

So, who drove her?

- No, Joey didn't.

His story is true.
His driver's license has been taken away.

The motel has no cameras
where Melissa's body was found,

but there is a nail salon Kittycorner.

If they have camera surveillance, they may have seen
Melissa arrive that night.

We can check that, Jesse.
- Yes.

Talk about checking,

I need to show you something in the lab.


No no no.

I'm not giving my security footage
not to a complete stranger.

Like I said, I'm from the St.
John's Police Department. Okay?

This concerns a m*rder case.

All the more reason not to
be involved.

You're not either.

I just need the camera footage, okay?

It may contain information that could help
solving the m*rder of a young woman.

I watch police programs.

You need a warrant.

And I know you need one
if you want my property.

Well, thank you television for making my
job so much easier.

Okay. Now I see it.

What is it?

Do you have an idea?

Rust flakes pulled from Melissa's hair.

Close to her head wound.

So the w*apon was probably made of metal.
- Exactly.

Some kind of pipe, I guess.

Rex and I were supposed to be
been at Roses' studio a half hour ago.

Are the new recordings today?

Yes I know. In the middle of a case, but it
gives me a chance to talk to Dalton.

And remember, I want close-ups, mediums.

I want a little bit of everything.

- And action everyone.

Playback voice-over.

Every child deserves a best friend.

Therefore sees for the next two months,

Dalton's Animal Rescue Shelter
off of all adoption fees,

To make sure that all our animals...

find a good home.

We can't. We turn.


It's locked, yes.

Excuse me. Could you
let me into that room.


Tell me we're still spinning.

Well done, friend.

- Who is Marlow?

A competitive advertiser.

And Melissa's ex-boyfriend.

What is it?

What do you have in your hand?

Nothing. Get this dog off me.
- Open your hand.

A listening device?

Why are you stealing this from the
office of a deceased woman?


Can I get an energy drink here?

What a cutie.

The microphone was remotely accessible, so
we confiscated Marlow's laptop.

Jesse's doing a quick check now
to see if there is anything of use on it.

Speaking of the devil.
- We've had a few weeks...

to collected audio.

Mostly phone calls from Melissa
with her clients, her comings and goings.

So Marlow has been following
movement of Melissa?

Yes, even the night of the m*rder.

The microphone took a phone call
to the pub.

If he listened, he could
know where he could find her.

A rival ex-boyfriend
Who planted a microphone.

It sounds like we have our stalker.


I had heard the news.

And I knew I had to get my
microphone back,

before anyone else found it.
- Why did you plant it?

Mel let herself be treated by me.

We talked about work.
We saw each other.

Then I heard that my
most important clients were making phone calls...

received from the Roses with
asking if they were satisfied.

Do you understand?

Mel used me.

I'm sure
you weren't talking about work....

just for fun.
- Okay, look, business is business.

Mel made fun of me.
- How did it go down between you and Melissa?

It wasn't pretty. I was angry.

Did you do something that made them...

a restraining order?
- Me? No way.

Look, all I did was
plant a harmless little microphone.

And nothing of use came out of it.

If you had been eavesdropping, you would have
discovered where she was last night.

It gave you the opportunity.

Motive, you just told yourself.

I haven't listened to it in weeks.

Where were you last night?

At home, alone.

That's not the strongest alibi.

Okay, you're painting me as a lunatic,

vengeful ex as if Melissa was hurting me.

If anyone was hurting her,
it was Tabitha.

Who is Tabitha?

Are you seriously asking that?

No no. We like to waste our time.

Tabitha was the fourth Rose,

until Melissa ruined her life
ruined it and fired her.

Why didn't we know that before?

Did Melissa never mention Tabitha to you?

No, but we were talking
mostly just about dogs.

I did some searching online,

and found a picture of a
power lunch for women.

And that's her on the upper right.
It's the only picture I could find.

She has no digital footprint.

And there is no mention of
Tabitha online as a Rose or otherwise.

She is a ghost.

A mind that loves Scotch.

See the image in the upper left of
the bar's surveillance camera.


Tabitha was there the night
that Melissa was m*rder*d?

Jesse, call her up.

I'm going to see why the Roses never
spoken of her before.

Will you take Tabitha when she comes?
- Absolutely.

Okay. Rex.

For the record,
Tabitha was my friend.

I liked her.

Unlike this stain on my scarf.

We all have reserves.

Duty calls.

Mel kept hers in her bag.

Em, we're not here
to talk about scarves.


The reason we didn't mention Tabitha,

is because Mel said we should
never had to bring her up.

Tabitha was taboo.

Her time here was like a tsunami.

What do you mean?

Tabitha mismanaged an important

Almost made us bankrupt.

Mel had to get her apartment
refinance to keep us afloat.

I told her that every
decision had to go through Melissa.

And she refused.

We had to protect the company.
So we let her go.

How did she take that?
- She was vindictive.

Started talking badly about us
in the business.

Mel didn't sleep for weeks.

If Tabitha did something to Melissa
to Melissa, are we in danger too?

There is no indication of that yet,

but be careful until we know more.

They lie.

They will tell you that I
mismanaged and had to leave.

So, what is the truth?
- The truth is that...

I knew what I was doing.

It's three girlfriends
from college who are all...

do together.
Even the order for lunch.

And you didn't fit into the group.


And they blacklisted me for it

I couldn't get a job.

I had to go back home
as a grown woman.

Did you maybe send Melissa
sent Melissa angry messages?

Only because she had been ignoring me for months.

I have a job interview soon.

She is the only one who can clear my name.

I'm good at what I do and
I deserve a second chance.


And how come you were in the same bar?
- I don't know.

Maybe we
both like cheap drinks.


She ignored me the whole
evening and I was fed up.

So when I went outside
and saw her car,

I cut her tie.

I think I
could be sued.

It wasn't even liberating, as if
it had been Em's or Viv's car.

What do you mean?

They are the ones who have
ruined and blamed me.

Don't be fooled
by their neat girl act.

Those Roses are full of thorns.

Yes, I think it's time
we investigate that agency.

I want to know everything that Emily
and Vivian have been up to.

k*lled by her partners?

I mean, Melissa was
the brains of the company.

Their income depended on her.

Why slaughter the goose with the golden eggs?
- Yes exactly.

That would be
as if you wanted to get rid of me.

Okay, like wanting to get rid of Rex.

Instead of me.

I'm going to go to Marlow's recordings again.

Go listen again.

Do you think there's anything on it?

I think as best friends working together,

it's a little more complex and
nuanced than I thought.

I can be a second pair of ears.

Adopted. Come on, buddy.


Wait a minute, where are you going?

Don't say anything. Are you going
back to the nail salon?

Judge Nguyen still needs
48 hours needed for the order,

so I thought I'd give it another shot...
- No, listen.

It easily takes a week.

Jesse, I'm only going to say this once, okay?

You are a police officer.

And a good one.

You will find a way,
without breaking the law.


Okay, time to get your nails swinging.

Have fun tonight at your party.


Have fun.

Hi. Do you have that warrant, officer?

I was actually wondering something
wondering what I saw in your window.

You didn't strike me as a mani pedi type,

but let's choose your color.

It wasn't. It was more the...

15% discount on cash
purchase that caught my attention.

You see, my friends at the CRA,

love to check the books of
cash-based companies....

and their reported income
on their tax returns.

Why not leave your busy
fiscal friends alone?

Do you want the camera footage?


Dave, hi.

This is Melissa from the
Roses. How do you do?


I wanted to come back
to our pitch last week.

What does your team think?

Come on.
- That's nice to hear.

I'll get the papers in order.

I'm talking to you.

Just a few more minutes friend,
and then we'll call it a day.

You've been saying that for an hour.

I don't think Rex believes it.
- I don't blame him.

How many more business
calls can we listen to?


Here's the deal.

Rex and I have a trick
for new energy,

but it must remain among us.


Play Rex's superjam playlist.

Rex's superjam playlist playback.

♪ Meet me on the dance floor ♪

♪ Go to Rome ♪

♪ And go to Paris ♪

♪ The DJ's gonna get us there ♪

♪ If you just meet me ♪

♪ On the dance floor ♪
Come on, let's dance.

Dance with Sara.
- ♪ Go to London go to Vegas ♪

♪ Hey DJ ♪ ♪ Take us anywhere ♪

♪ If you just meet me ♪

♪ On the dance floor ♪
- All right, come on.

♪ We got nothing in our pockets ♪

♪ But I know that ♪
- Who's a good puppy?


Thanks, Alexa.

♪ If you just meet me
on the dance floor ♪

♪ All we need is love and music ♪

♪ Guarantee we'll have
the time of our lives

♪ We can fly wherever we wanna ♪

♪ Without ever even leaving the ground ♪

♪ If you just meet with ♪

♪ On the dance floor ♪

Has anything interesting
turned up about the microphone?


And it was recorded on
the morning Melissa died.

Do you ever listen to me?

Go for a walk and cool off Emily.

You care more about other people than you do about us.

If I didn't care about you, you wouldn't
you wouldn't have this job.

I'm the only one who would hire you.
You're a criminal.

Wait a minute. Does Emily have a criminal record?
- Yes.

She spent some time in
juvenile detention.

She hit a classmate on
the head with a volleyball trophy.

Melissa died from a
fatal blow to the head.

So a similar MO.

Yeah, so we checked Emily's
alibi for the night of the m*rder.

She said she would be home at eleven,

but the concierge said it was
earlier at sunrise.

And she was in tears when she showed up.

You might be in tears
if you could see the night...

spent with the
murdering your best friend.

I didn't want to lie.

I just couldn't be honest before.

And now?

I am recovering.


There was so much at the party.

I just had to leave
and meet my companion.

I don't judge.

But why couldn't you tell us?
- The girls don't know.

I'm in a customer-facing business.

I have to smooch, lunch,

Meet up for a drink.

People are quick to make
judgment about addicts.

And your time in prison?

Mel looked past that.

She was really an angel in that.


every now and then...

Did she remind you
how much you owed to her?

Friends sometimes just don't realize
don't realize how their words can sting.

But I swear, I would
ever do anything to her about it.

Thanks buddy.


Look what I found on the
images of the nail salon.

I think I can distinguish a partial
license plate.

Partially? That's all?
- Well, yes.

They parked outside the
camera range,

but the good news is that the arrival
of the car matches our timeline.

Yes, that passenger could be Melissa.

Same hair. Same build.

If so, it proves that she
driven to the motel that night.

So the question now is:

Who was behind the wheel?

What's up, buddy?

Something in Melissa's office?

Well, since the door is already open,

might as well look again.

Looks like you're going to be a
star, my friend.

Empty photo hooks. It seems
that something has been moved recently.

What is it?


Except that the delivery address is different.

Hey, Jesse, can you
pull up an address for me.

She was going to move.

So I guess we had spent too much time
with each other?

No, my team researched it.

And she started her own agency.
- What?


Why would she leave us?

We are the Three Roses. I
thought we shared everything.

I don't think Melissa thought so.

Now it makes sense.
- What?

Our three long-term customers.

None of them answer my calls.

Melissa stole them.

Excuse me.

Hey, Jesse, what you got?

I just traced the license plates
from the car,

who took Melissa to the motel.
- Great. Whose car is it?

Amal Malek, but you and I
know her son Joey better.

So our oil worker was driving his mother's car with
his mother's car with a confiscated driver's license.

You shouldn't be getting into a car
with a seized driver's license, Joey.


My mother drove me here.
- Oh yes.

Of course.

What do you got, pal?

What's Melissa's scarf doing
in your mother's car?

I don't know.


So, who k*lled her?
You or your mother?

Hey. Are you going to interrogate Joey?

Yes, I'm going there now.

Is it true that Rex found Melissa's
scarf found in his car?

Yes, in his driver's seat.

Okay, check your phone. I sent you
a picture of the crime scene.

What I don't get, you see.

When they found her body,

Melissa wore the scarf.

How could she lose him
and carry him later?

Emily said she had reserves in her bag.

Yes, but it was the middle of the
night. Why put on a new one?

I don't know. But Joey might.

The company has a zero-tolerance policy
for drunk driving.

I had only had one pint.

But that doesn't matter.
- Okay, so you lied about driving....

So you wouldn't get fired?

That and a woman who was in my mother's
My mother's car,

turned out to be dead the next day.
- Yes.

Let's talk about that.

What happened after
you two left the bar?

We didn't want to stop yet.

Her car was a no-go.
So we came in mine.

We couldn't keep away from each other.

Her scarf must have come off then.

Did you see her put on a new scarf?

At that time, I wasn't paying attention to scarves.

She said she wanted to go to her house.

So I concentrated on driving.

Wait... So how did you end up at the motel?

She got called. Got angry.

She saw the motel and told the
caller to meet her there.

Told me to drop her off
and go home.

Okay. You said she got a phone call?

So she didn't call herself?
- No definitely not.

The only reason the evening ended then,

Was because of that phone call.

I wish she had
ignored it as I said.

It is the truth.

I swear.
- Okay.

The problem is that the call records
shows that Melissa called,

Wasn't called.
- She called her friend...

to say that
she was on her way home.

I don't know anything about call data.

But Melissa didn't call.

It didn't sound like a
friend on the other end.

Never in my life have I heard
Heard so much screaming.

So, Vivian says that
Melissa called her.

But Joey swears that...

Vivian called Melissa that evening.

On an incoming or outgoing call
Joey is not involved either way, right?

He has no reason to lie about it.

But the call records
support Vivian.

Wait a minute. Unless they
had each other's phones.

Guys, that's the only way
the call data confirms Joey's story.

Vivian and Melissa must have
accidentally switched phones....

On the night of the party.
- Vivian takes him home.

Realizes it. Calls Melissa.

Melissa answers
Vivian's phone call and proposes....

that they agree to switch back
switch phones?

Yeah, but why not just
keep the phones,

until the next morning and
changing them at work?

Why meet at the motel?
- Joey said Vivian was angry.

Maybe it was urgent.

Well, Vivian had her phone.

She must have realized
that Melissa was going to leave the agency.

So Melissa meets
Vivian in the middle of the night.

And is found dead the next day.

I was thinking about
keeping a few here.

It can't hurt our image
harm to show,

that we are close with
man's best friend.

What would hurt your image though?

A m*rder charge?

We have evidence that Melissa
received an angry phone call from you,

On the night she died.

Evidence from whom?

Some guy she picked up that
Picked up at the bar that night?

Along with the two cell phone towers
we checked.


Yes I...

accidentally grabbed
her phone at the party.

Have seen a few posts.

Discovered what she was up to.

Mel suggested we get together
together and talk it out.

So we did.

When I left she was still alive.

Who are you going to believe?

A stranger? Or me?

Her best friend?

In this case, I'm going to believe him.

You all tie your scarves differently.

Melissa tied it into a bow,

But the night she died,

was the scarf tied around her neck in a...

Trinity knot just like yours.

Why would she make you do that?

In the middle of the night after you had an argument?

Unless they might...

was already dead when the knot was tied?

Anyone can tie a knot.
- Yes.

But not everyone's DNA will be on it.

Only the k*ller's.

It was an accident.

We had both been drinking.

It just got out of hand.
- How exactly?

In what way?

Mel got mad at me because
I had taken her phone.

Her messages had read.

Said I had betrayed her trust.

She pushed me. I pushed back.

Everything happened so fast.

But I wasn't going to
to do anything to her.

Vivian. You took a metal rod.

I tried to keep her from
to leave so we could talk.

But she stumbled when I lashed out.
And I...

the bar.

I k*lled her.

What, really?

You don't have to do this, Charlie.

Rex earned this money.
- We insist.

I can't tell you how many animals
will benefit from this. Great.

Thank you.
- Yes.

Thank you everyone.

Good evening.
- See you soon.


Hey wait, I thought Jesse wanted to see this.

I think he preferred to see Yazmin.

Every animal deserves a home.

Every child deserves a best friend.

Therefore, over the next two months,

Dalton's animal shelter....
- Oh Rex. You look so good.

waiving all adoption fees and making sure...

make sure that all our animals
find a good home.

Good way to find that puppy
a home for that puppy.

Yes, Melissa was right.

Rex, you are a natural.

Yes great...

Well done, Rex.

I have to go. I
talk to you guys later.

Where are you going?

A quick drink with an old friend.

Give my regards to Rita from me.

I don't know what you're talking about Charlie.

Who's Rita?
- Oh, you don't want to know?


Hey, friend.

I'm really proud of you.

Translation by Ruvado.