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01x10 - The Mystery of the Fertility Fatality

Posted: 12/11/14 04:37
by bunniefuu
(Horses whinnying)

She would never come forward on her own, but... I'm her mother and when I saw the bruising... Well, I had no choice but to report it to you. My little girl is being terrorized. She's just seven years old.

You're doing the right thing.

No child deserves to be treated like that.

(Sobbing) I just want it to stop.

And it will. I'm promising you right here, right now. I will bring those boys to justice.


Oh, yeah! They're so grounded.

Thank you. (Sighs) I have been a wreck. Zoey is so afraid of your twins, she wants to quit Tae Kwon Do.

That won't be necessary. I am all over this.

That little girl is adorable. How could our boys pick on her?

You can't imagine how adorable I was. And yet, believe it or not, even I was bullied.

I believe it. The twins cannot continue to harm that little angel. This calls for drastic measures.

Agreed, military school.

I was thinking a verbal ass-kicking and no technology for a week.

Or that!


What? Oh, this egg is bad.

Actually, I'm off eggs. That's tofu.

What? Why?

Uh, my blood work came back from the insurance. My cholesterol is high.

How could your cholesterol be high? Your body's amaz...

Go on.

A maze of veins and arteries and...

Why are you changing the subject? What did the insurance company say?

Nothing, just that if I don't get my numbers down, my premiums are gonna go up.

Our premiums. We still share a policy.

I retest in three days. Don't worry about it.

Your morning glazed donut, sir.

My contribution to the cause.

(Phone ringing)

Broderick, go ahead.

(Sighs) The boys need a shadow at Tae Kwon Do.

I volunteer as tribute.

The last time you watched the boys, the guinea pig's hair was dyed blue.

It was more of a teal. Thank you for noticing.

Call Alicia, tell her that she cannot do a drop-n-roll, that she has got to stay and eyeball their every move.

On it!

I got it. Not so fast.

I got a missing person, I need you and Billy to check out.

That's farm team stuff. Send Meredith and hair-plug hal.

No, this is big league, comes from the mayor.

Apparently, his golf buddy didn't show up this morning and the guy's wife is freaking out.


Dr. Karl Foster. Karl with a "k".

What kind of medicine does he practice?

Reproductive endocrinology.

Fertility doctor.

Any financial troubles at home or the office?

Money isn't a problem.

Karl and his partner, Dr. Lens have the busiest clinic in Manhattan.

Any problems at work? With the partner or any disgruntled patients?

No. Dr. Lens and Karl have been friends for years. And their patients adore them.

Talk us through last night.

He was right here in his office.

I was in bed, watching The Biggest Loser...

Ah-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. No spoilers. I haven't watched yet.

Although, I think Dolvett was in my dream last night.

You and me both.

So, then what happened?

I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning, I knew something was wrong, Karl's side of the bed was still made.

He never came in.

Mrs. Foster, I hate to ask you this, but... is there any chance that maybe your husband was having an affair?

Karl used to joke and say that he didn't have time to have an affair but the truth is he's devoted to me. There's no way...

I know I seem like a gullible housewife, but you don't know Karl.

He just wouldn't walk out. You have to believe me.

Would it be okay if we just took a look around?


(Chair swooshing)

Ooh! Wow!

The hydraulics on this thing are amazing.

I bet this chair is more expensive than my car.

Hidden calendar!

Look like Dr. MIA might have been keeping something from his wife after all.


Every two weeks, he has an appointment with someone by the initials b.B.

Barry Bonds, Bob Barker, Bilbo Baggins, big boobs.

Please, stop guessing.

And next week, he has a Bahamas cruise scheduled.

Ah, Dr. Foster! And I was hoping you were gonna be different.

Did you find anything useful?


Is this your husband's handwriting?

Yes, but I think he uses the calendar on his phone.

Mrs. Foster, do you know this woman?


I'm sorry, I need a minute.

So, are we done here?

I don't think so.

Cheating or not, a rich doctor doesn't just pick up and leave everything behind.

Things are just not adding up.

Check out the name on the back.

Beautiful Becky?

Big boobs works, too.

Wait a minute, I recognize that logo on her uniform.

It's from Pierpont Downs.

And we're off to the races.

Let's see if we can find this Becky woman.

Or someone who recognizes the doctor.

Okay. (Sighs) Ticket taker, concessionaire.



Two out of three.

Get candy!

Do you know this guy?

I'm sorry, lady, I only take bets.

I'll bet that I have a badge.

Have you seen him around here?

Place your bet and move your butt.

I'm placing a bet, rude!

Have you seen him?

Yeah, I've seen the guy.

He's a big bettor, not a good bettor but a big one.

What horse do you want?

Oh, um, uh, one...

Okay, one dollar on Hawkish Priest.

Put me down for a five on Harder Baby Harder.

I'll give you "harder". My butt and I are still betting.

Okay, what about the woman in the photo?

Becky, does she work here?

Here, just, put it all on, uh, Harder Baby Harder.

Okay, we got 64 cents and a ninja on Harder Baby Harder.

Eh, yeah, I think the girl works here. Try the VIP lounge.

This is the VIP room, I'd hate to see the SOL room.

A lot of men and their...


Oh, is that what they're calling them these days?

Ugh! Poor Mrs. Foster!

She had no idea what her husband was doing.

Or who.


Hi, we're looking for the man in this photo.

And I am looking for another Amaretto Sour.

Sorry, Trish, you're cut off.

Who do I have to sleep with to get one more lousy drink?

Please, tell me it's you.

So, do you know him or not? His name is Karl Foster.

Uh, I don't think so. Can I get you a drink on the house?

Sweet, but I'm on the job.

How about you take another look?


We get a lot of wives in here asking questions.

We try not to get our regulars in trouble.

Is Karl a regular?

He's in here every couple of weeks.

Bets a lot, drinks a little.

Did he have a thing going on with her, Becky?

That's Jenna.

She was a concierge here until she got promoted a couple of months ago to Santa Anita.

Announcer over PA: It's Harder Baby Harder pulling up to Idiot Savant.

Harder Baby Harder?

He's pushing inside for the home stretch. It's Harder Baby Harder followed...

Oh, yes!

Go, Harder Baby Harder.

Here comes Bahamas Cruise with a last-minute break.

Go, go, Harder Baby Harder.

Harder Baby Harder! Harder, harder!

And it's Bahamas Cruise for the win followed by Harder Baby Harder.


That's Bahamas Cruise for the win.

What's up?

Did you catch that?

Catch what?

Bahamas Cruise.

Uh, excuse me?

Did Beautiful Becky race today?

Um, I'm not sure. You can check the form.

Beautiful Becky isn't a woman. She's a horse.

Uh, why the face?

I don't love horses.

"Don't love" as in scared?


(Chuckling) You'rescared of horses?

Your dad never took you to a pony ride?

Oh, God, no! He's deathly allergic to horse dander.

He has gambled on just about everything.

My clarinet recital comes to mind.

But, never horses.


Probably saved him a lot of money. Beautiful Becky.

He always said that nothing good happens at the race track.

I think this guy would agree.

Lividity puts time of death between 10:00 P.M. and midnight.

It could've been a heart attack. But look at this.

Multiple puncture wounds to the chest.

Tiny ones. Injections?

Coulbe any kind of poison. We'll know sooner if we can locate that w*apon.

So basically, what we're looking for...

Oh, no. Do not say it.

Is a needle in a haystack.

Oh, and he said it!


Bless you.



Bless you.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, no! Horse dander.

I thought my dad never gave me anything. Oh, God!

All right! Okay, look...

You go on ahead, I got this covered. Just go anywhere.

Okay, I'll ask around.

A gambling habit does not explain why Dr. Foster was in Becky's stall.



Oh, God!

Don: Of course I can go in there. That's my damn horse!

It's okay, let him through.

Where the hell is Becky?

She got moved to another stall.

Detective Soto, NYPD. And you are?

Don Clark. I'm the trainer.

Mind telling me where you were last night around 11:00?

I was on a flight back from Kentucky.

Well, a man was k*lled last night in Becky's stall. Dr. Karl Foster.

Do you know him?

Never heard of him.

This area is restricted to personnel only.

Uh, maybe he had a side gig working in thoroughbred fertility.

They only breed mares after they retire from racing.

What about performance enhancing dr*gs?

Give Becky a little boost before the race?

Nah! These horses are drug-tested within an inch of their lives.

All right. Well, just to be sure maybe we should just pull Becky out of the race. Have her retested.

No, no, no. You can't do that. She has to race today in order to qualify for the preakness.

Or, you can think of another reason why there was a dead doctor found in Becky's stall.

Okay, look. My horse is clean.

But you might wanna talk to the jockey.

And who's that?

A guy named Adam Silt.

They call him "the Green Machine".

Hey, Harder Baby Harder! Came back for sloppy seconds?

My betting days are over. What do you know about Beautiful Becky's owners?

Rich yuppies. They, uh, got into racing after one visit to the track.

We call 'em hobby horsers!

Do you see 'em around?

I haven't seen 'em in months. They, uh... they're based half the year in Mykonos.

Hey! We could pay 'em a visit.

I get off at 9:00. And I've got a ton of frequent-flyer miles.

Go for it! He's also packing heat, if you know what I mean.

Ah, tempting! Uh, but we just found Karl Foster dead in Becky's stall.

Oh, my God!

So, if you think of anything that can connect Karl and Becky, would you call me? I'm sorry.

I might just call you anyway.

What a tease!


Hold on... Harrison?

Kick him, Harrison! Sweep the leg.


Wait, you're supposed to be shadowing, not coaching.

You gonna fix his slide and side kick? 'Cause someone's gotta...


One second, I've gotta step out of 1992 over here.

How's it going at the dojo?

The boys are fine. I don't know why this woman got her panties in a wad.

I hate to interrupt, but where are the twins?

I gotta call you back.

Wait, hold...

Ow! My stomach! He kicked me.

What the heck happened?

If you'd been watching, you would know.

We'll speak.

All right then, that's it. Line up and move out.

Don't go throwing a stink eye at me. These are not my kids.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a guy...

Oh, oh, oh...


I'm looking for a jockey by the name of...


No, no, come on. Don't, no. Ugh!

Stop, stop!

Oh, my God! I'm gonna sympathy puke. Hey!

Police, stop!



Resisting arrest, trespassing.

And pissing me off! You just won the triple crown. Get out of there!

A doctor and a jockey walk into a barn...

I'm waiting for the punchline.

There's no punchline. Foster was my doctor.

So what? You were trying to have a baby?

And all that ridin' jostled your junk?

No, I wasn't trying to have a baby.

Then why would you go see a fertility doctor?

Foster was giving me a little extra help.


What's that? Steroids?

Not exactly. Nah, it's the pregnancy hormone.


It pumps up my metabolism, helps me burn fat.

I weighed in yesterday, I'm a lean, mean 115.

Okay, so if it's just a diet thing, then why run?

Well, HCG is legal when it is used as a fertility treatment.

But if I had to have a blood test right now, I'd be out of horse racing.

Okay, check this out!

You're giving me a blood test one way or another.

The question is will I send the results to the gaming commission?

Come on, man... What do you need?

I need to know who wanted Foster dead.

He had no issues at the track.

But away from the track?

Go on.

I used to get sh*ts at his clinic, after hours, you know.

But, two months ago, there was this blowout with a patient.

She tried to pepper spray him or something.

After that, I started taking the injections at the track.


At least it seemed safer.

Our favorite medical examiner called. We have a cause of death on the doctor.


As in he stopped breathing it?

As in embolism.

Somebody injected an air bubble into one of his coronary arteries.

Fertility patients have to take sh*ts every day.

They certainly have access to needles. Not to mention air.

So, someone woke up on the homicidal side of the bed and took it out on the doctor?

Makes sense. The jockey mentioned a patient who tried to attack Foster with pepper spray.



I've told you 100 times, I was testing the canister.

You shouldn't sneak up on people.

Oh, hey, buddy. Hi! Jalapeno double pepperoni?

Yep, for Jake Broderick.

Broderick, yeah. That's...

Nice interception.


Not the first time I've caught him cheating.

He may have ruined our marriage.

But no way I'm gonna let him screw with my health insurance.

411 on the clinic. Highest pregnancy rates in the country.

I thought my slutty aunt Susan had that particular distinction.

Wow! Gender selection?

To think, I could've just checked a box and my whole life could've been ballet lessons and braiding hair?

Yeah, until they hit puberty and then all hell breaks loose.

All hell has already broken loose and they're still in kindergarten.

(Cell phone ringing)

Speaking of which...


You've got problems.

What's up?

A whole bunch of helicopter moms just touched down in your dining room.

And they won't leave until they speak to you face to face.

What? No! sh**t them out.

They're staging a sit-in.

Dr. King style, but with a lot of coconut water and yoga pants.

Are you kidding me?

I suggest you get your ass home before your ass gets sued and you don't have a home.

The boys are on lock-down upstairs.

I told them to build a toilet out of legos.

Did you tell them not to use it?

You better go.



How nice of you all to stop by. And odd.

But nice.

Laura, we're just gonna cut to the chase here.

Your boys' anti-social behavior is continuing.

Again, I am so sorry!

Yes, you mentioned that and frankly we know the root of the problem.

Please, don't get defensive.

We are all here to help you.

Hold up! Is this an intervention?

Billy: So the victim was your partner?

I just can't believe this.

Dr. Foster was revered. Look at that.

It's impressive. But are you sure he was revered by his patients?

We heard one of them had a blowout with Dr. Foster a while back?

That's not unusual. The hormones we use can cause major emotional swings.

PMS times 12.

Women who are injecting themselves every day can get a little intense.

I'd say it was a little more than intense.

Attack Dr. Foster with pepper spray?

Right, Dr. Foster mentioned that little incident.

I'm gonna need that patient's name.

Send me e warrant so I can cover my ass on the disclosure violation. But I'll tell you.

Her name was Daisy Winters.

Some of the nurses called her Crazy Daisy.

You think I condone bullying? That's crazy.

Where else would they learn to emulate this kind of v*olence?

They come from a broken home.

Our home isn't broken.

It works just fine.


You need to accept that your boys may be learning this behavior from you.

Cynthia did overhear you yelling at your boys last week after class.

(Elling) I wasn't yelling.

I was suggesting they not eat gum off the sidewalk, loudly.

See, this is where I think the book will be helpful.

Chapter seven. "Be proud, not loud".

We have to be so careful to model good behavior for our children.

And given that you and your ex-husband are in a violent profession...

We're peace-keepers. We keep peace.

That's the opposite of v*olence.

All: Chapter six. Denial.

Laura, you're entitled to rear your children however you like.

But not when it leads to an unsafe atmosphere for other children.

The only solution is to drop out.

From Tae Kwon Do? What?


Well, this is disturbing.

The last time a little boy bullied Zoey, he was pulled out of school immediately.

So, this has happened before?

Yes, and those parents responded appropriately.

Has anyone here ever seen my boys bully Zoey?

They do it when no one is looking.

That's the level of deviance we're dealing with here that you are ignoring.

They don't belong in that class and you need to take some responsibility.

You're right. You're all so, so right.

Yes, we are. Thank you.

You know, and tomorrow, the boys will come to class one last time...


To apologize and have closure.

Thank you so much for the book. Drive safely.

Buckle up!

Have a good day.

You got something up your sleeve.

Damn straight!

Max, you just caught a case.
I know they were calling me Crazy Daisy at the fertility clinic.

I get it. I was flipped out on hormones.

It's not like I actually caused any lasting damage.

I will have you know, pepper spray causes painful burning of the skin, swelling of the mucus membranes, eyes, nose, throat, coughing, being 45 minutes late to a date.

Infertility can be a living hell.

The cycles of expensive injections and the massive hormonal imbalances.

Here, try this.

Add more celery, it'll round-out the taste and boost the B12.

So you really blame Dr. Foster for your state of mind that day.

I was mid-cycle gearing up for my IVF and he pushed the date back.

Extended my injections another week.

Why would he do that?

To accommodate his vacation.

I had to suffer seven more days so he could go golfing.

I... I just lost it.

Sounds like you really hate the guy. Maybe pepper spray wasn't enough?

It was enough for me.

All right? I left that office.

I even sent Dr. Foster a "goodbye and screw you" card earlier this week.

I found Dr. Platt who I love.

And there's no good news yet, but he's the best fertility doctor in New York.

I thought that was Foster's bragging right.

Foster has high pregnanc rates, but Dr. Platt has higher live birth rates.


So, who else would have a bone to pick with Dr. Foster?

I have no idea, but have you spoken to the nurses?

Should I speak with the nurses?

Yeah, one in particular, Elena, she was stealing from the clinic.

Kind of weird you know that.

She wasn't stealing money, she was stealing embryos.

Even weirder that you know that.

Not really, she tried to sell me one.

Black market for embryos? Man!

Yeah. Nurse Elena was peddling stolen genetic material.

Max is getting a 20 on her now.

It's good, right? It's all about the celery.

I can't believe how complicated the fertility world is.

I mean, everybody I know are trying not to get pregnant.

Yeah, but then suddenly, it's five years later and the window of opportunity is closing.

It's crossed my mind.


(Scoffs) Come on, you're a baby! You can't be worried about that yet.

Yes, I can!

What if I don't meet anybody until past my expiration date?

Are you kidding me? Meredith, look at you!

I'm sure guys are trying to knock you up left and right.

Thank you?

(Cell phone beeps)

Oh, look at this!

Nurse Elena still works at the clinic.

Hmm. Apparently nobody at the clinic knows about her side business.

Dr. Foster did. Crazy Daisy sent him a note about it last week.

So, Elena got to him before he could do anything about it?

Let's pick her up.

This is disgusting. I can't drink that. Ugh.

Mmm. I haven't had these cookies since before my baby was born.

I have a baby!

Oh, sweet!

Can I take a peek?

No, she's scared of peeks.

And she's sleeping.

I understand, I have a daughter, too.

Uh, two dozen mixed, please.

Yum, good order. I'll have the same.

So, how old is your daughter?

Oh, she's seven. How old is yours?

-18 months.

And she's still in an infant stroller?

What? No! She...

I mean 18 inches, that's... Why did I say months? That's weird.

Sorry, I'm so overwhelmed with picking out schools. You can never start too early.

Not in New York. If you want what's best for your baby you have to get her on the wait list now.

Exactly, so what schools do you think we should apply to?

Hanley is good. Several people I know like West Side.

Aren't the kids mean at West Side? I have to be careful, you know...

Little Mylar, she's sensitive.

Mylar, like a balloon?

Apparently. I just don't want her to be teased.

Where does your daughter go?

Ralston, the best.

But even there you have to make sure to be your child's advocate.

Okay, so Ralston?

Yeah, you should give them a call.

(Chuckles) Oh! I plan to.

Oh! It's fine. She sleeps like a log.

Embryo napping?

Gotta say, Elena, it's a first for us.

I was just trying to help.

Giving someone a hug is helping.

Selling them an embryo is a felony.

You haven't seen what I've seen.

People torn apart because they can't conceive.

Meanwhile, other couples have dozens of embryos left over that they'll never use.

Left over? We're not talking about tuna casseroles.

I didn't do this lightly.

After her second miscarriage, I found Daisy on the floor in tears.

Her eggs weren't viable.

I made a bad judgment call.

Maybe, you made more than one.

So what happened, Elena? Dr. Foster threatened to call the cops?

You didn't wanna go to jail?

Let's face the facts, who knows needles better than a nurse!

No... Dr. Foster did confront me. But he would never turn me in.

Why not?

A few years ago, Dr. Foster stopped letting nurses in during ultrasounds.

Right after that, the clinic's pregnancy numbers went way up.

How'd that happen?

No idea.

When I asked him about it, he gave me a big raise.

Told me to mind my own business.

Well, I'm not very good at minding my own business.

And I think I know what's going on.

I'm gonna need your help.

Seems like old times in here.

I haven't been in an OB/GYN's office since before we were pregnant with the twins.

We were pregnant with the twins?

You smoked cigars and drank and put together a crib.

I gained 60 pounds, peed every hour and didn't see my toes for almost a year.

Good times!

Hey, easy on the nostalgia!

You're only here because the doctor would recognize Billy.

So, now I'm reduced to baby-daddy for hire. Ouch!

Oh! Whoa, whoa. Uh-uh! Stay north of the equator.

(Knocking on door)

Doctor, meet Laura Diamond.

She's been seeing Dr. Foster.


Four weeks post IVF, positive home pregnancy test two weeks ago.

And this'll be her first ultrasound.

And I'm Jake, baby-daddy.

Oh, exciting! Well, let's take a look. Shall we?

That'll be all, Elena. Thank you very much.

Okay, let's do this. We're back in the saddle again.

Oh, wow! Shouldn't that thing buy me a drink first?

Just relax.


Might be a little cold at first.

Oh, my God!

Where do you store that thing? Inside the Snow Queen?

(Chuckles) Uh...

Uh, let's see if we can enhance the image.

(Monitor beeping)

Congratulations, you're pregnant.

Congratulations, you are under arrest.

I am assuming there will be no charge.

I have dedicated my entire career to helping women get pregnant.

Or, by helping them think that they are pregnant.

Doctor, what happens when you dose anybody with HCG?

Even a male jockey?

And have them take a pregnancy test?

The test comes out positive.

Right. And then you rig an ultrasound to show a heartbeat and ta-da!

You've got one pregnancy for the books.

Let me explain...

There is no need.

I'm a very fast study.

So, the next check-up...

Suddenly you can't find a heartbeat.

The patient stops taking HCG, she gets her period.

And she thinks she's had a miscarriage.

It's a pretty clever scam.

You give people just enough hope, so that they start another $10,000 cycle.

Another cycle that might get them pregnant.

We gave them hope.

False hope!

You lie to make money.

Have you even seriously thought about how much pain you are causing these people?

Look, there are 1.5 million IVF procedures every year.

Can you guess how many of those fail?

1.2 million!

Failure is built into this business from the start.

Other clinics turn tough cases away so that they can keep their stats up.

But Karl and I knew we could help some of these women get pregnant.

And we did.

If you don't offer people something to believe in, they quit before they give it a chance to work.

In other words, you manipulate people by feeding them lies.

Now we've got you on multiple felonies, doctor.

I'm thinking we can upgrade it to a homicide.

We have a pretty high success ratio ourselves.

Uh, I had nothing to do with Karl's m*rder.

Polygraph me if you want.

None of this would've come out if Karl was still alive.

His death has ruined my career.

When you put it that way, it's a real tear-jerker.

(Doctor sighs)

Maybe one of your patients found out about your scam and wasn't very happy abouit.

I'm gonna need the names of all the patients you swindled.

Hello, is this Ralston?

Excellent, and who am I speaking to?

A very good day to you, Mrs. Flores.

This is Maximilian Carnegie, NYPD, second precinct.

Hello, not to rock your world, um, but my colleague and I are investigating an alleged as*ault, allegedly committed by one of your former students against a darling little first-grader of yours, Zoey Sullivan.

Yes, is she not just the sweetest?

Mmm-hmm. Yes, my records indicate that his parents subsequently removed him from your school.

Very good, we're just crossing our T's and dotting our I's over here.

If I could impose on you to just confirm for me the spelling of the offender's first and last name.

P-e-t-e-r, W-h-i-t-e.

Peter White! Huh! Would you look at that?

Um, it's just like it sounds.

I, I thought there was like a silent, um, other letter in there.

You have been just super helpful, haven't you? That is all.

Damn, you're good.

Tell us about Dr. Foster.

Aw, poor thing!

My husband and I just returned last night from Argentina.

We were going to start another cycle next week.

So, you like Dr. Foster?

No, I loved him.

We were actually gonna start another round of IVF soon.

But that many miscarriages must have made you pretty upset?

Absolutely, but we adopted our daughter four months ago. She's such a gift.

He's a fertility guru.

I love babies so much. Love, love, love, love...

The sh*ts make you...

Crazy. But if it ends in a...

Baby, it's fine by me.

Is it weird to say he had warm hands?

I always thought that it was ironic that he was called Dr. Foster.

Because he fostered so many babies into this world.

Okay, I have officially OD'd on the mommy joy.

14 interviews, zero murderers?

We still have the patients who didn't respond to our calls.

Yes, you grab Laura, I'll grab the captain, split up and track 'em down?

Let's do it.

For not being deep-fried and sugar-coated, these are pretty good.

I could eat nothing but these every day of my life.

That's what marriage is. See, you could get married.

So, in this scenario, am I marrying plantain chips?

Just give me some.

Way to boga.

Hey, I'm entitled. My people invented these.

Yeah, your people hailed from Trader Joe's?


Okay, next customers.

Tara and Jason Harvell, conned into thinking they were pregnantthree times last year.

Once is bad ough, three times is obscene.

(Doorbell ringing)

Hi, Ms. Harvell?

Detective Laura Diamond, would you mind if we spoke to you for just a moment about Dr. Karl Foster?

Of course, we love Dr. Foster. We just saw him earlier this week when he gave us our good news.

Congratulations, how far along are you?

Five weeks. I had gone to a different doctor before and he told me I'd never get pregnant, but Dr. Foster keeps proving him wrong.

He's a miracle worker.

Thank you so much for your time.

Kind of wanting to tell her the truth.

I know.

But she believes she's pregnant, so odds are she's not our k*ller.


Bless you!

Horse dander?

Was there something else?

Just... just one more thing.

I know this sounds random, but have you been around horses lately?

Horses? No, not in years. Why?

Nice jacket. Is that your husband's?

Oh, yes, it is.

May I?


Ma'am, where is your husband right now?

Upstairs, grilling, on the deck. I had a meat craving.

Must be a boy!

Okay, call for backup.

Mr. Harvell?




Detective Diamond, Detecte Soto.

We need to talk to you about your wife's pregnancy.


What about it?

Let's start with this.

Are you gonna tell her that it's fake or are you gonna let her believe that she miscarried again?

Will you please just keep your voice down? I don't waa upset my wife.

Three cycles of IVF and each time Dr. Foster lied to you.

Yeah, and... and you just have no idea what it's been like.

What, what it's done to Tara.

And each time she thought she miscarried, part of her died.

How did you figure it out?

Well, I'm a video editor. (Sighs)

Took me three supposed pregnancies to realize that it was the exact same footage every single time.

But I can prove it. You arrest him.

I can show you how he faked the ultrasound tapes.

We can't arrest him, Jason.

Why not?

Because he is dead.

No, he... he can't be.

I'm sorry, Jason, but it's true.

Tell us what happened.

You followed him to the race track.

No, I, I didn't. I... haven't been to the race track in years.

We can pull the security footage from the track.

My money says that you're gonna be on it.

You got him alone, you confronted him.

You two fought and you stabbed him in the chest three times with a needle.

(Stammering) I swear he was alive when I left him in...

And there wasn't even anything in that needle.

There was air, Jason, and it was pumped straight into his heart.

Oh, my God! No, I, I...

I, I didn't mean to k*ll him. I just...

I wanted to ask him why? Wha...

Why he destroyed us like that over and over? How...

How he could do that to my wife?

He denied it?

It's worse.

He offered me a refund. Huh?

It was all about the money to him.

Uh, I just... I got so mad, I...

(Stuttering) I wanted him to know what it felt like all those times when my wife jabbed herself with those needles.

You know, so, so...

I grabbed one and, uh...

Oh, my God! I can't believe it.

You need to come with us, Jason.

No, no!

No, I just... stay back!

Don't do this. Your wife needs you, Jason.

No, she doesn't.

I failed her in every way. You have no idea what she has gone through.

Yes, I do.

When my husband and I found out that we were pregnant with a little girl, we were overjoyed.

Decorated her entire room with little stars.

But life doesn't always turn out the way you planned.

And one by one, we had to take each one of those little stars down.

Two years later, we got pregnant again, this time twins.

And now I have two loud, rowdy, exhausting, wonderful boys.

And I can't imagine my life any other way.

Jason, your family is coming.

Maybe through IVF, maybe adoption.

But you gotta stick around for it.

No, I can't be a father.

Not after k*lling someone, I can't.

Tara deserves better.

Just stay back.

The kick is good.


You bet.

Hey, uh, what you said to Jason up there, (Scoffs) I had no idea.

Come on, you bought that?

Wait a minute, you made that up?

(Scoffs) Well played!

I would've said anything to talk that guy off the ledge.

Yeah, or kick his ass off the ledge.

Oh, come on!

It's a two-story drop.

Better he break his ankle than become a human tiki torch.

Aw, poor guy!

All he wanted to do was to make his wife happy.

Must be nice being in a relationship where somebody has your back like that, you know?

It's making me rethink this whole marriage thing.

Wait, wait, wait!

Nothing I've ever said has even made a dent in your anti-marriage position but a suicidal k*ller brings you around?


I'm feeling really good about myself right now.

One doctor k*ller in custody.

Ms. Foster already called to thank you.

I should suspend you for that little stunt.

Oh, please! I knew the airbag was there.

Besides, that was a total purple belt move.


Sparring with the boys.

It's good practice.

(Clicking tongue) They are good boys.

The best!

Do you still think about her?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Me too.

I don't mean to sound braggy, but I'm amazing.

Zoey Sullivan with the support of her tiger mommy is the seven-year-old force behind the expulsion of one Peter White of Park Slope.

Oh, yes!

It gets better. I did some digging online.

And found Zoey is also the pint-sized plaintiff in a pending lawsuit against mom and dad White.

As well as an unrelated action against a supposed bully at her summer camp in Westchester.

Thank you, Internet.

The Internet does not search itself.

You off to bust another scam?


Seems to be my thing today.

Hiding cookies?

Laura: I saw that.

Jake: I don't care.

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, yes.

Whoo! You guys are doing a great job, boys!

That's some serious Jackie Chan stuff there.

Listen, go in the locker room in the back and get your stuff No dawdling! Jackie Chan doesn't dawdle.


Laura: I'm in position.


Harrison: Isn't it cool we got our purple belts?

Nicholas: Yeah, so cool!

You both get your purple belts? It's not fair!


We're gonna tell on you, Zoey.

I already told you, if you say one word, the devil will come to your house and burn it down.

As for the apology, Zoey, would you do the honors?


My kids might be a handful.

Two handfuls even.

But they are not bullies. And they do not lie.

As for you, you might find this helpful.

Come on, boys!

Pretty badass, Diamond! Pretty badass!
