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01x11 - Tell All

Posted: 12/11/14 04:40
by bunniefuu
[Alarm blaring]


[Cell phone rings]


Woman: This is Brighton home security.

Mrs. Wade, what is your emergency?

Oh, my God. I think somebody's in my house.

All right, ma'am. A security team has been dispatched, and police have been notified. Can you safely exit the house?

I don't know. I'm in my bedroom.

[Creak, thumping]

Somebody's downstairs. I can't get out.

Return to your bedroom and lock the door. Stay calm. Help is on the way.

Ohh. Aah! Aah!


Aah! Ohh!

Ethan: Morning, Wesley.


What are you doing here?

I'm heading to school just around the corner.

Does your mom know where you are?

I've seen you run here a few times.

Do you live close by?

It's a couple of blocks over.

So we're neighbors.

Not exactly neighbors.

How did you get here? Where's your mom?

How long have you lived here?

Not long.

Where are you from?

You know, I think it's time we get you to school.

Your mom wouldn't want you talking to strangers.

You're not a stranger.

Just the same, um...

Let's get you to school.

I know where it is. I'm good.

Beth: Any questions?

No. It's everything that you told me except for your real name...

Michelle Webber.

Yeah. Michelle.

I'm sorry about your family.

Thank you.

And Ray is still incarcerated?

His family has money, so they negotiated his sentence down to a mandatory program at the Seattle Pacific Psychiatric Hospital, and he's been there ever since the fire.

So Perry used your friend Tracy to gain access to your home.

And to gain enough information to find out my real identity.

Janice, my records have been sealed since I was 18 years old.

This kid...

He's so smart.

And psychotic.

And he comes from money just like Ray, so we can't arrest him unless we have real proof that he's been stalking me.

This is on his wall?

If we could confiscate these drawings legally, we'd have a real threat, and we could arrest him.

Won't stick.

No, but once he's arrested, a judge will grant a full search warrant.

We could get his phone GPS records, his Internet searches.

We could build a case.

It's a Jack. There's a new... new case.


Discretion is very important to me.

You can trust me, Beth.

Mrs. Wade: It was my ex-husband Tom.

Tom Wade the hockey player?

Yeah. Don't be impressed. He's not impressive.

How do you know it was him?

He knows the alarm code. He still has keys.

He knows to use the back stairs.

It was him.

Stella, he's your ex-husband.

Why didn't you change the locks and the security code?

My assistant quit, and I've been so busy.

The details escaped me.

How long you been you divorced?

Officially since last month.

We've been separated for the past year.

Look. Tom's been a creeper forever. He's weird that way.

What way?

I don't know. Since we've been divorced, he's just been a nuisance... drunken phone calls, harassing me in public, that kind of thing.

Why did you get divorced?

It's not a secret we had a rocky marriage.

It was all over TMZ. You can read about it online.

Would you mind telling us?

Tom's a sports star.

With that comes the lifestyle.

Some are better at handling it than others.

He'd have a bad game, he'd drink, he'd get angry.

Did he hurt you?

He could be rough, yeah.

One night after some pretty heavy drinking, he picked a fight like he always did after a bad game.

The night ended with a fractured cheekbone.

I called the police. I filed a police report.

That was the last straw.

I wanted a divorce, and he didn't want that, and that's why he's stalking me.

Tom: I got an alibi for last night.

We're aware of that.

What else is there to know?

My client clearly was not at his ex-wife's home.

Did you fracture your wife's cheekbone, Tom?

Excuse me?

Don't answer that, Tom.

Those charges were dismissed.

During the divorce settlement.

Look. I've never laid a finger on my wife.

Not the story she tells.

Well, I'm sure it's not.

We also have the transcripts here of her 911 call.

They don't exactly paint you in a sympathetic light.

How did she fracture her face?

I'm not allowing these questions.

My client is here on his own accord.

Look. It's OK.

I don't mind talking.

I have an alibi, I'm here, I'll talk.

Stella's a pathological liar.

Yes, we were fighting, OK, but I didn't hurt her.

Look. She got drunk, fell on her face, fractured her cheekbone.

Why would she lie?

I'm not saying we never fought, OK?

We partied a lot when were married with booze and late nights, a lot of them, OK?

We'd fight and make up, fight, make up.

It was our thing, OK, but she's lying about me hitting her.

Never happened.

We all know you could have hired someone to terrify your wife, Tom.

It'd be as easy as convincing your teammates to cover for you.

If you pursue that avenue, we will sue you for false incrimination.

You have his alibi.

Let's go, Tom.

Hold on, hold on.

Look. I'm not a bad guy.

I mean, I know how I look.

How do you look?

The cliche... pro player, party boy, you know, textbook egomaniac prone to fits of narcissistic rage.

I'm not. I got two college degrees, I got a sports camp that I work at on my free time.

I'm no longer involved in Stella's life.

Stella's a woman with a lot of friends and enemies.

I don't know why you're wasting your time with me.

I moved on.

Hope that helps.

Ben: OK. Thanks.

Tom Wade's alibi checks out.

No fingerprints at the scene to connect him.

He could be clean.

He was convincing, maybe too convincing?

He clearly resents his wife, bruised ego, but it doesn't fit with sitting in her closet, watching her sleep.

Well, Stella is a Beverly Hills socialite, so he may be right about her having some enemies.

Let's find them.

[Music playing, indistinct chatter]

Man: What's this a benefit for again?


I'm getting looks.

Does everyone know?

Of course they do.

It was online immediately.


Here's your champagne.

Thank you.

Hello, Stella.

Surprised to see you.

I was invited.

Of course, but with your break-in.

Do they know who it was?

They suspect.

It's good to see you Cynthia.

Hello, Ryan.

It's Richard.

You've met him twice already.

Oh, that's right. I'm so sorry.

No, you're not. That was deliberate.

Seriously, Cynthia?

Ugh. I'm not in the mood.

Oh. God forbid I make you mad.

We know what happens when you get mad.

What do you want from me, Cynthia?

We have been through this.

You slept with my husband.

Are you aware of that, Ryan, Richard?

That happened after you left him.

That doesn't make it OK.

Friends don't sleep with each other's husbands... exes or not.

Well, then it's a good thing you're not a friend anymore.

You took care of that.

Richard: Uh, ladies, uh, keep your voices down.

Or what? Somebody might hear the truth, it might hurt your precious reputation?

Well, you know what? It's too bad.

It's time the truth comes out.

Deal with it, live with it. I have.




Who's in there?


Oh, excuse me.

It's the champagne, dear.

It runs right through me.

Hello? Someone's in here.


No, no! Get off me!


Jack: Your friend is in holding.

Can you confirm his alibi two nights ago?

Yes. He was with me. Why?

Someone broke into Stella's house.

It wasn't Richard. He was with me two nights ago.

We had dinner, then sex.

Then we watched TV and had more sex.

Next question.

How long have you been dating Richard?

For exactly one month.

When will he be released?

That's not our department.

He accosted your friend Stella.

But he didn't hurt her.

He was defending my honor, and friend is a stretch.

Why don't you like her?

Look. I haven't done anything.

I didn't tell Richard to follow her into the ladies room.

That was his dumb idea.

Just answer the question.

Why don't you like Stella?

That damn book.

What book?

Her memoir.

It's not out yet. Next month.

I got a copy of the galleys.

Someone shoved it in my mailbox.

Total surprise... she says some horrible things about me.

What things?

She claims I slept with her ex-husband Tom.

Did you?


Lying or making false statements is an obstruction of justice.

I never slept with him while they were together.

She had left him.

And she wrote about it in this book?

It's a tell-all. She trashes everyone in it.

She made me out to be a slut.

If you believe her, I've slept with every married man in Beverly Hills.

Well, why would she say that?

Do I need a lawyer?

Would you like a lawyer?

No. I'd like to leave.

I've done nothing wrong.

Beth: How could you not tell us about the book?

You didn't think it was important to our investigation?

No, I didn't. My ex-husband doesn't even know about it.

Cynthia does. Someone sent her a copy.

It wasn't me.

It's a tell-all. It's important the who's who remains a secret until its release.

I read some of your book. You said some pretty harsh things about people close to you.

People have always looked down on me, called me stupid, dumb, and then when I divorced Tom, everyone made me out to be a gold digger.

Well, I'm not dumb, and I'm not a gold digger.

I wanted to set the record straight, so I wrote a book, and no matter what Cynthia or anyone else says, my book is the truth, every word of it.

Well, you're gonna have to get us a list of names of all the people you trashed in it because they're now suspects.

Man: So what's this about?

Is Whitley in trouble or something?

It's nothing really.

Just following up on a complaint.

Figures. Perry is a weird dude.

[Knocks on door]

Guess nobody's home.

Let's peek, confirm that.

Excuse me. What's going on?

Mr. Whitley, I'm with the LAPD...

I don't care. You can't just come into my room like this.

Well, actually, I can.

This being a private university, bylaw mandates they can cooperate with any police investigation with due cause.

And what due cause do you have?

I don't see anything.

Do you?


But being a detective and all...

I'm pretty good at looking.

Jack: She has a lot of enemies.

She's candid, calls it like she sees it.

If it's the truth.

It's a good read.

It's compelling.

I'm getting the sense she really loved her husband.

Until she didn't. He cheated on her.

I knew that was coming.

I'm still on her eating disorder.

She licks it.

Have you gotten to the plastic surgeon yet?

Dr. Roger Chase, yeah.

I just found out Dr. Chase filed a lawsuit against the book, naming the publisher, the editor, and Stella.

She blasts him in her book.

He should be angry.

Check him out. Take Ben.

There's a confidentiality agreement between doctors and patients, so there's very little I can tell you.

So what can you tell us?

Yes, I treated her.

For what?

A maxillofacial procedure to rebuild her cheek.

Ben: Did she mention how she crushed her cheek?

I won't answer that.

Was it consistent with an injury obtained during a domestic abuse incident.

It certainly could have been, yes, but look. I didn't ask.

I was trying to help Stella.

Stella and I are friends, or we were.

What happened?

Her book happened.

I worked on her, gave her the family discount and my discretion, and she tells the world I'm downing Oxycodone by the bottle full.

Is it the truth?

She might be trying to sell books, but I could lose my license.

I'm sorry. Is it true or not?

You didn't answer.

I was never on Oxycodone.

It was a lie.

Where'd you get your copy of the book, Doctor?

I don't know. It showed up one day by courier anonymously.

No note?

So you read the book and you called your lawyer?

Exactly right. You see, gentlemen, I'm a respected member of a highly litigious community.

I don't need to stalk anyone.

I sue them.

[Doorbell rings]

If you came for another fight, I...

I came to apologize.

And who's this?

Security. I'm still having issues.

You've got a lot of issues.

Please, Cynthia. I didn't realize the book would leak so quickly.

I wanted to talk to you before you read it.

Richard is still in jail.

The won't arraign him until tomorrow.

I know. I'm sorry about that.

Can I come in?

He can stay out here.

I just want a chance to explain.


Thank you. I'll be 5 minutes.

Yes, ma'am.

Stella: I know the book was hurtful.

You revealed too much.

You made me out to be some whore sleeping with every married man in town.

When this book comes out, I'm gonna be a pariah.

You hurt me, Cynthia.

You slept with my husband.

I mean, separated or not, you don't do that to a friend.

I just wanted to get back at you.

I'm sorry.

It's a little late for apologies.

Maybe in time, you will understand why I needed to tell the truth.

I really am sorry, Cynthia.

OK. Good night.




Cynthia has been abducted.

We have video footage of her attacker, but we can't I.D. him.

He carried her from the house to the rear of the property to a side street, where we believe he had a car waiting.

So she's still alive?

We're not certain, but we think so.

He took her for a reason.

Would you happen to know that reason?

Security footage puts you there moments before the attack.

I went to apologize, to try and fix things between us.

This started with someone stalking you, and now it's escalated to the people in your life, the people in your book.

I need to know why.

I've told you everything I know.
Amanda, I need to talk to you.



Please don't do this here.

I don't want to. I wasn't even going to, but I saw Ethan yesterday.


I was jogging, and he found me somehow.

What do you mean he found you somehow?

I didn't initiate contact, I didn't tell him a thing, but he asked me a lot of questions.

He acted strangely.

Strange how?

I got the feeling that he might know more about me than you think.

That's not possible.

Oh, no.


I had a conversation with Trent the other night, and I told him about you.

Ethan must have been listening.

I thought that he was asleep.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry, Amanda, but maybe this is a good thing.

Jack, don't do that.

Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it.

Janice: Everything was gone.

He was smart, got rid of the evidence.

He's smart, but he's scared.

Taking that down's a defensive move.

And a hasty move.

He took the sketches down, but they move too much to him.

He wouldn't get rid of them.

Yeah. There are copies somewhere on his cell phone, computer, but we don't have enough for a warrant.

I'm on it.


Thank you.

Happy to help.

I tracked down the courier who delivered Stella's tell-all to Dr. Chase.

It originated from her book editor Oliver Grazinger.

Why am I not surprised?

Jack (V.O.): You want to explain?

I sent the manuscript out.

To Dr. Chase and Cynthia.

It's a book in the 21st century.

It has to be an event.

So you deliberately caused drama.

I just wanted to get people talking about the book.

That leads to blogs and gossip sites.

Social media creates buzz, gets everyone's attention.

We have a missing woman, who may be dead.

It's publishing. You can't put that on me.

People leak this stuff all the time.

Who else did you send advanced copies to?

I want every name.

Jack (V.O.): This is every person Grazinger sent advanced copies to.

I've got more. There have been other abductions.

3 days ago, an acting coach who told Stella to consider veterinary school went missing.

He's in the book, chapter 3.

Day before that, a boyfriend she had before here marriage, a guy who broke her heart, he was grabbed from his home in Silverlake.

Hasn't been since. He's chapter two.

And no one's connected the disappearances before now.

They weren't related before now.

We had the profile wrong.

These abductions are not about resentment or revenge.

Someone goes and snatches what, perceived enemies of Stella?

The act itself is delusional.

It's eager to please.

That would be a love obsession.

So if our stalker is using Stella's tell-all as his hit list, then who's the next target?

Going in order of the book, she wrote about the boyfriend who broke her heart, next comes her acting coach, then her Beverly Hills friends, most notably Cynthia Wheeler.

The next chapter talks all about her marriage to Tom Wade.

So the next target is Tom Wade.

Get a unit out. We need to find him now.


Hillary, is that you?

Unh! Ohh!


Unis went by Tom Wade's house.

He's training. They say he's been at the gym all day.

I was just on with Chase's office.

He went missing after a routine rhinoplasty less than an hour ago.

Any signs of a struggle?

Nurse found a bottle of pills all over the washroom.

No Dr. Chase.

So he was taken like the others.

Which means the stalker broke his pattern.

He went after Chase instead of Tom.

Or... wait a second. I remember something.

This is Stella's original manuscript that she gave to Beth.

It's the one that she submitted to her editor Grazinger.

This is the galley Grazinger sent out to drum up publicity.

What's the difference?

The chapter order.

In Stella's manuscript, the chapter on Chase comes before the chapter on Tom.

So the stalker's going in the order of the original manuscript.

And according to her editor, only he and Stella had access to her first draft.

I'll tell Beth. Nicely done.

You look surprised.

Just impressed.

Beth: Stella, besides your editor, who else has a copy of the original manuscript?

No one.

You sure about that?

Of course.

And just to confirm, you wrote the book yourself, no ghostwriter.

Yes. I already told you that.

In the book, you wrote that when you first moved to L.A. you lived a peripatetic existence.

That's right.

That's such an uncommon word... peripatetic.

What does it mean?

Are you asking me for the definition?

You used it 3 times in the book.

You also said that you were sanguine about your prospects.

Do you know what sanguine means?

OK. This is ridiculous.

We can bring in a linguistics expert if you need some help, or you can just tell us the truth.

You didn't write this book, did you?

Fine. All right. I hired a ghostwriter.

Even though you said you didn't.

His name is Cameron Robbins.

I met him at a party.

He said he needed the work, he had a good resume, so I paid him to help me out.

And did you and this ghostwriter get romantic?

We spent a lot of time together, going through old photo albums, e-mails, letters.

We got close, but it was never serious.

It was all business.

What about after the book was finished?

I paid him, and we went our separate ways.

And you never told anyone about the ghostwriter, not even your editor?

No, especially not my editor.

Everybody in this town has always judged me.

They look at me like I'm some dumb hockey player's wife, so I wanted them to see me differently.

Cameron helped me.

So you lied to everyone.

I may not have written every word in that book, but everything in it is the truth.

Did Cameron ever express strong feelings for you.

We never talked about love, if that's what you mean, but sure, I got the sense he cared.

And you rejected him?

Which is exactly what would make him stalk you.

Cameron? He's a sweet soul.

He would never hurt me.

Stalking is how he would maintain a connection to you.

Lashing out at your enemies could be a way of protecting you, showing his love.

Where can we find him, Stella?

He lives in some old building in Hollywood.

[Knock on door]

Los Angeles police!


Los Angeles police. Anyone home?

[Knocks on door]

Los Angeles police.

Nobody's home.

Check out the computer.

That's Stella when she was younger.

I recognize her from her book.

Lots of photos, keepsakes.

His way of staying close to her.

Looks like he's been recording his sessions with Stella.

You ready to get started?

Taking notes for the book.

She's not even aware she's being recorded.

So after Tom and I were first married, I mean, it was great, honeymoon kind of love, lots of gifts, no complaints, but I kind of got the feeling that he used the gifts to make up for other things.

What things?

Drinking, coming home late, saying mean things.

I mean, that's when the fighting started.


He recorded something two days ago because it just timed out.

Look at me! I paid you cash!

Ben: Who's this?

You feed me the book as you write.

I can't deal with it.

I never should have given you those pages.

I know that voice.

That's Tom Wade.

She's never gonna be with you, you understand?

She... she doesn't... she hates you.

Not according to the book, OK?

I read it. She loves me.

Did love you. Past tense. Did.

Just... just take your money, OK?

I'm calling Stella, and I...

Tom Wade's been lying to us the whole time.

Cameron Robbins is dead.

I'll lock it.


Is everything OK?

[Muffled groans]

Oh, my God.

What... what's going on?

Hey, baby.

I... Tom.

What is all this?


This is all for you.


That was Jack.

They just found the ghostwriter's body.

He's been dead for two days.


It's all on tape.

Apparently, Tom Wade hired the writer to slip him chapters of Stella's manuscript.

The writer recorded the whole thing as an insurance policy.

He ended up recording his own m*rder.

Tom k*lled him in a rage.

So right profile, wrong suspect.

Tom wanted Stella back.

He began stalking her.

He sees Cameron coming and going from Stella's house.

He recruits Cameron for his cause, Cameron wants to come clean, he kills him.

But why kidnap Stella's enemies?

He's had a psychotic break.

He's... he's hurting the people who hurt Stella.

He's showing her his love.

I'll put out a BOLO on Tom Wade.

All right. We got to get to Stella before he does.

Tom: Your book really, really opened my eyes.

It helped me see from your point of view I was not a good husband!

See, I didn't... I didn't focus on your needs.

It's all in the past. It's OK.

No, it's not OK, OK?

I have to show you. I have to...

You know what? I'm gonna prove to you right now...


How much I care.

Apologize to my wife.

Apologize to my wife!

No, Tom, don't!

No. It's OK. She doesn't need to apologize.

I know you love me, OK?

Let me... let me do it.


Let me... do it.

No. I can do it.

I want to do it.

Give me the g*n.

She's made my life hell.

I want to... I want to do it.

I want to do it.

Please give me the g*n. Give me the g*n.

You sure?

Yeah. I want to do it.

I want the g*n.

Are you sure?


Please give me the g*n.

I can do it.





Do it.


I'm sorry.

Say good-bye.



Get off me!




It's Lieutenant Davis.

[Hostages grunting]

Tom chased Stella upstairs. He's crazy.

Janice, call for backup.


It's Lieutenant Davis.

Are you in here?

Yeah. I'm here.

Stella, are you OK?


Where is he?

I don't know. I hid.

He's somewhere in the house.

Follow me.



All right. Go.





Hiya, Perry.

I'm on my way to the library.

That's none of my business. I'm sure daddy will be happy to hear it.

You know, Beth tried this with me in parking lot once, too.

Gonna smack me around like she did?

I just want to talk.

I know you were digging around into Beth's past.

I did some digging of my own.

Your mother was really beautiful.

You have her eyes.

Of course, you don't remember what she looked like.

You were only 4 when she died.

Is that something you learned in Psych 101, trying to crack a suspect by talking about his mother?

Go ahead. It doesn't affect me.

It already has affected you.

It's why you become fixated on people you old in esteem like your old roommate Eric and now Beth.

You're looking to replace your dead mother.

Try again.

Did you know the police suspected your father in the sh**ting?

Yeah. I have a cop friend in Santa Barbara.

That's where you grew up, right?

Seems your family is very popular, even with the scandal, your mom sleeping around, having affairs one after another, one of which was a colleague of your father's.

You're making this up.

Look it up yourself. Do some research.

You're good at that.

It's not gonna work, Detective.


Because it looks like you're angry.

I'm not angry.

It's OK to be angry, Perry, because you're just a little boy with mommy issues.

The coroner declared a sh**ting a su1c1de.

Your mother k*lled herself, and it screwed you up.

Shut up.

You're screwed up now, and you were screwed up back then.

That's probably why she blew her head off in the first place.

She knew you had mental disabilities, and she didn't want to deal with you.

I said shut up!

Don't be angry, Perry. She was sick just like you.

Mental illness is hereditary.

Unh! Err!


[Tires squeal]

Get your hands off her!

Come here!

[Perry grunting]

Put your hands behind your back.

Give me your hands!

Perry Whitley, you're under arrest for assaulting a police officer.

Come on. Let's go.

You made a huge mistake. You have no idea!

Hey. Come on, buddy.

[Music playing]

[Doorbell rings]

You sure this is what you want?

Is it OK?

Hey, Ethan.


Ahem. I was just gonna warm up some food.

You hungry, Jack?


What you playing?

I just got a new game.

It's pretty cool.

You want to be player two?

Yeah, sure.

When you first start, "A" makes you go fast...

Thank you.

And "B" makes you stop, and "A" and "B" together is special because you sh**t out.

You gonna be mad if I beat you?



But you won't.

Oh, yeah. You are fast.

Take pretty long to beat.

[Music continues]

Wow. You're good.


Have you tried it before? You're really good.

No. It's my... my first time.