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05x13 - The Miranda Act

Posted: 02/25/24 17:41
by bunniefuu
Break and enter in

progress at 4 Clarke Street.

Immediate assistance needed.

I'm right by the scene now.

Okay, I'll check in and

call if I need backup.


Come on!

Easy, Rex.

SJPD! Show yourself!

Come on out.



Hello there, Sarah.

Don't you remember me?

I'm Charlie's aunt Miranda!

Oh, Rexie!

Aunt Miranda!

But can you really call

it breaking and entering

if I used a key?

Yes, we can.

Well, it's not my fault he keeps a spare

in a fake rock in his garden!

What were you even doing there?

My investment club was defrauded.

The house I broke into

belonged to our broker,

Bruce Buckston.

- Investment club?

- Mm-hmm.

So, you mean there are other

people involved in this?

It was something I started

with a few people in our neighbourhood.

We thought we'd have some fun

and maybe make a little money.

And instead we got conned!

How much of a loss are we talking about?

Well, Cloris could lose her house.

We were we were guaranteed

it was a sure thing.

Do you have proof that your

broker was involved in this?

That was what I was looking for

when Sarah and Rex found me.

He claims he was conned too

but I'm not so sure.

I wanted to find out for myself.

You should have come to us.

Are you arresting me?

So, here's the deal.

We are not going to keep

you in holding overnight.

We are going to let you go home.

- Under one condition.

- Anything.

You do not leave your house

- until we say it's okay.

- So, house arrest?

Until we complete the investigation.

And do not reach out to Bruce Buckston.

- Of course.

- Good.

Now all you have to do is explain

yourself to a very angry nephew.

Oh. Mmmm.

I did what I thought

I had to do, Charlie.

Let's just say you're lucky

you have friends in the force.

- Come on, pal.

- You're not mad at me are you?

No no. Not at all.

But just stay out of it from

now on. Everything will be fine.

Are you sure I can't help you?

All right, fine.

- Hello, Miranda.

- Miranda!

Oh, Cloris! George!

Come meet my nephew, Charlie.

The policeman?

We've heard so much about you.

Nice to meet you both.

And this is his partner, Rex.

Good looking animal.

I had one like that once, you know.

And then one day the damn

thing just up and died.

- Oh!

- Not you, naturally!

You're a good looking fella! Yeah!

What did he have to say?

- When am I gonna see a return?

- It's coming!

Yeah, so is Christmas.

I never should have trusted you.

I take it one of the members

of your investment club?


I thought we were going

to handle this ourselves.

We were,

until my recon was interrupted.

But anyway, Charlie's agreed

to help us in our investigation.

Nope. No. Not your investigation.

You're staying out of this.

You're all staying out of this.

Of course!

Bad news, Superintendent?

Yeah, a case went late and

now my date's cancelled on me.

Ughh. You think they'll

give you another shot?

Unfortunately this is

not the first time. So

Yeah, things are done

with me and Ms. Leonard.

Oh. Too bad.

Yeah, unfortunately, she was the one

who had the tickets to

the Liberties concert.

They're sold out now too.

- Hold on, you know about that?

- Yeah.

I mean, even though there's

only one original member left,

I always loved the Philly sound.

- You don't say!

- Yeah, the O'Jays!

Harold Melvin.

- I grew up on my dad's record collection.

- Okay.

Crazy idea, but,

would you be interested in

going in on a reseller with me?

Oh, can't do it. I have other plans.

Sure. Of course. It's no problem.

No, really.

I have other plans.

If I didn't want to go out with you,

I wouldn't be afraid to say so.

Look, I understand why your aunt

and her friends are upset, but,

to have them break

into my house, you know?

Invade my privacy?

I know. You'd be well within

your right to press charges.



No, I feel terrible about

what happened to them.

And for me.

Falling victim to investment fraud

doesn't do much for my reputation.

How did you come to be their

broker in the first place?

George Horowitz was an old boss of

mine at the Bank of Newfoundland.

- Hmm.

- We just kept in touch after he retired.

And you're still working at the bank?

No, I decided to go into the investment

game full-time about a year ago.

George and your aunt were

among my first clients.


Can you tell me about the fraud?

A man named Nick Sable contacted me

with an opportunity to

get in on the ground floor

of this organic farming investment trust

that had big potential.

Organic farming is a

fast growing sector.

So, I brought this to your

aunt's investment group.

Hmm. It looks impressive enough.

It was.

But when I transferred the funds,

Nick Sable disappeared

off the face of the Earth.

- How so?

- Well, when I went back to his offices

the place was a ghost town.

No trace that they were ever there.

Look, Detective, if you don't mind,

I'd like to try and clean up this place.


It sounds like a classic

boiler room fraud.

Isn't that reserved for like

multimillion dollar cons?

Maybe Bruce wasn't the only mark.

Okay, so, what's our next move?

Well, I was thinking you

and I could go check out

the former Sable Organic

Solutions, see what we could find?

Okay I'll contact the building owner,

see if I can get names

of the old tenants.

- We'll find them, Charlie.

- Yeah, don't worry.

Nobody messes with Aunt

Miranda and gets away with it.

- Yeah. Thanks. Okay, let's go.

- Yeah.

Come on, pal.

Ah, Superintendant.

I was just coming to see you.

There is a great interview

with Rufus Fuller in here.

Check it out.

The last remaining

member of the Liberties.

Yeah! I knew you'd appreciate it.

I do!

As long as you don't

think this being nice act

is going to make me drop my guard

and make me not compete

for the chief's job.

Do I look worried?

And who said this was an act?

Look, I should get going.

Have you heard Rufus's solo album?

He had a solo album?

I guess you don't know as much

about Rufus as I thought you did.

You should come by my office

some time. I'll spin it for you.


You still have a turntable?

That's more of a turn of phrase.

That you do have.

Charlie? How's it going?

Did you find anything?

You mean other than

squatters and skateboarders?

No, nothing.

Ah, they must've been

using that space illegally.

Why would you say that?

Well, I talked to the owner in Florida.

He hasn't leased that

building in over two years.

So, Buckston was lying.

Aunt Miranda was right.

He is involved in this somehow.

Bruce Buckston?

Detective Hudson. Open up!

Good thinking, pal.


If you're in here, let me know.

I have a warrant for your arrest.

He was k*lled within

the last four hours.

Puncture wounds suggest

a piercing w*apon.

Not a blade though.

When we were here earlier,

there was a laptop on that table.

No sign of it in our sweep.

He was interested in that

last time we were here too.

Let's take a look, shall we?

A hidden drawer.

Strange place for a USB drive.

Something tells me there's

some important stuff on here.

You know, I hate to say it, but,

Miranda's DNA will show

up in our forensics sweep.

- Only because she was here yesterday.

- I know.

It would be clever though.

Stage a break-in to

cover up for the fact that

her DNA is at the crime scene?

It sounds like a plot in

one of her mystery novels.

He's dead?

Not much of a chance on seeing

our money again now is there?

This is all your fault.

I believed you. Now

I get to work forever!

Your eyes were open

when you made the choice.


Well, don't come to me when

your hot water stops working!

Can you and I have a word privately?

There's nothing to say

that can't be discussed with all of us.

We are all in this together.

All right.

I was just curious as to

what led you to believe that

Bruce was involved in the fraud.

- I was right, wasn't I?

- No way.

Bruce is an honest man.

I thought you said he

was having an affair

with a married woman!

What's that got to do with anything?

He was always honest with business.

Are you expecting someone?

That'll be my stepson Kevin.

He's dropping by to take

me to the eye doctor.

I didn't hear a doorbell.

No need for one when Rex is over!


You're late again.

Traffic was really bad.

- We should hurry.

- Yeah, okay.

Come on.

- Thank you.

- Bye now!

- Bye!

- Thanks.

Well, Rex and I should be going too

but before I go,

you didn't leave the

house today, did you?

You've got to be kidding me.

One quick trip to the library.

I wanted to do some

research on investment fraud.

That is what the internet is for.

You're under house arrest

for your own protection.

I don't need protecting!

Please, please.

Let my team handle this, okay?

There's a good boy.

Ooh, nice kisses!


Really undercutting

my authority here, pal.

Sarah, hey. These were on the

thumb drive that Rex found.

Is there anything else?

I don't think I need anything else.

- What do you mean?

- Well, Charlie told me

that one of Aunt Miranda's friends said

Bruce was having an

affair with a married woman

which could be blackmail material.

And I think these confirm it.

Oh, so Bruce was being forced

to participate against his will.

It's possible.

Who's the woman?

I thought you'd never ask. So,

these photos were taken in

the back of a downtown bank.

I did some digging.

It turns out this woman

is Assistant Branch Manager,

Petra Davies.

Who took these?

I was hoping you could

help me with that.

I have no idea! I've

never seen them before!

- Although it does explain something.

- What's that?

About three weeks ago,

Bruce ended things with me.

Seeing this, I realize he must

have done that to protect me.

Had you seen Bruce recently?

Not since right after he ended things.

I went to his house to talk to him.

I was going to tell him I

would leave my husband for him.

And what did he say?

He wouldn't let me in.

He said he was with a client.

And that he never

wanted to see me again.

Is there anything else

that you can recall?

So, he was being blackmailed?

- Looks like.

- Hmm!

And he paid off the blackmailer

- with our money.

- Oh don't be thick, George.

If he paid off the blackmailers,

why would he be dead?

He got a look at something!

He knew too much! I don't know!

This kind of stuff happens all the time!

Ain't that right, Detective?

Hmm? Um

Rex, what have you got?

That is not the snack cupboard, Rex!

Don't you ever feed that

dog of yours, Charlie?

I lost at least seven

shoes to my dog, buddy.

- You gotta feed them.

- He's a K9 officer.

He's not looking for a snack.

My knitting needle! I've been

looking everywhere for that!



Why is there blood on it?

How did the w*apon that k*lled

Bruce Buckston end up in your house?

For heaven's sake, I don't know,

but nobody hides a m*rder

w*apon in their own home!

It's not just the w*apon, Miranda.

You broke into his house before he died.

And you also have no alibi

for the time of the m*rder!

Should I go on?

You can't possibly

believe that I did this.


No, of course not.

But look, if this is

going to go to a trial,

I wouldn't count on a jury

coming to that same conclusion.

And to avoid that possibility,

we need to prove that

you're being framed.

Is there anyone else who

has access to your house?


Well, George and Cloris have spare keys.

As do a few other close

friends in the complex, but,

But to be honest,

I rarely bother to lock

my door when I'm out.

I mean I don't have

anything worth stealing.

Okay, we're off to a great start.

What did I tell you

about locking your doors?

So, what now? I'm under arrest

for being a good neighbour?

House arrest. But for real this time.

Yes, you have to wear a

GPS tracker at all times.

Let me see your wrist.

If you take this off,

an alarm will sound.

If you leave the property, same thing.

And we'll have no choice

but to formally arrest you.

Well, can I at least

go to my yoga class?

We meet at the community centre

- just down the road from my place.

- Oh, as long as it's just for yoga.

No, okay? And you're not

staying at your house.

Then where?

- Come on.

- Ahh!

This place looks better!

- Better?

- How?

Yeah, it finally looks like a home.

Not just a place where

you keep your things.

Huh. Yeah. Well, Rex

and I have got to go.

So, if you need anything, you ask Jesse.

I don't need a babysitter.

- No offense, Jesse.

- None taken.

Oh, that'll be George and Cloris.

I called them while you were

taking Rex for his constitutional.

Aunt Miranda.

What part of house arrest are

you not understanding here?

You said I can't go anywhere.

You didn't say anything

about having guests.

And I would go stir crazy without them!

Please, they won't be any bother.

- Oh, hi.

- Come on in.

Well, if that's the case,

I will order some lunch for everybody!


Come on.

So, I'm here.

Give it to me.

- I'm sorry?

- My dose of Rufus Fuller.

If it even exists.

I mean because I checked all

the music steaming sites, right?

- And I don't know.

- It exists.

Believe me. My daughter,

digitized an old LP for me.

I love you ♪

I want you ♪

I need you near me ♪

Do you want me? ♪

Do you love me? ♪

Do you need me near you? ♪

When the snow starts falling down ♪

You don't like it.

No no no. I didn't say that. I just

He doesn't sound the same flying solo.


Sometimes you need to find the

right person to harmonize with.

Tell me exactly how you feel ♪

Is that a pickup line, Joe Donovan?

No, that's just a statement of fact.

Did you want it to be a pickup line?

I love you ♪

I want you ♪

I need you ♪

You'll notice the bruising

here on the neck and jaw.

I believe that Bruce was

approached from behind.

Pulled back with an arm around

his neck to expose his chest

and then stabbed three times.

Well, that would have

taken some strength

even with the element of surprise.

The first s*ab was the deepest,

puncturing the left lung.

The next two struck the chest plate.

Angle of entry on all three wounds

suggests the k*ller

was at least fivenine.

That would eliminate Charlie's aunt.

But if she wasn't working alone,

her friend George is the right height.

Well, there's no prints

on the knitting needle.

But it might be worth getting prints

to match the partial on the thumb drive.

George is decamped with Cloris

and Miranda at Charlie's place.

I'll see what Jesse can do.

There must be something we could do.

Like what?

We ain't getting our money

back. The damned man's dead.

Let's just give Charlie

time to figure this out.

But if he doesn't make any headway soon,

then I'm going to take

Oh, hello Jesse. Oh,

this looks delicious!

Well, Casa Mia never disappoints!

- Ah!

- Instant Italian.

Cloris, I will be right back with yours.

- Who would like some wine?

- Ooh, that would be lovely!

Thank you!

Things are looking up.

Like I was saying,

I'm going to take

matters into my own hands

if Charie doesn't act fast!


And how are you planning on doing that?

He seems like a nice boy!

Have you got something, pal?

- Maybe he's not a fan.

- Yeah, unless he found something

on this picture he

doesn't like the scent of.


Look at this.

A listening device?

Whoever planted that there must have

also planted the knitting needle.

Well, now they likely know that we know.


No, I doubt it. His print isn't a match

to the partial on the thumb drive.

Do you have an extra evidence bag?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

Can you tell Jesse about this?

And I've just got

somebody I need to talk to.



- Excuse me. You got a minute?

- Sure.

What's up?

How much money did you give

to Miranda to invest with?

Ten thousand dollars.

It might not seem like a lot to you.

No, that seems like a lot to me.

So, Bruce Buxton must not

be your favourite person.

Of course not.

Given that you do maintenance

in the neighbourhood,

you probably have

access to all the units.


You recognize this?

- What the heck's that?

- It's a listening device.

I found it in Miranda's place.


What about this?

It's a knitting needle?

Wait. Is that blood on it?

Your aunt k*lled Bruce

Buckston with it? Good for her.

Or maybe you did and

you planted it there.

If I was going to k*ll a man,

there's a lot better ways to do it.

Now if you don't mind,

I'm finished for the day.

Okay come on, come on.


Looks like Sarah was right.

George. Where's Miranda?

Oh, her and Cloris went out somewhere.

- Uh, where?

- I'm not their dad.

- They can't do that!

- Well, they did.

We said the corner of Taylor and Chase.

And he said five

minutes, five minutes ago.

I swear, that boy will be

late to his own funeral.

Oh, they just don't concentrate.

- That's the problem.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Thanks for waiting with me.

- Oh, of course!

Hopefully the doctor will

have some good news for you.

Ah! That would be a first.

Oh! Is that Kevin now?

No, that's not his car.

What's that lunatic ?

Look out!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Are you okay?

I think so. Cloris?

- Cloris?

- Let me help you.

I'll live.

Hey. What happened?

We've got an attempted hit and run.

It's a grey sedan. Uniforms

are already having a look.

That can't be a coincidence.

Looks like you escaped

with a few bruises

but I suggest we take you

to the hospital for xrays,

just to be safe.

I'm fine.

These days I bruise when

I roll over in my sleep.

A few more isn't going to slow me down.

I'll keep an eye on her.

Unis's did their job.

The stolen car was found on a

residential lane near your place, Charlie.

They found you because of the

bug that was in your phone case.

They overheard you tell

the address to your friends.

To think someone was

listening in on my life.

That is disturbing.

Yeah, I'll have Jesse

do a sweep of your place

to make sure there's no

more listening devices.


Oh! Oh, Kevin.

No, I'm all right, dear.

I'm just giving a

statement to the police.


Oh I don't know. Hold on. Um

My stepson is waiting downstairs.

He wants to know when I can be released.

It's going to be a little while longer.

We're going to need your official

statement about the hit and run.

Oh. They're not done with me yet.

I'll call you when I'm ready.

What I don't understand

is why someone would try

to frame me for the m*rder

and then try to k*ll me!

Maybe they're panicking.

If they know we aren't

buying the frame job

Guys. Guys, I found something.

I was finally able to hack into

Bruce Buckston's ICloud account.

He has a few meetings set up

with N.S. It could be Nick Sable.

That's the date that

Bruce's girlfriend, Petra,

came to confront him.

She said she saw Bruce with a client.

How good a look did she get?

Let's find out.

- Hi, Petra. Thanks for coming back.

- Happy to help.

We're trying to identify

the client you saw at Bruce's

when you were there last.

Would you be up for sitting

with a composite artist?

Of course.

Although I'm not sure

that's going to be necessary.

She's sitting right there.

- No, Cloris. That was no accident.

- Are you sure?

There's no doubt in my mind.

That is who was with Bruce.

We couldn't get a look.

Oh, I guess.

But I just don't know!

Everything just happened so quickly!

You're telling me you've never

met Bruce Buckston face to face?

Not that I remember.

We have an eye witness who says

that they saw you in

Bruce Buckston's office

just a few days before he was m*rder*d.


Fine, yes.

I was there.

I admit it.

The name Nick Sable

mean anything to you?


I don't think so. Why?

The person behind

Sable Organic Solutions.

You would have read his name

in the investment portfolio.


I'm not sure.


Bruce Buckston was supposed to meet

with a man with the initials N.S.

at the time that you were in his office.

I was the only one there!

But I remember,

Bruce said he'd had a cancellation

and that's why he could see me.

What was the meeting about?

Well, I

I tried to withdraw my

portion of the investment.

I only have a small pension

and I was worried something

might go wrong.

I was too embarrassed to

tell Miranda and George.

How did Bruce respond to that request?

He said it was too late.

He'd already transferred the funds.

There was nothing he could do.

And you never tried to

contact Buckston again

after you found out you were scammed?

No, that was the first and last time

I talked to him in person.

- Hey.

- Hey!

I got your invitation for dinner.

- Thank you.

- Of course.

I just

I don't think it's

going to be a good idea,

you know professionally.

Well, we're both on the same level.

Different departments.

It's not against policy.

Well, I mean,

we're on the same level for now.

But things could get a little tricky

when the competition for

Chief starts heating up.

And I don't intend on catching feelings

and throwing the competition.

That's good.

Because neither do I.

And the job hasn't been posted yet.

So, technically it's still a rumour.

So, maybe if you go to dinner with me,

who knows? I slip up.

Give you something

you can use against me.


Oh, that's interesting!

It says here that Kevin's

father, Walter Donner,

lived in the same

neighbourhood as the Nick Sable

that died in a car accident.

And it looks like Kevin and

Nick were around the same age.


Everything okay?

You tell me.

Where did Charlie take Cloris?

He just had some questions

about her statement

he wanted to go over.

- I'm sure they won't be long.

- Ah.

Would you be a dear

and get me some water?

Of course. I'll be right back.


Stay Rex, stay.

Good boy.

- Oh, Miranda.

- Oh! Hi. Kevin!

- I thought you'd left.

- Oh no. I had time left on my parking.

So, I figured I'd stick around

in case they release her.

- Is she coming?

- No, she's still in with the detectives.

I see. Well, can I give you a ride home?

That's sweet of you but I can get a cab.

Oh hey, don't be silly.

Look, you live so close.

Okay I'll just drive you over

and then I'll come back and get Mom.

Please, I insist.

All right. Thanks.

Let's go.


Hey, bud.


Hey. So, I was looking

into Cloris's background

and yeah, there was a lot to uncover.

- Tell me you found something.

- Yeah, she was married three times

over the span of thirty years.

Okay, she's got three kids of her own,

two stepkids and a

billion grandchildren.

- Hmm.

- But it was her second marriage

- to Walter Donner that sparked my attention.

- How so?

Well, I cross-referenced

the name Nick Sable

with Cloris's background. It turns

out there was a Nicolaus Sable

who lived in the same

Montreal neighbourhood

when she was married to Walt.

Do you have a contact number?

No, he died in a car

accident in his teens.

- Then why is this relevant?

- Walt had a son from his previous marriage

that went to the same school as Sable.

They even took a few classes together.

A son.

You mean Cloris's stepson Kevin

Is using the name

of his dead classmate.

It's really not necessary

to walk me to the door.

Oh, I don't mind.

Okay? Why are we stopping?

Um, I've changed my mind.

- I'm going to visit my friend George.

- No I think,

we should get you home.


We're gonna walk straight

there. No stopping, no talking.

- You got it?

- Mmm.

Let's go.

Don't even think about it.

We know that your stepson Kevin

is using the alias Nick Sable.

Nick Sable!


I've never heard that name before today!

Cloris. Cloris, if you

continue to protect him,

we are going to charge

you as an accomplice

to all of his crimes, including

the m*rder of Bruce Buckston!

Might I remind you

that I am a victim here?

How could I know my that own stepson

was using me to get to my friends?

It's shocking, really!

You know what I think? I think that,

we're going to tie Kevin's prints

back to that car that

almost ran you down.

And I think that you

were the intended target.

- Kevin would never do anything

- With Bruce gone,

you are the only person

who can tie him to this.

You're a liability.

I told you, I don't know anything!

Looks like Aunt Miranda

left with Kevin willingly.

When we noticed she was gone,

I checked the CCTV footage.

- When was this?

- Seventeen minutes ago.

Can you track her phone?

No, I didn't have the chance

to return it after debugging it.

Wait. There is way

that we can track her.

Tell me everything

you all told the cops.

- Did my name come up?

- I don't think so.

But I see now it was you all along.

And Cloris was working

with you, wasn't she?

You planned all of this together.

Got it all figured out, huh?

You blackmailed Bruce.

And then forced him to play

along with your scheme. And then,

when you saw that he was the

target of an investigation,

you k*lled him just to keep him quiet!

Well, that's pretty good.

But you're wrong about one thing.

What's that?

Batty old Cloris didn't help

me come up with the plan.

She was just a tool.

- She's your mother!

- She's my stepmother!


And she's outlived her usefulness!

And unfortunately, so have you.

Before you pull that trigger,

- there's something you should know!

- Oh, yeah?

- What?

- I have been stalling

to buy my nephew and his

partner time to get here!

What are you talking about?

A GPS watch.

I figured when they realized I was gone,

he'd use it to track me!

Turns out that house arrest

has some benefits after all!

Oh damn it!-

They went into the house. Both of them.

- What's going on?

- Ow! Ughh!

You'd better not run, if I were you!

- Are you okay?

- I'm fine, now go get him!

- What the devil is going on?

- Oh, come along George!

Hey, hold on a sec!

And miss all the

fireworks? Never! Come on!

Get out of my way!

This is the most fun I've had in years!

It's not over yet! Come on!




Stay away!

Make way! SJPD coming through.

Thank you.

- No no no!

- Good job, partner.

- Stay down.

- Stay away!

Let's go.

I didn't do anything. Come on.

Yeah, well, we have

access to the recordings

from the bugs you

left in Miranda' house,

but I'm sure you didn't say

anything incriminating, huh?

Come on, let's go.

You want to give me a

minute alone with him?


Not going to happen George.

Batty old Cloris didn't help

me come up with the plan.

She was just a tool.

- She's your mother!

- She's my stepmother!

- Ooh!

- And she's outlived her usefulness!

Kids, huh?

They never seem to

respect their parents.

I played no role

in k*lling Bruce.

But you're still looking at prison time

for your involvement in the fraud.

I don't care what happens to me,

just as long as my stepson never

sees the outside of a cell again.

The good news is,

you're going to be able

- to get all your back money now.

- Thank you.

I really appreciate

everything you've done for me.

By the way,

I love what you've done

with Charlie's place, Sarah.

- Sorry, what?

- Oh. Keeping it quiet, are we?

But you can't hide it from me, dear.

I can tell when my

favourite nephew is in love.

Well, I should be going.

It's bingo night at

the community centre.

Try and stay out of

trouble for once, please?

Now what fun would that be?





You know,

I never mentioned this but,

I don't go to this place

unless I'm kicking it

up on the dance floor.

- So, I hope that's not going to be a problem.

- Oh!

Well, I can throw down on a dance floor.

- Don't you worry about me.

- Okay. Good to know.

Good to know.


It's the chief's job.

It's been posted.

So, you want to cancel?

No. Do you?


Shall we?