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01x24 - Groovy Guitar/Treasure Nest

Posted: 02/26/24 19:43
by bunniefuu

-♪ Here comes Donkey Hodie! ♪

-Hee-haw! -♪ Donkey Hodie! ♪

-♪ She loves adventure. She loves surprise. ♪

♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries. ♪

-♪ Let's go, Donkey Hodie! ♪

-♪ And if she fails, she'll bounce right back. ♪

♪ Come on, Duck Duck, give a quack! ♪

-Kay kay! Quack! -♪ Donkey Hodie! ♪

-♪ When she plays with Bob Dog they have a ball! ♪

♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all! ♪

-Bow wow! -♪ Donkey Hodie! ♪

-♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip, ♪

♪ with Purple Panda in his spaceship. ♪

-Hey-o! -♪ Donkey Hodie! ♪

-♪ With a hee and a haw and a haw and a hee, ♪

♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪

♪ with our pal Donkey Hodie! ♪


-♪ Today is gonna be hee-hawesome! ♪

♪ Today is gonna be sooo hee-hawesome! ♪

-Sure is!

Today is the Someplace Else Talent Show!

Hey-o! -Yep yep!

Where everyone shows off their most special talent...

-[ Giggles ] And it's hosted by none other than my Grampy Hodie!

-Hey, what talent will YOU be doing, Duck Duck?

-Oh well, I'm gonna be doing some magic!




Huh, Huh?

-I'm gonna to do a puppet show with...

Super Porcupine!

[ As Super Porcupine ] Puppet show!!

[ Giggles ]

-And I, Donkey Hodie,

will play my guitar for the talent show,

playing my new song "My Groovy Guitar!"

-My Groovy Guitar! [ Giggles ]

-Ha! I'm SO proud and excited

to play my guitar for the neighborhood!

I can't wait!

-Yeah, I can't wait either! [ Giggles ]

-I, too, cannot wait.

-Well, what are we waiting for!

Let's get to the talent show!

[ As Super Porcupine ] Talent show!

-[ Laughs ]


Where's my guitar?

-Well, uh, where was it?

-I left it right here, but now it's gone!

-Huh, guitars don't just walk away on their own!

Do they?

-But without it, I can't sing "My Groovy Guitar"!

-Oh, don't worry, Donkey.

We'll find your guitar.

-Yeah, so you can play your song in the talent show.

-It's gotta be around here somewhere.

-[ Gasps ] You know Donkey,

I think this calls for one of your ol' run-and-looks!

-Oh, yeah!



-Donkey, I'm very sorry

to report that your guitar is nowheresville.

-Yeah, and I couldn't find it.

-There's got to be a way to find it.

Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

-[ Gasps ] Hey!

I found these bird feathers over by where your guitar was!

-[ Gasps ] Of course!

Grampy always says: If you lose something important,

look for clues all around ya.

Look, smell and listen.

You might find what you're missin'!

-Hey, that's catchy. -Yeah!

-Look, smell and listen.

You might find what you're missin'!

-Hmm. -So these are a clue!


-So, do we think a birdie took your guitar?

-You never know.

-Let's keep searching for more clues!

-Mm hmm.

-Look, smell and listen.

You might find what you're missin'!


Hey, check out what I found...

-What what?

-Another feather, another clue!

-Hey hey, we're on the right path!

-Let's find your guitar!

-Yeah! -Ha ha!

-Welcome neighbors, to the Someplace Else Talent Show!

We're going to kick things off

with Duck Duck and her amazing magic!

[ Cheers and applause ]

...Duck Duck?!

Uh, Duck Duck?

Well, looks like she's not here yet, so...


well, how 'bout one of my talents?

-Tell a joke! -Uh, A joke?

-Mmm hmm!

-Yes, uh okay, um, let's see here uh...

[ Clears throat ]

Why do dogs love trees so much?


-Because they all love the BARK!

[ Laughter ]

-That's funny 'cause it's true!

-Still got it...


I don't see any more feather clues!

-So what do we do?

-Look smell and listen!

You might find what you're missin'!

-Mmm. Okay.


I say we go this <span> way for your guitar.

-Ah! -What, uh, why that way, Panda?

-Uh, it just smells the guitariest to me.

[ Sniffs ] Just like a...

a wood smell and... [ Sniffs again ]

Maybe like some pegs or some knobs

and a plucky guitar string kinda thing?

-You can, uh, smell all that?

-I think so.

-Hee-haw! I think I hear a bird chirping.

Coming from that way too!

-Oh! I hear the bird too, Donkey!

-Another clue!

-If a bird took my guitar,

then the chirp might be the bird!

Follow that sound!

-Okay, I don't know what the delays about.

-What's going on? -I'm not sure.


-Where's Donkaroo and her friends?

Uh, well, it, uh, looks like it's time for another joke.

Umm. Ah, let's see...

Oh, why did the banana go to the doctor?


-Because it wasn't peeling <span> well!

[ Laughter ]


-Uh, well now which way?

-I don't know!

I can't hear the birdie chirping anymore.

-We have to pay even more attention now for clues!

-Mmm hmm.

-Look, smell and listen.

You might find what you're missin'!

-I don't smell anything guitary but sounds like the wind

is moving pretty fast...

[ Guitar playing ] -[ Gasp ]

Hey, I hear my guitar?!

Oh, that's my guitar, listen!

-[ Gasp ] Another clue!

-Oh oh! Oh and it's coming from that way!

Follow that guitar sound!

-Ha! We're coming, guitar!

-What does a cow do for fun?

Goes to the moooo-vies!

[ Laughter ]


-Hey what happened to the guitar sound?!

-It just stopped!

How does a guitar sound just stop like that?!

-Think, Donkey Hodie, think.

Look, smell and listen...

you might find...

...what you're missin'!

Hee-haw! My guitar!

-[ Gasp ] The guitar!

-[ Gasps ]


-My guitar!


-Oh, no.


-[ Out of breath ] We lost it?

Where's my guitar?

-[ Out of breath ] Uh, Donkey, remember...

Look, smell and listen...

-You might find what you're missin'...


-I found what I'm missin'!

-You can't see her. She can't see me.

-Uhh, excuse me, bird?

-Uh, there's no bird in here.

Or a guitar for that matter.

-I see you and my guitar!

-This guitar is yours?


-Ohhh, I didn't think it was anyone's

and I always wanted to play the guitar.

I am so sorry.

-Oh, that's okay, bird.

And let me add that you are really good at the guitar.

-Awww, thanks!

-Hey, we'd better get moving to the talent show!

-Yep yep, we gotta go!


-You wanna come?

-Oh yeah! Sure!

-Ha ha!

[ Crowd murmuring ]

-Uh, I'm all out of jokes!


Hmm. Hmm.

-Hey hey!

-Someplace Else, I give you: the talents of Duck Duck,

Purple Panda, and Donkey Hodie!

[ Cheers and applause ]


-Hey hey, folks get ready for some magic.


[ Cheering ]


Thank you.

Thank you.


-And that is how I saved the day!

Ho ho hey ha!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ As Super Porcupine ] Thank you.

Thank you.


-And now, for the Grand Finale:

your very own Donkey Hodie

and her song, "My Groovy Guitar"!

-♪ My groovy guitar loves to talk to me, ♪

♪ With a "wamma-wamma" and a "tweedlee-dee." ♪

♪ And when it speaks it sounds so sweet, ♪

♪ I make these six strings sing. ♪

♪ Whether I wail up high, or strum down low ♪

♪ Play behind my head, or even with my toe, ♪

♪ My groovy guitar will have you in full swing, ♪

♪ When I make these six strings sing. ♪

♪ It goes Gah Gah Gah ♪

[Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ Nay Nay Nay ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ Wah Wah Wah ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff ]

-♪ Hey Hey Hey ♪

-♪ Yeah! ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff/ transitions into epic guitar solo ]


-♪ Gah Gah Gah ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ Nay Nay Nay ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ Wah Wah Wah ♪

[ Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ Hey Hey Hey ♪ [ Echoes with guitar riff ]

♪ My groovy guitar will have you in full swing, ♪

♪ When I make these six strings sing. ♪


[ Cheers and applause ]

Thanks for helping me find my guitar!

-Well, I'm always happy to help Donkey.


-Hey, Donkey, you gotta pay attention to one more thing.





Sing it again! Donkey, we love you!

[ Cheers and applause ]

-What a talent show!

-Panda, I just can't find where this puzzle piece goes!

-Just gotta keep trying, Donkey.

Oh, got it!





-I've been trying to find this piece's home for soooo long!

There's nowhere to place it!

-You know, moving around the table

always helps me find new places that the pieces might go!

It's like looking at the puzzle in a new way!

-Looking at the puzzle in a whole new way?


Okay okay, I'm looking at the puzzle in a whole new way.



Hey, I see where this piece goes!

-Hey hey! Take a gander at what I have here, huh!

-[ Gasps ] Is that a treasure map?

-Yep yep!

I found it while cleaning my bookshelf.

-A treasure map! -Mmm hmm.

-What kind of treasure? -It leads to...

the Treasure Nest!

-[ Gasp ] What's the Treasure Nest?

-Well, it's what it sounds like.

It's a nest that holds my family's secret treasure!

It was hidden by my great-great-great-great

grammy duck many many many many years ago to keep it safe.

-Oooo! -What's in it?

-Well, I don't know what's in it.

I just know it is something important to my family!


-I can't believe I found this map!

My family thought it was lost!

Hey hey, wanna help me find the treasure?

-Yes! -Uh, yeah!

-According to the map,

we go uh, this a-this way!

-[ Gasps ] We're gonna find the Treasure Nest!

-[ Chanting ] We're gonna find the Treasure Nest!

We're gonna find the Treasure Nest!

-[ Chanting ] We're gonna find the Treasure Nest!

We're gonna find the Treasure Nest!

-Looking at the map,

and seeing where we are, and uh...

oh hey, oh hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The map says that the treasure is hidden

right here at this big tree!

-[ Gasp ] Treasure Nest!

-Help me look around here, kay kay?

-Mm Hmm.


I don't see anything at all.

-Could the treasure map be wrong, Duck Duck?

-[ A little frustrated ] What?

No, no, no, no way.

No, I always heard that my great-great-great-great

grammy duck was very very very organized

and paid very very very very close attention to details!

-But where could she have hidden the Treasure Nest

around the big tree?

-The big tree...?


Ah, wait wait!

Look up there!


Huh? -No way?

Could that be the Treasure Nest up there in the tree?

-Makes sense!

My great-great-great-great grammy duck

was a birdie after all!

Let's go see.


Hey, hey, found the Treasure Nest!

-[ Gasps ]

-[ Chanting ] We found the Treasure Nest!

We found the Treasure Nest!

-[ Giggle ] -Uh, how did

Great-great-great-great, uh, great Grammy Duck,

hide it all the way up there?

-Well, I always heard that my great-great-great-great

grammy duck was very very, very, very strong!

-How ya gonna get it down?

-Like this way!

Look out below!

-Treasure Nest!

-Ohhh, I can't wait to see what my family treasure is!

Yeah! -Open it!

-Open it! Open it!

-Oh, I'm-a gonna...


Why won't this open?

-Let me try.

-Be my guest.


-I got this!


-You know what, let's, let's all try this

at the same time, huh? -Oh yeah.

Okay. -Okay.

-One, two, three...


ahh, ahh, ahh...

-Ahhh. That's a no go.

-How are we gonna open this?

-[ Worried ] Oh no, what happens if we can't open

the Treasure Nest at all?

We'll never know what my family's

secret important treasure is!

-I, Donkey Hodie, will figure out

how to open the Treasure Nest!


I just need an idea.

-Oh, hey hey! I got an idea! -What?

-Well, I remember a book I read once

where someone was standing in front of a treasure cave

and they couldn't open it!

-How did they open it?

-Oh, see what they did was, they said the magic words,

'Open Sesame,' and the treasure cave opened.

-Oh, well maybe the same magic words work

for the Treasure Nest?

-Let's try! -Yeah, yeah.

-Open Sesame!

-[ Gasp ] Hey, oh, maybe we need to say 'please'?

My mama would always say [impersonating his mama]

always remember your manners, even with a Treasure Nest...

-Kay kay.

Kay kay, uh, please Treasure Nest.


open sesame!

For me?

D'ahh, it didn't work!

-I can't see another way to open it.

-[ Frustrated ] Oh no!

-There just has to be a way to open this!

Think, Donkey Hodie, think!



Hey, Panda!

Remember how I couldn't put those puzzle pieces together

until I moved around and looked at the puzzle in a new way?

-Oh yeah, once you looked at your puzzle problem

in a new way, you solved it, Donkey!

-Wait-a, wait-a, wait a minute.

What does your puzzle have to do with my Treasure Nest, huh?

-Maybe we all should look at the Treasure Nest in a new way.

We might get new ideas on how to open it.

-Ah, looking at it in a new way, huh?!

Love it! Love it!

-[ Thinking ] Hmmmmm...

-[ Gasps ] Oh, look!

Is that a keyhole?

-Maybe the nest is locked and we need a key to open it!

-Key, yes, key!

What key?

-I'll be right back.

My key collection!

There's bound to be a key in here that opens this!






I thought for sure one of these keys would work.

-Good try, Panda.

-[ Frustrated/sad ] I can't believe this!

I finally find the Treasure Nest and I can't even open it!

-I don't see any other ways to open it on this side.

-Time to look at the Treasure Nest in a new way!


-Kay kay. Let's see.

Uh... Oh hey, lookie here!

It kind of looks like a guitar, huh?

-No way!

Maybe we have to play the Treasure Nest open?

-Sounds reasonable to me!

[ Playing guitar ]

-Ha ha.

-Lemme give it a go, huh?


Ah, nothin'. -Hm...

Okay, okay. Here we go.



-Well, it sounded beautiful, but it didn't work!

-Oh, we are not giving up, Duck Duck.

Let's keep looking at the Treasure Nest in a new way!

-Kay kay. -Hmmmm...

Let's see.


Oh! Look!

Hey, that twig looks like a switch!

Maybe we pull it to open the Treasure Nest!

-Oh, kay kay.

-Okay. -Ok, on three.

-Yeah! -Okay.

-One, two, threeeeee...!

-D'ah, we just can't open it!

And now I will never find out

what the important secret family treasure is!

-Well, we're not giving up.

Right, Panda?

-No way, Don-kay!

-We just need to look at the Treasure Nest

in a new way one last time!



-You two, kay kay?

-[ Giggling ] -Yeah!

-Oh, ooo!

But now we can look at the Treasure Nest

in a really new way!

-Yeah, from down here!

-Ha ha, you two!

Looking up at the Treasure Nest like little worms.

[ Giggles ]

Say! Maybe I should look at the Treasure Nest from a new way,

from above!

Like a bird!

Which I am.

-Hee-hawesome idea, Duck Duck!

-Oh, can you see anything?

-Mmm nope, don't see anything...

[ Gasp ] Wait, wait, I do see something.

It looks like a flap!

-A flap? -A flap?


This flap has a picture

of my great-great-great-great grammy duck on it!

This has gotta be it!


-There's a button!

-Push it!



-Oh, we did it, we opened the Treasure Nest!

-We did it!

-We opened the Treasure Nest!

-Hey-o! -Hee-haw!

-What's the secret important family treasure?

-Well, it looks like a book?

-Not just any book!

I'm the Duck Family Song Book!

-Duck Family Song Book!

-Yep yep! I'm the book that sings

all of your duck family's favorite songs!

-What, what? No way!?

You see, we all thought our family songs were lost!

This is huge!

-What a hee-hawesome treasure!

-It's time for the first duck family song,

a little ditty I like to call 'Quackity-Quack,

Quack on Back!'

-♪ Quackity quack! ♪ -♪ Quack quack! ♪

-♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ Quackity quack! ♪ -♪ Quack quack! ♪

-♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ When you've got the knack there's no time to slack, ♪

♪ you quackity quack! ♪

-♪ Quack quack! ♪ -♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ You quackity quack! ♪

-♪ Quack quack! ♪ -♪ Quack on back...! ♪

-Oh, you know I always heard that this was

my great-great-great-great grammy duck's

all-time favorite song!

I can see why, it's great. I love it!

-So do I! -Yeah, Me too!

-Yeah! -♪ Quackity quack! ♪

-♪ Quack quack! ♪ -♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ Quackity quack! ♪ -♪ Quack quack! ♪

-♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ When you've got the knack there's no time to slack, ♪

♪ you quackity quack! ♪

-♪ Quack quack! ♪ -♪ Quack on back! ♪

♪ Quackity quack! ♪ -♪ Quack quack! ♪

-♪ Quack on back...! ♪

-♪ Quack, quack. ♪

-D'aww thanks so much for helping me find

and open this Treasure Nest!

I'm so so glad you're here for this special moment!

-What are friends for, Duck Duck!

-♪ Quackity quack! ♪ -♪ Quack quack! ♪

-♪ Quack on back! ♪


