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02x10 - What They Become

Posted: 12/10/14 12:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."...

To activate the Obelisk, Hydra has to take it to a specific place. A temple inside the city.

May: Raina claims that she can touch the Obelisk without being harmed, that it would lead them to the temple.

Only the worthy are allowed inside to witness its true power.

Skye: And what happens to the people who aren't worthy?

Run! Aah!

Simmons: Oh!

Triplett: There's Hydra quinjets outside the windows on both sides.

Let's go.

Destiny calls.

You, too.

sh**t them down.

May: Trip, find some cloud cover.

Roger that.

You think they're coming back? Well, should we cloak?

Not yet.

Are you seeing this?

[Monitor beeps]

Should we cloak?

Not yet!

I can man the weapons-control pod.

Just grab a seat, and lock in. It's gonna get bumpy.

Only cloud cover is about 20,000 feet below us.

We have about a minute before Hydra opens fire.

No. Go. Move over.



You done this before?

Not exactly.

[Both grunt]






[Alarm beeping] They've locked on us.

Weapons are hot.

Do you want me to cloak?

Not yet.



Visual confirmation of four direct hits.

Anything on your screen?

Man: Negative. Radar is clear.

Mission accomplished.

Triplett: Whew! Ha ha!

The only word for that kind of flying is "fancy."

[Exhales sharply] Redirect us to San Juan.

I'm gonna have to let Coulson know that Hydra has Skye.

Copy that.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Season: 2 Episode 10
Original air date: December 9, 2014

Let me know as soon as you can get us down into the tunnels safely.

Of course, Sir.

Yes, Sir.

Whitehall's demand was for Raina.

He said nothing about Skye.

So Ward called an audible when he saw her on the plane.

Or had his own agenda the whole time.

He told Skye he was keeping his promise.

Which means he's taking her to meet daddy dearest.

If there's a silver lining, it's that she's probably still alive.

Agent Morse, Hydra knows the alien city's here, and they're coming our way.

If any of their Agents are ex-S.H.I.E.L.D., they'll contact Diego for local Intel.

Reach out again.

Make sure he doesn't tell them about the fort entrance.

Copy that.

We'll do everything possible for Mack.

But right now, we have to stop Hydra from getting the Obelisk into those tunnels.

I found four.

Cutting-edge howling commando technology, circa 1945.

Oh, 10 would be better.

Without the dwarfs scanning the tunnels, we don't know what's down there.

We know electronics don't work.

Yeah, I know.

That's why we need mechanical detonators for the bombs.

Look, I'm sorry. These are awesome.

Dum dum dugan would be proud.

I don't want to sound ungrateful.

The good news about going old school is that these babies are immune to EMP's and electronic jamming.

The bad news...

You can't trigger them remotely.

We'll start the timers and run like hell.

Pick four spots, and I'll make them go boom.

[Sighs] Okay.

Well, Agent May says this is ground zero for the Obelisk and whatever apocalyptic stuff it's supposed to do.

So if we plant expl*sives around it...

[Imitates expl*si*n]

Getting into the city and moving safely about doesn't seem nearly as hard as finding a way to save Mack.

You don't have to say things about Mack being alive just because he was my friend, Jemma.

We're dealing with alien tech, alien biology.

Who knows what might have happened to Mack down there.

That's a good point, actually. I apologize.

It's just I've been thinking about self-defense.

I know you might still have hurt feelings, but we need to concentr...

Oh, no, no. No.

Uh, I'm not... I'm not talking about myself.

I'm... I'm speaking about the...

The city.


Y... what if it reacts when it senses a threat?

I mean, it's the same way the Obelisk would when somebody touches it.

I mean, we... we both know that alien materials react negatively to human biology.

The way white blood cells fight off bacteria or a virus.


Which is why I'm afraid that Mack's... most likely dead.

There are other possibilities.

What if the city didn't k*ll Mack, but co-opted him, made him a part of it?

Like zombie ants?


Maybe it's like the fungus ophiocordyceps.

It... it possesses and transforms ants into creatures that do its bidding.

Maybe the city didn't k*ll Mack... it's just controlling him.

If Mack's alive, there's still hope we can save him.

Hunter: Looking for something?


Mack would hate to see his garage like this.

I heard what happened with Mack.

Then you know it was my fault.

That's not the story going around.


I heard it wasn't Mack that came out of that hole.

You did what had to be done.


You think he's dead.

Between whatever infected him and the hundred-foot drop...

When this is all over, I'm gonna cry for like a week.

Hey, come here.

Mack's one of the best.

If he really is gone, then the number of people I trust on this planet just plummeted.

I didn't know you trusted anyone.

Moment of weakness.

Let's just say I mistrust some less than others.

[Cellphone beeps]

Hmm. It's Diego.

Coulson wanted me to set a meeting.

You know... could use some backup.

I might know a guy.

Want me to see if he's available?

Is he good?

Ah, good enough to know you're keeping a thumb drive from him.


I want to trust you, Bob. I really do.

So I'm gonna assume that whatever's on that drive has nothing to do with you and me.

I'll go get my weapons. Then we can go.

Coulson: You made the right call.

The right call would have been to put two of these in Ward's head.

Then Hydra would have blown the bus out of the air.

Yeah, but then they wouldn't have Skye or Raina or the map or the location...

Six members of our team are still alive because of what you did.


That needs to count for something.

Skye can take care of herself.

You've transformed her into an Agent who's smart and tough and capable.

If there's a chance for her to turn the tables, she'll take it.

Checking exits, numbers of men, weapons inventory.

I'm impressed. How's your marksmanship?

I don't know. Hand me your side arm.

Let's find out.

Cool under pressure.

I see May's teaching you control.

That's one of our differences.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., they train you to control yourself.

Hydra wants to control everyone else.

I'm not loyal to Hydra.

My orders were to collect Raina.

Bringing you along was my idea.

Maybe you don't remember, but we've played this game of "let's kidnap Skye" before, and it didn't end well for you.

That's not my concern.

[Inhales sharply]

Really? Then what is?

Keeping my promise.

I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do.

Look at that.

The way you tilt your head.

It's just like...

Is it nature or nurture?

[Voice breaking] I promised myself...

[Clears throat] I wouldn't get emotional.

Just [Sighs]

I've waited so long for this moment.

Let's try again.


I'm Cal.

I'm your father.

Would you like to sit down?

Right. Me neither.

Thank you for meeting with me.

"Thank you for..."

Are you serious?

I was kidnapped off a plane at gunpoint.

That's all you have to say?

You're right. Oh, I'm sorry.

Let's not lose our heads.

I- I-I'm just a little nervous.

I hope it's okay to admit that to you.

This is a big moment.

Father, daughter, family reunion.

I wanted it to be perfect. I-I had plans.

Those little almond cookies, you know?

Flowers, Maybe.

Not like this.

Not here.

My God.

You are beautiful.

Well, I don't know what you know about me.

You're a monster, a m*rder*r, a trail of death wherever you go.

Those are all true.

But you need to understand.

My little girl was...

You were taken from me, and my world fell apart.

It was the worst day of my life, losing you, but I didn't lose you.

I wasn't careless.

I didn't forget you were stolen from me!

I wasn't always like this.

I wasn't always a...


You were born in China.

Your mother was Chinese.

When you were first born [Sighs] we were so happy.

I worked in a clinic.

People liked me.

I liked myself.

So what happened?



This is the thing I want to say.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, that I couldn't protect you...

That I couldn't teach you about the stars...

[Voice breaking]... Or sing you to sleep.

I know I'm a terrible disappointment, but I'm here now.

And everything that's about to happen is supposed to happen.

I'm gonna take care of you.

Then get me out of here.



Maybe I haven't been clear.

You're exactly where you're supposed to be.

This is your destiny.

[Indistinct conversations]

Ooh. Okay. This is bad. What's bad?

Oh, Diego's early, and he's wearing a suit.

Uh, yeah, you're gonna have to connect the dots on why that's bad.

He's never early, and he never wears a suit.

Oh, well, that clears everything up.

Hail Hydra.

Think he's selling us out?

Or selling them out.

What? You think it's a signal?

I think so.

You think or you know?

'Cause they're coming right towards us.

If it's not clear and we're compromised, I need to know.


So, it was a signal.

It's an address here in San Juan.

Come on.

You can't say that you're sorry or that losing me ruined your life and then kidnap me and say that my destiny is to be locked up with you and team Hydra.

It's crazy and it's creepy, and I'm out of here.

[Door opens]

Tell them to get out of the way.

Sorry. Hello. [Chuckles]

Little misunderstanding. A... as you were.

They don't matter.

After today, none of them will matter.

Of course they matter!

You work for Whitehall and for Hydra.

They are the bad guys.

That makes you a bad guy.

No, I don't! I don't work for Whitehall!

I could never!

I needed him to find you, to put the pieces together.

It's not your fault.

You asked about your mother, about what happened to her.

Your mother was special.

I know some people use that word a lot to describe why they love someone.

That's not what I mean.

Your mother was special because she had a gift.

She comes from a line of people who have gifts.

You have a gift.

It's why I brought you here... so you can receive it.

It's your birthright.

There's a transformation, a... a change that has to happen.

Tell me what happened to my mom.

She was...

There's no easy way to say this.

She worked with me at the clinic.

My Chinese wasn't very good, so she'd help translate.

One day, a group of men came in.

They were looking for your mother.

We tried to fight. I tried.


They called themselves S.H.I.E.L.D.

They took her... And said she was dangerous.

I knew better. Her gift wasn't like that.

I left you with people that I trusted.

I tracked your mother to Europe.

But by the time I caught up with them, it was too late.

Whitehall cut her to pieces.

He took her organs, her blood...

And when he finished butchering her, he dumped what was left in a ditch like she was garbage.

I'm s... sorry.


I've heard that before.

She used to sing it to you when you were a baby.

[Humming continues] What happened to me?

[Knock on door, door opens]

Dr. Whitehall wants you.

[Humming continues]

[Door closes]

I'll make plenty of time to answer all of your questions.

But first, now that he's served his purpose, I'm gonna k*ll the man who destroyed my life.

Best day ever.


Simmons: It's been a frustrating morning considering how little data we have, but Fitz and I believe that if we wear protective Hazmat suits, it shouldn't be able to sense us.

Director Coulson, Agent Triplett, and myself will place the bombs.

Fitz and Simmons will run things from up top.

Where's your brother been hiding?

Well, all this excitement fried his circuits.

His cooling system kicked in.

Now he's recharging his batteries.

I know what you're doing.

I want you and Billy to immediately return to H.Q.

If things go radically south here, I'll need you to implement the theta protocol.


That's an order, Agent Koenig.

[Sighs] [Cellphone ringing]

[Cellphone beeps] Go.

Hydra's here in a big way some abandoned theater.

The Ponce de León.

Theater Ponce de León.

[Tablet beeps] Why over there?

Can you superimpose the alien city over the map?

[Monitor beeps] Sam: Yeah.

They're practically over the chamber.

Yeah, but they can't get to it. We know that.

There's a couple-hundred feet of volcanic rock on top of it.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has tech that can drill right through it.

That means Hydra has it.

Yeah, plasma drill. That would make light work of it.

Any evidence of Ward or Skye?

Morse: No. And there's no easy way in.

There are at least a dozen Hydra soldiers inside.

Sit tight. We'll be there soon.

[Cellphone beeps] Change of plans. Hydra's trying to shortcut into the chamber. May and I need to help Hunter and Morse stop them.

Is there a problem?

Well, well.

We're here today in part because of the three of you.

You delivered Raina as you promised. And I had my initial doubts about you, young lady, but you are slowly earning my trust. And your knowledge of the Diviner has led us to this... historic moment. For that, I offer my gratitude.

I have just one question. How does she fit in?

Ward: I needed insurance that S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't blow us out of the sky.

But you also ordered that the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane shouldn't be shot down.

I had to counter that order myself.

I have a theory as to why she's here.

I'd like you to pick it up.

You first. [g*n cocks]

[Grunts] [Screams]


I hope you're as special as your mother.

I'll confess... I didn't recognize you when you first barged into my office.

If my daughter wasn't here, I would tear you and your men to pieces.

Well, then, I'll add that to the number of reasons that I'm glad she's here.

You are the piece of the puzzle that I can't decipher.

Why are you really here?

Is it really that hard to see?

It's love.

Agent Ward believes if he helps Skye fulfill her destiny, she'll see him for who he really is.

[Clicks tongue] Aww.

It's a pity that you won't get to fulfill that destiny, or that after all these years, you won't get your vengeance for what I did to your wife.

Secure him.

Remain alert around Agent Ward.

He's a trained k*ller one of the best.

I have a feeling that, in time, I can make you comply.

It's not ideal, but assaulting from up here is our best bet.

The narrow quarters reduce Hydra's numerical advantage.

Hunter: Sounds perfect.

Other than the fact that Hydra's drill will be all the way down in the basement.

What about the comms?

Hydra scans for them.

Two goals... stop the drill, find Skye.

Aren't you forgetting a third? What's that?

Don't die out there.

We tend to remind each other not to die.

Thought that was implicit.

He likes to hear it.

Who doesn't like to hear it?

I still think one of you should wait up here in case something goes wrong.

Absolutely not.

Yeah, we already talked about it.

We've got no comms, no flashlight, or GPS.

The three of us have a higher probability rate of success if we work together.

Hey, don't get me wrong. I love having the company.

All right. Timers are good.

We just need to get them to the right spots, insert the detonators, get the hell out.

What do we do if Mack's down there?


If he's dead, we'll bring his body back up.

If not, it's not Mack.

We'll be doing him a favor.


All right, Mack, where the hell did you go?

The woman you look like... Agent May?

I knew her. How did you end up with her face?

Serving Dr. Whitehall.

That's got to be an interesting story.

Doesn't it bother you?

I didn't have a purpose before.

I was lost.

Now I'm happy to comply.

So you're loyal to Hydra.

I'm loyal to Dr. Whitehall.

There was a guy I used to be loyal to.

He went completely insane.

Not another word.

Happy to comply.


Did he hurt you?

Oh, good. You're awake.

I've waited years for this.



Do you know what your mother's special gift was?


She didn't age.

At least, not like the rest of us.

I wonder if that's your gift, as well, or if you're special in another way.

Discovery requires experimentation.

I k*lled your wife.

And before I k*ll you, I want you to watch what I do to your daughter.

[g*nshots in distance]

Stay here.

Know what we could use?

Another 50 men?

I was gonna say a dozen.


But I like your idea better.

Okay, here we go.

Simmons: These tunnels are older than the pyramids, yet we May be the first humans to ever set foot in them.

I'm much more interested in us being the last.

Left at this intersection.

Copy that.

[g*nf*re in distance]


Hear that? They're coming for us.

I saw how many guys you have on your side.

You are sorely outnumbered, my friend.

Tell you what. Let me go now.

I'll tell them take it easy on you.

Maybe cut off an ear, pop an eye.

Shut up.

Just trying to be helpful.

I'm a lot nicer than he's gonna be.

[Grunts] [Bones crack]

[Both grunting]

You're welcome.

Now, let's get out of here.

Yeah, me, too!

Come on! It's safer here.

And I'm about to do something to Whitehall.

I don't want you to see me like that.

I don't mind... Seeing.

Hell, I'm happy to help.


I get to do this myself.


Hey! [Grunts]

Two down, two to go.

[Timer ticking]

What's wrong?

This is taking a little longer than I'd hoped.

We'll have to move more quickly.

We should split up.


Bad idea.

No, it's a good idea. We're running out of time.

I'm familiar with the expl*sives. I have a map.

I'll see you two at the Garrison.


Just trust me on this, Jemma.

I'm not afraid. I can do it.

[Sighs] Fitz.

Yeah. Other direction.

Whitehall: Take a team and sweep this place floor by floor.

Yes, sir.


[g*nf*re in distance]


[Body thuds]

What did you do?!

You're welcome?

[Scoffs, groans]

You k*lled him!

He was mine, and you k*lled him!

I'll do the same to you if you even move.

There's no way I'm letting you take Skye into those tunnels to trigger whatever Armageddon you believe in.

You had no right to do that, to take that from me!

I know, in some insane way, you love your daughter, but I will k*ll you if you take another step.

Now, where's the Obelisk?

You can't stop this.


[Exhales sharply] No.

Join S.H.I.E.L.D.

Travel to exotic, distant lands.

Meet exciting, unusual people... and k*ll them.


We both want to help your daughter.

She doesn't need you. She needs me.

I'm her father, not you!

I'm sorry your little family reunion didn't go as planned.

The least I can do is get you out of here.

Sit down while I check the door.

Never turn your back on the enemy.

You taught me that.

[Grunts] Damn it!

Stop it!

Stop it or I'll sh**t!


[Breathing heavily]

He took something from me.

No. He saved you from k*lling more people.

Now, get up and get away from him.

You have to finish what we started.

No, I don't. I'm not going down there.

I'm not gonna change or transform or whatever the hell you think is gonna happen.

Why can't you see it's a good thing?

Maybe it's all the dead bodies laying around or the fact that Hydra wants it.

I'm gonna make sure the Obelisk never gets down into that city.

And you're gonna leave.

This is your one chance to walk away, or I will k*ll you.

Okay. I'll go.

But I'll be waiting for you.

After you change, no one else will understand.

They'll be afraid.

Change is terrifying.

But I'm your father, and I love you.

I will always love you, Daisy.

[Breathing shakily]

[Crying] I'm so sorry.

I couldn't k*ll him.


I couldn't k*ll him, and I wanted to and I couldn't.


I'm so sorry.

I'm gonna make it right.

I'm gonna find the Obelisk.


I'm gonna stop the drill. I'm gonna make it right.

No, Skye.

Skye, no. Don't go down there.


You here to finish me off?

Whitehall's dead. Coulson k*lled him.

So you're free.

I don't know what to do.

[g*nf*re in distance]

Help me up. I can get us out of here.

Then we'll figure it all out.


I'm going to find Coulson.

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, God, Raina.


Take me there.

Skye must have gone after Raina.

No, you can barely stand, let alone...

I put her on this path.

I have to try to make it right.

If we're not back before the bombs go off, get everybody to the bus.

Just because Whitehall's dead doesn't mean Hydra's gonna pack up and go home.


I'm not saying this is a good plan.

But after all the carving and obsessing and searching, I'm pretty damn curious to see what all the fuss is about.

Let's go.

[Sighs] [Cellphone rings]

10 minutes to spare!


Be much more excited if Mack wasn't still down there.

I can't think about it. It's too sad.

We're out. It's all good.

May: Raina escaped into the tunnels with the Obelisk.

I wouldn't lose any sleep.

The place is gonna blow in less than...

Skye and Coulson went in after her.


No. You can't go down there.

No. No. No, no, no, no, Trip!

Trip, it's too dangerous!

Trip, there's not enough... Trip!


Is something wrong?

End of the line.


[Breathes shakily]




Coulson and Skye have gone down.

Why the hell would they do that?

We need to clear this place now.

Copy that.


Mack? [Sighs]

You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing down here?



Okay. Okay, come on. Come we got to get out of here.



I'm gonna come back. Okay?


I knew you'd come.

Somebody has to stop you.


Okay. Come on, Trip. One more to go.

Your whole life our whole lives have been leading to this moment.

Sorry. I don't buy into the whole "this is your destiny" thing.

We're taking the Obelisk, and we're leaving.

There are too many lives at stake.

You've got it all wrong.

Whitehall, everyone has got it all wrong.

This doesn't destroy.

It gives life new life.

We finally get to find out what we become.


Make it stop.

[Chuckles] I can't.

Neither of us can now.

[Timer ticking]

[Timer rings, stops]

[Sighs] Oh, God.


If you want to leave, now's your chance.

I got to admit, I'm just the tiniest bit nervous.




[Grunts] Again?


No, trip! [Gasps]

[Exhales sharply]

What are you doing here?

Came to get you.




Skye, can you hear me?

How do we stop it?

I don't think we can.

[Grunts] Skye!


[Exhales sharply]

What's supposed to happen?

Something beautiful.

[High-pitched ringing, warbling]

[g*n thuds] Oh, God.

Oh... oh, God.

[Gasping] Tr... trip!




[Exhaling sharply]


[Cellphone beeps]


Woman: Hello?

Are you seeing this?

There's someone new.

Tell the others I'm on it.