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01x18 - Donkey's Bad Day/Yodel Bird Egg

Posted: 02/26/24 19:37
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

-Kee-kee! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

-Bow-wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in a spaceship ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie ♪



[ Clock ticking ]


[ Alarm ringing ]

-Ah, good morning, alarm clock.

Thanks for the wake-up call.

[ Whack! ] Ow!

Oh! Oh, my toe.

Okay, ow.

Ooh. Oh. Oh.

No problem, because today is gonna be

an awesome, extra-fun, very good day.

I am pumped.

Aah! [ Thud, alarm ringing ]

Oh, yowch.

[ Alarm shuts off ]

That's okay. It's just a bumpy start, that's all.

Today is still gonna be a great day.

I can feel it.


Panda! -Hi!

[ Chuckles ]


-Panda, I have great news. -Yeah? Ah?

-Today is gonna be an awesome,

extra-fun, very good day.

-Oh, you know what, Donkey?

I had a hunch it might be,

so I wore my bow tie.

-[ Gasps ]

-I like to feel fancy.

[ Tie squeaking ]

-Today for the awesome, extra-fun, very good day,

we're gonna have our number-one most favorite breakfast.

-Crunch Doodles! -Crunch Doodles!

-And it's special because we're eating Crunch Doodles together.

-Yeah, Crunch Doodles and friend doodles!

That's all I need for a great day.

-Oh, an awesome, extra-fun, very good day.

-Yeah, and it all starts with a healthy Crunch Doodle breakfast.

-Doo-doo-doo-doo! -Doo-doo-doo-doo!

-Good thing I got a brand-new box of Crunch Doodles.

-Yeah. Let's eat them.

Uh, where are the bowls?

-Well, they're right over here!

[ Both gasp ]


Today is not an awesome,

extra-fun, very good day.

Today is officially bad.


[ Grunting ]

[ Sighs ]

-Um, hey, Donkey?

Uh, are you mad?

-Yes, but -- but not at you.

I'm -- I'm mad at today!

Oh, I'm mad and sad and grumpy.

Ugh! -[ Sighs ]

I'm sorry you're having a bad day, Donkey.

But I think I know what might cheer you up.

[ Zip! Zoop! ]



-[ Sighs ]

[ Zip! Zoop! ]

Hiya, Donkey.

[ Chortling ]

[ Honking ]

[ Chortles ]

-[ Sighs ]

-[ Sighs ]

[ Zip! Zoop! ]

Ah? Ah, ah...



Eh? Did it work? Are you cheered up?


-[ Scoffs ] Really?

This trick never fails.


-Oh. Well, maybe we could read a book together.

That might make me feel better.


How about --

-The one with the bugs? -The one with the bugs?



[ Book thuds ] Ow!

Oh! Oh, oh, oh! -Donkey, are you okay?

-Ah, ah, ah!


No, I am not okay!

Today was supposed to be an awesome, extra-fun,

very good day, but things keep going wrong.

Then when I try to make things better, I make them worse.

[ Laughs wildly ]

I quit today.

I, Donkey Hodie, am going back to bed.


-[ Sighs ]

-Hey, buddy.

-Panda, you're still here?

Even though I'm un-cheer-up-able?

-Oh, yeah, of course, Donkey.

Uh, you don't always need to be happy

for me to like spending time with you.

-Thanks, Panda.

You're a true-blue purple pal.

-I'm always here to help, Donkey.

-Well, I think I just need to be sad right now.

-That's okay.

I can help with that, too.


Hi! [ Chuckles ]

You know, not to brag or anything,

but I have some very soft shoulders.

You can lean on them if you want.


-[ Chuckles ]

-Oh, yeah.

Oh, that is <span> good.

Do you use conditioner? -Every day.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Both breathe deeply ]

[ Gasps ] Donkey!

Your alarm clock was on the floor!

I don't want you to step on this.

That would make anyone grumpy.

-Oh, that's how today started.

I hopped out of bed, turned off the alarm clock,

and knocked it onto my little hoof.

-[ Gasps ] The left one?


-Oh, but that's your favorite hoof!

-I know!

I've been kind of grumpy since this morning.

-That's a long time to be grumpy.

-Too long.

I'm tired of being grumpy.

There's got to be something I can do to cheer myself up.

Think, Donkey Hodie. Think.

-Okay, while you think, I'll hide the clock.

That way, you won't see it

and remember all the things that went wrong today.


Don't look.

I said don't look!

-No, no, no. Panda, you gave me an idea.

You're right. Looking at the clock makes me feel grumpy.

-Yeah. [ Gasps ]

Hey, Donkey. What's that?

-What? -Uh, oh, nothing.

Uh, y-you were saying?

-Hmm. If looking at the clock makes me grumpy

because it reminds me of my bad day,

what if I looked at some things that remind me of a happy day?

-Donkey Hodie, that's a great idea.

Hey, maybe we can put some things in a box.

-Yeah! We can call it, um,

[Gasps] the Happy Stuff Box.

We just need a box.

-Right. Mm...

[ Gasps ] Oh!

Found one!


I, Donkey Hodie, will cheer myself up.

-Let's get started.




Ooh! [ Grunts ]

Hey. Hey, Panda!


-You remember this?

-[ Gasps ] Do I?

Eh -- Uh, do <span> I?

-The Ungrowdenia flower.

-[ Gasps ] Oh, yeah!

-It's so beautiful.

-Yeah, sure is.

Oh, hey! Do you see that?

-Hmm? [ Gasps ]

-They really are flower friends.

That was a pretty special day. -Yeah.

It definitely makes me happy when I remember it,

so I'm putting this seed packet in the Happy Stuff Box for sure.

-Okay, let's see. What else?

What else?

Oh! Oh, no.


Panda, look!

-[ Gasps ] Oh, yeah.

We used that shovel

the day we helped King Friday build his sand castle.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

-Okay, royal sand castle builders,

let's see how we did.

-Ooh. -Ooh.

-[ Chuckles ]

That was such a great day. -Mm-hmm.

-Even though it took me like forever

to get the sand out of my fur.

[ Chuckles ]

Hmm, let's see.

Oh! Hey, Donkey, how about this?

-Oh, yeah. It's the flag

from the day we tried to climb Mount Really High Up.

-Oh, wow.

I didn't realize that we hiked this far.

-Me, either.

Hey, let's put our flag here

so we can mark how far we got on our very first try.

-I think the Happy Stuff Box is working.

-Hey, yeah! I cheered myself up.

I'm in a way better mood now.

-Yeah, me, too! And I wasn't even in a bad mood,

so now I'm like super happy.

-This Happy Stuff Box might be

one of the best ideas we've ever had.



♪ It's okay to be mad, it's okay to feel sad ♪

♪ It's okay to have days that are just going bad ♪

-♪ But when you want to cheer yourself up, just know ♪

-♪ You can ♪ -♪ You can ♪

-♪ You can change your mood ♪

-♪ Cheer up, cheer up ♪ -♪ Cheer up, cheer up ♪

-♪ Have a new attitude ♪

-♪ Get up, get up ♪ -♪ Get up, get up ♪

♪ You can dance, you can sing, you can play ♪

♪ You can decide ♪

-♪ To have an awesome, extra-fun, very good day ♪

-♪ Look around and you'll see things that make you happy ♪

-♪ Reminders of days filled with laughter and glee ♪

-♪ So if you want to pick yourself up, just know ♪

-♪ You can ♪ -♪ You can ♪

-♪ You can change your mood ♪

-♪ Cheer up, cheer up ♪ -♪ Cheer up, cheer up ♪

-♪ Have a new attitude ♪

-♪ Get up, get up ♪ -♪ Get up, get up ♪

♪ You can dance, you can sing, you can play ♪

♪ You can decide ♪

♪ To have an awesome, extra-fun, very good day ♪

♪ Yeah, it's an awesome, extra-fun, very good day ♪

♪ Today's an awesome, extra-fun, very good day ♪

[ Both sigh ]

[ Both laugh ]

-Oh, there's just one more thing

we need to put in the Happy Stuff Box.

-There is? -Mm-hmm.

A picture of the two of us. -[ Gasps ]

-That'll help us remember that a bad day can become a good day.

Like today.


-You know, today really is an awesome, extra-fun,

very good day.

I knew it would be.

-[ Chuckles ] -Thanks, Panda.

-You're welcome, Donkey. [ Both chuckle ]

[ Sighs ] This box sure makes me happy.

-Yeah, me, too.

[ Both sigh ]

-See any birds yet, Panda?

-Uh, nope. You?


-How can we bird-watch if there aren't any birds?

-[ Gasps ] Hee-haw! Panda, look!

-I don't see anything.

-Not up there.

Down here.

-[ Gasps ] A polka-dot rock.

-No, it's not a rock, Panda.

It's an egg.

-Well, that's the biggest egg I've ever seen.

Do you think that's a dinosaur egg, Donkey?

-It's a Yodel Bird egg!

-How do you know?

-Are you forgetting that I'm president

of the Yodel Bird Fan Club?

[ Clears throat ]

♪ Yodel-odel-ee, yodel-odel-lub ♪

♪ It's the Yodel Bird Fan Club ♪

-Of course not, President Hodie.

[ Both chuckle ]

-I know all about Yodel Bird eggs.

This is a Yodel Bird egg, alright.

-But where's the mama Yodel Bird?

-She must be around here somewhere.

Mama Yodel Birds never leave their eggs.

I don't see her.

-Me either.

-Maybe the egg rolled out of the nest.

Yodel Bird eggs are really rolly-polly.

I bet the mama Yodel Bird is looking for the egg right now.

-Oh, I hope she gets here soon.

I don't want anything to happen to the egg.

-Don't worry.

I, Donkey Hodie, will take care of the egg

until the mama bird finds it.

Want to help?

-I've never taken care of a Yodel Bird egg before, Donkey.

Have you?

-No, but we can do it.

We just need to keep it warm and -- and read it

Yodel Bird stories... -Yeah?

-...and sing it Yodel Bird songs.

-[ Humming ] Oh, hey there.

-Hi. -Grampy, look what we found.

-Ooh, hey.

Is that a Yodel Bird egg? -Yeah, yeah.

We're taking care of it until the mama Yodel Bird comes back.

-Mm, well, taking care of a Yodel Bird egg

is a big responsibility.

-Yes, it is, Grampy, and I know exactly what to do.

-Yeah, Donkey's the president of the Yodel Bird Fan Club.

-♪ Yodel-odel-ee, yodel-odel-lub ♪

♪ It's the Yodel Bird Fan Club ♪

-[ Chuckles ] I know you're the president,

my little Donker-oo.

-We just need to keep the egg warm

and read it Yodel Bird stories and sing it Yodel Bird songs.

-And don't forget, you have to keep it safe.

-Oh, uh, right. -Mm-hmm.

Well, I'm sure you can do it, but if you need help,

I'm just a hee-haw away.

Bye-bye. -Thanks, Grampy.

-Thank you, Grampy. -Bye.

Okay, so we need to keep the egg warm.


When I'm cold, I put on a sweater.

Maybe we could put a sweater on the egg.

-But I don't have a sweater. -Hmm, me either.

-We'd better call for help. -Uh, well, hold on, Panda.

-Help! Help!

-You called?

-Yeah, um, we don't know how to keep the egg warm.

-Wait, wait. What about a blanket?

A blanket always keeps me warm.

-Mm-hmm. Good thinking, Donkey.

Looks like you don't need my help after all.

-Thanks anyways, Grampy.


-Bye. -Bye.

-I've got a blanket in my spaceship.

There you go, little egg.

Ah, nice and warm.

-I have the Yodel Bird storybook.

It's called "The Yodel Bird Egg."

-Ooh, I think the little egg's gonna like that story.

-Mm-hmm. -[ Chuckles ]

-"Once upon a time, there was a little Yodel Bird egg --"

-Bow-wow! Is that a ball?

[ Gasps ] Ball, ball, ball, ball!

-No, Bob Dog! Stay! -Oh, I'm sorry.

Is this your <span> ball, Donkey?

-It's not a ball, Bob Dog.

It's a Yodel Bird egg, and you have to be careful.

-Oh, okay, yeah, you know, I could've sworn

that this was a ball. -Mm.

-You know, I have one at home that looks just like it.

I think I'll go play with it.

Bye-bye. -Bye, Bob.


-Whew! -[ Sighs ]

Okay, that was a close call.

Now, how do we keep this egg safe?

-Think, Donkey Hodie. Think.

What would keep the egg safe?

Too bad we don't have a big egg carton.

[ Snickers ]

-Uh, maybe we'd better ask for help.

-Oh, but we don't need -- -Grampy!

Could you help us?!

-Hey, there. How can I help?

-Okay, well, you can tell us how to keep the egg safe.

-Hm. -Bob Dog thought

the egg was a ball.

-Luckily, we stopped him,

but we need something to put around the egg.

-Hmm. -Hmm. [ Gasps ]

Like a rope. -Hey, that could work.

Guess you don't need my help after all.

-Mm, we just need a rope.

I figured it out myself.

-Well, keep up the good work.

-Oh, I have a rope in my spaceship.

-Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball-ball!

Whoa, wait a minute. That's an egg, right?

-Right. -Sorry. See ya.

-[ Gasps ] -The rope worked.

-Okay. Now, let's try that story again.


-"Once upon a Yodel --"

-Watch out below!

I'm coming in for a landing. -[ Gasps ]

Oh, no, no, no, no! -Oh, no! Be careful!

-Whoa, whoa, whoa. -Oh, Duck Duck,

you just missed. -Yes, I know.

I was aiming for that big tree over there.

I'm getting better at landing every day.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Yeah, but you almost landed on the Yodel Bird egg.

-Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see it.

-You didn't see it? -Nope, nope.

I couldn't see it from way up in the sky.

I promise I'll be more careful next time.

Bye-bye. [ Humming ]

-[ Gasps ] Next time?

What if she lands on <span> the egg next time?

Okay, we've got to ask for help.


-Hey, there. What's going on?

-Okay, Duck Duck almost just landed on the egg.

How do we keep things from falling on it?

-[ Gasps ] Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Okay, I use an umbrella to keep rain off my head, right?

So what if we use a big umbrella over the egg to protect it?

-Mm, well, that ought to do it.

Let me guess. You don't need my help.

-Sorry, Grampy.

-It's okay. No problem.

-We promise we won't ask for help until we really need it.

-Alrighty. Bye-bye.

-"And the little Yodel Egg lived yodel-y ever after.

The end."


I did not see that one coming.

-[ Sighs ] I sure wish the mama Yodel Bird would come back.

I don't see her. Do you? -Nope.

-Mm, well, I'm sure she'll find the egg soon.

Hey, hey, maybe -- maybe we can sing a song while we're waiting.

Yodel Bird eggs love being sung to.

-Oh, yeah? -Mm-hmm.

-Well, what kind of music do they like?


How about this?

♪ Yodel-lay-hee-hoo, yodel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

♪ That's the Yodel Bird song ♪

♪ Yodel-lay-hee-hoo, yodel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

♪ And you can yodel along ♪

♪ It's not a cock-a-doodle-doo ♪

♪ It's not a tweet, it's not a moo ♪

♪ It's yodel-odel-lay-hee, yodel-odel-lay-hee ♪

♪ Yodel-odel-lay-hee-hoo ♪ Come on!

-♪ Yodel-lay-hee-hoo, yodel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

♪ That's the Yodel Bird song ♪

♪ Yodel-lay-hee-hoo yodel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

♪ And you can yodel along ♪

-♪ It's not a cock-a-doodle-do ♪

-♪ It's not a tweet, it's not a moo ♪

-♪ It's yodel-odel-lay-hee, yodel-odel-lay-hee ♪

♪ Yodel-odel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

♪ Yodel-odel-lay-hee, yodel-odel-lay-hee ♪

♪ Yodel-odel-lay-hee-hoo ♪

-[ Chuckles ] [ Both gasp ]

Oh, no! -Oh, no!

-The Yodel Bird egg is rolling away.

We have to stop it.

[ Both panting ]



[ Both panting ]

-Do -- Do you think we should ask for help, Donkey?

-Not yet.

I'm sure we can catch the egg ourselves. [ Sighs ]

-Oh! -Aah!

[ Both panting ]


-I can't believe we lost the egg.

-Hey, there. How's it going?

Uh, wait a minute. Where's the egg?

-It rolled away, Grampy.

-Yeah, we tried to catch it.

-But we lost it.

I guess we should have asked for help.

-Hmm, well, you know, sometimes it's hard to know

when to ask for help.

-Yeah. I kept asking too soon.

-And now I asked too late.

How do you know when's the right time to ask?

-When you start feeling upset or frustrated

and you feel like you can't do something by yourself,

that's a good time to ask for help.

-I definitely feel upset.

-Me, too. And frustrated.

And I definitely don't know what to do.

[ Gasps ] So I guess now's <span> the right time.

Can you please help us find the Yodel egg, Grampy?

-Of course I can.

Uh, have you tried calling "yodel-egg-hee-hoo?"

That's the Yodel egg call.

-What? I didn't know that.

How do you <span> know that?

-Well, I used to be president of the Yodel Bird Fan Club

when I was your age.

♪ Yodel-odel-ee, yodel-odel-lub ♪

♪ That's the Yodel Bird Fan Club ♪


Let's try it. -Yeah.

-Yodel-egg-hee-hoo! -Yodel-egg-hee-hoo!

-Yodel-egg-hee-hoo! -Yodel-egg-hee-hoo!

-Yodel-egg-hee-hoo! -Yodel-egg-hee-hoo!

-[ Gasps ]

-Hey-o! We did it. The Yodel egg came back.

-Good thing we asked for help at just the right time.

-Yeah. -Thanks, Grampy.

-Aww. -Yodel-egg-hee-hoo!

Yodel-egg-hee-hoo! -[ Gasps ]

And there's the mama Yodel Bird!

-Yodel-egg-hee-hoo! -Yodel-egg-hee-hoo!

-Oh, my egg, my egg!

I've been looking all over for you.

I was sitting on my egg,

and I got up to stretch my wings for a minute,

and that's when my darling Yodel egg rolled out of the nest.

I'm so glad I found you.

[ Egg cracking ] [ Gasps ]

Ooh. -And just in time.

-[ Gasps ] Just in time for what?


Ohh. [ Chuckles ]

-A little, baby Yodel Bird.




-Thank you for taking care of my little Yodel Bird.

-You're yodel welcome.



-Yodel-lay-hee-hoo! -Yodel-lay-hee-hoo!

-Yodel-lay, yodel-lay, yodel-lay!


