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05x18 - Jail Break

Posted: 02/25/24 17:43
by bunniefuu



- William Mumford here is a VIP.

- Name's Billy.

William always seemed

a little fancy for me.

I'm so sorry, Billy.

What a fine citizen to meet

your first day on the job.

- Get in.

- MUMFORD: Oh, easy!

No need to be so rough.

Oh, you precious baby.

You'll live.

More's the pity. Hands.


Sweet dreams.

I'll make sure you're in them.



- MALLORY: Oh hey, Hudson.

- Hey, Mallory.

MALLORY: You remember Rex's

favourite catch, Mr. Mumford?

This is Rawlins. His first day with us.

CHARLIE: Oh, hey, Rawlins.

Welcome to the team.

Obviously, you've never seen Rex before.

No, but sure heard all about him.

- Hey, Rex.

- CHARLIE: That's okay. You can pet him.

He won't bite.


- Rex, say hi to Ben.

- BEN: Awww!



- Who's a good boy?

- MALLORY: All right.

Fun's over.

- Got to show this rook around.


Come on, Rawlins.

- See you.

- RAWLINS: See you soon.


Still running with that

fleabag eh, Charlie?


You just don't like him

because he knows what

kind of man you are, Billy.

- Yeah.

- So, last night on the rock, huh?

Yeah, not certain this is how

I'd choose to spend it but

Just enjoy it while you can

because it's going to be a

fair bit better than Millbrook.

Why are they sending me

to that hellhole anyway?

That's the whole consequences

of your actions thing.


But why the stop off here?

You just want to give me a pep talk?

No, there's trouble at the airport.

- No flights going in or out.

- Trouble?

- What kind of trouble?

- That's not your concern.

See you in forty years, Billy.



At least your dog will

be dead by then. So,

- that's something.



Let's go, Rex.


- Come on, partner.





He's not the most

pleasant overnight guest.

No, fortunately it's just for a night

then we get a k*ller off the island.

Why are we shipping him out anyway?

Well, Halifax PD wants him.

He's a suspect in a m*rder there too.

They want to question him

before the Feds take him.

So, you think he's going to spend

the rest of his life behind bars?

This and the next I'd say.

The next one?

You believe that?

Above my pay grade, Jesse.

It's quiet in here.

Yeah, half the crew are at

the airport looking for a b*mb.

The other half are

at the holiday parade.

The holiday parade? That's right!

- I wish I was there!

- Oh, really?

You want to go stand

in line to tell Santa

- what you want for Christmas?

- Yeah, maybe.

- Really?

- I've got some pent up things

I want to say to that guy.




You know what?

I'll settle for the day of boredom.

Come on, pal.




- Come on.

- Easy.

We didn't do nothing wrong.

They have you cited

for public intoxication.

Causing a disturbance.

But, hey, I wasn't there.

- I'm sure you're innocent.

- SKYE: Oh! A smartass.

Don't put him in a cell with me.

- I don't want that neither.

- RAWLINS: Get in.

Which one of us?

You choose!

Get in.

Don't tell me what to do.

All right, fine! I don't care!

Whatever happened to ladies first?

Got to be a lady to have that happen.

[MUMFORD CHUCKLES] Good one, bro'.

When'd this become your business?

I'm just making conversation.



MUMFORD: I don't want to hear

anything from you. Got it?

All I'm looking for is a

quiet night in the cells.

SKYE: Hey, uh


Aren't you the guy that k*lled

those two kids up in Bay Roberts?

Weren't kids.

Grown men.

Still k*lled them.

That's what they say.

Hey, guard.

Look, it's my last night on the island.

These two have to be here?

Enjoy your evening.





Hey, did Joe say when he'll be back?

Well, I mean, the seminar's

today and tomorrow.

PD for the PD.

Joe's been doing a lot of

professional development lately.

Yeah, I mean when you take

a course, they bump your pay.

I don't know. You sure that's all it is?

What else would it be?

SARAH: That's a lot of days away.

You heard that rumour about the

Chief Superintendent retiring, right?


Yeah, I don't know.

Maybe Joe is going for it.

Guys, I've been thinking

about this a lot.

So, if Joe leaves Major Crimes,

that means we would get a new boss

who could be fine. Or awful.

- Or not.

- You really don't like change, do you?

SARAH: It's a little too

early to worry, anyway.

If Joe's going anywhere, we'd know.

- Wouldn't we?

- Yeah, I sure hope you're right.

SARAH: Hey. Where are you off to?

- The morgue.

- I hope it's nothing serious.

No, no, it's just

Oh, you're being funny. That's okay.

I'm in the middle of a

game of Snakepit with Karma.

- You're still playing that?

- You won yet?

It's not about winning or

losing. It's about the adventure.

- So, no.

- Tonight's the night.

So, that's where I'll be

if anything comes up, you need me.

Wish me luck.


- Hmm?

- Jesse and Karma?

No. No, no, I doubt that.

They're not really a match.

I don't know! People would

say the same thing about us.

Who would say that about us?

What are you talking

about? We're a great match.

Brains and brawn.

- Which is which?

- Sweet and spicy.

Badass and bookworm.

- Goofy and mature?

- Exactly.

Wait, what?

- Rex knows.


- See?

- Huh.

- He agrees.

- Yeah, remember where your next meal

- is coming from, pal.




- You see?

I know a way to a dog's heart.

Yeah, bribery.



You know, it's your fault we're in here.

- You hit me first.

- SKYE: Because you deserved it.

Will you two shut up?

Ain't your business!

Well, leave me out of it.

You ain't in it!

MUMFORD: If I can hear it, I'm in it.

BLU: Why are you listening anyway?

I don't feel so good.



No, really.

BLU: Hey, guard!

Guard, we've got a problem here!



KARMA: Jesse! You shouldn't

sneak up like that!

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, um


- You look like you have somewhere to be.

Yeah, just this charity thing tonight.

So, I thought I'd switch

up my look a little bit!

What do you think?

Yeah, you look you look



That's not exactly what I was going for.

Well, no, I mean what I meant to

Well, I mean that's not

It's working.

I'll take it.

Do you need something from me?

Yeah, well, I mean

I was hoping we could finish our game.

- You're a glutton for punishment.


- Sure.

- Nice.

I've got half hour. That

should be all the time I need.

Oh, don't count on it, okay?

I'm set up perfectly for

a classic redemption arc.

- It's my turn, right?

- Yes.

Okay. Get ready.

That's bad.



Listen, I admire your

commitment to your strategy,

but at some point, you're

going to have to admit

- that it's not working.

- Never.

Now, would you consider a trade?

I know I might look

like a pushover, Jesse.

But in here,

I am cutthroat.

There will be no handouts.

There will be no mercy.



That's luck. You're lucky.

The gods of Snakepit are

bountiful to those who deserve it.


BLU: Skye. Skye, talk to me.

Let me know you're okay.

Guards, we need help here now!

She's out cold! You've

got to come now! Hurry up!

Skye, Skye! Get in here now!

She's unconscious! Come on! Hurry up!


- What took you so long?

Here he comes! Here

he comes! You're okay.

- Is she okay? Get up!

- She can't!

Come on, you've got to help her man.

- Who asked you?

- I'm just saying, look.

Hurry up!

- Help her, man. That's my lady!

- Ma'am.

Ma'am, are you all right?

BLU: She better not die in here.


- Ma'am, I said are you all right?

BLU: You need to get a medic!

If anything happens

to her, that's on you!

She needs help! You're

not listening to me!

- RAWLINS: Ma'am are you all right?

- Get a medic in here, man!

She needs help!

- His g*n! Get his g*n!

- Oh!


- You had no idea!


- Okay, come on!

- We've got the A-Team here!

Cuffs, cuffs! Get his cuffs!

I'm getting them.

You've got a lot of jam for

such a pretty little thing.

Shut up, Billy.


- I will when you let me out!


- There we go.

- You are a genius.

Give me that. Come on.

Ohhh! Yeah.

Uh, you forgetting about somebody here?

- Sorry, sweetie!



True love.

Oh, nice work.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! [MUMFORD BLOWS]


- I didn't k*ll him, did I?

No, he'll be out a

good long while though.

- Back in the cell.

- BLU: What?


SARAH: Left paw, Rex.

No no no. No, other left.

Other paw. Yes! Good boy!

- Good boy.

- CHARLIE: Okay, yeah, thanks for the update.

Well, that's the airport authorities.

Airport's going to be

open in another hour.

- They find anything?

- Couple of unclaimed bags.

- So, normal.

- Yep.

- Any idea who called in the threat?

- No no.

Probably just a prank.

Okay, so once the airport's open,

Mumford is out of here.

Yeah, judging by the time,

that's probably tomorrow morning now.



I wonder if that's a coincidence?

It's Charlie Hudson.



MALLORY: Rawlins. Coffee.

- This is a one-time thing.

- [g*n COCKING]

Hope that's a double double.



What the hell did you just do?

No one is getting out of here.

I guess that includes you too.

Oh, this is exciting.

CHARLIE: Really? Yeah, yeah. Thank you.

The call to the airport

was made by a burner phone.

- No one took credit?


No, no not yet. I mean

it's not unusual, but

burner phones suggest

more planning than prank.


What is it, pal?


You've got to be kidding me.

- What's he saying?

- Hold on.

You'd better get me what I need

or both these cops are going to die!




Okay, how many people

do we have up here?

Uh, at least two up here.

- Jesse and Karma in the morgue.

- Two behind bars.

Yeah but who knows how

many are in the building?

I mean, should we call in SWAT?

No. Not yet. Escalation

might make this worse.

- Define worse.

- Well, nobody's sh**ting anybody yet.

That's when worse starts.

- Does this thing work?

- Push the button.

CHARLIE: Hey, Billy!

Oh, hi!

Is that your sultry

voice I hear, Charlie?

What in the hell are you doing?

What's your plan here?

MUMFORD: What's my plan? What's my plan?

My plan, Hudson, is to

get the heck out of here.

CHARLIE: Okay. Release the

hostages and we'll talk.

Oh, okay! Yeah, sure, sure,

sure! Yeah, I'll do that!

What do you think I am? An idiot?

What do you want?

Okay, that's better.

That's better. What I want is simple.

I want a half million dollars

and a fully gassed chopper.

Well, that's going

to take a little time.


Well, you've got an hour.



Next steps?


One sec.

Charlie. Hi.

You need me up there?

Nice try. You're just saying that

because you're getting smoked.

Don't put your hand at me!


Okay. Okay, yeah.

Karma, we have a problem.

Three prisoners have taken

over the holding cells.

They have two hostages.

The cells in the basement?

Just down the hall from us?

It's a pretty long hallway.

Are they armed?


- Hells bells.

- Correct.

And what does Charlie want us to do?

Well, he wants us to lock

the doors and stay put.

Stay put?

- That's the best he has?

- Well, he's the ranking officer!

We have to do what he says!

Well, technically, I'm not a part

of the police chain of command.

There's a reason I work

with dead bodies, Jesse!

- Plus there's somewhere that I need to be!

- Karma.



- It's going to be all right.


Let's do this.


Move. The table.

- Barricade the door!

- Oh, yeah, yeah!


Looks like I got dressed up for nothing.

Well, I mean, if it's any consolation,

you are the best dressed person

at this whole hostage-taking thing.


It's okay, pal. Nothing to worry about.

- Charlie.

- Okay, something to worry about.

But we've got it under control.

- Heads up!

- [g*nsh*t]

[MORE g*nshots]




Charlie! Charlie, hey, hey.

It looks like he's taking

out the rest of the cameras.

- Were you able to get in touch with Joe yet?

- No, not so far.

It must be one of those check

your cell at the door events.

I'll find out where he

is and get in contact.

Okay, well, there's been shot's

fired. I need to call SWAT.



What the hell are you doing?

Taking out their eyes.

What's that matter? We're

still trapped in here!





- It's not working.

The card's not for that door.

Check that cop's Check his pockets!

- BLU: What am I looking for?

- A fob!

- What's a fob?

- The things that open the door!

The little plastic things!

The magnet, you idiot!

- BLU: Don't call me that!

- Don't be one!

You three are in a world of trouble.

MUMFORD: I'd say you're

in a hell of a lot worse.

BLU: Bingo. Fobby thing.

I just found us our ticket out of here.



CHARLIE: Yeah, yeah, we have them

contained in the holding cells now.

Two hostages, both members.

BARRY: Okay, stay where

you are. We're on our way.

Where's your CO?

Joe's at a seminar. I'm ranking officer.

Okay, just stay put. We got this.

- What's the status of the hostages?

- I don't know.

The suspects just took out the cameras.

- But we heard g*nshots.

- But we heard g*nshots.

Copy that.

We're there in ten.

All right.

Let's go.

So, what do we do now?

We wait.



Well, he's not interested in that.

He knows there's

officers in trouble. Hey.

Secure the lobby.


SKYE: I can't

- Come on, come on.




These don't work.

What, what do you mean?

- Open this door.

- I can't.

What do you mean you can't?

MALLORY: During a lockdown,

the door can only be

triggered from the outside.

She's lying.

I can tell a liar from a mile away.

I guess it takes one to know one.

What's that supposed to mean?

You know what it means.

Okay, leave the outside

problems on the outside!

You open this door right now

or that rookie's first day

is going to be his last.

I told you I can't.

She told me that you're a liar

and I believe her.


JESSE: No. No, no, no, no, no.

Stay away from the window.

You heard the g*nshots, right, Jesse?

Yeah, of course I heard the g*nshots.

So, you want to end up a

permanent resident in here?

- Well, no, I no.

- I think we should get out.

There's nothing in here that they want.

Except more hostages!

Wouldn't you rather be with

Charlie and Sarah and Rex?

- Look, Charlie said

- Charlie isn't stuck down here!

And I'm not going to be either.

What are you doing?

I say we make a run for it.

What if they see us?

We don't let them see us.


Yeah. Okay, yeah.

You might want to lose the heels.



- Charlie.

- Yeah.


Hopefully he's just

doing reconnaissance.


Could Rex actually fit in there?

Are you ready?


JESSE: Hold on. Make

sure the coast is clear.

- KARMA: All clear?

- I don't see anyone.


- Did you hear that?

Yeah, that was my stomach.


I'm sorry. I made you

stay to play Snakepit.

This isn't your fault, Jesse.



Okay, we should go meet the team.


- Yes.


Charlie, yeah. We're heading to you.

- CHARLIE: Jesse I told you to stay put!


JESSE: Well, someone had other ideas.


You've got ten seconds

to open that door.

What's that going to get you?

Ten seconds of freedom?

Not with you two as human shields.

BLUE: We've got a chopper on the way.

Ain't that right, Billy?

Yeah that's a laugh.

MUMFORD: All right. Ten seconds up.

Stop! All right, all right.

All right!



What are you doing?

It's the override.

I thought you said it was locked down.

MALLORY: Yeah. Well, Red was

right, sweetie. I'm a liar.

- I told you.



Grab her.


- Billy.

- [g*nsh*t]

- Ughhh!


- Okay.

- What?

sh**ting cops now?

We're breaking out of a police station.

You didn't think that was a

possibility when you signed up?


- MUMFORD: It's just his shoulder!



Stay sharp and keep

your head on a swivel!

- I want a command centre right there.

- Copy that.

I want all of these

civilians out of here now!

JACKSON: All right, everyone!

Out this way in an orderly fashion.

We're evacuating the building please!

Evacuate the building! Go, go!


Hudson, we are in the building.

CHARLIE: Copy that. I'm

with Dr. Sarah Truong.

And the rest of our

staff are coming out now.

- You too, Hudson.

- CHARLIE: Negative, negative.

My partner is still here

and there's two others.

I'm not leaving till they're safe.

This is my scene now

and I want whoever else's in

there to get out immediately!

Yeah, well, I don't answer to you.



God's sakes!

Holy smokes!

Are you guys all right?

Yeah, never better.

You look very nice.

Yeah, that's what I said.


MUMFORD: Check that door.

SKYE: And this one's locked too.

And it has kind of a weird keypad.

I think we need one

that's the square kind.

Like there's a door up there with one.



MUMFORD: Yeah, I can see it from here.

That door takes this kind of fob.

BLU: Huh?



- Hey, hey, hey!

- [g*nsh*t]




Did you see if Mallory got hit?

- No.

- Me neither.

You want to go after her?

No, no. Uh, go get the other one.

The one you shot?

It don't matter who pulled

the trigger, sweetheart.

We're all in this together now.

Where's Rex?

I lost him.


- BLU: Here you go. I got him.


MUMFORD: All right,

all right, all right.

See if you can stop the bleeding.

He's our only ticket out of here.

BLUE: Maybe you should

have thought of that

before you shot him!

What can I say? I live in

the moment. I'm impulsive!

Wrap him up.

Hey, cop!

You hear that?

This one's got about

ten minutes to live.

So, you might want to

put a rush on the chopper!

CHARLIE: Well, things just

went from bad to worse.


- They're still holding one hostage.

Apparently wounded. Likely g*nsh*t.

What's the status of the other officer?

I don't know. I think she escaped.

We're coming in.

CHARLIE: Non no. We're negotiating.

The situation is stable.

BARRY: You said they

were holding a hostage.

Doesn't make it less stable. Look,

Mumford is a k*ller

but he's not a dumb man.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

CHARLIE: Means if I

stall him long enough,

he'll see the hopelessness

of the situation.

I don't think he thinks like us.

He's got nothing to lose.

We can't let him set the agenda.

Charlie, I have to get in there.

- That kid's going to bleed out.

- It's not safe.

Jesse, we know Mumford's

history inside out.

What do we have on the other two?

Okay, one is Skye Gibson.

The other one is Toby Blu.

They've been in and out

of trouble with the law

for most of their lives

but nothing like this.

What's their association with Mumford?

Well, three of them were caught

selling stolen lottery tickets

a few years back but not much else.

And that was enough to

convince them to do this.



Where the hell is Blu?

How should I know?

He went off wandering somewhere.

- Probably looking for a way out.

- Go find him!

You think it's a good idea we split up?

It's a hell of a lot better idea

than that bozo running

around on his own!

Go look.


Hey, hey, hey.


Hey. Listen.

You know another way out of here?


I don't. It's my first day.


Well, you get out of this alive,

they might just give you a medal.

Come on.


Come on.

All right.

This way.



SKYE: Blu?





Where are you?



- BLU: Yeah, here we go.

Oh yes!

What are you doing?

Firearms are locked up tight

but this is wide open!

Billy's going to k*ll you.

I ain't scared of Billy.

Well, you should be scared of me.

Put it down.

Put that down.

All right. Let's go.

Are you sure, Skye? Like

how about just a little bit?

Not here.

- Not now.

- Not ever?

I didn't say that, sweetie.

- Okay.

- Just not now!

Come on.




- Let's go.

- It's Mallory!

Mallory, are you all right?

I am now.

CHARLIE: You two. Can you get

Officer Mallory out of here?


- Sarah, come with me?

SARAH: Okay.

One out. One to go.

- Rex!

- Oh, there he goes again.


Where the hell have you been?

Here you take him!

Just taking a look around.

There's a lot of good stuff in here!

I don't care about that! I

care about a way out! That's it!

You've got to focus, Blu! Focus!

- You understand?

- Got it, man. Sorry.

- Focus.

- Yeah, focus.

Maybe you guys should stop focusing

and actually finding

us a way out of here!

CHARLIE: Hey, Mumford!

Let's talk.

About what?

I want you to let the officer go.

MUMFORD: No can do.

He's the only card I got.

CHARLIE: I'll give you a better one.

You let him go. You take me.

- Charlie?

- MUMFORD: Why the hell would I do that?

So, the kid doesn't bleed

to death. How's that?

The kid don't matter to me.

CHARLIE: All right. How about this?

Wait for the kid to die.

And then I send SWAT in there

to shred all three of you. Hmmm?

How's that sound? Because right now,

I'm the only one preventing

that from happening.

But SWAT won't sh**t

you if you're holding me.

Don't do it, Charlie!

All right. You've got a deal.



MUMFORD: All right. Come on, come on.

We've got to get out of here.



- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

What's going on up there?

Detective Hudson has

got it under control.

Yeah. Sure looks like it, doesn't it?

Hey, um

You should go.

Not while they're still up there.


What's the status?

BARRY: There are currently

three armed prisoners

- on the loose inside your station.

- I see.

And Detective Hudson

has denied us entry.

- Can you get him on the horn?

- Yeah, of course.


Hi, this is Sarah Troung.

DONOVAN: Sarah, it's Joe.

I need Charlie.

SARAH: I can't do that, Joe.

Why not?

Charlie is in there with them.

He's been taken hostage?

SARAH: No, he surrendered

himself to them.

- He did what?

- SARAH: Yeah.

Both he and Rex are in a

secured area of the building.

Why did he volunteer himself?

He did it to save Rawlins's life.

- Rawlins is with paramedics now.

- I understand.

All right. This is it, we're going in.

DONOVAN: Hey, hey. You

will do no such thing.

That's my lead man and Rex up there.

I'll not have one of your

trigger happy cowboys

Okay, all right. Watch your mouth.

Who do you think you're talking to?

I am the ranking officer.

- You will stand down.

- I'll go over your head.

You go over my head, I'll

put my foot in your ass

since we're talking anatomy.






SKYE: Come on.

BLU: Let's go.




BLU: Let's go. Move it.

All right, Hudson.

Where's my chopper? Where's my money?

You know that's not coming, Billy.

What do you mean? We had an arrangement.

- I want my money!

- I can't believe you two

are going along with

this. You really want him

- to drag you all the way down?

- Okay, just

Shut up for a second,

okay? Stop talking.

You're just trying to

distract from the situation.

We had an agreement!

We only let that kid go before he died

so you could get us out of

here! You play games with us,

you're not going to

make it through this!

But if you'd rather be a human shield,

I know just where to sh**t

you so you'll bleed out slowly.


CHARLIE: You want to do that?

Okay, go ahead.

But think about where that leaves you.


I'm not your ticket out of here.

All I did was buy you some time.

If Mumford wants to put

a b*llet in me for that,

I can't stop him.

But when he sh**t me,

you don't see the light of day again.

He's got nothing to lose.

You do. And you know I'm right.

I warned you.

[g*n COCKS] I know just the spot.


Hey! Ughh!

Get off me!



BLU: Get him!

- [g*nsh*t]



Let me guess. You missed him?

SKYE: Yeah. Well, you

know how I feel about g*ns.


What's going on in there, Sarah?

Everything's under control.

DONOVAN: No. Do not lie to me.

The situation is fluid, Joe.

Charlie and Rex are on it.

Okay, then tell them to get

their butts back in the bullpen

and secure the place.

- I'm sending SWAT in.

- Finally.

SARAH: No I can't tell

him to do that, Joe.

I don't know where they are.

Wait, hold on one sec!

- This is a big time SNAFU!

- Watch it, Blu!

Surrounded by cops but no hostages!

We ain't getting out of this man!

You got us in bad trouble!

Yeah, so what's the plan?

- I'm thinking.

- So, stop thinking and start doing!

I'm thinking! I'm thinking!

- We're going to sh**t our way out of here.

- No, no way.

Your life's already over.

You're not ending mine.

- Skye, let's go.

- What are you doing?

What's it look like? We're surrendering.

- MUMFORD: What don't

- You hear me?

I said we're surrendering!


Yeah, I heard it.

Let's see how this plays out.

- Don't do that.

- Skye: Hey!

I'll do whatever I want!

Hudson, we're surrendering!

MUMFORD: You don't make decisions!

SKYE: Stop it!

- BLU: Hudson, we're surrendering!

- Joe!

- Joe, you hear that?

- Copy that.

Just hold your men.

This just may be resolved.


Damn it.

SKYE: Are you crazy?

- What have you done?

- I'm not surrendering.


- You shot him!

Don't waste your time! He's a dead man!

You k*lled him!

He had a job to do and

he just got soft. Look

I have nothing to lose.

So, it's your move.

You hear that out there?

I got nothing to lose!

I got nothing to lose!



DONOVAN: I've got them

standing down for now

but I don't know for

how long. How's Charlie?

SARAH: He and Rex are out of sight.

I'm hoping that they're

cooking something up.

DONOVAN: Okay, so we are down to

what? Two escapees

and no hostages, right?

Not technically. Mumford is

holding his accomplice as a hostage.

Yeah but she's someone who knowingly

put herself into that situation.

What is stopping me

from sending in SWAT?

Charlie and Rex can resolve this.

Yeah, but they're also at risk.

Mumford's in high panic mode.

He's going to make a mistake, Joe.

Do you have any sense of the

condition of the man that he shot?

Toby Blu?

From what I can see,

it doesn't look good.

Joe, Charlie just

arrived. He's with Toby.


Charlie, what's your status?

Oh, hey, Joe. How was your seminar?

No time for kidding around Charlie.

We're fine down here.

What's the condition of

the man on the ground?

He's dead.

Do you know where the other two are?

I can't see anything.

Cameras on Hall Three and

morgue level have been disabled.

So, they probably went

down to the basement.


SARAH: Possible.

Hey, Sarah.

Did they ever fix that

broken vent in your lab?

Uh, no!

Maybe Rex and I will

drop in through there.



- Charlie, I can't stall SWAT much longer.

- CHARLIE: Yeah I know, Joe.

But I know something about

the girl, Skye Gibson.

- She's not a k*ller.

- DONOVAN: Yeah.

But Mumford is.

That's why we've got to save her.

Come on, pal.






Come on, pal.


Yeah, I know you're not allowed in here.

We're going to make

an exception this time.


Come on.

Good job, partner.



Hey, Sarah.

Charlie, you all right?

Yeah, yeah. I'm just

looking for something.


Yeah, I'll start with magnesium.

SKYE: Look, Billy.

It was a good try, okay? But it's over.

- No, it's not.

- [COCKING g*n]

What are you doing?

Just checking I got what's needed.

SKYE: You're sh**ting your way out?

MUMFORD: No, we're sh**ting our way out.

Didn't you hear me, man?

- I said this is over!

- No, it's not!

Look, we're in this together

whether you like this or not!

Okay, look! The plan

is we're going to go

out the lobby doors.

We'll grab whoever we can

from the bullpen, and then

That's the plan? How do you

know anyone's even in there?

Well, they've been there all

day. They ain't leaving now!

I think it's a good plan!




It's that damn dog. You

see his partner back there?

SKYE: Billy!



- CHARLIE: Rex, go!



- I didn't do it!

- MUMFORD: Get him off of me!

- They made me!

- CHARLIE: Yeah, I'm sure.


- Okay, okay!

- That's enough, pal!


Congratulations, Billy.

Now you get to die in prison.


DISPATCH: All units can stand down.

The situation is contained.



By Saturday ♪

Things will be all right ♪

We're gonna find a way ♪

We'll make it through the night ♪

Everything keeps changing ♪

Changing every day ♪

So, be there when I need you ♪

And I'll be there too ♪

Gone like a dream again ♪

Taking it for granted ♪

And I don't understand it ♪

Gone like a dream again ♪

I'm falling far behind I confess ♪

Yeah, I'm still here ♪

Catching my breath ♪

So, be there when I need you ♪

And I'll be there too ♪

Gone like a dream again ♪

I'm falling far behind I confess ♪

Yeah, I'm still here ♪

Catching my breath ♪



How'd it go, Joe?

Well, I don't think SWA

will be sending me a card

- for Kwanzaa this year.


- JESSE: You were expecting that?

- No. No, not really.

But a flash bang!

- Well, done!

- CHARLIE: I had to do something.

I told SWAT I'd get them

out without a sh**ting.

Mallory and Rawlins?

They'll be good.

I don't think they'll be seeing

duty for a couple of weeks though.

Then they're going to

have a lot of paperwork.

Rough first day for that kid.

- Well, it's not all that bad.

- Come again?

Well, they got to see Rex in action!



- Nice work, Jesse!

- JESSE: You as well!

JESSE: Good night.