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01x02 - A Big Favor for Grampy/A Fair Way to Bounce

Posted: 02/26/24 19:12
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

Hee haw!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ She loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

♪ Let's go Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

Kay kay, quack!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ When she plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

Bow wow!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in his space ship ♪


♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ A hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie! ♪

Hee haw!

Hey, Duck Duck!

Oh! Hey hey, Donkey!

Hey, Bob Dog, how goes it?

It goes bouncey, bouncey, bouncey,

bouncey, bouncey, bouncey!

-Hey, Donkey! -Hey, Purple Panda!

Hey, you wanna skateboarding with me?

Aww, I'd love to, but I can't,

I'm on my way to Grampy's.

I promised to take his pet Elephant Gregory for a walk.

Taking Gregory for walk?

That sounds like big time fun!

You got that right!

And also, big time responsibility.

Well, if anybody can do it,

it's you, Donkey Hodie!

Believe it! Ha ha!

Bye, Donkey!

Grampy! I'm here!

Oh, hey there, my little Donk-aroo!


I can't thank you enough for helping me this afternoon.

You're welcome, Grampy! Hey, where you going, anyway?

Oh, I'm on my way to juggling team practice.

Ooo, check this out!

Today we're learning to juggle three coconuts.




Well, I should get practice! I'm gonna be late!

Have fun walking Gregory!

Well, where is Gregory?

He's in the backyard playing.

Thanks, my little Donk-aroo!

-Bye bye! -Bye bye!

Now it's time to take Gregory for a walk!


Hey big boy!

You ready to go on a walk?

You ready? You ready?

Okay let's do it!

♪ Going on a walk! Going on a walk! ♪

♪ We're... ♪

Gregory! Come on. Let's go, walkie time!

Hee haw!

♪ Going on a walk with Gregory! ♪


Hey, why aren't you moving?


I don't know what to do!

I promised Grampy I'd take you on your walk

and I'm a donkey who keeps her promises!


Oh! I know!

Okay, Donkey, push!

Let's go Gregory.


[pained grunt]

Okay, I know I can do this...

Think, Donkey Hodie. Think.

I just need to get Gregory to move

so we can go on a walk...

-Hi, Donkey! -Hi!

How's walking Gregory going?

Not great, Purple Panda.

No walking at all. He won't move!

Oh, that's too bad.

You can't take an elephant for a walk

if the he doesn't move.

Move... Move?

Hee Haw! I have an idea!


[both grunting]

You know, Donkey, you've always had

some pretty great ideas,

but using my skateboard to get Gregory to move...

One of your best!

Aw, thanks, Purple Panda!


Even better than that time you fixed my purple spaceship

with your bubble gum!

Well, it looks like it's time for us to take our walk.

Hee Haw! Let's go, Gregory!





Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

That didn't work.

Sorry Donkey!

Huh, kay kay,

so my "getting an elephant to walk" research here

says that a large peanut

always gets an elephant moving...

Gotcha! Okay, Gregory!

Get the peanut! Move, Gregory, move!

Yep yep!

Come on, Gregory.

Get the peanut!


Okay, Donkey, this is sure to get Gregory

moving for his walk.

-I hope so. -Yeah!

Playing fetch always gets me moving!


One... Two... Three...

Fetch, Gregory!

Go! Go, Gregory!

-Come on! -Fetch the ball!

Someone's gotta get that ball.

Someone's gonna get it...

Go get the ball!

I can't take it anymore! I'll fetch it!

Bye bye!



This should get you to move!


Gregory? Why won't you walk?


Ahh, I can't do it anymore!

I give up! I give up!

I give up!

Whoa, whoa, whoa easy there, Donkey Hodie.

Why you look upset, my little Donkey friend?

I sure am, Clyde the Cloud.

I told Grampy that I'd take Gregory for a walk.

But he won't budge!

And I've tried everything I know to get him to move.

My, my, my... You sound frustrated!

I am frustrated!

And I don't know what to do now.

Well, I do!


Oh absolutely, why I get frustrated all the time.


It's true!

And when I want to feel better, I sing this little song.

♪ Sometimes a storm is storming inside of me. ♪

♪ My thunder is ready to crash, ♪

♪ I'm upset, I'm mad, I'm frustrated, ♪

♪ My lighting is ready to flash... ♪

♪ I want to give up! I just want to quit! ♪

♪ I want to scream out, And be done with it! ♪

What do you do to feel better?

♪ I just say stop. ♪

♪ Stop! ♪

♪ Take a breath. ♪

♪ Breathe in deep down to my tummy. ♪

♪ Let it out, With a sigh, ahh! ♪

♪ And it makes me feel less crummy. ♪

♪ I feel calm and cool, Like it's a brand new day! ♪

♪ And I face my troubles, In a brand new way! ♪

♪ When I take a deep breath I blow my troubles away! ♪

♪ But how can that help with my problem? ♪

♪ This elephant won't leave the ground ♪

♪ I'm upset! I'm mad! I'm frustrated, ♪

♪ I need to turn this frown around! ♪


♪ Just say stop! ♪

Ergh... Stop! Stop!

♪ Take a breath. ♪

♪ Breathe in deep down to your tummy. ♪

♪ Let it out, With a sigh... ♪

[both sigh]

♪ It will make your day less crummy ♪

♪ I feel calm and cool, Like it's a brand new day! ♪

♪ Now, you'll face your troubles, ♪

♪ In a brand new way! ♪

♪ So take a deep breath ♪

♪ And blow your troubles away! ♪

So, how do you feel now?


Hey, I feel better!

I don't feel frustrated anymore!

I blew my troubles away!

Then my work here is done.

So long, Donkey Hodie!

Thank you, Clyde the Cloud. That really helped me!


Whoo... Okay, I feel calm.

I feel ready!

[deep breath]

Okay, now, what's another way to solve this problem

and get Gregory to walk?


Hey! Gregory's elephant stuff.

Oh, I wonder if there's anything here

that can help with his walk.

A tire?


Oh, a stick?

Uh uh.

Chew toys?



Hey, what's this?

♪ ♪


I wonder if Gregory needs music to walk?


You need music to walk?


Hee Haw! I did it!

Come on Gregory, let's go for a walk!


Come on!


-Way to go, Donkey! -Thank you! Yeah!


[Duck Duck] Look at them go. You're doing it!

Walkin' with music!

Yeah! Very impressive.

Bow wow! Gregory you're walking!


Nice job, Donkey!

Thank you!



We did it, Panda!

Oh, nice job walking Gregory, Donkey!

Thank you!

I'm proud of you, Donkey!

Thanks, Clyde!


Hi, Grampy! We're back!

Hello Donkey!

Did you have a nice walk, Gregory?


We sure did!

Oh, and if you ever need my help again, Grampy,

I'm all in!

Aww, thank you, my Donkey-darling!

Hey, how did your juggling practice go?

[Grampy] Terrible.

I just couldn't juggle three coconuts.

Oh, I'm just so frustrated!

Frustrated, huh?

Hey, you ever try taking a deep breath

to calm yourself down and blow your troubles away?

[deep breath]

Blow my troubles away?

I never thought of doing that before,

but I'll give it a whirl.

[deep breath]



I feel better, I'm calm now.

[deep breath]

Okay, so let's see here.

Now, what was I doing wrong...


I don't think I was throwing the coconuts high enough...


I'm doing it!

Calming down helped so much!

Ha ha! Hmm!



You wanna go on another walk, Gregory?


Go ahead, Donkey! I'm just gonna keep juggling!

Come on, Gregory! Let's go!


Hee haw!

Yeah! Woohoo!

All right Someplace Else Singers,

it's time for our vocal warm-ups.

-Duck Duck! -Kay kay...

♪ [quacks a scale] ♪

Mmm hmm! Bob Dog!

[barks a scale]

-Very nice! -Thank you!

-Panda! -Oh, okay!

[construction noises]

Excuse me...

[construction noises]


One more time...

[construction noises]

Uh, anybody else here think my voice sounds

just a little bit rusty?

Oh, I don't think those sounds are coming from you, Panda.

I think they're coming from inside Harriett's barn.


Bow wow!

She must be building something new inside!

Ohh! I love Harriett's inventions!

What do you think she's making?

Looks like we're gonna find out right now!


Neighbors of Someplace Else, Behold!

I bring you my latest invention...

The Bounce-a-Rino!

[all gasp]


Look at it go.

[all] Whoa, that looks fun!

Oh, well, yes, the Bounce-a-Rino does look fun!

But I want to find out if it is fun!

Well, how are you going to do that, Harriett?

Well, I was hoping you'd try it out and tell me if it's fun.

You don't mean...

Why yes, I do mean:

I would like the four of you to be the first

to bounce a bounce on the Bounce-a-Rino!

[all] We'll do it!

Oh, neighbors, friends, Someplace Else pals,

go forth and bounce

like no one has ever bounced before!

[all] Aye-aye, Cap'n!

Oh, I just got an idea for my next project!

Ohhh, back to inventing.

New idea, new idea, okay let's see where to start...

Bow wow! It's time to bounce!

'Scuse me.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Why should you be the first one to bounce?

Well, because I really want to bounce.

Hey, but I really want to bounce too.

I really, really want to bounce.

That's twice as many really's so I should get to go first.

Oh, I really, really, really, really, really, want to bounce,

so I think I should be the first one to bounce!

[all shouting]



Uhh, I think we gotta wait for that bear to stop spinning

before we can get you off.

Yea, but where and when will it stop?


Only the spinning bear knows...


-Donkey! -We got ya, Donkey!

There ya go! We gotcha!



Now, uh, where were we again?


[all] Oh yeah!

[all shouting]

Hee-haw-hold on.

This isn't gonna help us decide who goes first.

Well, then how can we decide, Donkey?

Hmm... I'm not sure.

I know!

Purple bamboo eating contest!

Whoever eats the most purple bamboo gets to go first!

And go!

Why aren't you eating?

Because only pandas eat bamboo, Panda!

Then that means I win!


I get to bounce first!

No, no, no. That's not fair!


Well, I think it's only fair if we all have

the same chance of winning.

And since no one here eats bamboo...

Ohh. Then it's not really fair.

Hey, hey!

I know a fair way to decide!

The one who can fly gets to bounce first

on the bounce-a-rino!

[Panda] But I can't fly!

Yeah, neither can I!

Yeah, neither can I!

Oh, well. Then I win!

Now if you'll excuse me, this duck has gotta bounce.

Wait but that's not fair either!

Well, now that you think about it,

I guess you're right.

Ooh! I know a fair way to decide!

Whoever finds a chewed-up orange ball goes first!

Chewed-up orange ball?

And go!

Found one! I get to bounce first!

Bow wow!

Wait, wait! That's not fair!

Why not?

Because isn't that your chewed-up orange ball, Bob Dog?

Yeah. So?

Yeah. And didn't you bury it there yourself?

Uh. Yeah. So?

Well, if it was your ball and you knew where it was buried

than you had a much better chance of finding it...

Ahh... And that's not fair.

Bow wow, I can see that now.


We need to find a fair way to decide

or we'll never get to bounce on the bounce-a-rino!

Think, Donkey Hodie, think!

Maybe we don't have to decide at all.

What, what?

What are you thinkin', Donkey Hodie?

Let's all go first together!

It's got compromise!

It's got sharing!

Doing something together is always a good idea!

[all] Let's do it!

[all stammering]

Umm, ya know, maybe doing something together

isn't always such a good idea.

Of course it is!

Let's bounce!


Uhh... Why aren't we bouncing?

I think we might be too heavy.

Uh... Uh... I think we're tipping!




Kay kay, but remember, we gotta wait for the bear

to stop spinning before we can get you off.

Mmm hmm.

Only the bear knows when and where

it will stop spinning...


Donkey let me help you up.

-There you go. -Thanks, pals...

Are we having fun yet?

We're not having any fun at all!

No fun? My Bounce-a-Rino isn't fun?

Oh well, I'll just melt it into scrap metal.

Oh, Bounce-a-Rinio, you disappoint me.

Wait! Harriett!

We don't know if the Bounce-a-rino is fun,

because we haven't tried it yet.

What? Why not?

Because we can't figure out a fair way

to decide who bounces first.


I'll never find out if my Bounce-a-rino is fun!

Yes, you will, Harriett!

But how?

If you can't decide who rides first

than no one will ever ride!

And my bounce-a-rino will gather dust and rust

and one day it will bust

and we'll never know if it's fun.

We'll figure out a way to decide who goes first, won't we?

[all] Yes! Definitely!

Moo hoo hoo, thank you, neighbors!

Thank you!

Now I better go back to working on my new invention!


We can't let Harriett down.

We have to decide who bounces first on the Bounce-a-rino!

Think, Donkey Hodie, think...


Only the bear knows when and where

it will stop spinning...

Um. Donkey, how can we decide who rides first?

Only the bear knows when and where it will stop spinning.

Yes, this is something we all know,

but what does that mean?

I think it means only the bear knows

when and where it will stop spinning.

Only the bear knows when and where

it will stop spinning!

-See! -No, no!

I think I have a way to choose who goes first

in a really fair way.


The spinning bear!

♪ Listen closely, Here's the news, ♪

♪ I found a way for us to choose. ♪

♪ Let's spin the spinner When it stops we'll learn ♪

♪ Whoever the bear points to It'll be your turn! ♪

Hey, that sounds fair!

It is fair because only the bear knows

when and where it will stop spinning.

Yep yep! Yeah!

So, we all have an equal chance of it stopping on us!

Well, let's try it! Spin that spinner!


♪ Spin the spinner watch it go ♪

♪ Who it stops on We don't know ♪

Me! Really?

I get to be the first one to bounce it?

Wait, wait, is that fair?

Well, the spinner spun!


And it really had no idea who it would land on

when it stopped.


Yes! It's fair!

Oh boy!

♪ We found a fair way to decide! ♪

♪ Duck Duck is the first to ride! ♪

-Come on! -Woo!

♪ Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce Duck Duck! Bounce! ♪

[all cheer]

Okay! Time to choose the next bouncer.

♪ Spin the spinner watch it go ♪

♪ Who it stops on We don't know ♪


Here we go!

♪ Bounce Panda! Bounce Panda! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Panda! Bounce Panda! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Panda! Bounce Panda! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Panda! Bounce Panda! Bounce! ♪

Let's spin that spinner!

♪ Spin the spinner watch it go ♪

♪ Who it stops on We don't know ♪

Bob Dog!

Bow wow!

♪ Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce Bob Dog! Bounce! ♪

Now last but not least...

My turn to bounce! Yeah!

♪ We found a fair way to decide! ♪

♪ Donkey is the next to ride! ♪

-Come on! -Yeah!

♪ Bounce Donkey! Bounce Donkey! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Donkey! Bounce Donkey! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Donkey! Bounce Donkey! Bounce! ♪

♪ Bounce Donkey! Bounce Donkey! Bounce! ♪

Well, any luck?


We found a fair way to decide who goes first

and we all got a turn bouncing on the Bounce-a-Rino!

Good work.

And what did you think of the Bounce-a-rino?

It was super fun!

Moo! I was hoping it would be!

And now to celebrate with my newest invention...

The Lime-juice-arino Fountain-ino!

Now who wants the first drink?

[all] Me!

Uh oh!

We've got that problem again.

Oh, don't worry, Panda-pal!

I know a fair way to decide who goes first!



-Oh yeah! -Here we go!

♪ Spin the spinner watch it go ♪

♪ Who it stops on We don't know... ♪

[all] Purple Panda!

[all cheer]

-Here I go! -Yeah!

Look at him go.

♪ ♪
