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05x07 - The Date Escape

Posted: 02/25/24 17:37
by bunniefuu


PA: E Block, E108 E Block, E108.

Maintenance call. E Block, E108.

(LOUD expl*si*n)


WOMAN: What was that?

The wall is down! Come on!

PA: Security to the gate, west yard!


- Come on!



PA: Security to the west side!

WOMAN: Hurry up!


SARAH: This is chaos.

Where do we start?

DONOVAN: Let's talk to the Warden.

Good to have you here,

Superintendent Donovan.

Yeah, I wish it was under

better circumstances Warden Kane.

- What have we got?

- We're looking at the first prison break

that's ever gone down under my watch.

And they went big.

DONOVAN: Yeah, well

expl*sives aren't subtle.

How many do you think escaped?



JESSE: Okay. We've

identified the six fugitives.

Now, four of them have

been recaptured so far.

INMATE: All right, take it easy!

CHARLIE: Make that five.

Late twenties, Caucasian, tattooed.

- Blonde mullet.

- Not a mullet. It's a shag.

- Are you blind?

- Well, that narrows it down some.


- Okay.

Yeah, her name is Selma Tyler.

Okay, so one left.

JESSE: Yup. You're looking for



Jane Pine.



Rex seems to be on to something.




Okay, be careful Charlie.

Her rap sheet is stacked.

Assaulting an officer. Attempted m*rder.

- Criminal mischief.

- Okay. I'll call you back.







Stupid dog!

Actually he's scary smart.



- JANE: Ow!

- It's just a little sprain.


You think you could try a less

agonizing method of examination?


Who planned the prison break?

Someone who forgot to invite me.

- How do you mean?

- JANE: I mean, that I was just playing cards in the yard

minding my own business and

then boom, the wall goes down.

You hadn't heard there

would be an escape attempt?

Warden, if I'd known

it was gonna go down,

I think I would have came

up with a little better plan

than getting stuck

inside the drain pipe.

But I mean hey, when you see

your shot, you've got to take it.

YOLO, baby.

Ow! Cripes!



So, you believe her?

It's consistent with the

other escapees' stories.

If there was a plan,

no one knew about it.

SARAH: Sorry, do you

think she needs a splint?

Oh, the tape will suffice.

You can take her back now.


Inmates exaggerate their injuries

simply to obtain dr*gs.

I see it all the time.

Were there others injured?

Oh, not in the blast.

A few cuts and scrapes

on the ones who ran.

- Barely worth a Band-aid.

- Hmm.











- Yeah, I see it.

Looks like a blasting cap.

Good job, pal.

What else you got?


Scrolling on the job

there, Superintendent?

Actually I'm just returning

a text message. So just

just mind your business, Jesse.

Sure, sure!

Did you match with someone on Sifter?

Why don't you just look

at the security footage?

Rewind it a couple of times

and I'll get back to you.

Already did. Is it anyone special?


Actually I'm really

excited about this one.

Hey, that's great!

Have you met IRL?

- IRL?

- IRL.

Uh No.

Well, if you haven't met offline,

then can you really be sure?

You know what? We've

got work to do, Jesse.

- Just forget about it, okay?

- Okay.


- I mean, if you want my honest opinion

- Just


- Forensics findings?

- SARAH: Uh yeah.

The rubble's propulsion

trajectory indicates

the b*mb was set inside the

prison yard near the fence.

JESSE: Where there's a

woeful lack of CCTV coverage.

Yeah, which is probably why

the bomber chose that location.

SARAH: It's also the

furthest corner of the yard.

The bomber might have been

trying to avoid casualties.

Okay, so if the bomber wasn't

trying to hurt anyone

And there was no plan for mass escape

Then what was the objective?

Yeah and who was the bomber?

Well, Rex didn't detect the scent

of any accelerants on

any of the escapees.


- How did they get the components

- to construct a b*mb?

- If someone knew what they were doing,

they could have used substances

commonly found in the prison.

Really? Like what?

Toilet cleaner contains

sodium bisulphate.

Sodium nitrate is in curing salt.

Ammonia from household disinfectant.

You mix them all together and

you get ammonium nitrate. And,


CHARLIE: What about the

blasting cap though?

That's definitely not prison issue.

It's the same type used in fireworks.

A remote detonator would

have been needed to set it off

But we couldn't find it.

The Canada Day Bomber?

- Well, the same MO.

- SARAH: Yeah, but that was

what? Fifteen years ago?

DONOVAN: Yeah, but I remember

it like it was yesterday.

Well, I mean, I don't.

Okay, here, yeah.

In a daring 2007 heist,

thieves blasted open

the Union Bank Vault

and the b*mb's detonation was set

to coincide with Canada Day

fireworks masking the expl*si*n.

That's actually pretty genius.

DONOVAN: Well, the genius that

thought of it is sentenced to life.

CHARLIE: Which she's serving here

at the Iron Port Penitentiary.


Wanda June Reilly?

WANDA: Yeah.

Detective Hudson.

That's my partner, Rex.

This is Dr. Sarah Truong.


- Nice to meet you, Rex.

- Oh my.


What's the matter, boy?

Well, that is his friendly way of saying

you have expl*sives

residue on your hands.

WANDA: Really? Who's a good boy?

Rex is a good boy! Yes, you are!

Are you admitting you set the b*mb?


I'm admitting Rex is a

heck of a sniffer dog.

I partnered with a

shepherd back in the day.

Yeah, in the Gulf w*r.

You were a decorated soldier.

WANDA: Canadian Forces.

expl*sive Ordinance Disposal Technician.

Is that how you got injured?

No. I came back in one piece.

Got this place to thank

for losing my toes.

So you retired from the service

and you started blowing up banks?

Yeah. Good times.

Ah, well the b*mb that

went off here today,

it had some similarities

to the one that you used

in the Canada Day heist.

Could be a copycat.

Imitation's the sincerest

form of flattery.


It's a fireworks detonator.


You got me, Rex.

So, you blasted through the wall

but you didn't try and escape. Why?


I was bored.

You've got to shake things up

or your mind turns to mush.

What have I got to lose?

Any chance of parole?

WANDA: Maybe I don't want parole.

Maybe I'm happy with three hots

and a cot for the rest of my life.

I'm not buying her explanation.

She had to have some other motive.

I agree but she did confess.

All the escapees have been recaptured.

- So our work here is done.

- WARDEN: Superintendent!

- I'm glad I caught you.

- We were just wrapping up.

- What's up, Warden?

- We did a head count

and two of the inmates

are unaccounted for.

I checked the security

footage dozens of times.

No one else went through that back wall.

Because they didn't

go out with the others.

The b*mb was a diversion.

And now they've got a huge head start.


DONOVAN: All right, people! Bring it in.

I've issued an APB.

And all airports and ferry

terminals have been notified

to be on the lookout for Vicky Gumble

and Valerie Winehouse.

They're convicted murderers.

And only one of them

worked for the SJPD. I mean,

it's so weird, I used to see Vicky

every time I went down into archives.

SARAH: She fabricated evidence

in that m*rder case, right?

Yeah. And then she

k*lled her fellow officer

who threatened to expose her.

She's a smart, manipulative criminal

and never showed any remorse.

Yeah, which is why she was serving

a life sentence when she escaped.

What about Valerie Winehouse?

- I don't know. That name sounds familiar.

- Yeah, here.

Valerie Winehouse pled guilty

to the m*rder of her boyfriend.

SARAH: Oh, her sentencing was lenient.

Yeah, well due to her

boyfriend's documented history

- of abuse against her.

- It looks like her parole

was scheduled for next month?

SARAH: If she was so close to freedom,

why make a break for it now?

Jesse, did Vicky and

Valerie know each other

outside of prison? Are they related?

Were they cellmates?

SARAH: Oh, I see where you're going.

Abusive relationships

happen behind bars too.

Maybe Vicky coerced Valerie

into doing something stupid.

And how did they get out

without anyone seeing them?

You know what? I'll show you.

- Here.


Look at this.


DONOVAN: Vicky and Valerie.

You were right. The b*mb

was just a diversion.

They walked out right under our noses.

Of course! We were looking

for prisoners not paramedics!


Yeah, I know, pal. They

wouldn't have fooled you.

How did they get uniforms?

Probably the same place

they got the expl*sives.


- Joe Donovan.

- They had to have an outside source

smuggling contraband into the prison.

Jesse, can you pull up

the prison phone records,

see who the fugitives were talking to

- leading up to the bombing?

- JESSE: Mm-hmm.

Yeah, we've got to get on the move.

These two get further and

further away every second.

Apparently not.

They just robbed a

store on Water Street.

GUARD: The store was closed.

I was having a smoke before my shift.

When I came back in, they ambushed me.

There was a struggle?

(GUARD SCOFFS) Not really.

It's hard to fight with

a knee in your neck.

That woman knew what she was doing.

I'm not surprised. She's

an ex police officer.

What happened next?

They gagged me and tied me to Martha.


They locked me in a rather

intimate pose with her

and left me spinning while

they robbed the place.

I'm still kind of nauseous.

CHARLIE: What have you got, pal?

Did it seem like they were on dr*gs?

Nah. They seemed normal.

If you can call tying me to a mannequin

and going on a spree normal.

- A spree?

- Yeah. See for yourself.

It's all on tape.

They're really taking their time.

Well, I mean it's like they're

not afraid of getting caught.

Yeah, this is not your

average prison break.


Oh, Charlie. Did you get anything

from the prison phone

records I pulled for you?

Yeah, a couple of things actually.

From what I can tell,

Vicky's been calling

relatives of fellow inmates.

And one of their names rang a bell.

He should be here any

minute for an interview.

Come on, pal.

Thanks for coming in, Buck.

You helped us with that treasure

hunter m*rder last year, right?

Yeah you ever catch that guy?

Yeah, we sure did.

We appreciate the assist on that.

Have a seat.


listen, I need to ask you a

couple questions about your wife.

I don't talk about that much.

I lost Delia to prison.

Then I lost her to a sickle cell.

The disease k*lled her?

The pain got so bad.

The meds they were giving her

in prison weren't strong enough.

So she asked for

medically-assisted su1c1de.

I'm sorry.

I can't blame her, though.

She wasn't having any kind of life.



How do you know Vicky Gumble?

She would call me with messages

whenever Delia was too

weak to come to the phone.

What kind of messages?

Oh, you know.

I love you.

I miss you.

I wish I could be there to

help you through all of this.

It's me that should

have been there for her.

Vicky Gumble was there,

looking after Delia when I wasn't.

And she never asked you

for anything in return?

I know what you're

getting at, Detective.

Vicky Gumble never asked me for a thing.

She was just there to listen

when I needed a friend.


JESSE: More messages

from your Sifter crush?

What I wanted to tell you

before about online dating

- Oh God.

- Don't get too invested.

You can't really know someone

until you've actually met.

Uh, Jesse

I know all about catfishing.

Okay? I do, and

look, we've been talking

online for over two weeks now.

I'm not talking about catfishing.

Here's the thing. Joe,

you don't want to go

in too deep prematurely.

See, online chemistry is

different than in real life.

- Please learn from my mistakes.

- Right.

Because you're the expert?

I can definitely coach you on

what not to do on a first date.

Okay, uhhh Jesse, I really

appreciate all of your concern.

But, um

- I'm good.


SARAH: Vicky Gumble's

calls specifically targeted

the loved ones of sick

or deceased inmates?

Mm-hmm. Expressing condolences

or updating families on conditions.

She's gone from cop k*ller

to prisoner advocate?


Gumble's never advocated

- for anybody but herself.

- Come on. People can change.

- I'll believe that when I see it.


That smells very good.

Mm-hmm! Porcini and chestnut consommé.

Wow! Aren't we posh?

Well, I know that you've

been missing your fancy

restaurants in Toronto. And now,

there's just one last step.

- Have you used that before?



Oh, you don't think I

can't handle it, huh?

Those can be tricky.

- Can I help you?

- Yes, absolutely.

But not with the cooking.

- Okay.

- So sit. Sit, sit.

- Drink your wine.


There you go. Have some more.

And I've got this handled.

The shop owner posted the

footage of the robbery online.

- Oh boy.

- What?


What is it?

It looks like someone had fun with it.



Well, you know what?

This may not actually be that bad

because it's publicity

like this that is going

to make it very difficult

for them to go anywhere

without being recognized. Yeah,

well this is obviously defective.

I think the button's on the other side.


Detective Hudson.


- I'm on it.

- (SARAH SIGHS) What's up?

- Robbery in progress at Choo.


Vicky and Valerie may be there.

Okay, go.

Um Sorry about the soup.

I don't think it needs

to be blended. But you,

- you should eat.

- Thanks, I will.

Oh, hey. Careful out there.

- Thanks. Rex.



Hmm. Yep.

They held you at gunpoint?

- Oh, just at first.

- At first?

Let's just say, that

things relaxed quite a bit

when the wine started flowing. Ughh.

You were drinking with them.

Just like a little bit.

Oh, here it is.

- Cheers!

- Oh, here look.

- Oh yeah, a little more!

- VICKY: Ohhh!

- Whoo!


JOAN: My usual clientele they're just

they're so uptight.


It was so refreshing to

finally cook for people

who can appreciate my food.

They were such a hoot!

Ohhh! I honestly have

not laughed like that

in so long. Oh, look!


I took a selfie.


- DONOVAN: Over 2000 likes already.

You cannot buy that kind of publicity.

- Yeah, I thought so too, but


we only seem to get the

calls after they're gone.

You mind?

Did you get a sense of the

relationship between the women?

What do you mean?

Was Valerie being manipulated by Vicky?


She was very protective of Valerie.

Valerie was very particular

about what she ate.

She said she liked the Cod Wellington

but she didn't have much of an appetite.


Speaking of which, would

somebody like some leftovers?

Here you go, buddy!


Looks like Rex didn't

read the Michelin reviews.

They said your Cod

Wellington was transcendent.


- Is there coconut in that?

Cedar smoked snowflake coconut

imported from Madagascar.

Rex doesn't like coconut.

Ah. Sorry, buddy.

You know, I think this would be

a great place for a first date.

MALE DJ: Who would you pick

to play them in the movie?

FEMALE DJ: I would totally cast

Helen Mirren and Angela Basset.

- Because why not?

- MALE DJ: Double Oscar winners!

- Now that is very badass!

- FEMALE DJ: So are Vicky and Valerie!

MALE DJ: Oh, by the way, if St. John's

favourite female

fugitives are listening,

we would love to interview

you here at the Morning Show!


would love to have you

- at my next dinner party!


MALE DJ: I am totes finagling

an invite to that little soirée.


- Okay.


Hey, you ready to go?

Yeah, whenever you are.

People are eating up

this Vicky and Valerie.

It's like we're the bad

guys for even chasing them.

No kidding. Look what

someone painted across town last night.

Viva Vicky and Valerie.




Hey. Sorry we're late.

Car trouble again?

Uh, it just needs a

little help sometimes.

Well, it's official.

Vicky and Valerie are folk heroes.

CHARLIE: Vicky and

Valerie are murderers.

JESSE: Well, those two things

aren't mutually exclusive.

CHARLIE: You still think the

publicity is going to increase

calls to the tipline?

Yeah, they've been seen rappelling

off the Confederation Building,

busking nude in Bannerman Park

and shouting obscenities

in the Basilica.

Yeah, we've been slammed by hoax calls.

- Ahhh.

- SARAH: Guys.

I analyzed the material

in the baggie Rex found

at the store robbery.

Great. I want to know what

those two have been smoking.

Drinking, not smoking.

It was Essaic tea.

Some naturopaths recommend

it as a natural remedy.

So, they've just been

sipping herbal tea,

shopping for luxury clothes and

eating at five star restaurants?

I know! It's like my dream vacation.

- Yeah!

- CHARLIE: I would like to know

what they're up to.

Jesse, can you bring up

- recent police reports?

- Yeah.


- Let's see what you've got.

- Yeah.


- JESSE: Okay.

- CHARLIE: Yeah.

Mostly traffic violations.

Domestic disturbance.

- What's that one? Pull that up.

- Oh, yeah.

Break in at a clinic in Mt. Pearl.

Let's go check that one out.

- Come on, pal.



Yes, we provide services to inmates

from Iron Point Penitentiary.

So Vicky and Valerie might have known

- the layout of the place.

- Mmm.

Well, they've definitely been here.

This report says Oxycodone was stolen.

I don't get the impression

these two are addicts.

Maybe they're going to sell it

- to fund their getaway?



Excuse me. What's in this room here?

Uh, the old archives.

Everything's digital now though.

Thank you.

What have you got, pal?


- Hold on.

- W.

Watch out.

For Winehouse.

Valerie's file is empty.

Valerie had a CT scan seven years ago.

That's what was stolen

from the archives.

Scans that hadn't been digitized.

And we don't know what,

if anything was on that scan.

We don't. The diagnostic

analysis was gone too.

However, between the

theft of the scans,

the herbal teas and

the stolen painkillers,

I suspect Valerie is sick.

Well, Chef McCrae said that

Vicky was protective of her.

DONOVAN: And Valerie did

have a loss of appetite.

CHARLIE: If she was sick, maybe

that's why they haven't left town.

I think Jesse has something.

You know me too well. Come with me.


I've been reviewing

prison security footage

trying to figure out

how the b*mb components

and the paramedics

uniforms got smuggled in.

Now, I decided to check

the perimeter of the prison.

Look at this.


CHARLIE: What is that? A drone?


Now, here is the make and model.

I've compared the flight

path of that particular drone

and matched this drop to an operator.

- Do you have a name?

- Penelope Gumble.


Okay. So, you know

that's illegal, right?

To fly a drone? Since when?

Well, since it passed through

a penitentiary, for starters.

You ever kick a ball

over a fence accidentally?

An honest mistake.

Oh, okay.

Penelope, we know you

delivered something.

I could charge you for

smuggling contraband right now.

Could charge me?

Or are charging me?

Well, why don't we just start with

what you sent over the wall first?

Was it b*mb components?

It was just stuff.

I didn't know what it was for.

All I know, is that Aunt Vicky texted

me from prison on a burner phone

and said she needed some things.

A burner phone.

I'm going to need that number.

DR. KELLER: There's nothing

I can do. I'm sorry.

JANE:Yeah? Well, you can try

looking at the damn thing.

I can't even move it anymore!

- Now, Jane.

- Don't now Jane me.

It hurts! It's getting worse!

DR. KELLER: You can't

complain away a sprain.

These things take time!

Your body is it's own best healer.

Yeah? Then what the

hell are you good for?

This visit is over. Guard.


That looked pretty bad.

I take a lot of abuse.

- Goes with the territory.

- I meant her wrist.

Oh. I suspect she's

deliberately re-injuring it

in the hopes of another

visit to the clinic.

Speaking of the clinic,

it looks like Vicky and Valerie

- broke into it and stole Oxycodone.

- Oh, dear.

Yes. And a seven-year-old

CT scan of Valerie's.

Do you remember the diagnosis

from that missing scan?

Yeah, it was inconclusive.

Valerie Winehouse has

a history of hypochondria.

It's my belief that negative thinking

often leads to real

life health outcomes.

Huh. It's my belief, that being

incarcerated leads to negative thinking.

In any case, I shouldn't be discussing

confidential patient information.

Would you prefer I come

back with a court order

demanding complete access

to this infirmary's files?

Or would you like to

just tell me right now?

What's wrong with Valerie?

- Okay, I'll see if I can trace Vicky's number.


With any luck she's still

using the same phone.

- Sarah?

- Charlie.

Valerie Winehouse is dying.

- What?

- It's gallbladder cancer.

Stage four. Dr. Audrey Keller just

told me she has weeks to live.

Which is why she escaped

before her parole.


And why they're living every

day like it's their last.

- It's a bucket list.

- Hey!

Vicky's number just pinged

from Whale Watch Beach!


- I've got to go.

Rex. Come on.


Come on, pal.

VICKY: These things I promise you.

I will be faithful to you.

I will be honest to you.

I will trust and respect and help

and care for you.

I'll share my life with you.

St. John's Police Department.

Oh, no! We were so close!

Oh, God!

Detective Hudson. Are you happy now?

Darling, don't cry. Please. I mean

God knows. He saw us!

We are married in his eyes.

VALERIE: But we didn't finish.

And I didn't get to say I do.

Oh, please. Please.

We promise to surrender

without any trouble.




(JESSE CHUCKLES) What is up with you?

- Love is in the air, Jesse.

- Uh-oh.

Yeah, I made a date

with my Sifter match.

Well, I mean I hope you took my advice.

- Short coffee date right?

- No.

No, I'm going to wow her.

I made reservations for Choo!



Choo has a three course minimum.

At least let me be your emergency call.

- My emergency call?

- Yeah!

That is when you have a friend

call you fifteen minutes into the date.

And so if it's not going well,

at least you can say you

have an emergency to tend to.

That's the most childish

thing I've heard in my life!

- It's effective.

- Yeah, effective but entirely unnecessary.

Don't worry, Jesse!

I got this!



VALERIE: I will forgive you

as we have been forgiven.

I will try with you to

better understand ourselves,

the world, and God

through the best and worst to come

as long as we live.

Let these rings always be a reminder

of the promises you've

made to each other

and the unwavering bond between you.

You may kiss the each other.


I don't suppose you're going to let

us go on that honeymoon, are you?

I would if I could.

Oh, come on!

I'm so thrilled you've chosen

to pester me here in

solitary confinement.

Solitary confinement

is illegal in Canada.

- This is a

- Structured Intervention Unit.

I know.

You say tomayto. I say tomahto.

What do you want?

- Did you know about Valerie's health?


I was hoping you needed

me to blow something up!

I'm not ratting out my friends.

I'm not asking you to rat out anyone.

I already know about the cancer.

I'm actually asking

about the medical care

- she was receiving here in prison.


What care?


Valerie suffered for years

before Keller admitted it was cancer.

By that time, it was stage four.

And beyond hope.

She wasn't supposed to

have a life sentence.

So you think Valerie

could have been cured

if Dr. Keller had diagnosed her sooner?


But she knew she wouldn't

make it to her parole hearing.

That's when Vicky came up with

the plan to have one last party.

And that's why you planted the b*mb.

I was happy to help.

And if Vicky can prove

Keller's negligence,

that'll be the icing

on the wedding cake.

I swear that woman would love

to just gas us all to death.

One missed diagnosis doesn't

prove the doctor is deliberately

neglecting inmates.

You wanted to know how I lost my toes.

It's because that quack

refused to treat my diabetes.

There's lots of stories like mine

in here if you care to listen.

I do.

Can you give me names?


- Oh! Oh I've got you!

- Oh, oh!

Ahh! Oh my God! Valerie!

This is Detective Charlie Hudson.

I need a medical unit

to Whale Watch Beach now.



Oh, of course.

You stay here with her.

Rex, let's go. Come on!



- VICKY: Oh come on!

You were the ring bearer at my wedding!

Nice try, Vicky.

You didn't think that

we were going to actually

- let you escape, did you?

- No. I did not, Detective.



Not for one second.

Aghh. Rex!


You're not getting away

that easily, Valerie.



It's okay, pal. They fooled me too.

Come on.

I am never gonna tell you

where Valerie is.

I mean, would you betray

the love of your life?


You have no idea what it's

like to be an ex-cop in prison.

Everybody hates you.

It was horrible.

I really didn't think

I was going to make it.

But Valerie,

she didn't care who I used to be.

She only cared who I

was when I was with her.


she made me a better person.


The kind of person who looks

after vulnerable prisoners.

We retrieved your duffle

bag from the beach.

And it's full of medical records

and written testimony

from inmates' loved ones.

Just because you're a prisoner

doesn't mean you don't count.

Dr. Keller is a sadistic monster.

She would withhold

treatment from prisoners

and then push assisted su1c1de on them

when their pain became unbearable.

That's a violation

of the code of ethics.

Doctors can provide the option.

They can't push for it.

VICKY: Oh, yeah.

Capital punishment is

illegal in Canada. But

apparently Keller didn't get the memo.


- She makes a compelling case.

- I don't know.

I mean, medical care in

prisons is notoriously bad.

Is it possible Dr. Keller

is just making the best

with the resources and

the limitations she has?

No, no. I believe Vicky, Charlie.

I've already interviewed other inmates

who've corroborate her claims.

And I've notified the Warden

that I'm not done investigating this.

- Okay.

- This has been their plan all along.

Well, I mean, if

Vicky and Valerie are right

and Dr. Keller did cost

Valerie her chance at freedom,

revenge might be on

their bucket list too.


No answer at Dr.

Keller's private practice.







- Stay back!


Stay back!


- Okay, easy, pal.


Don't do this. You're not a m*rder*r.

Well, I guess you don't read the papers.

Because I shot a man in the head.

Yeah, you shot your boyfriend

after years of abuse.

You were a model prisoner.

You served your time.

This is not you.

I could have gotten out.

I could have had a life.

She knew that I was sick!

She knew way back

when it was still curable!

She took my life and now

I am going to take hers!

You already have!

Look at me.

We've got the evidence that

you and Vicky collected.

We have corroborating

stories from other prisoners.

Dr. Keller is going to bear

the weight of the pain she caused.

What about my pain?

You've got a lot of people rooting

for you and Vicky right now.

If you hurt Dr. Keller,

that becomes the story.

You k*ll her now,

you help yourself.

You let her go,

the world hears what she did.

Come on.

VALERIE: No, they won't.

No, they won't.

Because I know how the system works.

They won't know what she did

until she admits it.

Admit it. Admit it!

Dr. Keller, you knew Valerie's

diagnosis, didn't you?


Yes! I knew. I knew

you had cancer for years

and I said nothing.

Please don't k*ll me!


CHARLIE: Good boy.






Goodbye Pork Pie Hat.

I love that.

- Beg your pardon?

- It's the song.

Charles Mingus. He wrote it as an elegy

to his saxophonist. Lester.

Young. It's

I can't say I really care for jazz.

Oh! That ring is spectacular!

- What is it? Sapphire?

- Yes!

It's very expensive.

It was a gift from my ex.

He has great taste.

Of course. (CHUCKLES)


Oh, I'm so sorry.

- I have to take this.

- No, you go ahead.

- Hello?

- WOMAN: So is he a dud or what?

Oh, no!

WOMAN: Do you want to get out of there?

I'll be there right away.


I guess it's an emergency?

How did you know?

Just intuition I guess.

I'm so sorry. I have to go.

- Oh!

- Bye.

Superintendent! I have your appetizer.

But I don't think the diver scallop

will fare very well in a togo box.


You know, let me make a phone call.

Here, let's get you started with these.

Thank you.


Okay. So I show up

wearing this kickass,

detailed Cosplay ensemble

which surprisingly,

it didn't go over well.

- You don't say.

- Well, she did say it was her favourite movie.

But you know what? You

don't have to worry.

You're not going to

make that mistake, okay?

- So, here's one.

- Okay. I'm all ears.

Apparently, it is too much

to show up to her house

with a massive bouquet of alphabet

balloons spelling out her name.

That didn't work? Jesse, I'm so shocked.

This one is absolutely crucial.

No flashhmobs.

- Noted.

- Yeah.

I don't know what that is.


Excuse me, can I get

a little top-up please?

This is delightful!

You're delightful! (DONOVAN LAUGHS)




- I'll see you tomorrow.

Hope you don't mind a few more visitors.

Oh, not at all.

Oh, hey Rex!


Oh, this is much better.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for

everything that you've done.

I mean, Dr. Harris, she's

a great physician, isn't she?

- Yeah, she is.

- SARAH: She's just the first of my friends

I've talked to who want to help.

You've made a big difference here.

Well, this is only the beginning!

- Vicky and I now have a common cause.


Yeah, we're going to

raise a little hell.

After we reform the

prison medical system.





VALERIE: That's a good boy, Rex.

Next time on Hudson & Rex


Camilla, you are my daughter.

You're supposed to

know better than this.

That story I'm writing,

is about Marissa.

She was running this Instagram

account, Campus CallOut.

The witch hunt mentality

that she was spreading

around this campus was toxic.

- Good riddance.


Campus CallOut posted

that my ecstasy was laced.

You better hope that I don't

find out who runs this account.

Why is that? What were

you planning to do?

How did you know where to find me?

I just need you to take

down that post about me.

She's gonna get herself k*lled.