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05x11 - Working for the Weekend

Posted: 02/25/24 17:39
by bunniefuu
Well, after a nice long drive,

we're finally here!

It's a sweet looking town!

Yeah! It is.

One that's definitely

on the brink of booming.

Come on, pal.

I think this was one of

the first B&B's to open.

What do you think?

It's gorgeous!

Who knew a B&B could be so elegant?

What were you expecting?

Something a little more

rugged, knowing your tastes.

I can appreciate a little

luxe every now and again.

What do you think, pal?

- Should we check it out?

- Yeah!

Hey! Rex!

Come on, pal!

Rex, where are you headed?

The B&B is next door!


What is it?

Hey, Rex. Come on, pal.

His name was Eric Gordon.

- When did you get here?

- About half an hour ago.

Did you see or hear anything strange?

- No, nothing.

- Rex knew something was up though.

Oh! Smart dog.

He's a police officer, actually.

Rex. He's my partner.

- Partner?

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, the famous Hudson and Rex!

- Right here in Apple Bay?

- Um

we're here to help if

you need any assistance.

Thank you, but we don't.

Outsiders done enough already.

What do you mean by that?

Don't take this personal

but you people come here full of ideas.

Think you know what's best.

But you don't.

Eric would tell you

himself, if he could.

Lost his pub when he couldn't

pay his property taxes.

Now, it's a fancy brew pub where

locals can't even afford a pint.

That pub is second-home

to most this town.

Going back generations.

- It sounds like a special place.

- It was.

You know, money moves in and

honest folks are forced out.

You know, those come

from away who own the B&B

are as much the K*llers as anyone.

Do you think I could come back later

and have a look at the body?

There's no need for that.

Maybe I'm not being clear

but Eric had enough.

He took his own life.

You may be right but

something looked off to me.

Thank you for the offer

but this is my jurisdiction.

I'll take it from here.

How would you like to pay?

Credit please.


Let's see. I've got

it in here somewhere.

- There you go.

- Great.

Thank you.

Things move slower

here than in the city.

Let us know if you need anything.

Oh, thanks. Actually, um,

a good place to eat nearby?

Ah, we've got you.

- We're from Toronto.

- Oh, me too!

What brought you out east?

We were sick of the city.

Hard to catch your breath

with all the people in Toronto.

- You know?

- Absolutely.

Sometimes you need a reset. Refocus.

How long until you'll

know what happened to Eric?

Uh, excuse me?

Well, you're cops, right?

Just curious what happened.

I think the local

authorities are handling it.

Gina? So a year from now.


Maybe now we can

finally get our offer in

- on Eric's house.

- Ian.

Oh, come on. Dude would've

clung on to it forever.

I'd be up for tearing the

place down. Building a spa.

- You wouldn't?

- Eric hasn't even been cut down yet.

- Anyway.

- We should

Right up here.

- Come on, Rex.

- Of course.

Thank you.

Major Crimes.

Oh, hi, Ethel.

How are you?

Yeah, switchboard's

good today? That's good.

No no. No, I'm happy to

help. What do you need?

Well, I'm a little busy.

Actually I'm super busy but that's okay.

I have a few minutes.

Okay, yeah. Is the computer

light on? Green one?

Okay, turn that off.

Yeah, that. Turn that off.

You doing okay?

Still thinking about the body next door?

No no no. We're on vacation.

And plus Gina said she didn't need us.

Well, you said something

seemed off to about the body.

Yeah, but I

I can't put my finger on it.

But your gut is saying it's

more than just a su1c1de.


Maybe it's worth trying with Gina again.

I don't want to push.

What if you went back over on your own?

Would she be more open if it's just me?

And not the famous Hudson and Rex?


Well, I mean you said it, not me.

What will you two do?

We could poke around town.

Get to know the place.

If it's fraught with

changes as Gina said

Could be relevant in Eric's death.

Yeah, what do you think, pal?

You want to walk around

and see if that handsome face

will get the locals chatting with us?

I think that's a yes.


Come on, pal.

Let's go for a little walk.

Yeah I know. It is

beautiful, isn't it, pal?

Come on, pal. Let's

go take a look around.

Let's see what we can see.

No, I haven't heard.

It's cute!

I'm not sure. Let's just go.

Come on. Let's just

go back to the house.

Come on, pal.

Thank you.

Our local doc confirmed that

we're looking at a su1c1de.

Oh! I don't mean to

step on any toes here

but I'd like to take a look.

Well, I've only known

Eric his whole life.

But you clearly know better.

Yeah, sometimes a second

set of eyes can help.

Sure, but I'm telling

you, Eric was depressed.

And if you're right,

I'll leave you to it.

It'll just take a few minutes.

By all means,

knock yourself out.

Did the doctor give an

approximate time of death?

No. Didn't seem much need for that.

Do you have an estimate?

Well, it's impossible to know

now the body's been cut down.

Why's that?

Postmortem blood pooling usually

helps determine time of death.

Since the body's been moved,

there's no way to tell for sure.

Well, Eric called me around four today.

So he must have died

some time between then

and when you guys arrived.

What did he call about?

I'm not sure. I missed his call.

- Did he leave a message?

- Yeah.

Yeah, he said he wanted to talk.

Probably to complain about something.

Like I said

Eric was depressed.

Well, that may be but here, have a look.

These indents are from the

rope he was hung from, but

they don't match the bruising.

- So?

- Bodies don't bruise after death.

But they will take impressions.

I think Eric was already

dead when he was hung.

Wait, are you saying that

somebody else did this?

Well, look, these wounds on his face

and his hands suggest a struggle.

Gina. This isn't su1c1de. It's homicide.

Oh my God.

- Eric's wife, Marie.

- Eric!

- Oh my God!

- Just hold on for a sec, Marie!

No no no no no.

- Just come over here.

- Oh my God!

I just can't believe this.

I'm so sorry you had

to see him like this.

It's not like him.

There must be another explanation.


I understand Eric had

been troubled recently.

Things have been rough,

if that's what you mean. But

he wouldn't do this.

- How long were you two married?

- Nine years.

We separated a couple months ago.

You left him when he lost the pub.

That's not why I left.

Well, I'm sure it couldn't have helped.

Eric drank a lot.

He couldn't remember who

he was when he was drunk.

When was the last time that you saw him?

I see him all the time.

We had a beer yesterday.

And how was he?

A bit crabby.

- But that's Eric.

- He was unhappy.

He never would have k*lled himself.

Did you two drink together often?


I mean not as much.

It's different since

we ended things but

why should I care how

much he drinks now?

I still love him, you know?

Just not in the way he needs me to.


I'm sorry for your loss.

The town doctor agreed with

Gina that it's a su1c1de.

- But?

- But all the forensics say that it's not.

- Here we go.

- Oh, thank you but I couldn't.

- Oh, come on.

- No really. I'm stuffed.

Okay. How about you?

- Room for another?

- I won't say no.

All right.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

You're welcome.

So, how did you hear about us?

Well, I saw your five

star reviews online.

And Rex insisted we come check you out.

And have we met Rex's expectations?

He's pretty satisfied.

How did you two come

to settle in Apple Bay?

It's a long way to

come for some fresh air.

A few years ago a

couple from the mainland

converted an old

fishing shed into a B&B.

A big feature in Condé Nast Traveler.

We thought with the right

investment that could be us.

We looked into it.

Crunched some numbers.

And got in before the

prices got too steep?

Exactly. This town is blowing up.

You know, from what little I've seen,

not all the locals are

too happy about that.

People fear change. But

if you can't adapt then

you're bound to lose.

Time doesn't stop while people catch up.

If you see an

opportunity, you go for it.

That's how you get ahead.

And what about the people that can't?

Well, they can find

somewhere else to live.

It's the way of the world.

So, um, I met Marie,

Eric's wife earlier.



She was pretty shaken up.

Poor thing.

Such a shock.

I mean, I know I sound awful.

But if I was Eric

and I was married to that woman,

I would have offed myself years ago.


Alone at last.

I can't believe how open

Angus was about Marie.

Yeah, you met her. What was she like?


And sure Eric didn't k*ll himself.

Aligns with forensics?

He didn't hang himself, Charlie.

Someone strangled him first.

Sounds like we have a m*rder to solve.

Yes, we do.

First thing

tomorrow morning.

Jesse, hey!

Your work must be as riveting as mine.

What? Walking Ethel through

a full system reboot?

Yeah, it's utterly gripping.

- Switchboard tech support?

- Yeah.

You know what? Maybe this little lull

is the perfect

opportunity for a side gig.

A case study of sorts.

Sounds enterprising.

Well, I was thinking since you and I did

so well together on the last case,

maybe you could help me investigate?

- If you want.

- Depends.

What are we talking about?


Here's the thing. It's

more of a personal case

rather than a criminal one.

If you catch my drift.

I don't, actually.

I think Charlie and Sarah might be

you know?

- Really?

- Yeah.


Not sure you have anything there.

But you can run your evidence by me.

It's going to cost you though.

Name your price.

- Your face.

- My face?

Are you some sort of

underground gangster?

Selling body parts on the dark web?

- Practicing facial structure.

- Mmmm.

If you sit for a portrait,

I'll help you.

Okay, fine!

You've got yourself a deal.

- Sleep okay?

- Like a baby.

Charlie and Rex are

still snoozing upstairs.

Happy to hear it.

Well, one of us is always here.

So just give a shout if

you ever need anything.

Oh, since you asked,

any chance you heard

anything from Eric's next door

yesterday afternoon? Maybe around five?

Nothing. And I was right here,

working on designs for the kitchen.

So no indication anything was wrong?

I wish I'd heard something.

Maybe I could have helped him.

Well, if anything comes to mind,

we'd be happy to hear it.

I did hear from a friend

that Eric went to the pub

yesterday afternoon.

Was that unusual?

No, but whenever he did go,

it was to run off his mouth.

Or get up in Tom's face.

- The new owner?

- Yeah, Eric said

that Tom stole what was his.

Nice place. Not sure I'd

want to k*ll for it though.

If Angus was right and

Eric was here yesterday,

it could be our lead.

This wasn't exactly how I envisioned

things turning out this weekend.

Sorry about that.

Are you kidding?

Wouldn't be complete without a case.

Oh, do we need to worry?

Worry? Why?

Well, I mean, I dated

this coworker before.

This was years ago, but,

everything was fine until we realized

that we didn't have anything

in common except for work.

The only thing you have to worry about

is whether you can keep up

with me on our next long run.

Oh, you know better than

anyone that I can keep up.

I heard that we had a

famous visitor to Apple Bay.

It's Rex, right?

- Do you mind if I ?

- Actually, um

he's working.

Are you Tom McGimsie?

Oh, this is about Eric?

- Did you know him?

- A little.

It's a real shame.

This was Eric's bar. Wasn't it?

Before you bought it?

Is that a problem?

I don't know. Is it?

We heard that Eric didn't want to sell.

Look, I'm really sorry

about what happened to him.

But it's not my fault the

man couldn't pay his taxes.

One man's bad luck another

man's opportunity? Right?

Eric was stuck.

Eric resented my success.

That's about all there is to it.

What happened to your hands?

I was out back.

I was wrapping hoses.

They broke apart.


I suggest this is where

you be honest with us.


Yeah. Eric stormed in here yesterday.

And he was screaming.

And he was cussing. So

I had to throw him out.

And it might have got

a little bit rough.

Why lie about it?

I'm sorry. I just want

nothing to do with this.

Okay, Eric and I were not friends.

I admit I laid hands on the man.

And that's all that happened.

That's the whole story.

So if you think I had something

to do with his death

Nobody is suggesting

that you're involved.

We're just talking.

Did you notice anything strange about

Eric's demeanor when you saw him?


I mean, he was definitely

off, even for Eric.

Something was wrong.

So Eric was depressed

about losing the pub.

Sure, he was struggling but

all the forensic evidence

tells me that he was m*rder*d.

And Tom said that Eric was more

troubled than usual yesterday.

He called Gina wanting to talk.

But he didn't mention what about.

That's what we need to figure out.

She's alive.

She's just

blackout drunk.


So, what can you tell us?

From what I hear, Lauren can't get over

what happened to her daughter.

What was that?

She drowned.

Like fifteen years ago.

Kendra was only a teenager

when a rogue wave took her out to sea.

- Oh, that's awful.

- She never recovered.

They say she keeps her room

exactly as it was the day she died.

No wonder she's reeling now.

Wait, wait. What

What do you mean by that?

Eric was sort of her last tie to Kendra.

They grew up together.

He was even there when she died.

After that,

Eric looked out for Lauren.

She'll be lost without him.


What am I going to do?

He's gone!

Look, once you get some rest,

you'll feel better, okay?

Come on.

It's okay.

We need to talk.

Why are you questioning people

without talking to me first?

- You mean the pub owner?

- Tom McGimsie. Yes.

Right. Um, we were at the pub for lunch

and he happened to be there.

From now on, we'll be

sure to keep you informed.


You should have asked me.

I know you're Major

Crimes from the big city

but this is my town. My case.

And we respect that.

Thank you.

Gina, do you think you and

I could take another look

at the crime scene together

just to see what else we can find?

All right.

I'm going to stay here. I'm

going to chat with Lauren

when she's feeling a bit better,

- if that's okay with you?

- It is.

- All right.

- Okay.

You'll call me if

anything comes up, right?


Hopefully, this will help.


You want to tell me what's going on?

I'm fine.

You don't seem fine.

Does this happen to you

a lot when you drink?

I had a bad day. That's all.

I understand you were close with Eric.

He was always there

when I needed someone.

Helped out when I couldn't manage.

He knew my Kendra.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Maybe you should take a little time.

I've got to get back to work tomorrow.

Property assessments.

I understand the market is hot right now

but if you need to

take care of yourself

I can't.

I'm the City Official.

Can I walk you home?

Thank you. I'm fine.

You know,

it's not the same town as it used to be.

Some of that's good I guess but mostly,

it's plain awful.

Hey, I'm heading out for a bit

but Ian is around if you need anything.


Let's hear this evidence of yours.

What makes you so sure

that Charlie and Sarah are an item?

Okay, well, first of all,

they're together all the time,

working more hand in glove than ever.

So? They're a good team.

Nothing romantic about that.

What about the fact that

I hear them whispering,


More than once.

And, they won't even

tell me what's going on.

Jesse, wasn't one of those times

because they were planning

you a surprise party?

Yeah, but, what about

all the other times?

I don't know.

I think you're grasping at straws.

What about the fact

that they both decided

to take a vacation

at the same time? I mean,

that's pretty suspicious.

They work together.

Naturally, they have

corresponding schedules.

Oh my gosh. They might

be together right now

on some sort of lovers' getaway.

- Donovan's off too!

- Yeah. But

- yeah. I guess.

- See?

I don't think you have anything.


Sorry if I was short before.

Nothing personal. Just

I know this place, is all.

- Have you always lived here?

- Mm-hmm.

My whole life.

Seems like people really

look out for each other.

Yeah, and we want to keep it that way.

Here's the thing. You

bring in city folks,

you open up the door to

a boatload of problems.

dr*gs, v*olence.

Ah, I'm not so sure.


You're the one who says

that Eric was m*rder*d.

Well, not necessary by a come from away.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Do you have something on your mind?

Small towns are where city types come

to hide their secrets.

- That so?

- Mm-hmm.

Take those two who own

the B&B for instance.

They're not all they're

cracked up to be.

I know. Pretty nice, huh?

This place even backs on the water.

Ah, don't get your hopes up.

I know, I know.

Hi, you've reached Jesse.

Leave a message after the beep.

Jesse, it's Charlie.

Listen, I need you to

check into something for me.

Can you give me a call back?

Come on, pal.


- How's it going in here?

- Hey!

Gina had to head back to the station.

- I think she's warming to our presence.

- Hmm!

You find anything of note?

No, not yet.

Maybe Rex can help.

Yeah, maybe. I also think

Angus and Ian might

be worth a closer look.

- Why's that?

- Gina implied as much.

Sounds like she is warming up.

Okay, why don't I go back to the B&B,

see if I can dig

anything up on those two?


What do you think Rex, huh?

There must be something in here, right?

Are you sure we're alone?

Angus won't be back for a while.

God, everything's just been so crazy.

Don't worry about that now.

Come here.

I wonder who took these?

What is it, Rex?

What's in Marie's car?

We didn't mean to hurt anybody.

Marie reached out after she left Eric.

- It was hard for her.

- Ian listened.

He understood what I was going through.

We didn't mean for

any of this to happen.

I just

What about Angus?

I love my husband.

A lot.

But sometimes I

love women too.

Please don't tell him.

- And Eric did he know?

- No. We were careful.

Yeah, I can see that.

- Jesse, what's up?

- Hey, I got your messages.

I'll see what I can dig up.

- Give me a few hours?

- Thanks.

Everything okay over there?

Yeah! Uh, great.

Hey, um,

- have you seen Sarah at all?

- Sarah? No.

Didn't she say that she

was going to visit her

family this weekend?

Uh, she did? I don't remember that.


Got to go.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- What's that?

- It's a bicycle inner tube.

It fits inside a tire.

We found it in the back of Marie's car.

Rex alerted to it.

Then it must be important.

Well, I think the k*ller

used this to strangle Eric.

The width matches the

ligatures marks on Eric's neck

and I found traces of

talc like this on his skin.

Marie. Is this yours?

Definitely not.

I don't even own a bike.

Then why was it in your trunk?

It beats me.

Do you really think I could

possibly do something like this?

- You tell me.

- I'm his ex.

I'm not a psycho k*ller.

Besides, I was with Ian all day.

- Tell them.

- Is that true?

We were together.

Got back here just

before you two checked in.

And you'd be willing

to go on the record?

- Make a statement?

- But I won't testify.

If Angus finds out about us, he'll walk!

I could lose everything!

Easy, pal.

So, it looks like we have two problems.

- Who k*lled Eric?

- And who tried to pin the blame on Marie?

This is where it gets interesting.

Why would someone want to do that?

Well, let's assume that Angus

knew that Ian was having an affair.

That would give him a reason

to want to blame Marie.

Yeah. Punish her, and

throw the investigation.

Yeah, but what would

Angus have against Eric?

Something big enough to want him dead.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense.


- Unless what?

- Do you remember that comment that

Ian made to Angus about

wanting Eric's property

now that he's gone?

It's just got me thinking.

About what?

You know what?

Just give me a half hour?



Almost done.

How do you feel about your case now?

I don't know. I mean,

apparently Sarah's in Toronto

visiting her parents

and Charlie's out of town

getting some fresh air with Rex.

You sound disappointed.

I just I don't know. I

thought I was on to something.

Well, I hope this won't

disappoint you further.

Should I be scared? I'm a little scared.

That is incredible!

Wow! You really have a gift!

I can't take all the credit.

You're an amazing subject

with really good bone structure.

Yeah, it's my grandmother's

cheekbones, I guess.

Can I

Can I have this?

Of course!

Thank you.

Thank you!

Hey, Angus.

- You got a minute?

- Yeah! What can I do for you?

Listen. Was Ian serious about wanting

to put a bid on Eric's place?

What are you talking about?

What about yourself?

Wanting to expand the business?

Buy the adjacent property?

- Build a spa?

- That was a joke!

I'm not so sure.

What are you getting at?

Are you suggesting that I k*lled Eric

because I wanted his property?

Did you?

That's ridiculous.

Sure, just a moment.


Hi. Is Lauren Humphries here?

I'm sorry. She's not in today.

Something I can help you with?

Ms. Humphries didn't come to work?

Not since Friday.

That's before they found Eric.

Everything okay?

Yeah can we see the tax

assessments and valuations

for Eric Gordon's property?

- Eric Gordon?

- Yeah that's correct.

And could you also

pull the tax assessments

for his previously-owned pub?

Sure. Just a moment.

I remember you talking

about moving out of the city

when we were on Avalon Island last year.

Yeah, the vistas, the fresh air.

Yes, buddy, and the sheep.

You still think you want to live

in a small town after this weekend?

The question is whether

or not I could afford it.

Take a look at this.

Ooh! I knew Apple Bay was gentrifying

but I didn't expect these prices.

Sorry, but Mr. Gordon's files

must have been misplaced.

They're gone?

It's strange. Lauren's

usually pretty thorough.

Okay, thank you.


I found an empty folder from

the city in Eric's garage.

That must be the tax assessments.

Someone wants them to disappear.

We need to figure out

what Eric was up to.

Come on, pal.

Hey. Did I wake you up?

Must be lonely over there.

No, no, I'm good. You

know, just keeping busy.

Good. Any luck with the

status of Eric's property?

Oh yeah, Charlie. It's a doozie.

- Really? How so?

- The assessed value of his house

tripled in the last

two months. And it was

very high to begin with.

What about the property taxes?

Astronomical. Yeah, I'll

sh**t you the specifics.

Okay, thanks. Um, look

Anything on the pub that Eric lost?

Oh, well I mean yeah. Property

taxes were huge on that, too.

And the valuation was through the roof.

Was? What's changed?

I don't know. I don't know.

I mean, the value of

the pub just dropped

after the new owner took possession.


Good. Thanks Jesse.

Is that it?

For now.

Even in a town on the rise,

a tripled property

assessment is unheard of.

- Yeah.

- No wonder Eric lost his pub.

I think we need to talk to Lauren.

I think there was something

she wasn't telling us.



Here, Rex.

Here, let me try.

She's breathing.

There's no way she did this to herself.

Rex. Someone else is here!

Gina, I need a doctor at Lauren

Humphries' residence right away.

Someone tried to strangle her.



Can you hear me?

Wake up!



Tell me what happened.

Everything went black.

Who did this to you?


I'll tell you what. I'll give

you a chance to explain yourself

before I put you behind bars. Come on!

So, what are you hiding, huh?

Some kind of deal

with the City Assessor?

She was fudging the numbers?

That's how you got the pub?

This place was choking me.

But he offered me something.

Who? Who did?


She made adjustments to

the assessments. That's it.

You mean, she blew up the tax rates

slapping Eric with impossible bills.

You forced him to sell.

The conditions just weren't right.

So I made adjustments,

adjustments to the landscape!

And giving you the first

opportunity at the sale.

But Lauren, she lowered the tax

rates as soon as you took possession.

That was a pretty sweet deal, huh?

What was in it for her?

He offered me a 10 percent

commission on all his purchases.

I made more money on

the sale of Eric's pub

than I had in my whole life.

But I had no idea

that Eric would take it so hard.

I bet Eric didn't see

a dime of the money

he got from the sale. The

creditors would've taken it all.

And now Tom is after Eric's house.

I said no. I tried

to talk him out of it.

You tried to back out of the deal.


I couldn't keep going,

not after what happened.

So Tom att*cked you.

He must have knocked me out.

The next thing I knew,

you were here.

But Eric wasn't going to sell this time.

He knew what you were up to.

He was going to go to the police, right?

I tried to talk to him.

I tried. But he was so drunk!

- That's why you k*lled him.

- I punched him.

I punched him and he went out cold!

And that's when you strangled him.


With the inner tube

you found in his garage?

Made it look like a su1c1de.

But when you failed,

you blamed it on Marie.

A cheater,

with an alcoholic husband.

It'd be easy to make

her look guilty, huh?

No regrets there.

But you didn't stop there.

Then you went after Lauren.

We found you just in

time. Rex saved your life.

You should have just left me to die.

You will get through this.

Fraud is serious but

you testify against Tom,

you could have your sentence reduced.

It's not that.

I can survive jail.

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Kendra was a good person,

her whole life ahead of her.

But Eric,

didn't save her.

Oh, Lauren.

What happened to your

daughter was a tragic accident.

But I'm so sorry. It

wasn't Eric's fault.

He just stood there

as the waves pulled her under.

Watched from the shore

as she disappeared.

He kept on living

when Kendra was gone.

That coward deserved to lose.

He just wasn't supposed to die.

What was I supposed

to do? I had no choice.

There's always a choice.

Now you're going to

go away for a long time

because of what you did,

and all the lives that you ruined.

Yeah, it's nice to see

justice being served.

Even when it's on our vacation?

Well, I owe you both of you an apology.

No, no. Not at all.

Without your help, Eric's

k*ller would've walked free.

We're happy to have helped.

I appreciate it.

I really do.

Still, I have to wonder if

any of this would have happened

if those Torontonians never arrived.

No offense.

- Good luck, Gina.

- Yeah, I hope things

go back to normal soon.

I don't know what that

looks like anymore.

Bye, Rex.

Thank you.

And don't come back!

Looks like the cat's out of the bag.

We should get out of here.


Good job, buddy.


I'm sorry this whole weekend

turned out to be about work.

Well, the change of

scenery was exciting.

Even if it wasn't exactly a vacation.

Well, we don't have to go

back to work till tomorrow.

So, we could still


enjoy the last day of our vacation.

Speaking of which,

I brought a little something back for us

from Apple Bay.

- Oh yeah!

- Mm-hmm.

Now that is the kind of

souvenir I appreciate.


I like the country.
