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01x10 - Spooky Shadow Swamp/Hidden Orchestra

Posted: 02/26/24 19:26
by bunniefuu

♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

Hee haw!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ She loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

♪ Let's go Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

Kay kay, quack!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ When she plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

Bow wow!

♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in his space ship ♪


♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

♪ A hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie! ♪

Hee haw!

Is Bob Dog here yet?

Where is he?

Here I am!

BOTH: Bob Dog!

And here's the bounciest ball in Someplace Else...

Sir Bounce-A-Lot!

Sir Bounce-A-Lot!

Thank you so much for letting us play

with Sir Bounce-A-Lot today!

Yeah, we can't wait for some big time bouncing!

No problem.

Here you go!

Have a ball with my favorite ball of all!

Don't worry, Bob Dog, we will!

Bye, Sir Bounce-A-Lot!

Be back to pick you up at the end of the day!

Ah, so what do you want to play first, Donkey Hodie?

Let's see who can launch Sir Bounce-A-Lot the furthest,

Purple Panda.


Ear launch!


My turn! My turn!

Belly bounce launch!

Ooh! I got one! Donkey kick launch!

PANDA: Woah!

That was the biggest launch ever!

Thanks, Purple Panda!

Now let's go get Sir Bounce-A-Lot!



Sir Bounce-A-Lot landed in Spooky Shadow Swamp.

It's so spooky!

It's super spooky!

It's spooky-ooky!

What's spooky-ooky?

Uh, that's when something's so spooky

that it makes you act ooky!


Well then yes.

This place is definitely...


[both shudder]

We should get away from this spooky place, Donkey.

Good idea!

Hee-haw, hold it!

Why are we stopping?

We can't just leave Bob Dog's ball here.

What? Sure we can!

We'll tell him exactly where it landed.

He'll understand!

After all this Spooky Shadow Swamp is...


[both shudder]

But we're the ones who made the ball

land in Spooky Shadow Swamp.

And this is Bob Dog's most favorite ball!

We should be the ones to get it back!

You don't mean?

Yes I do mean.

I, Donkey Hodie, am gonna get Bob Dog's ball back!

But how?

I'm going to walk right over to that ball

and pick it up.


The shadows in Spooky Shadow Swamp are so spooky...


[both] spooky-oooky!

[both shudder]

If I'm going to get Bob Dog's ball back,

I need to be brave.

But I don't know if I can be.

Well, of course you can!

You're the bravest friend that I know.

I am?

Oh, absolutely!

Sometimes, even when something

makes you feel worried and scared,

you still do it.

That's brave.

I didn't even know I do that!

Well, you do!

Hey, maybe if you think about times

that you were brave before,

it'll help you feel brave now

and you can get the ball back.

How, Purple Panda?

♪ Well you can find the inner brave, ♪

♪ That's waiting deep inside, ♪

♪ The brave that helps you stand up tall, ♪

♪ When you want to run and hide. ♪

♪ Remember times in the past ♪

♪ When you were brave and then, ♪

♪ Your strength will rise

♪ Before your eyes

♪ And you'll be brave again.

Thanks, Purple Panda!

I'll try and remember a time I was brave

Hmm... Hey! Hey!

I remember a time when it was Donut-Dunk Eve...

I needed to get my donut-dunking mug

from the back of Grampy's spooky hall closet.


That closet was super spooky!

It was...


[both shudder]

Whoa. I would never go in there!

But you did.

How did you get to be so brave?

I only had to be brave for a few seconds.

I just ran in real fast, grabbed the donut-dunking mug

and ran back out again.



Do you think you can be brave for few seconds today?

Yes I do!


That bush just moved.

It's even more super spooky!



Oh, Panda!

I was only brave for a few seconds...

Oh, don't give up...

♪ Remember times in the past

♪ When you were brave and then... ♪

♪ My strength will rise

♪ Before my eyes

♪ And I'll be brave again.

Yeah! You can do it, Donkey!


I need to remember another time I was brave.

Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

Oh! I remember!

It was that time I visited the Museum of Shellfish


Oh yeah!

Shellfish give you the heebies and the jeebies!

Oh, how did you get brave that time?

DONKEY: I pretended to be a lobster,

and that made it all feel less scary.

Mmm hmm.

Maybe I can do the same thing now?



-More leaves! -More leaves coming in!

And there! Tah-dah!

Well, what do you think, Purple Panda?



Wait, Panda!

No, no, no stay away, spooky-ooky swamp monster.

Oh, no Purple Panda, look.

It's me.

I'm just wearing a spooky costume

to fit into the spooky place!

Oh! That's a good disguise.

But is it spooky enough?

You were frightened.

Yeah, I sure was!

You're spooky-ooky!

Now go get that ball!




It's really working!


[distant shrieks]


That sound is...


[both shudder]

Oh Panda, I'm really not brave enough

to get Bob Dog's ball back.

We should just go home.

That's not true.

You are brave enough.

Just think of another memory.

I can't, Panda.

I don't have any more brave memories.

Let me try.




Remember that time we rode the Potato Coaster

at Tater Land?

Hee-haw, I do remember!

I was so scared!

Oh as well we should have been!

It had six Mashed Potato Drops...

And a Curly Fry Loop!


I remember being nervous that day, too.

But you acted so bravely, remember?

[both breathe deeply]

[both scream and cheer]

I really wanted to help you feel less scared.

Yeah! And it worked!

Okay! I can do this.

I am brave!

-No! -I'm not brave?

No, you are!

But not just you!

[deep breath]

You make me brave too!

We'll be brave together!

[both breathe deeply]

Ah! Spooky shadow!

I don't know if I can do this.

Yes you can! We're strong!


And brave!


PANDA: That creature is...


[both shudder]

[strange noise]

[both scream]

[both breathe deeply]

We're strong!

And brave!

Excuse me, spooky creature,

could we have our ball back, please.

Ball? Ha ha! I thought it was a big berry!

My bad! Ha ha!

[strange sound]

Hey, you're not a spooky-ooky creature.

Me? Nah!

I'm just an opossum looking for a snack.



And hey, here's your ball back.

BOTH: Thanks!

And that's how we got Sir Bounce-A-Lot back

from Spooky Shadow Swamp.

-Yeah! -Bow wow!

I am so lucky to have brave friends like you.

[strange sound]

What was that!

Nothing to be afraid of, Bob.

Ha ha!

Oh, hey, it's me again.

Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you.

I was hoping I could play ball with you all.


Yeah! Let's play!

Yeah okay! Here you go, Donkey!

-Catch! -Okay, okay.

[all cheer]


Nice throw, Bob Dog!

Okay, Donkey, what do you want to do today?

Oh! Uh! Panda? Hey! Where'd you go, Panda?

Uh, what! Panda, what is happening?

Ha! Hey, Panda?

Ooh! Ha!

-Hi! -Hi!

Purple Panda!

Why are you hiding and playing cymbals?

Oh! I'm practicing for my concert

with the Hidden Orchestra!

The Hidden Orchestra? What's the Hidden Orchestra?

Ooh! It's a group that hides while it plays music!

And I'm a part of it!

-You are? -Mmm hmm!

We musicians can hide anywhere.

Behind the mailbox...

Inside a bush...

Even behind a stack of flying flapjacks.


The Hidden Orchestra has two of my favorite things--

music and hiding!

Do you think I can join?

Uh, well, let me think.

Uhh. Uh yeah!

Hee-haw! Ha ha!

What do I have to do to join?

Well, don't ask me, ask the Moustro!

The Moustro?


PANDA: That's the Moustro!

She's in charge of the Hidden Orchestra.

Did someone say they want to join

the Hidden Orchestra?

Oooh! Yes! Me! I want to join!


But if you want to join you must first complete

the Hidden Orchestra Scavenger Hunt!

I'm in! What do I have to do?

The rules are simple.

The Hidden Orchestra will play music.

While the music plays,

you must find three hidden instruments

being played in three different places.

Three instruments, three places. Got it!

What are they?

A trumpet by the front of your windmill!

A violin in your garden!

And a drum by your big tree!

If you find these before the music ends,

you will become a member of the Hidden Orchestra!


You think you can remember all that?

Of course I can!

Well, in that case...

Ooh! The concert's about to begin.


I, Donkey Hodie, am about to become a member

of the Hidden Orchestra!

Good luck, Donkey!

Okay, Donkey, you need to find three instruments

before the music ends.

Boy better hurry.

What instruments do I need to look for here?

Oh, I gotta remember...

Think, Donkey, think.

Mmmmm, I'll just look for the trumpet!

Where are you, Trumpet?

Come out, come out wherever you are, Trumpet!

Mmm mm.

Ahh! I did it! I found the trumpet!

Hey Donkey, that's uh, that's not a trumpet!


Oh, you're right.

A trumpet is shiny!

This isn't shiny like a trumpet!

Yeah, that's because it's an oboe!

Do I need to find an oboe?


Remembering all this might be harder than I thought.

Hey, Donkey, if I could do it,

so can you!

Ohhh! What was I looking for again?

Hmmm. It wasn't an oboe. Heh.

Wait, wait, I think I had to find a violin.

Yes! Yes, okay, I'll just go look for a violin...

Okay, violin! Here I come!

Hopefully before the music ends...


No violin here.

None here either.

Ah, I'm getting a little confused.

I'm just so worried the music is going to end

before I find everything!

You can do this, Donkey!

I believe in you.

Thanks, Panda!

Ok. Ok.

I need to find an instrument

and I need to find it fast.

Musical instruments?


A-ha! I found ya! Oh!

Oh... Goodness.


Oh! It's no use!

I'll never find all of these instruments!

Hmm? Uh oh!

Is the music over?


You can't give up!

You need to be a member of the Hidden Orchestra!

So we can hide and play music together!

I want to join, Panda,

but I don't know how I'll ever find everything

in this scavenger hunt.

I keep worrying that the music is gonna end

and I can't remember everything that I'm looking for.

I know how you feel.

-You do? -Oh yeah!

When I went on the scavenger hunt,

I felt nervous too.

I kept forgetting what I had to find

and where I had to find it.

Then how did you ever find everything?

I used a crayon.

A crayon?

Mmm hmm.

Well, how did a crayon help you find things?

Let me tell you about it...

With a song.

♪ Oh when a problem feels too big, ♪

♪ You need help remembering what to do, ♪

♪ Just draw it out in little steps ♪

♪ and soon you'll see it through ♪

♪ -One step! -Yeah! ♪

♪ One step at a time.

♪ -One step! -Yeah! ♪

♪ One step at a time.

♪ Draw those steps, you'll be ok. ♪

♪ They'll help you remember, help you find your way! ♪

♪ If you draw it one step at a time. ♪

♪ A time!

♪ The road seems long, like a big shlep, ♪

♪ But follow your pictures, step by step, ♪

♪ They help you remember, help you recall. ♪

♪ Help you find the instruments find them all. ♪

♪ Then you'll join us, you'll be a member, ♪

♪ If you draw those steps, you will remember! ♪

♪ -One step! -Yeah! ♪

♪ One step at a time

♪ One step. Yeah! ♪

♪ One step at a time

♪ Draw those steps, You'll be ok. ♪

♪ They'll help you remember, Help you find your way! ♪

♪ If you draw it one step at a time. ♪

♪ A time!

♪ Draw it one step at a time! ♪

♪ A time!

That's great advice.

Thanks so much, my panda pal.

You're welcome!

Ha ha.

Okay. Time to draw! Hee-haw!

Let me draw out this scavenger hunt step by step.

Hmmm... Let's see... What is step one?

To the front of your windmill, for step one.

Find the trumpet it will be fun!


Front of my windmill...

To find the trumpet.

A trumpet is a shiny horn you blow into. Ha!

These pictures will definitely help me

remember step one.

Now what is step two?

To your garden, for step two,

finding a violin is what you'll do.

Yes! I need to go to my garden...

To find the violin.

A violin has strings and is made of wood.


Now, what is step three?

To your big tree for step three.

And there you'll find the drum! Whoopee!

Thank you, Moustro.

I need to go to my big tree to find the drum.

A drum is a round instrument that's played with sticks.


I drew out the steps.

Now I'll be able to remember everything!

Let's see, what is that first step again?

Oh! I need to look for the trumpet

right here in front of my windmill.


Well it wasn't over there.



Oh, that's definitely not a trumpet.

[distant trumpet]


Oh, I think I hear something coming from over there?

It sounds like a musical instrument!

Could it be the trumpet?

Ah! It is! It's the trumpet!

Yay, Donkey!

You found the first instrument!



Now I'll check my drawing for the next step.

Step two! My garden for the violin!


The violin.

Aw, this picture sure is helpful.

Hmmm... I hear something coming from in here.

It sounds like a musical instrument!


Could it be?

It is!

I found the violin!

You found instrument two!

-Yes! -Hey-o!


Drawing all the steps sure did make it easier to remember.

Yeah! Uh oh!

The music is getting faster?


When the music gets faster it means the song's almost over.

You have to hurry!

Oh no! What do I do? What do I do?

Oh, what do I even have to find?

Oh, wait a minute! Wait a minute!

I don't need to worry. I have my drawings!

They'll help me remember.

Yes! The drawings!

Ha ha!

Okay, the last instrument I need to find

is by my big tree.

Okay, heading to my big tree...

Okay, I'm by my big tree

and this is where I will find...

The drum!


[gasp] A sound.

It sounds like it's coming from...

[gasp] Can it be?

It is! It's the drum!

You did it!

You found all the instruments!


And you did it before the music ended.

Nice job, Donkey!

Does this mean?

MOUSTRO: Yes it does!

Donkey Hodie, you are now a member

of the Hidden Orchestra!


Aww, thank you so much for helping me figure out

how to remember everything, Panda.

You got it, Donkey!

Are you ready to play

in your first Hidden Orchestra performance?

Oh yeah!

Uh, Donkey?

Uh, Donkey!

Come on! Let's go hide and play music!


Yes... beautiful...
