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01x21 - The Try Scouts/Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam

Posted: 02/26/24 19:41
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack ♪

-Kee-kee! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪

-Bow-wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪

♪ With Purple Panda in a spaceship ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie ♪

-♪ Hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie ♪



-Ah, okay, Panda,

are you ready to play some Hodie ball?

-Oh, I am so ready. [ Chuckles ]

What are the rules today, Donkey?

-Oh, today you have to keep the ball on your head

and run between two trees to score points!

-[ Gasps ] Ay-oh!

Whoop! Ah.

[ Chuckles ] Okay.

Hodie, Hodie, Hodie.

You can't catch me!

[ Both laugh ]

Ah! Ooh.

-Oh! Uh-oh.

Are you okay, Panda, pal?

-Oh, yeah, I'm okay.

But where's the Hodie ball?

-Oh. -[ Gasps ] Oh, no!

It's stuck up in that tree!

-[ Gasps ] Oh, let's try to get it down.

-I-I'm not sure we can get it down.

It's up pretty high.

-Moo-ooh! Moo -- why so glum, chums?

-Ah, Harriet,

we wanted to play Hodie ball,

but our ball got stuck in that tree.

-Hmm? Well, why don't we try and get that ball down?

Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Okay, Harriet.

[ Grunting ]


No, there's nothing to grab onto up here and --

Hmm? Oh! Ooh. [ Slide whistle plays ]

-Oh, I'm sorry you didn't make it,

Harriet Elizabeth Cow.

-No, it's okay to fail,

because that is when we learn

so we can try and try again.

[ Zip! ]

Climbing didn't work,

so let's try and get the ball down with this.

Okay. Here, Hodie, Hodie, Hodie ball!

Come on down.

Ah! Mm.

-It's too short. -Mm!

-This is disappointing.

-Mm-hmm, yeah, but remember, it's okay to fail.

Now, what did we learn

when I tried to get the ball down from the tree?

-The tree is too high to climb.

-Yeah, and the ball is up so high

that not even a long pole can reach it.

-Right. So perhaps there's a way

we can get this pole up even higher, huh?


-I have an idea. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

-[ Grunts ] Move a little closer, Panda.


[ Boing! ]

-It worked!

That was amazing!

-Yeah, it really was, Donkey.

We kept trying and trying, and we did it.

-That's what every Try Scout does

when they're faced with a difficult problem.

-What's a Try Scout?

-A Try Scout is someone who knows it's okay to fail.

-Oh, 'cause that is when we learn

and try and try again.

-Right. That's a Try Scout's motto.

-Oh, I would like to be a Try Scout.

-Well, you can become a Try Scout.

And I can teach you how.

[ Zip! ]

After all, I am an official Try Scout leader.

-Oh, yes, please!

I, Donkey Hodie, will become a Try Scout.

-Oh, wonderful.


[ Gasps ] We look like Try Scouts!

Except for the cool badges.

-Oh, you'll earn your own badges when you pass different

Try Scout challenges.

But first, we need to say the Try Scout cheer.

Try Scout, Try Scout, try, try, try!

-Try Scout, Try Scout, try, try, try!

-Oh, very good, Try Scouts.

And now it is time for your first challenge,

the Try Scout bird-watching challenge.

If you see the Disappearo-Reappearo Robin,

you will earn this badge.

-Why is it called the Disappearo-Reappearo Robin?

-Because it likes to disappear and reappear.

-How are we supposed to see a bird that disappears?

-Oh, I'm not sure,

but I really want to give it a try.

-Try Scouts, Try Scouts, try, try, try!

-Disappearo-Reappearo Robin!

-Where are you, Disappearo-Reappearo Robin?

-Caw! -[ Gasps ]

-Did you hear something? -Uh-huh.

-That's got to be the Disappearo-Reappearo Robin.

-I don't see anything.

-Oh, it must have, uh, disappeared.

-Caw! -[ Gasps ]

The Disappearo-Reappearo Robin again!

-Ah! Behind us.

Oh, we missed the Disappearo-Reappearo Robin.

Oh, we'll never get that bird-watching badge.

-Remember the Try Scout motto, Panda.

It's okay to fail, 'cause that is when we learn

and try and try again.

-Okay, so what did we learn?

-Hmm. Let's think.

-Well, the Disappearo-Reappearo Robin

caws and then disappears quickly.

-So right when we hear that "Caw!"

we have to find it really quickly before it disappears.

-Let's try it.

-Caw! -Quick!

[ Both gasp ]

-I see it! -Me, too!

-Ooh! -Caw!

-You saw it, so you get the badges.

There you go.

-Oh, this is the best badge ever.

-And now it's time for your next challenge,

the Try Scout dancing cheese challenge.

-Dancing cheese? -Mm-hmm.

This is dancing cheese.

And for this challenge,

you have to get the dancing cheese to boogie down.

-Cheese to what?

-Oh, you heard me.

Gooooood luck.

-Uh... -[ Giggles ]

-Well... -Hmm.

-...I guess we'll have to somehow

get the cheese to dance with us.

Let's give it a try.

-Try Scout, Try Scout, try, try, try!


Uh, so do you want to dance?

-Uh... -Nope.

-[ Clears throat ]

May I have this dance, cheese? -Hmm.

They're not dancing, Donkey.

But it's okay to fail.

-Right! Try Scout, Panda.

So what did we learn?

-That asking cheese to dance does not work.

-Mm. Right.

Ah, maybe we, uh...

Oh! Oh!

Maybe we need to show the cheese

how to dance, huh? -Ah!

Sounds like a plan, Donkey.

Let's try it. -Hmm.

Hey! What about this, cheese?

You like this dance?

Isn't it hee-awesome?

-Yeah. How about this dance, too, cheese?

-Mm-hmm! Yeah!

-That didn't work.

-Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

What else do we need when we dance?

Oh! Oh! Music!

I -- we need music.

-Ah! Okay.

[ Zip! ]

[ Dance music playing ]


Dance time!


-[ Humming ]


You completed the dancing cheese challenge.

-We did it! -We did it!

-Hee-awesome! -Ay-oh!

Wow. Another beautiful badge.

-You earned it.

And now it's time for you to do

the final Try Scout challenge.

And if you finish this, you will receive

this beautiful Try Scout triers badge.

-What do we have to do to get it?

-You have to capture

the Try Scout impossible flag.

-Did you say "impossible flag"?

-[ Whistles ] Here, flag.


-Ready to catch that flag?

-I think so.

[ Grunts ]


-No. -Let me try.

-Oh. -Hey! Come back here, flag.

-Uh-huh. Good luck!


-[ Panting ]


Come on! [ Grunts ]


-Try Scout Donkey? -Yeah?

-What if we never catch that flag?

-Well, if you fail to catch it, it'll be okay.

-But Harriet, when I fail at something,

I feel disappointed,

and I don't like that feeling. -Mm-hmm.

-I feel that way sometimes, -too.

-I understand.

♪ Sometimes a problem's hard ♪

♪ Sometimes you think you'll never get through it ♪

♪ Don't even want to try ♪

♪ Don't think that you can possibly do it ♪

♪ You think you'll fail, and failings hard ♪

♪ Yes, failing really stinks ♪

♪ But I'm here to tell you something ♪

♪ Something to make you think ♪

♪ It's okay to fail 'cause that is when ♪

♪ We learn and try and try again ♪

♪ If you try and don't succeed ♪

♪ You'll get something that you need ♪

-♪ Something to help ♪

♪ Something to know ♪

-♪ Something that will help us grow ♪

-♪ It's okay to fail, 'cause that is when ♪

♪ We learn and try and try again ♪

-♪ Come on, it's time for us to try ♪

♪ Step up to bat, aim for the sky ♪

-♪ If we fail, it's still okay ♪

♪ 'Cause we learn and try another day ♪

-♪ It's okay to fail 'cause that is when ♪

♪ We learn and try and try again ♪

♪ We learn and try and try again ♪

♪ We learn and try and try again ♪

-Okay. I am ready to try again.

So what have we learned so far?

-Well, every time we step toward the flag,

it steps away from us.


[ Muttering ]

[ Gasps ] I know!

What if we get on either side of the flag

and then we took a step toward it at the very same time?

-Oh, that is a good plan!

Let's try.

-[ Whispering ] Come on.

-Okay. On the count of three. Ready?


-One, two, three!

[ Both grunting ]

-Ah! We did it! -We did it!

-See? We failed, we learned, and we tried again.

-I'm so proud of you, Try Scouts.

-Thanks, Harriet!

-Try Scout, Try Scout, try, try, try!



[ Boing! ]

-Whoa! What? Eh?

-Nice catch, Donkey!

-[ Laughs ] Thanks.

-Hey, you want to play ball?

-Ah, sorry, Bob Dog. I can't play ball right now.

I'm getting ready to play Wizard Dragon Dragon Wizard.

-What's Wizard Dragon Dragon Wizard?

-Oh, it is a super-fun game that I play with Duck Duck.

We get to be wizards and we use magic

to train dragons. -[ Gasps ]

Train dragons?

Ooh, that sounds bow-wowie!

-Hee-haw! It's super bow-wowie.

-Hey, hey! It's time to play-play


-Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam! -Yeah!

-[ Gasps ] Magic? Dragons? -Mm-hmm.

-A fun word to say? This game is everything.

Ooh, ooh, can I play Wizard Dragon Dragon Wizard?

-Of course! Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam.


-Kay-kay, but first you're gonna a full wizard costume

before you can play.

-One wizard costume coming right up.

Pew! -Whoa.

[ Zip! ]

-D-Donkey? -Donkey?

-Donkey? -Ta-da!


A wizard's costume? -Uh-huh.

-I get to wear a wizard's costume?

Ahhhhhh! That's exciting. -Oh. Oh.

-Ahhhhhhhhh! -Calm down. Calm down.

-Oh, I'm trying to, but I'm too excited.

Ahhhhh! Because I love playing games!

-I know. -I love playing a new game!


Oh, I love games. -Let's get this on.

-Yeah! -[ Grunting ]


-Hat! I need a hat.

-Ooh. A hat. I love hats.

-Now you're ready to play Wizard Dragon Dragon Wizard.

Wizard Bob Dog.

-Wizard Bob Dog. I love it!


-Hee-haw! You are the blue wizard,

and the blue wizard always goes first.

-What do I do?

-You spin this big spinner.

[ Zip! ]

And that tells you how many spaces to move, like this.


-Ooh, that's the spinniest spinner that's ever spun.

And I love it.

-Well, I'm glad, Bob Dog.

Now go on, take the spinner for a spin.

-Yeah! -Yeah, yeah, here we go.

-Okay, Bob Dog, it looks like you will --

-Wait, what -- what is he doing?


-What are you doing, Bob Dog?

-Spinning that spinner was so much fun

that I wanted to do it again.

-Well, let's see where it lands. -Mm-hmm.

-It looks like you will move -- -Whoa.


-Say, Bob Dog, would you please stop

spinning that spinner there so we can play?

-Oh, yeah, sorry. Of course.

Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam! -Oh!

-Bob Dog, that was not stopping.

-I'm sorry. It's just so much fun

that I want to keep spinning this spinner.

-But if you don't stop, we can't play the game.

-Oh, yeah, it's just so hard for me to stop doing something

that I like when I feel so excited.

-Well, don't worry, Bob Dog.

I, Donkey Hodie, will help you act in a different way.

-And I will help, too-too.

-Ah, thanks, wizard pals.

Um, excuse me one second.

Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam! [ Spinner clicking ]

-I think he needs the song.

-Yes, yes. -What's the song?


♪ You keep spinning that spinner out here in the yard ♪

-♪ I ask you to stop but you think it's too hard ♪

-♪ Well, don't get sad, don't get the blues ♪

-♪ 'Cause you have the power to choose ♪

-♪ You have the power of a wizard ♪

♪ Yes, that's a fact ♪

♪ 'Cause you can choose how you will act ♪

-♪ You can choose ♪

-Yeah! -♪ You can choose ♪

♪ You can choose how you act ♪

-♪ Go on, make a choice, do it today ♪

-♪ Keep doing what you're doing or act another way ♪

-♪ When you choose how you act, you feel powerful and proud ♪

♪ It's up to you ♪

-♪ What will you do? ♪

-♪ Win or lose ♪ -♪ You've got to choose ♪

-♪ Mm-hmm, you have the power of a wizard ♪

♪ Yes, that's a fact ♪

-♪ 'Cause you can choose how you will act ♪

-♪ You can choose, you can choose ♪

-Yeah! -♪ You can choose ♪

♪ How you act ♪

♪ You can choose how you act ♪

-Mm! -Ah, okay.

So you mean that I can choose to act differently

and not keep spinning?




Then that's what I'll do.

Um, if you'll excuse me one second.

[ Humming ]


Oh, how can I choose to act differently?

-Hmm. Good question.

Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

-Yeah, and while you're thinking...

-Oh! -....Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam!

[ Spinner clicking ] -Mm.

You know, I had a very similar problem once.

-What was it? -Oh, I had just gotten

the latest book in my favorite book series,

"The Duckling Sitters Club."

I really wanted to sit down and read my new book,

but I was too excited.

I felt like I just couldn't stop myself

from flapping and quacking.

Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!

-So what'd you do?

-First, I gave myself a little hug to calm myself down.

That's a nice hug.

Then I thought about what would happen

if I kept doing what I was doing.

Hmm. If I keep flapping and quacking,

I'll never be able to read my book.

So I chose to sit down and read quietly instead.


I made my choice, and I did it.

And I am so glad I did because it was the best

"Duckling Sitters Club" book of all.

-What do you think, Bob Dog?



Ah, I don't know.

I just don't know if I can do this.

-Oh, yes, you can.

-Okay, okay, I'll give it a try.

First, I'll give myself a little hug,

just to calm down.


Huggie, huggie, huggie, huggie.

-Good, good. Now think what'll happen

if you keep spinning that spinner.

-Okay, if I keep spinning the spinner,

uh, I'll never get to move my wizard...

-Mm-hmm. -...and then I'll be sad

because I won't get to play the game

and you'll probably be frustrated

because you don't get to play the game either.

-Yeah, that's true.

-Okay, so I will choose to spin only once...

-Mm-hmm. I can move my wizard

and we can play the game.

-Yeah! Let's play.



-You got a !


One, two, three, four.

-It worked. You did it!

-Way to choose, Bob Dog.

-Aw, thanks, Donkey Hodie.

Okay, now what do I do?

-Well, you landed on a castle space,

so now you pick up a castle card.

-Yep, yep, a castle card tells you what to do next in the game.

-Okay. Let's give it a read.

Okay, um, "You have a backwards spell cast over you.

Move backwards to the start."

Backwards to the start?!

[ Wobble! ]

[ Zip! ]

-Why did you throw the castle card?

-Oh, because it said I had to go back to the start,

and that made me feel upset.

-Mm, I understand that, Bob Dog.

I get upset sometimes when I lose a turn.

But it's part of playing the game.

-Right. I'm definitely not gonna

throw the card this time.

[ Zip! ]

-Bob Dog! -Bob Dog!

-You can choose to act differently, you remember?

-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Let me try again.

"You've lost your magic wand.

Move back one space"?

-Bob Dog, remember,

give yourself a little hug.

-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Okay.

[ Inhales deeply ]


Ah! Huggie, hug, hug.

-Now think it through.

-Okay, all right.

If I keep getting upset and throwing the cards,

we won't be able to play the game.

-Mnh-mnh. -And that'll make me sad

and you frustrated. -Mm-hmm.

-So I choose to do what the card says

instead of throwing it.

Okay. Um...

I lost my wand. I moved back one space.

Okay, back one.

-You did it! -Hey, yeah, I did it!

-Yeah! Nice choice.

-Okay, let's keep playing.

Your turn, Duck Duck. -Yep, yep.

[ Zip! ]

Ah! !

I am in the lead.

-Now I go.

And I move two.

Your turn, Bob.


Okay, now I want to spin again,

but I choose to move my wizard.

one, two, three, four, five.

-Oh, that dragon space.

-What does that mean?

-It means...

you're the first one who gets a dragon to train.

-Ooh! My own dragon. -Mm-hmm.

-It's like a treasure.

Oh, oh, oh! I want to bury it!

[ Zip! ] Whoop!

-Bury it?

-Wait, Bob Dog!

-Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam. Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam.

Wiz-Kazizz-Ka-- wait a minute.

What am I doing?

I better give myself a hug.


Huggie, huggie, hug.

Ah! Okay. All right.

Now think through what'll happen

if I keep doing what I'm doing.

All right, if I bury this dragon,

we won't be able to use it in the game,

and then I'll be sad

and my friends will be frustrated.

So I choose not to bury this dragon!

-Wait! Don't bury that dragon!

-I didn't!

-You didn't? -You didn't?

-I was going to. but then I realized if I did,

we wouldn't be able to play together.

And I really want to play with you.

So I chose to act differently.

-Hee-awesome job, Bob Dog.

-Yeah. It feels so good to choose how I act.

I feel like I have special powers.

-Well, you are a wizard, after all.

-Mm-hmm. What do you choose to do now, Wizard Bob Dog?


I choose to play more Wizard Dragon Dragon Wizard

with my friends!

-Yay! Let's do it! -Yay!

-Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam! Wiz-Kazizz-Kazaam!




-[ Giggles ]