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13x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 02/26/24 07:58
by bunniefuu
I've cleaned the circuit board.

It's working now.

On the house.

Just try to keep it dry from now on.

Will do. Mm-hm. Thanks!

"On the house"?

It was just a bit of water damage.

We're not a charity, Laurette.

We're a computer repair shop.


She is here.


Where's Ellis?

Got a message from him saying
he needed to see me here urgently.


I ...think he's around here somewhere.



What's going on?

"If music be the food of love,
play on."

"Give me excess of it,
that, surfeiting,"

"the appetite may sicken,
and so die."

Oh, my God.

Will you marry me?
Oh, Ellis!

It's beautiful.

Did you have any idea
he was gonna propose?

No, none at all.

So romantic.

We should celebrate.


Won't change your mind, will you?

About marrying your daughter?
No chance.

She'd k*ll me if I did.

I was talking about the other thing.

I've made my position clear.

You saved me, Ivan, you and Petra.

I won't ever forget that.

This isn't an ending,
it's a new chapter.

You'll see.

We need to celebrate. Good idea.

Hey, I've got some champagne
left over from Christmas!

I've got some errands to run. Oh.

I'll just be a couple of hours,

and then we'll make a night of it.

OK. Yeah.

My little girl getting married...

Do you remember when Ellis
first walked in here

looking for a jib?
You told him to get lost.

"What need do I have
for a poncy trustafarian"

"with a fancy degree?"

And now The Hub can't run
without him.

Where is Ellis? I dunno.

Maybe I should call him.

Tell him to hurry up,

or we're opening the champagne
without him.

I'm not waiting!



Harry, she says my writing
"paints pictures" in her mind.

That's quite nice, innit? Er, OK...

"I try to be as evocative as I can."


Autocorrect! No, no!

Er, no, I can explain!

Well, that's not good, is it?


Is everyone OK?

Yeah, fine. Just... what happened?

Must be a power cut.

Why? There's no storm.
What's caused this?

Morning, Inspector.

The power company traced
the power surge

to this substation.

When they got here, they found...

Don't think we need a postmortem to
work out cause of death, sir.

It seems he tripped or stumbled
into the transformer,

causing a major power surge.

Paramedics reckon death
would have been instantaneous.

Do we have a name? Ellis Baxter,

according to his UK driver's licence.

We also found a mobile phone,

but it appears to have suffered
damage from the power surge.

Anything else to indicate
who Ellis Baxter is

and what he was doing wandering

an Honore electrical substation?
Just this.

It's a business card, but it's just got

some random numbers on the back.

Hmm, that seems familiar.
Does that mean anything to you?

So, Ellis Baxter wanders
on to an electrical substation,

stumbles into the transformer,
causes a power surge

and is k*lled instantly.

Why? What was he doing here?

Chayce here might be able to
answer that, Inspector.

Er, you found the body?

Yes. It was horrible.

Never seen anything like it before.

Chayce thinks this might be
an abstraction event.

MARLON: Abstraction?

Dude was stealing electricity.

Been some weird readings
coming out of the substation

the last couple of months.

I couldn't explain it. Now we can.

Voltage meter, screwdriver,
alligator clips, gloves.

Professional electricity theft
starter kit, that.

So what went wrong?

Dangerous work, abstraction.

Live wires, metal screwdriver...

One slip-up - bang!
Kentucky fried thief.

If he was taking electricity from here,

where was he putting it?

The power?

Usually you would need a direct line
for the current to go.

Like an extension cord?

Or a battery, depending on
how much you're stealing.

But there was no battery
or extension cord

when you got here?

Somebody must have moved it.

An accomplice.

Or a m*rder*r.

If those wires were live
and someone pushed me into that,

would it electrocute me?

Instantly... if there was
nothing to earth the current.

But why... why would you think
that had happened?

Well, if Ellis Baxter
was stealing electricity

and had been doing for a few months,

it fallows that he would have
a basic grasp

of health and safety.

So why wasn't he wearing
his insulation gloves?

What are you looking for, sir?

Industrial units, sheds,

anywhere that might require
large amounts of power.

There was a second person
at this substation last night.

If we find where that power's
being routed, we'll find them.

Engineers are asking
if they can get to work.

There'll be intermittent
power cuts all over Honore

if they can't get this damage fixed.

Well, I'm afraid this is a crime scene.

They're just gonna have
to work around it.

Have the paramedics take the victim's
body for postmortem.

Let's see if we can track dawn
next of kin.

Er, they found us.

That was a redirect from the station.

Petra McOuillan just reported
her fiance a missing person -

Ellis Baxter.

OK, let's go and give them the bad news.

There's no need to drive, sir.

The address she gave is
a two-minute walk from here.



There must be some mistake.
Ellis isn't dead. He can't be.

We're getting married.

Don't. Just don't.

IVAN: How? What... what happened?

Mr Baxter's body was found by engineers

at the electrical substation
on Meadow Road.

That's like five minutes away.

Two minutes, 37 seconds
at a brisk walk.

It appears Mr Baxter was attempting

to steal electricity.

Something went wrong and...

LAURETTE: Wait, the power cut.

That was...?
This doesn't make sense-

Why would Ellis be stealing

We were hoping one of you
might be able to tell us that.

We were all here
when the power went out.

We were meant to be celebrating
our engagement.

Ellis said he had
some errands to run.

Could he have been meeting someone,

a friend or a colleague?

Ellis doesn't know anyone
on Saint Marie apart from us.


We believe someone else
was present at the substation,

an accomplice who fled the scene.

For whatever reason.

Wait, you think Ellis was m*rder*d?

We're not ruling anything out.

Oh, power's back.


We'll have to run a generator
if we want to open.

Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't even
be thinking about opening.

Sorry, love.

You don't know anyone who might
have wanted to hurt Mr Baxter?

No, Ellis is...


kind, loving, generous to a fault.

And none of you have any idea
why he might have been stealing

electricity from the substation?

Is it me, or does this place
have a lot of security

for an old computer repair shop?

Never used to be like that.

The Hub's been around for years.

Go-to place for knock-off games.

You think Ivan McOuillan
has something to hide?

I think there's more to him
and his shop

than meets the eye, yeah.

I could stick around for a bit,
sir, do some digging.

Thanks, Marlon. I think
that's a very good idea.


Well, this isn't gonna help
investigating, is it?

Come on, work!


Hey! Magic.

SELWYN: Not magic, Inspector.


Sir, what are you doing here?


I presume you have no idea
how to get the generator working.

I had no idea
we actually had a generator.

I installed it myself in 1987.

She's a bit rusty now,
but reliable, sturdy.

Bit like yourself, eh, sir?

Er, so you took time out
to turn the generator on?

I came because Honore
has been plunged into chaos,

power cuts all over,

and the company tells me
they can't quite fix the problem

because of you, Inspector.

I'm afraid the substation
is a crime scene.

Then may I suggest

you solve the crime
as quickly as you can?

Power is a basic necessity.

Not everyone has generators.

We'll cr*ck right on, sir.

I'll be in my office,

co-ordinating the crisis response

with Mayor Bordey.

So, Ellis Baxter... Background?





What's in there?

Smile for the camera!

So, we know how and when
Ellis Baxter d*ed.

He was electrocuted by the power surge

that caused the blackouts in Honore.

Looks like he was stealing electricity,

but why wasn't he wearing
his safety gloves?

What do we know about him?

Ellis Baxter graduated
Cambridge University

with a first in data science.

Apparently, he was
some kind of tech genius.

He went to work
as a software engineer

in the City of London,

where his products made
a lot of people a lot of money,

including himself.

Which he then lost
due to poor investment choices.

He had a nervous breakdown.

Complete burnout,
according to his employer.

Eight months ago,
he pitches up in Honore,

ends up at The Hub,
working for Ivan McOuillan.

How does a tech genius end up
repairing old computers?


I mean, his social media shows
a whirlwind romance

with Petra McOuillan, Ivan's daughter.

That's Laurette Duschamps!
She works for Ivan.

Do you know her? When she was a kid.

Her parents were bad news,
but she was sweet.

Very, very bright.

She had to grow up far too quickly.

Do you think she'd talk to you
candidly if you approached her?

I think so, yeah.

Might be an idea.

Whatever happened to
Ellis Baxter, I have a feeling

lVAN McQuillan knows more
than he's letting on.

And you would be absolutely right.

I did some digging and struck gold.

The Hub backs onto a hidden pathway

that goes directly to the substation.

So you could connect a cable
between the two

without attracting attention?

But for what?

The shop doesn't use
that much electricity, surely.

I don't think it's for the shop.

I think whatever it is
they're stealing juice for

is in this storage unit upstairs.

Whatever is going on in there
is seriously dodgy,

and Ellis Baxter wanted it stopped.

I spoke to some local kids.

They saw Ivan and Ellis
arguing yesterday.

Enough! This ends today,
or I tell Petra everything.

Said it almost came to blows.

It was barely even an argument.

A minor disagreement
between two passionate men.

Disagreement over what?

I can hardly remember.

Well, why don't I take a s*ab?

I think you and Ellis Baxter
were stealing electricity,

running a cable from the substation

to a storage unit on the premises.

Ellis wanted to stop, you refused,

so he threatened to tell your daughter

about your illegal activities.

All of which I'm sure
we'll find evidence of

on your security footage.

What's up there, Mr McOuillan?

I'm a private person
and this is private property,

and I know my rights.

You need a search warrant.

Was that really necessary?

Should have just told us
what you're hiding.


Computers? What's this?

It's a crypto mining rig.

Beautiful, in't she?

What does it do?

What it says on the tin.

It mines cryptocurrency.

Like Bitcoin?
Or, in this case, TallyUm.

Look, the same symbol

that was on the business card
in Ellis's wallet.

TallyUm. It's the next big thing.

Lightning -fast transaction speeds,

next-generation block chain design.

Yes, but what does all of this do?

It's basically a supercomputer
which solves

complex equations
to mine cryptocurrency.

The miners are then rewarded
with digital coins

that have a speculative value.

Cryptocurrencies can be worth
around 20,000 per coin.

It's like printing money.

The catch, of course,
being that rigs like this

consume so much energy

it renders the whole process

Well, that's where Ellis came in.
The substation was there.

Figured, take from the rich,
give to the poor.

Except costs get passed on,

if there's an accident
or, worse, power cuts.

So it's the poorest
who pay for your crimes.

Mining cryptocurrency
is perfectly legal.

Stealing electricity is not.

Nor is m*rder. You what?

I didn't even know Ellis
was running the rig last night.

He told me he was done with all

We know someone else was there.

They removed the power cables
to cover up

the electricity theft.

Huh! Sarge, Inspector, look at these.

OK, wait.

Yes, I unplugged the cable,
but I did not k*ll anyone.

Ellis was dead when I got there.

I was here with Petra and
Laurette when it happened.

If you didn't know
Ellis was at the substation,

why did you go there?

When the power went,
I had a bad feeling.

So I checked and, sure enough,
the cable was plugged in.

I went to the substation and...

it was like
my worst nightmare come true.

I panicked.
I grabbed the cable and I ran.

And it was stupid,
but it was not m*rder!

Why would I k*ll Ellis?

He turned a losing hustle
into real money.

How much money?

After three months, we'd mined
enough TallyUm to be worth,

I don't know, about ten grand.
Ellis was my golden goose.

Who else knew about this operation?

Just me, Ellis and Laurette.

Has Ellis done this before?
Many times.

He was the only one who knew how.

Well, if he'd done it many times,

why did he decide not to wear
his insulating gloves?


someone pushed him.

I don't know.
Maybe he got careless.

All I know for certain is,
when the lights blew,

I was right there
with Petra and Laurette.

I've ordered McOuillan to hand over

all of his security camera footage.

It might help us trace
Mr Baxter's movement

the day of his death.

What are you thinking, Inspector?

That it doesn't make sense

that Ellis Baxter wasn't
wearing his safety gloves.

But if all the people who knew
about the crypto operation

were here
when the power went, then...

maybe it WAS an accident.

Unless there's someone else

who knew where he'd be
that night and why.




OK, so you know

how Clifford Barnstable grows starfruit.

Let's say that Elijah's stall
is cryptocurrency.


And the starfruit is the coin.

So Ivan and Ellis were stealing
electricity to grow starfruit?

I think I get it now.

Thank you. No problemo.

How are we doing with the

Hopefully tomorrow morning, sir.

Ellis's phone?

Not only was it damaged
by the power surge,

it appears to be heavily encrypted.

Same story for his emails, sir.

But Ellis was a tech geek
it makes sense.

Well, that leaves us with
little to no lines of inquiry.

Maybe we should just call it a night.

PETRA: Where is his necklace?!

I'm sorry, what? Ellis's necklace.

I have just been to the mortuary

to look at his body and it's...

He's not wearing his necklace.

They said you might have it.

Is this the necklace?


He was not wearing that
at the crime scene.

Ellis never takes off that necklace,

so someone has stolen it, who was

I assure you,
no-one has stolen anything.

Was it valuable?

No, no, it's just a cheap bit of metal,

but it was precious to Ellis,

and that makes it precious to me.

Look, it's OK, sweetie.

There is nothing worse
than losing someone you love.

I'm fine.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean...

We will do everything we can

to recover your fiance's
necklace and return it to you,

I promise. Thank you.

Again, I-I'm really sorry. I did...

I shouldn't have bothered you.

What's so special about this pendant?

It looks like something
you'd buy at a flea market.

Sentimental value.

Sentimental to Ellis Baxter, maybe,

but why would someone else
want to take it?

It auto-corrected to what?!



So you told a person
you have never even seen,

let alone met,

"I try to be as erotic as I can."



It's not funny.


OK, it's a little bit funny.

I'm just happy you're putting
yourself back out there,

flirting again.

Flirting? Sunset Chaser's
just a fan of the blog.

Hmm! A fan of you,
according to her comments.

Unless he's being catfished,

and he's actually speaking to
a middle-aged dude named Barry.

Sunset Chaser is not
a middle-aged dude named Barry,


Well, whoever they are, sir,

they have clearly taken a liking to you.

The question is why, though,

and I don't think
it's because of your blog,

no matter how erotic it might be.

Thank you.



Some good news at last.





SELWYN: We need backup
generators and fuel storage,

no matter the cost.

Busy start to the day, sir?

The power cut has exposed gaps
in our crisis readiness.

Catherine and I are looking
for ways to ensure

it doesn't happen again.

SIGHS: So...

How can I help you, Inspector?

It's silly.

You're very busy.
I shouldn't have bothered you.


I'm here now.

So, what is it?


Rebecca Walmslow.

I have reason to believe

she's contacted me via my blog.

Your blog?

An anonymous fan initiated
a correspondence.

Some have suggested
a flirtation, even.

As I understand it,

Miss Walmslow has
no unsupervised access

to internet.
Can we check that, though?

This anonymous person,
it could be her, taunting me.

I can certainly make some calls.

However, I must say
the most likely explanation

is that your blog fan is simply that -

a fan of your writing.

You think I'm jumping at shadows?

I think you've had your trust betrayed,

and that is a terrible thing,

but at some point,

you have to believe in people again.


My mum said much the same thing
at Christmas.

A wise woman.

You'll still make some calls,
though, sir?

I will, Inspector.


Hello, Laurette.

Miss Curtis?

It has been a long while, hasn't it?

Dashel's funeral.

You must miss him terribly.

I think of him every single day.

I understand
that you've been caught up

in some unpleasantness.

Heard you're a police officer now.

I am here as a friend, sweetie,
if you want to talk...

about anything.

Not here.

After Mum d*ed, I was alone.

Ivan took me in.

More like a father to me
than my real one ever was.

And Petra?

I'd never had a best friend before.

She doesn't deserve any of this.

She seems very much in love with Ellis.

He didn't deserve her.

Why do you say that?



He wasn't as nice as people thought, OK?

She was loving, she was faithful.

I shouldn't have said that.

I should go. Laurette.

Ivan told us only you and Ellis knew
about the crypto operation.

Is that true?

Did you mention what he was doing
to anyone else?

I didn't, but Petra...

She's not stupid, you know.

MARLON: There's hours
of footage, but what I've found

seems to confirm McOuillan's story.

This is Ellis at 17:31
on the day of his death.

He must be heading to the substation.

This is the last known sighting
of Ellis Baxter alive.

And later,

this is Petra, Ivan and Laurette

preparing for a party.

Nobody enters or leaves
The Hub after this.

Then, at 21:27...

The moment of Ellis Baxter's death.

All of our suspects
are all inside The Hub.

So none of them could possibly
have pushed Ellis

into that transformer.

Might have been somebody else,
somebody we don't know yet.

If only we had CCTV at the substation.

Yeah. Good work, Marlon.

Keep going through and see
if you spot anything irregular.

As it stands, we don't have any leads.

I might have something for you,

I spoke to Laurette Duschamps
earlier this morning.

Now, she implied

that Ellis Baxter
might be having an affair.

She also suspects that Petra knew more

about the crypto operation

than Ivan led us to believe.

Saint Marie Police,
Officer Pryce speaking.

If she found out her fiance
was sleeping with someone,

that would provide motive.

And if she knew where he was gonna be...

I think we need to have a chat
with Petra.

One moment, please. Sir, it's her.

It's Petra McOuillan. She says
her car has been broken into.

Yeah, please continue.

Just came out to get some food
on my break and found it like this.

And nothing was taken?

Not that I can see.


What kind of thief leaves cash
and credit cards behind?

Maybe it wasn't theft

but rather a petty act of vandalism.

You think this was directed
at me personally?

Well, why? Who would do that?


we heard that Ellis may have
been having an affair.

You knew. I suspected.

I confronted him about it
on the morning he d*ed.

He admitted that he made some mistakes,

but he said that he loved me...

and that he promised to change
if I gave him one last chance.

And the next time I saw him,
he proposed.

You forgave him, even though
you knew he cheated on you?

Everyone makes mistakes.

Do you know who he was having
the affair with?

I don't know.

The last time I saw him,
when he proposed,

he said he had
something important to tell me,

that we needed to talk.

But you didn't see
or speak to him again?

I tried to call him.

Tell him to hurry up,

or we're opening the champagne
without him.

But he didn't answer.

Then the lights went out and...

What do you think he wanted
to speak to you about?

I assumed

that he wanted to come clean
about my dad's crypto mining.

So you knew about that?

I'm not blind and I'm not an idiot.

I knew that Dad's get-rich-quick scheme

would end up hurting someone,
and for what?

You blame your father for Ellis's death?

I blame myself...

for not putting a stop to it sooner-

We think there was someone else
at the substation that night.

Did Ellis ever mention anyone?

No, like I said, he didn't know
anyone apart from us.

OK. Thank you.

He knew at least one other person -

whoever he was sleeping with.

Ellis Baxter told lVAN

the whole operation had to stop, right?

So why was he stealing
more electricity that...?

Oh, I've stepped in chewing gum!


Seriously, who just leaves
chewing gum lying around

for people to step in?

Inspector, we have something here.


Oh, yeah?

The power company called.

They've been looking
into the electricity theft

and discovered
the amount of power stolen

was off the chart.

Why did they not notice that before?

Somebody had to have been
covering it up,

and we think we know who.

This is three days ago, outside The Hub.

Ellis with Chayce, the electricity guy.

Ellis approached me
about three months ago.

I was doing some routine
maintenance at the substation.

He wanted access to it,
to steal electricity?

I've got a young family to feed,

and this, this seemed like
easy money-

But the amount of juice
that rig was pulling was crazy.

I was finding it hard to cover up.

And then, turned out
I wasn't needed any more.

Ellis was winding up the operation?

Promised to pay me out in TallyUm,

but he never got the chance.

Because you m*rder*d him?

No, no. I... I - I couldn't have.

I was on shift
when the substation blew.

I was nowhere near it.

Why would I k*ll Ellis?

He was the only one
with access to the wallet.

I'm sorry...

The wallet?

Hardware wallet.

It's a device used
to store digital currency.

Without that and the private key,

there's no way to trade the coin.

Like how Clifford keeps
his starfruit in a warehouse

with a keypad lock.

So, without the wallet
and the private key,

the TallyUm is worthless?

Since Ellis managed
to fry himself to a crisp,

we're screwed.

His stupidity has cost us a fortune.

Wait, a fortune?

Ivan said there was
only about ten grand mined.

Ivan's either lying to you
or been lied to by Ellis.

The amount of juice that rig has pulled

must have mined at least a coin
a day for three months.

That's 100 coins.
That doesn't sound like much.

Do you know the price of TallyUm?

Some tech billionaires
have invested into it,

and it's gone to the moon.

just broke $2,500 per coin.

Ellis was sitting on about 250 grand.


But you needed the wallet.

What does it look like?

Nobody knows exactly.

I'll bet you've got some idea, though.

Someone broke
into Petra McQuillan's car,

and they weren't looking for cash.

Y-Y-You think it was me? Hmm?

Prove it.

You left a calling card.

Now, we can have that tested
for your DNA,

or you could just tell us now.

All right, yes,
I was looking for the wallet.

It's just a glorified USB, really.

Figured Ellis might have
given it to his girlfriend,

but if he did, I couldn't find it.

Somewhere out there is a flash drive

with a digital fortune on it.

Ellis had a favourite necklace.

It wasn't found at the crime scene.

I didn't take anything from his body,

if that's what you think.


you... you think that's the wallet?

The power company
confirmed Mr Jones's alibi.

He was with several colleagues
when the power surged.

And the postmortem's back.

Confirms what we already knew -

the victim d*ed of a cardiac arrest

caused by a massive electric shock.

So, five people knew
about the mining rig

and the abstraction theft,

and one of them's dead - Ellis Baxter.

And the other four all have alibis

so couldn't have been
at the substation when he d*ed.

Perhaps it's what it always
looked like - an accident.

It's possible, but...

why wasn't he wearing
his insulating gloves?

He'd still be alive if he had been.

And we now know 250,000 reasons
for wanting Ellis Baxter dead.

A digital fortune hidden, we suspect,

on the necklace taken
from the victim's body.

It wasn't there when Chayce
arrived at the crime scene,

so it couldn't have been
the engineers or paramedics.

No, but there was someone
who was there before them.

Ivan McQuillan.

Ellis was his golden goose.
Why would he want to k*ll him?

It's like you said -

he had 250,000 reasons
for wanting him dead.

And to grab that necklace.

Let's go.

Ellis's necklace? What about it?

It's missing. Petra insists
he would never take it off.

Which implies he would have
been wearing it when he d*ed.

Oh, so you think
I took it from his corpse?

His body was still smoking!

Why would I steal
a bloody necklace anyway?

Because it's a hardware wallet

holding $250,000-worth of TallyUm.

Ha! 250...

Did Ellis never tell you
the actual amount of coin

the rig was mining?

Ellis and Laurette took care
of the technical side of things.

I'm just the ideas man.

Wait, you still think I had
something to do with his death?

He was just about to become
my son-in-law.

Maybe you found out
he was having an affair.

Rubbish! Ellis adored Petra.

You could tell that
just by the way he talked...

Do you know what? We're done here.

I'm not saying another word.

You know who
the other woman is, don't you?


Enough. Put the camera away.

Don't you have anything else
better to do than film 24í7?

Hmm? We film everything.

I will give you $10

if you let me use that camcorder
for five minutes.


I didn't know about any affair,
although it would explain

why Ellis and Petra had been

But he loved her.

He said as much after he proposed.

I love Petra. It's that simple.

Binary. I love Petra.

Who was he talking to?

It was Laurette, wasn't it?

I thought Laurette
was just being protective

of her best friend, you know,

cos she was so shocked by the proposal.

Guess I was just naive.

I think we're finished here.

So, these kids have been
filming all day, every day,

and I had a thought, and, uh...

Well, just look.

It's just kids playing.

Yeah, but look behind them.

It's Laurette on the street
to the substation.

So, we now know
that Laurette Duschamps

was at the substation with Ellis Baxter

on the day of his death.

And we also know she was having
an affair with Ellis

behind her best friend's back.

Love triangles never end well.

Gets real messy, trust me.

I've had my experiences.


Laurette witnessed
Ellis propose to Petra.

Now, if she was in love with him...

jealousy's a strong motive.

What exactly do we know about her?

You said she had a troubled childhood.

Anything to suggest
she might be capable of m*rder?

The Laurette I knew wouldn't hurt a fly,

let alone commit m*rder.

Look, even if Laurette
was at the substation

with Ellis, he was alive when she left.

She was at The Hub with Ivan and Petra,

so she couldn't have k*lled him.

We still have two mysteries
we can't explain -

why wasn't he wearing
his insulating gloves,

and where is the missing necklace?

There's something else.

Earlier at The Hub,

I'm fairly sure that I saw Laurette,

and she saw me too.

It looked like she was running away.

We're gonna have to
question her, Darlene.



Open up, honey.

I know you're scared,

but we just need to speak to you.

I'm sorry I ran away, Miss Curtis.

You're here about Ellis, right?


I'm the reason he's dead.

It wasn't an affair, not really.

It was a drunken
one-night stand, then another,

and then it was...

"Is this something real?"
You know?

But Petra, I knew she suspected.

It was making her so miserable.

So I told him he had to make a choice.

Do you want me or Petra?

He chose her. That must have hurt.

He didn't choose Petra.

At least not at first.

He asked me to leave with him.

Said he'd booked two plane tickets.

He told me to pack and be ready.

But then he changed his mind,
asked Petra to marry him.

It changed everything.

I confronted him.

I love Petra.

It's that simple.

Binary. I love Petra.

And that did hurt.

I went to the substation.

He was dismantling whatever he'd done

to steal the electricity.

Laurette? I'm sorry.

He told me he wasn't gonna throw

what he had with Petra away
because of a mistake.

I didn't want to believe
that I was a mistake.

I was desperate.

So I told him a lie.

What lie?

That I was pregnant...

with his baby.

Part of me was stupid enough
to think he might be happy.

But he wasn't?

He was horrified.

Demanded I get rid of it.

I think he regretted that,
but... too late.

I was angry.

I wanted to hurt him.

What did you do?

I told him I was gonna tell Petra,

about the affair, the baby,

He knew I was gonna take
everything he loved away from him.

He begged me not to.

But I wanted him to suffer.

Laurette, just use... Laurette!

So I walked away.


He was alive when you left?

You didn't push him onto the wires?

Of course not.

I was at The Hub with Petra
and Ivan when he d*ed.

You said you're the reason
Ellis is dead.


Isn't it obvious?

Ellis k*lled himself.

I didn't want to believe it,

but when I heard
he wasn't wearing his gloves,

what other possible explanation
is there?

He's dead because of me.

My threats, my lies...

You couldn't have known.

But I did.

I saw it in his eyes.

He came after me.

He gave me this.

He said I'd know what to do
with it when the time came.

Now I do.

I can't take this.

Give it to Petra.

Tell her how sorry I am.

OK, sweetheart, I'm here for you.

MARLON: What do we do with that, sir?

I suppose we do as Laurette asked

and give it to Petra McQuillan.

As lVAN said, there's nothing
illegal about crypto mining.

Although, without a private key,

I don't see how anyone's gonna
be able to access its contents.

Private key.

That's like a PIN number, right?

Only much, much bigger.

A private key is a set
of 256 random numbers

written in binary.

Clifford Barnstable keeps
his PIN number in his wallet.

Oh. Laurette?


She's in shock, but the rest will help.

Well, I guess all our remaining
questions are answered.

Ellis wasn't wearing gloves
because he chose not to,

and we're now in possession
of the missing necklace.

Nothing left to do except
recommend the coroner rule

Ellis Baxter's death as su1c1de.



Careful, don't get too close.

Now, this, Harry, is a Cittarium pica,

or West Indian top shell.

Ah! Whoa, whoa!

Careful, careful!

Water and electricity do not...


You would need a direct line
for the current to go.

Now, that's an interesting thought.

Why did that come to mind?

So why wasn't he wearing
his insulating gloves?

Oh, my God.

It can't be.

We were all here
when the power went out.

LVAN: He loved her.

He said as much after he proposed.

Everyone makes mistakes.

Do you know the price of TallyUm?

It's gone to the moon.

Clifford Barnstable keeps
his PIN number in his wallet.


Naomi, can you get the team
back in ASAP, please?

Ellis Baxter did not take his own life.

Had an epiphany, sir?

You know they say
lightning doesn't strike twice?

Well, actually, in this case,
I think it might have.



What is that, sir?

That is the key to this case, literally.

Let's gather the suspects.

This case begins and ends with power -

the theft of it, the use of it,

the abuse of it.

Ellis Baxter d*ed
at the electrical substation

barely 300 yards away.

It seemed pretty straightforward.

We knew how he d*ed and when he d*ed.

The consequences of it
were felt all over Honore.

He was stealing electricity,

and he paid for it with his life.

There's no doubt Ellis was electrocuted.

The only question was,

how did he come into contact
with the live wires

that became exposed
during his abstraction theft,

and why was he not wearing
the rubber insulating gloves

that would have protected him?

We thought perhaps
it was simply an accident,

or maybe something more tragic -

a deliberate decision
to take his own life.

That is ridiculous.
Why would Ellis k*ll himself?

It's OK.

I can assure you Ellis didn't
do this to himself.

Because the truth is,

Ellis Baxter was m*rder*d...

by one of you.

Um, how?

I mean, I don't know about this geezer,

but the three of us were here
when the power went.

Well, we'll get to the how,

but first I want to talk about the why.

Which brings us
to another kind of power.


The sheer will to plan,

commit and cover up a m*rder.

All of you had motive,

but only one of you had the willpower.

Perhaps it was a crime of passion.

Ellis had just asked Petra to marry him,

and she said yes,

even though she knew
he'd been cheating on her.

I told you, I forgave him.

Even though you knew the woman
was your best friend?

You told us you didn't know
who the woman was,

but you did, didn't you?


It didn't matter. He chose me.

It did matter,

because it was his live for you
that cost him his life.

Ellis had secrets.

The biggest was the TallyUm
his rig had mined wasn't worth

the few thousand dollars Ivan believed.

I no fact, it was worth over $250,000.

Only one other person worked that out.

The only guy who could read the meter.

But the amount of juice
that rig was pulling was crazy.

I knew he was sitting on a fortune,

but I never wanted him dead.

I just wanted my share.

I believe you.

Unfortunately for you,

the m*rder*r had already
planned to steal the money

long before you put
two and two together.

It was somebody who'd gained access

to the most important piece
of information -

the private key
to Ellis's hardware wallet.

You, Laurette.

You think I m*rder*d Ellis?
I do, yes.

I gave you the hardware wallet.

You mean this?

Yes, it certainly did seem like
a noble sacrifice,

but as you were perfectly aware,

without the private key,

no-one would ever be able to
access anything on this anyway.

Bad news for you -
we found the private key.


Access to the wallet revealed
the TallyUm was sold

early this morning,

the money moved
to a private offshore account,

under the name...

Laurette Duschamps.

We don't know why Ellis never told Ivan

what the TallyUm was worth.

Maybe he was considering
keeping it for himself.

He'd come to Saint Marie a burnout

who'd lost everything.

Now, in the space
of three months, he created

over a quarter of a million dollars

seemingly out of thin air.

Nobody else knew about it.

Except you.

Because not only were you and Ellis
in a physical relationship,

but you and he managed the entire
crypto operation together.

Ellis and Laurette took care
of the technical side of things.

We assume you planned
to leave together,

take the money and run,

but Ellis was having second thoughts.

He was, in fact, in love.

So you forced him to choose -

you and the money,

or Petra and his life
here on Saint Marie.

Do you want me... or Petra?

Now, when Ellis asked Petra
to marry him,

that was a shock for you, sure,

but it wasn't motive for m*rder.

No, it was Ellis's determination

to come clean about the money
that signed his death warrant.

The last time I saw him,
when he proposed,

he said he had something
important to tell me.

$250,000 is a lot of money.

Divided by five, however...

You wanted it all for yourself.

But first, you needed the private key.

How? The first rule of crypto is,

don't share your passwords.

Well, we believe
that when Laurette made Ellis choose,

he realised Petra meant more
to him than the money.

Just didn't care any more.

And so he simply told Laurette
his private key.

It's that simple.

Binary. I love Petra.

"I live Petra..."

repeated to form 256 binary numbers

printed on the back of this card.

Now all you needed was the wallet
hanging from Ellis's neck.

But Laurette was here when Ellis d*ed.


Laurette was here at The Hub
during the power surge

that electrocuted Ellis,

but that's not when Ellis d*ed.

Is it?

We thought the time of death
had to be 21:27

because that's when
the power cut happened.

But in fact, Ellis was m*rder*d
much earlier,

at approximately 19:00 hours.

When Ellis told you his private key,

he thought he had nothing to lose.

But now you did.

You wanted that money.

All of it.

But for that,
you needed the hardware wallet.

So you followed Ellis
to the substation...

as he dismantled
the abstraction materials.

You pretended that you were upset

that he had chosen Petra.

But you were in fact waiting
for the right moment.

And then you struck.

And you took what you came for.

If Ellis was pushed
onto the wires at 7pm,

then why was there no power cut?

Mr Jones?

Ellis knew what he was doing.

When stealing electricity,

he'd disabled the protective measures

that would cause the system to trip
when it registered a fault.

He never had a chance.

And now you'd committed m*rder,

you needed all of Honore

to know that Ellis Baxter
had been electrocuted,

but not when he'd been electrocuted.

First, you earthed the wires.

Then you placed his body

to the exposed but not yet live wires.

And with all the pieces in place,

you made your way back here to The Hub

and prepared for an engagement party

to celebrate the very man
you'd just m*rder*d.

My little girl getting married...

All that was left was to create the
accident that would become

Ellis Baxter's apparent cause of death.

Electricity flows in a straight line.

It needs order, structure.

Or it can be rather unstable indeed.

And you knew exactly
how to create that instability,

very simply,

with a bucket and water...

both of which were readily available

nearby the extension cable

that was plugged into
the mining rig storage unit.

We believe, when the time was right,

you slipped upstairs,

being very careful to avoid
the security cameras.

You unplugged the live cable
from the storage unit,

knowing that it was still
connected to the substation,

and then you plunged it
into the bucket of water.

The flow of electricity was reversed.

It was sent hurtling
back to the substation,

creating a massive short-out
and expl*si*n.

All of which created the illusion

that it was the short-out
that k*lled Ellis Baxter

and gave you an almost perfect alibi.

Laurette? You were like family to us.

It wasn't personal.

Then why? You know why.

Same reason your dad wanted
to mine crypto.

Same reason Ellis stole electricity.

Same reason you turned a blind eye.


Life-changing amounts of money,

all created from nothing,

out of thin air.

I wanted what was mine.


I always liked you, Miss Curtis.

I'm sorry...

for lying to you.

Laurette Duschamps,

I'm arresting you on the suspicion

of the m*rder of Ellis Baxter.




I want to apologise.

What for?


Oh. Sit dawn, Darlene.

She used me.

And I let her.

I let my personal feelings
cloud my objectivity

as a police officer.


Look, Darlene...

sometimes people are just...

just... bad apples.

You can accept it,

you can even prepare for it,

but you should never expect it.

Your empathy is your strength.

Don't ever apologise for that.

Thank you. Thank you.


Wise words, Inspector.

Trust is a precious commodity.

Um, I've made some calls,

and Rebecca Walmslow

has no unsupervised access
to the internet.

So it was just a blog fan?

Sunset Chaser is no more dangerous

or malicious than any other
random stranger on the web.

Thanks, sir.

That makes me feel a lot better.





I reckon it's officially
sundowner o'clock.

Fancy a cocktail?

Why, when he's lying on the floor,
staring death in the face,

does Ray Saunders call this guy
and not this guy?

I know what you did.
And I know what you did.

Well, then I guess we'll both
keep our mouths shut.

"We'd like to offer you a place
in our school on a scholarship."

I want to do good by Jocelyn,

but I don't want to not be
a police officer.

You betrayed me,
and I am coming for you.

NEVlLLE: Marlon, talk to me.