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01x17 - Bye Bye, Book/Tater Buddies

Posted: 02/26/24 19:35
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ She loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

-Kee-kee! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

-Bow-wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in a spaceship ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie ♪




-[ Giggles ] -[ Tapping ]

-Wha-- What?

What's that sound?


[ Tapping ]

Duck Duck?

Duck Duck!


-You don't have to yell, Donkey Hodie.

I'm right here.

-Are you building a birdhouse?

-What? This? Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

See, this is a book-swap box. [ Sighs ]

I've always dreamed of having my own little book-swap box.

-You have?! -Mm-hmm.

-What's a book-swap box?

-Oh, you don't know? Well, let me tell ya.

You bring a book, and you can take any <span> book from this box.

-[ Gasps ] Any book? -Yep, yep.

You bring a book, you take a book. You swap 'em.

-You bring a book, you take a book!

-Mm-hmm. -Hee-hawesome!

I, Donkey Hodie, will take one of these books

from your book-swap box.

Be right back! I just need to get a book to swap.


-Kee-kee! Oh. Better tighten this up.

[ Humming ]

♪ The book-swap box ♪

♪ And a boppida-bee-bah, yeah ♪

Kee-kee. Oh, wait. Ohh. Ohh!

Hmnh! Ahh!

-Duck Duck! Duck Duck! -Hmm? Mwah!

Hello. -I brought a book

to put in the book-swap box, Duck Duck!

-Oh! "Hee-Haw Hannah."

-Yeah, I love <span> this book,

but I have a lot of "Hee-Haw Hannah" books at home.

Now maybe someone else would like to read it.

-[ Gasps ] Ah, that's the spirit of the book-swap box.

Okay, so just put the book right in there.

-Now I can take any book in the box?

-Any book.

-Hmm! That one looks good. So does that one!

Ooh! What about this <span> one? Ahh!

-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

That one?

-Well, yeah. You said I could take any book.

-Well, yep, yep, I did, I did. But you know what?

Uh, you -- you don't want that <span> book, mnh-mnh.

-Well, how come?

-Well, it -- it's not a storybook.

Mnh-mnh. No. It's called "Facts on Facts and Facts."

It's just a bunch of facts.

-What kind <span> of facts?

-Oh, you know, lots of facts like, uh,

a bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun.

-No! -Yep, yep.

-And worms don't have eyes.

No! -Yep, yep. It's a fact.

-Sounds hee-hawesome! I'll take it!

-[ Blubbering ] Ya -- Ya -- Ya will?!

Uh, well, uh, kee-kee.

But, you know, i-if you don't like it,

you can always bring it back

and take another one of these fine books.

-I love it already.

-Huh? -Thank you, Duck Duck!

I'm gonna go read it right away!

-But -- But...

[ Whimpering ]



-Hey, hey! -AAH!

-Oh, Donkey! Don't throw the book around like that.

You could ruin it.

-I didn't mean to, Duck Duck. You surprised me.

-Oh, well, uh, how do you like that book so far, huh?

-Well, I've only just started it.

-Oh, well, you want me to read it to you?

Uh, really makes those words come to life.

-Oh, that's okay, Duck Duck. I want to read it myself.

-Oh. Kee-kee. Uh, you're sure?


-[ Whimpers ] Kee-kee.

[ Sighs ]


-[ Gasps ] Oh.

-Hey, hey! -AAH!

Ugh! Oof! Duck Duck? -Yep, yep.

-What are you doing here?

-Oh, I just wanted to come over and see how you like that book.

Have you read about the giant squid yet, huh?

-Uh, not yet, but please don't tell me.

I want to find out for myself.

-Oh, yeah, sure, sure, yeah. Of course you do.

D-Don't mind me. You won't even know I'm here at all.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

-Uh, hey, Duck Duck? -What, what?

-Uh, Duck Duck, it's kind of hard for me to read

with you looking over my shoulder like that.

-Oh! Well, I'm so sorry.

Uh, uh, it's just that, uh --

[ Whimpers ] I really miss my book.

You know, I used to read it every morning

when I woke up and every night before I went to bed

and when I was in the bathtub and when I was --

-Well, you can have it back, Duck Duck, really!

You don't need to give away your favorite book

if you don't want to.

It's your choice. It's okay to keep it.

-No. No, no. It's your book now, Donkey.

That's the whole point of the book swap.

-Huh. Thanks, Duck Duck. I-I know how you feel.

It's hard to give away something you love.

-Hm, yep, yep, it is. -Oh!

Oh, remember when I gave away Crunchie to Bob Dog?

-Oh, yeah!

Crunchie. Your stuffed carrot. I remember.

You were really sad.

-It was so hard to say goodbye. -Hmm.

-So I made up my bye-bye song, and that helped me feel better!

-You wrote a bye-bye song? -Oh, yeah!

It goes a little something like this.

♪ Bye-bye, friend, friend, bye-bye ♪

♪ There's no need for me to cry ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm giving you away to someone new ♪

♪ Someone who will love you as much as I do ♪

♪ So bye-bye, friend, friend, bye-bye ♪

Sing it with me, Duck Duck!

-Kee-kee! -Whoo!

-♪ Bye-bye, friend, friend, bye-bye ♪

♪ There's no need for me to cry ♪

♪ 'Cause I've given you away to someone new ♪

♪ Someone who will love you as much as I do ♪

♪ So bye-bye, friend, friend, bye-bye ♪

♪ Bye-bye, friend ♪

♪ Friend, bye b-y-y-y-y-ye ♪

[ Both laughing ]

-Ah, you know something, Donkey?

I'm starting to feel a lot better.

Thanks so much. Your bye-bye song really helped.

-Oh, I'm glad.

-Night, night. -Night, night.


The end! -You're done!

-Done with what?

-This book, Panda.

"Facts on Facts and Facts."

-Huh? -It's hee-hawesome!

I got it from Duck Duck's book-swap box.

-Mm-hmm. box? Huh?

-Yeah! Come on. I'll show ya!


-Bring a book, and you can take a book!

-Yeah. It's my book-swap box.

You know, I want everyone to love

all my books as much as I do.

-Yeah, I really <span> love this book, but I finished it,

so now I can bring it back and take another one!

-[ Gasps ] Y-You're bringing it back?!

-Yep, so someone else can enjoy it.

-Oh, oh! I'll read it! -What? Uh -- You?

But -- But -- But, Panda, uh, there are so many other books

y-you might enjoy, especially this.

Look at this one. -Thank you, Duck Duck,

but I think I'll read this one 'cause Donkey likes it so much.

-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Whoa, whoa!

You got to bring a book to take a book. That's the rule.

-I have one right here in my backpack.

It's called "All About Purple."

It's all about purple.

-Oh. Guess you can take the book.

It's, uh -- It's all yours.

-Thank you, Duck Duck! -You're welcome.

-Are you sure <span> you want to give away the book again?

-Oh, sure, I'm sure.

You know, I want Panda to love the book

as much as you and I did.

That's why I made the book-swap box.

[ Sighs ]

-Oh, I can't wait to bring it to Planet Purple!

-What? Planet Purple?

You're taking my book --

I mean, your book -- that book

all the way to Planet Purple in your spaceship?

-Uh, yeah... if that's okay with you.

We're having story time on Planet Purple today.

[ Giggles ]

-Of course it's okay.

It's your book now, Panda.

If you want to take it all the way to Planet Purple,

then that is fine.

That is totally fine.

It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.

-I...don't think it's fine.

-Maybe we should go talk to her.

-You know what? It's not fine.

I'm closing the book-swap box.

-[ Gasps ] -Closing it?

I'll just pick another book, Duck Duck. Here you go.

-Well, that's all well and good, but what if you pick

"Dirt and More Dirt"

or "Warthogs, Warts, and All"?

I love those books, too.

-I heard you had a book-swap box, Duck Duck.

I want to try it out.

-Sorry, Harriet. It's closed.

Over. Kaput.

-Oh, that's disappointin'.


-I'd like to give away my books so everyone can enjoy them,

but, uh, it makes me too sad.

-Hm! It's hard to give away something you love.

That's why whenever I give away a book,

I put a little goodbye poem inside.

-A goodbye poem? -A goodbye poem?

-[ Clears throat ]

"This book was mine. I loved it well.

Where it ends up, I cannot tell.

I hope it brings much joy to you.

Just pass it on when you are through."

-[ Sighs ]

-What a lovely goodbye poem.

-Oh, thank you, Donkey Hodie.

Now, Duck Duck, you don't have to write a goodbye poem.

You can find your own way of saying goodbye.

-Aww, but how can I say goodbye?

I love every fact, every picture in this book.

I even love the picture on the cover and --

-[ Ding! ] -Wait, wait.

What if I draw a picture of it?

-Hmm! I like that idea!

-Yeah! Yeah!

You can keep the picture, and every time you look at it,

you'll remember all the good times you had with the book!

-Yeah, and maybe that will make it easier to say goodbye.

This is a picture of me and my book

flying over Someplace Else. -Oh!

-A-And this is me playing ping-pong with my book.

A-And here's one where

I'm reading my book in my little bed.

-Oh, look at all those happy memories!

-Yeah, you know what?

I think I'm ready to say goodbye to my book now.

You know, it's, uh -- it's really hard,

but these pictures help.

Goodbye, book.


Kee-kee, Panda.

-Thank you, Duck Duck.

Oh, does this mean that I can bring the book

with me to Planet Purple?

-Yep, yep. -[ Gasps ]

-And are you going to open the book-swap box again?

-Yep, yep.

-Ohh, that's wonderful 'cause I think

you'll really like the book I brought, Duck Duck.

It's the sequel to "Facts on Facts and Facts."

-[ Gasps ]

-It's got more facts on facts and facts.

[ Giggles ]

-There's a sequel?!

Aww! Thanks, Harriet!

-You're very welcome.

-Goodbye, Harriet! -Goodbye, Harriet!

-Bye, Harriet! -Oh! Wow!

More facts and facts and facts. [ Gasps ]

Did you know that no two tigers have the same stripes?

-[ Gasps ] No. -No.

-Yep, yep. [ Gasps ]

And did you know that rats have strong teeth

that never stop growing?

-No! -No!

-Yep, yep! And did you know I love this book?

It's not in the book, but it is a fact. Yeah.


-Ooh, hello, there, Purple Panda!


-Where are you goin' on this splendid day?

-Oh, I'm going to a Tater Buddy party at Donkey's!

-Oh! -Where everybody brings

their Tater Buddy.

Oh, this is my Tater Buddy. His name is Percival.

-Ooh, that is the cutest potato I've ever seen.

Hello, there, Percival.

May I walk with you towards the windmill?

-[ Gasps ] Percival says

he would be delighted, Harriet.

-That is a charmin' potato!

♪ Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm ♪

-[ Groans ]

-Wow! Look at this place, Percival!

[ Chuckles ] You and I are going to have

the greatest time ever!

Ooh, Panda, looks like something's wrong with Donkey.

She's looking down and holding her head.

Those are both signs someone's feeling bad.

I think she might need help.

-But Donkey's so strong and brave.

-I don't think she needs help. -Mm.

Even the brave and strong need help sometimes.

Donkey? Hey, there Donkey Hodie.

Is, uh, something wrong?

-Yes, Harriet, there is. I lost my Tater Buddy.

-Oh. -Not Petunia!

-Yes, yes, Petunia.

Oh, my poor Tater Buddy is missing!

-Well, don't you worry, Donkey Hodie.

I will help you with...

[ Zip! ] patented Potato Finder.

[ Potato Finder buzzing ]


[ Potato Finder beeps ] Oh!

Ooh, there is a potato around here.


[ Beeping continues ] Mm-hmm.

[ Beep! Beep! Beep! ]

Ooh! There it is.

[ Panting, gasps ] Petunia!

Oh! Oh, you found her! -Mm.

-Thank you, Harriet Elizabeth Cow!

-Well, you're very welcome.

Now you enjoy your Tater Buddy party.

-Oh, I will. I will! Thank you!

-Hey-o! -Ha ha!

Okay! Panda, you ready for the Tater Buddy party cheer?

-You bet I am!

-♪ It's time to party ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪ -Yeah!

♪ Bring along your buddy who's a potato ♪

-Yeah! -Whoo!

-Hey, hey, Tater Buddy party peeps.

Say hello to my Tater Buddy, Pippy Pointy Schnozzle.

-Hi, Pippy Pointy Schnozzle. -Hello, Pippy Pointy Schnozzle.

-"Hello!" -Would you and

Pippy Pointy Schnozzle like to dance?

-Oh, yeah! Pippy loves to dance.

Don't you, Pippy? Her favorite dance

is the Tater Buddy Polka. -Then what are we waiting for?

Every potato polka!

Whoo-hoo! -Hoorah!



[ Groaning ]

-Hey, Panda, I think something's wrong with Duck Duck.

-How can anything be wrong when we're doing

the Tater Buddy Polka?

-She stopped dancing. Yeah, she's looking down

and holding her head.

If something's wrong, I want to help.

-[ Groaning ] -Hey, Duck Duck?

-What what? -Is something wrong?

-Yeah, something's wrong! Pippy Pointy Schnozzle

lost her pointy little nose.

-Oh, no. -Oh, yes.

And she really needs her pointy schnoz.

-Well, I don't want you to feel sad anymore,

so I, Donkey Hodie, will be a helping friend.

-What? -But -- But how can

you help, Donkey? -I'm not sure.

Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

How can we fix Pippy Point Schnozzle's nose?


Wait! I know what we can do.

-Hmm? -We can find a new nose

for Pippy Pointy Schnozzle. -What what?

A-A-A new nose? -Yeah. Come on.

We can find a hee-hawesome new nose to replace

Pippy Pointy Schnozzle's nose. -Oh.

Kay-kay. -[ Humming ]


What about this tomato?

-Uh, well, you see, that is not very pointy -- at all.

-Hmm. Hey!

I know something that's pointy.

[ Zip! ]

This ice cream cone!

Hey, hey, this is perfection!

Pippy Pointy Schnozzle has a new pointy nose!

Whoo-hoo! -Hey-o!


-Come on, Pippy. Let's do that Tater Buddy Polka!

Polka time!



Aw, thanks you so much for all the help --

Uh, what's that, Pippy?

Oh. Pippy Pointy Schnozzle

wants to go try out her new pointy schnoz.

We'll see you later! Come on, Pippy.

[ Giggles ]

-Wow, Donkey.

You did exactly what Harriet did before.

You noticed that Duck Duck had a problem

without her even telling you. -Ah.

-You helped her feel so much better, Donkey.

-[ Chuckles ] -Wow. That's like a --

like a superpower. -Oh, it's not a superpower.

Anyone can do it. -Even me?

-Of course. -Well, how do I do it?

How can I notice when a friend needs help?

-♪ Well, I'll tell you ♪

♪ To be a helping friend, yes, to be a helping friend ♪

♪ There are two things you can do ♪

♪ And I will share those things with you ♪

♪ Number one is pay attention, pay really close attention ♪

♪ Is she acting a certain way? ♪

♪ Is she frowning, is she slumping? ♪

♪ Is she crying, is she grumping? ♪

♪ How does he seem today? ♪

-I'm paying attention, and I notice that you're shaking.

-Uh-huh. -Which means you need help.

Or maybe you're just cold? Oh, I don't know.

Uh, what do I do if I'm not sure?

-♪ Pay attention, and there's no doubt ♪

♪ If your friend is in trouble, then you'll find out ♪

♪ Is she sighing, is she stomping? ♪

♪ Is she quivering or clomping? ♪

♪ Is she's letting out a scream or shout? ♪

[ Sighs ] -You're sighing.

-And what do you think it means?

-I think you definitely need help.

So what do I do?

What's the second thing I need to do to be a helping friend?

-♪ Number two -- you need to think the problem over ♪

♪ In your mind ♪

♪ Put yourself in her position ♪

♪ And you'll find a way to help, a way to care ♪

♪ You'll feel so good when help is shared ♪

♪ And you're helping a friend who's kind ♪

-♪ I'll be helping friend ♪

♪ Yes, I'll be a helping friend ♪

♪ I'll pay attention, and I think you'll see ♪

♪ That the helping friend is me ♪

♪ What a helping friend I'll b-e-e-e-e ♪

-Yeah. -Okay, Donkey!

I'm going to pay attention and think

so I can help my friends when they need help.

Are Petey and I in time for the Tater Buddy par-tay?

-Absolutely. It's time for the Tater Buddy

party game Tater Buddy Says.

-Ooh! That's Petey's favorite!

Great! Let's play.

Tater Buddy says, "Jump up and down."

[ Chuckles ] -Jump, jump, jump, jump.

Jump, jump, jump.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy.

-Uh, hey, Panda?

-I'm going to sit this one out in case anyone needs help.

-Okay. Tater Buddy says, "Look down to the ground."

-Look, Percival, Bob Dog's looking down at the ground.

I wonder if he's feeling bad and needs help.

-Tater Buddy says, "Put your hand on your head."

-Bob Dog's holding his head. He must feel bad.

-Tater Buddy says, "Say, 'Ah.'"

-Ahhh. -[ Gasps ]

And now Bob Dog is sighing, Percival.

He might need help.

-Ahhhhh. -Tater Buddy says,

"Stop making sound."

-Bob Dog... -Hmm?

-...what's wrong? -Uh, nothing, Panda.

-But you were looking down and holding your head

and crying out.

-Oh, I was just doing whatever the Tater Buddy

said to do for the game.

-And you were hee-hawesome at it, Bob Dog.

So good that you win...

the Tater Buddy prize!

-A badge for Petey. Bow-wow!

Come on, Petey.

Let's go home and try it on.

-Well, I guess I'm not very good at noticing

when a friend needs help. -Oh, that's not true, Panda.

You noticed all the signs someone needed help.

-Yeah, but Bob Dog was just playing a game.

He didn't really need help.

-No, but that was great practice

for when a friend needs help in real life.

-You know what? It was, wasn't it?

-Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Just keep at it.

In the meantime,

let's have a Tater Buddy party snack.

[ Chuckles ] -Yeah.

Oh, wait. No potato chips.

Uh, Percival's allergic. [ Chuckles ]

-[ Groaning ]

-Do you hear that, Percival?

Sounds like somebody's sad.

Let's go check it out.

-[ Groaning continues ]

-Percival, Stanley's pacing back and forth

and making sad sounds. -[ Groaning continues ]

I think he needs a helping friend.

And that helping friend is me. Come on.

Hi, Stanley. Hi.

-[ Sighs ] -Is anything wrong?

-Oh, something is terribly wrong.

I was invited to the Tater Buddy party today,

but alas, I have no Tater Buddies to bring to said party.

-Aw, don't worry, Stanley. I am helping friend.

I'll think of a way to help solve your problem.

Uh, let me think. Uh... [ Gasps ]

Oh, I know.

Uh, we can get some potato seeds and plant them

and then grow a potato to be your buddy.

-Oh, that sounds like it could take a lot of time,

and the party is today.

Oh, no. -Oh, yeah.

Don't worry. This helping friend is not giving up.

I'll keep thinking.

[ Gasps ] I know. I have a solution.

-[ Gasps ] What is it? What, what?

-We can both share my Tater Buddy, Percival.

-You would do that? -Well, yeah, of course.

-You really are a true friend.

-Donkey, I did it!

[ Panting ] I paid attention,

and then I noticed that Stanley needed my help,

and then I thought through a way to solve the problem.

I'm helping a friend.

-You sure are, Panda.

-You're always a helping friend to me.

This calls for a celebration.

Every potato polka!




